Hidden control crossword puzzle 11. Hidden control of a person and the psychology of manipulation. Alternative crossword questions for the word manipulation

Hidden control

The first letter is "m"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "n"

The last letter is "I"

Answer for the question "Hidden control", 11 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word manipulation

A complex technique, an action on something when working manually

Trick, fraud

Demonstration of tricks based primarily on sleight of hand and the ability to distract the attention of the audience

Magician's finger movement

Showing tricks based on sleight of hand (in circus arts)

Definition of the word manipulation in dictionaries

encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
MANIPULATION (French manipulation, from Latin manipulus - handful, handful, manus - hand) action with the hand or hands when performing any complex work; complex technique in manual work. In a figurative sense - a trick, a fraud.

Dictionary living Great Russian language, Dal Vladimir The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir
and. lat. manual techniques, grip, grip; everyday life

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-i, f. A complex technique, an action on something. when working with hands, manually (book). trans. Trick, fraud (disapproved).

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Manipulation - in the theory of discrete message transmission, the process of converting a sequence of code symbols into a sequence of signal elements (a special case of modulation - at discrete levels of the modulating signal).

Examples of the use of the word manipulation in literature.

Of course, he did not smoke belladonna and always carried two bags of tobacco with him: one for his personal use, and the other for his manipulation, which, according to his calculations, should have aroused the curiosity of such heavy smokers as Arminius and Sigimerus, and forced them to follow his example.

The lower level - that is, the level of Aspiration - includes ordinary manifestations of piety, including prayers read in solitude, manipulation with a stone pyramid and so on.

What is important to us is collective autism, artificially induced with the help of manipulation consciousness.

The perplexed barmaid saw how her uninvited guest put the fingers of his left hand first to his left eye, then to his right, while making some incomprehensible manipulation.

During this time he managed to visit several cholera centers and after manipulation, which they did with him as with a cholera bacilli, naturally, he got used to completely involuntarily doing it in his pants, until finally, at one of these points, he fell into the hands of a specialist.

Regular customer – 11 letters. Who is this?

    The first thing that came to mind was the word regular (with the emphasis on the third syllable, strange as it may sound!). By the way, I remember now that at school we once studied this word along with the words herald, spy and hodAtai. In all four words the emphasis is on the first a.

    The correct answer to this crossword puzzle is the word - Regular! This is what they often call regular customers who go to the same establishments all the time. The meaning of this word is that a regular customer is always there.

    This word REGULAR that is, a permanent or frequent visitor to any establishment, for example, a cafe, billiard room, horse race, cinema, and the like.


    Such a client can be called such a cry)), the basis of the meaning of which lies in the word ALWAYS, hence the formation of this term. The word, of course, is not the most common, but it has the right to be called in some cases. Therefore, the only correct answer is: a regular.

  • The answer will be the word regular, a person who always visits some establishment or can be seen there very often, so much so that he has become familiar to other visitors or staff.

    The word itself makes it clear - he is always there

    Regular customers are usually called regulars here. Because they are always there. This is a complex word made up of two adverbs, which was first used in common parlance, and then passed into literary vocabulary. Answer: regular.

Quite often, a person who wants to receive something from another person or group of people encounters their resistance. In this case, it may be impossible or unprofitable to overcome this resistance openly, that is, to force you to do what is in your area of ​​interest. That's what it exists for covert manipulation by people, which represents actions aimed at controlling a person against his will, performed in the interests of another person (manipulator). There are many, but let's talk about everything in order.

Basics of covert manipulation of people

There are certain secrets of manipulating people that help achieve the desired result most effectively.

Among these secrets, which are also called the basics of manipulation, are usually distinguished:

1) Manipulating a person through his needs. Every person needs to have their needs met, so manipulators concentrate their efforts on them. There are physiological needs, the need for safety, the need to belong to a community, the need for respect, the need for self-realization. You can manipulate using each of these types, but it is easiest to do this with the most primitive physiological needs. A classic example is television advertising of any drug, supplement, or even chewing gum, in which the audience is manipulated by appealing to the physiological need to be healthy.

2) Manipulation through weaknesses person. In this case, control of a person or people is carried out by influencing any of numerous weaknesses, which include curiosity, stupidity, self-doubt, gambling, superstitiousness, suggestibility, and much more.

3) Manipulation using features of the human psyche. This is control based on one of the following mental characteristics: psychological contagion, identification, perception, influence of the first impression.

4) Manipulation with stereotypes. Managing people using certain samples or models formed in their minds. In the process of such manipulation, rituals, prevailing stereotypes, and traditions are used.

The psychology of manipulation reveals any hidden control of a person through the listed basics. Some of them are designed for crowd control, while others are quite successfully used at the everyday level.

Methods of covert manipulation

There are also several basic methods of covert manipulation, knowledge of which can significantly simplify the process of achieving the goal - to induce people to take the actions, thoughts, and decisions necessary for the manipulator. The following methods are distinguished:

1) Targets and bait. One of the main techniques, which represents the secrets of manipulation for the experienced. Targets are certain features, properties of the human personality that are influenced for the purpose of manipulation. In this case, the impact on the target must be strong enough so that the person’s rationality is completely suppressed and the possibility of a critical assessment of what is happening is eliminated.

2) Lures act in a slightly different way, allowing the manipulator attract attention controlled person or group of people to a certain side of the matter, distracting from its real goal. Moreover, this method of manipulation is almost ideal, since a person, even after the end of the process of influencing his psyche, will never understand that hidden control took place.

3) Attraction is one of the methods that simplifies the hidden manipulation of a person. Attraction itself is not pure manipulation, but it creates the necessary conditions for covert control. It represents attracting and retaining the attention of a partner, interlocutor, creating a certain interest, favor, and respect in him. The psychological basis of attraction is the desire to receive positive emotions, feel like a representative of a community.

4) Tricks- these are methods of manipulation that boil down to the fact that the interlocutor or opponent is placed in a disadvantageous position for him. Used in disputes, discussions and debates.

5) Suggestion represents an impact on the subconscious side of the psyche of the controlled person. To achieve the goal of manipulation, that is, to induce a person to the desired action or decision, the impact is primarily on his emotions. A striking example of suggestion is hypnosis.

The presented hidden manipulation techniques are quite diverse and suitable for use in various situations.

Some methods can be applied en masse if the feature or property being affected is shared by most people; others are intended exclusively for personal manipulation, which at the everyday level is often carried out unconsciously. More often, a necessary condition for conscious manipulation is the presence of acting abilities and.

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