Essay on the topic view from the window in autumn. Essay on the topic view from the window in autumn Landscape view from my window

Essays at school are different. Some require independent reasoning by the student, others require special knowledge in a particular topic. In addition, there are descriptive essays that students usually enjoy writing the most.

But despite the simplicity of these works, they also have their own characteristics. Most often, such tasks are given to students to describe paintings, but we will consider an essay on the topic “View from my window.” By analogy, you can write any similar work.

Where to begin?

It’s great if you can sit with your draft in front of the window. This will be the most convenient way to write.

But you should not start your essay directly with a description of what you see. There are several ways to write an introduction.

“I really love looking out the window of my room almost every day. This stunning view at any time of the year makes you freeze and forget about time.”

“Have you ever thought about how beautiful nature is around? Every day we rush somewhere, not paying attention to anything around us. But stop for a second. You can just look out your apartment window and see an amazing landscape.”

You can also start your essay on the topic “View from my window” not only with positive statements (then the topic of your essay will be the problem environment Nowadays).

“I really love nature. But unfortunately, I can’t admire it from the window - almost all our trees have been cut down.”

Main part

The main part should contain a direct description of your view from the window. The student can follow the following paths for description.

  • can only describe a specific picture that you see at a given moment in time. “Looking out my window, the first thing I see is a bright playground with many children playing. The branches of two rowan trees and several poplars are spread along its edges, so there is always a pleasant shade on the site.”
  • The student can describe not only what he sees now, but also talk about how the view changes in the morning and evening or with the change of season. “Thanks to the many trees in front of my window, in every season of the year a beautiful picture opens up in front of me: in the summer the trees delight with their greenery, and in the winter whole caps of snow and frost gather on them, which captivates the eye.”
  • You can also describe the time of year that you like best. For example, an essay on the topic “View from the window in autumn.”


After you have written the main part, you need to finish the essay on the topic “View from my window.” The student must draw a conclusion about what has been written.

“Watching nature outside my window brings me real peace. I really like to read or do homework in front of the window - it’s a great way to relax and unwind.”

“I hope that people will appreciate the nature around them, because there is nothing more beautiful and natural in the world.”

Thus, using the above tips and recommendations, you can write a competent and interesting essay on the topic “View from my window.”

Help write descriptions of the view from the window of your house. That is, describe what I see from the window. I need one like that and got the best answer

Answer from Nadeyka[guru]
View from my window
Author: Elina S. (8th grade C)
I live on the outskirts of the city in a large red nine-story house on Rahu Street. From my window I have a view of the Tallinn highway. In the distance you can see the chimneys of the power plant, sparkling in the moonlight at night. On the left along the road there is a row of garages. It reminds me of a small town, with small houses, and the inhabitants of this settlement are machines that go to work every morning and return home to sleep in the evening.
Early in the morning I love to watch people who took the time to get up even earlier than me and now walk their pets, regardless of the day of the week and weather conditions.
Every evening from my window you can see athletes with ski poles walking in an unknown direction in single file along the sidewalk...
And in the evening you can watch a fabulous sunset. It fascinates me with its colors. There was never a day when the picture repeated itself.
When the sun goes down, the stars come to the sky. They are like the lights of a garland entangled in the dark sky.
If you have some free time, maybe you should just look out the window? I'm sure you will see a lot of interesting things!
View from my window
Author: Mark Kupriyanov (8th grade C)
I live in Narva on one of the most beautiful streets in the city. Every day I come home from school, put my briefcase down and... go look out the window.
From my window there is an interesting, but at the same time sad (after all, it’s autumn) view.
Yellow trees, constantly falling leaves, drizzling rain, passers-by hurrying somewhere - this is the everyday view from my window. But suddenly the sun will come out, and the entire wet earth, covered with fallen leaves, will be illuminated with light. The umbrellas will close, the puddles will dry up, and somewhere at the end of the street children's laughter will be heard. The whole world, which had been quiet, will suddenly come to life. Birds that came from nowhere will chirp, children will run in, the swing will spin quickly...
But then the sun has set, and all the miracles disappear as quickly as they appeared...
View from my window
Author: Stanislav Nazarov (8th grade C)
I live in the city center in a five-story building. I usually like to watch the street a little in the morning before school. I think this activity entertains me and gives me energy for the day.
I see how a harmful janitor is cleaning the street from beautiful autumn leaves. He gets very angry because people passing by disturb him.
I see cars parked under the window, all covered in leaves...
I see people running to work, children to school.
In the morning, the yard swings are empty, since all the children have gone to school, and in the afternoon the swings will squeak happily again!
I see a tractor driving across the road, collecting leaves and disturbing people from sleeping with its noise...
Opposite my house there is a twin house. I watch seagulls walking on its roof. The lights in the windows turn on and off, people come out of the entrances.
I see how the ray of dawn hits the windows of the house opposite and is reflected through my window.
It can be seen that it is cold outside, the housewives and owners of the dogs dress them warmer. And dogs walk like rappers.
Pigeons fly to my windowsill. Hungry, they knock on the window, but the cat kicks them out.
This is such a fun movie I watch every morning!
View from the window
Author: Kirill Gusev (8th grade C)
Standing at the window in my room, I look out of it and see that with the onset of autumn there are much fewer people in the yard. No one plays football anymore and no one swings on the new swing bench.
The leaves on the trees changed color from green to yellow, red and orange.
We have a beautiful little stone fountain in our yard. In the evenings, they began to turn on the lighting at the fountain, and the fountain sprinkles red, yellow, blue and orange splashes.
Behind the fountain is a small alley. There are two benches in the middle of the alley. It's great to sit on a bench, look up and see colorful leaves!
To the left of the alley there is a children's playground. Children play there only when it is not raining. When it rains, the paths turn into streams and it is simply impossible to walk along them.

Answer from Artyom Rumyantsev[guru]
I use a thermometer and see if I can warm up the air intake with a professional hairdryer or it will start.

Answer from Yoolnyshko[newbie]
Is this how to describe the view from your window or from mine...? (hee hee)

Answer from Raketa[guru]
At least I could insert a photo of the view from YOUR window, otherwise why should I tell you about mine? I see the mountains and the Yenisei River, which flows in front of these mountains, and right in front of the window is a children’s playground, and 200 meters away is the M54 highway....

Answer from Ilya Sukachev[newbie]
The forest from afar seemed like a long, dark stripe. And when we skied in and looked at it, we saw it differently. In the forest, trees stood in the snow, as if wrapped in large white sheets. Some trees have many clumsy arms and gnarled legs. They grab us by the face and clothes and don’t let us go. We overcame the obstacles and reached the lawn. How beautiful it is, shiny, white, as if covered with a tablecloth. The stars smile on it with bluish-yellowish sparkles. Suddenly the lawn was filled with a silver glow. Snowflakes woke up. Small, fluffy, they hold hands and dance. The trees became agitated because they could not dance. The wind howled. The forest cried and sobbed like a hungry animal.
The frost is raging, pinching our noses, grabbing our hands, trying to overcome us. And his efforts are in vain. We, like arrows, rush between the trees, we are not afraid of anything!
2nd option
Winter day... Outside the window there is white fluffy snow, the sky is of different shades of blue and gray, and occasionally the sun comes out. But right in front of me, the birds left footprints in the snow. It's so interesting to watch them! And who said that nature goes to sleep in winter? No, she lives with all feelings and emotions.
It's starting to snow again. No, look! This is the waltz of snowflakes. They fall so smoothly to the ground, spinning in the air, and immediately melt. You watch this dance and feel some kind of magic!
And then suddenly the sun came out again. It was as if it smiled tenderly at me, warmed me with its warmth for a split second and left again!
I opened the window and a cold breeze immediately entered the room. I reached out my hand and caught a snowflake. So fragile, so lonely... I wanted to let her go, but didn’t have time. She melted at that very moment...

I love looking out the window in autumn. You wake up in the morning, and nature has already changed its appearance overnight. The leaves gradually turn yellow or turn red. The road is strewn with leaves. Everything has bright colors. September flowers grow under our house. They bloom in different colors, ranging from light purple to dark purple. These September flowers look great against a backdrop of green, yellow and red foliage.

I like to look out of the window in the fall, because nature is saturated with bright colors that are not there in winter or spring. The mood is lifted by looking at the rich colors of autumn and how the sun's rays play on the autumn puddles and warm up random passers-by.

Essays No. 2 for grades 7, 6

Autumn is a rich time. It seems that during this period all the colors of the rainbow come to life. In autumn, from the window you can see trees completely dressed in yellow foliage. And the trees are red and still completely green. The sky also looks different in autumn. One morning, waking up in the window, it was clear that nature was gently waking up. The sky was blue, and the sun warmed the earth with its last rays, and I wanted to go out and take a walk. But an hour later the weather changed. The sky became heavy, rainy and dark in color. It seemed that it would not rain, but snow.
It began to rain heavily, and the view from the window was no longer so joyful. I didn't want to go to school in heavy rain. I wanted to stay at home and watch a movie under a blanket.

It was clear that passers-by were shivering from the cold and trying to get there as quickly as possible.

After a couple of days, the ground dried out from the rain, and the wind blew leaves from the trees. They instantly became naked. The nut fell off first, and a beautiful carpet of leaves formed on the ground. The leaves were still fresh and not faded. They were juicy and had a very rich green color. I wanted to leave the house and walk through these fallen leaves.

Going out into the street and approaching the nut, I noticed a cat lying on a carpet of mud leaves and was sprinkled with some leaves. It immediately became clear that the cat was warming itself up like that. What was very interesting was that she had several leaves stuck to her face, which she did not try to peel off. The cat looked very funny and this made me very happy.

There was already a smell of autumn coolness outside, and it was clear that the warm summer days had said goodbye to us this year. Winter was approaching. The days were getting colder. In the morning there were first frosts. There was a feeling of warmth and tenderness in my soul. I wanted to lie down at home under the covers and read a book. I wanted to drink warm tea with lemon and eat a cinnamon bun.

7th grade, 4th grade, 6th grade.

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