Declension of compound ordinal numbers. Open Library - open library of educational information How complex cardinal numbers are declined

Numerals are used in the language to lexically designate the number, quantity or order of counted objects. They can be simple (with one stem - two, five), complex (with two stems - twelve, sixty) and compound (represented by several words - one hundred forty-seven, four thousand three hundred twenty-nine). Depending on the grammatical meaning and lexical use, numerals are divided into quantitative, ordinal, collective and fractional.

Compound cardinal numbers answer the question “how many?” and consist of several words written separately, corresponding to the number of significant figures, with the exception of zeros, but with the addition of “thousands”, “millions” and other words denoting numbers. Cardinal numbers change according to cases. Change by number and gender is available only for ordinal (seventh, twentieth, thirty-first) numerals.

When declension of compound cardinal numerals by case, all parts change:

I.p. four thousand three hundred twenty five

R.p. four thousand three hundred twenty five

D.p. four thousand three hundred twenty-five

V.p. four thousand three hundred twenty five

Tv.p. four thousand three hundred twenty five

Pr.p. (about) four thousand three hundred twenty-five

For the correct declension of compound cardinal numerals, you need to know how their constituent numerals (both simple and complex) change by case.

The declension of cardinal numerals does not have a common pattern for all. The numerals “two”, “three”, “four” are declined according to the type of mixed declension of adjectives:

I.p. two three four

R.p. two, three, four

D.p. two, three, four

V.p. two three four

Tv.p. two, three, four

Pr.p. (0) two, three, four

Numerals from “five” to “ten” and all ending in “-twenty” and “-ten” are declined in the same way as third declension nouns.

I.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

R.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

D.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

V.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

Tv.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

Pr.p. (o) seven, seventeen, seventy

Complex cardinal numerals ending in “-ten” change according to cases at the level of both stems (seventy).

When the numeral “eight” is declined in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases, it loses the fluent vowel “e” (it changes to a soft sign - eight).

The numerals “eight” and all ending in “-ten” can have two forms of declension: literary (see above) and colloquial (colloquial) - “eight”, “fifty”, “eighty”.

Numerals indicating hundreds (“two hundred”, “three hundred”, “four hundred” and all ending in “-hundred”) change according to case in the same way as first declension nouns plural:

I.p. two hundred, six hundred

R.p. two hundred, six hundred

D.p. two hundred, six hundred

V.p. two hundred, six hundred

Tv.p. two hundred, six hundred

Pr.p. (o) two hundred, six hundred

Complex cardinal numbers ending in “-hundred” change by case at the level of both stems (six hundred). In colloquial speech they can be used in a more simplified form - six hundred.

Compound cardinal numerals in colloquial speech tend to have a simplified case change. One often hears how their internal foundations cease to change (“three thousand three hundred and twenty-five” - instead of the prescribed “three thousand three hundred and twenty-five”). It also happens that only the last element of a compound cardinal number is declined: (c) “three thousand three hundred twenty-five” instead of (c) “three thousand three hundred twenty-five.”

In colloquial speech, simplified declension of numerals is considered acceptable, but in written speech it is not. In order not to make mistakes, it is best to immediately correctly change each component of a compound numeral by case. This is difficult, it requires some language practice, but there is nothing impossible about it. Practice on the proposed tables, and you will be able to use compound cardinal numerals in the desired declension without any problems.

Declension is AND in addition - by numbers. Declension of numerals provides rich food for exercises in classifications. Substantive declension, for example. Or adjectival. Here you cannot do without immersing yourself in the world of phonetics, where it is easy to get lost in search of coincidences of inflections. Linguists have never created an iron-clad system for numerals. And we need guidelines in order to correct any language numbers without errors. They, these guidelines, are very necessary.

The conversation confuses us

“To one hundred three-and-twenty three-and-and add fifteen,” the governess instructs the baby. The red-faced teacher doesn't know how compounds incline. Why is this so? The point is not only that knowledge sometimes fades away, like the smell of strawberries. In oral speech, more and more often we do not take into account the rule of declension of compound cardinal numerals. “Out of three hundred and sixty-five days, we must cross out two hundred that were lost in this dreary service.” Doesn't it hurt your ear? It seems that no, everything is so. But let's correct the excellent governess and the unfortunate servant: we will add five (!) to one hundred (!) Thirty (!), and delete sixty (!) five from three hundred (!).

Non-accounting approach

But it is not at all necessary to take a significant pause every time before a “digital” replica, painfully wondering how the compound cardinal numerals are declined. Let's deal once and for all with the compound declensable digits. Simple and compound cardinal numbers are the same thing! How so? Yes so. We're not at a congress of morphologists. And not in accounting courses. We are talking about the peculiarities of declension of compound cardinal numerals. They, these features, don’t exist. Each component in the form of a numeral must be declined separately. This is where the relationship between simple and compound cardinal numbers manifests itself.

Souls and money - there is a difference

We learn about the life of Primorye residents in the southern town. In total it has 314,453 inhabitants.

Nominative case. Three hundred (first numeral) fourteen (second) thousand (third) four hundred (fourth) fifty (fifth) three (sixth) citizens live in prosperity.

Genitive. Three hundred (1st numeral) fourteen (2nd) thousand (3rd) four hundred (4th) fifty (5th) three (6th) citizens have wealth.

Dative. Prosperity came to three hundred (that's 300) fourteen (14) thousand (1000) four hundred (400) fifty (50) three (3) townspeople.

Accusative. For all components of numerals, except the last one, the same as the nominative case. If the last numeral is “assigned” to an animate noun, the accusative case copies the genitive. And if to inanimate - nominative. The mayor will congratulate three citizens and spend three rubles.

Instrumental case. The mayor's office is proud of three hundred (three hundred) fourteen (fourteen) thousand (one thousand) four hundred (four hundred) fifty (fifty) three (three) citizens.

Prepositional. The mayor's office takes care of three hundred (three hundred) fourteen (fourteen) thousand (one thousand) four hundred (four hundred) fifty (fifty) three (three) citizens day and night.

So, the correct form of a compound cardinal number is correct forms individual numerals. Whether this is the designation of our twenty-five years or the most astronomical numbers, there is no difference. Any numeral behaves independently, no matter what composition it is in. Knowing the main thing, we remove from the agenda the question of how compound cardinal numerals are declined. And ordinal ones too?

One for all, or the last word

In compound ordinal numbers, all numerals behave in the same way as cardinal numerals. But in all declensions, only one word is responsible for “order” - the last. It is the last carriage in the entire train that agrees with the noun. Only the last word changes. After his thousandth and first attempt, he succeeded. There could have been 11,362 attempts. After eleven (11) thousand (1000) three hundred (300) sixty (60) second (!) attempts, everything worked out.

Why judges make mistakes

But let’s return to the seemingly completed analysis of how compound cardinal numerals are declined. We have one rule: each word in the line bends on its own. Hence the problem - the constituent cardinal numbers do not stand in front. This is only for ordinal numbers - ideal order. Everyone stands at attention. Except for one thing, the last one. It turns out that the conversation about how to decline compound cardinal numerals is not yet over. In the linguistic empire of numbers, every corporation, and sometimes even an individual entrepreneur, has features and a rule to which these features are subject.

The servant of Themis announces the decree: “The minister shared five hundred tugriks with his assistants.” No one will condemn the judge for disrespect for literary language. The audience in the majestic hall will not shout: “Five hundred!” Five hundred!” And if the person holding the speech (literally, holding the piece of paper) is a more important person... “Guys, with our five hundred kilograms of waste paper we will win the competition!” These are the words of the teacher. The mine under numerals in the language is laid by the ability to designate quantity with numbers in writing. Those who write reports to bosses use this opportunity. And the bosses on the podium have to make decisions at lightning speed. This is far from always true.

And numerals stubbornly - through our conscious efforts - defend tradition. And they take not by number, but by the depth of time. We can blame them for being “archaic,” but we are not yet able to offer anything in return.

To present the whole picture of how compound cardinal numerals decline, let us study the behavior of all numerals by name. Well, almost by name.

One: what does the adjective have to do with it?

There is only one barber at work. One saucepan was lost. There's only one window there. This is the nominative case. Let's clarify: the number is singular; genus - a complete set. Let's compare: the barber is skilled, the saucepan is good, but the window is small. It is clear that this numeral took its ending from another part of speech. At the adjective. And a short adjective.

We found one cabinet maker in the whole city. We lost one galosh. We saw only one sun (let’s say this is happening on a planet that is warmed by several suns). Let us again pay attention to the situation that has already been discussed. If a numeral is attached to an animate noun, it is transformed into the accusative case according to the genitive model. But with an inanimate construction, everything is clear: the accusative is a copy of the nominative. If we were looking not for cabinetry, but for a loft-style cabinet, we would say: “Here, we found one cabinet.” It’s not that the furniture is of different styles, it’s the category of animation. If we leave the case of cabinetmaker as an animate noun to the genitive case, we see: endings like short adjectives.

Let's move on from case to case. Don't be lazy, do it yourself. Watch the endings. And you will see that they are the same as adjectives, but complete. We are children of the same time and the same country (genitive). The grant was given to one writer and one artist (dative).

The picture is similar in the plural. Full adjectives have extended their influence to all cases of the numeral “number one”, except for the nominative and accusative, where the influence of the short adjective is observed. Notice how the base softens! Yes, there are only mistakes... (nominative, analogy with short adjectives). At the exhibition we met only onlookers (genitive). Tickets for the airship were given to some officials (dative). We are still alive by hope alone (creative). I only think about pennies (prepositional).

Why is it that in a women’s team they don’t command one and a half employees?

The speaker on the podium, lulling the meeting with percentages of sales (academic performance, GDP), wisely uses a fractional number instead of a deafening one and a half.

... It's half past one. Long gone half past one. This is the origin of the word "one and a half". Of course, we do not divide the two in half, but stop exactly halfway, in the middle of the moment between the first and the second. What's it all about? Here's what it's all about. The word consists of two parts. Are they both changing? Or not both? But first let’s compare one and a half kilometers and one and a half miles. We are not interested in the metric difference, of course. The ability of a word to change according to gender is important to us. Male and average - one and a half. Women's - one and a half. All cases, excluding the nominative and accusative, are one and a half. Easy to remember. But. You can give benefits to one and a half poor people (dative). You can command one and a half employees (creative) in the workshop. You can take care of one and a half bulls on a farm. However, nothing will come of it; women receive benefits and work in the workshop, and on the farm there are not bulls, but cows. The above-mentioned cases in the feminine gender (one and a half) are not used. “I’m asking for a month and a half vacation.” You will have to ask for the same number of weeks in some other way. And finally, it is clear that both parts of the word change. Half - half (one and a half - one and a half). Let's remember this when dealing with "one and a half" ranks higher. One and a half hundred hryvnia (nominative). One and a half hundred hryvnias (the form of all cases, you can check).

Is it possible to use one and a half in Why not? One and a half thousand two (1502) rubles. Such is the accuracy. Does one and a half always act as a locomotive? Is it possible to seat these words in the second or even the last carriage? Let's try. He lacks two million and a half hundred subscribers (2,000,150) to be happy. Such are the whims. The main thing is that everything is functional. If you don’t take care of syntagmas in a conversation, then in the latter case the addressee may think that from 2 to 150 million subscribers are missing. In reality, the request is limited to a more modest number.

A thousand or a thousand?

Only in the instrumental case is this variability possible. The artist was presented with a thousand bouquets (= a thousand bouquets). In all other cases we act by analogy with any noun of the first declension. For example, spring. But the case with the instrumental case shows that the word thousand is unlikely to finally move into the camp of nouns.

From 200 to 900

We bow both parts. We create combinations of numerals with the word hundred - as with a noun.

Here they are, two hundred astronauts, three hundred rockets, four hundred suns, five hundred holes and nine hundred aliens (nominative). We don't care about them, two hundred astronauts, three hundred rockets, four hundred suns, five hundred holes and nine hundred aliens (genitive). We have no reason to be grateful to them, two hundred astronauts, three hundred rockets, four hundred suns, five hundred holes and nine hundred aliens (dative). We should not be interested in them, two hundred astronauts, three hundred rockets, four hundred suns, five hundred holes and nine hundred aliens (creative). But why do we care about them, about two hundred astronauts, three hundred rockets, four hundred suns, five hundred holes and nine hundred aliens? (prepositional).

One hundred. Unit of account. Numeral. And it showed itself as a noun!


50. Endings like 5. The ruler traveled around about fifty countries and acquired fifty allies. We will do the same with all other numerals up to 80. 80? So the reference point would be 8. I was thinking about eight penguins. I thought about eighty penguins. Or maybe about all eighty-eight. This is how compound cardinal numbers are formed; there are plenty of examples.

100, 90, 40. Very convenient. One single form for all cases (except nominative and accusative). By the age of forty you think about a lot. And by ninety - about little things. In the latter case, be careful: you won’t hear the “a” in the unstressed ending. Difference o-a- only in writing.

From 5 to 20

Let's take any third declension noun as a model. No salt. Fifteen coins are missing. We follow the emphasis. Eleven - emphasis on the base.

And here we are again returning to the “middle moment” left somewhere far behind between the first and second.

Two and also three and four

Two. Well, let’s “anatomize” the endings, although this is not at all an interesting activity. Two astronauts and two suns. Two stars. We see two generic forms. One is for men's and average. The second is for women. This is the nominative case. In the accusative case everything will be the same. In addition to the already known nuance: with animate nouns we will use the genitive case form. Well, in fact, try to get rid of the question “who?” when it comes to an animate object. We can make two mistakes, but we rely on two comrades.

Other cases. The farmer cannot imagine life without two horses, two cats, two fields and two apple trees (genitive). Yes, he is wholeheartedly attached to two horses, two cats, two fields and two apple trees (dative). He is proud of two horses, two cats, two fields and two apple trees (creative). His care for two horses, two cats, two fields and two apple trees knows no bounds (prepositional). Let us remember once again about the accusative case. A farmer waters two horses and cultivates two fields. He feeds two cats and fertilizes two apple trees.

As we can see, the analysis of endings in in this case leads to nothing. Two, two. And the case forms are the same.

In the case of three and four, we focus on the same model. Only the instrumental case can present some difficulty. The farmer is proud of four objects.

A compound numeral is a combination of two or more prime numbers. Therefore, in order to form the desired form of such a numeral, it is necessary to remember all the types of declension described above. However, the features of changes in compound numerals are determined not only by this, but also depend on the rank of value. First of all, it is necessary to remember that only ordinal and two groups of cardinal numbers can be both simple and composite: integers and fractions, and collective, indefinite quantitative and two fractions - one and a half And one and a half hundred- can only be simple and are never included in compounds.

Thus, here we will be interested in only three groups of numerals: 1) ordinal; 2) integer quantitative; 3) fractional quantitative. Each of these groups has independent characteristics, which will be discussed below.

1. When declension of compound ordinal numbers only the last word, which is a simple ordinal number, changes, and the remaining words, which are simple cardinal numbers, remain unchanged and always appear in the form. n. True, the latter does not always apply to words thousand, million, billion etc., denoting round quantities greater than a thousand. These words as part of ordinal numbers are used in them. p. only if they are not preceded by another numeral ( one thousand fifty nine; million eight hundred forty-three etc.) or preceded by a numeral one (one thousand three hundred twenty eight; one million six hundred and one and so on.). In the same case, when before the words in question there is any other numeral (except one), they are always used in the form gender. p. Moreover, after the numerals two, three And four the words in question are used in the gender form. p.un. h. ( two thousand seven hundred and nine; three million four hundred eight etc.), and after the numerals five six, seven..., thirteen..., thirty..., forty..., one hundred... etc. - in the form of gen. And. pl. h. (seven thousand two hundred five; forty million five hundred two and so on.).

In general, the pattern of declension of compound ordinal numbers

can be represented as follows:



twenty two thousand nine hundred forty


twenty two thousand nine hundred forty


twenty two thousand nine hundred forty

as in im. or gen. P

twenty two thousand nine hundred forty


twenty two thousand nine hundred forty


For example: The year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven will forever remain in the memory of the Russian people(name p.); And this copy of the book was missing one hundred and forty-third page(gen. p.); The work had to be submitted by the twenty-eighth(dat. p.); You'll get away with it a hundred times, but the hundred and first time you'll get caught(vin. p.); According to archaeologists, The Trojan War took place between one thousand two hundred and sixty - one thousand two hundred and fifty BC e.(tv.p.); The tercentenary of St. Petersburg was celebrated in two thousand and three(prev. p.).

Note. Recently (apparently, under the influence of the widely used ordinal number two thousandth) The form began to appear in the media: two thousand and one (second, third...) year. Such use is considered unacceptable. Regulatory form: two thousand and one (second, fourteenth..) and so on.

2. When declension of compound cardinal numerals every word changes. In other words, in order to correctly form the case forms of such a numeral, it is necessary to decline all the words included in it separately, as was shown above. At the same time the words thousand, million, billion etc. As part of the numerals under consideration, they can be used both in singular and in plural. h. In the form of units. h. these numerals are used if 1) they occupy the initial position ( thousand forty seven, million two hundred ten and so on.); 2) they are preceded by a numeral one{ one thousand seventeen, one million three hundred seven and so on.); 3) they are preceded by a numeral two three or four, and the entire compound numeral is used in the form im. or wine And. ( three thousand, two billion and so on.). In plural form. h. these words are used when they are preceded by some other numeral (five, six..., fourteen..., three hundred), as well as numeral two three or four in any case except im. and wine And. (three hundred million, seventeen thousand and so on.; three thousand, four million etc.). It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that in those cases when the entire compound numeral is used in the form it. or wine p., and words thousand, million, billion and so on. preceded by any other numeral (other than the numeral one), then after the words two three four numerals thousand, million, billion and so on. are used in the form gender. p.un. h. (two thousand, three billion etc.), and after the words five, six..., ninety..., two hundred etc. - in the form of gen. p.m. h. (forty thousand, two hundred million and so on.). The declension pattern for compound cardinal numerals can be represented as follows:



nine hundred






nine hundred






nine hundred





nine hundred






nine hundred



about twenty



nine hundred



For example: Ninety ninelunar months in number of days are close to eight solar years(name p.); To change the start of the Roman year to January, Caesar extended the previous year untilfour hundred forty fiveinstead ofthree hundred fifty?pi fivedays(gen. p.); Leap year equalsthree hundred sixty sixdays(dat. p.); In the modern calendar, a discrepancy of one day is formed only inthree thousand three hundred twenty threeof the year(vin. p.); The ancient nineteen year calendar cycle was measuredsix thousand nine hundred thirty-sixfor days(TV and.); His work dealt withthree hundred twenty thousand one hundred seventy fourunaccounted minutes(prev. p.).


  • 1. Almost all words included in a compound cardinal number have the same forms. and wine And. However, the word thousand(if it occupies the initial position or is preceded by a numeral one) And one(g. r. numeral one) in wine n. a special form is used ( thousand, one). At the word one(in m.r.) form of wine. And. may coincide with both the name form and the gender form. n. It depends on whether the given numeral is combined with an animate or inanimate noun ( sawoneperson, But: onepencil).
  • 2. In colloquial speech you can often find “simplified” constructions with compound cardinal numerals, when (as with ordinal numbers) only the last word changes ( minus one thousand three hundred fifty-six copies) or only the first and last words (with one thousand seven hundred twenty-three kilograms). Such usages are considered non-normative and are unacceptable in modern Russian.
  • 3. All fractional numbers (except wordsone and a half and one and a half hundred)are composite. Their first part, calling the numerator, is a cardinal number, and the second, calling the denominator, is an ordinal number. (three-quarters, three hundred twenty seven five hundred forty nine and so on.). Accordingly, during declination, the first part (numerator) changes as a cardinal numeral, and the second (denominator) - as an ordinal number (in both cases - either as a simple or as a composite), i.e. In the numerator, each word changes, and in the denominator, only the last one changes. Almost all fractional numbers have the same forms. and wine etc., however, you need to pay attention to the following: if a fractional number appears in the forms of these hopes, then its last word (ordinal number) is used in the form gender. p.m. h. (three-quarters; seven-ninths; twenty four forty sevenths etc.), i.e. the last word will have the same forms of three cases: im., gen. and wine And. This does not happen only when the part that names the numerator is represented by the word one or ends with this word. In this case, the forms of the named cases will differ (named and. - one sixth; thirty-one forty-two; genus. P. - one eighth; twenty one fifty fourth; wine P. - one fifth; one hundred and one two hundred thirty-fourth and so on.). At the same time the word one and the last word of the fractional numeral is used in the form zh. R. In general, the pattern of declension of composite fractional numerals can be represented as follows:

four hundred


seven nine hundred



four hundred



nine hundred



four hundred



nine hundred



four hundred



nine hundred



four hundred



nine hundred



about four hundred



nine hundred





For example: Five-ninthsdegrees Celsius are equal to one degree Fahrenheit(named after and.); Fromone hundred thirteen two hundred eighty-fifthsneed to subtractseventeen twenty-eighths(gen. p.); To change from the Reaumur scale to the Celsius scale, you need to multiply the temperature byfive quarters(vin. p.); Dilute the resulting mixturethree-fourthsglasses of cream or milk(TV and.); Selecting the required coefficient, we settled ontwo hundred fifty four seven hundred twenty third(prev. i.).

Note. In cases where we need to name the quantity expressed mixed number(i.e. a number containing whole and fractional parts: 9 3 D; 7 13 / 8, etc.) or decimal(0.125; 4.18, etc.), we use a special combination of words ( six point seven fifteen: twenty four point eight and so on.). The first part of this expression consists of a combination of a cardinal number and the word whole. After the numeral one word Tselgush changes as the corresponding adjective in the form f. R. ( one whole; one whole; kiss one and so on.). After the remaining numerals ( two..., seven... twenty... and so on.) given word changes as the corresponding plural adjective. hours, but at the same time in them. and wine And. it uses the same form as in genus. n. (name and wine. and. - twenty point, genus. And. - twenty point; date And. - twenty whole etc.). The second part of the expression under consideration is a fractional numeral and, accordingly, changes as shown above. Please note that the conjunction “and” can be used between these parts ( two point seven and so on.).

Thus, in order to correctly form and use case forms of numerals, it is necessary to remember and master

1) basic types of declension of simple numerals; 2) the rules that govern the change of compound quantitative, compound ordinal and compound fractional numbers; 3) rules governing the use of a word alone and also a thousand words, million billion etc., when these words are part of compound numerals. In this case, it is necessary to remember the following: if a word changes within a compound numeral, then it almost always changes in exactly the same way as the corresponding simple numeral.

· When declension of compound ordinal numbers changes only their the last part. It is this part that has the form of an ordinal number, coinciding with the form of full adjectives: one thousand nine hundred forty-one-in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five;

· The remaining parts have the form of cardinal numbers, but do not change: two thousand three year-until two thousand and three.

Collective numbers.

Collective numbers ( two, three, four, five etc. ) are used only in the following cases:

1. with nouns denoting males (two friends, three brothers);

2. with nouns children, people, as well as with nouns denoting names baby animals(four children, seven kids, three hares);

3. with nouns having the form plural only and denoting names of paired or composite items(two sleighs, four gates, seven days);

4. with personal pronouns we you they : There are two of us; there are five of them;

5. with substantivized numerals and adjectives denoting persons: two or three guards came in.

· You can say two students And two students(both options are equal). But we need to talk two students (two students- wrong).

· Collective numbers express only numbers from two to ten. Therefore, when indicating a number of more than ten males or young animals, quantitative numerals should be used: twelve friends, forty-five cubs.

4. Numeral both, one and a half, one and a half hundred.

· Numeral both has two generic forms: both- masculine and neuter gender, both- feminine gender: in both states, in both countries.

one and a half (one and a half rubles, one and a half thousand). In addition, in indirect cases this numeral has the form one and a half(about one and a half thousand rubles).

· Similar form in oblique cases has a numeral one and a half hundred (about one and a half hundred rubles).

Fractional numbers.

· When declining fractional numbers all words change, with the numerator changing as the corresponding integer, and the denominator as a plural adjective: two (which?) thirds; three (what?) seventh.

The phrases “numeral plus noun” in the nominative and indirect cases.

· In the nominative case the numeral manages genitive case of a noun ( give fifty-five rubles).

· In indirect cases the main word becomes the noun, and the numeral agrees with him ( about fifty-five rubles).

· Numerals thousand, million, billion in all cases they retain control of the dependent noun in the genitive case: a million rubles, about a million rubles.

The number of nouns used with numerals.

· With numerals one two three four the form used singular nouns ( two days, four apples), with numerals from five and onwards the noun is put in the plural form ( five days).

· Numeral one and a half in the nominative and accusative cases it controls the noun in the singular, and in the remaining cases the noun is in the plural form ( an hour and a half-about an hour and a half).

· The same applies to the numeral one and a half hundred .

8. Designation of quantity more than ten for nouns that do not have a singular form.

· Combinations of compound numerals ending in two three four, with nouns that do not have a singular form ( 22 days-twenty two days), are unacceptable in literary speech. Only combinations of the type twenty-one days, twenty-five days.

· If it is necessary to indicate the corresponding number, a noun that does not have a singular form must be replaced with a synonymous one that has both number forms ( twenty two days).

· With nouns scissors, forceps etc. you can use words like thing and etc. ( twenty three pieces of scissors).

Date designation.

In phrases denoting dates, the numeral should always control genitive case noun: The administration promises to eliminate wage arrears by December 15I (Not December); The letter is dated December twenty-thirdI 1943(Not December 23).


Pronoun is an independent part of speech that indicates on objects, signs, quantity, but does not name them: I, myself, yours, so much and etc.

Pronouns answer the questions of nouns (who? what?), adjectives (which? whose?), numeral names (how many?): He laughsmy Brother,some pencils.

Morphological And syntactic The characteristics of pronouns also depend on what part of speech they replace in the text.

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