Soldier's Overcoat (Extracurricular reading). A short review of the fairy tale The Soldier's Overcoat for the reader's diary, the shorter the better The theme of the story The Soldier's Overcoat


  • regulatory
  • personal


Book to read

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys!

-…, can you hear me?

My device works well.

Who is on duty today?

Today the duty officer...

What date is today?


Speech exercise:

Spread the bed

R__u ru scold

Cover yourself with roofs

Make the bed

Cover yourself with a blanket

I made the bed

Working on the topic

  1. Introductory talk

Today is Tuesday.

Extracurricular reading today

2.Topic message

3. Setting a goal

3. Vocabulary work

What is "Overcoat"? Do you know?

An overcoat is a military coat

Let's read the words all together.

Oleg, read the words.

Sveta, read the words.

What does it mean to “bargain”?

Let's read the expression together.

Valera, read the words.

Dasha, read the word.

Who is "master"?

A master is a rich, respected man who had his own house and servants

Let's read the word together.

Andrey, read the word

What does “scold” mean?

It means to scold

Let's read the expression together.

Valera, read the words.

Dasha, read the words.

Let's read the expression together.

Valera, read the expression.

Dasha, read the expression.

  1. Reading a fairy tale


  1. Conversation on issues

The soldier did not deceive the master.

How do you understand these words?

If a person does not work, does nothing, he will not be able to fall asleep even on a good bed, but the one who works, works, will fall asleep even in an overcoat

Reflective-evaluative stage

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"Soldier's Overcoat (Extracurricular Reading)"

Extracurricular activity

extracurricular reading

Reading the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"



introduce pupils to the fairy tale “The Soldier’s Overcoat”, teach them to read and answer questions;


formation of a communicative culture of pupils; development of pupils’ speech, enrichment of vocabulary on the topic (overcoat, bargain, scold, master, sergeant major);


development of attention, self-control;



Book to read

Progress of the lesson:

Motivational-orientation stage

Hello guys!

-…, can you hear me?

Does your device work well?

My device works well.

Who is on duty today?

Today the duty officer...

What date is today?


Speech exercise:

Spread the bed

R__u ru scold

Cover yourself with roofs

Make the bed

Cover yourself with a blanket

I made the bed

Working on the topic

    Introductory talk

Guys, what day of the week is it today?

Today is Tuesday.

Extracurricular reading today

2.Topic message

The topic of the lesson is “Reading the fairy tale “The Soldier’s Overcoat”

3. Setting a goal

3. Vocabulary work

What is "Overcoat"? Do you know?

An overcoat is a military coat

Let's read the words all together.

Oleg, read the words.

Sveta, read the words.

What does it mean to “bargain”?

This means agreeing on a price.

Let's read the expression together.

Valera, read the words.

Dasha, read the word.

Who is "master"?

A master is a rich, respected man who had his own house and servants

Let's read the word together.

Andrey, read the word

What does “scold” mean?

It means to scold

Let's read the expression together.

Valera, read the words.

Dasha, read the words.

Feldwebel - this used to be a military rank

Let's read the expression together.

Valera, read the expression.

Dasha, read the expression.

    Reading a fairy tale

- Open literature textbooks on page.... Did you find everything?

Read the story yourself.

We read one paragraph at a time. Let's start.

    Conversation on issues

Who are the main characters of this fable?

The main characters of this tale are a gentleman and a soldier.

How did the soldier praise his overcoat? Find and read.

Did the master like the overcoat? Find in the text what he says about her.

Did the master manage to fall asleep in his overcoat? Why?

The master was unable to sleep on his overcoat. He doesn't know how to use it correctly

Do you think the soldier deceived the master?

The soldier did not deceive the master.

How did the soldier use his overcoat?

The soldier spread out his overcoat, put his head on the sleeve and covered himself

What does a fairy tale teach? Find it in the text.

How do you understand these words?

If a person does not work, does nothing, he will not be able to fall asleep even on a good bed, but the one who works, works, will fall asleep even in an overcoat

Reflective-evaluative stage

What fairy tale did we meet in class today?

We got acquainted with the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"

Did you like the fairy tale? Why?

We liked the fairy tale/we didn’t like the fable because….

You all worked well today, answered questions, tried to speak correctly. Well done! Thanks to all.

Left a reply Guest

We call the fairy tale “The Soldier’s Overcoat” an everyday one, since it contains characters that are commonplace for this type of fairy tale: a resourceful fighter and a stupid gentleman. We rejoice at the resourcefulness of the fighter and laugh at the growing poi-master.

The item that becomes a prerequisite for bargaining between the soldier and the master is a soldier's overcoat. We learn that a fighter knows how to lay out his overcoat in such a way that he manages to put it on his head and cover himself. But the parable is not only about this skill of a fighter. We learn that soldier's service in royal times was very formidable, that on the campaign the soldier did not have any comforts: he had to use what was at hand, what he constantly carried with him. Therefore, the overcoat for him served not only as clothing, but also as a bed. The soldiers worked a lot and did not have enough time to sleep. They became very tired, and when it was time to sleep, they quickly fell asleep from exhaustion, even on a hard bed made of an overcoat.

The master lived in completely different conditions: he slept on the bed, lay on the feather bed, his head on the pillow, and covered himself with a blanket. The master did not work and did not know the hardships of a soldier's life. The parable tells us about this difference between the lives of a fighter and a master, and the narrator’s sympathies are on the side of the fighter.

2. How does the everyday fairy tale you read differ from fairy tales and fairy tales about animals?

The characters of everyday fairy tales, in contrast to fairy tales of magic and about animals, are people of certain types who live not in a distant kingdom, but in the real world. The plot is not magical, but life-like, tinged with humor. In the everyday parable, the joyful and resourceful hero always gets the merit and wins.

3.Can we say that the ending of a fairy tale is similar to a proverb? Why?

The ending of the fairy tale “The Soldier’s Overcoat” is as follows: “If you work and don’t sleep for a long time, you’ll fall asleep on a stone; and he who does nothing will not sleep on a feather bed!” It's like a proverb.

In proverbs, the idea is very important, which is expressed briefly and figuratively; In the end we see the following idea: he who works always sleeps soundly.

Proverbs are often two-part, built on opposition. In the end we see two parts, where a hard-working person is contrasted with a person who does nothing.

Proverbs are usually rhythmic and have rhyme. In this ending you can feel the rhythm and clearly see the words, the last sounds of which are close in sound: “if you work” - “you won’t fall asleep”, “doesn’t do” - “you won’t fall asleep”.

4.What genres of fairy tales became known to you in 5th grade? Prepare a short retelling of one of them.

We studied three types of fairy tales: wonderful fairy tales, fairy tales about animals, and everyday fairy tales.

5.Which artists illustrated folk tales? Tell us about one of them (for example, about V. Vasnetsov, I. Bilibin, other artists) or about the features of their illustrations.

The master spoke to the soldier; the soldier began to praise his overcoat: “When I need to sleep, I’ll put my overcoat on my bed, put my overcoat in my head, and cover myself with my overcoat!”

The master began to ask the soldier to sell him his overcoat; So they bargained for twenty-five rubles.

The master came home and said to his wife: “What a thing I bought! Now I don’t need a feather bed, pillows, or blanket; lay down my overcoat, put it on my head and dress in my overcoat!” His wife began to scold him: “Well, are you going to sleep?”

"Soldier's Overcoat". Hood. V. Milashevsky

And sure enough, the master laid out his overcoat, but there was nothing to put on his head and put on, and it was hard to lie on it.

The master went to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered the sergeant major to call him.

They brought a soldier. “Why, brother,” says the commander, “deceived the master?” “No way, your honor,” said the soldier, took his overcoat, put his head on the sleeve and covered himself with the blanket. The regimental commander also awarded the soldier.

If you work and don’t sleep for a long time, you’ll fall asleep on a stone; and whoever does nothing will not sleep on the feather bed!

We reflect on the uniqueness of everyday fairy tales

  1. You've read an everyday tale about a soldier's overcoat, but was that the only story the storytellers wanted to talk about?
  2. How does the everyday fairy tale you read differ from fairy tales and fairy tales about animals?
  3. Can we say that the ending of a fairy tale is similar to a proverb? Why?
  4. What genres of fairy tales became known to you in 5th grade? Prepare a short retelling of one of them.
  5. Which artists illustrated folk tales? Tell us about one of them (for example, about V. Vasnetsov, I. Bilibin, about other artists) or about the features of their illustrations.
  6. The fairy tale “The Soldier's Overcoat” belongs to everyday fairy tales. Is the manner of telling everyday fairy tales different from fairy tales? How?
  7. Prepare two or three tales for oral storytelling.

Extracurricular activity

extracurricular reading

Reading the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"



introduce pupils to the fairy tale “The Soldier’s Overcoat”, teach them to read and answer questions;


formation of a communicative culture of pupils; development of pupils’ speech, enrichment of vocabulary on the topic (overcoat, bargain, scold, master, sergeant major);


development of attention, self-control;



Book to read

Progress of the lesson:

Motivational-orientation stage

Hello guys!

-…, can you hear me?

Does your device work well?

My device works well.

Who is on duty today?

Today the duty officer...

What date is today?


Speech exercise:

Spread the bed

R__u ru scold

Cover yourself with roofs

Make the bed

Cover yourself with a blanket

I made the bed

Working on the topic

Introductory talk

Guys, what day of the week is it today?

Today is Tuesday.

Extracurricular reading today

2.Topic message

The topic of the lesson is “Reading the fairy tale “The Soldier’s Overcoat”

3. Setting a goal

3. Vocabulary work

What is "Overcoat"? Do you know?

An overcoat is a military coat

Let's read the words all together.

Oleg, read the words.

Sveta, read the words.

What does it mean to "bargain"?

This means agreeing on a price.

Let's read the expression together.

Valera, read the words.

Dasha, read the word.

Who is "master"?

A master is a rich, respected man who had his own house and servants

Let's read the word together.

Andrey, read the word

What does "scold" mean?

It means to scold

Let's read the expression together.

Valera, read the words.

Dasha, read the words.

Feldwebel - this used to be a military rank

Let's read the expression together.

Valera, read the expression.

Dasha, read the expression.

Reading a fairy tale

- Open literature textbooks on page.... Did you find everything?

Read the story yourself.

We read one paragraph at a time. Let's start.

Conversation on issues

Who are the main characters of this fable?

The main characters of this tale are a gentleman and a soldier.

How did the soldier praise his overcoat? Find and read.

Did the master like the overcoat? Find in the text what he says about her.

Did the master manage to fall asleep in his overcoat? Why?

The master was unable to sleep on his overcoat. He doesn't know how to use it correctly

Do you think the soldier deceived the master?

The soldier did not deceive the master.

How did the soldier use his overcoat?

The soldier spread out his overcoat, put his head on the sleeve and covered himself

What does a fairy tale teach? Find it in the text.

How do you understand these words?

If a person does not work, does nothing, he will not be able to fall asleep even on a good bed, but the one who works, works, will fall asleep even in an overcoat

Reflective-evaluative stage

What fairy tale did we meet in class today?

We got acquainted with the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"

Did you like the fairy tale? Why?

We liked the fairy tale/we didn’t like the fable because….

You all worked well today, answered questions, tried to speak correctly. Well done! Thanks to all.

Folk tales embodied the wisdom and worldly experience accumulated by humanity over many centuries. " Fairy tale a lie, but there’s a hint in it...” It’s difficult to overestimate the importance of fairy tales for a child’s development: fairy tale teaches courage, honesty, kindness, and develops a sense of beauty. Tell your child a fairy tale, he will definitely learn something useful from it. In this issue Russian traditional fairy tale Soldier's overcoat.

Soldier's overcoat.

The master spoke to the soldier; the soldier began to praise his overcoat:

When I need to sleep, I will put my overcoat on my bed, and put my overcoat in my head, and cover myself with my overcoat.

The master began to ask the soldier to sell him his overcoat. So they bargained for twenty-five rubles. The master came home and said to his wife:

What a thing did I buy! Now I don’t need a feather bed, pillows, or blanket: I’ll put an overcoat on my bed, and I’ll put an overcoat in my head, and I’ll dress in an overcoat.

His wife began to scold him:

Well, how are you going to sleep?

And sure enough, the master laid out his overcoat, but there was nothing to put his head on and put on, and he had a hard time lying down.

The master went to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call the soldier.

They brought a soldier.

Why, brother,” says the commander, “deceived the master?”

“No, your honor,” the soldier answers. The soldier took his overcoat, spread it out, put his head on the sleeve and covered himself with the blanket.

It’s so good,” he says, “to sleep in an overcoat after a hike!”

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him another glass. And he said to the master:

He who works and gets tired will sleep on a stone, and he who does nothing will not sleep on a feather bed!

Let folk tale telling the story to your baby will become a good tradition and will bring you and your baby closer together.

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