Celebration scenario based on fairy tales for elementary school children. Educational event “visiting a fairy tale” “The fairy tale is a lie, but not a hint! A lesson to good fellows"

Celebration script for grades 1 - 4 on the theme “Fairy tales came out on parade”

Author: Kondratieva Alla Alekseevna
Place of work: primary school teacher MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya Secondary School" Zolotukhino village, Kursk region

Holiday script for grades 1-4 "Fairy tales came out on parade"

Target: activating children's knowledge about Russian folk tales
Educational: teach children to concentrate, mobilize mental activity to find an answer to the question posed.
Developmental: develop ingenuity, the ability to understand allegorical language.
Educational: to cultivate interest in oral folk art and reading fairy tales.
Preliminary work: During extracurricular hours, children read Russian folk tales, discussed the content, found out what a particular fairy tale teaches, looked at illustrations for fairy tales, watched cartoons, staged performances, and also learned poems, songs, and the roles of musical characters. This event is held at the beginning of the school year to test children's knowledge of Russian folk tales. Guests at the open event may include preschoolers and elementary school students. This material may be useful to parents, educators, and teachers of additional education for children.
Decor: book exhibition "Russian folk tales," a house-palace, a royal throne, a mansion with the inscription "Mishkin's hut", a bench near the mansion, a tree in spring decoration, costumes and attributes of fairy-tale characters.

Children in different fairy-tale costumes stand in a semicircle on the stage.

A fairy tale walks through the forest, a fairy tale leads you by the hand.
A fairy tale emerges from the river, from the tram, from the gate.
What kind of round dance is this? This is a round dance of fairy tales!
The fairy tale is clever and charming and walks alongside us.
So that, so that again the good will defeat the evil!
To convince the good and the evil to become good.
In a fairy tale, the sun burns, justice reigns in it!
A fairy tale is clever and charming, the path is open to it everywhere!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!
Guys, today I suggest you go to the “Land of Fairy Tales” for a parade, and for this we need transport, it’s good if it’s magical. Please remember the fabulous vehicles. (Flying carpet, mortar and broom, walking boots, flying ship, balloons, Russian stove, own propeller). I suggest we choose a magic carpet.

Leading Our flying carpet will take us to a fairyland.
Let's go friends
In a miracle fairy tale - you and me,
To the theater of puppets and animals,
For girls and boys!
There is a magic screen here,
There are countless fairy tales here!

So, we arrived at the place. Look, guys, the gates of the fairyland are closed (the curtain is on the stage). Let's find out what's going on here.
(Quiz on the computer "Russian folk tales")
I invite you on a journey through Russian folk tales.
What fairy tales have you read? Remember!
Oh you, Petya-simplicity,
I got a little bit
I didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window. ("Golden Comb Cockerel")

The beautiful maiden is sad,
She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,
She's shedding tears, poor thing. ("Snow Maiden")

In the fairy tale the sky is blue,
In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.
Rechenka, save me,
Save me and my brother! (Swan geese)

The mouse found a home for itself,
The mouse was kind:
In that house after all
There were a lot of residents. (Teremok)

– What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?
Pounded and pummeled
On the plate with your nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And he was left with his nose. (Fox and crane)

There is no river, no pond,
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water -
In the hole from the hoof.
(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

The little goats opened the door,
And everyone disappeared somewhere! ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

-What did the goat sing to her kids?
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather
Guess without a hint
What fairy tale have I come from? (“Kolobok”)

-What song did Kolobok sing?
And the road is far,
And the basket is not easy,
I would like to sit on a tree stump,
I would like to eat a pie. (“Mashenka and the Bear”)

– What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?
Leading Well done boys! I see that you know fairy tales well.
Now, friends, you will see this fairy tale performed by 4A class artists. Let's greet them with applause!

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Leading The land of fairy tales is the most amazing and wonderful of all countries in the world. Where else, if not here, can you see a flying carpet flying quickly under the clouds in the sky, walk through the forest, meet a Gray Wolf speaking in human language, or even accidentally come across Baba Yaga’s dilapidated hut?! In folk tales, since time immemorial, there has been a fierce struggle between good and evil: young Ivan Tsarevich bravely fights with the Serpent Gorynych and defeats him, a simple peasant cleverly fools the greedy priest and devils, and Vasilisa the Beautiful gains the upper hand over the cruel Baba Yaga.
What helps the heroes of fairy tales win: cunning, deceit, or maybe deception? Neither one nor the other, nor the third... Ivan Tsarevich wins thanks to his humanity and kindness, because he always fights for the weak and oppressed, the peasant is helped by his worldly wisdom and ingenuity, and the peasant daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful is helped by her gentle disposition, hard work, the ability to do everything quickly and efficiently. People have many tales about Vasilisa the Beautiful. Today we will visit another one of them - interesting and deeply instructive...
Now we are visiting a fairy tale

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"


(Watching of the performance, performers - children of class 4A)

Now I invite you to play: we will hold several competitions to consolidate your knowledge of Russian folk tales.
Competition 1 “Continue the line of the fairy tale”
Competition 2 “Singing hat (songs from cartoons”).” Guess the voices.
Competition 3 “Guessing objects from fairy tales”
Competition 4 “Name fairy tales where the heroes are: Baba Yaga, Gray Wolf, etc.”
Competition 5 “Establish order” (assemble a fairy tale from puzzles)
(fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster”)
Summing up the results of competitions. Presentation of prizes to winners

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

(performers - 4 A class)

And now we are leaving the “Land of Fairy Tales”, but we are not saying goodbye to it. You will visit this amazing country more than once, visiting your favorite heroes and getting acquainted with new fairy tales. Come visit us, sign up for our amateur theater "Harlequin".
With skillful hands,
For intelligence and ingenuity
I want to say thank you!
To those who worked
To those who tried
I’ll show everyone my gift now
All first-graders are given coloring books with fairy-tale characters as souvenirs. .
Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.
And to those who believe
A fairy tale is a must
Will open all the doors
(Children say goodbye and leave)

Scenario of entertainment and game program for primary school

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Equipment: Letters - tips, props, a drawn forest monster, a puppet Baba Yaga, a goldfish.

Music from the movie “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is playing.

The presenter comes out.

Hello guys! Do you like fairy tales?

    Why do you like them?

    Who reads or tells you stories?

    What fairy tales do you like best?

    Do you like to watch fairy-tale performances, cartoons or fairy tale films?

The fairy tale, guys, belongs to oral folk art. In a fairy tale, unusual and surprising, and sometimes mysterious events always occur. And the fairy tale always has a happy ending, good triumphs over evil.

We all know that a fairy tale is something fictitious. However, “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

    Do you want to find yourself in a fairy tale? Then I invite you to a fairy tale journey, we will go on a visit to a fairy tale. What is the fastest way to find yourself in a fairy tale? Right. Close your eyes and imagine.

Baron Munchausen Core

Leading : Look what I have. This is the very core on which the fabulous Baron Munchausen set off on his journey.
Now we will take turns transporting ourselves to a fairy tale.

The core is an ordinary balloon with the words “Core” written on it in large letters. Balls are passed along the rows, over the heads of the children, from one participant to another.

Leading: Well, you and I have safely moved into a fairy tale. Let's introduce ourselves. Who is from which fairy tale?

Guys, do you know fairy tales well? Now we will check this.

Magic chest.

Leading: I have a magic chest containing many different fabulous and simply amazing items. I will show them to you, and you must guess which fairy tale this item is from.

(golden egg, glass slipper, magic mirror, bean seed, self-assembled tablecloth, little red riding hood, pot + burst ball).

Leading: You guys are so great! We guessed all the fairy tales.

But what is it? Some forest monster blocked our path. What should we do? Come on, you and I will scare him by turning into the Serpent - Gorynych.


Who is unfamiliar with the fairy-tale creature that has three heads, four legs and two wings? Let's also make our own Snake-Gorynych. It is not difficult. We will need three participants, on whom we will put on one, but very large T-shirt (green jacket), and we will tie the participants’ legs. The legs of the person standing in the middle are connected to the leg of the partner standing on the side. It turns out that there are four legs for everyone. At the signal, “Snake-Gorynych” begins to move, and the participants standing on the sides must wave their arms, imitating flapping wings. It's very scary. And then the monster will get scared and run away into the thicket of the forest. Well, let's try to drive away the forest monster? Then let's transform!

Leading: Well, we have completed this task. An airplane flies out from behind the screen - a hint. Oh guys! I think there's some kind of letter here?

“Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree both day and night..... (it’s impossible to make out what is written here) everything goes around and around the chain.”

Host: I don’t understand anything. What oak? What chain? And most importantly, who walks along this chain? The guys suggest...

Host: Well, of course, the Cat is a scientist. How could I not have guessed it myself? So he will help us. After all, he is a scientist, which means he knows everything in the world. Well, let's hit the road in search of Lukomorye? (The presenter takes binoculars). So, let's see what we can see there in the distance?...

Cheerful music sounds, which is interrupted by the music of Baba Yaga. Players see an oak tree with a toy Baba Yaga sitting on it.

Leading: And here comes the scientist cat. Oh wait. This is Baba Yaga. Where is the cat...the scientist?

And, probably, he went for a walk, and left you a detailed letter. But I won’t give you the letter until you complete my task.

Imagine: a well-known fairy tale, and its plot will be retold by one of the fairy tale characters. Your task is to guess the name of the fairy tale and the hero on whose behalf the story is told.

    Kolobok. “I decided to just travel around the world. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather. But I didn’t know that everything would turn out like this. I thought everyone was as kind as my Grandmother and Grandfather. But it turned out that many people would not mind eating me..."

    Game for kids “Collect apples”. Three people play (maybe several times). Rules: apples of yellow, green and red cardboard are scattered on the floor. The players' task is to collect apples of their color as quickly as possible.

    Teremok. “I knew this would be the end. I’m too shabby and old, I’ve been standing in the field for so many years. I dreamed, of course, that someone would settle in me... but there were so many of them that I simply could not stand it and collapsed..."

Dance game “How beautiful I am.” Everyone can play, standing in a circle. Players pass a basket of things from each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the player who has the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the objects, the more interesting

    Puss in Boots. “Honestly, it’s unpleasant when you’re wearing boots that are 20 sizes too big, and you’re wearing a big hat that only gets in your way. Of course, I understand that all this running around is for the sake of the owner, but do you think I wanted to go alone, so small, to the house of an cannibal? What if he would eat me..."

Leading: Well guys, did you recognize this fairy tale? Look, here are the boots. Do you know who they might belong to? Oh, it looks like there's someone inside! Yes, it's a cat in boots! (In one boot there is a toy kitten). Let's try on these boots too?...

Next comes the game Puss in Boots
The props for this relay are very large boots (felt boots) and a wide-brimmed hat. On command, participants put on boots and a hat, run to the turning mark, bow there and return back, passing the baton to the next participant.

Presenter: Well done guys. We have very little left, only 2 riddles. I feel like there must be a way out of this enchanted forest somewhere.

    Pinocchio, or the tale of the golden key. “It is very harmful for me to be in the water for so long, because I can get rusty... Thanks to this curious and naughty boy with a very long nose, which he sticks everywhere. If it weren’t for him and Tortilla the turtle, I don’t know how long I would have lain at the bottom of this swamp?..”

Leading: Do you recognize this hero? That's right, this is the golden key. Let's remember this fairy tale. What did this key open? Mysterious door. But there is no door here, which means there is no magic path behind it that would help us get out of this enchanted forest. What to do? I think the hero of the next riddle can help us.

    The Tale of the Goldfish. “I, of course, am a magic fish and was ready to fulfill any of her wishes. After all, her husband saved my life. But everything was not enough for her, each time she demanded more and more. So she was left with nothing..."

Leading: Guys, let's all call the goldfish together and ask it to help us get out of this forest.

A goldfish (toy) appears.

Leading : Dear fish, the guys and I traveled through fairy tales, turned into Puss in Boots, even into the Snake Gorynych, flew on a cannonball like Baron Munchausen, and finally fought with forest monsters. We are very tired and want to go home. Please help us, goldfish, get out of this enchanted forest

The presenter puts the fish to his ear as if listening to it.

Leading. Nothing could be simpler. Just close your eyes and count to three. And when you open them, you will already be far, far away from here.

The guys close their eyes. Magic music sounds.

Leading: Well, guys, our journey through fairy tales is over. Oh, how nice it is to be home again, within my own walls. Oh, what's that in my pocket? Look, this is a golden key. But how did he end up here, why? After all, he should have remained in the fairy tale. Maybe we missed something?

This is a goldfish's parting gift to you. Let's find the magic door.

The presenter tries to open the door to the corridor with a key.

But there's nothing here!

Let's look for another door.

The presenter uses a key to open the door to the closet, behind which there are gifts for the children. (lollipops)

Leading: This is for you, help yourself.

The script was prepared by a primary school teacher at Khartsyzsk Specialized School No. 26, Donetsk People's Republic

Ivakhnenko Olga Alekseevna.

“Fairy tales live among us, you just need to see where and when they begin...” Very wisely noted, isn’t it? And if for adults fairy tales are just a good memory, a kind of flashback that takes you back to a carefree childhood, then for children it is a whole world that is very real for them! They listen with interest about how Cinderella is going to the ball; about how “both day and night the learned cat always walks around the chain”; about how Little Red Riding Hood is going to visit her dear grandmother. We enjoy reading these unforgettable stories to children at night, smiling as we watch our beloved children fall asleep with a dreamy smile on their lips. Well, the most beautiful thing in fairy tales and in childhood is the unshakable belief that good a priori conquers evil! We strongly support this theory and hope that our children will grow up to be worthy people, capable of always distinguishing good from evil. And the main thing is to always be on the side of good. Well, until the philosopher in me finally awakens :), I offer you an idea for a themed children's party called “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” This is a great way to once again please your beloved children!

"List of Invitees." So, since our festive event is themed, the invitation cards should be designed in the appropriate style. For example, you can buy small envelopes and stick on various fairy-tale images or stickers with characters from your favorite fairy tales. Don't forget to leave space for the invitation text itself. Tickets can also be made in the form of postcards. Imagine: a child opens such an elegant invitation and sees an image of a familiar scene from his favorite fairy tale or cartoon. Inside the card itself there is written (printed) the text of the invitation, in which it is indicated in large letters that the presence of a fairy-tale character costume is mandatory. Let the children choose for themselves who they want to be at this celebration of life :) The main thing is that the mood is the most positive and that “the suit fits,” as they say!

Scenery. Of course, a themed holiday requires decorations and decorations. But before you start decorating the location of the future holiday, you need to decide where you will hold your fabulous event: will it be indoors or will the “fairy tale come to life” outdoors? For example, you decided to hold the “Visiting a Fairy Tale” holiday in your apartment. Of course, choose the most spacious room, because... There should be enough space for a festive table and for holding competitions and games. Therefore, an excellent option for decorating a room is decorations along the walls. Be it the trees of a fairytale forest or the figures/silhouettes of sorceresses, be it the outlines of mysterious castles and the gentle sea - your children will definitely be delighted! Just remember yourself at their age and imagine how great it is to be at the center of the most fabulous events among famous characters from your favorite stories! You can also place decorations on the ceiling: for example, you can hang garlands with bats or good fairies, as well as fabrics on which you can schematically depict the interweaving of tree branches. This is how a fairytale forest turned out!

There is also a great option for holding your wonderful event outdoors, for example, in the summer (warm spring) in a sunny open meadow. Such a place already has the most important decoration - the forest, which means that a minimum of decorations will be required. We only need small interesting touches that will make our forest look truly magical and mysterious! For example, you can install a small plastic gazebo (decorate it), put a table and chairs. The simplest decor option is the so-called “self-assembled tablecloth” (in our adult way, this is a festive picnic :). As for paper decorations, you can make many different flowers, leaves, etc. and “cover” the grass in the clearing with it. What is good about holding such a holiday outdoors? Of course, there is no shortage of space, and fresh air has always been good for health. By the way, do not forget that the garbage will not disappear at the end of the holiday “with the wave of a magic wand” :)
I would like to note that the design of your future event venue is again a flight of your imagination. After all, the main theme of the holiday is a fairy tale! And the fairy-tale theme, accordingly, provides an excellent opportunity to realize all your magical ideas and fantasies!

Competition No. 1. "Guess the character." Well, we can start our wonderful holiday with a very entertaining competition. The presenter (this could be one of the parents) comes to the center so that everyone can see him and explains the rules of the first competition. First you need to divide the kids into 2 teams. So, the presenter makes a wish for any character known to everyone (from a favorite fairy tale or cartoon). For example, let it be the good-natured Carlson. Smiling mysteriously, the presenter says to the kids: “Dear guests! I just wished for a character from a famous cartoon. You have to guess who it is!” You are allowed to ask one question from each team in turn. Questions should be leading. For example, a member of the first team asks: “Is this Him?”, the leader gives an affirmative answer. A member of the second team asks a different question, for example: “Does this character have a friend?” The presenter answers again: “Yes!” And this continues until one of the teams joyfully shouts “Yes, it’s Carlson!” After the character is guessed, you can include an excerpt from the cartoon with him (optional). By the way, a projector at a themed party is very impressive and cool. If the holiday takes place outdoors, then you can take a laptop/tablet with you to watch cartoons. Well, after the kids have guessed a few more characters, they need to sum up the results of the competition and determine the winner. What prizes there will be is up to you to decide (it all depends on your imagination, the preferences of the guests and the financial side of the issue).

Competition No. 2. "Puss in Boots". So, this is a very fun and original relay race. To carry it out, we need to find boots of a fairly large size. Let's determine the starting place and put giant boots there :) We'll divide the kids into two teams again. At the signal, the first participant must quickly put on his boots and also quickly run to the finish line. Of course, it’s quite difficult to reach the finish line in such big boots, but it’s possible. If you remember, in the fairy tale, Puss in Boots had impeccable manners. Therefore, we can put three pins on the relay route to make the competition more difficult. Why, you ask? A participant who runs past these same obstacles must definitely pause and bow (the more beautiful and original, the better). When the kid has reached the finish line, he must take off his boots and give them to the next team member. The team that completes the test faster will win. Of course, in the midst of this exciting competition, you can do your best to support the participants, shout out names encouragingly, etc. And don’t forget to reward the winners with gifts.

Competition No. 3. “Whose wonderful voice is this?” This competition can be held after a delicious meal, for example. The presenter plays songs from different cartoons, and the children must guess who is the performer of this song. For example, a well-known melody with New Year's notes from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” plays, and then we hear the voices of the Wolf and the Hare that are already familiar to us. Whoever shouts out the correct answer faster (the name of the cartoon and the character singing the song) gets his lucky point. Well, if a child has a desire to sing this very song himself, and he does it with pleasure, then, of course, two more points are awarded! Accordingly, the kid who has the highest number of points at the end of the competition wins. Don't forget about the gift for the winner.

Competition No. 4. "Funny pantomimes." The name speaks for itself. We divide the kids into teams again. Adults here will also need to work hard to please their beloved kids :) So, parents remember their childhood and fairy tales/cartoons that are well known to them and their children. They choose a well-known scene, for example, about how the Old Man caught the Goldfish, and she offers to fulfill his wishes. A scene from a fairy tale can be shown only with the help of gestures, without a single sound - this is pantomime. The kids vying with each other begin to shout out their guesses. When the correct answer is named, the team is awarded points and the game continues. As you understand, the team with the most points wins. Give gifts.
“Why this particular character?” This small “event” is very interesting and educational. Let each child tell why he came today in this particular costume, why he likes this character so much, etc. and so on. Example. Imagine your little daughter in an elegant princess costume walking into the center and saying: “I love Rapunzel very much! She is so beautiful, brave and also has a very big heart!” How cute is that, isn't it? ;)
"Incendiary dancing!" At the end of the evening, you can arrange an unforgettable disco for little guests. We turn on our favorite songs from fairy-tale cartoons and watch how your kids dance merrily :) Of course, you can all dance together, dance in circles, repeat the coolest movements.
“And now the bird will fly out!” By the way, you can organize a photo zone. For example, order a large poster or canvas with the legendary Disney castle or a fairy-tale palace, against which your children will be happy to take a photo as a souvenir!

“See you again!” The parents are happy, the kids are delighted, the holiday is coming to its logical conclusion. We say goodbye to our guests and give them sweet souvenirs. We'd love to hear your child's impressions. Oh, how wonderful it is to take such a fun trip into a real fairy tale!
Dear Parents! In our store you will definitely find the brightest and most stunning costumes for your fabulous event! We have wonderful outfits for princesses, sorceresses (as well as many other characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons), fabulous carnival sets and accessories for your children’s costumes! The prices are affordable, the costumes are excellent, and your child’s memories of a fabulous holiday will forever remain the kindest and brightest childhood memories!

Holiday for elementary school students “A fairy tale has come to visit us!”

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I bring to your attention an extracurricular event on fairy tales, which is aimed at organizing leisure activities for primary school children. This material will be useful to primary school teachers and teachers of after-school groups.
Target: creating a fabulous holiday atmosphere.
- introduce children to fairy tales;
- to educate children in the ability to show positive emotions, have fun and bring joy to their friends;
- create a favorable microclimate at the holiday.

Progress of the event:

The song “Little Country” performed by Natasha Koroleva is playing.
Children enter the hall in fairy tale costumes.

Student 1:
If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
Hurry up and let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
If you scare it a little, it will fly away.

Student 2:
You follow her to the threshold,
And she’s already jumping and jumping,
Like a round bun
Rolling through the forest...

Student 3:
She has a supply of miracles!
And always ready...
Every time for all of us
Golden word!

Student 4:
There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them!

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! I am very glad to see you all at our holiday. I think that everyone is familiar with the words of A. S. Pushkin:

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows!

Presenter: Today we invite you to a lesson dedicated to fairy tales. (Each child chooses a coloring book, so the class is divided into 4 groups).

A girl appeared in a flower cup.
And there was that girl bigger than a marigold.
She always slept in a nutshell,
What a girl she was, she was very small!

Who read the book about this
Will he name our baby?
Group 1 – Thumbelina.(Those guys who painted Thumbelina).

He has a house on the roof.
He is a naughty man, a funny comedian,
Braggart and arrogant,
What should he be called? Guess what!
Group 2 - Carlsons.(Those guys who painted Carloson).

This boy is very strange
Unusual - wooden.
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?.. (Pinocchio.)
Group 3 – Pinocchio.(Those guys who painted Pinocchio).

She's beautiful and sweet
And her name comes from the word “ash”.
Group 4 – Cinderellas.(Those guys who painted Cinderella).

The guys are told
That the train is leaving
Sends immediately
From Moscow station
Up to the first letter - “A”.
The steam is separated by the locomotive,
I lit two lanterns
And rushes with the roar of wheels
According to the lines of the primer.
We drove off
From Moscow station
And finally we arrived
Up to the first letter - "A".

Presenter: Do we remember fairy-tale characters and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter “A”?
Presenter: That’s right, there is such a fairy tale - “Aibolit”, the hero is Aladdin...
And also, there is such a word... attribute. An attribute is an object that is an integral part of someone or something.
Exercise 1. Each team needs to put together its own attribute from the mosaic.
(Thumbelina - swallow, Carlson - Baby, Pinocchio - golden key, Cinderella - slipper).

Aladdin's lamp,
Take us into a fairy tale.
Crystal slipper,
Help along the way!
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth.
May goodness forever
Evil wins!
Presenter: Let's move on - the letter "B". We remember fairy-tale characters and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter "B"?
(Baba Yaga, Pinocchio, Barmaley, Bremen Town Musicians...)

Presenter: And also, there is such a word... “bye-bye”.
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge.
The little gray top will come
And he grabs the barrel.

Task 2. Each team needs to write a Bedtime Story. A bedtime story is a long wish for good night, usually imbued with tenderness, love and, of course, care. Remember what a bedtime story read by your grandmother or mother sounds like? Probably quiet and even, it also calms and lulls you to sleep.
(Each team composes its own fairy tale. If desired, you can act it out.)

Presenter: Let's move on - the letter "B". We remember fairy-tale characters and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter "IN"?
(Wolf, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, Vasilisa the Beautiful...)

Presenter: And also, there is such a word... “seasons”.
Task 3. Each team needs to remember fairy tales that describe one time of year.
(Thumbelina - winter, Carlson - spring, Pinocchio - summer, Cinderella - autumn).
(Teams compete).
Presenter: Our journey is coming to an end, dear guys and distinguished guests! And finally, please continue...
The story behind the fairy tale... (won't get away).
Every joke in a fairy tale... (good).
Every fairy tale happens... (end).
Eat the porridge and listen to the fairy tale: figure it out with your mind and mind... (shake).
The fairy tale is beautiful in its complexion, and the song... (in harmony).
Either action or fairy tales... (say).
On fairy tales that on... (sled).
Fairy tale - fold: listen... (sweet).
Listen to the fairy tale, and to the saying... (listen).
Soon the fairy tale will unfold, but not soon enough... (done).
A fairy tale is not a fairy tale, but... (saying).
That’s the end of the fairy tale, but who listened...

1 child.

Everyone, everyone, everyone

Good morning to you!

Welcome to our kindergarten, come in

Everything is ready for fun

Dance, sing, have fun

And let laughter reign everywhere!


Everyone gather in a circle

Let's play together

One two three four five

Game "Let's get to know each other."


Look at the hut

There's an old lady living there

Maybe old and angry

Maybe a good young man.

It scares everyone and gets angry,

Then he weakens and frolics.

Our grandmother is Yozhka.

Bone leg.

Game "Seen"

(if they agree, they say - they saw it, if not, they clap)

Baba Yaga flies in a mortar

How a helicopter is controlled by a broom

There's a black cat living in grandma's house

The black cat sleeps without worries and hassle.

Baba Yaga will meet the traveler

In the bathhouse he will wash you, feed you, wash you, and greet you.


Let's invite Grandma Yozhka to our holiday.


You little hut, spin around,

Turn your porch towards us.

Come out to us Baba Yozhka

We'll play a little.

Baba Yaga.

What's that noise? What's all the fuss?

And general chaos.

To me, a quiet, meek old lady

Timid, weak and peaceful

No peace again

Or found a shelter

The songs and dances are just terrible

Now I'll catch you

I will punish and scare

Everyone should laugh


You won't catch grandma

Game "Baba Yaga"

Baba Yaga.

What a disgrace, what kind of holiday is this fun! Why aren't you afraid of me? That's right, he who has fun is not afraid.


Yagusya, look how many children are here, and how beautiful they are, let’s listen to the fairy tale that the children will tell.

The Tale of the Kolobok


Everyone just take a moment

I want to start a fairy tale

What's the name of a fairy tale?

I ask you to guess

Everyone is ready to listen kids

There will be a fairy tale, give it time

The old man says to the old woman

Bake me a bun

Grandfather and grandmother come out

I wanted a kolobok

There is both butter and flour

Would you knead the dough?

Treated everyone today


I'll get down to business with pleasure

Although the task is not easy

To make the dough fluffy and white

I'm not the only one who needs flour

Requires attention and skill

Don't forget about salt and sugar

What better way to make a treat?

I'll start kneading the dough


I'll run away from the tub

I don't want to be a kolobok

I feel bad here, I feel stuffy here

Over the edge, and run

Very rich dough

I can't sit here

I don't have enough room in the basin

It's cramped - cramped - y - be - gu!

Grandma, the dough ran away


Ay, ah, ah, where, where!

How did I oversleep?

What a misfortune, what a disaster!

Dough, dough, where are you going?

In a fairy tale you are a bun

Your side is ruddy!

Wait, wait a little

Stay at least at the threshold

A knock is heard, but who is it?

The hare runs in

Dear bunny, is that you?


Must meet Kolobok

Where is he - one torment

Dough - the dough ran away

It didn’t become a bun

They began to think and grieve

Kolobok - where can we get it?


Oh, I'm upset grandpa

I'll be running until lunchtime

I'll tell all the animals in the forest

I won’t bring the bun


A knock is heard, but who is it?

The bear runs in


I was waiting for Kolobok in the forest

Met a red fox

She was looking for a bun

She cried loudly, loudly


The dough, the dough ran away

It didn’t become a bun

They began to think about grieving

Koloboka - where can we get it?


Punishment, this is melancholy

We'll be lost without a bun

We will become sad in the forest

I don't know what to do?

A knock is heard, but who is it?

The fox runs in


Well guys you're stuck

Have you met Kolobok?

I want to eat so much

Well, I don’t have to listen to you


The dough, the dough ran away

It didn’t become a bun

They began to think about grieving

Koloboka - where can we get it?


That's a shame, that's a problem

Why did we come here

Without a kolobok we will be lost

And we won’t get home

Don't be sad animals, be quiet

And we’re not afraid

Let's run and frolic

Sing songs and have fun


Children, where is our Yagusya?

Where did she go, let's call her.


You little hut, spin around,

Turn your porch towards us.

Stop being bored grandma

Come out for a walk with us

Baba Yaga.

That's a nasty little hut

Torments the poor old lady

Everything is spinning like a spinning top

Here's a habit I picked up

Baba Yaga.

Now I'm young kids

But I'm cunning and harmful

And I can destroy everyone

You'll have to forget about the holiday


So that Grandma Yaga would become kinder

I didn’t get angry and didn’t scare the kids

We must call her affectionately

And her heart will become kind

(choice of affectionate words for Baba Yozhka)

Baba Yaga.

Was an old hag

Evil Baba-Yozhka

Becoming beautiful, young

I'll dance a little.

Everyone dances together

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