Scenario of the game program Ivan tea ceremony. There are many useful things for the development and education of children: funny children's games, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, outdoor games, educational games, finger gymnastics, graphic dictations, etc. Sounds

"Did you know?":

125 years ago, tea was introduced into the diet of the Russian army. The Russian soldier began to warm himself with tea with the highest command of Alexander II. It was this sovereign, preparing for the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, who ordered the inclusion of an invigorating drink in the army allowance.

The samovar (a purely Russian invention) was already more than a hundred years old by this time. People even went swimming in the river with a samovar!

The more samovars there were in the house, the richer the family was considered.

Grow your own tea in Russian Empire learned under Nicholas the First - for the first time, cuttings imported from China successfully took root in Georgia back in 1847. But the harvest was meager, and before the October Revolution, tea in Russia was predominantly of Chinese origin.

The first to try tea in Rus' was Peter the Great’s father, Alexei the Quiet. The very first mug of tea in Rus' was drunk by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. In the mid-seventeenth century, the Mongolian Altyn Khan brought him four pounds of tea leaves as a gift. The tsar liked the drink, but, alas, neither he nor his son Peter the Great managed to establish tea trade with China.

Only in 1727 did the Russians finally conclude the desired agreement, and the first caravans with tea went through the Irkutsk province.

Tea in Russia was mercilessly adulterated. In St. Petersburg, for example, they liked to mix in the herb Ivan tea. Such a surrogate was called “koporka” - after the name of the village of Koporye, where an entire underground syndicate worked. Koporka did not pose a health hazard, but it harmed the wallet and the quality of the product.

And another fake was a leaf of Caucasian lingonberry. The swindlers collected lingonberry leaves and put them in tubs. In the heat, fermentation occurred, causing the leaf to acquire an aroma similar to that of tea. Then the “product” was dried and mixed with tea. The only thing that gave away the surrogate was the sour taste of the lingonberry leaf. Traders even invited certified chemists to beat off the acid, but science was powerless.

But the most offensive thing was to get drunk under the guise of good tea. Meanwhile, this fake was in wide circulation, and the “chemists” did not spare the dark color to give it a “natural” color...

In the old days, tea in Rus' was poured into cups - earthenware, porcelain. The glass glass was introduced into use by innkeepers.

And it was like this. If you believe the legend, earlier in St. Petersburg taverns tea was served in cups, inside of which the Kronstadt Cathedral was painted on the bottom. If the waiter brought liquid, clear tea, the client grumbled dissatisfiedly: “What tea - you can see Kronstadt! So the tavern owners replaced the cups with glasses - the strength of the tea in them was much more difficult to criticize. But in St. Petersburg, even in Soviet times, the characteristic of weak brewing remained in use: “Kronstadt is visible!”

At the beginning of the 10th century, the fashion for glasses migrated from taverns to bourgeois homes. Moreover, glasses in cup holders were placed only in front of men, and for women, tea was poured into a porcelain cup and saucer...

(Article in Komsomolskaya Pravda “In a cup of velvet tea, friends, I don’t have a soul!” by Tatyana Maksimova)

Scenario for the holiday “We don’t miss tea”

1st: Hello, dear guests! Guests are invited and welcome. There are a lot of folk holidays in Rus'. But there is one holiday, bright, cheerful, this is “Russian tea”. Russian tea is the basis of Russian hospitality.

2nd: Today, according to tradition, we all gathered together, like one big family, at the “Russian Tea” holiday, and it will be held under the motto “We don’t miss tea.”

1st: Today you will learn about the healing properties of a wonderful drink - tea. But tea is not just a drink, it is also a traditional element of communication and friendly meeting.

2nd: And also a culinary duel related to tea awaits you.

1st: Tea has long been revered in Rus'. Tea is a wonderful, healthy drink that quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, gives vigor, and lifts your spirits.
For many peoples, it is as necessary and irreplaceable as bread.

The tea is hot and aromatic.
And it tastes very good,
He heals illnesses
And fatigue drives away,
Gives new strength,
And he invites his friends to the table.
With gratitude the whole world,
Glorifies the miracle - the elixir.

2nd: Guys, where do you think tea came to us from?
One of the old chinese legends says, “A long time ago, a Chinese emperor, while relaxing in the forest, ordered water to be heated for drinking. Suddenly the wind rose, and several leaves from a tea bush fell into the water - and the water darkened, and a subtle, pleasant aroma began to emanate from it. We tried the infusion and admired it. This was the world's first tea party.

1st: So, the birthplace of the tea that we are used to drinking is China. "Tea" means "new leaf" in Chinese. Indeed, tea was first drunk in China, where it has been known since ancient times.

2nd: Tea was highly valued. Emperors gave it to nobles for special merits. And at court they drank this aromatic drink during solemn court ceremonies.

1st: Growing and making tea in China has become as secret as the production of silk, porcelain, paper and other Chinese inventions. Tea plantations were strictly protected from foreigners. This is how tea began its triumphal march around the world from China; Chinese merchants sold tea in many countries.

2nd: When did tea appear in Russia? Who knows?
In Russia, the first tea party took place in 1638. The Russian Tsar sent his ambassadors to Siberia with rich gifts to Mongol Khan. In turn, the khan passed on the famous Chinese tea through the ambassadors.

1st: They began to drink it at the royal court and in the boyars' mansions every day. Until the 18th century, tea could only be bought in Moscow. They drank tea on major holidays, since it was not grown in Russia, but was brought from abroad.

2nd: Tea was very expensive, so for a long time it was a property of the nobility. Peasants rarely had the opportunity to drink tea, which is how the expression “indulging in tea” arose. For poor people, tea was almost inaccessible. Tea was very expensive. Many ordinary people did not even know how to brew tea.

1st: A funny incident once happened to one of the peasants. Listen "Curious case"

Once the master sent me some tea,
And he ordered it to be cooked.
And I don’t know when I was born
How to brew damn tea.

I took everything in a hurry,
The tea was all poured into the pot.
Seasoning with peppers and onions
And a parsley root.

My tea came out - delicious.
Boiled it twice
And in addition to pleasure
I poured oil on top.

He poured the brew into bowls,
Stirred well
After cooling it down a little,
Served to the master's table

I hear the master was leaving,
He called me to the upper room,
He grabbed my hair,
And he dragged me and dragged me.

“Why are you such an idiot?
What have you cooked?
Oh, Pawn, you are a cudgel!
So that the jester can catch you!"

I thought for a long time, I was surprised,
What could I have done?
And then, I guessed it!!!
What did I forget, please tell me!!!

2nd: Until the 19th century, tea was exclusively Chinese; at the end of the 19th century, Ceylon and Indian teas began to appear. Then tea began to be cultivated on five continents. In Russia they also began to plant tea bushes. Tea is a southern plant, it needs a hot and humid climate, and it grows in the Krasnodar region.

1st: A tea factory is being built near a tea plantation. The entire clearing is planted with low, dark green bushes. The tea bush is an evergreen plant that requires a lot of care.

2nd: Aromatic tea is obtained only from the youngest, freshest shoots - the top three leaves of each branch. The tops of fruit shoots with 2-3 leaves are plucked from tea bushes and placed in special baskets. Leaves are plucked from May to October. During this time, you can pick fresh leaves from each bush 10-12 times.

1st: Leaves are collected by hand or by machine and sent to a factory, where they are sorted, rolled in special machines and dried. Ready tea is packaged in bags, jars, and boxes. And only after that the tea goes to stores.

2nd: Tea is revered in all countries, so in the USA, there is a city called Tea (Tea). All residents are fans of this drink. They celebrate a holiday - Teapot Day, with carnivals and parades. On this day, Mom and Dad Teapot are chosen among the adult residents of the city, and Miss Teapot and Mister Saucer are chosen among the children.

1st: And in Russia they communicate over tea, sing songs and ditties, hold games and competitions.
You and I will also compete today, it’s time to move on to culinary competitions. They will be evaluated by the most honored guests, our jury.

2nd: 1 competition is called “Delicious cake” From the finished shortbread dough you need to make a basket using molds. The sequence of making the baskets is given in the instruction card. When performing work, do not forget to observe safety regulations.
(the song “Tea Russian tea” is performed (Galya…….)

1st: There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about tea different nations. For example:
Tea tastes better in good containers. (Japanese proverb)
If you drink tea, you will gain more strength. (Chinese proverb)
Don't rush to drink tea - you'll burn your tongue. (Turkish proverb)

2nd: The next competition is called “Proverbs and sayings about tea.”
Assignment: You need to write as many proverbs and sayings about tea as possible.

1st: There are many poems, songs, ditties, poems about tea. Poets and writers praised this wonderful elixir in their works with warmth and trepidation.

2nd: The time has come for us to show off our skills, that’s what our competition is called "Competition of ditties". Now the guests will hear funny folk “tea” ditties. Each family prepared ditties about tea, it was yours homework, let's listen to them together.

1st: There is a proverb: “Drinking tea means maintaining health.” What healing properties do you think tea has? (children's answers)
In Rus', people have long loved tea and knew how to brew it deliciously. And for this purpose, especially fragrant herbs and berries were added to tea. Who can list these herbs and berries? (children's answers)
Scientists have found that tea contains useful, biologically active substances: mineral salts, almost all vitamins, essential oils. It strengthens the blood vessels of the brain, improves heart function, metabolism, and increases a person’s mental and physical performance.
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are easily digested with tea.

2nd: Tea with lemon quenches thirst especially well and restores strength faster. Tea increases resistance to colds, infectious diseases, and inflammatory processes.
In case of poisoning, an infusion of strong tea is given. In case of clogged eyes or inflammation of the eyelids, the eyes are washed with a strong, chilled solution of black tea.

1st: This miraculous drink has magical properties only when brewed correctly. Who can tell me whether it is possible to use boiled water repeatedly?
You should not add fresh water to boiled water, or boil water repeatedly. All useful properties are lost in it.

2nd: Guys, do you think it’s possible to drink brewed tea the next day?
Tea becomes aromatic, tasty and healthy in the first 8-10 minutes after brewing. Eastern wisdom says: “Fresh tea is like a balm, but tea left overnight is like a snake bite.” AND The next competition is called “Fragrant Tea”. One representative from the family must brew the tea correctly.

Method of brewing tea:
1. Boil water until the first bubbles appear
2. Take a teapot for brewing tea (porcelain or clay), with a volume equal to the volume of cups for the number of people.
3. Warm the kettle with boiling water.
4. Pour dry tea leaves into a heated teapot for brewing.
5. Tea is poured with boiled hot water.
6. Leave for 3-4 minutes and immediately pour into cups.

2nd: While our tea is brewing, we will continue our performance.

1st: The custom in Rus' of visiting each other for tea dates back many thousand years. And how great it is that this wonderful custom has survived to this day! An indispensable attribute of Russian tea drinking was the samovar.

2nd: The samovar was invented in Russia in 1679. Inside the samovar there was a special “jug” into which dry lumps and pine cones were poured for aroma, and a pipe was put on top. They fan the fire, the water boils - the pipe is removed and the jug is closed with a lid. The coals go out without access to oxygen, but retain heat for a long time - the samovar does not cool down.

1st: The samovar was considered a luxury item. It was taken care of and passed down from generation to generation.
The custom of drinking tea led to the appearance of such items as: porcelain cups, saucers, sugar bowls, teapots, sugar tweezers, and glass holders. A special “holiday” service is kept in the house for guests, which does not take part in everyday tea drinking.

2nd: Tea has long been revered in Rus'. They preferred to take soft spring water for tea. The tea made with this water was aromatic and fresh. They drank not hastily, but with feeling. Conversations were leisurely. If a guest, after drinking several glasses, put the glass aside, this meant that he had not yet drunk tea, he was simply taking a break.

1st: But when the guest, having turned the glass upside down, put the rest of the sugar on it and thanked him, this meant that the tea party was finally over.

If the glass was not filled to the top, then the guest asked to add more so that “life would be fuller.”
2nd: They drank tea with honey, lemon, jam, sweets, pancakes, cookies and various pastries. You can’t even list everything. And our pastry is already ready, all that remains is to fill it with delicious filling. The next competition is called “Stuff the Cake” 2 participants from each family are invited to complete this task.

1st: The whirlwind of events and the fast pace of life these days is exciting and makes you gradually forget, lose the thread of traditions and established images.

2nd: Once fashionable items, without which it was difficult to imagine a home, are becoming a thing of the past. Nowadays, the samovar has replaced the electric kettle, but the tradition of tea drinking miraculously connects the past and the present, and in our dynamic times creates the conditions for a calm, intimate conversation.

1st: And today, if you want to meet with friends, have a heart-to-heart talk, see your whole family gathered, invite your dear people for tea.

2nd: Here, dear guests, our holiday ends. Of course, in one meeting it is impossible to tell about all the traditions and customs of the Russian people related to tea. Today we had a good time, learned a lot of interesting and useful things, and showed off our culinary skills.

1st: And now we move on to the most delicious part of our holiday.
We treat all guests
Fragrant strong tea.
Those who eagerly drink tea,
The table, set, has been waiting for a long time,
Pour, don't be shy
Have fun with sweet tea!
We invite you to the samovar!
We treat you to delicious tea!
Both as an overlay and as a bite.
Drink tea, friends, in Russian!
(tea drinking at the samovar)


If you don't drink tea, where do you get your strength?
After tea it feels like summer.
Drink some tea and you will forget the melancholy.

The samovar is boiling and doesn’t tell me to leave.
Drinking tea is not cutting wood.
Don't be lazy, but distinguish between straw and tea!

2nd presenter. Proverbs about tea from different nations:
Drink tea and enjoy it.
We don’t miss drinking tea - we drink seven cups each.
If you don’t drink tea, you can’t live in the world like that.
Drinking tea is not cutting wood.
I’m sitting, drinking tea - and you come in and drink tea!
If you drink tea, you will live to be a hundred years old.
Nobody choked on tea in Rus'!
Our tea is Chinese, the sugar is the owner's.
Tea is stronger if it is shared with a good friend.
I didn’t drink tea - what a strength, I drank tea - I was completely tired.
Tea tastes better in good containers.
If you drink tea, you will gain more strength.
With a brawler samovar, tea is more important and conversation is more fun.
Don't rush to drink tea - you'll burn your tongue.
In the city, tea is a treat for guests, in the countryside it is a pleasure for yourself.
If they treat you to tea, it means they respect you.

Kalisa Petrova
Scenario for the holiday “International Tea Day”

Presenter. Dear kids! Adults and kids.

Thank you for putting your work aside.

They hurried into our bright hall.

To drink sweet, delicious tea,

Sing songs, talk.

Joke and play

Lots of new things to learn.

We always welcome guests...

tea, tea!

First of all, we treat...

tea, tea!

Today is December 15th - international tea day, and in our kindergarten holiday, which is also called that - Tea Festival! We will only talk about tea. There is hardly anyone among us who has never drank tea. Do you drink tea? Where and when did tea come to us? I'll tell you about this.

One day, five thousand years ago, a Chinese emperor, while relaxing in the forest, ordered water to be heated for drinking. Suddenly the wind rose and several tea leaves fell into the cup. The Emperor drank the drink and felt more cheerful. This is how the custom of drinking tea began. There were and are many ancient customs in Rus'. And one of the kindest is tea drinking. In a Russian hut, to the sound of a samovar, intimate conversations were held and aromatic tea was drunk. The custom of drinking tea has survived to this day. Tea is a healthy drink that quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, gives vigor, and lifts your spirits. Now we will look at what kind of tea there is, in what jars and packs it comes to the store, and then to us for the tea ceremony.

Mini exhibition of tea bags and cans. (Showing packets of tea to the presenter)

Tea can be black, green, red, fruit, herbal. According to established traditions, tea is the end festive lunch. It is served with sugar, lemon, jam, honey, cookies, bagels, and gingerbread.

Presenter: “In Russia they drank tea from a samovar”.

(Samovar display).

The samovar was born in the Urals,

In the nineteenth century he found himself in Tula.

Samovars were made - copper, colored ones.

And for the very rich - even gold.

Children read poetry queues:

1 child: Sit at the samovar

Everyone's happy for sure.

A bright sunny fire,

his sides are burning.

2 child: The samovar sings, hums,

He just looks angry.

Steam is blowing up to the ceiling,

our handsome samovar!

3 child: The samovar puffs and sparkles.

Generous, round, golden,

He illuminates our faces with his kindness.

4 child: Better than any doctor,

Cures boredom and melancholy,

A cup of delicious, steamy

Samovar tea.

Presenter: Now try to guess mine puzzles:

1. The leaf was green -

Became black, languid:

The leaf was jagged -

The leaf became tubular.

He was on Lozin -

Here he is in the store. (Tea)

2. White as snow,

And the mouth got -

There he disappeared.


3. Hands on hips like a boss

He gets up on the table before everyone else,

Your own stove and kettle -

He'll brew it himself, pour it himself. (Samovar)

4. Under one roof,

Four brothers are standing.


5. As soon as he starts talking - talking,

We need to make some tea quickly.


Presenter: We read poems, asked riddles, and now it’s time to play. (All games are played with musical accompaniment)

Let's remember what we do (mother, grandmother) When are we expecting guests? (Children's answers). That's right, let's put things in order.

Our first competition “Fun Cleaning”.

Presenter: We will give each team a bucket containing cubes. The first child must run to the hoop, pour the cubes into the hoop, run back and pass the bucket to the next child. The second one runs, collects, runs back, passes the full bucket to the next player. He pours out, etc.

The winner is the team that completed the “cleaning” process faster.

Presenter: Congratulations to the apartment cleaning champions, their house is probably always clean and tidy.

The guests came and we came with them... (say hello)

2. Game "Let's say hello".

Children, on a signal, begin to move chaotically around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way. You have to say hello to certain people way:

1 clap - shake hands;

2 claps - greet with hangers;

3 claps – we greet with our backs.

It is forbidden to talk during the game.

3. Game "Table Setting". Children are offered a variety of accessories: vegetables, tea and tableware, tablecloth, tea, hair dryer and more. The child’s task is to properly set the table for tea.

4. Game "Merry Cooks".

2 teams play: girls and boys. Here are the chef's hats for you. For each team, there is a chair on the opposite side with a saucepan or kettle of water, a mug, and a tablespoon on it. The teams line up on the starting line; at the signal, the players put on their caps and run to the opposite chairs. There they take spoons, scoop up water once and pour it into a pan, after which they return to their team and pass the baton to the next player on their team. The team that fills in more and more accurately wins.

Dance of the Cook.

5. Game “What do we drink tea with?” (Answer yes or no)

So, what do we eat with tea?

Cakes and cheesecakes? (Yes)

Soft pillows? (No)

Sweet candy? (Yes)

Flying rockets? (No)

Gingerbread and cookies? (Yes)

Strawberry jam? (Yes)

So, we remembered what you can drink tea with and now I invite you to play a game "Plate of Candy".

6. Game "Plate of Candy".

Children stand in a circle and, accompanied by music, pass a saucer filled to the brim with sweets. The music stops; whoever is left with the plate dances in the middle of the circle.

You can drink tea with sweets, lemon, milk. You can also drink tea with bagels.

7. Game "Move the Bagels".

Two participants play. On the chairs opposite there are two baskets and two plates. There are bagels in the baskets. Tasks: pick up a basket, run to another chair with a plate, put a bagel on the plate and come back.

8. Game “Guess the taste of tea”.

Blindfolded children must guess the taste tea: with lemon or milk.

9. Game “Who will drink tea faster?”

Two people participate. They sit opposite each other. You need to drink a cup of tea as quickly as possible, using a spoon. (You can use a straw instead of a spoon)

Well done boys! Did you like holiday? And now I invite you all to a group tea party.

Objectives of the holiday: developing interest in the historical past, folk traditions of tea drinking, and the healing properties of tea; unleashing the creative potential of children.

Equipment: samovar, tea sets, drawings of a samovar, proverbs about tea, posters, lace tablecloths, homespun rugs, rugs, pastries, baskets, cards for competitions, tape recorder.

Participants of the holiday: pupils of the SRC, teachers, music director, guests - employees and former employees of the SRC.

Children and presenters are dressed in Russian folk costumes.

Progress of the holiday.

1 Presenter: Good evening dear guests. We are starting the program and inviting you to an evening of relaxation dedicated to the Day of the Wise Man.
Since the evening is dedicated to the older generation, I wanted to make it warm, intimate, leave the bustle and confusion of our days, remember something forgotten, look back and go back to the old days.

Very often behind events
And behind the bustle of days
We don’t remember our antiquity,
We forget about her.
And although we are more accustomed to flying to the moon,
Let's remember Russian customs,
Let's remember our old days!

And a little imagination and cheerful music will help us with this.

2 presenter:

We got the role to start
We brought you bread and salt
Russians for get-togethers.
That memory of antiquity is alive
From the older generation
Rituals and words are important
From our past.
And therefore, please accept
The one who came to the gatherings
On this festive plate
From our hands both bread and salt!

1 presenter: We bring you a loaf of bread. As we worship, we ask you to taste!
It is on a painted platter with a snow-white towel.

(They pass bread and salt around)

Song "Come into the house..."

2 presenter: Our dear guests! We dedicate today's meeting to a wonderful, healthy drink that came to us from ancient times - His Majesty TEA! Tea, tea, tea... The ancient medicinal books say: “It refreshes the body, strengthens the spirit, softens the heart, stimulates thought and drives away laziness.” For many peoples it is also necessary and cannot be replaced by anything, like bread.

1 presenter:

Hot aromatic tea
And it tastes very good
He heals illnesses
And fatigue drives away
Gives new strength
And invites friends to the table
With gratitude the whole world
glorifies the miracle - elixir

2 presenter: China is considered to be the birthplace of the tea tree.

Child: One of the ancient legends tells about the origin of tea.
A long time ago, shepherds noticed that as soon as sheep nibbled the leaves of a green plant growing in the mountains, they began to frolic and easily climb the steep slopes. The shepherds decided to use the miraculous power of the leaves on themselves. They dried them, brewed them in boiling water and began to drink the aromatic infusion, feeling a surge of strength.
In ancient times, tea was highly valued in China. Emperors gave it to their nobles for special services. In the palace, this aromatic drink was drunk during solemn court ceremonies. Poets sang tea in poetry. The cultivation and production of tea in China became as secretive as the production of silk, porcelain and paper.
In ancient times, the Chinese considered tea an antidote to 72 poisons and used it only to treat patients.

1 presenter: Now let’s hold a small competition “Who knows the most names of tea”

Possible answers:“Akhmat”, “Lipton”, “Bodrost”, “Lisma”, “Maysky”, “Indian tea”, “Ceylon tea”, etc.

2 presenter: Do you know how tea got to Russia?
In 1638, Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov sent his ambassadors to Siberia with rich gifts to the Mongol ruler Altan Khan. He greeted them with honors. During a noble dinner, the guests were given some kind of tart, bitter drink. The ambassador reported to the king: “I don’t know whether the leaves of some tree or herb are boiled in water, adding a few drops of milk, and then drunk. Calling it tea."

1 presenter. Seeing off the Russian envoys, the khan presented the tsar with a bundle of furs - sable, beaver, leopard fur, amazing black satin embroidered with gold and silver, as well as 200 bags with the inscription “melon”. “Tea for brewing” - this is how these words were translated to the king. Russian ambassadors delicately tried to refuse packages that were, in their opinion, useless, citing the long journey. But the khan insisted on his own. Claiming that the king will like the drink made from the leaves that he sends.

2 presenter. Returning to Moscow and presenting the Tsar with the Khan’s expensive gifts, the ambassadors cautiously handed him bags of dried leaves, citing the Mongols’ claim about their healing power. The doctor tried the effect of the decoction on a sick courtier. He drank and confirmed that he felt better. So they began to treat the king and his entourage with this drink.
For poor people, tea was only special cases, since tea was very expensive. This is why the expression “indulge in tea” arose, and many ordinary people did not even know how to brew tea.

Poem “Once the master sent me tea...”

Once the master brought me some tea
And he ordered it to be cooked.
And I don’t know when I was born
How to make damned tea!
Then I took it and poured some water,
I threw all the tea into the pot,
Yes, seasoned with pepper and onions
And a parsley root.
He poured the brew into bowls,
Stirred well
After cooling it down a little,
He brought it to the master's yard.
The guests and the master spat,
He himself went wild
And, sending him to the stables,
He ordered me to be flogged.
I thought for a long time and was surprised:
What could you not like?
And then I realized -
I forgot to salt the tea.

Presenter 1. To prevent such funny stories from happening, you need to know how to brew tea correctly.
We will now check whether you know how to brew tea. Answer my questions true or false:
1. Does tea lose its aroma when stored for a long time? Right.
2. Tea should be stored in plastic containers. Wrong
3. Tea should be brewed with water, its temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. Wrong
3. The teapot needs to be rinsed with boiling water. Correct
4. The kettle must be filled with boiling water and covered with a towel so that the aromatic substances do not evaporate.
5. Tea leaves can be consumed for several days. Wrong
6. Drink tea in small sips. Do not allow too hot liquid to enter the esophagus and stomach. Right.

Presenter 2. Next competition. You need to assemble a tea attribute from the cut parts.
(children assemble a samovar).

Presenter 1. In the 18th century, the samovar was invented in Russia. It was made in the Urals. Then mass production of samovars began, especially in Tula.
The samovar has become as traditional a Russian souvenir as a matryoshka doll, a balalaika, or Khokhloma painted dishes.

Performance of the song “Our handsome Samovar”

2 presenter:

There are riddles in our hall
So sophisticated before
Who can guess the riddles?
Will end up as a scientist.
There is a bathhouse in the belly.
There is a sieve in the nose.
There is a navel on the head.
Just one hand
And she’s on her back. (Kettle)

White as snow
In honor of everyone.
Got it in my mouth -
There he disappeared.(Sugar)

What is poured into the frying pan?
Bend four times.
Yes, they dip it in sour cream?(Crap)

There are four legs.
One hat.
Needed when it becomes
The whole family has tea. (Table)

Small, tasty
The wheel is edible.
I won't eat you alone
I'll share it with all the kids. (Bagel)

Yellow in color and fragrant.
They put it in tea, and the tea is pleasant.
It's just very sour.
And his name is...(Lemon)

He puffs like a locomotive.
It is important to keep your nose up.
Make some noise, calm down -
Invite a seagull to drink. (Samovar)

Children: I'll tell you about the samovar. There was a pipe inside the samovar. Pine cones or dry logs and charcoal were poured into it. They were set on fire with a torch, the fire was fanned, and the water began to boil. On top of the samovar there is a device for installing a teapot.
At that time in Rus' there were many masters - samovar makers. And everyone wanted their samovar to be the best and most beautiful. They made them in different shapes, decorated them with rich patterns, and attached taps, handles, and carved caps to them. There are samovars that look like a chest, a locomotive, an egg. Some were made large - these are samovars, and others were made small - samovars.

Dance "Samovars".

1 Presenter: With the advent of the samovar, the custom of sitting at a table with a boiling samovar was born. Over tea they discussed the news and decided on family matters.

Song “I’ll tell you not about the sea...”

2 Presenter: Our next competition is this. What works are these lines taken from?

And on a white stool,
Yes, on an embroidered napkin
The samovar is standing
Like the heat is burning
And puffs
And he glances at the woman.

(K.I. Chukovsky. Fedorino’s grief)

A fly walked across the field.
The fly found the money.
A fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar.
"Come on, cockroaches,
I’ll treat you to tea!”

(K.I. Chukovsky. Tsokotukha Fly)

I want to drink tea
I run to the samovar,
But pot-bellied from me
He ran away as if from fire.

(K.I. Chukovsky. Moidodyr)

-Who's there?
- It's me, postman Pechkin. I brought a package for you, but I won’t give it to you. Because you have no documents. And you, little talker, keep quiet on your closet!
And the cat says to him:
- It's okay for you to be angry. Better go and drink tea. I have pies on the table.

(E. Uspensky. Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat.)

“I need to go to bed immediately, because I am the most seriously ill patient in the world,” he exclaimed and threw himself on the sofa.
- Do you have any medicine? - asked the Kid.
-No, didn’t you take it? After all, you promised that you would be my own mother!
— There is no medicine, but I took a jar of raspberry jam with me.
- Wonderful, because this is the best medicine in the world!

(A. Lindgren. Baby and Carlson.)

1 Presenter: Tea is the richest pharmacy. Scientists have long established that tea contains beneficial, biologically active substances. They strengthen the blood vessels of the brain, improve heart function, and increase a person’s mental and physical ability. Tea strengthens the body's resistance to colds, infectious diseases, and inflammatory processes. For sunburn, compresses and lotions made from tea infusion help. Tea is an excellent antidote for body poisoning. It is used in the fight against such terrible diseases as skin and lung cancer.
If you drink tea regularly, you become complacent and peaceful.

Doctor Aibolit enters.
I want to reveal a secret
And some useful advice:
If illness happens to anyone,
You can use tea to treat yourself.
Tea is the healthiest of all medicines,
Helps against diseases.
Tea refreshes us in hot weather.
And in cold weather it warms
And the drowsiness will overcome,
And he will argue with fatigue,
Will crush any illness
Tea for health is your best friend!

2 presenter. Today, several types of tea are known. Guess them by rearranging the letters.


Now guess what kind of tea this is.

Competition “Test what kind of tea it is and what is added to the tea”(lemon tea, green tea, red tea, berry tea with rosehip, black tea).

1 Presenter: Drinking tea in Russia is always a good mood. What does a person in a good mood want? Sing! Dance. Let's sing tea ditties.
The guests sing ditties.


1. We know a lot of ditties
We compose them ourselves
And ditties this time
We will do it at the same time!

2. Without folk sharp jokes
We can't live for two minutes
They say doctors, ditties,
How medicine is distributed.

3. We have a pie on the table,
Donuts and cheesecakes.
So let's sing with some tea
"Tea" ditties!

4. When dancing, don’t spare your shoes!
Offer tea to your friends.
If there are tea leaves in the cup,
So they write letters to us.

5. The samovar shines, boiling,
And the seagulls foam in it,
Look at yourself -
What a reflection!

6. My darling sews and cooks
And good at work.
And he will make such tea
What my soul sings.

7. Give me a cup of tea,
After all, I love Russian tea.
I don't like tea,
Pour hot tea!

8. People assembled honor by honor
The samovar stands still
The mugs are bright with him
Let's start the tea party.

9. There are bagels on the table,
The samovar is already boiling.
Black tea in a dry tin,
It rings like carnations.

10. Come and have tea,
Hurry up guests
And fragrant again
Throw some tea into the kettle.

11. With honey, gingerbread, pancakes
We'll drink tea.
We are from tea, we are from tea
Let's sing songs.
Song "Russian tea".

2 Presenter: Today, according to good custom, our entire large family gathered at the tea table in our tea room. And our holiday has come to an end. And we would like you to leave here in a good, cheerful mood, warmed by our tea and delicious treats.

Let's all sing a song together. To the tune of the song "Blue Car"

1 buy If you came to visit us today
We will be happy to treat you to tea
You are in time for our rich pies,
The taste of them all may surprise you
Chorus: Good riddance, good riddance
Set the table quickly
And pour some aromatic tea for everyone.
In good, good
Everyone believes
So you can improve your health with tea

2 buys We know better than a serious doctor -
Tea treats boredom and melancholy.
We invite adults and children
Drink aromatic tea.

1 Presenter.

At least the conversation is over
We invite everyone to the table
A cup of tea awaits guests
We invite all friends

2 Presenter: We invite all participants of our holiday to a wide, rich Russian table for a traditional tea party.

Competition "Best Script, Entertainment, Direction"

Lyudmila Svyazhina
Scenario of the holiday within the framework of the “Russian Tea Party” project

Leading under Russian folk music dances into the hall.

1 presenter: It is in the nature of our people

Eternal special features -

This Russian hospitality

It comes from the heart, from kindness.

2 presenter: Guest come in! We will not break traditions

We'll always have tea with him

Everybody knows Russian cordiality

Hospitality and open house.

Children enter the hall to the music and dance. n. music and take their seats.

1 presenter (1) Hello guests, hello youngsters

Merry daredevils are respectable and well done

Welcome to our majestic tea room!

2 presenter (2) We have been waiting for your visit for a long time

We thought and wondered for a long time

How can we have more fun

Meet dear guests.

1 presenter: To our tea room, friends,

It was not in vain that you were invited

2 Let's drink tea today

Yes oh tea party talk

1 You will learn from us

How old is tea now?

2 ved: And where did he come to us from...

1 presenter: What to serve for tea...

2 presenter: Is tea healthy or not?

1 presenter: Get the answer to everything

2 presenter: Let's heat up the samovar

Let's make some tea with grass

1 presenter: Who will get sick

Let's drink some fresh tea

2 presenter: So please don't be bored

And what do you find out? Take a look!

Together: Welcome to Russian tea party!

Sing to the tune "Ladies"

1. We welcome our guests

We have now tea holiday

Eh-eh tea holiday!

2. We gathered together

It will be very interesting.

You are my lady, you are my lady


3. Everything is ready for drinking tea

That's holiday open

You are my lady, you are my lady

Tea drinking!

2 presenter: Many years ago

About three hundred and fifty

Tea appeared in Russia

In the Urals and Siberia

And ever since it happened

The tea party has begun.

1 presenter: Morning, afternoon and evening,

With pies and milk

Tea with jam and lemon

With pretzels and a bow

After the bath - fresh tea

Give it to the Russian daredevils

And we weren’t bored over tea -

Together we composed songs.

R.n. song "Teapot"

2 presenter: Not every one of you knows

What kind of tea is good?

There is both black and green

There is yellow and red tea

And the poet to taste

You choose your own tea.

1 presenter: And there is also loose:

Granules, sheets

There is pressed - in briquettes,

Concentrated tea

Any varieties

Choose from our tea room

2 presenter: As experts advise

From a TV program "For future use"

The best, the most delicious

Large-leafed gull.

1 presenter: We have pie in the tea room

Donuts and cheesecakes

So sing along with some tea

Tea ditties


2 presenter: Tea owes its name to the Chinese language

Chinese "cha" means young leaf.

1 presenter: Previously, this product was very expensive, but gradually it could be bought in city bazaars.

2 presenter: But in the villages they had not heard of it for a long time and did not know how to brew it. Listen to how they did it

Boy Raz brought me some tea

And he ordered it to be cooked.

And I don’t know when I was born

How to make damned tea!

Then I took it and poured some water,

I threw all the tea into the pot,

Yes, seasoned with pepper and onions

And a parsley root.

The guests and the master spat,

He himself went wild

And, sending him to the stables,

He ordered me to be flogged.

I thought for a long time, I was surprised:

What could you not like?

And then I realized -

I forgot to salt the tea.

2 presenter: Yes, making tea is not an easy task.

But I hope that such a thing will not happen to you, since you and I have learned how to brew tea correctly (children's answers)

Which of you would like to

Brew some tea for moms? (2 people make tea)

1 presenter: The guys surprised everyone

You made the tea quickly

Now it's fashionable to relax

Would you like to play?

2 presenter: Making tea is a trifle

Even a fool can do this.

But embroider a towel

The main thing was

And the brides were getting ready

Dowry in Rus'

5 tea towels each

They didn't cook for nothing

They hung them in "Red Corner"

Next to the samovar.

1 presenter: Our cute little girls

Only at first glance frisky

They can also embroider

And besides, sing

Song "Embroidery". Dance with towels

2 presenter: You are good at your work

You sing songs well

Well, what's in the proverb?

ABOUT tea party says?


Where there is tea, there is paradise under the spruce tree

There's no harm in tea

Nobody choked on tea in Rus'

We don’t miss tea, we drink three cups each

Drink tea - don't chop wood

Drink tea and protect your health

Drink some tea and forget the melancholy

Parents remember sayings about tea:

Instead of beer, drink strong beer, Russian, sweet tea

Tea is not beer - you won’t drink much, etc.

1 presenter: It’s good to drink some tea,

Talk about this and that

And now it's time to dance

Show your delete.

2 presenter: By Russian traditions – tea is the best ending festive dinner. And only in Rus' a tradition appeared - to serve tea with lemon, honey, jam, bagels, crackers and cheesecakes, pies and donuts, all sorts of gingerbread. And all the people chew gingerbread cookies with tea.

Song « Russian gingerbread»

Attention to the screen.

1 presenter: And also Russians people love to drink tea from a samovar.

2 presenter: Samovar is pure Russian invention. We owe it to the samovar that tea became Russians national drink.

1 presenter: story Russian The samovar dates back three hundred years. But the city of TULA is considered the samovar capital.

2 presenter: The craftsmen tried to give each samovar the original shape of the samovars in the form of glasses, egg capsules, vases, a rooster for guests with taps and candlesticks.

1 presenter: There were tiny samovars for only 1 glass and giant samovars for several buckets

2 presenter: They say that there were singing samovars. Pleasant tea party accompanied by an equally pleasant melody.

1 presenter: Maybe our children themselves

Will they tell you something about the samovar?


1 : Sit at the samovar

Everyone's happy for sure

Bright solar fire

His sides are burning

2. The samovar sings and hums

He just looks angry

Steam is blowing up to the ceiling

Our beautiful samovar

3. Better than any doctor

Treats boredom and melancholy

A cup of delicious, cool

Samovar tea.

4. The samovar puffs and sparkles

Generous, round, golden

And he asks all the guys very much

Would you like to play with me

A game: Find the samovar"

2 presenter: Would you like to ask moms

Set the table more neatly (mothers cover)

1 presenter: We have a samovar

And the table is elegantly set

Stop talking stories

It's time for everyone to drink some tea

Song "Pancakes"

2 presenter: Come on, guests, don’t be shy,

Hurry up and help yourself

Come to the samovar

Drink tea in the heat, in the heat

Tea party

1 presenter: We met guests for tea

How the evening went, we didn’t notice

To a cheerful dance

Let's say goodbye now.

Under Russian After the dance everyone leaves the hall.

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