Compound nouns with connecting vowels o e. Compound words. Connecting vowels E and O. Connecting vowel E

Examples of compound words (with two roots) with connecting vowels e, o?

    It is not interesting to list ordinary everyday words for everyone, so I will give not just examples, but words invented, for example, by the poet Mayakovsky. Some of them have successfully entered our language.

    So, the connecting letter O:

    • naked
    • dry-footedness (let me explain - this is about Kshesinskaya, then the meaning of the word will immediately become clear)
    • asshole (in the context of the word police, very successful, isn’t it?)
    • scream-lipped
    • golden-mouthed

    Connecting E:

    • heartman

    Many writers came up with their own words, but most of Mayakovsky’s words were born in pain, suffered through suffering, they add emotionality and expressiveness to his works.

    However, I cannot help but mention one more word. It was invented by Saltykov-Shchedrin. Very appropriate for our times - stupidity.

    The word birdsElov is formed from bird and catch;

    The word lesOzagotovka is formed from forest and logging;

    The word frost-resistant is formed from frost and persistent;

    The word vegetable storehouse is formed from vegetable and storage;

    The word leaffall is derived from leaf and fall;

    The word earthquake is formed from earth and shaking;

    The word smoke and walk is formed from smoke and walk;

    The word languageKnowledge is formed from language and knowledge;

    The word forest-steppe is formed from forest and steppe;

    The word ice-hod is derived from ice and walk;

    The word fishOlov is formed from fish and catch;

    The word birdsEfactory is formed from bird and factory.

    Words with a connecting vowel -o-:

    Latin American, North Sea, Western Ural, dark-haired, beet grower, short-haired, white marble, helicopter, gas pipeline, iron foundry, mechanical assembly, sulfuric acid, low-grade, steam locomotive, East Slavic, black-browed, pointed-topped, pale-faced, narrow-eyed, forest-steppe, plumber, bread cutter, hay harvester, juicer, legislator, self-esteem, gas cylinder.

    Words with a connecting vowel -e-:

    love of life, blood filling, oil pipeline, shrew, dredge, Far Eastern, friendly, mud bath, dust collector, cook, vegetable grower, thousand ruble, blue-eyed, Old Russian, millennium, earthquake, potato harvester, steelmaker, horse breeder, stone crusher.

    Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -e-

    1. Kash E var (porridge + cook)
    2. Birds E catch (bird + catch)
    3. Pesh E move (on foot + walk)
    4. Rain E measures (rain + measure)
    5. Fervor E suck (dust + suck)
    6. Birds E catch (bird + catch)
    7. Birds E factory (poultry + factory)
    8. Oil E wire (oil + conduct)
    9. Vegetable E storage (vegetable + store)
    10. Put E procession (path + procession)

    Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -o-

    1. Myself ABOUT cook (yourself + cook)
    2. Waters ABOUT pad (water + fall)
    3. Ice ABOUT count (ld + prick)
    4. Language ABOUT Ved (language + know)
    5. Snow ABOUT fall (snow + fall)
    6. Vert ABOUT lt (vertical + fly)
    7. Glass ABOUT cutting (glass + cutting)
    8. Concrete ABOUT mixer (concrete + stir)
    9. Beast ABOUT catch (beast + catch)
    10. House ABOUT sed (at home + sit)
  • bird catcher

    meat grinder

    bread maker

    potato peeler





    dump truck



    rock climber



    concrete mixer


    Solstice, home building, horticultural, wound healing, pain reliever, shipbuilding, philanthropy, gratitude, cornerstone, vacuum cleaner, mutual understanding, law-abiding, video, selfless.

    The vowel letter E connects the following compound words:

    bird catcher,

    color rendering,

    TV show,


    poultry farm,

    all-terrain vehicle,


    coffee maker,



    And the connecting vowel letter O is in the words:

    reinforced concrete,


    double boiler,

    pig farm,


    gas welding,


    Examples of compound words (with two roots) with connecting vowels e:

    • mousetrap;
    • navigator;
    • a pedestrian;
    • mud therapy;
    • vacuum cleaner;
    • vegetable store;
    • steelmaker;
    • shipwreck;
    • pipeline;
    • bird catcher;
    • poultry farm;
    • surveyor.

    • fresh frozen;
    • cook;
    • bird catcher

    Examples of compound words (with two roots) with connecting vowels o:

    • walker;
    • samovar;
    • nuclear powered ship;
    • snow blower;
    • airplane
    • cubic meter;
    • starfall;
    • new building;
    • bark beetle;
    • hard work;
    • water pipes
    • logging;
    • namesakes;
    • mutual assistance;
    • helicopter
    • electric polisher

    In fact, there are a lot of words that are formed from two simple ones with the help of connecting vowels. Choose almost any simple word that denotes an object and add to it a word that denotes an action, and you will get a complex word out of it.

  • Words with two roots with a connecting vowel -e, -o are found in compound nouns. Such words are written together.

    For example, a steamship, electric welding, a reservoir. Here the connecting vowel is -o.

    It is written after the stems with a hard consonant. This also includes the words

    Connecting vowel -e. It is written after the stems on a soft, sibilant consonant and ts(pedestrian, heartbeat, farming, weather report, etc.)

    There is an exception: after the base, a soft consonant can also have a vowel -o. For example, - hitching post, (although horse), range finder, (although distant). The spelling of such words is most often determined by the dictionary.

    Connecting vowel E(example words):





    Connecting vowel O(example words):



    concrete mixer,

    Light-emitting diode,

    electric saw,



    In complex words after the stem with a hard consonant (except w, f, c) is written ABOUT: nuclear-powered ship, water-pressure, breakwater, East Slavic, soundproofing, fishing.

    After the stem on a soft consonant, as well as on f, w, c and on a vowel is written E: big-eyed, snake-like, ray emitter, mousetrap, vegetable storage, flamethrower, stockpiling, bird catcher, fresh frozen.

    Note 1. B in some complex words, after the stem a soft consonant is written O (in parallel with words in which, after the same stem, according to the rule, it is written e: long-range (long-range), bone cutter, chiropractor (bone crusher) ny, bone-processing), hemorrhage, bloodsucker, bloodsucker, blood circulation, bloodletting (blood-forming, circulatory, blood substitute), chanting (song-making), wool-spinning, wool-weaving (wool-harvesting, wool-processing).

    Note 2. In the words gasification, gasify, electrification, electrify, centrifuge and centrifugate and derivatives from them, they are pronounced and written And.

    Note 3. Word agriculture has parallel spelling agriculture, which is more common in modern language.

    DIFFICULT WORDS without a connecting vowel

    1. Write together:

    1) words, the first part of which is represented by a word in its original (initial) form: time calculation, pastime, chronicle, chronology, seed stalk, ovule(cf.: stalk- formed with a connecting vowel);

    2) words formed as a result of the merger of a phrase: crazy (crazy), insane (mindless), forward-looking, nitrogen-containing;

    3) words, the first part of which is a cardinal number. In this case, the numeral is in the genitive case (there is no connecting vowel): five-day, seven-flower, five-hundred-year, three-hundred, seven-hundred-thirty-three-meter, twenty-eight-day.

    Note 1. Numerals ninety And one hundred are part of compound words in the form of the nominative case: ninety years old, one hundred days old.

    Note 2. Numerals one, thousand, million, billion connect to the second part of the word using connecting vowels O And e, that is, they function as nouns: one-day, twenty-one-bucket, millennium, twenty-five-thousand-year, million-voice, billion-foot.

    Note 3. Words centipede, shrike ("passerine"), sorokoust ("forty-day prayer in church for the deceased") have a connecting vowel O. In other derived words the numeral fourty used as a general rule - in the form of the genitive case: forty-degree, forty-day, forty anniversary, forty-five, forty-five ("forty-five-millimeter gun").

    Note 4. Numerals two three as part of compound words they have the forms two; three- And two; three; tre-: two-day, three-hour; bipedal, two-toed, double; thirtieth, trimaran("yacht with three keels"), shamrock; trident, three-headed And three-headed, tripod, tripod, triangle, three-headed.

    Note 5. Numeral one and a half as part of compound words has the form one and a half(genus): one and a half days, one and a half months, one and a half tons.

    Note 6. Numeral quarter when forming compound words, it is used in the nominative case and is written together with the rest of the compound word: quarter-finalist, quarter-finalist, quarter-annual.

    Note 7. Quantitative combinations that contain a word half, written separately: five and a half meters - five and a half meter, twenty and a half number of millions. However, formations where an adjective is used with a numeral half, written together: five-half, two-half.

    2. Compound words with roots floor-- (half) are written:

    A) with a hyphen, if:

    · the second word begins with a vowel: half a window, half an apple, half an alley;

    · the second word begins with a consonant l : half a sheet, half a basket, half a summer:

    · the second word is a proper name: half of Europe, half - Kaluga, half of Primorye;

    B) together in all cases, except those specified in paragraph A), as well as words with the root semi-: half a book, half a month, half a sea, half an hour, half past one, half past eleven(But: Eleventh floor); half-turned, half-savage, half-dark, half-open, half-legal, half-closed, half-lying.

    Note.The word half a liter(simple) (from floor at lulitre) written together.

    C) separately in all cases, if between the root floor- and the second word is an adjective or pronoun:floor next day(But: half a day); floor Onega Bay(But: half lips); floor Sea of ​​Okhotsk(But: half the sea), floor my book(But: half a book) - such combinations are characteristic of oral speech, that is, they have a conversational connotation.

    3. Nouns and adjectives starting with the elements are written together: air; auto-; agro-; biblio-; bio-; bicycle; helio-; hydro-; homo-, grapho-; zoo-; movie-; litho-; macro-, micro-, meteo-; motorcycle; multi-; neo-; paleo-; poly-; pseudo-; radio-; television; thermo-; stereo-; photo-; phono-; exo-; electro- (there can be more than one in a word):

    air harbor, aerospace, auto-aggregate, autobahn, aerial gamma photography, aerogeological, air ionizer, Aeroflot; bibliomaniac, bibliophile, bioacoustics, bioarchitecture, biodefense, bioengineering; bicycle section, bicycle track, exercise bike, bicycle tour, solar equipment, heliometeorologist, geostationary, geotechnology, hydraulic automation, hydrocosmos, hydraulic shock, homogenized, graphology, graphomaniac, zoobotanical, zoo veterinary service, zoo center, isoline, isotope; quasi-scientific, quasi-objective, quasiparticles, film portrait, film manual, screen test, lithosphere; macrocosmos, macrotext, weather bureau, weather data, weather information, microbrigade, microalarm clock, microclimate, macrocircuit, microsurgery, monoblock, monoculture, motorball, motorcarts, auto rickshaw, multibillionaire, multinational; neo-impressionism, neo-Freudian; paleoclimate, paleotectonic, polygenic, polyhybrid, polycrystalline, polylog, polypropylene, polyphony, pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-culture, pseudo-literature; radio outlet, radio spectrum, radio broadcast; television audience, television fan, telecommunications, television signal, hot rollers, thermal drill, heat-resistant; phonogram, photo effect; exobiology, exothermic, electric bus, electrodiagnostics.

    The same rule applies to the writing of foreign root prefixes: anti-, arch-infra-, counter-, pan-, super-, ultra-, extra-: anti-national, arch-fashionable, infrared, counterattack(But: rear admiral), pangenesis, panzootia, dust jacket, ultramicroscope, ultraviolet, extravagant, extrapolation(But: extra class, extra mail).

    Note. If the second part of the word is a proper name, such formations are written with a hyphen: quasi-Gorky, false-Pushkin(But: False Dmitry- historical writing), pan-America, pan-Europe.

    In this lesson we will look at concepts such as compound words, connecting vowels; Let's answer the question when the connecting vowel O is written, and when - E.

    Complex words are those that were created as a result of combining two (less often three) words into one word:

    alone, fly - airplane

    steam, walk - steamboat

    porridge, cook - cook

    poultry, factory - poultry farm

    Compound words are formed using the connecting vowels O and E. These vowels are added to the end of the first stem that is part of the compound word.

    Please note a number of words below:

    Based on these examples, we will formulate a rule for writing the connecting vowels O and E in complex words.

    The connecting vowel E is written after:

    1) hissing: w, w, shch, h;

    2) letters C;

    3) soft consonants.

    And the connecting vowel O is written after the stems on a hard consonant (except zh, sh and ts): fabulist, trapper.

    How to determine which connecting vowel should be written in a word?

    To do this, you must first select the first root. If the final consonant of the root is sibilant, the letter C or a soft consonant, then the letter E should be written to connect the roots.

    In other cases, the connecting O is written.

    For example:

    In other cases, the connecting letter O is written in complex words, for example:

    It is important to learn how to correctly identify roots in complex words, remember the rule for writing connecting vowels O and E and apply it.

    List of used literature:

    1. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Shansky N.M., Vlasenkova A.I. Work programs and calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language for the textbook “Russian Language” for grade 6, edited by Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Trostentsova L.A., Grigoryan L.T.
    2. Sokolova G.P. Russian language lessons in 6th grade: A book for teachers: From work experience. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1986. - 80 pages.
    3. Calendar and thematic planning “Russian language grade 6” according to the textbook: “Russian language grade 6”. Textbook for general education institutions. Authors and compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Trostentsova L. and others - M.: Education, 2012. Federal State Educational Standard.
    4. Gromov S.A. Russian language. Practical literacy course. Textbook for general education institutions. – M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2006. -55 pages.
    5. Blinov G.I., Antokhina V.A. Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation. Teacher's manual. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1986.
    6. Yarovikova O.V. Remembering through an image. Methodological manual for teachers and students. - Yoshkar-Ola: “String”, 2008. – 84 pages.

    Pedagogical tasks: create conditions for realizing the goal of learning to form and write complex words.

    Planned educational outcomes:

    Educational: learn to form complex words using connecting vowels oh, oh, will be able to extract information from different sources.

    Communicative: organize conditions for communication when working in pairs, the ability to construct a statement that is understandable for listeners, ask clarifying questions, formulate simple conclusions, use intonation expressiveness.

    Personal: use learned work techniques to solve educational problems; exercise self-control when completing written assignments; realize the need for self-improvement; They express a desire to learn new activities, achieve positive work results, and also strive to give people warmth and care.

    Teaching aids: textbook, computer, presentation, test, cards, set of colored pencils, “flower-seven-flower” drawing.

    During the classes

    I. Greeting guests. Checking readiness for the lesson.

    We have guests in class, welcome them.

    Emotional mood for the lesson (dialogue between teacher and students).

    Now check it out, my friend.

    Are you ready to start the lesson?
    - Is everything in place?
    - Is everything all right?
    - Pen and notebook?
    - Hands? (On the spot)
    - Legs? (On the spot)
    - Elbows? (At the edge)
    - The back? (Straight)

    Draw a green triangle in the margin if you want to understand everything in class, work well, think. If in doubt, draw a yellow triangle. And at the end of the lesson, you will correlate your goals at the beginning of the lesson with what you will achieve at the end of the lesson (green triangle - everything worked out, yellow - I’ll try to be attentive, red - I haven’t fully mastered the material yet)

    II. Updating basic knowledge.

    1. A minute of penmanship. Game “Danetka”

    2. “I conceived a natural phenomenon” On the computer, a slide with illustrations of natural phenomena (frost, rain, rainbow, snowfall, lightning).

    You ask me questions, I can only answer Yes And No.

    I thought of a natural phenomenon.

    Student. Is this a feminine noun?

    Student. Is this a masculine noun?

    Student. Does he water everything?

    Student. Are the trees beautiful?

    Student. This is frost.

    Find the exact definition of the word in the dictionary frost (optional one student). (A thin layer of snow formed due to evaporation on a cooling surface)

    Which letter is missing? ( E , it has no sound)

    Let's write down all the other letters beautifully. (I n th)

    Who can find the difficult word? (Snowfall)

    Let's write out all the letters from it that represent consonants.

    Why do we need this stage of the lesson?

    (We learned to extract information using questions, repeated the spelling of some letters, clarified that the letter e has no sound, repeated the letters of the consonants)

    3. Game “Be careful”

    Arrange the words in 3 columns according to the type of spelling. Complete the words.

    Unpronounceable... Paired……. Unstressed... (on the board)

    (Rare, honest, water, holiday, happy, wear, Volgograd)

    Standard check. (Slide 3)

    Who has the floor? Volgograd recorded 2 times? Why? (This is a complex word and 2 spellings)

    What two words does this word consist of? (city, Volga)

    Label the roots.

    With what feeling do we talk about the city? (With a feeling of pride about the hero city in which we live)

    Why this stage of the lesson?

    (To repeat what we already know and think about something new)

    “5” - no errors

    “4” - 1, 2 errors, more than 2 errors - you need to repeat the spelling rules

    What role does the root play in words? (The general meaning of all cognate words lies at the root)

    Is it enough to take two roots to make a word? (No)

    What needs to be done for this? (Connect two roots)

    How to do it? Problem?

    Think about what other words can be used to form a compound word? (Water-carrier)

    What did you use to connect the 2 roots? (Using the letter O)

    III. Setting a lesson goal

    What do you think we will work on in class? (We will form complex words and write the connecting vowel correctly)

    It remains to be seen when it is written ABOUT, and when E.

    IV. Updating new knowledge, working on new material

    1. Formation and recording of complex words:

    Fall leaves (leaf fall) (slide 4) and admire this natural phenomenon.

    What do we know about the forest ecosystem? (Closed circleOgate substances)

    Water, fall (waterfall) illustration. (Slides 5, 6, 7, 8)

    A man who grows flowers. (Florist)

    Cooking porridge? (Cook)

    What connecting vowels did you use? (Oh e)

    Working with the textbook. Exercise 128 p.108 with commenting at the board

    First O cool (i.e. very good, high quality today is Quality Day in our country)

    Ice O count

    Fervor e SOS

    Much O pestilence

    Forest O rub

    Vegetable e cutting

    What is this type of work for? (Practiced in forming and writing complex words)

    When a connecting vowel is written in complex words - e , A When -O?

    (O after hard consonants, E - after soft consonants, hissing and C)

    Tell us the algorithm how you will work.

    2. Work in pairs (exercise 131)

    Form complex words, add your words airplane, samovar, scooter, pride, Samodelkin. (Crossbow, dump truck, impostor)

    Which pair will do it, raise your hands in a hut.

    Self-test against the standard. (Slide 9, 10)

    Explain the word self-love using a dictionary. (Self-esteem, combined with a jealous attitude towards the opinions of others about oneself (painful pride, to spare someone else’s pride))

    3. Physical exercise. (Slide 11, 12)

    4. Independent work using cards.

    Form and write new words, underline the connecting vowel.

    Option I

    ice cutting


    milk move

    Option II

    meat wire

    plant everywhere

    heat mower

    Self-test (slide 13). I will check your notebooks and cards, and if you assessed yourself objectively, I will put marks in the journal.

    Now answer the test questions. The correct answer corresponds to the letter.

    1) Words that have two roots are called:

    m) simple; c) complex.

    2) Compound words have connecting vowel letters:

    p) o, e; d) y, I; p) e, y.

    3) After the letters of hard consonants, a connecting letter is written:

    j) f; a) o; m) y.

    4) After the letters of soft consonants, a connecting letter is written:

    c) f; By; p) s.

    5) Indicate the word in which the letter e is written:

    d) himself...var; i) coffee...milk; e) bread...rob.

    6) Indicate the word in which the mistake was made:

    d) all-terrain vehicle; e) livestock breeder; b) food.

    7) Which word is difficult?

    k) came running; o) steamship; h) flew into.

    The result was the word... (thank you!)

    5. D/z: exercise 132 p. 110.

    V. Summarizing. Reflection. Students’ self-assessment of activities in the lesson

    (Slide 14, 15)

    I succeeded

    I was surprised

    I like it

    I was happy for

    I want give thanks … behind …

    There is a flower on the board.

    What is the name of this flower? (Flower-sam And flower)

    Name the roots.

    What would you like to ask me? (Why is the connecting vowel And?)

    Do we know everything about compound words? (No)

    This means that new discoveries await us in Russian lessons.

    You said: “I want to thank...”

    Gratitude is a complex word, it means to give goodness, kindness. Let's try to do good to everyone.

    The greatest spelling difficulty is caused by vowels, which are called connecting vowels. “O” and “e” in complex words are often not noticed, as a result of which mistakes are made. It is noteworthy that there are no other letters connecting the two stems.


    If a word consists of two or more stems, it will be called complex. For example, agricultural (farming), meat and dairy (meat and milk), scientific and technical (science and technology), chronicler (writing chronicles).

    They appeared in the Russian language at the present stage of development during a period of abundance of information, because this allows several concepts to be contained in one word.

    Phenomena when more than two roots are used in the formation of a complex word are quite rare. For example, cycling.

    Education and spelling variations

    Compound words can be formed in various ways. Their spelling will depend on this. Let's look at the most popular ones:

    They write complex words in Russian together or with a hyphen: haymaking, railway, evergreen, boarding school, dynamo, raincoat. The use of one method or another depends on the formation of a particular word.

    Words with connecting "o"

    Let's look at when connecting "o" and "e" are used in complex words. Examples when it is necessary to write "o" are as follows:

    • railway;
    • factory;
    • forest-steppe;
    • people's liberation;
    • reinforced concrete.

    In all these words, the first stem ends in a hard consonant, which is why the use of the connecting “o” is required.

    Words with connecting "e"

    Now you should parse complex words with a connecting vowel e. Examples are:

    • Old Russian;
    • a pedestrian;
    • vegetable store;
    • bird catcher;
    • leatherworker;
    • cook;
    • dormitory;
    • traveler;
    • windbreak;
    • rain gauge

    All these words are united by the fact that the first stem ends in a soft consonant (rain gauge, Old Russian), in a hissing consonant (hostel, pedestrian, cook) or in “ts” (bird catcher). Therefore, in such words you should write a connecting “e”.

    Base options

    Sometimes connecting “o” and “e” are not used in complex words: they are replaced by parts of derived stems. Let's look at similar cases.

    1. The word is formed from a combination of an adverb and an adjective: little-studied, evergreen, purely negative, ominously proud. Here “o” and “e” are not connecting vowels, but suffixes.
    2. The first part is the verb in tumbleweed, tumbleweed.
    3. The word is a shade of color. Accordingly, to connect the stems, the suffix -a-/-я- is used: yellow-red, blue-black.

    When a connecting vowel is not needed

    There are many cases in the Russian language when connecting “o” and “e” in complex words are completely unnecessary. This happens in the following cases:

    1. If the first generating stem is a numeral in the form of the genitive case: dvuhspalny, pyatydnevka, dvudonka. In this case, there are suffixes that are homonymous to the endings of the genitive case form.
    2. In some cases, a word is formed without these vowels simply by adding stems. For example, let’s compare the words “psychotherapy” and “psychasthenia”. In the first case, the word has a connecting “o”, and in the second, the letter “a” is the initial letter in the word “asthenia”.
    3. Sometimes the first productive stem is the initial form of the noun: seed stalk (but: seed storage), flame-spewing (but: flame bearer).
    4. Also, the first productive stem can take the form of some kind of case. So, all words with the first part suma- and uma- will be written without connecting vowels: crazy, crazy.
    5. Many parts are words of foreign origin: avia-, auto-, moto-, photo-, electro-, quasi- and others. Here, regardless of the hardness/softness of the preceding consonant, the original vowel remains: quasi-interesting, electric motor, aircraft modeling, motorcycle club.
    6. It is necessary to distinguish complex words from simple ones. So, in the word “electrification” there is only one root, electric. Everything behind it is a suffix and an ending. The words “electronic carrier”, “electrician”, “electric motor” are another matter. They already have two bases, one of which is electrical.

    Spelling difficult words

    Connecting “o” and “e” in complex words can be used both when written together and when written with a hyphen. Let's look at the cases of using a hyphen.

    You can create complex words using coordinating and subordinating connections. If they are formed by the first case, they will be written with a hyphen. In other words, you can easily put the conjunction “and” between the parts. Let's look at examples, for this you need to create complex words: sofa and bed - sofa bed; scientific and technical - scientific and technical; Russian and English - Russian-English; factory and plant - factory; meat and milk - meat and dairy; military medical - military and medical and others.

    Compound words (nouns and adjectives) with the meaning of cardinal directions: Western European, southeastern, northeastern.

    Words that convey shades of colors: crimson-gold, gray-brown, light green, purple-blue.

    If the word is formed from a proper name: Leo Tolstoy style, Walter Scott ideas, New York Stock Exchange. The exception is geographical names formed from the phrase noun and adjective: Velikiye Luki - Velikiye Luki, Sergiev Posad - Segrievo Posad, Staraya Rus - Starorussky.

    Words - scientific and technical terms: dynamo, vacuum dryer, diesel electrode, stop valve, filter press.

    Words - designations of political parties and movements: vice-mayor, liberal-democratic, social-democratic, national-socialist.

    A word that has a value judgment in the first part: grief-wife, shirt-guy, sweetheart-daughter, good boy-son.

    If the first producing basis is the designation of any Latin letter: alpha male, beta carotene, gamma radiation.

    It is necessary to write together complex words formed with the help of a subordinating connection: lumber processing (to process wood), staromoskovsky (old Moscow), chronicler (to write a chronicle), milk processing (to process milk), logging (logging).

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