Humpty Talk anonymous international. It was in vain that “Humpty Dumpty” angered Shoigu. Lewis Carroll and parsing in “The Chocolate Girl”

On the morning of August 14, 2014, Dmitry Medvedev’s Twitter was hacked: within 44 minutes, hackers controlled the prime minister’s official account. During this time they managed to write several tweets. The first tweet announced the prime minister's resignation due to "shame at the government's actions." Next, “Medvedev” wrote about the president’s upcoming speech in Yalta, criticized the annexation of Crimea to Russia and spoke about the abolition of the funded part of the pension. By 11:00, all tweets written by the hackers had been deleted. then wrote that the publication’s correspondent contacted a representative of the Anonymous International and asked him a question about hacking Medvedev’s Twitter.

“The official position of the team is that Twitter was not [hacked] by us. Unofficial - well, maybe. Well, they'll probably think about us. Since several of his [Medvedev’s] mailboxes and the contents of three iPhones fell into our hands quite by accident,”’s unnamed interlocutor responded on behalf of the group.

In August, the publication spoke with the authors of the blog “Humpty Dumpty” Look at me, to whom they told that the hacking of the Prime Minister’s Twitter was “timed” to coincide with Vladimir Putin’s speech in Yalta. Representatives of the Anonymous International claimed that they had seen drafts of the speech and considered it meaningless. They also said that Medvedev also has a personal Twitter account, which, in particular, is subscribed to politician Mikhail Khodorkovsky, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation Alexei Navalny and journalist Oleg Kashin.

A few days before this interview, Anonymous International published screenshots of several letters from different mailboxes that allegedly belonged to Medvedev. The hackers called the publication a response to “stupid initiatives in the field of tightening regulation on the Internet.” The blog noted that letters that fall into the hands of hackers are not of particular interest. Thus, Medvedev allegedly used the address for personal correspondence and linking to some services, and the address for “light work correspondence.”

According to hackers, Medvedev used the account to purchase new equipment and other goods in foreign online stores. Among them was the American Amazon: hackers noted that Amazon“is experiencing certain problems with delivering orders to protected facilities.” For purchases, someone else’s account and someone else’s credit card were used: they were issued in the name and work address of Vladimir Dyachenko, who, as he wrote The Insider, was the general director of several construction companies and the Harmony Foundation.

Dyachenko told the publication that he often buys things on the Internet, but has nothing to do with the prime minister and has never met him. He confirmed that he had made some of the purchases mentioned in the letters, but denied authorship of several of the letters. Among them was a letter discussing US and EU sanctions against Russia and a list of “current affairs” that was expanded several times, including a plan to equip a “full-fledged cinema hall” in the “main house.”

Kristina Potupchik and a bag of money

The famous photograph of the former press secretary of the Nashi movement, Kristina Potupchik, with a bag full of cash was published by Anonymous International in December 2014. Judging by the date on the computer screen, the photo was taken on October 17th. Hackers told The Insider, that in the photo, a member of the Public Chamber Potupchik is captured in the office of the former leader of the Young Guard, deputy head of the Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy Timur Prokopenko.

“It’s not known exactly how much was in the bag, but she received both five lyams and ten lyams [million rubles - MZ]. Just this time we decided to take a photo for reporting purposes. The loot was given to Potupchik for his current needs. She constantly works for the Presidential Administration [Presidential Administration - MOH]. Working in the blogosphere, paying bloggers, commentators, organizing events,” Anonymous International told the publication.

The Insider Potupchik also published another photo: she posed with the medal “For Services to the Fatherland,” II degree. The Anonymous International claimed that she received the medal “for organizing the campaign for Crimea.” Later, hackers published excerpts from Potupchik’s correspondence: reports on social media campaigns, a classification of Russian media by degree of opposition, and “propaganda recommendations.”

AP against Alexei Navalny and his associates

Anonymous International also published the correspondence of Prokopenko himself, a detailed analysis of which was made in December 2014 The Insider. From the letters and messages, in particular, it followed that Prokopenko was responsible for posting ordered materials about all criminal cases related to the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny. For example, in November 2013, Prokopenko received for approval a text about the Yves Rocher case, which was later published on Yevgeny Lavrov’s blog and on various resources dedicated to “compromising evidence against Navalny.”

Another time, Prokopenko received 24 pages of a report on the “working out” of Navalny’s topic on the Internet and a letter from Potupchik with screenshots of correspondence between Navalny and Vladimir Ashurkov, where they, in particular, discussed their sources in Alfa Group. From Prokopenko’s correspondence it follows that Anastasia Kashevarova, assistant to the general director of the publishing house, helped him in the media campaign against Navalny News Media Aram Gabrelyanov. Thus, Kashevarova was responsible for the publication in Izvestia of materials about the criminal case against Ashurkov’s common-law wife Alexandrina Markvo.

Prokopenko’s trace was also found in the case against the head of the FBK investigation department, Georgy Alburov, who was involved in the theft of the painting “Bad and Good Man” by amateur artist Sergei Sotov, who decorated a fence in Vladimir with his naive works. In June 2014, Prokopenko received a letter with a video recording in which Sotov noted that he had no complaints about the people removing his drawings from the fence. The next day, the video appeared in the “Emergency” program on the NTV channel - but Sotov’s words about the absence of complaints were cut out. In March 2015, hackers published SMS- correspondence between Prokopenko and a TV channel employee LifeNews Nikita Mogutin: on the evening of June 19, Mogutin received a disk with a video recording and instructions, and the next morning he informed Prokopenko that investigators had arrived at Navalny’s place.

The big hack of Aram Gabrelyanov

In the summer of 2016, Anonymous International announced the hacking of an email account in Facebook, and IPhone And iPad owned by the owner of the media holding News Media Aram Gabrelyanov. The hackers published correspondence, personal photographs and other files in parts (, , ,). Gabrelyanov’s assistant Anastasia Kashevarova had no doubt about the authenticity of what was published and wrote a post in defense of her boss, noted The Insider.

Gabrelyanov’s stolen correspondence discussed cooperation with pro-Kremlin publicists: for example, Alexander Prokhanov asked for 80 thousand rubles a month for weekly broadcasts. The nephew of the co-owner of the Izvestia newspaper Yuri Kovalchuk conveyed the request of businessman Vasily Anisimov to be removed from the channel on YouTube video recording of his debauchery. Vladimir Markin, who then held the post of press secretary of the Investigative Committee, discussed with Gabrelyanov the story of the fake law degree: according to Markin, this topic was raised by Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman. Employees Life approved the boss’s presentation of the topic of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, in particular, the version about the involvement of the Security Service of Ukraine.

Who is behind the Anonymous International?- this question haunted journalists throughout the three years of activity of the hacker group. One of the first to collect and systematize the versions discussed in near-political circles was Ekaterina Vinokurova from the first is the special services, the second is the PR agency KROS (Public Relations Development Company), whose president is the husband of the ex-chief editor of RIA Novosti Svetlana Mironyuk, Sergei Zverev, the third is the deputy head of the presidential administration, Alexei Gromov. Later, two more hypotheses were added to the list: “Humpty” is “these are fragments of the Nashi movement” or someone who is “connected with the group of German Klimenko, the owner Liventernet, who is also in contact with the AP.” At the same time, a man who introduced himself as Lewis and spoke on behalf of “Humpty” with Meduza correspondent Daniil Turovsky, insisted: “But we claim that we are an independent team. It’s simply often impossible to understand who the customer is. Sometimes we obtain information for intermediaries without knowing the end customer.”

A certain Kucherena (“Anonymous International” suggests that this is lawyer Anatoly Kucherena, author of books about Edward Snowden) was selling Life photos of Snowden for 100 thousand rubles each: Gabrelyanov bought one photo, which was used to advertise a mobile application Babo- this is the project of his son Ashot Gabrelyanov. It follows from the published array that Gabrelyanov Sr. paid special attention to materials about the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny. Authors Life and Izvestia agreed in advance with the boss on materials about the activities of the oppositionist.

Among the published files there are several faxes from Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Alexei Gromov, in which he asked Gabrelyanov to focus on certain topics. Despite cooperation with high-ranking officials, it follows from the correspondence that many of Gabrelyanov’s assets were experiencing financial difficulties: in the first quarter of 2016, the losses of the Izvestia newspaper amounted to almost 47.5 million rubles, and the zeolite processing plant owned by the media magnate had problems with government contracts.

Ministry of Defense against Spetsstroy

In July 2015, Anonymous International published screenshots of letters from Ksenia Bolshakova, who at the time of the correspondence was working as an assistant to the head of the Construction Department of the Ministry of Defense Roman Filimonov. From letters dated 2014, it follows that Bolshakova was interested in publications against the Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy), including in the Kommersant newspaper. For example, in November 2014, a certain Anna Gryazeva discussed with Bolshakova an article by journalist Ivan Safronov “Spetsstroy is disrupting the deadline for rearmament of a group of Russian troops in the South Kuril Islands” and its promotion on social networks.

Another letter to Bolshakova talked about paid bloggers: from Polina Bykhovskaya, the secretary of the Construction Department of the Ministry of Defense received a list of blogs and prices - from nine to 135 thousand rubles. In addition, the correspondence contains examples of tasks for “trolls” and reports on paid comments posted on forums and websites of various publications. Bolshakova’s interlocutor also explained to her the specifics of different social networks: Facebook- “for the smart ones”, “VKontakte” - “for the stupid ones”, “Odnoklassniki” - “for the completely stupid”. The Anonymous International suggested that the commissioned publications were paid for from the budget of the Ministry of Defense. The complete archive of letters from the Secretary of the Department of Construction of the Ministry of Defense, which fell into the possession of hackers, was put up for sale.

Ministry of Defense and custom publications

The published correspondence between Bolshakova and Bykhovskaya indicated prices for custom publications in various publications. Thus, in one of the letters “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, “Vedomosti”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets” and “Arguments and Facts” appear: there the “average price” of placement was 1.8 million rubles for half a page. According to Bykhovskaya, they advise “not to get involved” in the Kommersant newspaper, since there are cases when “they can agree with everything, take the money and not print it.”

The next letter mentioned Novaya Gazeta, Argumenty Nedeli, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Moskovsky Komsomolets and Argumenty i Fakty. The price of custom material for half a page in each of these publications ranges from 23 to 78 thousand dollars. In conversation with The Insider Bolshakova and Bykhovskaya did not deny the authenticity of the correspondence, but argued that the Ministry of Defense did not order any materials. Bolshakova stated that she was interested in the prices out of “journalistic curiosity.”

In addition, Anonymous International published a screenshot of Bolshakova’s correspondence with Lesya Ryabtseva, who at that time worked as an assistant to the editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, Alexei Venediktov. The letter contained a list of topics that Bolshakova proposed to discuss on Saturday broadcast. In conversation with The Insider the ex-official called this “coordination of topics” and stated that Ekho Moskvy was not paid for that broadcast. However, Ryabtseva told the publication about the agreement between the Ministry of Defense and “Echo of Moscow”, which concerned the programs “Arsenal” and “Military Council”. However, Ryabtseva could not explain what the essence of the agreement was.

Letters from Dmitry Kiselev

In April 2016, Anonymous International gained access to email and whatsapp TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev. The hackers put up the entire array of letters and messages for auction, publishing selected excerpts on their blog. From the publication one could, for example, find out that in February 2014, Kiselev bought an apartment with an area of ​​204 square meters on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow for 162 million rubles, and earlier, an American motor boat, the cost of which, together with accessories, was almost 49 thousand dollars.

Also, from the letters posted in the public domain, it follows that in 2016, police officers came to Kiselyov’s villa in Koktebel: the TV presenter’s neighbor complained about the inconvenience associated with his winery. Apparently, the complaint was not pursued, and the police had to come to Kiselev’s estate a second time - with an apology for the inconvenience caused and a promise not to disturb the owner in the future.

With the help of highly paid lawyers from London, Kiselev tried to get the sanctions lifted from his person; The TV presenter was going to involve Western PR agencies in this same task. However, as follows from the letters, he forgot to pay the lawyers, which is why the British lawyers wanted to stop cooperation.

IN whatsapp Kiselyov spoke in particular with the pranker “Vovan” and the former host of the “Rural Hour” program, director of the Department of Administrative Work and Interaction with the Regions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Konstantin Likutov. IN whatsapp Kiselev sent photographs of himself from a trip to Syria, on which his wife accompanied him.

Letters from the latter's mailbox also ended up in the possession of Anonymous International. The correspondence from the address of the TV presenter’s wife discussed the purchase of a thesis and finished scientific articles on psychiatry for further paid placement in specialized publications. The hackers noted that Maria Kiseleva made translations of educational literature at the expense of the state - in the translation department of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA: in particular, she studied literature on “perversions in borderline disorders” and “narcissistic and borderline psychopathology.”

In addition, Anonymous International published Kiselev’s correspondence with the head of the social philosophy sector of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Valentina Fedotova, who advised the TV presenter in the preparation of his programs. Thus, Fedotova insisted on “American criticism” of publicist Viktor Shenderovich, believing that this would be a “blow” for him, and wanted to “remove” Ksenia Sobchak from the public sphere. In March 2013, long before the start of Euromaidan, Fedotova gave Kiselyov advice on Ukrainian politics and asked her to increase her salary so that she would have enough for rest after an illness.


In September 2015, Anonymous International published official correspondence between employees of the “prosecutor’s office” and the “Ministry of State Security” of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. From the released files, dated from the end of 2014 to the beginning of 2015, it follows that the “departments” were in conflict with Alexander Zakharchenko and his associates: the MGB accused the head of the DPR of “leading a criminal group.”

Dozens of pages of the “Information on the destabilization of the political and economic situation in the DPR” contain corruption schemes involving separatist leaders, including the sale of seats in the elections to the “people’s council” of the DPR, held on November 2, 2014. The certificate states that fighters of some units kidnapped people for ransom, mentions torture, murder, theft of vehicles and raider takeovers of enterprises. The correspondence contains complaints from local residents about the actions of fighters of the separatist armed forces.

Among the published documents there is a report on the visits of the Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov: for example, it is alleged that in October 2014 he came to Donetsk for two days, accompanied by his associates and “criminal authorities.” During these days, the businessman allegedly held closed meetings with Zakharchenko, the “Minister of Revenue and Duties” of the DPR Alexander Timofeev and their proxies. Among the agreements reached as a result of these meetings were the appointment of Akhmetov’s people to the positions of “ministers” and “deputies of the people’s council” of the DPR. Zakharchenko and his associates were allegedly guaranteed “almost lifelong” retention of power with full financial support.

It is difficult to judge the reliability of the correspondence published by Anonymous International. However, among the published files were the results of a sociological express study among residents of Donetsk and Makeyevka, which was conducted from December 6 to December 9, 2014. From the results of the study it follows that the majority of respondents negatively assess the actions of the DPR authorities and what is happening in the territory controlled by the separatists, do not trust the “newly elected government” and are dissatisfied with the behavior of the DPR fighters and their attitude towards civilians.

Mail of the head of Roskomnadzor

In April 2015, Anonymous International claimed to have gained access to letters from the personal email of the head of Roskomnadzor, Alexander Zharov. “We are forced to acknowledge the fact that even the head of the relevant department uses personal email to discuss official and non-official issues of public interest,” the group’s blog said. The hackers published excerpts from the correspondence, noting that several personal letters were deleted from the array.

Most of the posted letters related to Zharov’s correspondence with Mikhail Demin, who on November 20, 2014 became an adviser to the general director of Echo of Moscow, and from December 23 to March 2015 served as the general director of the radio station. Thus, on February 24, Zharov received for approval videos from opposition politicians Boris Nemtsov and Mikhail Kasyanov, who called for participation in the opposition “Spring” march, scheduled for March 1. Demin also complained to the head of Roskomnadzor about non-fulfillment of salary agreements and discussed with him the blogs of Echo of Moscow employees, the radio station’s budget and the deprivation of Echo of Petersburg’s license.

In addition, in an excerpt from Zharov’s correspondence published by hackers, one can find a letter from entrepreneur Konstantin Malofeev, who lobbied for the Spas TV channel, comments on organizing an attack on the Dozhd TV channel for a survey about besieged Leningrad, a discussion of the “anti-blogger” law and ensuring the information security of the Unified State Exam. , as well as “analytics” related to Internet regulation.

“Putin’s personal chef” and his waiters

In May 2015, the Anonymous International blog published correspondence from employees of the Concord catering company. It belongs to businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is called “Putin’s personal chef” and the creator of the “troll factory” in Olgino, as well as attacks on St. Petersburg opposition bloggers. The Kremlin is also listed among Concorde's clients: the correspondence refers to dinners that were organized for Putin several years ago.

July 23, 2014 Roskomnadzor issued an order to block the blog “Humpty Dumpty” on On the same day, a representative of the department, Vadim Ampelonsky, told Kommersant that the reason for this decision was the appeal of a certain Igor Osadchy “to the Smolninsky District Court of St. Petersburg with a claim to recognize the information on this site as prohibited for distribution according to the Law “On Personal Data”.” .

The blog authors themselves linked the blocking to publications concerning the structures of Yevgeny Prigozhin. “According to our data, [this happened] at the suggestion of Concorde lawyers. Because of our reports on trolls and other Concorde matters,” representatives of Anonymous International told the newspaper.

“At the same time, the co-owner of Concord, Mr. Prigozhin, according to Humpty Dumpty, is actively involved in politics, and his structures are “surveilling and organizing provocations against oppositionists and the media” with the help of the Internet Research Agency. It was in the correspondence of one of the employees of this agency, Denis Osadchy, that the plaintiff or his namesake Igor Osadchy appeared. One of the letters written on his behalf contained a report on an information project with news portals and social networks,” Kommersant wrote.

The published array was parsed The Insider: The publication noted that in addition to the reports of the waiters who reported to Prigozhin about everything that happened at dinners, there were also Prigozhin’s memoirs, which he sent to his personal secretary Anastasia Gubareva. Thus, in a note about the events of October 18-19, 2011, Prigozhin admitted that he used contacts with Anatoly Serdyukov to obtain service contracts for the Ministry of Defense. In a memoir dated December 10, 2010, about a dinner with the Prime Minister of Finland, the businessman wrote that Putin personally helped him get the Eliseevsky grocery store in St. Petersburg.

Strelkov-Girkin mail: career and hobbies of Igor Ivanovich

In May 2014, Anonymous International published an archive of correspondence from Igor Strelkov (Girkin), the former “Minister of Defense” of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. A detailed analysis of the leak was made by Fontanka; the publication noted that from the array published by Anonymous International it follows: Strelkov “is really who he claimed to be - a retired Russian officer acting out of conviction.”

Igor Vsevolodovich Girkin was born in 1970 in Moscow. He studied to become a historian-archivist at the Moscow Institute of History and Archives, but “didn’t work a day in the profession”: in the early 1990s he fought as a volunteer in Transnistria and Bosnia, and later under contract in Chechnya. Since March 1996, Girkin served in the FSB, from 1999 to 2005 - almost continuously in Chechnya. Then, due to reduction, he was transferred to the reserve with the rank of colonel: the last place of work of the future “Minister of Defense” of the DPR was a company Marshall Capital Orthodox businessman Konstantin Malofeev. There, the retired security officer worked as a security consultant: from the correspondence, in particular, it follows that he coordinated the work of security during Malofeev’s trip to New York in September 2013.

Good salary from Marshall Capital Strelkov spent on his main hobby: machine guns from the First World War - "Maxims", "Hotchkiss" and "Schwarzlose". At the end of December 2013, Girkin was engaged in the restoration of the Schwarzlose and Colt, and in mid-January he was busy with the next Maxim. Since February, Girkin began going on certain business trips, and in March he became a freelance military adviser to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea, Sergei Aksenov. However, in response to a request for help with documents on March 31, Girkin replied that he himself had not received any official status at all and was staying in Crimea only through personal connections.

Another hobby of Girkin, as it turned out from the hacked correspondence, was fiction: for children he wrote fairy tales about brownies living in the old family estate of the Haldiborn knights, for adults - stories about the war in Bosnia and Chechnya. In addition, Girkin participated in the organization of the Noble Assembly, “where gentlemen of blue blood communicate with their equals.” Among the visitors to the meetings was Alexander Trubetskoy, a descendant of the Trubetskoy and Golitsyn princes living in Paris, who, together with Malofeev, was once on the board of directors of the state holding Svyazinvest.

Surkov Post: Ukraine, Abkhazia and South Ossetia

At the end of October 2016, the Ukrainian group “Cyberjunta” announced that the work email account of presidential aide Vladislav Surkov (, ,) had been hacked. Hackers published thousands of letters and documents, including scans of the foreign passports of Surkov, his wife and three children.

In Surkov's correspondence, the conversation was mainly about Ukraine, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Thus, among the published documents was the “Plan of priority measures to destabilize the situation in Ukraine “Shatun”” and a letter from Konstantin Malofeev, dated May 13, 2014. Attached to the letter was a list of candidates for the government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. As noted The Insider, people from this list actually received positions in the “government” of the DPR.

The influence that Surkov has on the separatists of eastern Ukraine is indirectly evidenced, for example, by a letter from the first vice-president of the Russian Wrestling Federation Georgy Bryusov, who conveyed a request to “ask for good” a fighter of the Luhansk battalion “Zarya” Alexander Slabiev with the call sign “Felix”, who “is a good performer when organizing PR projects.”

Among the documents posted by the hackers was a certain “Plan of priority measures for the development of laws and other regulatory legal acts” for Abkhazia, aimed at accelerating the socio-economic development of the republic. It is noteworthy that the bill “On Enforcement Proceedings” passed through the Russian Ministry of Justice.

According to a source from the Rosbalt agency, it was the circumstances of the publication of Surkov’s correspondence that were primarily of interest to FSB officers when they detained journalist Vladimir Anikeev in St. Petersburg at the end of October. As an interlocutor of Rosbalt, the intelligence service believes that he is not only involved in this leak, but is also the notorious “Lewis” - the creator of the blog “Humpty Dumpty” was previously known under this pseudonym.

The day before, law enforcement officers conducted a search in the apartment of the former deputy head of the FSB CIB Sergei Mikhalkov. About $12 million in cash was seized from him.

The hackers from Humpty Dumpty first became known in 2013. A few hours before the New Year, they published a congratulatory speech from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the secretariat of Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov and many others became victims of cybercriminals.

The group was led by Vladimir Anikeev, known under the pseudonym “Lewis”. The hacker hacked into the computers of officials and asked for money for non-publication of data.

Vladimir Anikeev was detained in the fall of 2016. In December of the same year, Sergei Mikhailov and his subordinate Dmitry Dokuchaev were arrested. The head of the cybercrime investigation department at Kaspersky Lab, Ruslan Stoyanov, is also involved in the case.


Blogosphere opinion

Three years of work by the FSB have yielded good results. The group was taken almost entirely. There are currently 6 people under arrest. Four detainees are known: journalist Vladimir Anikeev, head of the FSB Information Security Center Sergei Mikhailov and his right-hand man Dmitry Dokuchaev, as well as the head of the computer incident investigation department of Kaspersky Lab Ruslan Stoyanov.

The last three were arrested after Anikeev was detained. He turned them in. Mikhailov and Dokuchaev have been charged with treason; Anikeev and Stoyanov are currently charged with Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal access to computer information”).

The last three were arrested after Anikeev was detained. Mikhailov and Dokuchaev have been charged with treason; Anikeev and Stoyanov are currently charged with Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal access to computer information”).

The media are highlighting the circumstances surrounding the identification of Anikeev. While giving an interview to the online resource “Medusa” in Bangkok, which was published in January 2015, Lewis made a mistake and allowed the journalist to photograph his hat as confirmation that the interview was real. Stupid move. But even before that, on his page on the VKontakte social network, Vladimir Anikeev posted photographs from Bangkok wearing this hat.

However, this is not the most interesting thing. For ordinary citizens, is the question of the welfare of “domestic” officials much more interesting? The people have a question that arose from the housekeeper and wife to citizen Gorbunkov - Where did they get that kind of money?! After all, the size of the kickbacks ranged from 10 million rubles, and this was not the last money. Far from being the last... But this is a blow to the president as well. None of those who gave "Humpty Dumpty" their hands were fired or imprisoned. But we have declared a war against corruption...

As an interlocutor familiar with the investigation told Life, hackers from Shaltai-Boltai have come to the attention of the FSB since the beginning of 2014. The development and establishment of their identities took almost three years. And in October 2016, the founder of the group, a certain Lewis Carroll, was detained (the hackers took their names from the children’s book “Alice in Wonderland”). It turned out to be journalist Vladimir Anikeev. He was detained not in St. Petersburg, as some media claim, but practically on the border of Belarus and Russia.

The founder of Shaltai often visited St. Petersburg. And he constantly stayed at the Angleterre Hotel, where the poet Sergei Yesenin once died. The craving for life on a grand scale and the desire for fame, by the way, led to the fact that Lewis Carroll was declassified. While giving an interview to Meduza in Bangkok, which was published in January 2015, Lewis made a mistake and allowed the journalist to photograph his hat as confirmation that the interview was real. A stupid confirmation, of course. But before that, on his VK page, Vladimir Anikeev posted photographs from Bangkok wearing this hat.

As you can see, we slept on little. The level of detainees is impressive: Four are known: journalist Vladimir Anikeev, head of the FSB Information Security Center Sergei Mikhailov and his right-hand man Dmitry Dokuchaev, as well as the head of the computer incident investigation department of Kaspersky Lab Ruslan Stoyanov.

I am watching with interest (probably like all of you) the story of the caught hackers - the Humpty Dumpty group.

I think there was no doubt that they would be caught.

It was only a matter of time.

And the fact that high-ranking officials are involved is also probably quite expected.

This is what intrigued me:

“According to the case materials, many Russian high-ranking officials and businessmen paid Shaltai-Boltai so that their correspondence not only would not be sold to others or published, but that it would not even be put up for auction.

The correspondence of those who did not make a deal with the hackers was published for two reasons - either those “opened” had nothing to hide, or they were confident that their roof was stronger and the publication of compromising evidence would not lead to their resignation or other consequences. Those who were afraid of uncovering some kind of corruption schemes and their dishonest attitude towards their partners were ready to pay a lot of money for the silence of “Humpty”.

Vladimir Anikeev, the alleged leader of Shaltai-Boltai. Photo from personal VKontakte page

How quickly everything changed! Until recently, the abbreviation “organized criminal group” terrified entire cities. Remember? Orekhovskaya, Solntsevskaya, Tambovskaya... Racketeering, extortion, bloody showdowns, then it was enough to turn on the TV in the morning to look at the victims of killers and the consequences of criminal showdowns.

Today it is difficult to imagine such pictures; all this remained in the 90s. But crime has not disappeared. Everything just moved from the streets to the offices of officials. And modern bandits prefer computers to firearms.

History books will later write that the history of organized crime groups of the 21st century began with the arrest of the Humpty Dumpty group! For several years they terrorized the country's leaders and top managers of large companies, extorting millions of dollars from them. And no one understood what to do with them, because anyone with a smartphone could become a victim of the new bandits. I’m sure that soon someone will make a movie about Humpty. In the meantime, I’ve put together a brief history, in case you don’t understand what I’m talking about...


In December, Sergei Mikhailov (deputy head of the FSB Information Security Center), Dmitry Dokuchaev (a former hacker and then an employee of the FSB Information Security Center) and Ruslan Stoyanov (head of the computer incident investigation department at Kaspersky Lab) were detained in the case of treason.


It turned out that Mikhailov oversaw the activities of the hacker group “Humpty Dumpty”, and Dokuchaev was the direct perpetrator of hacks and leaks! It is not yet very clear what Stoyanov is suspected of, but he is a secondary person in this story.

WHAT IS Humpty Dumpty?

You've probably heard about Humpty Dumpty, even if you don't remember it. This is a hacker group that is actually called Anonymous International. And “Humpty Dumpty” is such a “press service”, on behalf of which all the leaks were published. Therefore, between these two names everyone puts an equal sign.

“Humpty Dumpty” was engaged in hacking the mobile devices of officials and businessmen, and then leaking archives of their correspondence onto the network. At first he did it for free, but then the group members decided not to miss the opportunity to earn money. They contacted the owner of the correspondence and offered him to buy it back. If he refused, then the correspondence was put up on an information exchange, where anyone could buy it for bitcoins. “Humpty Dumpty” earned more than two million dollars on the stock exchange alone.

Here is a brief summary of their loudest leaks:

December 2013 Leaking the text of Vladimir Putin's New Year's address. On New Year's Eve, Putin repeated it word for word.

March 2014 Leaking recommendations from the Presidential Administration on how to properly cover the topic of Crimea on federal channels.

August 2014 Hacking of Dmitry Medvedev's email and Twitter. “Humpty Dumpty” did it for fun: “they just decided to troll.” Then the famous posts “I am resigning” appeared on Twitter. I'm ashamed of the government's actions. Sorry" and "I've been wanting to say this for a long time. Wow! You're wrong!".

December 2014 Publication of a photograph of Kristina Potupchik (former press secretary of the Nashi movement) with a bag full of money. In addition to this, her correspondence was published. From the correspondence it was clear that Potupchik wrote reports to officials about which media too often scold the authorities.

December 2014 Leaked correspondence of Timur Prokopenko (Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy). From the correspondence it became clear that Prokopenko was responsible for posting ordered articles against Alexei Navalny. Anastasia Kashevarova (assistant to the general director of the News Media publishing house Aram Gabrelyanov) helped him in this.

April 2015 Hacking of the email of Alexander Zharov (head of Roskomnadzor). In particular, Zharov corresponded with Mikhail Demin (former general director of Echo of Moscow). Zharov coordinated materials and discussed the work of the radio station.

July 2015 Publication of screenshots of letters from Ksenia Bolshakova (former assistant to the head of the Department of Construction of the Ministry of Defense), in which she discussed the publication of jeans in Kommersant, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Vedomosti and other newspapers.

September 2015 Publication of official documents and correspondence of officials of the self-proclaimed DPR. They contain information about corruption schemes, torture, kidnappings, murders and raider takeovers.

April 2016 Dmitry Kiselev's correspondence leaked. From it it became known that Kiselev bought himself an apartment for 162 million rubles and a boat for 49 thousand dollars. Letters were also found in which Kiselev agreed on how various events should be covered in television programs.

August 2016 Hacking of Aram Gabrelyanov's mail and correspondence. Many details from his personal and working life became known. Gabrelyanov was offered to buy back his correspondence, but he refused. As a result, it was published in parts, to the delight of the media manager’s many haters. In general, the situation did not greatly damage the image of Aram Ashotych, since it could not get worse.

October 2016 Hacking of the mail of presidential aide Vladislav Surkov. It contained the “Plan of priority measures to destabilize the situation in Ukraine “Shatun”” and a list of candidates for the government of the self-proclaimed DPR. (This leak was published on the website of the Ukrainian hacker group CyberJunta, but many still attribute it to Humpty)


It is known that there were a little more than ten people in “Humpty Dumpty”. The founder of Humpty Dumpty, nicknamed Lewis, stated this in an anonymous interview with Meduza. Rosbalt published information about six of them.

Lewis (Vladimir Anikeev)- former journalist and black PR specialist. For a long time, he was engaged in extracting incriminating evidence on businessmen and officials by order. After creating Humpty Dumpty, he acquired professional equipment and began hacking smartphones and tablets of officials from the Presidential Administration. He sent the information he obtained to other members of the group.

Dumpty- a major St. Petersburg PR specialist. He communicated with hacked officials, businessmen and security officials and offered them to buy back the correspondence before they were leaked online. Thus he decided what would be published and what would not. It was he who received money for posting or not posting other people's correspondence.

Humpty- an IT specialist from St. Petersburg who moved to live in Estonia. He sorted through the content Lewis sent and chose what he could get money for. At the direction of Dumpty and Lewis, he posted leaked correspondence and documents on the Internet.

The Hatter and the March Hare- ordinary participants of “Humpty Dumpty”, in life they are IT specialists. We performed technical work, kept accounting for the resource, and processed content. Both moved to live in Thailand.

Alice- a girl from Ukraine, Lewis's friend. She carried out various assignments and did field work, visiting the same cafes where employees of the Presidential Administration gathered.

And judging by information from anonymous sources, all these guys were supervised by an FSB officer, namely the deputy head of the FSB Information Security Center, Sergei Mikhailov.


Lewis (Vladimir Anikeev) was detained in November 2016 - a month before Mikhailov’s arrest. According to Rosbalt, he actively cooperated with the investigation and mentioned Mikhailov more than once in his testimony. It is also known that at the same time as Lewis, Alexander Filinov and Konstantin Teplyakov were detained in the same case. It is not yet clear who they were in Humpty Dumpty. The FSB has put several more members of Shaltai-Boltai on the wanted list.


Almost. A few days ago it became known that Mikhailov and Dokuchaev not only participated in the work of a hacker group, but also collaborated with the CIA! Interfax, citing its source, reported that “the topics of hacker attacks and betrayal seem to overlap each other in the case, but do not intersect.”


FSB employees Sergei Mikhailov and Dmitry Dokuchaev and Kaspersky Lab employee Ruslan Stoyanov were charged under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “High treason”.

Humpty Dumpty participants Vladimir Anikeev, Alexander Filinov and Konstantin Teplyakov were charged under Part 3 of Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal access to legally protected computer information.”

Most of the members of the hacker group are wanted.

On Saturday, January 28, Rosbalt reported that FSB officers in St. Petersburg detained the creator of the Humpty Dumpty website, Vladimir Anikeev, better known in certain circles as Lewis. As the agency learned, the special operation was the result of a long work, during which the man was lured out of the territory of Ukraine.

Anikeev was taken to Moscow, where the FSB Investigation Department charged him under Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Illegal access to computer information).

The pinnacle of Lewis’s “career” was the publication of correspondence allegedly belonging to Vladislav Surkov. A group of Ukrainian hackers calling themselves the “Cyber ​​Junta” claimed responsibility for it in October 2016. But over the years of “creativity”, other familiar names appeared every now and then in the “plums” of “Humpty Dumpty”. Rosbalt recalls the most resonant publications.

Putin's New Year's address

A few hours before the onset of 2013, the Anonymous International organization published a New Year's address from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Then, for the first time in history, the head of state recorded two congratulations - this was connected with the terrorist attacks in Volgograd. The hackers had at their disposal the text of a version recorded not at the walls of the Kremlin, but read from the Far East, where the president arrived to help those affected by a natural disaster.

"Temniki" for federal channels

People started talking about a mysterious group that publishes various secret documents in 2014. Then journalists received a number of letters, including with a script for a rally in support of Crimea, data from closed opinion polls on the issue of annexing the peninsula to Russia, and reports on the activities of the Young Guard of United Russia.

On March 31, the Anonymous International blog published a link to documents in which, as stated, “the administration of the President of the Russian Federation prescribed the emphasis of coverage of certain topics.” Allegedly, the heads of federal channels were given instructions on how to show certain events. For example, in a story about a meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, it should have been explained that “over 23 years of being part of independent Ukraine, Crimea, due to the fault of the Kiev authorities, has mainly degraded,” and “the goal of the Russian government now is to ensure the establishment of a new life on the peninsula , bring Crimea to all-Russian standards in quality of life.”

That was just the beginning. Later, Humpty Dumpty published huge amounts of correspondence allegedly belonging to the heads of some media outlets.

Exposing the Kremlin chef

On May 23, 2014, Anonymous International posted a photograph with the headline “A small announcement for Monday” and a quote from Victor Pelevin’s novel Empire V. The picture depicted Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev and the famous entrepreneur Yevgeny Prigozhin, owner of the Concord company, which is part of the among the main food suppliers for the Administration of the President of Russia. He is also credited with overseeing the so-called “Troll Factory” in St. Petersburg, whose employees are engaged in posting comments on the Internet on political topics.

Three days later, correspondence from alleged employees of the Internet Research Agency was published, containing various documents, reports, notes, estimates of the so-called “trolls.” And then another portion. The letters contained, among other things, a mention of a certain confidential certificate that must be given to “Volodin” and “EV”.

According to Anonymous International, the “troll factory” was engaged not only in commenting and promoting news on the Internet. Allegedly, employees of the Internet Research Agency infiltrated their agents into a number of media outlets. Thus, Andrei M. described the work of one of the state news agencies: “Opposition actions are reflected with skepticism. We try to write about power in a positive way, but without breathiness, so as not to alienate readers.”

Another publication is related to Kremlin cuisine. The hackers allegedly obtained correspondence from employees of a catering company, which tells about what happened at dinners organized for high-ranking officials of the state. One of the reports is entitled: “February 15, 2013, Moscow, RGO restaurant Birthday of S.B. Ivanov with the participation of V.V. Putin.” According to the document, the menu that day included marinated Vasileostrovskaya smelt and black caviar with pancakes, as well as Somali ostrich meat, crocodile, goat meat, gray shark, and piranha. “Hot food was served on stones with meat from exotic animals and fish. Putin V.V. I ate grilled beef for main course,” the report says.

More than a year passed between the series of above-mentioned publications, during which time Roskomnadzor blocked access to the blog of the anonymous group “Humpty Dumpty”.

Medvedev's "resignation"

On August 14, 2014, it became known that the Twitter of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was hacked. Within a few minutes, the following entries appeared on his account: “I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time. Wow! You’re wrong”, “I’ll become a freelance photographer anyway!”, “I’m resigning. I'm ashamed of the government's actions. Sorry".

The fact of the hack was subsequently confirmed by the prime minister’s press service, noting that “the latest messages posted on the microblog are not true.”

On the same day, representatives of “Anonymous International” for hacking Medvedev’s account.

Correspondence of Timur Prokopenko

In December, hackers announced that they allegedly had personal letters and SMS correspondence from the deputy head of the internal policy department of the presidential administration.

SMS correspondence contains links to various news of a political nature, discussion of recent events - special attention is paid to Ukraine. There is, for example, the following message: “Youth organizations will lay candles and flowers at the Ukrainian Embassy (Address: Moscow, Leontyevsky Lane, 18) in memory of those killed at the hands of Bendera in Odessa. Number of participants in the event: 100 people. Time 20:00. Zhen, write to all the channels with information about this promotion for their decision and call, write to me, who will definitely be there if possible, but don’t drive me away.”

It was also reported about the cooperation of the Kremlin with State Duma deputies.

In addition, the letters indicated that the presidential administration was engaged in a campaign against Alexei Navalny.

Hacking of Kiselev and Gabrelyanov

2016 brought unpleasant news for two Russian media managers at once. At the end of April, Anonymous International announced the hacking of mailboxes and the Whatsapp messenger belonging to the famous TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev.

“The main part of the correspondence is occupied by letters related to Kiselev’s professional activities - the TV project “Russia Today” and everything connected with it, information about finances and assets, both personal and related to VGTRK television projects, is also presented. There is also a large amount of other very interesting information,” the hackers’ message said.

Some of the correspondence was put up for sale, some was in the public domain. From the published screenshots it follows that “Dmitry” corresponded with a man named Vladimir Kuznetsov, known as the pranker Vovan.

The archive also contains a letter from Vladimir Medinskiy, in which he asks to employ his friend in the Rossiya Segodnya news agency headed by Kiselev. In addition, the data array contains personal photographs of Kiselev, for example, from a “tourist trip” with his wife to Syria.”

A group of hackers put the correspondence up for auction with a starting price of 33 bitcoins, that is, just under $15,000. It is unknown whether anyone bought the archive.

At the end of June 2016, Anonymous International struck the head of the News Media holding Aram Gabrelyanov. The hackers put the complete archive with photographs and videos up for auction, and published some of them on their blog.

According to the hackers, the archive contains information about the LifeNews working kitchen, the channel’s accounting, as well as “letters of indignation from journalists fired from the editorial office.” So, in the file there is a letter from a certain Leysan S., who sends a report with information about employees to the addressee signed by Aram Gabrelyanov. Among them, as the author notes, there are those “from whom you can expect not very good news in relation to the team.”

Among the letters there is a price tag that famous writers and political scientists are supposedly ready to ask for their speeches. As well as screenshots of SMS correspondence, which contains, among other things, promises to delete unwanted information.

Ilya Davlyatchin

The FSB has put several members of the hacker group “Humpty Dumpty” on the wanted list, also known as “Anonymous International”. The name of the project comes from the character of many classic English children's poems (English: Humpty Dumpty), who is a large humanoid egg with a tie. His image was also used Lewis Carroll in "Alice Through the Looking Glass".

According to the Investigative Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation, persons living in the territory of one of the Baltic countries and in Thailand have been put on the wanted list. All of them are suspected of committing a crime under Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Illegal access to computer information). According to investigators, these individuals were engaged in processing the stolen correspondence of government employees, and then posted it to the public on the Internet.

Earlier, FSB officers detained the creator of the Shaltai-Boltaya website. Vladimir Anikeev, better known by his pseudonym Lewis. After his arrest in October 2016, Anikeev began to cooperate with the investigation and gives detailed testimony, media reports.

What is known about the creator and activities of the Humpty Dumpty project?

Vladimir Anikeev was born in Makhachkala. In the 1990s, after moving to St. Petersburg, he worked in various media. Since 2001, after meeting a number of St. Petersburg PR people, he began to extract dirt on businessmen and officials. And then, depending on the situation, either this compromising evidence was transferred to the client-interested, or money was demanded from officials and businessmen for not distributing it in the media.

In 2002-2003, with the help of hackers, he began hacking the mail of representatives of government agencies and entrepreneurs, posted “compromising” articles in the media, organized stories on TV, etc. Later, he reached a new level - he acquired professional equipment with which he could create false WI-FI networks and false cells of mobile operators.

When there was a lot of information, it was decided to launch the “Humpty Dumpty” project, the participants of which took pseudonyms from the work “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll.

The group first showed itself on December 31, 2013, when it published the text of its New Year's message. Russian President Vladimir Putin, and not the original version (recorded in advance near the walls of the Kremlin), but read by him from the Far East, where he arrived to help the local population affected by the natural disaster.

In May 2014, the group posted a series of letters from various officials lobbying the interests of the Concord food plant, of which it is a co-owner. Evgeny Prigozhin, which, according to project activists, is engaged in “surveillance and organization of provocations against oppositionists and the media.”

In mid-July 2014, emails from a gmail account allegedly belonging to Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich. Attached to these letters were files with information about the restructuring of Mechel and the “tax maneuver” in the oil industry.

On August 4, 2014, hackers hacked a Twitter account. Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

At the end of October, the group published correspondence, one of the parties to which was allegedly Head of the Secretariat of First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov Yuri Ghazaryan. The materials describe the situation in the Russian banking system, including in individual credit institutions.

In 2015, the group put up correspondence for sale press secretary of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Natalia Timakova.

In 2016, hackers announced the hacking and theft of the contents of two mailboxes and WhatsApp correspondence of a TV presenter Dmitry Kiselyov.

In the summer of 2016, searches were carried out in structures associated with Shaltai-Boltai. As a result of inspections in October 2016, it was decided to lure Anikeev to St. Petersburg under the pretext of receiving a large sum for one job. However, instead of a suitcase with money, FSB operatives were waiting for him in the northern capital.

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