Sinkwine education. Sinkwine as a method of teaching and upbringing, used in the practice of extracurricular activities in the primary classes “Native Word”. Abilities that a student must have

Modern man processes huge amounts of information. However, there is often no benefit from storing fragmentary information.

How can you learn to extract from information what will later be useful in your professional activities? And will it be useful not only for adults, but also for children?

There is an answer to these questions! Educational technologies, for example, such as the Technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing, help, based on the analysis and synthesis of information, to retain in memory what is difficult to do without when comprehending the basics of various sciences.

One of these methods is syncwine.(from French five-line).

Sinkwine- a formalized poem without rhyme, consisting of five lines.

First line

A one-word name, usually a noun.

Second line

Two words- adjectives or participles that characterize or describe the topic specified in the first line.

Third line

Three words- verbs or verbs with gerunds, telling about the typical actions of the described object.

Fourth line

A phrase or sentence (ideally if it consists four words), which expresses the personal opinion of the author of the syncwine about the subject of the poem. It is possible to use sayings, proverbs, quotes, and set expressions.

Fifth line

A word that summarizes or expands the content of a topic. Usually this is a noun with the help of which the author reflects his own associations and feelings. But it is also possible to use words from other parts of speech: pronouns, adverbs or interjections.

Exercises in composing syncwines are liked by both teachers and students. Here are 27 examples. Their authors are teachers, directors and head teachers of schools, heads of professional educational organizations, who took part in the All-Russian practical seminar in November last year “Educational technologies recommended for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”.


Educational, artificial.
Select, analyze, evaluate.
Form for assessing educational results.


Sociological, scientific.
Analysis, collection, sampling.
There are lies, big lies and statistics.


Thematic, creative.
Invent, do, show.
The project is part of the educational process.


Form of assessment, method of cognition.
Select, analyze, learn.
The process is important.
Study, study and study!


Professional, competent.
Educates, supervises, cares.
Builds an individual educational route.


Oral, scientific.
Write, speak, find.
A message on a current topic.


Student, pedagogical.
Do, protect, teach.
Students perform and defend independently.


Curve, straight.
Build, track, refine.
Storm trajectory.
Find your trajectory!


Planned, creative.
Make, evaluate, present.
Limited in time.


Oral communication of generalized material.
Collection of information, analysis, synthesis.
A report is an oral communication of analyzed generalized information.


Active, not passive follows,
And he studies, studies, explores,
Becoming an active subject of education!


Individual, competent.
Compiled, evaluated, presented.
A necessary element of the Federal State Educational Standard.
For results!


Legal, legal.
Act, express, allow you to judge.
The individual's experience in professional activities.


Educational, social.
Conceived, planned, executed.
“Learning by Doing” by D. Dewey
Project product.


Oral, scientific.
Prepare, speak, discuss.
Prepare and deliver a scientific report.


Educational, interactive.
Studied, comprehended, developed,
In order for students to be included in an activity, they need to master this activity.
The result is the Federal State Educational Standard.


Current, real.
Plans, moves, achieves.
Makes a dream come true.

Feedback from seminar participants

Sketchy syncwine


Interesting, practical.

Thank you!


Effective, interesting.
We studied, we did, we achieved.
We learned new things in interesting, effective classes.


Educational, practice-oriented.
Came, worked, applied.
“If you want to do it well, first learn and do it yourself.”
New knowledge.
New acquaintances.


Educational, effective.
I wanted it, they explained it, they taught me.
Live forever and learn.


Interesting, practical.
Motivates, educates, informs.
Many interesting ideas appeared.
Thank you!


Interesting, educational.
They taught, helped, set up.
The seminar was a success.
Pleasure from communication.


Educational, clarifying.
They help to build and systematize.
Excited the thought, breathed in a new wave.
Thank you!


Useful, accessible.
We received it, built it, explored it.
We received useful material for work.


Active, interesting.
Educates, informs, inspires.
Modern technologies for training managers.
Result (max)!

Try making a syncwine too!

You will learn how to improve the work of your organization at the online marathon

cinquain for the word education


Upbringing. Targeted, long lasting. Establishes, develops, influences. Needs three things: talent, science, exercise. Personality formation.

upbringing is complex - the best thing to do (upbringing) is not to think (about upbringing) not to engage in it, not to engage in complex upbringing

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Sinkwine as a method of implementing a personal-active approach to learning

Author: Nikolaeva Elena Vladimirovna, mathematics teacher
Place of work: MBOU secondary school No. 2, Pochinok, Smolensk region
Description: The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard confronts teachers with the need to improve the lesson as the main way of teaching, and transition to the widespread use of a personal-activity approach. The article briefly introduces one of the effective techniques that ensures the active nature of learning. This technique is used at the reflection stage, in particular, according to the Singapore method. The information will be useful to teachers of educational institutions, educators, teachers of additional education, students of pedagogical educational institutions, parents interested in developing the creative abilities of children.
Target: introduce teachers, educators, and additional education teachers to one of the effective teaching techniques (at the reflection stage)
Task: improve pedagogical skills through familiarity with the variety of teaching and upbringing techniques, their application in the practice of teaching mathematics

From work experience

The introduction of federal state educational standards in the school education system orients us, teachers, towards achieving three groups of educational results: personal, meta-subject and subject. The system-activity approach is defined as the condition for their achievement.
The system-activity approach is the methodological basis of the new generation standard. An important component of the system-active approach is schoolchildren’s own educational activities; it is implemented as a personal-activity approach to learning. Educational activity becomes a source of internal development of the child, the formation of his creative abilities and personal qualities.
The teacher faces an important pedagogical task: design and organization of conditions that initiate student action. In practical teaching, the implementation of the activity method technology is ensured by a system of didactic principles, one of which is the principle of creativity, which means an orientation towards creativity in the educational process, the acquisition by students of their own experience of creative activity.
It should be noted that what makes a lesson active is the high activity of students at all stages, their interest in learning results, and orientation towards success. There are no “mandatory for all” teaching methods: they are selected by the teacher based on the individual characteristics of students and class groups.
One of the stages of a modern lesson is reflection stage, in which students’ self-assessment of activities in the lesson is organized, and finally the degree of compliance with the set goal and the results of the activity is recorded (correlation between the purpose of the lesson and its results, self-assessment of the work performed in the lesson, awareness of acquiring new knowledge).
One of the effective techniques that ensures an activity-based approach to learning at the reflection stage is syncwine.
“Cinquain” (from the English “way of thought”) has a certain scheme according to which we reveal the essence of concepts, definitions, rules.
Sinkwine- This creative work , which is a short poem consisting of five unrhymed lines. It is written according to certain rules:
1 line – one noun, expressing the main theme of the syncwine;
2nd line – two adjectives expressing the main idea;
3 line – three verbs, describing actions within the topic;
4 line – phrase, carrying a certain meaning;
Line 5 – conclusion in the form noun(association with the first word).
For example, how a syncwine was compiled on the topic “Percents” (mathematics, grade 5) is shown in the presentation.
When compiling a syncwine, the topic covered is discussed, the definitions studied are analyzed, and the main idea (the theme of the syncwine) is highlighted. During the discussion, the teacher can determine the level of assimilation of educational material by the active participation of schoolchildren: understood, understood - offers the necessary words.
It is interesting to compile a syncwine in group interaction: each group can present its own syncwine on a given topic, for example, in a review and generalization lesson. Discussion of the results of the groups’ work activates attention to the educational material and helps to increase the level of motivation.
Compiling a syncwine is very simple and interesting not only for schoolchildren, but also for teachers. And besides, working on creating a syncwine develops logical and imaginative thinking, expands vocabulary, and allows schoolchildren to systematize their own ideas about the topic and content of the lesson.
The presentation also features a syncwine created before March 8th.
Try making syncwines yourself and with your children, you’ll love it!
Thank you!

Presentation on the topic: Effective teaching techniques. Sinkwine

Cinquain consists of five lines and, despite the fact that it is considered a type of poem, the usual components of a poetic text (the presence of rhymes and a certain rhythm) are not mandatory for it. But the number of words in each line is strictly regulated. In addition, when composing a syncwine, you must use certain parts of speech.

Synquain construction scheme is this:

  • first line – syncwine theme, most often one word, a noun (sometimes the topic can be two-word phrases, abbreviations, first and last names);
  • second line – two adjectives, characterizing the topic;
  • third line – three verbs(actions of an object, person or concept designated as a topic);
  • fourth line – four words, a complete sentence describing the author’s personal attitude to the topic;
  • fifth line – one word, summing up the syncwine as a whole (conclusion, summary).

Deviations from this rigid scheme are possible: for example, the number of words in the fourth line can vary from four to five, including or not including prepositions; Instead of “lonely” adjectives or verbs, phrases with dependent nouns are used, and so on. Usually, the teacher who gives the task to compose a syncwine decides how strictly his students should adhere to the form.

How to work with the syncwine theme: first and second line

Let's look at the process of inventing and writing a syncwine using the topic “book” as an example. This word is the first line of the future poem. But a book can be completely different, so how can you characterize it? Therefore, we need to specify the topic, and the second line will help us with this.

The second line is two adjectives. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a book? For example, it could be:

  • paper or electronic;
  • sumptuously bound and richly illustrated;
  • interesting, exciting;
  • boring, difficult to understand, with a bunch of formulas and diagrams;
  • old, with yellowed pages and ink marks in the margins made by grandmother and so on.

The list can be endless. And here we must keep in mind that there cannot be a “correct answer” here - everyone has their own associations. Of all the options, choose the one that is most interesting to you personally. This could be an image of a specific book (for example, your favorite children's books with bright pictures) or something more abstract (for example, “books of Russian classics”).

Now write down two characteristics specifically for “your” book. For example:

  • exciting, fantastic;
  • boring, moralizing;
  • bright, interesting;
  • old, yellowed.

Thus, you already have two lines - and you already have an absolutely accurate idea of ​​the “character” of the book you are talking about.

How to come up with the third line of syncwine

The third line is three verbs. Here, too, difficulties may arise: it would seem that what can a book “do” by itself? To be published, to be sold, to be read, to stand on the shelf... But here you can describe both the impact that the book has on the reader and the goals the author set for himself. A “boring and preachy” novel, for example, might enlighten, moralize, tire, put to sleep and so on. “Bright and interesting” book for preschoolers – entertains, interests, teaches reading. Exciting fantasy story - captivates, excites, awakens the imagination.

When choosing verbs, the main thing is not to deviate from the image that you outlined in the second line and try to avoid words with the same root. For example, if you described a book as fascinating, and in the third line you wrote that it “fascinates,” you will feel like you are “marking time.” In this case, it is better to replace one of the words with a similar meaning.

Let’s formulate the fourth line: attitude to the topic

The fourth line of the syncwine describes a “personal attitude” to the topic. This causes particular difficulties for schoolchildren who are accustomed to the fact that attitudes must be formulated directly and unambiguously (for example, “I have a good attitude towards books” or “I think books are useful for raising the cultural level”). In fact, the fourth line does not imply evaluativeness and is formulated much more freely.

In essence, here you need to briefly outline what is most important for you in the topic. This may be relevant to you personally and your life (for example, “ Began reading at age four" or " I have a huge library", or " I can't stand reading"), but this is not necessary. For example, if you think the main disadvantage of books is that they use a lot of paper to produce, for the production of which forests are cut down, you don’t have to write “I” and “condemn.” Just write that " paper books – tree graves" or " book production is destroying forests”, and your attitude to the topic will be quite clear.

If it is difficult for you to immediately formulate a short sentence, first express your thought in writing, without thinking about the number of words, and then think about how you can shorten the resulting sentence. As a result, instead of " I love science fiction novels so much that I often can’t stop reading them until the morning"It might turn out, for example, like this:

  • I can read until the morning;
  • I often read all night long;
  • I saw a book - I said goodbye to sleep.

How to sum it up: the fifth line of syncwine

The task of the fifth line is to briefly, in one word, summarize all the creative work of writing a syncwine. Before you do this, rewrite the previous four lines - almost a finished poem - and re-read what you got.

For example, you thought about the variety of books, and you came up with the following:


Fiction, popular science.

Enlightens, entertains, helps.

So different, everyone has their own.

The result of this statement about the endless variety of books can be the word “library” (a place where many different publications are collected) or “diversity”.

In order to isolate this “unifying word”, you can try to formulate the main idea of ​​the resulting poem - and, most likely, it will contain the “main word”. Or, if you are used to writing “conclusions” from essays, first formulate the conclusion in your usual form, and then highlight the main word. For example, instead of " thus we see that books are an important part of culture”, write simply – “culture”.

Another common option for the ending of a syncwine is an appeal to one’s own feelings and emotions. For example:


Fat, boring.

We study, analyze, cram.

Classic is a nightmare for every schoolchild.



Fantastic, fascinating.

Delights, captivates, deprives you of sleep.

I want to live in a world of magic.


How to learn to quickly write syncwines on any topic

Compiling syncwines is a very exciting activity, but only if the form is well mastered. And the first experiments in this genre are usually difficult - in order to formulate five short lines, you have to seriously strain.

However, after you have come up with three or four syncwines and mastered the algorithm for writing them, things usually go very easily - and new poems on any topic are invented in two or three minutes.

Therefore, in order to quickly compose syncwines, it is better to practice the form on relatively simple and well-known material. For training, you can try to take, for example, your family, home, one of your relatives and friends, or a pet.

Having dealt with the first syncwine, you can work on a more complex topic: for example, write a poem dedicated to any of the emotional states (love, boredom, joy), time of day or time of year (morning, summer, October), your hobby, hometown, etc. further.

After you write several such “test” works and learn to “package” your knowledge, ideas and emotions into a given form, you will be able to easily and quickly come up with syncwines on any topic.

Many schoolchildren wonder how to compose a syncwine. They are often given this task in class. But what is it? Syncwine is a way to retell some material in a couple of phrases. This is a kind of poem (there is no rhyme) containing five lines. They contain abbreviated information taken from the topic covered.

This small poem allows you to convey the most important information from the material studied, and therefore teachers often resort to this technique.

Synquain functions

Cinquains perform two important functions: they help teachers test children’s knowledge and save time, which is never too much. Such a poem allows teachers to exercise control over children, because no one will be able to express the essence in a few lines if they have not been familiar with the necessary material.

How to compose a syncwine based on history?

First you need to decide on a topic. Let it be, for example, a war. Next, you need to write a poem according to plan. An example of such a syncwine:

Merciless, bloody.

They kill, destroy, suffer.

War brings grief to every home.


The emergence of syncwine, the main task of this method

Cinquain appeared in America at the dawn of the twentieth century thanks to the influence of Japanese culture. After some time, it began to be used for educational purposes as an effective way to improve figurative speech, helping to achieve success in a short time. method - to help students better understand the material.

Creating syncwines in class

Step-by-step description of this technique:

1. Familiarization with the requirements for creating a syncwine.

2. Writing such a poem on any topic in compliance with all the rules.

3. Reading some syncwines (optional).

If a student does not want to share his poem with everyone, then you should not force him. The main thing is that children understand how to make a syncwine. Everything else is secondary.

Pair work

Each child is given a few minutes to create a syncwine. Then he, together with his desk neighbor, puts two poems into one, which both would like. This allows you to critically evaluate this material. This technique requires that students listen to their comrades and take from the syncwines those thoughts that are in tune with their own. As a rule, this gives rise to a dispute, which, however, is good for the guys.

Example from social studies

How to compose a syncwine for social studies? Nothing could be simpler. You just need to have a good understanding of the topic, and then everything will work out. Let's look at an example.


Smart, unique.

Lives, breathes, works.

Society consists of individuals.

Requirements for creating a syncwine

Such a poem must be written in compliance with certain rules:

Line No. 1 - the name of the syncwine - contains one word (usually a pronoun or noun). It should designate an object (or thing) that will be talked about.

Line No. 2 - a pair of words (usually participles or adjectives). They must describe the qualities or signs of the object included in the name of the syncwine.

Line No. 3 - contains three gerunds or verbs. They talk about the typical actions of the subject. Children trying to figure out how to make a syncwine often have difficulties at this stage.

Line No. 4 - any phrase. It should include the personal opinion of the creator of the syncwine about the thing or subject included in the title of this poem.

Line No. 5 is a word with which you should summarize or expand the content of the topic. As a rule, this is a noun through which the student expresses his associations and feelings.

Cinquain is a work that requires the transmission of material and information in laconic phrases, so the child can briefly describe or repeat something.

How to write such a poem on biology?

First, you need to listen carefully to the teacher in class.


Beautiful, leisurely.

They graze, reproduce, sleep.

Artiodactyls feed on plants.

1. At the first stage, it is proposed to write a syncwine on an issue in which schoolchildren are well versed.

2. Initially, when creating this poem, pair or group work is expected, and after some time you can begin to independently compose such a work.

3. Preference is given to syncwines, which convey the most accurate information about certain aspects of the topic. The student who composed such a poem must be encouraged. History cinquain is especially difficult for children, and this must be taken into account.

Why is it useful to write syncwines?

What results does the teacher achieve? First of all, the development of educational activities in children (cognitive, communicative, personal, as well as regulatory), the formation of abilities for collective work, and the acquisition of educational and research skills. Sinkwine helps achieve all of the above goals.

Initially, work can be done in groups, then in pairs and finally individually. The children learn new words and terms, practice composing phrases and creating sentences. At the same time, there is a need to express one’s attitude towards something, express emotions, and form an opinion about a given topic.

Another example

Schoolchildren really like this kind of work; they begin to independently come up with topics that are simply unlimited. However, it all depends on what subject you need to compile a syncwine for, what material is being studied. But most of all, students like to write such poems on free topics. Many people want to make a “Family” syncwine. How to write it? Just think about your family, your relatives, and then get down to business. Let's look at an example.


Friendly, strong.

They live, support, help.

The family is a social unit.


Abilities that a student must have

The work of composing such a poem is a good way to generalize concepts. The student must have excellent knowledge of the proposed topic, creative thinking and personal opinion. In addition, he needs to be able to find the most important details in the educational material and summarize.

Help in developing talents

Children can create syncwine at school or at home. This technique allows you to better understand the main points, rules and definitions from the topic covered. This is a creative reinterpretation of material that helps some students develop their talents and abilities. Every teacher who does not want to lag behind the times uses this technique in his lessons. Now you know how to make a syncwine. It is not difficult at all and is accessible to everyone. In this matter, as elsewhere, practice is important. With each new syncwine, it will become increasingly easier for the student to compose similar poems. Many schoolchildren complain that this task is beyond their capabilities, but these are empty words that only indicate that the child is lazy and does not want to delve into the topic. And it is necessary to cultivate hard work in children and explain to them that they always need to believe in themselves, and then everything will definitely work out.

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