Declension of the name Adelia. The meaning of the name Adilya

A name is something that accompanies a person throughout his life, so the meaning of the name plays an important role. Since ancient times, the sages have noticed a strong relationship between the consonance of a name and its influence on a person. Having learned the secret of a name, a person becomes free, he learns to know himself and the people around him - and before giving a child a name, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with their meaning.

Since ancient times, the relationship between a person and his name has been of a mystical, sacred nature. The name was carefully protected from strangers (knowing the true name, you will gain power over the bearer of the name!) It often happened that people had “nicknames” all their lives, which were allowed to be used by everyone who wanted to address you.

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Meaning of the name Adelia

Male names
Female names


(العدلية) literally “judicial, judicial” meaning “fair” (Arabic)
"Noble" (German)

In early childhood she is restless, but only by the end of the first year of life she becomes calmer, develops well, and begins to walk early.

"July" Adele is an obsequious, affectionate, but very vulnerable girl. She is a little shy of her peers, afraid that she will be offended. She knows how to keep herself busy: she willingly helps her mother with housework, plays with dolls, and begins to learn needlework early. He loves to read; in adolescence he prefers fantasy or popular science literature.

She loves small children and enjoys playing with the neighbors' kids. She studies well at school, but modesty and a certain constraint do not give her the opportunity to express herself fully.

She most often has a good ear for music, a good voice, and can successfully graduate from music school. But such a girl really needs the help of her elders, and especially her parents; it is difficult for her to achieve great success on her own.

It is important that her parents pay attention to her abilities and help her develop them. Adele can be a good athlete: tennis player, swimmer, gymnast. She naturally has character, but fighting qualities need to be cultivated in her.

Adult Adele does not become more courageous without outside help. She can remain just as modest, shy, so calm that she seems childish.

In her work, Adele is very careful, obligatory, and punctual. Will never let his colleagues down. She is an excellent worker, a professional in her field, but she can forever remain only a good performer. She does not strive to make a career, and it does not even occur to others to help her, but in vain.

Adele can be an excellent leader; her ability to get along with people, her calm nature, and her ability to win over her colleagues could serve her and the entire team well. Everyone usually respects her and takes her opinion into account.

In extreme conditions, Adele knows how to gather herself as much as possible, focus on the main thing and calmly make the only right decision. He rarely makes mistakes. Adele can be very firm and persistent if she knows that she is right.

“Summer” Adele finds it difficult to get along with people due to lack of self-confidence, “December” or “February” does not find a common language with everyone, it is easier for her to communicate with men than with women.

Adele gets married as calmly and unnoticed by others as she lives her whole life. She meets with her chosen one for a long time, and their friendship develops into a family union. This woman's character changes when she has children. Calm and balanced, she can be a “lioness” if you need to protect children. In family life, Adele is patient, resilient, and able to support her husband in difficult times.

She is a gentle and faithful friend to her “half”. Adele is a homebody and does not like to be in crowded places. She has one or two devoted friends, in whose personal lives she takes an active part: helping with the housework, staying with their children, making peace with their husbands. Her friends simply adore her. Adele likes to cook, she loves guests, receives them with great pleasure, and generously sets the table.

In intimate relationships, Adele is soft, compliant, gentle. Willingly meets all the desires of her spouse, but not from the first days. The husband should show great patience, make a lot of effort so that she is convinced of the sincerity of his feelings, and Adele knows how to be grateful and rewards him with interest for his patience and waiting.

She does not recognize sex without love, she gives herself over to feelings completely, without reserve, and never cheats on her husband. The infidelity of a spouse can ruin family relationships for life, although she may not decide to divorce.

Adele loves animals very much; a small cat or dog often lives in her house.
More information about the name Adelia on the website

Origin of the name: Germanic

See Adele. “Noble”, “High-born” (German) In early childhood, restless, only by the end of the first year of life she becomes calmer, develops well, and begins to walk early. “July” Adele is an obsequious, affectionate, but very vulnerable girl. She is a little shy of her peers, afraid that she will be offended. She knows how to keep herself busy: she willingly helps her mother with housework, plays with dolls, and begins to learn handicrafts early. He loves to read; in adolescence he prefers fantasy or popular science literature. She loves small children and enjoys playing with the neighbors' kids. She studies well at school, but modesty and a certain constraint do not give her the opportunity to express herself fully. She most often has a good ear for music, a good voice, and can successfully graduate from music school. But such a girl really needs the help of her elders, and especially her parents; it is difficult for her to achieve great success on her own. It is important that her parents pay attention to her abilities and help her develop them. Adele can be a good athlete: tennis player, swimmer, gymnast. She naturally has character, but fighting qualities need to be cultivated in her. Adult Adele does not become more courageous without outside help. She can remain just as modest, shy, so calm that she seems childish. In her work, Adele is very careful, obligatory, and punctual. Will never let his colleagues down. She is an excellent worker, a professional in her field, but she can forever remain only a good performer. She does not strive to make a career, and it does not even occur to others to help her, but in vain. Adele can be an excellent leader; her ability to get along with people, her calm nature, and her ability to win over her colleagues could serve her and the entire team well. Everyone usually respects her and takes her opinion into account. In extreme conditions, Adele knows how to gather herself as much as possible, focus on the main thing and calmly make the only right decision. He rarely makes mistakes. Adele can be very firm and persistent if she knows that she is right. “Summer” Adele finds it difficult to get along with people because of her lack of self-confidence; “December” or “February” Adele does not find a common language with everyone; it is easier for her to communicate with men than with women. Adele gets married as calmly and unnoticed by others as she lives her whole life. She meets with her chosen one for a long time, and their friendship develops into a family union. This woman's character changes when she has children. Calm and balanced, she can be a "lioness" if it is necessary to protect children. In family life, Adele is patient, resilient, and able to support her husband in difficult times. She is a gentle and faithful friend to her “half”. Adele is a homebody and does not like to be in crowded places. She has one or two devoted girlfriends, in whose personal lives she takes an active part: helping with the housework, staying with their children, making peace with their husbands. Her friends simply adore her. Adele likes to cook, she loves guests, receives them with great pleasure, and generously sets the table. In intimate relationships, Adele is soft, compliant, gentle. Willingly meets all the desires of her spouse, but not from the first days. The husband should show great patience, make a lot of effort so that she is convinced of the sincerity of his feelings, and Adele knows how to be grateful and rewards him with interest for his patience and waiting. She does not recognize sex without love, she gives herself over to feelings completely, without reserve, and never cheats on her husband. The infidelity of a spouse can ruin family relationships for life, although she may not decide to divorce. Adele loves animals very much; a small cat or dog often lives in her house.

Numerology of the name Adelia

Soul Number: 4.
Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, “fours” are reliable and can be relied on in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 4

Body number: 9


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Adelia as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
D Welcome
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
I (YA = A) Az

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Adelia

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Adelia

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • D- Welcome
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • L- People
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Name Adelia in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Adelia in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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In France, the adopted naming system is in many ways similar to the common European one. Usually a Frenchman has one or more personal names and a surname. Traditionally, most people receive their names from the Roman Catholic calendar of saints.

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Meaning of the name Adelia

Shy and reserved, Adelia is extremely modest and patient, knows how to restrain her emotions, does not like to be in the public eye, but at the same time often attracts attention with her outfits. Romantic, soft and graceful, from childhood she is able to take care of loved ones. Has a negative attitude towards manifestations of rudeness and rigidity, and immediately withdraws into himself.

General description of the name

From birth, this little girl delights not only her parents, but also those around her with her smile. At school she studies diligently, since all subjects are very easy for her, however, she does not strive to stand out among her peers and prefers to remain in the shadows. She is shy to participate in school events and concerts, but spends her time reading books and listening to classical music with great pleasure. Likes to attend cultural events and gain inspiration there. Due to natural modesty and lack of communication, it is difficult for her to meet and communicate with people. She does not tolerate pressure, so it is necessary to create a trusting atmosphere of mutual support in the family and then the girl will listen to the advice of her mother and father.

Impeccable taste allows her to shape her own wardrobe in such a way as to emphasize her individuality and attractiveness and evoke admiring glances. She can sew or knit some things herself, surprising everyone with the originality of her ideas.

If she has a younger brother or sister, then she partially takes on the responsibility for raising her, approaches this process with full responsibility and takes the instructions of adults seriously. Becoming the oldest among children changes towards greater determination and confidence. It is important for her to take care of someone, so parents should buy the girl a pet.

She prefers to be friends with older people, so that they can stand up for her in any situation or give useful advice. Her reputation is important to her, so she carefully chooses her friends and companies.

She is not inclined to show her emotions, she is very patient and reserved. It is difficult to piss her off, make her angry or provoke her into any action.

Adelia and health

Thanks to her good health, Adelia can afford to engage in any kind of sports, which she does, achieving high results. Due to poor nutrition, already in adolescence she may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Adelia at work and business

A childhood passion for ballet and choreography can become a profession for the owner of this name in which she will achieve fame. In general, a career is not a goal for her, because it is much more important for her to create a strong family and arrange life in the house.

She is responsible and punctual, which surprises her work colleagues. Because of modesty, he may not move up the career ladder for many years. Adelia knows how to communicate with people, so she will never remain unemployed, but her work must be assessed with dignity. Owners of this name make good psychologists, managers, teachers and designers.

Adelia in marriage and family, with children

This romantic nature often falls in love with some famous personalities and in adulthood tries to find the same companion. Because of her natural grace and modesty, she often attracts older and wealthy men who like to patronize and care for her. Long-term and trusting relationships are important to her; she does not agree to short romances. The chosen one must be well-mannered and restrained, and not allow himself to raise his voice or raise his hand at her.

Having gotten married, he first of all finds in his wife a friend with whom he shares his experiences and problems. She becomes a real protector for her own children. A hospitable hostess, an excellent cook who knows how to prepare a culinary masterpiece from simple and inexpensive ingredients.

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"Noble", "High-born" (German)
In early childhood she is restless, but only by the end of the first year of life she becomes calmer, develops well, and begins to walk early.

“July” Adele is an obsequious, affectionate, but very vulnerable girl. She is a little shy of her peers, afraid that she will be offended. She knows how to keep herself busy: she willingly helps her mother with housework, plays with dolls, and begins to learn needlework early. He loves to read; in adolescence he prefers fantasy or popular science literature.

She loves small children and enjoys playing with the neighbors' kids. She studies well at school, but modesty and a certain constraint do not give her the opportunity to express herself fully.

She most often has a good ear for music, a good voice, and can successfully graduate from music school. But such a girl really needs the help of her elders, and especially her parents; it is difficult for her to achieve great success on her own.

It is important that her parents pay attention to her abilities and help her develop them. Adele can be a good athlete: tennis player, swimmer, gymnast. She naturally has character, but fighting qualities need to be cultivated in her.

Adult Adele does not become more courageous without outside help. She can remain just as modest, shy, so calm that she seems childish.

In her work, Adele is very careful, obligatory, and punctual. Will never let his colleagues down. She is an excellent worker, a professional in her field, but she can forever remain only a good performer. She does not strive to make a career, and it does not even occur to others to help her, but in vain.

Adele can be an excellent leader; her ability to get along with people, her calm nature, and her ability to win over her colleagues could serve her and the entire team well. Everyone usually respects her and takes her opinion into account.

In extreme conditions, Adele knows how to gather herself as much as possible, focus on the main thing and calmly make the only right decision. He rarely makes mistakes. Adele can be very firm and persistent if she knows that she is right.

“Summer” Adele finds it difficult to get along with people because of her lack of self-confidence; “December” or “February” Adele does not find a common language with everyone; it is easier for her to communicate with men than with women.

Adele gets married as calmly and unnoticed by others as she lives her whole life. She meets with her chosen one for a long time, and their friendship develops into a family union. This woman's character changes when she has children. Calm and balanced, she can be a "lioness" if it is necessary to protect children. In family life, Adele is patient, resilient, and able to support her husband in difficult times.

She is a gentle and faithful friend to her “half”. Adele is a homebody and does not like to be in crowded places. She has one or two devoted girlfriends, in whose personal lives she takes an active part: helping with the housework, staying with their children, making peace with their husbands. Her friends simply adore her. Adele likes to cook, she loves guests, receives them with great pleasure, and generously sets the table.

In intimate relationships, Adele is soft, compliant, gentle. Willingly meets all the desires of her spouse, but not from the first days. The husband should show great patience, make a lot of effort so that she is convinced of the sincerity of his feelings, and Adele knows how to be grateful and rewards him with interest for his patience and waiting.

She does not recognize sex without love, she gives herself over to feelings completely, without reserve, and never cheats on her husband. The infidelity of a spouse can ruin family relationships for life, although she may not decide to divorce.

Adele loves animals very much; a small cat or dog often lives in her house.

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