Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language what. Synonymy, synonyms, synonymous relations. What are synonyms? Ways of synonyms appearing

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Synonyms- words that, as a rule, belong to the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling, but having a similar lexical meaning.

Examples of synonyms in Russian: cavalry - cavalry, brave - brave, go - walk.

They serve to increase the expressiveness of speech and help avoid monotony.

It is necessary to distinguish between synonyms and nominal definitions - the latter represent complete identity.

Synonyms in linguistics

Each synonym has its own special connotation that distinguishes it from other synonyms, for example: red - scarlet - crimson - crimson.

Classification of synonyms

Synonyms, indicating the same concept and having the same lexical meaning, differ in their expressive coloring, assignment to a certain style, and frequency of use.

Many synonyms differ from each other in both lexical meaning and expressive coloring.

Thus, synonyms can be differentiated:

  1. according to the subjects they designate [the synonyms “buffoon - actor - comedian - actor - artist" reflect different moments in the development of theater and different attitudes towards the profession of an actor (cf. the next point)];
  2. according to the social assessment of the designated subject (the synonyms “salary - wages” reflect different attitudes towards the remuneration received for work);
  3. according to applicability in a particular style of speech (synonyms “horse - horse” are not always stylistically reversible; in the verse “Where are you galloping, proud horse?” substitution of the synonym “horse” will produce a comic effect - “Where are you galloping, proud horse?”) ;
  4. by etymological meaning, which can give one of the synonyms a special coloring (the synonyms “brave - fearless” connect general concept courage in the first case with “daring”, “determination”, in the second - with “lack of fear”; therefore, these synonyms in a certain context can be used as words opposite in meaning, like antonyms);
  5. by the presence or absence of figurative meanings: for example, in the famous epigram Batyushkov K.N. Advice to the Epic Poet:

“Give me whatever name you want
Your half-wild poem
“Peter the Long”, “Peter the Great”, but only “Peter the Great”
Don't call her."

the absence of a figurative meaning in the first of the synonyms “big - great” is used.

"Grammar synonyms"

Further, we should not forget that any change in the forms of production, social relations, and everyday life not only enriches the vocabulary of the language (see. "Vocabulary"), but thanks to the class and professional differentiation of speakers, it often receives several designations, sometimes fixed in the literary language as synonyms. Compare: "airplane - airplane"(the first synonym is from the military terminology of the early 20th century). What especially contributes to the multiplication of designations is the desire of speakers not only to name an object, but also to express their attitude towards it: cf. a wealth of synonyms around words denoting elementary, but everyday important facts; cf., on the other hand, the wealth of designations for political and public life serving as the subject of class struggle - "world eater", "fist"(in the mouths of the poor-middle peasantry), "strong man", "household man"(in the mouths of the rural bourgeoisie itself). Thus, the accumulation of synonyms in a language is inevitably accompanied by their differentiation: words included in a group of synonyms (the so-called nest of synonyms) retain differences in their shades, generated by their belonging to different classes of society, different social strata, different types speech communication, the differences described above and often leading to a complete loss of synonymy. Compare the fate of Slavicisms like "citizen"(at "city dweller"), and so on.

To clarify the differential shades of synonyms it is useful:

  1. compare each of them with the most abstract, non-emotionally colored designation of the object (identification method proposed by Bally);
  2. choose antonyms for them (for example, the antonym "sadness" will "joy", antonym "sorrow" - "jubilation");
  3. substitute one synonym for another in a certain context;
  4. establish the presence of other (figurative) meanings for each of the synonym nests (examples cf. above);
  5. take into account the grammatical structure of each of the synonyms ( "carelessly - carelessly").

Synonyms in taxonomy

Only one of all synonyms can be the name by which a given taxon should be known. Usually this is the synonym that was published first.

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  • Alexandrova Z. E. Dictionary of Russian synonyms: Ok. 9000 synonymous series / Ed. L. A. Cheshko. - 5th ed., stereotype. - M.: Rus. lang., 1986. - 600 p.
  • Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: In 2 volumes / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of the Russian Language; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - L.: Science, 1970.

see also


  • (Trishin) - St. 525,000 words and approx. 2 million synonymous connections.
  • A. A. Gornfeld.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • [dictionary-synonyms.rf/Full online dictionary synonyms of the Russian language]

The article uses text from the Literary Encyclopedia 1929-1939, which has passed into the public domain since the author, R. Sh., died in 1939.

Excerpt characterizing Synonyms

The plate did not seem clean to him; he pointed to the spot and threw it. Tikhon picked it up and handed it to the barman. The little princess was not unwell; but she was so insurmountably afraid of the prince that, having heard how out of sorts he was, she decided not to go out.
“I’m afraid for the child,” she said to m lle Bourienne, “God knows what can happen from fright.”
In general, the little princess lived in Bald Mountains constantly under a feeling of fear and antipathy towards the old prince, which she was not aware of, because fear was so dominant that she could not feel it. There was also antipathy on the part of the prince, but it was drowned out by contempt. The princess, having settled down in the Bald Mountains, especially fell in love with m lle Bourienne, spent her days with her, asked her to spend the night with her, and often talked to her about her father-in-law and judged him.
“Il nous arrive du monde, mon prince,” said M lle Bourienne, unrolling a white napkin with her pink hands. “Son excellence le prince Kouraguine avec son fils, a ce que j"ai entendu dire? [His Excellency Prince Kuragin with his son, how much have I heard?],” she said questioningly.
“Hm... this boy of excellence... I assigned him to the college,” the prince said offended. “Why son, I can’t understand.” Princess Lizaveta Karlovna and Princess Marya may know; I don’t know why he’s bringing this son here. I don't need it. – And he looked at his blushing daughter.
- Unwell, or what? Out of fear of the minister, as that idiot Alpatych said today.
- No, mon pere. [father.]
No matter how unsuccessfully M lle Bourienne found herself on the subject of conversation, she did not stop and chatted about greenhouses, about the beauty of a new blossoming flower, and the prince softened after the soup.
After dinner he went to his daughter-in-law. The little princess sat at a small table and chatted with Masha, the maid. She turned pale when she saw her father-in-law.
The little princess has changed a lot. She was more bad than good now. The cheeks sank, the lip rose upward, the eyes were drawn downwards.
“Yes, it’s some kind of heaviness,” she answered when the prince asked what she felt.
- Do you need anything?
- No, merci, mon pere. [Thank you, father.]
- Well, okay, okay.
He went out and walked to the waitress. Alpatych stood in the waiter's room with his head bowed.
– Is the road blocked?
- Zakidana, your Excellency; Forgive me, for God's sake, for one stupidity.
The prince interrupted him and laughed his unnatural laugh.
- Well, okay, okay.
He extended his hand, which Alpatych kissed, and walked into the office.
In the evening Prince Vasily arrived. He was met at the prespekt (that's the name of the avenue) by coachmen and waiters, who shouted and drove his carts and sleighs to the outbuilding along a road deliberately covered with snow.
Prince Vasily and Anatoly were given separate rooms.
Anatole sat, having taken off his doublet and resting his hands on his hips, in front of the table, at the corner of which he, smiling, fixed his beautiful large eyes intently and absent-mindedly. He looked upon his entire life as a continuous amusement that someone like that for some reason had undertaken to arrange for him. Now he looked at his trip to the evil old man and the rich ugly heiress in the same way. All this could have turned out, he supposed, very well and funny. Why not marry if she is very rich? It never interferes, Anatole thought.
He shaved, perfumed himself with care and panache, which had become his habit, and with his innate good-natured, victorious expression, holding his handsome head high, he entered his father’s room. Two valets were busy around Prince Vasily, dressing him; He himself looked around animatedly and nodded cheerfully to his son as he entered, as if he were saying: “So, that’s exactly what I need you for!”
- No, no joke, father, is she very ugly? A? – he asked, as if continuing a conversation he had had more than once during the trip.
- That's enough. Nonsense! The main thing is to try to be respectful and reasonable with the old prince.
“If he scolds, I’ll leave,” said Anatole. “I can’t stand these old people.” A?
– Remember that everything depends on this for you.
At this time, the arrival of the minister with his son was not only known in the maiden's room, but the appearance of both of them was already described in detail. Princess Marya sat alone in her room and tried in vain to overcome her inner agitation.
“Why did they write, why did Lisa tell me about this? After all, this cannot be! - she said to herself, looking in the mirror. - How do I get out into the living room? Even if I liked him, I couldn’t be on my own with him now.” The thought of her father's gaze terrified her.
The little princess and m lle Bourienne had already received all the necessary information from the maid Masha about what a ruddy, black-browed handsome minister's son was, and about how daddy dragged them with force to the stairs, and he, like an eagle, walking three steps at a time, ran after him. Having received this information, the little princess and M lle Bourienne, still audible from the corridor in their animated voices, entered the princess’s room.
– Ils sont arrives, Marieie, [They arrived, Marie,] do you know? - said the little princess, wobbling her belly and sitting heavily on the chair.
She was no longer in the blouse in which she had sat in the morning, but she was wearing one of her best dresses; her head was carefully adorned, and there was a liveliness on her face, which, however, did not hide the drooping and deadened contours of her face. In the attire in which she usually wore to social gatherings in St. Petersburg, it was even more noticeable how much she had looked worse. M lle Bourienne also unnoticed some improvement in her outfit, which made her pretty, fresh face even more attractive.
– Eh bien, et vous restez comme vous etes, chere princesse? – she spoke. – On va venir annoncer, que ces messieurs sont au salon; il faudra descendre, et vous ne faites pas un petit brin de toilette! [Well, are you still wearing what you were wearing, princess? Now they will come to say that they are out. We’ll have to go downstairs, but at least you’ll dress up a little!]
The little princess rose from her chair, called the maid and hastily and cheerfully began to come up with an outfit for Princess Marya and put it into execution. Princess Marya felt insulted in her sense of self-worth by the fact that the arrival of her promised groom worried her, and she was even more insulted by the fact that both of her friends did not even imagine that it could be otherwise. To tell them how ashamed she was for herself and for them was to betray her anxiety; Moreover, to refuse the outfit that was offered to her would have led to lengthy jokes and insistence. She flushed, her beautiful eyes went out, her face became covered with spots, and with that ugly expression of victim that most often settled on her face, she surrendered to the power of m lle Bourienne and Lisa. Both women cared quite sincerely about making her beautiful. She was so bad that not one of them could think of competing with her; therefore, quite sincerely, with that naive and firm conviction of women that an outfit can make a face beautiful, they set about dressing her.
“No, really, ma bonne amie, [my good friend], this dress is not good,” said Lisa, looking sideways at the princess from afar. - Tell me to serve, you have masaka there. Right! Well, this may be the fate of life is being decided. And this is too light, not good, no, not good!
It was not the dress that was bad, but the face and the whole figure of the princess, but M lle Bourienne and the little princess did not feel this; It seemed to them that if they put a blue ribbon on their hair combed up, and pulled down a blue scarf from a brown dress, etc., then everything would be fine. They forgot that the frightened face and figure could not be changed, and therefore, no matter how they modified the frame and decoration of this face, the face itself remained pitiful and ugly. After two or three changes, to which Princess Marya obediently submitted, the minute she was combed up (a hairstyle that completely changed and spoiled her face), in a blue scarf and an elegant dress, the little princess walked around her a couple of times, with her small hand she straightened a fold of her dress here, tugged at a scarf there and looked, bowing her head, now from this side, now from the other.

Different in pronunciation and spelling, but having similar lexical meaning.

Examples of synonyms in Russian: cavalry - cavalry, brave - brave, go - walk.

They serve to increase the expressiveness of speech and help avoid monotony.

It is necessary to distinguish between synonyms and nominal definitions - the latter represent complete identity.

Synonyms in linguistics

Each synonym has its own special connotation that distinguishes it from other synonyms, for example: red - scarlet - crimson.

Classification of synonyms

Synonyms, indicating the same concept and having the same lexical meaning, differ in their expressive coloring, assignment to a certain style, and frequency of use.

Many synonyms differ from each other in both lexical meaning and expressive coloring.

Thus, synonyms can be differentiated:

  1. according to the objects they designate (synonyms buffoon - actor - comedian - actor - artist reflect different moments in the development of theater and different attitudes towards the profession of an actor [cf. next point]);
  2. according to the social assessment of the designated object (synonyms salary - salary reflect different attitudes towards the remuneration received for work);
  3. according to applicability in a particular style of speech (synonyms horse - horse stylistically not always reversible; in the verse “Where are you galloping, proud horse?” synonym substitution horse will produce a comic effect - “Where are you galloping, proud horse?”);
  4. by etymological meaning, which can give one of the synonyms a special coloring (synonyms brave - fearless they associate the general concept of courage in the first case with “daring”, “determination”, in the second - with “lack of fear”; therefore, these synonyms in a certain context can be used as words opposite in meaning, like antonyms);
  5. by the presence or absence of figurative meanings: for example, in the famous epigram of K. N. Batyushkov “Advice to an epic poet”:

Give me whatever name you want
Your half-wild poem
“Peter the Long”, “Peter the Great”, but only “Peter the Great”
Don't call her.

the absence of the first synonym was used big - great figurative meaning.

Ways of synonyms appearing

The enrichment of the language with synonyms is carried out continuously, and the differentiation of synonyms also occurs continuously until they completely lose their synonymy. Of course, the reason for this movement of synonyms should be sought not only in the self-sufficient laws of language development and in the laws of individual thinking, but also in the analysis of its social conditioning. The enrichment of a language with synonyms is carried out in various ways. One of the main ways is cross-talk upon consolidation national language, and partly even earlier - during the formation of larger tribal dialects; Since each dialect has its own stock of words to denote certain phenomena and objects, the resulting language often contains doublets to denote the same phenomena. This duplication of designations especially affects the vocabulary of colloquial speech associated with everyday objects; Conducted studies on the vocabulary of colloquial speech (especially in detail in Germany) show the territorial distribution of words of this type, acting as equal synonyms in literary language. Compare: in Russian the designation for berries is boletus - lingonberry, stone stone - stone stone, which vary among different writers depending on their native dialect.

Another way to create doublet notation in a language is development of writing in a foreign language (Latin in Western Europe, Old Church Slavonic in Kievan and Muscovite Rus'). Penetration of words from oral speech into written speech and words writing orally create numerous stylistically different synonyms: compare: in Russian enemy - thief, gold - gold and other so-called Slavisms.

Further, we should not forget that any change in the forms of production, social relations, and everyday life not only enriches the vocabulary of the language, but thanks to the class and professional differentiation of speakers, it often receives several designations, sometimes fixed in the literary language as synonyms. Compare: airplane - airplane(the first synonym is from the military terminology of the early 20th century). What especially contributes to the multiplication of designations is the desire of speakers not only to name an object, but also to express their attitude towards it: cf. a wealth of synonyms around words denoting elementary, but everyday important facts; cf., on the other hand, the wealth of designations for phenomena of political and social life that serve as the subject of class struggle - myrrh eater, fist(in the mouths of the poor-middle peasantry), tough guy, economic man(in the mouths of the rural bourgeoisie itself). Thus, the accumulation of synonyms in a language is inevitably accompanied by their differentiation: words included in a group of synonyms (the so-called nest of synonyms) retain differences in their shades, generated by their belonging to different classes of society, different social strata, different types of speech communication, the differences described above and often leading to a complete loss of synonymy. Compare the fate of Slavicisms like citizen(at city ​​dweller), and so on.

To clarify the differential shades of synonyms it is useful:

  1. compare each of them with the most abstract, non-emotionally colored designation of the object (identification method proposed by Bally);
  2. choose antonyms for them (for example, antonym sadness will joy, antonym sorrow - jubilation);
  3. substitute one synonym for another in a certain context;
  4. establish the presence of other (figurative) meanings for each of the synonym nests (examples cf. above);
  5. take into account the grammatical structure of each of the synonyms ( carelessly - carelessly).

Video on the topic

Synonyms in taxonomy

Only one of all synonyms can be the name by which a given taxon should be known. Usually this is the synonym that was published first.


  • Alexandrova Z. E. Dictionary of Russian synonyms: Ok. 9000 synonymous series / Ed. L. A. Cheshko. - 5th ed., stereotype. - M.: Rus. lang., 1986. - 600 p.
  • Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: In 2 volumes / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of the Russian Language; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - L.: Science, 1970.

Cavalry, brave - brave, go - walk.

They serve to increase the expressiveness of speech and help avoid monotony.

It is necessary to distinguish between synonyms and nominal definitions - the latter represent complete identity.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Russian lessons Synonyms

    ✪ Russian language 37. Antonyms and synonyms - Shishkina school

    ✪ Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms. Video lesson on Russian language grade 5


Synonyms in linguistics

Each synonym has its own special connotation that distinguishes it from other synonyms, for example: red - scarlet - crimson - crimson.

Classification of synonyms

Synonyms, indicating the same concept and having the same lexical meaning, differ in their expressive coloring, assignment to a certain style, and frequency of use.

Many synonyms differ from each other in both lexical meaning and expressive coloring.

Thus, synonyms can be differentiated:

  1. according to the subjects they designate [the synonyms “buffoon - actor - comedian - actor - artist" reflect different moments in the development of theater and different attitudes towards the profession of an actor (cf. the next point)];
  2. according to the social assessment of the designated subject (the synonyms “salary - wages” reflect different attitudes towards the remuneration received for work);
  3. according to applicability in a particular style of speech (synonyms “horse - horse” are not always stylistically reversible; in the verse “Where are you galloping, proud horse?” substitution of the synonym “horse” will produce a comic effect - “Where are you galloping, proud horse?”) ;
  4. by etymological meaning, which can give one of the synonyms a special coloring (the synonyms “brave - fearless” connect the general concept of courage in the first case with “daring”, “determination”, in the second - with “lack of fear”; therefore, these synonyms in a certain context can be used as words with opposite meanings, like antonyms);
  5. by the presence or absence of figurative meanings: for example, in the famous epigram of Batyushkov K.N. Advice to the Epic Poet:

“Give me whatever name you want
Your half-wild poem
“Peter the Long”, “Peter the Great”, but only “Peter the Great”
Don't call her."

the absence of a figurative meaning in the first of the synonyms “big - great” is used.

"Grammar synonyms"

Further, we should not forget that any change in the forms of production, social relations, and everyday life not only enriches the vocabulary of the language (see. "Vocabulary"), but due to the class and professional differentiation of speakers, it often receives several designations, sometimes fixed in the literary language as synonyms. Compare: "airplane - airplane"(the first synonym is from the military terminology of the early 20th century). What especially contributes to the multiplication of designations is the desire of speakers not only to name an object, but also to express their attitude towards it: cf. a wealth of synonyms around words denoting elementary, but everyday important facts; cf., on the other hand, the wealth of designations for phenomena of political and social life that serve as the subject of class struggle - "world eater", "fist"(in the mouths of the poor-middle peasantry), "strong man", "household man"(in the mouths of the rural bourgeoisie itself). Thus, the accumulation of synonyms in a language is inevitably accompanied by their differentiation: words included in a group of synonyms (the so-called nest of synonyms) retain differences in their shades, generated by their belonging to different classes of society, different social strata, different types of speech communication, differences characterized by higher and often leading to a complete loss of synonymy. Compare the fate of Slavicisms like "citizen"(at "city dweller"), and so on.

To clarify the differential shades of synonyms it is useful:

  1. compare each of them with the most abstract, non-emotionally colored designation of the object (identification method proposed by Bally);
  2. choose antonyms for them (for example, the antonym "sadness" will "joy", antonym "sorrow" - "jubilation");
  3. substitute one synonym for another in a certain context;
  4. establish the presence of other (figurative) meanings for each of the synonym nests (examples cf. above);
  5. take into account the grammatical structure of each of the synonyms ( "carelessly - carelessly").

Synonymy- one of the key topics both in practical work with language (be it writers, journalists, editors, translators), and when reading or analyzing any text. The more in the language synonymous means, the richer and more expressive it is.

Synonymy as a certain variability of expression plan exists at almost all levels of language, but first of all, of course at the lexical and syntactic level.

There are no complete synonyms and cannot exist. And that's why.

First of all, herself external shape words carries certain associations, connotations, allusions, caused both by the origin (etymology) and “former life” of a given lexeme, and by its external similarity or dissimilarity to other words of this language, which for speakers and users of this language are also included in a certain associative series.

Secondly, even if for some short period of time two words come together to denote what seems to be the same object or concept, then something happens between them quite quickly semantic or stylistic differentiation.

I will give examples of words and expressions that are close in meaning (synonymous) (from my head, not from the dictionary):

- "eating" and "meal"

- “capital”, “main city”, “metropolis”

- "youth", "young people", "young generation"

- “scam”, “lie”, “scam”, “swindle”, “rip-off”, “deception”

The paradox is precisely that, on the one hand, synonyms, if considered as such words with similar meanings that can be used interchangeably in certain contexts, undoubtedly exists. On the other hand, synonymous relations are very conditional and elusive.

Dozens released today synonymous dictionaries. But not everything included in them can be classified as synonyms. Often it is rather some associative series words that are close in meaning, which can only be classified as synonyms only with a very big stretch, since they can extremely rarely be interchangeable.

Find a synonym it is also difficult to understand one word or another because the meanings of the words themselves are not always unambiguous.

And not everything is in dictionaries. Synonymously, the abstract-book layer of vocabulary has been more developed and described. This is undoubtedly the merit of the writers. But in the sphere of political, economic, business vocabulary with synonyms it is more difficult. So journalists and translators often have to look for or come up with the necessary synonyms themselves.

I wanted to look up synonyms for such a relevant word as “corruption”, but there was no such entry in the dictionary.


They serve to increase the expressiveness of speech and help avoid monotony of speech.

It is necessary to distinguish between synonyms and nominal definitions - the latter represent complete identity.

Yu.D. Apresyan. Lexical synonyms. Definition of lexical synonyms (www.nspu.net) - in "Cyrillic Windows" encoding
In the first approach synonyms are defined as words that have the same thing lexical meaning, but differing in its shades.

Synonymy- a relative concept. The degree of synonymy may even be zero for linguistic units that do not have common semantic components.

In the future we will talk about exact synonyms, if the interpretations of two words completely coincide, and o imprecise synonyms, or quasi-synonyms, if they have a large part in common. Already here it should be emphasized that dividing synonyms into precise and imprecise does not mean that the true subject theories of lexical synonymy are only exact synonyms. Just theory of semantic transformations requires a clear distinction between the two in their dictionary entries, because otherwise it will not be possible to show their different relationship to the system paraphrasing.

Lexical synonymy. Synonyms in Russian. (shkola.lv)
Synonyms (gr. synonymos - same name) are words that differ in sound, but are identical or similar in meaning, often differing stylistic coloring.

A group of words consisting of several synonyms is called synonymous row(or nest). Synonymous series can consist of both multi-root and single-root synonyms.

Members of the synonymous series can be not only individual words, but also stable phrases (phraseologisms), as well as prepositional case forms

Synonyms refer to Linguistics. Translated from Greek language sounds like synonymon (single words). Synonym dictionary allows you to broaden your horizons, make your article or story colorful and interesting. Synonyms sound different, but have similar meanings. They don't have to be in the same style. These can be words from a pompous or colloquial genre, a simple and poetic version (for example, red - scarlet / crimson).

Quickly find a synonym

The ability to select words that are suitable in terms of their semantic meaning will be useful for both an experienced journalist and a school student. Also for people who want to try themselves in prose and journalism. Synonym for the word helps to get rid of repetitions in the text, a large number of identical words. This is a smart technique in constructing sentences. For any word you can find similar words lexical meaning terms. This allows you to avoid speech errors. The text becomes more understandable and logical.

Synonym dictionary

Our online resource helps expand lexicon. Convenient navigation is designed for comfortable searching. Enter the word in the form below, a list of suitable synonyms appears. They differ:
  • - by item (for example, hanger, hanger);
  • - social assessment;
  • - by style of speech;
  • - by etymology;
  • - in figurative meaning.
Now you don't need to go to the library or sort through volumes of information to find the right word. We have compiled an up-to-date database that is available to any visitor for free. Don't rack your brains remembering school curriculum, do not torment your work colleagues and acquaintances. Comprehensive information will be provided in a split second. Reposting on social networks is welcome. Russian language is the most difficult subject. There are more than 200 thousand words in Russian speech. Forget about monotonous expressions devoid of emotional coloring. Embark on literary experiments. The resource is especially in demand by copywriters and journalists. To write high-quality content, you need to minimize the spam rate. Synonyms help here.
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