Entertainment scenario “Meeting Spring” for children of the second junior group. Spring has come to us again (entertainment in the second junior group) Spring entertainment in the 2nd junior group

Marina Lobacheva

Target: To consolidate children's basic environmental knowledge.

Program content:

Educational objectives: Reinforce the names of trees and flowers with children. To develop knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior in nature, to develop the need to communicate with nature.

Educational tasks: To instill in children correct environmental assessments, creating situations that require care, attention, sympathy, responsiveness, and compassion.

Musical tasks: In singing, teach children to be able to listen carefully when performing a song, and accurately reproduce it. Develop group singing skill. Develop coordination of movements with music based on dance and figurative movements. Cultivate responsiveness to music of a different nature, a desire to listen to it.

Progress of entertainment:

Presenter: The stream began to gurgle in the ravine,

Birds have flown in from the south

The sun is warming in the morning

Came to visit us

Children: Spring

Children: All the snowstorms have died down,

And the frosts don't crack.

Drops dripped from the roofs,

And the icicles hang in a row.

More fun and warmer

The days of March have begun.

In our garden in the alleys

The thawed patches are already visible.

The tit tinks loudly

Near our window...

Soon there will be a knock on our door

Real spring!

Presenter: We sing the song let's sing in the spring

We'll invite you to visit the children.

Song: « Spring has come» .

Presenter: They read poems, sang a song, and There is still no red spring. Maybe something happened to her?

Phone call.

Presenter: Hello, hello.

Spring:(by phone) Hello my friends

I was in a hurry to visit you.

But she lingered in the forest.

Hurry up to the forest.

Help me and the forest dwellers.

Presenter: Well, guys, let's go to the forest?

But who will show us the way?

Who will show the way to the forest?

I came up with an idea, let’s sing a song about the sun, it will definitely help us.

Song: "Sun".

Sun: I am the sun in the sky

I am light and warmth

you called me

And here I come.

How can I help you?

Presenter: Help us, Sunny.

Show us the way to the forest.

Sun: I’ll give you a bunny to help you.

Not an ordinary bunny

Sunny, mischievous.

Presenter: I just want to remind you guys how to behave in forest: Be careful and attentive. Don't scream, don't be naughty, don't scare the animals, don't break branches. We will admire the beauty spring nature and we will return. Fine?

Presenter: Well, guys, are we going to the forest?

Let's hold hands friends

And along the forest path,

Let's go to where the forest is

It attracts with its foliage.

Children follow each other hand in hand like a snake sunbeam. The phonogram sounds "The Sound of the Forest".

Presenter: We came to the green forest,

The sun looks from the sky,

Oh, who is this?

Enter the old man - the forest boy

Old man - forest boy: I'm an angry man

Old forest man.

I live in my forest,

I protect the grass here,

All the trees and bushes

I take care of leaves and flowers.

Every bird and animal

I help as much as I can

Why did you come here?

What did you bring with you?

If you came with good,

I'll reward you all later.

Now come to me

Tell me what your name is.

Presenter: We have arrived look for spring. Grandfather, have you seen her?

Old man - forest boy: As I saw, there are footprints all over the forest springs are visible.

Presenter: Help us meet her.

Old man - forest boy: I’ll help if you solve all my riddles.

Presenter: Well, guys, let’s guess the riddles of the Old Man - the Forester.

Old man - forest boy: There are the main inhabitants of my kingdom,

What do we call these residents?

Children: Trees.

Old man - forest boy: Dear guests, do you know how to behave in the forest?

Children: Don’t make noise, don’t break trees, don’t litter.

Old man - forest boy: Well done right. Well, guess again riddles:

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman?

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round.

(Christmas tree)

Russian beauty stands in a clearing,

In a green blouse, in a white sundress.


Old man - forest boy: Well, well done, you solved the riddles. What is happening in my forest, is it a mess? Look, spring I didn’t have time to dress all the trees, what should I do?

Presenter: The old man is a forest boy, and the guys and I are with you we'll help you in the spring, really guys.

Didactic game "Dress the Tree" (determine which tree the leaves come from)

Old man forester: Well done guys, they dressed it correctly, these are the beautiful trees they have become.

Presenter: Oh, we also know a song about a birch tree.

Round dance "Berezka".

Presenter: Oh, listen, who is that crying?

A little hare, a little bear, and a little squirrel come out.

Old man - forest boy: Who are you?

He's furry, he's big,

He sleeps in a den in winter,

In summer he chews berries,

Takes wild honey from bees,

It can roar menacingly,

Clubfoot beast (bear)

Red, fluffy

Lives on a Christmas tree

With strong teeth

He gnaws nuts. (squirrel)

Long ears

Fast paws,

Gray, but not a mouse.

Who is this?. (bunny)

Old man - forest boy: Animals, what happened?

Teddy Bear: We lost our mothers, and we want to eat.

Old man - forest boy: I have treats for the animals, but who can help me find out which of the animals likes to eat what?

Didactic game: "Treat the Animals".

Teddy Bear: Thank you, we have eaten, and now I want to play.

Outdoor game "At the Bear's Forest".

Little squirrel: (crying) Where's my mom? Do I want to see my mother?

Presenter: How can we help the animals?

Old man - forest boy: I have photographs of adult animals, who can find the right mother.

Didactic game: "Find Mom".

Presenter: Animals, and you we haven't seen spring?

Teddy Bear: They met me spring has awakened, I slept in a den for six months and sucked my paw, and spring You woke me up and now I’m full of how much you’ve given me.

little hare: And I welcomed spring, she changed my fur coat, my fur coat was white, but now it’s gray.

Old man - forest boy: Well, let's go, I see that you also know a lot about forest animals. Now come with me to the magic clearing.

They follow the Old Forest Man between the trees.

Old man - forest boy: We came to the clearing. Look how beautiful it is here.

You need to sit down carefully

So as not to hurt the flowers.

Do you know the names of these flowers? (Chamomile, dandelion, bluebell, snowdrop)

Old man - forest boy: Right. Now let's play a game.

Didactic game: “What has changed?”

Old man - forest boy: Well done, now I see that you are real friends of the forest. A still no spring. Let's call her.

Children: Spring is red.

Included Spring.

Spring: Hello my friends,

Here I am Spring is red.

I was in a hurry to see you.

How long have you been looking for me?

Old man - forest boy: Yes, spring The guys and I looked for you for a long time, and on the way the guys showed me their knowledge about forest inhabitants.

Spring: Well done guys.

You are friends with nature.

Treasure your friendship with the forest.

Oh, what a wonderful sound

It came from all sides!

I woke up both the forest and the meadow,

Everything around was dancing!

Hey guys come out

Show me your dance!

Pair dance.

Spring: You greeted me kindly.

They greeted us with song and dance

I will give everyone a gift,

I won't deprive anyone.

Treats children.

Spring: The time has come to part.

It's time for me to go.

Goodbye kids.

Presenter: We walked for a long time, everyone was very happy,

But it's time for us to return to kindergarten for lunch.

We thank the forest for all the gifts

It will be a fine day to meet him again.

Scenario spring fun for children of the 2nd junior group

Target: Creating a positive emotional environment with the help of musical and physical activity of children.

Tasks: Develop creativity child, improve motor abilities, dancing and singing skills, develop emotional responsiveness, and a sense of teamwork.

Attributes: Spring costume. bird costume, bean basket, flowers, ribbons, cubes, bells, Spring house

Design: The hall is decorated with balloons, spring flowers, and birds.

Progress of entertainment:
Children enter the hall in a stream to the music “Spring”

Come on in, kids.
have fun from the heart.

We sat by the window
Spring has come knocking on us,
The sunny bunny flashed,
The sun splashed into the puddles.

Where are you, sunshine, wake up,
Where are you little bird, come back
Winter is tired of pouring snow,
Drip, drip, drip, spring has come!

On the road, on the road the music calls us
Our group goes to the spring meadow.
We will all walk together.
Let's find out where Spring lives.
(to the music “Spring has come” they walk through the hall and stop at the hut)
Guys, we didn’t even notice how we arrived in the forest. Listen to the birds singing and enjoying the sun
(An audio recording of birds singing sounds.)
Leading: Guys, what kind of hut is this, who lives in it? Let's knock!
Knock-knock-knock! Maybe spring lives here? She doesn't hear us knocking. Let's
let's sing our song so she can hear and wake up

Song "And in the spring"

(Spring comes out of the hut)

Vesna: Hello guys!
I know they are waiting for me everywhere.
Everyone in the world needs me.
I bring joy to people
And my name is Spring.
And with me
Came to visit you
Round and clear
With red rays.
What is this?

Children. Sun!
The sun rose in the morning,
So it's time for us to get up.
The bright sun looks out the window,
It gives sunny bunnies.

Dance with ribbons “Rays”

Presenter: Friendly little people
Get ready for a round dance!
Who is spinning in a round dance?
He will make friends with spring!

“Spring lambada” with cubes

We have been waiting for you, Spring. And our guys have prepared poems for you

1 child:
Spring has come to us again,
Brought light and joy.
The sun has warmed up,
It immediately became warmer.

2nd child:
The streams rang,
The moths have flown
The buds have blossomed
The leaves have appeared.

3rd child:
The sun is shining brightly!
Birds preen their feathers.
The bugs are waking up
butterflies and spiders

4th child:
Spring sunshine,
shine kindly.
Spring song
sound more fun!

Song “Sparrows Tweet” verses 1 and 2

Well done guys. They made me happy. What do I hear? Tweet!(recording)

The sun has warmed up in the spring.
The bird has arrived to visit!
(a bird flies in)

Birdie: Hello guys!
I'm a little bird
I'm a small bird.
I love spring, I love warmth
When it's nice and light.

Leading: Let’s all tell you together and even show you a poem about birds, “I Want to Be a Bird.”

I was walking along the street. (forward movements of the index and middle fingers of both hands, indicating walking).
Jackdaw and raven counted. (Cross your hands in front of you, make smooth movements tassels indicating the flight of a bird)
One, two, three, four, five. (bend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
I will count again - (bend the fingers from the little finger)
My mouth is open, I’m looking at the sky (open my mouth, raise my head up)
Right-left. I wasn't there. (head turns)
I wanted to become a bird. (swing your arms up and down, frequently, with your hands tense)
And he began to wave his arms.
Wings up and wings down (smoothly wave your arms high up and down)
You can only hear the wind whistling. ( rotational movements index fingers of both hands raised up)
I jumped up to take off (raise your arms up, jump, sit down)
But I had to sit down on the ground. (sit down)

Birdie: Guys, I really love bugs and flies. Do you love it?

Ved.: No, we don’t like them. We always chase them away.

Dance “Shoot, fly”

Look how many puddles there are. Let's jump over them.

Game "Jump over the puddles"

Birdie: Guys, do you know a song or dance about rain?

Host: Of course it's a bird!

Dance with bells “Colorful game”

Leading: Guys, our bird is sad. She's hungry! Let's collect grains for her!

Game “Collect grains for a small bird”

Birdie: Thanks, guys!

Spring: And now
Dance your heart out
Happy dance kids!

Dance "Dance with me, my friend"

We welcomed Spring,
They had fun playing with her.
And now we need to say goodbye
Let's say goodbye together!

Children: Goodbye!

Birdie: Goodbye guys!
I was glad to be with you!

Well, it's time for me to hurry,
Forest, hillocks to dress up.
(the bird and spring are leaving)

Leading: Well, guys, Spring and the bird have gone home and our walk along the spring lawn is over. We are returning to our group.

Scenario of thematic entertainment “Meeting of Spring” for children of the second junior group





Dolls - Spring and Winter




Progress of the performance

Children run into the hall to the sound of cheerful music. We stood in a semicircle.

Presenter: The stream gurgled in the ravine,

Birds have flown in from the south.

The sun is warming in the morning.

Coming to visit us...

Children. Spring!

1st child: The sound of drops can be heard everywhere,

We're tired of snowstorms.

2nd child: Birds hover above.

We will sing a sonorous song about spring.

Presenter: Let's sing a song about spring,

Let's invite the red spring to visit.

Children sing the song "Spring"

(sit on chairs)

Presenter . Guys, I think I hear someone’s voices, listen, someone is arguing and even quarreling. Yes, these are two sisters - Winter and Spring - who do not want to give in to each other. Let's hear what they argue about.

At the back of the hall there is a festively decorated screen with dolls appearing on it.

Puppet show


Goodbye, Winter, it's time for you to leave.

It’s my turn, I haven’t been there for a whole year.


I won’t let you in, Spring, I’ll howl and whistle,

I’ll call the blizzard to come and I can drive you away.


You shouldn't have gotten angry

You, sister, are wrong

If I hadn't shown up,

Then the grass wouldn't grow.

The starlings did not come to us,

They did not return to their native land.


What is this really?

You are always arguing with me.

I'm fluffy and white

I'm cute to the kids!

I let them ride

Both on the slide and on the ice,

I wish to stay

I won't leave here.


You're nice, and I'm nicer

I'm lighter and warmer

So that the grains begin to ripen,

I want to warm the earth.

I'm coming to replace you,

I bring fresh greens.

I will dress up all the trees -

In groves, parks and forests.


I will powder you and stun you with a blizzard,

I'll freeze you and drive you away from here.


People have been waiting for me for a long time

They opened the window for me,

To every city, to every region

I lead a blooming May.


Who started this dispute?

Name two sisters.

Children . Winter and spring.

The dolls bow and disappear behind the screen.


Children whom you want to leave -

Blizzard winter or warm spring?

Children. Spring.

Presenter . Let's call her and tell her funny poems about what happens in the spring.

3 reb . The sky turned bright blue

The sun warmed the earth.

4 reb .Because of the mountains, because of the seas

Flocks of cranes are rushing.

5 reb. Streams in the forest sing,

And the snowdrops are blooming.


Everyone woke up from sleep.

It came to us...

Children. Spring.

Spring comes out from behind the screen in the same outfit as the doll, wearing a sundress and a wreath on her head.


Hello my friends,

I'm glad to see you all.

I know they're waiting for me everywhere,

I bring joy to people

I dance and sing.

And you sing your song to me.

Children perform a round dance around Spring “Spring has come to us again”

Spring . I knocked on the window with rain...

Children . Knock, knock, knock.

Spring. A stream in a ditch...

Children . Zhur, zhur, zhur.

Spring . Grass at the door...

Children . Shih, shih, shih.

Spring. A bird on a branch...

Children . Chiv, chiv, chiv.

Presenter . Spring is red, and did you bring the sun for the holiday?


Children love the radiant sun so much.

There is nothing warmer than the sun in the world.

Game "Sun and Rain""(shows the sun on a stick - children run, rain - they run away to chairs)

124---- dance “With Ribbons”

116----dance “For me, for you”

Presenter . And the sun has a friend.

The Cockerel comes out.


The cockerel is coming,

Sideways red scallop

He gets up early himself -

And he doesn’t give it to others.

Presenter . We know a song about you.

Children sing the song “The Sun Has Friends”, music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by E. Karganova.


Rot, rot, rot,

A rooster walks around the yard.

Himself with spurs,

Tail with patterns,

Stands under the windows

He screams throughout the yard,

Whoever hears it runs.

Come on, hens and chicks, run out,

Play with our cockerel.

Game "Cockerel and Chicks".

Presenter : stay with us cockerel


The sun warmed up cheerfully.

A stream ran down the mountain.

It's a big, big snowdrift

I slept all winter until spring.

A boy comes out with a blue scarf on his shoulders - Brook.


A trickle, a trickle, a young boy,

Ran to kindergarten

To please the guys.


I am a cheerful Brook,

I'll spill over the meadow -

Can't go anywhere, my friend.

Game "Jump Over the Stream"(on the sides)

Ved: Remain a stream of dreams.


Guys, spring is a wonderful fairy,

Walks through gardens and alleys.

Whatever she touches

He will immediately come to life, wake up!

Let's listen to how the spring forest sings.

Ved : dear spring, our guys have prepared a funny song for you.

124---song "Hamster"

116---song “Tsap-scratch”

Spring: Guys, I really enjoyed visiting you, you are so funny and I want to treat you. (gives the Vedas) Well, I have to go. There are things to do in the forest. Goodbye!

Ved : We guys welcomed spring

They danced and played.

We had fun with spring

And she stayed with us.

You and I will go to a group and treat ourselves to the gifts of spring.

They leave the hall to the music.

Entertainment in the second junior group

“Spring, spring, what did you bring us?”

Children enter the hall and stand scattered.

Presenter: The stream began to gurgle in the ravine,

Birds have flown from the south,

The sun is warming in the morning.

She came to visit us...

Children: Spring!

Child: 1) Bright, cheerful spring sun,

After all, Spring is celebrating its birthday today.

2) Gives a song with ringing, friendly drops.

For Spring, a stream of pipes plays.

The song “Winter has passed” by music. N. Metlova

Children sit on chairs.

Music sounds and Bim the clown runs into the hall.

Clown: I am Bim, a glorious clown, cheerful and funny!

Host: Hello clown Bim. Glad to see you.

Now say hello to the boys and girls.

Clown: Oh! This is me now! (He approaches and begins to greet each child individually.)

Hello! My name is Clown Bim! How are you? Very nice!

Host: Bim, what are you doing?

(Takes the clown by the hand and takes it away from the children).

Clown: Like what? You said it yourself that you need to say hello to everyone

guys. So I say hello!

Host: It’s not necessary! Get up here and say hello to everyone from here!

Clown: I can't reach it from here!

He leans forward, extends his hand, waves the other, as if maintaining his balance.

Clown: Oh-oh-oh! Almost fell!

Presenter. Listen, Bim, just tell all the guys:

"Hello!" And they will say hello to you!

Clown: I'll try now!

He gets ready, preens himself, then greets loudly.

Hello guys!

Children: Hello, Bim!

Clown: Wow! How great it turned out for us! Loud! Funny!

Host: Of course, Clown! After all, today holiday, and everyone is good


Clown: Holiday! Which one? I don’t remember something...

Presenter: Spring Festival!

Clown: Yes! I understand, and the treat is yours there will be a holiday?

Host: Of course it will, but it still needs to be earned! Sing to us or

dance, then we’ll see whether to treat you or not!

Clown: Well, what are you talking about, I'm shy!

Host: We'll have to help you out!

Guys, well, we won't be bored,

I suggest you dance!

And you, clown, learn from the kids!

Pair dance “One, palm!”

Clown: They danced well, it’s so great here!

Girls and boys are so smart!

Guys, I also prepared a surprise!

I invited Vesna to visit us!

Let's call her by name, she will hear us and come.

A call with the movements “Come, spring

Come, spring! Children raise their hands up.

We are all waiting for you! They press their hands to their chest.

Brighter, sunshine, shine! Rotate with hands (“flashlights”).

Let the streams flow! Make wave-like movements with the hands.

Let the birds fly They flap their hands like wings.

ABOUT they scream in the spring!

Melodic music sounds. Spring is coming.

Spring: Hello! I am full of sunshine, my name is Spring.

I open the buds and awaken flowers in the fields.

I dress the trees and water the crops!

Winter cast its spell for a long time, pouring a lot of snow. But

The time has come for her to give way to me, Vesna. I was in a hurry to see you

holiday - to congratulate you on this spring holiday!

Host: We, too, have been waiting for you for a long time, preparing, and guys for you

They will show a dance with sun rays.

Dance with the sun's rays

Spring: What a beautiful dance. Thanks guys!

Clown: Oh, children, look, the sun has disappeared behind the clouds, and it’s raining!

The children stand up scattered.

Song "Rain" music. V. Cherchik

Spring: What is this! The rain just won't stop...

Clown, do you know how the little cloud got lost?
Clown: Grandma Cloud is crying bitterly, her tears cannot be stopped:
My granddaughter is lost, where can I find her?

Maybe the north wind attacked her?
Maybe the spring thunder scared the cloud?

The cloud grandmother cried, and her teardrops fell down!

Dance with clouds

Clown: After the rain it’s so clean, so pleasant and fresh,

The sun will dry the puddles, you and I will go for a walk!

A girl comes out with a bucket

Girl: I’ll now take a scoop, molds, bucket,

And I’ll go play in the sandbox with Yegorka!

Dance "Sandbox"

Spring: There are sparrows on the branches - father, mother and chick.

He has finally learned to fly like an adult.

Clown: There's a cat sitting here somewhere, she doesn't tell me to play around,

We will fun to play, and fly away from the cat.

Dance - game "Birds and Cat".

Clown: Guys, I’ll tell you a secret, I also prepared a gift

for you! Here he is (opens the box) Ah-ah-ah!

Host: What happened to you?

Clown: Woe! I hurried to you, carrying sweets.

Host: Where are they now?

Clown: They don't exist! Slowly, little by little, I ate the sweets dear.

Here, only the candy wrappers are left.

Scatters candy wrappers on the floor.

Host: That's it! What should we do now?

Spring: I don’t know what to do.

Where can we get candy?

I suggest you guys

I'll do a little magic! Do you agree?

Just before you conjure,

We need to clean everything up!

Clown: Guys, don't sit, kids, help:

Bring the candy wrappers quickly and put them in the box!

Sounds funny music, children help the clown collect all the scattered candy wrappers back into the box.

Spring: Once! Two! Three! Four! Five! Let's start doing magic!

Let's slam our hands together, stomp our feet,

Now I'll knock, what's in the box? I'll take a look!

Opens the box from the side on which the candies lie.

Oh! Hurry, look, kids,

Instead of candy wrappers - sweets!

Spring and the Clown help the children sort out the candy. The guys thank them for the treat.

Spring: Congratulations to everyone again, I wish you happiness and joy!

Clown: But it’s time for us to say goodbye, goodbye, kids!

Host: Goodbye, good morning! We're still waiting for holiday you!

Entertainment scenario “Journey to the spring forest”

in the second junior group.


Creating a festive and friendly atmosphere, positive emotions in children.


Consolidating children's knowledge about spring during an entertaining event.

Develop attention, memory, speech, movement coordination.

To instill in children a love of nature.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations about spring. Learning poetry, songs, dances, games.

Venue of the holiday: music hall.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music and stand in a semicircle.

Leading. What a wonderful time of year - spring! Nature awakens, the air is filled with the aroma of melted snow, warm sun rays, the first flowers and the days become longer.


Spring has come to visit us,

It brought people joy.

The sun shone brightly,

The cold snow melted.


It's getting warmer outside,

And freedom for the children.

Everyone is squinting from the sun -

After all, spring is outside.

Song "Drip-drip"(music by Filnenstein).

Leading. Guys, shouldn't we go for a walk? Hold hands. Let's see where the path takes us. (Children walk along the path to the music and stand in a circle)

Leading. Oh, guys, you and I have come to the lawn. Let's call the Sun to our lawn.

Zaklik(with children):

Sunny, show yourself!

Red, gear up!

Come out quickly

Be kinder to us.

Sit on a tree stump

Shine all day!

Sunny enters - an adult.


I am the radiant sun

I bring warmth and light

I return your smiles

And I give joy to everyone!


The sun doesn't frown

He doesn't take his eyes off us.

Because to the sun,

We like it.


The sun is burning -

The dance begins!

Round dance song “Like in our meadow.”

Children sit on chairs.

Leading. Guys, let's read some poetry to Sunny.

I really like walking

Sometimes in the spring.

By the sunlit

Meadow path.


I love it and it’s fun

Look around

Both white and blue

I enjoy flowers.

The sun thanks the children and leaves to warm the earth with his warmth.

Leading. The first flowers have bloomed in the forest clearing, and beautiful ones are fluttering above them... (Butterflies).

A butterfly flew in the forest,

I saw a flower

She sat on him quietly

And drinks fragrant juice.

Dance "Butterfly Dance""(music and lyrics by M. Kartushina).

Leading. The butterflies sat down to rest on the branches of a tree that grows on the edge of the clearing.

Leading. The trunk is white with black markings, and the flexible branches have young light green leaves. And gold earrings. What kind of tree is this? (Birch)


Beauty has birch trees

The dress is silver.

Beauty has birch trees

Green braids.


We are around birch trees

Let's get into a round dance,

Joyfully and loudly

Everyone will sing.

Round dance with handkerchiefs “Birch”(music by R. Rustamova).

Leading. Look, birds are sitting on the branches of a birch tree. They returned from the hot days

countries Listen to how loudly they sing, rejoicing in the spring warmth.

An audio recording of birds singing is heard.

In the earliest spring

The forest singer will sing.

This is the chaffinch singing

About your beloved native land!

The finch will be the first to know

What a red spring is coming!

Leading. Let's sing a funny song for the birds.

Song "The Sun Has Friends"(music by Tilicheeva).


Tick-tweet, chirp-tweet.

Sparrow is a mischief maker!

He is happy with the warm sun

And greets the guys.

What is he singing about?

He invites us to play!

Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car” .

Leading. Look who's jumping between the trees? Gray, fluffy, with long ears and short tails (Hares).

Bunnies jump hop - hop

To the green meadow,

Nibble the grass

Play with us.

Outdoor game "Hares and wolves".

Words of the game: Bunnies gallop, hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow,

They pinch the grass and listen

Is there a wolf coming?

Leading. We've been walking through the forest for a long time, aren't you tired? Let's take a rest.

Children stand near the chairs and perform movements in accordance with the text


On a flat path

Our feet walked.

(They march in place).

Walking along the path

We're a little tired

(Sit on chairs).

Let's stroke our feet

And let's rest a little.

(Stroke their legs).

And we'll walk again

We are on a forest path.

(marching in place).

The bells rang.

Leading. Guys, it’s raining in the forest. And it's time for us to return.

Did you enjoy our walk?

Cheerful music plays and the children leave the hall.

Spirina Elena Gennadievna
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