Siberian State Transport University. Siberian State Transport University Sgoops list of admitted students

On September 7, the III Parade of Russian Students took place in Novosibirsk. More than a thousand students of SGUPS marched in a single and friendly column from the State Public Library for Science and Technology to the square named after. Lenin. The column passed under a huge number of flags and banners. The participants included not only first-year students, but also senior students along with teachers. The students’ motto “We will connect a big country with roads and bridges - SGUPS-NIIZHT-NIVIT” united all the children into one big family. The parade ended with a grand concert on the square. Lenin. The headliner was the pop group MBAND. The Minister of Education of the NSO S.V. addressed the first-year students with welcoming words and congratulations. Fedorchuk and rectors of Novosibirsk universities. Students from different universities showed their creative performances, including the dance group of our university Dance-crew “NEW ERA” and the pop vocal studio “Na-Zare”.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF THE OPEN INTERNATIONAL INTERNET OLYMPIADS 2018-2019 academic year! More than 140 students participated in 10 Regional and International Internet Olympiads in five disciplines: “Strength of Materials”, “Theoretical Mechanics”, “Physics”, “Ecology”, “Informatics” and received 9 awards, including 1 Gold, 2 Silver and 1 Bronze medal. GOLD MEDAL: INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIAD ON STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Shatalov Alexander Sergeevich (SMT-411) Faculty of Bridges and Tunnels. SILVER MEDAL: INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIAD ON STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Pinyazhin Sergey Viktorovich (SMT-411), Nechaeva Maria Vladimirovna (SMT-412) Faculty of “Bridges and Tunnels”. BRONZE MEDAL: INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIAD IN THEORETICAL MECHANICS Morozov Sergey Mikhailovich (SMT-313) Faculty of Bridges and Tunnels. In connection with the successful participation of university students in the annual Open International Internet Olympiads of the 2018-2019 academic year (OIIO - Open International Internet-Olympiad) and the high results achieved, the Organizing Committee of the Internet Olympiads awarded SGUPS the honorary title: “WINNER OF THE OPEN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT INTERNET-Olympiads 2019” OF THE YEAR" Congratulations to the students - winners and team leaders! Let participation in events of such a high level and the results achieved become a good tradition of our university! NTTM Council

Traditionally, students of specialized classes at the SGUPS Center for Pre-University Education took part in the Knowledge Day together with first-year students of the university. After the ceremonial ceremony, they were presented with grade books and warm parting words were said by the teachers. At the end of the holiday, the children took part in sports competitions.

Siberian State Transport University is one of the leading technical universities in Russia in the transport industry. The university trains specialists in the field of railway transport, transport construction, economics, management, service, transport law, and information technology.

In recent years, the international fame of the university has increased: students and interns from European and Asian countries come to study with us. The authority of the university is especially high in the countries of East Asia: the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Japan.

SGUPS students actively study foreign languages ​​and undergo internships abroad (Germany, China, France, R. Korea, Japan, etc.). To improve the quality of students’ knowledge and motivation for learning, including foreign languages, foreign internships for students were organized in Japan, China, and South Korea in 2014-2015. It is also worth noting the university’s work in preparing leadership classes with foreign business trips to Austria and Germany.

SGUPS is developing “double degree” programs with universities in China and the UK. Such programs are currently being implemented by two Chinese universities: Beijing Transport University and Binghai University (Qingdao). For the first two years, students study at their home university, then change universities for the next two years. Having completed their studies, they defend their diploma at two universities in Russian at SGUPS and in Chinese in China - and ultimately receive two diplomas: Russian and Chinese.

The Siberian State University of Transport has created all the conditions for training qualified specialists in the field of railway transport, transport construction, economics, management, service, transport law, and information technology.

Currently, the university is a leading educational complex. It includes the Institute of Advanced Transport Technologies and Personnel Retraining and the Novosibirsk Technical School of Railway Transport. The university has 3 branches in Novoaltaisk, Belovo and Tomsk, where they graduate specialists with secondary vocational education.

The pride of the university is its library with several reading rooms and a million-dollar fund of educational, scientific and fiction literature. Information about the library and its collections is included in the World Guide to Libraries. On the campus there are compactly located educational and laboratory buildings, a railway training ground with real railway equipment and a unique stand for shock testing of rolling stock, housing, sports and recreational complexes, business units. The university has dormitories, canteens and a clinic.

In a picturesque suburban area there is a training geodetic training ground, where in the summer students undergo geodetic, geological and hydrometric practice.

The university has created all the conditions for the development of creative abilities and talents of students: there is a student trade union organization and a cultural and leisure center, vocal and dance groups, a drama theater, newspapers are published, there is a television studio and a radio center.

During the winter holidays, the SGUPS propaganda train runs its route along a number of railways in the region, and its participants - students and university staff - carry out a lot of career guidance, educational and cultural work. The route, as a rule, includes large railway stations, where participants of the propaganda train attend secondary general and vocational educational institutions.

SGUPS has an excellent sports base, including ski facilities; modern swimming pool; Sports House (game room, wrestling room, weightlifting room, physical therapy room); stadium with a football field; mini-football field; running tracks and sports grounds; an outdoor tennis court with two playgrounds and gyms in educational buildings, a shooting range.

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  • Points for receiving documents by visiting admissions committees
  • Information about the hostel
  • Information on the number of places in dormitories for non-resident applicants
  • Schedule of entrance exams based on university materials
  • Appeal clause
  • Information about postal addresses for sending documents required for admission
  • Information about email addresses for sending documents required for admission in electronic form

    Dear friends! Now is an important time for you - it’s time to choose your future specialty. Maybe you will choose one of those that train engineers, economists and managers at the Siberian State University of Transport and Communications - SGUPS.

    Transport is the most important sector of the country's national economy. Working here is interesting and honorable. The significant growth of Russia’s transport infrastructure and the upcoming scientific and technological revolution of the 21st century obliges higher education to actively and purposefully train young personnel so that today they can fully answer the difficult questions of tomorrow.

    The Siberian State Transport University, one of the oldest educational institutions in Novosibirsk, the first transport university in the Asian part of Russia, and one of the leading technical universities in the transport industry in the Russian Federation, also makes a significant contribution to solving this problem. It was founded on September 25, 1932. During its history it has changed several names:
    - 1932-1933. - Novosibirsk Railway Construction Institute of Railway Transport Engineers;
    - 1933-1934- Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers named after the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution (NIIT);
    - 1934-1953- Novosibirsk Institute of Military Transport Engineers (NIVIT);
    - 1953-1993- Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (NIIZHT);
    - 1993-1997- Siberian State Academy of Transport.
    - since 1997- Siberian State Transport University.

    Established as a track and construction institute of railway transport engineers, over its 80-year history it has gone through a long path of formation and development and has become the largest educational complex in Siberia, taking a leading position in the industry. By training and retraining highly qualified specialists and developing high-tech technologies, the university has always contributed to progressive changes in the field of transport and transport construction, and the achievements of the university staff are well known both in the country and abroad.

    In 2007, SGUPS became the laureate of the III National Public Award of the transport industry “Golden Chariot”, winning in the category “Leader of Transport Science and Education of Russia”. In 2008, within the walls of this particular university, under the chairmanship of the head of government V.V. Putin, a meeting was held at which The "Strategy for the Development of Transport of the Russian Federation until 2030" was adopted.

    In 2012, the university celebrated its 80th anniversary.

    In 2013, according to the “Quality of Admission to Universities” rating, prepared by the Higher School of Economics and RIA Novosti at the request of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, SGUPS took 1st place among Russian railway universities in a technical profile. In the field of "transport vehicles" it took 1st place among universities in Novosibirsk and among railway universities in Russia.

    In 2014, the student construction team “Echelon” became the best team at the All-Russian construction site “Vostochny Cosmodrome”. This victory is not the first for the detachment; it already became the best at the All-Russian student construction site “Sochi-2009”; in 2012 and 2013, the SSO “Echelon” became the best detachment in the Novosibirsk region. In 2015, the student construction team “Steel Track” became the best at the All-Russian construction site “Vostochny Cosmodrome” at the first stage of the construction season.

    In recent years, the international fame of the university has increased: students and interns from European and Asian countries come to study with us. The authority of the university is especially high in the countries of East Asia: the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Japan.

    SGUPS students actively study foreign languages ​​and undergo internships abroad (Germany, China, France, R. Korea, Japan, etc.). To improve the quality of students’ knowledge and motivation for learning, including foreign languages, in 2014-2015 foreign internships were organized for students in Japan, China, and South Korea. It is also worth noting the university’s work in preparing leadership classes with foreign business trips to Austria and Germany.

    SGUPS is developing “double degree” programs with universities in China and the UK. Such programs are currently being implemented by two Chinese universities: Beijing Transport University and Binghai University (Qingdao). For the first two years, students study at their home university, then change universities for the next two years. Having completed their studies, they defend their diploma at two universities in Russian at SGUPS and in Chinese in China - and in the end they receive two diplomas: Russian and Chinese.

    The same program is being implemented at the Faculty of Engineering and Economics. In addition to Novosibirsk teachers, the 12 master's students in the Industrial Management program are supported by the teaching staff of the University of the West of Scotland. The graduate will simultaneously receive two diplomas of higher education: Russian and British.

    The Siberian State University of Transport has created all the conditions for training qualified specialists in the field of railway transport, transport construction, economics, management, service, transport law, and information technology.

    Currently, the university is a leading educational complex. It includes the Institute of Advanced Transport Technologies and Personnel Retraining and the Novosibirsk Technical School of Railway Transport. The university has 3 branches in Novoaltaisk, Belovo and Tomsk, where they graduate specialists with secondary vocational education.

    Today the university trains students at 10 faculties. More than 11 thousand students study on a budgetary and contract basis and gain knowledge under the guidance of highly qualified teachers, including professors and doctors of science, associate professors and candidates of science, as well as academicians and corresponding members of various academies. It is no coincidence that SGUPS students actively participate in scientific events and take high places, becoming winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads, competitions and conferences.

    More than 2,000 people graduate from SGUPS every year. All years there is a traditional placement of young specialists and assistance in finding employment.

    The university has a well-equipped technical and laboratory base necessary for training engineering personnel and performing scientific research (numerous computer classes for general and special purposes, educational laboratories and classrooms equipped with technical teaching aids - projection installations, audio and video equipment, language equipment, a video library, and also research laboratories and scientific research centers).

    The pride of the university is the library with several reading rooms and a million-dollar fund of educational, scientific and fiction literature. Information about the library and its holdings is included in World Guide to Libraries.

    On the campus there are compactly located educational and laboratory buildings, a railway training ground with real railway equipment and a unique stand for shock testing of rolling stock, housing stock, sports and recreational complexes, and business units. The university has dormitories, canteens and a clinic.

    In a picturesque suburban area there is a training geodetic training ground, where in the summer students undergo geodetic, geological and hydrometric practice.

    The university has created all the conditions for the development of creative abilities and talents of students: there is a student trade union organization and a cultural and leisure center, vocal and dance groups, a drama theater, newspapers are published, there is a television studio and a radio center.

    During the winter holidays, a number of railways in the region lay out their own routes. propaganda train of SGUPS, and its participants - students and university staff - carry out a great deal of career guidance, educational and cultural work. The route, as a rule, includes large railway stations, where participants of the propaganda train attend secondary general and vocational educational institutions.

    SGUPS has an excellent sports base, including ski facilities; modern swimming pool; Sports House (game room, wrestling room, weightlifting room, physical therapy room); stadium with a football field; mini-football field; running tracks and sports grounds; an outdoor tennis court with two playgrounds and gyms in educational buildings, a shooting range.

    How is the big holiday celebrated? traditional defense sports relay race, in which several hundred students and fans of this interesting and exciting sports competition take part. . In 2015, the 75th anniversary “defense industry” was held, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The defense sports relay race of SGUPS is an event that has no analogues among educational institutions. The relay includes more than 20 different stages, including running, crawling with mines, disassembling a machine gun, biathlon, carrying a wounded person, etc. In addition to faculty teams, graduates, employees of the West Siberian Railway, students of university branches and students of the Center take part in the relay pre-university education at SGUPS.

    Dear applicants! Come to the Siberian State Transport University and see everything for yourself!

    Source: Electronic catalog of the industry department in the direction of “Jurisprudence”
    (libraries of the Faculty of Law) Scientific Library named after. M. Gorky St. Petersburg State University

    Rules for admission to the Siberian State University of Transport.

    Full text of the document:

    Rules for admission to the Siberian State Transport University (standard)

    1. Are common
      1.1 The Siberian State University of Railway Transport (SGUPS-NIIZhT) admits citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, as well as persons who are granted equal rights with citizens of the Russian Federation to receive higher professional education by the Laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the government, and federal educational authorities. This category of applicants has the right to receive a free higher professional education on a competitive basis if education at this level is obtained for the first time. A second higher professional education can only be obtained on a paid contractual basis. The admission procedure in this case is regulated by the Regulations on second higher professional education.
      1.2 For the first year, persons are accepted who have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, as well as a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education.
      1.3 Persons who have a state-issued diploma of incomplete higher professional education, an established academic certificate of incomplete higher professional education or a state-issued diploma of completed higher professional education of various levels are accepted for the first and subsequent courses.
      1.4 The number of places for admission to first-year students studying at the expense of the federal budget is determined by the admission targets established by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
      1.5 Targeted admission to SGUPS for full-time and part-time studies is carried out according to the plan of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation within the framework of the number of places financed from the state budget, according to a separate competition. Target places remaining vacant after passing the entrance examination and enrollment are transferred to the general competition.
      1.6 Admission to the university in excess of the plan for study on a compensatory basis is carried out under individual contracts with legal entities or individuals with full payment for student tuition. On the same basis, students are admitted to the university for full-time, part-time and correspondence courses.
      1.7 SGUPS provides the opportunity to obtain a second higher education in accordance with current legislation through part-time and part-time (evening) study in the following specialties: 060400 “Finance and Credit”; 021100 "Jurisprudence". For correspondence courses - in the specialties specified in clauses 3.13, 3.14, 3.15. Persons with higher professional education are accepted for both the first and subsequent courses. Persons with secondary vocational education in the relevant profile are admitted to the first year of study under abbreviated programs.
      1.8. All applicants to SGUPS enjoy the rights of citizens to education established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
      1.9. Citizens of foreign states (including citizens of the republics of the former USSR) are admitted to SGUPS in accordance with clause 5 of the “Procedure for admission to state educational institutions of higher professional education (higher educational institutions) of the Russian Federation, established by federal executive authorities,” approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 14. 03¦50.
      1.10. In the 2003-2004 academic year, SGUPS announced licensed areas of training and specialties:
      020400 Psychology
      021100 Jurisprudence
      060400 Finance and credit
      060600 World Economy
      060800 Economics and management at the enterprise (railway transport)
      062100 Personnel management
      071900 Information systems and technologies

      230500 Social and cultural service and tourism

      350900 Customs
      351400 Applied computer science
      1.11. The experiment on the Unified State Examination (USE) includes the following areas of training and specialties:
      020400 Psychology
      021100 Jurisprudence
      060500 Accounting, analysis and audit
      060800 Economics and enterprise management (construction)
      072000 Standardization and certification
      120100 Mechanical engineering technology
      150200 Automobiles and automotive industry
      170900 Lifting and transport, road construction machines and equipment
      230100 Service of transport and technological machines and equipment
      240100 Organization of transportation and transport management
      290300 Industrial and civil construction
      290800 Water supply and sanitation
      290900 Construction of railways, track and track facilities
      291000 Highways and airfields
      291100 Bridges and transport tunnels
      291500 Expertise and real estate management
      320600 Integrated use and protection of water resources
      330200 Engineering environmental protection
      330500 Safety of technological processes and production
      351000 Crisis management
    2. Accepting applications
      2.1. Admission to SGUPS is carried out on the personal application of citizens with the presentation of a document proving their identity and citizenship. To the application, the applicant attaches a state-issued document on education or a certified photocopy of it, an extract from the work book or a document confirming work and experience in the chosen specialty (for correspondence students), 8 photographs measuring 3x4 cm, as well as documents confirming the applicant’s right to the benefits established legislation of the Russian Federation, certificates obtained based on the results of centralized testing, certificates of passing the Unified State Exam. Certificates and documents confirming the applicant’s right to benefits will not be accepted after the start of the exams. Applicants entering the specialty "Organization of transportation and management in transport", "Bridges and transport tunnels", "Lifting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment", "Construction of railways, track and track facilities" undergo a medical commission in accordance with by order of the Minister of Railways dated March 29, 1999 ¦ 6C. At the admissions committee, the applicant is required to familiarize himself with the Admission Rules, the Charter, the license to conduct educational activities and the certificate of state accreditation of the university in the chosen field, about which a corresponding entry is made in his application, which is certified by the applicant’s personal signature.
      2.2. Applicants to specialties included in the Unified State Examination experiment, in addition to the specified list of documents, submit at their discretion originals or duly certified copies of the Unified State Examination results certificate. Applicants entering specialties included in the Unified State Exam experiment are given the right (in accordance with the Unified State Exam Regulations) to send documents, including a certificate of Unified State Exam results by registered mail.
      2.3. Applications for full-time study are accepted from June 1 to July 15, for part-time study - until July 20, for accelerated distance learning - until October 1.
      2.4. Those entering the university for full-time and part-time studies are required to submit the original state-issued education document by July 28 inclusive. The applicant is issued a receipt for documents acceptance.
    3. Entrance tests
      3.1.For admission to the university, competitive tests are held: for full-time study from July 16, for part-time study from July 21, according to the schedule.
      291000 Highways and airfields
      120100 Mechanical engineering technology
      150200 Cars and automotive industry are interviewed in mathematics, physics, Russian language and literature.
      3.3 Applicants for full-time studies:
      290900 Construction of railways, track and track facilities
      291100 Bridges and transport tunnels
      290300 Industrial and civil construction
      290800 Water supply and sanitation
      291500 Expertise and real estate management
      take exams: mathematics (p), physics (p), essay on Russian language and literature (pass - fail).
      3.4. Applicants for full-time studies:
      240100 Organization of transportation and transport management
      071900 Information systems in engineering and technology (on railway tr-te)
      330200 Engineering environmental protection
      072000 Standardization and certification
      060800 Economics and enterprise management
      take exams: mathematics (p), physics (p), Russian language and literature (essay with assessment).
      3.5. Applicants to specialty 060500 "Accounting and Auditing" take exams: mathematics (p), mathematics (oral, pass/fail), essay on Russian language and literature (with assessment).
      3.6. Applicants to specialty 060600 "World Economy" take exams: economic geography (y), foreign language (y), essay on Russian language and literature (pass-fail).
      3.7. Applicants to the specialty: 020400 "Psychology", 062100 "Human Resource Management" take exams: mathematics (written with assessment), essay on Russian language and literature (with assessment).
      3.8. Applicants to specialty 021100 "Jurisprudence" take exams: history of the Fatherland (y), social studies (y), an essay on Russian language and literature (pass-fail).
      3.9. Applicants to specialty 071900 "Applied Informatics" take exams: mathematics (p), geography (u), essay on Russian language and literature (pass-fail).
      3.10. Applicants to specialty 060400 "Finance and Credit" take exams: geography (y), history of the Fatherland (y), essay on Russian language and literature (pass-fail).
      3.11. Applicants to the specialty: 061900 “Customs”, 230500 “Socio-cultural service and tourism” take exams: history of the Fatherland (u), foreign language (u), essay on Russian language and literature (with assessment).
      3.12. Applicants to specialties included in the Unified State Examination experiment present certificates with Unified State Examination results in the disciplines: mathematics, physics, Russian language, history, social studies, geography, foreign language.
      Persons who did not participate in the Unified State Exam for various reasons, as well as persons who did not pass the Unified State Exam in the specified general education subjects, undergo entrance examinations in the form and based on the Unified State Exam materials within the time limits established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
      3.13. Applicants for distance learning specialties:
      240100 Organization of transportation and transport management
      290900 Construction of railways, track and track facilities
      291100 Bridges and transport tunnels
      290300 Industrial and civil construction
      290800 Water supply and sanitation
      170900 Lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment
      060800 Economics and management in transport
      060800 Economics and management in construction
      060500 Accounting and audit
      230100 Service of transport and technological machines and equipment
      062100 Personnel management
      072000 Standardization and certification
      Expertise and property management
      take exams: mathematics (p), essay on Russian language and literature (pass-fail).
      3.14. Applicants for distance learning specialties:
      120100 Mechanical engineering technology
      150200 Automobiles and automotive industry
      are interviewed in mathematics, Russian language and literature.
      3.15. Applicants for distance learning specialties:
      021100 Jurisprudence
      060400 Finance and credit
      take exams: history of the Fatherland (orally), an essay on Russian language and literature (pass or fail).
      3.16. Persons with secondary vocational education and entering the relevant specialties to study under abbreviated programs undergo an interview in mathematics, Russian language and literature.
      3.17. Persons who have graduated with medals from educational institutions of secondary (full) general or primary vocational education, as well as persons who have graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education, are admitted to higher educational institutions based on the results of an interview. The interview is conducted by representatives of subject examination commissions according to the entrance test programs established for the relevant specialties and areas of training.
      3.18. Persons who fail to appear for exams without a valid reason or who receive an unsatisfactory grade are not allowed to take other exams.
      3.19. An appeal regarding a change in the exam grade for completed work is submitted in writing to the University Appeals Commission on the day of the oral exam or on the day the grade for the written exam is announced. The appeal takes place on the day the exam results are announced. The commission does not accept appeals based on the results of the Unified State Exam. Applicants who do not agree with the grade (number of points) received in the entrance examinations in the form and on the basis of the Unified State Examination materials have the right, on the day the exam results are announced, to submit a written appeal to the conflict commission of the Novosibirsk region; the time and place for accepting appeals is reported by the university appeal commission.
      3.20 Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren who participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and members of national teams formed in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation are admitted to the university without entrance examinations.
      3.21. Entrance tests for admission to the first year are carried out on the basis of sample programs developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
      The following are taken into account as the results of entrance examinations for admission to places with budgetary funding:
      results of regional Olympiads (for winners);
      results of entrance examinations of a given calendar year to another state university;
      results of centralized testing conducted under the leadership of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation at the testing center (SGUPS). Certificates obtained as a result of centralized testing in other centers will be counted towards admission to the field for a full reimbursement of costs.
      The results of centralized testing are not counted when enrolling in the following specialties:
      World economy
      Finance and credit
      Crisis management
      Social and cultural service and tourism
      Applied computer science in engineering and technology (in economics)
      3.22. The results of centralized testing are not counted as the results of entrance examinations for applicants to areas of training and specialties included in the Unified State Examination experiment.
    4. Organization and holding of the competition
      4.1. Applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examination are allowed to participate in the admissions competition.
      4.2. The competition for budget places and places on a compensation basis in areas and specialties of training is held separately.
      4.3. By the time the competition begins for areas of training and specialties, including those included in the Unified State Exam experiment, the admissions committee of SGUPS establishes:
      - a list of applicants whose admission may be considered by the admissions committee under the terms of the competition, as well as persons who have scored points for admission with full reimbursement of tuition costs;
      - the number of points that applicants need to score to obtain a place with budgetary funding and a place with full reimbursement of tuition costs;
      - a scale for converting the 100-point Unified State Examination system or centralized testing into a five-point knowledge assessment system adopted at SGUPS.
      4.4. Outside the competition, subject to successful passing of entrance exams or the Unified State Examination, applicants who have the right to do so under the legislation of the Russian Federation are enrolled in the areas of training and specialties participating in the experiment.
      4.5. Persons who have confirmed medals at the entrance examination (i.e., passed the interview with a “5”), received after graduating from general education institutions or educational institutions of primary vocational education, or who graduated with honors from institutions of secondary vocational education, participate in the competition for budget-funded places.
      If there is a competition among applicants of the specified category and those who have scored the maximum number of points, then an additional specialized test is introduced.
      Profile tests are established from the number of general education subjects established by clause 12 of the “Procedure for admission to state educational institutions of higher professional education.” Those who did not pass the interview and (or) did not pass the profile tests with excellence participate in the competition on a general basis.
      4.6. Applicants for accelerated studies are admitted to the university as a result of an interview in examination disciplines.
      4.7. Persons who do not appear for the entrance exams or receive an unsatisfactory grade on the entrance exam are excluded from the competition and are not enrolled in the university.
    5. Enrollment
      5.1. Admission to SGUPS is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations.
      5.2. Enrollment is carried out in stages. The enrollment procedure includes:
      summing up the results of entrance examinations;
      notification of applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam until July 27, 2003;
      interview with the faculty selection committee;
      preparation and publication of an enrollment order.
      5.3. Enrollment in the university begins on July 29 and ends 10 days before the start of classes. Enrollment of persons entering the university with full reimbursement of training costs is carried out on a competitive basis and in the presence of an agreement on the training of a specialist with individuals or legal entities registered in the contract sector of SGUPS.
      5.4. Persons sent to the university on a contractual basis for targeted training participate in a competition for enrollment in the places allocated for them in the specialty indicated in the target direction.
      Applicants who have a target direction and did not pass the competition for planned budget places can participate in the competition on a general basis.
      In case of an equal number of points, preference is given to persons who have work experience in the specialty corresponding to the university, who have been discharged from the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, who have a recommendation from linear railway enterprises. transport and transport construction, graduates of specialized classes of SGUPS, railway schools and schools that have contractual relations with the university.
      5.5. Persons who are not enrolled in full-time education may participate in the competition for enrollment in part-time education.
      5.6. Persons who did not pass the general competition and the competition for targeted places in the areas of training and specialties included in the Unified State Exam experiment can participate in the competition and be enrolled in SGUPS on a contractual basis with full reimbursement of tuition costs.
    6. tel. (383-2) 28-74-49, room 335a

      Conditions for admission to correspondence preparatory courses (CPC)
      Registration for correspondence courses begins in October. The application addressed to the rector of the university is submitted in person or by mail. A receipt for payment for the courses is attached to the application. Payment for the entire period of study is paid by postal transfer to the bank account of SGUPS.
      All enrolled students will be sent methodological instructions and tests in mathematics, physics, and the Russian language, which must be completed by the specified deadline and sent for verification to the university.
      If there are difficulties with completing tests, the university provides applicants with written consultations from teachers.
      Director of preparatory courses- Head of the educational department of SGUPS Valentina Mikhailovna Povalyaeva
      tel. (383-2) 28-75-77
      Responsible for the work of the ZPK- methodologist Chernousova Ada Vasilievna,
      tel. (383-2) 28-74-75, room 221

      A source of information:
      organization website ()
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