Slavic writing: initial letter, Glagolitic alphabet, runes, lines and cuts, tragi. Russian initial letter with images and numerical values ​​of initial letters Numerical meaning of letters in an initial letter


Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter - the oldest treasure of the Slavic people

The initial letter or Slavic Alphabet is the greatest storehouse of worldview wisdom, which is the perfect form of conveying the deep essence of the Universal processes interacting in all their diversity of life forms. This is a special programming language of our universe, written by Rod and used by Him as a world-forming and world-ordering tool.

The initial letter is wisdom for the Slavic people too! The Letter contains a huge number of visible and invisible processes that weave the fabric of existence and connect all the many-sided variety of forms in which the Almighty comes.

For example, let's take the pantheon, where each name of God is a specially structured alphabetic code that programs or, in other words, directs the owner of the name given to him by the Family in the right way. And the name “Rod” itself is a kind of alphabetic and numerical matrix that forms the essence of its manifestation in the Universe.

An initial letter can be imagined as a set of paints consisting of forty-nine colors, and our world is a kind of canvas on which their interaction takes place, giving rise to more and more new combinations of colors and shades. You can also draw an image of an orchestra of forty-nine musical instruments played by the Almighty, where each instrument has its own special purpose and is responsible for filling the amplitude of sound allotted to it.

One of the main features of the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter is its irreplaceable applied and constantly functioning readiness, which can be applied right here and right now. Let's take a look at the Initial Letter, the symbols of which are located in a seven by seven square, where each of the lines is a multivariate matrix of Universal processes. These rows and columns, located both vertically and horizontally, contain the basic truths of the universe, and their main feature is naive simplicity and elementary ease of understanding for Slavic people. This letter code can be used by anyone, regardless of their chosen field of activity, since the Initial Letter is universal and can harmoniously accompany in any craft, whether you are a God or a Magus, a Storyteller or a Programmer, a Carpenter or a Machinist.

First, let’s put on the guise of God and look at the Bukvitsa from this high bell tower. For example, let’s take God Svarog and imagine him in the Heavenly Forge forging a new World. Pay attention to the first line of the Initial Letter, located horizontally; now we will look at the image through the prism of this line. The very source and primordial space, or the first blow on the anvil or even Svarog himself, can be designated by the letter “Az”. Our “Gods” will be Fire and the Free Wind that fans it, Charmed Living Water and Dense Matter from which forging is made. The letter “Vѣdi” can denote the wisdom and depth of knowledge of his craft, which Svarog carries out, and the letter “Verb” is his ability to apply this knowledge in practice, that is, “Verb” is “Vѣdi” in motion. “Good” is the action itself created by Svarog. The initial letter “Is” will denote the manifestation and external visual and tangible readiness of the newly forged World, and the initial letter “Ԑsmъ” can be represented as a multidimensional and multifaceted structure of the newly created World, like all the tangible and intangible forms and mental images that Svarog put in during the creation process .

Now let’s look at the Magus through the prism of the Drenlesloven Initial Letter and designate him with the letter “Az”. “Gods” will be structures of a higher order, to which the Magus turns and draws wisdom from the Gods, that is, “Leaders”. “Verbs” are a way of transmitting wisdom and knowledge, because when people come to the Magus, he tells them verbs or conveys the knowledge he has received, and this in turn is “Good” and so on.

You can also give a more modern example. Let's say a programmer created his first application for a smartphone (Az), basing his works on the example of the highest level of development of programmers (Gods), the basis for the creation was their knowledge (Vѣdi), which they conveyed in a book dedicated to one of the programming languages ​​(Verbs), and the programmer made by him was simply posted for free on GooglePlay (Dobro), which over time gained demand and contributed to the sponsorship of the release of paid content (Yes), on many consoles including Apple (Ԑcm).

From the above examples it follows that our Initial Letter is the living language of the Universe, which can be used at any convenient time and succeed in any matter that is important to us, based on the truisms of the Rod. Moreover, this worldview system is capable of miraculously putting brains that have been shifted by a narrow-minded modern system into place and thereby promoting the development of imaginative thinking. As well as the development of sensory connection and empathic contact with the ongoing processes of constant transformation and improvement of the Universe.

The Initial Letter is also capable of awakening the sleeping facets of the Spiritual awareness of oneself, one’s life path and destiny, which forms a pattern on the tablecloth of the Universe, woven by the Fate-Weaver Goddess Makosh herself. In order to live harmoniously, develop and move towards set goals, a person must be healthy both Spiritually and physically. The spiritual facet completely depends on the model of a person’s worldview, which in turn is subordinated to Family, Tribal or even social norms and moral characteristics of the people. The people are the language, and the language is the people. It follows from this that the spiritual wealth of a people is directly proportional to its linguistic heritage.

Many people know that writing has existed among the Slavs since ancient times and that Greek figures have absolutely nothing to do with it, except for cutting off the existing language model. But we won’t focus on this, because our Initial Letter is alive and well again. We will only draw the conclusion we need that linguistic and symbolic density can influence all aspects of the life of a people, and its cutting off and the loss of key truths contributes to a decrease in the Spiritual potential of the speakers of a given language system.

I propose to analyze this situation using the example of a comparison and an equal sign between a healthy human body and a full-fledged Initial Letter, with all forty-nine images. Let's imagine that one of the images has been removed from the Initial Letter - this is identical to the fact that a kidney has failed in the body. They removed the other one - the hand went numb. The third one is that the man is blind. And so on. The same thing happens in a person’s spiritual worldview and his moral characteristics, and the Initial Letter in this case can act as a visual aid for identifying dormant and atrophied facets of the worldview that affect the quality of a person’s Spiritual development. That is, ignorance of the figurative and semantic content of any of the initial letters directly indicates that this aspect of the universe is not recognized by us, forgotten and lost, although it was given to us initially!

See for yourself, the letter “I” (Izhei), which is responsible for the downward flow of the Ancestral connection, has disappeared from circulation, and this flow has disappeared along with it. Or the letter “Ѣ” (Yat), the image of which is the harmony of Spiritual aspirations and Earthly Explicit life, the disappearance of which led to an exclusively material perception of reality. Another example would be the letter “Ѳ” (Fita), its figurative content is a merging with the world of Nature and in fact we have a reduction or, in some cases, a complete absence of spending time in unity with Nature. And so on, as many as sixteen key disappeared images of the worldview that directly influence the way of life and the Spiritual path of the Slavic person.

Fortunately, you can easily improve your Spiritual health by awakening the sleeping letters, and it is best to fully master this worldview system of our Ancestors. After all, it contains everything that our people now need for a quality awakening after the Night of Svarog, acclimatization in the new era of the Wolf and simply the beginning of a real happy life.

And now, my dear Relatives, Brothers and Sisters, I propose to familiarize yourself with and revive the entire letter series, remember the figurative and semantic meaning of each of the initial letters, or rather, each of the facets of this Magic World, inherited by us from Our Gods and Ancestors:

Ancient Slavic Initial Letter - brief description and meaning

Az- the figurative meaning of this initial letter is the source, the origin, the root cause, the first step or the beginning of any action; Perhaps this article will serve as a starting point for someone in learning a new and well-forgotten Native language.

Gods- in this letter there are agreed upon the highest level of development, superior to us in their power; whoever discovers the Initial Letter is able to better understand the Native Gods, whose names contain enormous powers available only to those who know.

Lead- this letter contains all the wisdom and depth of knowledge; this is the entire information space of the Universe, including the knowledge that will be revealed to you as you dive into the Bukvitsa.

Verbs- this is a way of transferring accumulated knowledge; including the text that you now see in front of you; This is a technique for the ability to exchange information that a student of a given knowledge system is able to obtain.

Good- this initial letter is the action itself; these are deeds that improve karma; This is a higher quality level of creation for someone who is able to apply the Initial Letter in practice.

Eat- this letter is the existence of the Explicit World; it is a container for Good deeds; this is the clearly manifested text of this article visible to you; This is your successful materialization of the intention to master this language system.

Ԑcm- this letter shows the versatility, multi-manifested multi-dimensionality of space; these are many variations in the use of fonts for writing this material; this is the expansion of consciousness and your ability to multidimensionally use the Initial Letter located in many spatial and extra-spatial dimensions of this Universe.

Belly- this is life in all its diversity of life forms; this is the revival of all possible manifestations of the forgotten language of our Ancestors; This is a living letter, walking, running and flying around us.

Sѣlo (Zelo)- this is the unknown, the unknown, something beyond the limit of understanding; For many, this is the Initial Letter itself and what is currently unknown and unfamiliar to you about it.

Earth- this is a cosmic form of consciousness created for the passage of experience and our learning; this is our home, our Motherland; Arriving on Earth, you can read my article or even master the Initial Letter.

Izhe- this is a state of balance necessary to be in peace and in harmony with the space around us; The initial letter is capable of aligning and bringing to balance the activity of both hemispheres of the brain, necessary for both the figurative and logical use of this language system.

Izhei (Izhei)- the image of this initial letter is the flow of Universal knowledge or the Ancestral connection; The inclusion of this initial letter in the consciousness helps to restore the lost connection with the Family.

Init (Init)- this is the connecting link; this is a thread that permeates the entire universe; knowledge of the Old Slovenian Initial Letter unites us with generations who lived thousands of years ago.

Ћѣрвь (Гервь)- this is an emotional explosion; this is the moment of awakening after the Night of Svarog and finding the roots of one’s people; this is a state of absolute jubilation and emotional ecstasy from the images of the Native Letter reborn inside.

Kako- this is the volume; This is a colossal archived amount of knowledge contained in each of the initial letters and partially revealed by me for the reader’s understanding.

People- this is the world of people or society; this is the cosmic consciousness for which the secrets of the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter are intended.

Thinking- this is a way of knowledge or even the basis of knowledge; this is your comprehension of what you read, which contributes to assimilation, because in order to assimilate food, we chew it, and in order to assimilate the Initial Letter, it needs to be comprehended.

Ours- this letter carries the image of what our Ancestors bequeathed to us; this is Our language and Our Initial Letter, with the help of which you can qualitatively and fully perceive the world inherited from the Ancestors.

He- this is the transcendental Divine form; This is the Supreme Family, united and multi-manifested. He created this Initial Letter, He taught the Initial Letter to others, He wrote an article about this Initial Letter, and now he is reading what he wrote and created.

Chambers- this is a state without movement, rest, sleep; this is a stop of all motor processes, necessary in order to calmly concentrate on reading the article dedicated to the Bukvitsa.

Rѣtsi- the image of the initial letter is the structuring and ordering of space; this is our craft; The initial letter can tighten up and put in order many aspects of our lives.

Word- this letter carries the image of the birth of thought and its manifestation in the Explicit World; whoever masters this system of knowledge will discover the power contained in the Word.

Firmly- the image of this initial letter is the firmness of convictions, or the hardness of stone and any other material; this may be the unchanging point of view of a person who stands firm in his positions; this is a firm commitment to the need to master the linguistic heritage of one’s people.

UK- this letter calls for unity or approach to something; for example, Ukraine, which is located on the edge and, most interestingly, has recently been or has been close to the edge of the abyss; this is the internal call of the roots, calling for the study of the Initial Letter.

Ɣкъ (Окъ)- the image of the initial letter will be a sensual connection, a premonition; you can also consider the initial letter as Conscience, “As it looks, so it will respond”; this is the purity of thoughts and the strength of your intention necessary for a full sensory immersion in the Initial Letter;

Firth- this letter denotes a feeling of pride and nobility; this is what the reader experiences at the moment of realizing the depth and greatness of his native language, its significance and personal ability to master and be a full-fledged speaker of this language system.

Dick- this letter paints a beautiful and harmonious image of the coexistence and movement of many life forms; this is the movement of cosmic bodies without interfering with each other; this is the movement of cars at an intersection; This is my personal vision of the Initial Letter, which fully coexists with yours, harmoniously complementing it.

Ѿ (From)- the image of the initial letter is the achievement of a certain limit, after which new horizons open; this is the ability to achieve a given task and complete all tasks to the end; this is your knowledge of this worldview system, from the first to the last Letter, after which higher degrees of Spiritual immersion and mastery of the higher capabilities of our language will be opened.

Tse- this letter carries the image of goal setting, correct formation and successful achievement of the tasks set for oneself; this will be the choice of movement vector for those who decide to master this system of knowledge and set off with a confident, regal gait to achieve their goal.

Chervl- one of the facets of the initial letter is pristine beauty, and the other facet will be the very selection of the facets as such; These are beautiful features; This is the versatility of the Initial Letter which will gradually be revealed to you and will manifest itself as an opportunity to examine this system of knowledge from different angles, from different applied facets of existence.

Sha- the image of the initial letter will be the ability to interact with space-time structures; this is a shaman calling on Spirits and fumigating the area around the fire; this is the ability to tune in to interaction with the Initial Letter, which will be revealed to the heir of this language.

Shta- this initial letter carries the image of the initially approved space; this is 1 hectare for a family estate; these are the approved dimensions of A4 sheet format; this is the return of the initially approved capabilities of human consciousness, which were given to us by the Almighty and spelled out in the Initial Letter.

Kommersant (Єръ)- this letter paints an image of the creative process; it is creation itself happening right now; This is the approach to learning the Initial Letter that will allow you to most harmoniously master your Native language system.

Y (Yory)- the image of this initial letter is joint collective creativity; this is an opportunity to study and master the Initial Letter together with people close to you; These are comments that you can indicate below this article and thereby provide co-creation, complementing my vision of the capabilities of our Great Language.

b (Єр)- the semantic and figurative content of a given initial letter is something that has already been created; This is the Initial Letter, it already exists, it was created by the Higher structures and no longer needs to be created anew.

Ѣ (Yat)- this letter denotes the harmonious union of the Heavenly and the Earthly; this is the ability to live and enjoy Earthly blessings, while developing Spiritually and learning the Universal foundations of the universe; awakening the letter Yat will allow you to see and apply Divine wisdom in the conditions of Earthly incarnation.

Yun- the image of the initial letter is that it falls out of the main flow; this is the ability to move by finding roots by studying the Native language, while the main stream of the population quickly forgets or puts the study of foreign language systems at the head of the table; another facet of the image of the initial letter is the basis of the Slavic world, a society that can rightfully be called the face of our people, these are masterpiece people who follow the Law and live in harmony with Conscience, and a society that prefers to live in ignorance simply simply falls out of the Generic Stream.

Ҩрь (Ar)- the image of a given initial letter is a homogeneous space; this is the feeling of homogeneity and unity with our Initial Letter that you already feel and which, as you dive into the depth of the images, will become more and more vivid.

Ѥdo (Edo)- this initial letter contains the image of touching the original; this is a special gift for those who master the Initial Letter and will be able to draw knowledge from the primordial space around us.

Ѡ (Ohm)- the image of the initial letter is responsible for enlightenment; this is a creative insight and an opportunity to shed light on previously unknown areas of existence; this is guaranteed enlightenment through the knowledge of the disappeared images of our Initial Letter.

Ѧ (En)- this letter is responsible for figurative perception; this is a long-awaited return to figurative thinking, without which full knowledge of the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter is impossible, but at the same time our Initial Letter is a way of awakening the vision of the World of Images.

Ѫ (Одь)- the image of this initial letter is the wisdom passed on to us by inheritance; this is that sacred storehouse of the accumulated experience of our Ancestors, which awaits its heir and copyright holder, living according to Conscience and in harmony with Nature, capable of increasing and passing on the dowry to his descendants.

Ѩ (Yota)- this letter indicates the possibility of reading and transmitting knowledge through the development of imaginative thinking; this is the ability to master mental images or even telepathic interaction with the universe, which one who knows the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter is able to acquire.

Ѭ (Ota)- the image of the initial letter contains the ability to refuse things that are known, but at the same time unacceptable to us; this may be a refusal to eat meat while comprehending and understanding the fact of eating corpses; this is the ability to give up bad habits and confidently walk through the expanses of a sober consciousness, in which the letter and, in general, the entire Native culture opens up in brighter and more rainbow colors.

Ѯ (Xi)- the image of the initial letter is Spirituality; this is a necessary manifestation of strong-willed qualities and the power of the Spirit in the desire to master the deep images of the Native language.

Ѱ (Psi)- the initial letter carries the image of Soulfulness; this is the ability to open up to new knowledge, show sociability and establish Soul contact between you and the Souls of Letters.

Ѳ (Fita)- the image of the initial letter contains the ability to merge with the world of Nature into a single whole; this is a real reward for those to whom the Nature of the Drop Letter opens its arms and shows the true integrity of the language.

V (Izhitsa)- this initial letter, ringing with white light, paints a beautiful image of sublime states of happiness and true bliss, because mastery of the language of the Universe and the ability to think in the same lofty and at the same time naive categories, gives the bearer of the capital truths of the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter the highest manifestation of divine pleasure from being in this Magic World.

Ӕ (Izha)- the image of this initial letter stores knowledge about temporary elements and the ability to work over time; this is the effect of immersion in the Initial Letter, when time loses its usual flow. In such cases, they say that time flies unnoticed and it’s true what they say, because the very process of writing this article was like a light flight of thought, in which time changed its usual course and the whole process of transferring knowledge about the Initial Letter seemed to me equal to one moment. I sincerely hope that the reader also felt this effect from being in the space-time flow of Native thought images and knowledge close in Spirit.

Slavic Initial Letter - video lessons by Andrey Ivashko

The Old Slovenian Initial Letter is an axiom consisting of forty-nine facts that encourage the study of the Native language. Of course, some will pass by and not everyone has enough internal willpower and character to master the Shrine of our people, but those who dared to look through all forty-nine images and are still reading this article are quite capable of taking the next step, and maybe even going into the most fascinating a journey called the Old Slovenian Letter.

And in this case, you can just a little orient and direct these brave men and discoverers to one of the real Aces of this knowledge system. This man’s name is Andrey Ivashko and we tried to collect his lectures and video lessons in this article. This video course is dedicated to mastering the basics of a full-fledged Native language and will be very useful for a quality awakening after the night of Svarog.

Basic truths of the ancient Slavic Initial Letter

The Ace of the Gods Knows the Verb Good, which is Life (existence)
Ace Lives as the Whole Word Descended and Established Everywhere
Ace is Very Wise, Creating Ancestral Foundations in Time

Thank you for your attention and wish you success in mastering the deep heights of the Ancient Slovenian Letter!

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We asked weather forecasters to comment on the “climate weapon issue” and finally simply answer - is this a real thing or nonsense?

A State Duma deputy is sounding the alarm: according to him, the United States is to blame for our abnormally warm winter. In response, scientists twirl their fingers at their temples, but make a reservation: in principle, influencing the weather is possible. But how effective is it?

On May 29, 2017, a hurricane hit Moscow, resulting in casualties - 18 people died. Then rumors spread: the Americans must have used secret technology against us that allows us to influence the weather. Since then, any natural disaster - be it unprecedented heat, storm or flood - has been accompanied by talk of the notorious US climate weapon.

This winter was no exception.

And in the Senate they are looking for the “hand of Moscow”

On the morning of January 16, the first temperature record of 2020 was recorded in Moscow: the thermometer showed +3.1°C, which has not happened in the capital since 1925. And a day earlier, State Duma deputy Alexey Zhuravlev said that, in his opinion, climate weapons were used against our country.

“I don’t rule it out,” he said on the radio station “Moscow Speaks”. - Today America uses everything it can in advanced technologies. I am sure these are not random climate changes. As we know, they tested climate weapons in Vietnam. Of course, these developments are underway, although they are prohibited. Moreover, they do this not as a weapon, but as research. Research is possible, but weapons are not.”

Deputy Zhuravlev suggested that the goal of the adversary, for example, is to destroy permafrost in Russia (“if it floats, it will be a disaster and a big problem; the Americans know this and are testing weapons”), and in the long term, all these experiments (research , tests) will lead to the disappearance of the Earth's ozone layer and the destruction of life.

Forecasters and climatologists called the parliamentarian’s version “utter nonsense.” Leading specialist at the Phobos weather center, Evgeniy Tishkovets, recalled that it is not always possible to even disperse the clouds over Moscow before the holidays, what kind of climate weapon is that? And in the United States itself, in recent months and years, there have been so many natural disasters that it’s time for Americans to think about who might benefit from this. By the way, some people even think about it. As Roman Vilfand, scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, noted in a conversation with RBC, “now the emergence of Atlantic cyclones into the United States has become more frequent, and there are also voices in the Senate that this could be the ‘hand of Moscow’.”

“The Washington regional committee is working”

The hypothesis about the use of climate weapons by the Americans was voiced by the same deputy Zhuravlev six months ago, when the weather in the European part of Russia became sharply cold, there were downpours in Moscow, and forests were burning in Siberia.

“I think they are testing climate weapons. There can’t be a summer like this, we all understand that it can’t happen. Well, the Washington regional committee is working,” the parliamentarian stated.

“The issue of climate weapons comes up regularly and, mind you, not always from the lips of experts. This is such a “long-lasting” nonsense,” a climatologist and leading researcher at the Main Geophysical Observatory shares his opinion with Voeykova Andrey Kiselev. - If someone makes attempts to create climate weapons, they are still futile, because they will be much less reliable compared to other types of weapons.

In addition, let me remind you that in the mid-1970s (by the way, on the initiative of the USSR) the “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Means of Impact on the Natural Environment” was adopted. Imagine what would happen in the highest political circles if there were at least some “tangible” grounds to suspect someone of violating the convention. So I don't believe in it."

Officially, not a single country in the world has admitted that it has ever developed climate (or geophysical, that is, affecting the entire natural environment, including the lithosphere, hydrosphere, ionosphere, etc.) weapons. Nevertheless, similar technologies are used - primarily for the notorious dispersal of clouds for the holidays. It is believed that this method of influencing the weather was originally developed specifically for military purposes.

And the Americans successfully used it during the Vietnam War (here Deputy Zhuravlev is right). By spraying silver iodide and dry ice over the clouds during the rainy season, they caused downpours in the places they needed. This led to the flooding of rice fields and the erosion of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, along which the Vietnamese partisans were supplied with equipment and weapons. Nevertheless, the Americans were not very happy: the effect was short-lived, and the financial costs of reagents and air sorties were enormous.

Since then, nothing has been heard about the Pentagon’s climate developments, except for conspiracy theories regarding the HAARP project. This research complex, located in Alaska, is designed to study the Earth's ionosphere and is under the control of the Pentagon. Subordination to the military department is explained simply: knowledge about the ionosphere is necessary for the development of missile defense. But conspiracy theorists came up with their own arguments. The United States, they believe, built the HAARP complex because its antennas are capable of influencing the weather, disabling enemy satellites, disrupting communications where needed, and even controlling people's minds. And also cause terrible disasters - droughts, floods and hurricanes.

Antennas of the HAARP complex in Alaska.

In the first year we already wrote down images: ..., this is a structural image, it sounds (naming), we name this image. Now let’s analyze the deep images of the initial letters, and immediately, so that this figurative structure is consolidated, we will analyze the word construction.

Az(A) - God living on Earth and creating, i.e. creates. But this is like a general image (a person), and there is also a deep, original structure: origin, source, unique, united- these are just a few examples; this letter can take a very, very long time to describe. Those. the image could be modified when another narrating image had a different structural deep meaning. And for these images to interact, they had to be coordinated with each other. Those. “A” are speaking images, as if narrating, and between them there were coordinating images. Now we simply have the wording “”, but when they say “vowels,” then a modern person does not have the question: “What do they say?” If the letters are consonants, then “Consonant with what?” And there are different agreements, so there are more agreement letters, and each of them also carries its own image - the image of agreement. And note that in Initial the principle of reading is the same as in - each subsequent image influences the previous one, so we read the scale in one direction, and the image of its structural meaning was read in the reverse order. So it is here (origin, unique, source, man), i.e. It’s as if the images are different, but their essence is the same. And this origin, source means movement, direction towards a given image - the point from which the rays containing the depths of the images came.
And note: the origin, the source, the only one, has a seemingly homogeneous structure, i.e. as if one could say the only form, i.e. what came first. That's why numeric value - 1, i.e. unified structure.

Gods(b) - which Christians replaced with “beeches”. But notice that at the second letter no numeric value because there are many Gods. And the image of this initial letter means: a multitude superior to a form, which seems to prevail over something, i.e. Here we have some kind of concept, and this prevails, and the relationship is just that. Let's look at an example using only these two initial letters.
* BA– let’s say there is a phrase: “Bah! all familiar faces”, i.e. superior (B) to the original (A), i.e. above. Therefore, our expression “Ba” sounds in an amazing form. The person is surprised: “how is this? Here there is something, and here something else has appeared in addition to what was in the beginning, and something else on top of it.”
* WOMAN(as if coordinated with the same form). Let's look at the first syllable: “Az” affects “Gods”, i.e. as if the human were above something, they were surprised, but at the same time the divine again began to influence the first “Az” - the human, and our image has already changed: surprised by what? Divine creation, i.e. something that exhibited a surprisingly new plural form, i.e. one more thing has been added. Therefore, the image of “woman” means that she produced, in addition to what we have, a new, identical Divine form of life. A woman who gave birth to a child was called a woman, and a child is a descendant of the Gods. That’s why they said about a woman that she became a woman, but that was when she gave birth to a boy, i.e. successor And the woman who gave birth to a girl was called young, young woman.
* BAB– here they removed the “A” at the end, and it turned out that the divine or plural gathers before the multitude, and the single source (A) is located between two consistent systems, i.e. “A” as a transition point between two structures. And the transition point has always been called a door, gate. And this form was accessible and understandable not only to our Ancestors, but also to many peoples, hence “bab” was renamed as “gate”. Let’s say in Assyria in Mesopotamia, the city in which the Gate of God was located, or as we call it, which connected the Divine world with the Earthly, they called it Babel (or Bab-Al, then replaced with “e”) - Babylon.
* B. Ursa- note that the structure of dominance has remained to this day. If we leave one letter “B” and put a dot, let’s say: “B.” Ursa" - it turned out: Ursa Major, i.e. here the initial letter itself reveals dominance in this context. And if there is more, then there is also something less. Those. this form remains, but many use it on a subconscious level.
Since a set cannot be specified, it is as if this initial letter does not have a numerical value.

Lead(c) - means definite set, i.e. if the “Gods” are an indefinite set, then the “Vedas” are a definite set ( predominance), let's say a lot of wisdom, a lot of knowledge. Vedi also means collected together, certainty, direction, this also means link between two systems. Let's say there is a connecting link between the past and the future, between light and dark, between radiating and absorbing, i.e. this is an interconnection, and the interconnection is always filled with something, i.e. This is not just a point of contact, it is some kind of fullness. Therefore, the Vedas are not only wisdom, it's not only knowledge, in our understanding, and the whole spectrum of everything: colors, smells, tastes, and sensations. This is the water of the cause-and-effect ocean in which it floats, and on which stand the three elephants of our worldview, on which the flat Earth rests, like a flat human judgment.
Numeric value - 2— correlates with the number of connected systems, the information content of the universe. The present is only a moment, it’s as if it doesn’t exist. Although, when viewed from the outside, the present turns into the eternal now.

Verbs(G) - movement, outflow, direction, transfer of knowledge from the source. Let’s say that when we speak, our lips will initially be, the second meaning will be the flow itself, i.e. our speech, ours, and thirdly, it doesn’t go into emptiness, it finds someone’s ending, i.e. receiving ears. When a person simply speaks and no one listens to him, they say: “he is babbling,” but does not speak. Therefore, if there is a point of completeness where it came from, a point of completeness of what is transmitted, let’s say the Veda, and what is perceived. And at the same time the verb implied triplicity, i.e. transmission of sound form, figurative form, and hidden form, i.e. secret (thought). That's why numerical value - 3.
* GA- in the modern understanding, this is a path, a movement. If we put the approved limit (tai) in front, we get “ taiga", i.e. the end of the road, i.e. the end of the stream of the beaten, established. And if we put in front the hardness (T) of the path, at the same time the created one (B), we get “ go away"—the beaten path, i.e. created path, created road.
* WOOF- note, the Vedas are not only what is passed down from Ancestors to descendants. Ancestors are Gods, which means the Vedas, this is wisdom that goes beyond the limits of understanding, lying between what we know and what we do not know. Those. We put the Vedas after GA - “woof”, i.e. one person to another: “What are you barking?”, i.e. what he says is beyond the sphere of understanding of that person. The dog also barks, it communicates what is beyond your perception. Notice that when you say something to a dog, it understands, for example: “bring the slippers,” and it did. But when the dog barked something, you didn’t understand what she wanted to tell you. But this does not mean that the dog is smarter, it is closer to nature. And a person, when he was closer to nature, could talk with animals - remember Russian fairy tales.

Good(e) - image of Good: acquisition, created, located above something, beyond what exists, superior to something, i.e. excellent shape. At the same time, good means the completeness and harmony of the created, the developing form. Therefore, there are other forms of writing for Good: they were drawn as “D” (large), or as a mound (), or a pyramid with an elongated bottom line (small), i.e. on level ground there is some kind of hill, rising above the level ground. Therefore, Good also meant, in addition to everything - elevation, elevation, prosperity. Now compare the outline of the letter “D”, it is integrity (the base is one, two, three) and it is above something (four); and let us allow complete development, harmony of man: Body, Soul, Spirit, Conscience, i.e. 4 elements, therefore numerical value - 4.
* YES- when something prevails over the original, over the human, over the Divine, it always sounds in an affirmative form, because since it prevails, it means it already exists, it is already established. That’s why we say: “YES” (D – good, A – az), which prevails over the original.
* HELL– here the Good does not prevail over the original, i.e. the predominance is below the source, it has not yet manifested itself, it is somewhere beyond. AD is like the opposite structure, like an inverted pyramid (an inverted “D”). Therefore, “AD” is a Russian word, not a Hebrew or Greek one.

Eat(e) means: to be, form of existence, being, being in a given real form, being in a given reality, i.e. in a manifested state. In addition, this letter means something that has volume and perception, visible and sensory. At the same time, it means something that is in development. Those. this form of existence concerns only the planes of perception that exist before our eyes, and this concerns only the Earthly world, and not universal structures.
And notice, in the general form there are five elements: . But the Slavs explained it differently, i.e. the symbol is not a star, but in a circle - like 4 elements that make up a person (Body, Soul, Spirit, Conscience), and all this is in the Universe (circle), therefore numerical value - 5.

I am(yeah) — diversity, diversity, multidimensionality, multistructure in relation to a certain point of discussion, reasoning. Those. a point could be the human essence, a point could be the Universe, a point could be oneself. Those. if we have this form of being (I am), we have, as it were, diversity.
Example: three words “ate” - read the same, but the meanings are different.
* FIR(I am) - ate, tasted, had a meal, appeared, but this is different consumption, i.e. reception of various forms of energy, because matter is energy, ether, of different densities.
* FIR(Yat) – trees, i.e. spruce in the plural. The initial letter Yat is a connection between the Earthly and the Heavenly, hence the trees.
* FIR(Is) – existential, the form of the pre-beginning, i.e. what they previously started: “they ate, they started,” “it got to that point.” Those. here is an imperfect form, at the level of being.
And note, since I am - diversity, multifacetedness, it is impossible to convey this in numerical form, therefore numeric value – set.

Stomach(g) - originally the stomach, this life. Those. this image meant not only life, but also existence of different forms, interconnection of sets, transformation(preliminary education, creation) and transformation(change something). It also meant origin and growth, reaching a certain limit, beyond which a new path to a new limit appeared. Those. life is multifaceted, multistructured, multidimensional, and so on.
Notice, here again there is a plural form, but “I am” is the form of a plurality of thoughts, multi-faceted, multi-structured, and “Life” is diversity, and diversity cannot have any numerical form.

Dzelo(dz) - means: very, beyond, but it also means what is located beyond our understanding, beyond our consciousness and imagination. Dzelo means what is unknown to us and what we have not yet known. Those. that which is outside the framework of perception, it seems to flow interconnectedly, but in order to understand all this, one must develop, i.e. it is not closed as such, it must develop so that we can understand it all. And also Dzelo is case, i.e. something that is being created, but is still incomprehensible to others. And note, if our form of being (Is) shows that it is five, then Dzelo is that which goes beyond the boundaries of five, beyond the limits of being, beyond the limits of understanding, and therefore numerical value – 6.
* EVIL- this is ignorance and ignorance, i.e. that which goes beyond perception, that which is not known by people (“Z” - unknown, “L” - by people, “O” - structure, object).

Earth(h) - here in the universal understanding: that which enters into a certain system as an integral part. At the same time, Earth is called what what life comes into contact with. Those. to understand that this is an incoming system, imagine three circles: the central one is our being (Is = 5); everything outside is six (6); but the limit itself, the universal system, is seven for us (7). That's why numerical value – 7.
And note, the Earth is a multidimensional form of existence, which means it is also a form of life. That's why our Ancestors called it Mother of Cheese Earth, i.e. “Mother” - as if dense, dense; “Cheese” - raw (not necessarily wet, but unprocessed, original, different); “Earth” is already a dense celestial body, i.e. everything is self-generating.

Izhe(and - long) - connection, unity, harmony, balance. Those. imagine a multidimensional spatial cross (several rays intersected at one point), as if all the paths converged at one point, and these paths are harmonious, their image is the same - harmonious. Those. they connected, so numerical value - 8- the numerical value of harmonious unity. But expanding the image further, we have there “F” - life, and “E” - being. Those. as if balancing life of being, i.e. harmonizing.
* WORLD- we have already seen that the next letters that come are, as it were, control letters. Therefore, look, there is “M” - thought, think; but think how? It is harmonious so that there is balance. Those. wisdom and decision, which are harmonious, they lead to a state of harmony, to balance. Therefore, this word “”, as a rule, was used to mean “a state without war”, without conflicts.

Izhei(and - smooth) - if Izhe sounds long [iii], i.e. rays from the original point on 8 sides can diverge very far, then Izhei was flat [and]. And note that the “i” is here connection with the Most High, the fact that being in Heaven, with the highest point, is like starting point through which Ra-M-Ha manifested itself into a new reality, and from there the Universal Light went. Therefore, the figurative meaning of this letter was used to determine the universal scale, not only in the global, big, but also in the universal small.
Please note that the universal “i” is a dot, this is like a harmonious order, and the harmonious order was denoted by the number 8 (dot), and here is the connection of Heaven (upper line) and Earth (lower line), i.e. nine and ten, so numerical value – 10.
* MiРЪ– here is wisdom (M) emanating from the Universe (point). Therefore, the word “MIR” in the Vedas meant the Universe, i.e. emanating wisdom, embracing everything, both Earthly and Heavenly. But notice, there is not one Universe, so when they said “WORLDS”, it meant other Universes. But later, when many images were lost, Worlds began to be called even simply Star systems or planets, and not Universes.

Init(and) - note, the same order, but not a point (the Universe), but a line, i.e. limits space, as if indicating that this is the limitation of our world. Sometimes, instead of a line, even two dots are placed above the big one. And in the name we see the initial letter “Nash”, i.e. ( AND) – harmony ( N) – our ( AND) – true ( T) - approved and ( b) - created. The concept of “ours” - i.e. what is common is not mine, not his, but ours. Therefore, Init transmitted image of a single multi-sphere definition, or as we say now: communal definition, common characteristics, common forms, common rules, common foundations.
* MIRЪ- a community of people, i.e. Community. And not only people, but in general a community of certain species. Therefore, if we say: “The World of Nature,” then we will write the Universal nature through Izhei (with one point), and the Earthly world of nature we will write through Init (with two points). Those. MIR is the concept of “Community”, hence the concept “ laymen", i.e. community members. From time immemorial, our Ancestors lived in Peace (Community), and did not allow strangers into their world. Not to one’s own territory, but as if there is a concept in the Spiritual world, i.e. the world in which the Community lives.

Gerv(gha) - in some so-called explanatory dictionaries of the Old Russian language, Church Slavonic, this letter is sometimes also called not “Herv”, but “Derv”, i.e. and in this understanding Gerv as Tree of the Universe- below is our Explicit world, then the line under heaven, and this is what is beyond, what is from heaven, from another world flows into Reality, which is why Herv was called the Tree of Times or the Tree of Worlds, the Universe. And what we have from the Universe, i.e. comes down from the heavens, it's unknown, but manifested in reality, or the manifestation of the unknown in Revealed. Therefore, this form has always been placed in an amazing structure, structure of surprise. And note, there is an exclamation mark (!), but earlier it was called an “amazing sign”, i.e. when a person not only exclaimed, he was surprised at something, and a person was always surprised at a miracle. Therefore, we can say that Herv was used to express something amazing, wonderful, but at the same time incomprehensible, it was not determined by any character.
Those. Gerv is a multiple, multifaceted form, it cannot be defined by any specific form, so it is also has no numerical value.

Kako(k) – in the outline of the letter “K” we see Izhe (I), and as if to this world, to the connection between Heaven and Earth, two more worlds approach, i.e. “K” should connect the upper world - Heaven (this is where there is no demon, i.e.), and the connection of two worlds: Light Nav (upper oblique) - the World of Ancestors, and Dark Nav (lower oblique) - the World of Spirits. And since the World of Rule is located higher, therefore the central line has always been higher in the “k” shape.
And note “WHAT” - it’s worth 3D union; then “Az” - people; and again combines it with the structure of the spheral “O”, i.e. something else. It’s as if a person is like a universe, and there is another universe nearby, so we have two dozen, two universes (as they say: microcosm and macrocosm). That's why numerical value – 20, two spheres. Those. two worlds united, and when two worlds unite, a volume, and not just volume, but a merger, as it were, of two systems or several systems that have merged together, and there together they begin to interact and harmonize.

People(l) - if “Kako” is volume, then here it is as if volumes in different spheres are in contact, each person is a certain volume. Those. some independent parts are combined into something perfect, similar to a single. Those. we have the manifestation of one world (left oblique), the manifestation of the second world (the line at the top), and the manifestation of the third (the vertical line), and this is all in commonality, in volume, and since we have united three spheres, three worlds, then we have us numerical value - 30. And note that our Ancestors included in the concept of “people” those living not only with an obvious life tied to the earth, but among them also The spiritual sphere is developed. Remember, we have already discussed: . Therefore, when a person lives only: he worked, ate, slept - this does not apply to people, because there must be communication, interconnection, and the image of “People” - firstly: peaceful people. Those who tried to destroy were even popularly called nonhumans. Those. peaceful people lived without war, non-humans lived with war. Therefore, we have many similar people who are not people in the true meaning, in the correct meaning.
* LYUDMILA- i.e. “People” is when the Mental, Explicit and Sensual form are united. Therefore, the name Lyudmila is “nice to people,” and she is sweet because her sphere of influence is developed (30), three spheres of influence.
* LOVE– this concept is not only earthly, but also cosmic, universal, i.e. Love embraces both Reality, Nav, and Rule, i.e. again three spheres, so Love was written through this initial letter.
* FOREST– there is also an “L” here, because with us it is not only man who unites the three spheres of balance. The Earth, the Sun, the Air are transformed into being, into reality into what? FOREST - roots in the earth, air and heaven with the sun give light, it unites to give life.
* FOX– also a trinity, as they say: the fox is cunning, lies and deception, i.e. Fox Plutovka.
* Old Russian language, course 3, lessons 1-3.

    The imagery of Old Slovenian, and subsequently Old Russian, comes from the runes with which our ancestors reflected the reality around them. A rune is not a letter, not a syllable. And those philologists who believe that they can read runic text are deceived. They pick up only the tops, unaware of the roots, like a character from a famous fairy tale. Rune - secret (ultimate, deep) image that phenomenon, event that was displayed in the runic outline, its essence. Each sign of the same Sanskrit, a simplified form of the Aryan Karuna, has up to 50 meanings. Original, i.e. Karuna (union of runes), over 144. Therefore, the decipherment of these texts was carried out, obviously, not by amateurs, but by professionals who had the gift of connecting and understanding rune image path(darrungami).

    The graphemes of Karuna and the Holy Russian Initial were written under the so-called “celestial” (“god” - in Mirolyubov) line, but the images that they carried in themselves often did not coincide. They were superimposed on the publicly available text (simple reading), using it as a medium. To identify the desired image embedded in the text, in addition to “simple reading”, three more so-called “deep readings” (step-by-step deciphering) were carried out. The result of each stage became the “key” to the transition to the next stage. All four readings were combined into a single text (simple reading - everyday wisdom; deep readings - a higher order of wisdom). And vice versa: deep matrix information. The result was a kind of “information doll” for general use. Ordinary people repeated it in chants and hymns glorifying the Gods from century to century. In this way, the safety of information over time was simply and reliably ensured. And among the priests were kept the “keys” for deciphering ancient wisdom. This was the general form of knowledge storage in the past.

    Now let’s show it with an example principle information extraction. You, of course, know the expression “elementary truths.” In the modern understanding, this is something very simple, even primitive, known to everyone. For example, like 2x2 or like a, b, c, d, e, f, E, g, s, h(phonetic beginning of the alphabet) - Stage 1.

    But letters (capital letters) used to have names: az, Gods (beeches), lead, verbs (verb), good, there is, am, belly, green, earth - Stage 2.

    By combining the names of the initial letters in pairs and adding their well-known images, we get a text familiar to many: I know God, saying good, saying good is being, life is great on earth - Stage 3.

    Let's go deeper, moving on to deep images of initial letters: I know a lot, multiplying information about existence, which is the form of existence of diverse life on earth(planets) - Stage 4.

    It is necessary to remind time and again that the vast and powerful state of Rus' (Russia, Svyatorus) had a great history and culture, the memory of which has been humiliated for more than a century. In these lands was the very source of the most ancient faith of mankind: Vedic, and therefore it is here that one should look for the roots of the very culture of writing graphemes that carry figurative meaning. The same one that our ancestors brought from the north from Daariya (Arctida), starting from the four most powerful primary sources of graphic display of sounds, which already at that time had an incredible duration of development and unity for us.

    The fact that Rus' in Vedic times was united and had a high cultural level is evidenced by the undeniable existence of the great, single Old Russian language, which has a more developed phonetics and grammatical structure than modern Russian. Nowadays, as already mentioned, there is a depletion (degradation) of our language. For example, simplification of pronunciation letters (throat, nasal, hissing, whistling, etc.) has led to the fact that our body is no longer affected by verbal combinations tested over thousands of years (for talk s, on talk s), because they are now pronounced with the wrong frequency or vibration.

    All the “reforms” of recent centuries were aimed at its primitivization, simplification, and loss of imagery. The initial letter had 49 characters. Before Peter, 6 letters were removed from it. Peter himself brought their number to 38. Nicholas II and the Bolsheviks settled on 33 letters. And they are already saying that further simplification is inevitable if we want to live according to European standards. But who proved that their language standard is higher? There they have already shortened it to 24 letters! It has already been said about the loss of deep imagery in European languages, especially in English, which is being vigorously pushed to the role of the world language leader.

    Example: many authors involved in the study of Old Russian and Old Slavic languages ​​note their brevity due to the additional transmission of the image. The expression " the prince will come" It is still clear to us today. In English, these two words were expressed in 11 words. In our language, all other words from the English translation are considered trash words according to the rules. So think about it, do we need such a “leader” and such “reforms”?

    In conclusion, we can state that with the loss of imagery and the transition to a phonetic method of extracting information, our language has become without O figurative and ultimately ugly A sultry “The death of a language means the death of the Family,” one Armenian thinker said in the last century. Distorted language leads to distorted perception, from which distorted values ​​arise, distinctions are lost - in will and desire, form and formality, good and benefit, capacity and volume, etc. Genus loses its qualities and degrades (goes wild), turns into a people ( on foliation Genus a), from which, if the process lasts, originates genus (Sat oratory genus).

    It has been noticed that closed human communities, cut off from civilization, gradually switch to a primitive language, and even residents of neighboring villages cease to understand each other. Something similar is observed in Western Europe. Residents of various regions in Germany and Finland, for example, already speak dozens of dialects and do not understand each other well.

    To stop or, first of all, slow down the process of wilding, you need to return to your roots, figuratively speaking. And for this you need to know the language of your fathers, Schurs, and ancestors. And not only to know, but to be, to become their full-fledged heirs, having mastered the word in full.

    In order to build up existing things with this word, and not to destroy it, depriving it further of the Image, through which it moves further and further away from the Rule, but draws closer to Navi.

    Our current language is only shadow ancient language. How to put two eggs next to each other, and they do not differ in any way in appearance, but only one is whole, and the other is eaten away... From the outside, it’s the same thing, but there’s no content in one anymore. The trail has gone cold... Our goal now: to find in that “shadow” the unkilled sprout of the Ancient Language and to grow it again. This work is not easy, it is hard, but, as Bobrok Volynsky once said: “ Take heart, brothers!..»

    Before the roots dry out, remind the tree of clans
    To everyone whose traces have disappeared, that were born in Russia!
    With rage, Gods give them the salt of the age-old road,
    So that your feet can walk in memory of past centuries.
    Well, whoever doesn’t understand, won’t remember,
    The wind will remind you of that.
    And the Essence will be reflected in the lake - a reflection of the truth.
    They will start screaming earnestly: sworn, sworn! Let me out!..
    In Iznovi
    Still the beam brightens.

    Chapter 1: Types of Writing

    Long before Christianization, the Rasichi (“Indo-Europeans” of modern science) had many types of writing, about which Catherine II, who, as the ruler of the empire, was familiar with secret information about the past, bluntly stated that the Slavs had their own writing for many thousands of years before the birth of Christ. Note, not writing, but writing, i.e. various types of written literacy. A similar point of view was expressed by M. Lomonosov, V. Tatishchev, E. Klassen. But not all, as they put it, “language schools” adhered to such views. Basically, historical science, by hook or by crook, imposes on society the idea that before Christianization, the Slavic Russians did not have their own script. Nowadays only “lines and cuts” are recognized, and even then under the pressure of numerous finds of examples of this Slovenian folk writing. Everything else is rejected, immediately declared “a fake, a fake, a nationalist nonsense.”

    Let’s not get involved in a fruitless discussion about the mission of the “Thessalonica brothers”, because The famous historian N.I. Kostomarov once assessed their activities. What is more important for us is that the Russian Orthodox Church initially knew that the Slavs had their own written language (in churchly The historical dictionary for 1889 clearly states this: “The Rosses, a Varangian tribe, lived in southern Russia; They either carried on trade with Byzantium or fought. I borrowed letters from them St. Cyril.”), but she preferred not to particularly advertise her knowledge. This is politics, which at all times was considered an unclean activity. It is precisely this that is to blame for the fact that the largest ethnic group in Europe has been denied its identity for a century now: by anyone and in any way, but not the Slavs (especially the Eastern ones). Isn't this where the dog is buried, as they say? Our ancestors called such a psychological (magical) technique “averting the eyes,” i.e. switching attention to something that does not correspond to reality. "They (the Greeks) said that installed for us writing to we accepted her and lost their. But remember that Ilar (Kirill), who wanted to teach our children and had to hide in our houses so that we would not know that he teaches our letters, and how to place the requirements of our Gods” (Vleskniga /Patriarsi).

    There is a catalog of part of the runic manuscripts from the library of Anna Yaroslavna, which, after much ups and downs, ended up with the famous 19th century collector, archaeographer A.I. Su-lakadzeva. This catalog mentions two editions of the “Book of Veles”: Yagily Gan Smerda from Ladoga (“Patriarsi”) and Olekh Visherts from Cherdyn (“Krinitsa”) - “about the migrations of old-timers and the first faith.” It also included “The Carol Book of the 5th century by the Danubian Yalovets about the worship of the Troy Mountains, about fortune-telling in the caves”, “The Magician” manuscript of the 6th century, “The Traveler” of the 4th century, “Perun and Veles broadcasting in the Kyiv temples to the priests Moveslav, Drevoslav and others” ( 5.6 centuries), etc.

    An excerpt from the “Veda of Sloven”, published by S. Verkovich in 1874: “... our grandfathers of that time were the most learned on earth, and all the others came to ask the teachers how and what to do... They (the Greeks) are from us and the plow taught, and learned crafts, both reading and writing... When our ancestors lived on the Land's End (Daaria - Arctida?), Yuda Alive came and taught the King's Garden to write the golden tablets... There were many books of that faith... Such books were in everyone village in Daspode (Bulgaria - ours), until the Gentiles came... and began to burn those old books. But now no one pulls it out, but hides it in hiding places.”

    A number of other well-known sources also testify to the existence of writing among the Slavs. For example, the Bulgarian monk Khrabr (10th century) in his treatise “On Writing” reports: “before the word, I do not have books, but with devils and cuts to someone else...,” literally: before, the Slovenians did not have books, but with devils and in cuts they wrote and explained their entire existence.

    The Arabs also spoke about the presence of an original script in Rus' (ibn Fadlan, al Masudi, ibn Yaqub el Nedim). The German chronicler, Bishop of Merseburg Thietmar saw in one of the Slavic churches in the city of Retra, on the island of Rugin (Rügen), several idols on which their names were inscribed. The writer Ivanchenko in the book “The Ways of the Great Russian” cites the ancient alphabet of the Rosichi 2 millennium BC AD and a stone inscription from the Azov region, taken by him from the book of F. Volansky. This alphabet is undoubtedly one of the variants of the alphabetic runic writing of our ancestors, who settled across the vast expanses of ancient Eurasia. Comparing the designs of the letters of the alphabet and the stone inscription, we discover an undeniable similarity between them.

    “Potshemosia chiriya opetse gradizhid tazhdiyakoluniya sdrugia zeliya nehey yaatvgya rozhe u nehey leliya u nehey zhiiya svetlesia.” What now sounds like: “We will try, with sincere care, to build a house, as well as a yard for the young spouses. Let children be born and cherished, and let life be bright.”

    The book of the Kazakh scientist K. Akishev “Issyk Mound” says: “A special place among the finds (after the burial of a noble sak) is occupied by a silver bowl with an inscription - the oldest monument of writing (VI - V centuries BC) on the territory of Kazakhstan. .. Experts in the ancient languages ​​of the East believe that the Issyk inscription was written in an alphabet not yet known to world science. This conclusion suggests that this alphabet was invented by the Sakas of Semirechye or related tribes on the basis of some kind of writing, most likely Aramaic.” But what certified linguists could not do, writes G. Maidantsev, was done by the Russian inventor I. Kuznetsov. In 1981, he read this epitaph using the “Vlesovitsa”: “ And I would look for Arsatan Peshchur, who was all in vain", i.e. “And there was also Arsatan Ancestor, who vigilantly defended everything.”

    The famous linguist and epigraphist V.A. Chudinov, on the question of the existence of pre-Cyrillic writing among the Slavs, writes that “they read many ancient inscriptions. Of course, this is a small fraction of the wealth that has been published by archaeologists (but for some reason is not claimed by historians as evidence). However, these examples also allow us to see that writing not only existed, but permeated all layers of Russian society...” The important conclusion that the scientist makes is that the age of Slavic writing, judging by the discovered samples, exceeds hundreds of thousands of years. And that this is so is demonstrated by the discovery at the Berekhat Ram site (Israel) in 1981. In layers of petrified lava (233-800 thousand years ago), an anthropomorphic figurine made of tuff was discovered, on which, under high magnification, Chudinov discovered inscriptions read in Russian.

    Linguist N.G. Samsonov, analyzing the facts of mass finds of birch bark letters in Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Vitebsk, notes “that such a spread of literacy also indicates that by the 11th century. Russian writing has already come a long way in development, before becoming a habit, a need... One might think that pre-Christian writing was quite perfect.”

    And before moving on to a direct analysis of the types of writing, let’s give one more quote from L.N. Ryzhkov’s book “On the Antiquities of the Russian Language”: “changes in language are not always the development of the language, but also its degradation, simplification, which makes in distant antiquity to look for its true appearance... This implies a shift in the preliterate and written era for the Russian language into the depths of millennia, since now written monuments that were not previously considered monuments of Russian and Proto-Slavic writing are involved in the consideration.

    Therefore, Russian (and generally Slavic) lexical modernity may well turn out to be the glorious past of Old Latin, Proto-Iranian, Proto-Sankrist, etc. before their degradation changes... Apparently, the Old Slavic vocabulary is the source of the most ancient primary language of Indo-European studies. The source of cultural continuity is the Slavic syllabary, from which all European alphabets originated in the process of its collapse.”

    According to the Vedas, the basis of the written literacy of the Slavic-Aryan peoples were four forms of writing, from which all other types of alphabets and alphabets subsequently originated.

      X, Aryan Karuna(“union of runes”) - priestly writing, a collection of secret runic images. Etymology: runes- “revealing (r) knowledge (una). There are 144 main runes. Additionally, runes of time, space, directions, expanding, canceling images, penetrating images, etc. are used. The Book of Light uses 256 runes, but there are many more. Simplified forms of Karuna:

      • Sanskrit (samckrit) is an independent secretive priestly language. The form of the Sanskrit language, which was conveyed in dance on the temple mount by special dancers, was called - Devanagari (maiden on the mountain). Nowadays it is just a Sanskrit script;

      • Futhark;
      • Slavic runes, runes of the Boyan anthem;
      • Siberian (Khak) runnitsa;
      • etc.

      Writing examples:

      – rune CA: union, association (if at the beginning of a word); one of many (if it is at the end of a word).

      – rune Ras: sacred white leopard; heavenly palace (several constellations), etc.

      Yes, Aryan Thragi(“the approved shining path”) is a hieroglyphic (ideogram) outline of transmitted images. Read in all four areas.

      Writing examples:

      – Tiraga “RA” - light, radiance.

      – Tiraga: stopping in time to comprehend the action.
    1. Rassen figurative-mirror writing (words) This writing is now called Etruscan (Tyrrhenian) writing, which formed the basis of the ancient Phoenician alphabet, on the basis of which later simplified Greek writing and Latin were created.

      The Russian scientist P.P. Oreshkin, in his book on the decipherment of ancient languages, “The Babylonian Phenomenon,” also notes this very peculiar feature of Rasen writing (mirrority), before which modern linguistics with its capitulatory slogan turned out to be powerless: “Etruscan is not readable.” Oreshkin calls this set of ingenious, in his opinion, techniques the “trick system” of the ancient races and gives his recommendations for overcoming them. But Rasen writing, as we see from its naming, is an organic synthesis of the figurative content of letters and words, as well as methods for identifying this figurative content.

      This feature is, to one degree or another, characteristic of all forms of Rasich writing (Slavic “two-row”), because is the most important manifestation of the Vedic view, according to which everything is divided, reunited, and cannot exist without its own reflection.

      “The main character of the other world of the Etruscans,” writes Oreshkin, “ Meneoka - Akoenem“, a many-faced creature, a werewolf, like his name itself, which can be read from left to right “changeable” (changing before our eyes?) and from right to left “cursed.” This creature stands at the border of two worlds, guarding the entrance to the Looking Glass.”

      Svyatorusskaya Initial Letter. The most common letter among the Slavic peoples of antiquity (“pra-Cyrillic” or “runes of the Family” according to V. Chudinov). It was used by priests and when concluding important inter-tribal and interstate treaties. One of the forms of the Holy Russian Initial Letter was the semi-runic letter known to us, with which the “Book of Veles” was written. " Vlesovitsa"(conditional name) is typologically older than the Cyrillic alphabet, writes V. Chudinov, representing a sign system intermediate between syllabic writing and the alphabet. In the text of the “Veles Book” such a phonetic feature as “tsoking” was discovered, i.e. replacing Ch with C. This is found very widely in Novgorod birch bark letters and still distinguishes the Novgorod dialect.”

      An example of writing in the 16th tablet of the “Book of Veles” as drawn by Yu. Mirolyubov)

      The form of the Drop Cap was also the letter “ Slovenia”, in which, as in Sanskrit, the verbal structures “tha”, “bha”, etc. were also used. But “Sloveni” was too cumbersome a writing system for everyday communication, so subsequently a simplified form of “Slovenia” appeared - voluminous, all-encompassing Old Slovenian Initial Letter, consisting of 49 symbols-images (main), where the recording conveyed not only the grapheme of the word being composed, but also its figurative meaning.

      Writing examples:

      Az (God living on earth is the Creator).
      - Gods (many Divine meanings).
      - Ve di (I know wisdom on earth and heaven).

      “Appeared in the 9th century. " Cyrillic" was specially created(based on the Initial Letter) using the Macedonian dialect of the Old Bulgarian language for the needs of the Christian Church as a bookish and literary language (Old Church Slavonic). Subsequently, under the influence of living speech, he gradually absorbed local linguistic features... These later regional varieties are usually called the Church Slavonic language of Bulgarian, Serbian, Russian, etc. editorial or revision." (G. Khaburgaev. Old Church Slavonic language). That. we see what, according to Slavists, Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic were and where, when and in what circles they were used. The Old Russian language (a secular simplified version of the Bukvitsa) survived until Peter’s language reform.

      Glagolitic- trade letters, and later they began to be used to record legends and Christian books.

      Slovenian folk writing (traits and cuts)- for transmitting short messages at the everyday level.

      Voivodeship (military) letter- secret codes.

      Princely letter- Each ruler has his own.

    In those days they wrote on tablets made of wood, clay, metal, as well as on parchment, fabric, birch bark, and papyrus. They scratched metal and bone sharpened rods (writing) on ​​stones, plaster, and wooden buildings. In 2000, a book consisting of wooden pages was found in Novgorod - an analogue of the “Vlesovaya Book”. It was given the name “Novgorod Psalter”, because it included the famous texts of the three psalms of King David. This book was created at the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries and is the oldest book of the Slavic world from recognized official science.

    “The emergence of a new source of information about events that took place a thousand years ago is always like a miracle. After all, it’s hard to believe that over several centuries of studying the written heritage of our ancestors, something significant could have escaped the attention of scientists; something significant was noticed and appreciated, for example, the monuments of the Russian runic. And did they even want to notice? After all, the presence of the same runic contradicts the position of inert official science, which proves that the Slavs before baptism were a young tribe, and not a people with an ancient culture (“Return of the Russian runic.” V. Torop.).

    Another first-class find of domestic historians was a pre-Cyrillic text, which received the code name “lengthy edition of Boyanov’s hymn.” The text, consisting of the 61st line, has suffered quite a lot from time. The underlying protograph was restored, and it received its own name - Ladoga Document.

    In 1812, Derzhavin published two runic fragments from the collection of the St. Petersburg collector Sulakadzev. Until our time, the mystery of the published passages remained unsolved. And only now it becomes clear that the lines torn out by Derzhavin from the abyss of oblivion are not fakes, as would-be scientists have assured us for so many years, but unique monuments of pre-Cyrillic writing.

    The Ladoga document allows us to draw an important conclusion. The Russian runic had a fairly wide circulation and was used not only among priests for recording such sacred texts as “Patriarsi” (Vlesova Book). Ladoga and Novgorod, of course, were not some unique centers of literacy in Rus'. Russian runic signs were found on antiquities of the 9th-10th centuries from Belaya Vezha, Staraya Ryazan, and Grodno. The text from the Derzhavin archive is preserved evidence of a written tradition that once existed everywhere.

    The end of the document is full of names. The forms of these names are unique and are found only in the text of “Patriarsi”: Blre - Bolorev, Dor, Otuarikh - Otorekh, Eruek - Erek, Nobubsur - Nabsursar, etc. In our passage, as in “Patriarsi”, the Russes are identified with "Kimrami", that is, Cimmerians. The names of Rus' are also close: Borusen - Brus.

    The reasons for the “koba” (priest) turning to ancient historical legends are noteworthy. Christian squads appeared in the north, bringing destruction to the pagan world. But, in addition to the armed confrontation, there was also an ideological one. Christian priests of that time denied the historical value of the Slavic past. For them these were centuries of barbarism and idolatry.

    “Kob” called some kind of Christian work a false letter and in response to it gave a quick overview of Russian history, starting from the era of the Cimmerian Rus in the power of the Babylonian king Nabopolassar (VII century BC). Here is an excerpt from this historical narrative:

    Wildebeest Kobe Sweet
    Hreti ide vorok ldg proud
    mlm victim orota slave a garus era kb speech prupupe wildebeest mmu kbi str mzhu term chaa lzh grmtu
    kimru rusa and before kimra the family of the enemy rumu and you stilhu
    blrv dor howl be mkom bu vrvu Gruk comes from otuarikh do izodrik do false erueku warrior
    and kltmu aldorog
    mru dei burn svove god archi grdniku
    Vchna bros na kostehu stavu strade brus do doriu nobubsur.


    To Mister Saint Kob:
    Christians go to Ladoga-city.
    We pray and make sacrifices so that the farmers will not be enslaved and the city will not be destroyed.
    I am sending Perun’s speeches to my master, elder kob
    I am sending it to my husband, expecting the cherished deadline, against false letters.
    The Rus were Kimry and lived before the Kimry
    They were enemies of Rome and you, Stilicho;
    Bolorev; Dir the warrior was a torment for us, he was a barbarian, and a Greek by birth;
    Otuarikh, then Izhodrik, then the deceitful Rurik the warrior;
    damned Aldrog - they sowed death, burned our god, killed the townspeople.
    Eternal Rus' stands on its bones,
    suffers from the times of Dir and Nabopolassar.

    This passage is connected with the text “Patriarsi” not only by names. If in one source Dor (chronicle Dir) is called a barbarian of Greek origin, then in another - half-Greek, half-barbarian. The chronicles incorrectly attribute Dir, like many other characters in early Russian history, to the Varangians.

    The commonality of information from both runic monuments speaks volumes. The ancientness of the historical tradition that formed their basis before the beginning of the 19th century (the date of the Sulakadze copy) makes the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe falsification of “Patriarsi” ridiculous. At the time of Sulakadzev, almost all the information contained in “Patriarsi” was unknown to science. Christian chroniclers wrote about the pagan Slavs about the same thing as today: “... I live in a brutal way, I live bestially, and I kill each other, eating everything unclean, and I have had marriages...».

    “Kob” opposed such reasoning. The authors of Patriarchy also stood up for the honor of the Slavic people. On one of her tablets we read: “Askold is a dark warrior and was only enlightened by the Greeks that there are no Rus, but only barbarians. One can only laugh at this, since the Cimmerians were our ancestors, and they shook Rome and scattered the Greeks like scared pigs.” The Ladoga document ends with a description of suffering Rus'. The same thing is said in “Patriarsi”: “Rus is broken a hundred times from north to south.” But in “Patriarsi” we find a continuation of the thought that ended mid-sentence in the document: “Thrice fallen Rus' will rise.”

    How relevant is this ancient prophecy today! Derzhavin showed an example of successful resistance to the destruction of our memory. Until his last days, the great son of the Russian people fought to save the Russian runic and ultimately won. Miraculously, the surviving pages reveal to us the Slavic civilization, no less ancient and no less rich than the civilization of any other people.”

    Chapter 2: Approaching the Bukvitsa

    « The signs are different, the language is the same“- this is what P. Oreshkin wrote, finishing his work on deciphering ancient written monuments. He suggested to specialists in world and Russian history: “the door is open, come in!” But few heard him. The rest preferred to plug their ears and close their eyes, because “The light is destructive for them.”

    We repeat his call: “Come in, good people! The door is open". Let us begin to comprehend the figurative content of our language, like schoolchildren, by studying two forms of writing letters and words: the Old Slovenian (Old Slovenian) “Bitcap” and the Old Russian “ABC”, i.e., as they say, from the very basics. But " AZ"in the figurative understanding of our ancestors, among other things, there is a "source, beginning ( A) fundamentals, systems ( h) the ability to create, to create ( ъ)”, but not something primitive in modern distorted perception.

    Each initial letter (letter) in this table has its own images, some of which we have given here.

    The combination of images of initial letters in a word gives it its own specific meaning. Replacing a letter in a word also changes its meaning, although the phonetics of the word may remain the same. Let's give a well-known example: before the language reform of 1917, the title of the famous work of Leo Tolstoy was written like this: “War and” (look for pre-revolutionary publications in libraries), which means “War and People".And now "War and Peace", i.e.the name can be understood as "War and not a war", which, you see, is at odds with the writer’s intention.

In this article I will try to introduce readers to the main types of Slavic-Aryan writing. According to the Vedas, there were at least nine of them. From them, subsequently, all other types of alphabets and alphabets originated:

  1. X, Aryan Karuna (rune union) - priestly letter, a collection of secret runic images.
  2. YES, Aryan Trags , (approved shining path) - hieroglyphic (ideogram) outline of transmitted images. I read in all four directions.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of scripts used by our Ancestors. Let's start the story with the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter.

The Old Slovenian Initial Letter is the greatest Heritage of our Ancestors. This is one of the many monuments of Old Russian writing that has come to us from time immemorial. All the strength and power of the Great Slavic-Aryan Language is hidden in them.

It presents two forms of writing letters and words: the Old Slovenian (Old Slovenian) “Initial Cap” and the Old Russian “ABC” with an explanation of their figurative content. The reader will see all this in the form of a table at the end of the article.

Each initial letter (letter) in this table represents the images given to us by the Ancestors. The reader should know that initially there were significantly more images for drop caps than are given in this table. It is possible that some of them have been lost to this day, but the return of Ancestral Memory will allow us to gradually restore their former quantity and original meaning.

The combination of images of initial letters in words gives them a certain meaning. Replacing a letter in a word also changes its semantic image, although the phonetics of the word may remain the same or close to it.

Each word carries its own image, which takes on shape, color, sound and smell in the world of Navi. When used (pronounced, written, thought), verbal images are filled with Life Force (energy), which influences the person speaking, listening or reading. Bad thoughts, words, images have a destructive effect on his consciousness, good ones heal, ennoble, elevate, and assist in improving the body, Soul and Spirit.

Initial letters, in addition, carry a numerical load. All images of initial letters in numerals are interconnected in meaning. Let's consider an example with a change in the form of perception of the RA image. Without a numerical title, its meaning is as follows: The Primordial Light of the Most High Progenitor, the Message of God, the Message of God to people. But if you put a numerical title above the same initial letters (give it the form of a numeral), then its image will change: RA will begin to mean 101, i.e. One to speak for a hundred (people). In the first case God Speaks to Everyone, in the second - someone speaks to a hundred people.

If we consider the modern alphabet, devoid of images, i.e. inherently ugly, it will become obvious that as a result of the political and church reforms of the Slavic-Aryan Initial Letter, our contemporaries, unfamiliar with its original meaning, lost a lot. Let's consider just one example given by our great compatriot - Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl.

V.I.Dal [(6).IV, C, 659] “On the prehistory of the letter”: “The letter er, a hard semivowel, and now voiceless; In the old days it was placed in the middle of words, after a consonant, to give it a light, unclear vowel sound with in te vm. advice, etc.), and now only before a soft consonant, so that the consonant remains hard, (shrink, shrink, squeal, etc.), or before and, turning it into ы, which consists of Kommersant, and “And”, then, at the end of the word, to a hard consonant, dulling it. Just as we gradually threw out the er from the middle of words, so it could also be thrown away at the end, and left only before the consonants, in the middle, where it is needed for pronunciation.”

Further, evaluating the letter yat, V.I. Dal writes: “...the letter yat, vowel, or two-vowel, from ie; ... The meaning and meaning of this letter has been lost so far, that spelling through it became shaky, and to establish the rule they resorted either to the Little Russian language or to a special list of words. At all, ѣ pronounced softer, closer to uh or kn ѣ mtsi, oh, ä , but too much was taken away; It is customary, for example, to write St. ѣ d ѣ n i e, because, supposedly, that’s how church language is written, and yet they write p ѣ whose, although the churchman writes a speech and decrees. With the help of other Slavic dialects it would be possible to sort out this confusion and establish a rule, or remain with one e, remembering however that this letter is still pronounced in six modes...".

During word formation, the images of beeches are combined, giving single image of the word. Therefore, when we pronounce words, we already mean the images that our wise Ancestors put into them, and this affects not only subconscious, preconscious, superconscious, awareness and, in general, on consciousness as a whole.

Images, as well as individual sounds, influence various Centers of a person’s Vital Force (chakras). Modern scientists have proven that the exclusion of nasal sounds from speech has led to the deprivation of energy supply to the Center of the Human Will. Therefore, to restore the Vital Force of the body, some folk healers advise reading Old Slovenian texts and mastering the spelling of the Old Slovenian Initial Letter, especially for weakened children.

A child at an early age is still able to penetrate into the deep, hidden essence of any image, including an image of thought, without being distracted, like an adult, by unimportant things. Unfortunately, by the 6th grade of secondary school, most modern children have lost this ability.

Knowledge of the Old Slovenian Initial Letter makes it easier for children to master a modern language, just as the study of X"Aryan arithmetic develops their mathematical abilities and creative thinking, at the same time, not every modern scientist in the field of mathematics is able to understand X"Aryan arithmetic completely.

We must teach our children the Old Slovenian Initial Letter to such an extent that they use words based on their original images, covering all spheres of life. This will wake up children FAMILY MEMORY- a storehouse of wisdom of our people. For those who do not want to raise and educate children on their own, it is useful to know that their children will be “taught” and “educated” by others, but not as you would like, but in a way that is beneficial for them.

Let's look at the Old Slovenian initial letter and

Old Russian letters one by one:

The spelling and energetic meaning of the letter Az, both Old Slovenian and Old Russian, are the same.

The sound “As” comes from the runic image As - God, embodied in a human body, a descendant of the Gods. Sound Az arose from the combination of images of two runes: runes Ace and runes Earth. Runes Ace and Earth combined give the following meaning: God living on Earth. Tsar Ivan the Terrible signed documents with the word Aspodar. In this regard, historians began to call him Gospodar.

In letter Az - er carries the image: Creator, i.e. it would be more correct to say: Az (As) is God living and creating on Earth.

There are other deep images in this letter: origin, source, one, only, person. The images seem to be different, but their essence is the same. Origin, source, one have the same meaning: " What came first".

Image of a capital letter Az is not limited to the above concepts. It will be revealed further as you read this article.

Old Russian letter Az.

The figurative meaning of the Old Slovenian initial letter and the Old Russian letter Az: “God living on Earth is the Creator”.

That’s why the Kings said: “ “I am the King”. The favorite expression of Tsar Ivan the Terrible passed from the D*Aryans and X*Aryans to the Rassen. From the Rassenov, whom the Latins called Etruscans, to other Slavic-Aryan peoples.

From the depths of centuries, sayings have reached us: “ First Az and Buki, and then science.”- they told the children who were learning the initial letter.

Neither Aza can understand- to know nothing.

The initial letter means God, Gods, God and someone else who can have many forms: God and man; God and another God.

The figurative meaning of the Initial Letter Gods: "Many Gods"

Since Gods are a plural concept, and plurality cannot be specified, there is no numerical value.

One of the images of this initial letter is also - a plurality that is superior to a form that predominates over something.

Examples of image relationships:

A) BA(remember the exclamation “Bah - all the faces are familiar”!) - superior(B) original(And those. above. Therefore, the expression “ba” sounds in an amazing form. The man is surprised: “How is this?! There is something, and something else has appeared in addition to what existed in the beginning and on top of it.”

b) BA - BA(we agree with the same form). Here A influences to B, i.e. human (A) to something divine (B). Were surprised, but at the same time divine(B) began to influence the human (A) and, again, the image changed, because the speaker was surprised by something. Namely, by the Divine creation, which showed a surprisingly new multiple form with the addition of a single.

That's why " Woman» - « that which has produced beyond what we have, i.e. a new, divine form of life" And in the opposite direction: abab- « divine source of human multiplication" People say: “A woman will become a “woman” when she gives birth to a successor to the family - a boy.”

V) BA - B - “divine(plural) going through divine, A single source(A) is between two matching systems.”

d) Shortened form of writing: B - “ predominant, greater».

Example: constellation Ursa Major. But since there is more, it means that there is also something less. Such forms are embedded in our Ancestral Memory (gene pool) and any person, no matter where he lives, can understand them, because all this comes from the single proto-language of the Rasichs.

Old Russian letter Buki.

In this case, the name of the letter is not Gods, but Beeches. That's why there is an expression: " Why are you standing there scowling like a beech, you look intently." A proverb has been preserved: « ABC is science, and for the guys - beech (flour)". And they began to scare the children with the beech tree. Then the title Buka evolved into an even later name “Letter” and the word “ABC book” appeared. The figurative meaning of Beeches: "Attention, concentration."

The figurative meaning of the Old Slovenian initial letter and the Old Russian Letter VЪDI is the same and means: “ I know earthly and heavenly wisdom.”

In addition to the above image of the initial letter Come on there are even more complex interpretations, such as this one: “Multiple, a certain predominance, gathered together; certainty; direction; a connecting link between two systems (between the past and the future, between light and dark, between radiation and absorption, etc.)”, i.e. it is a relationship. And she is always filled with something. This is not just a point of contact, it is fullness.

As another example, consider the following concepts: past, present and future. This is a full volume that links together both extreme concepts: past and future. There is a present, i.e. something worthwhile, worthwhile, connecting the past with the future. The Vedas combine these two concepts together. We are the point of transmission - the gate.

One more example. Concept: primordial darkness and Divine Light. But light is multi-color (many-light) - a whole color spectrum. In this example, multicolor is an image that connects the concepts of primordial darkness and Divine Light.

Therefore, the image of the initial letter “Veda” is not only Wisdom, knowledge of the Vedas and the experience of the Ancestors. This is a spectrum of ALL CONCEPTS: color, taste, aroma, tactile, sound, etc.

Folk Wisdom has preserved the proverb: “ I was in charge of clubs, but I wouldn’t dine with someone else’s (enemy’s).”

Old Russian letter VЪdi.

The letter means two “circles of wisdom”: the wisdom that is above (Heavenly) and the wisdom that is below (earthly), connected to each other. Examples: internal and external, Divine and human, esoteric and exoteric, light and dark, radiating and absorbing.

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