Solar system - natural bodies and natural phenomena. Presentation for the lesson on the surrounding world "natural bodies and phenomena." VI. Discovery of new knowledge

Date of: 09/12/2016

UMK: "Elementary SchoolXXIcentury"

Program: The world. 3rd grade Author: Vinogradova N.F.

Subject : Section: “The Earth is our common home” Lesson on the topic: second.Natural bodies and natural phenomena. solar system

Lesson type: lesson in discovering new knowledge

Forms of work: frontal, group

Equipment: cards depicting various natural and artificial bodies,

The purpose of the lesson: to form an idea about the largest body of inanimate nature - the Sun and about the solar system


Educational: clarify knowledge about natural bodies and artificial bodies; train children to distinguish between objects related to living and inanimate nature;

Developmental: development of the ability to classify, generalize, draw conclusions;

Educational : cultivate a culture of communication, the ability to listen to the opinions of group members;

During the classes

Motivation for educational activities (organizational moment)

Hello guys, please sit comfortably. Rub your palms. Did you feel the warmth?

Touch your palms to each other and pass it on. Let our lesson be just as warm and cozy. Now let's get to work!

Children perform actions...

    Updating knowledge

Let's start the lesson with the game "Recognize and name"

Game task: on command, 2 people take 8 pictures from the table and within one minute they need to be sorted into groups

The world that surrounds us is so huge, but it turns out that everything that surrounds us can be divided into 2 groups:

Guess why these items belong to the same group:

1) house bicycle, hat, briefcase, table, car, plane, coat, watch, toys

2) mountain, crystal, sea, stone, as well as forest, ocean, birds, beetles, fields, clouds

-Come up with a name for 1 group

- Objects of nature can also be divided into 2 groups

Working with the textbook (p. 11) Look at the diagram. What is the name of the table? What is shown in the first column of the table? In the second?

- Name the signs by which some bodies differ from others

Give examples of natural phenomena

The players explain how many groups there are and on what basis they are divided

In the first group, objects are made by man, and in the second - objects and creatures that exist independently of man

Things or artificial bodies

Living and inanimate nature

The bodies of living nature breathe, move, grow, die, reproduce, feed...

    Independent application of knowledge (work in pairs)

Remove the extra word. Justify

    Snow, ocean, island, earth, house, stars

    Clothes, toys, flowers, TV, books, rails,

    Raspberries, apples, beetle, hare, crocodile, water, cat

    Birch, pike, grass, fox, rowan, book, shark

    Water, hole, lake, air, chair, stone

Physical education minute

Round 1 I call an object of living nature you clap your hands, an object of inanimate nature you squat

Round 2 I will add artificial objects - jump

    Creating a problem situation

Work in notebooks p.4

Name the bodies of inanimate nature that you wrote down in the “huge” section.

Is there something even more? Such bodies are often called not just huge, but gigantic.

What would you like to know about the Sun?


    Discovery of new knowledge

Working with the textbook p. 14

What questions were answered in the textbook, and what remained unclear?

Watch the video clip “Solar System”

What did you learn from the video?

Finding answers to questions in the textbook

    Lesson summary. Reflection

So, the lesson has come to an end.

Let's return to the questions that were discussed at the beginning of the lesson, based on the self-assessment algorithm

Let's return to the questions that were discussed in the second part of the lesson...

Complete the sentences:

I found out…

I learned…

I like it…

Will the knowledge gained in this lesson be useful to me in life?

D.Z. pp. 4-5 (task 5-7), Creative task to compose a mouth

Solar system. Natural bodies and natural phenomena.
Natural and artificial bodies

Lesson type: learning new material.

The purpose of the teacher's activity: teach to distinguish between objects related to living and inanimate nature.

Subject results: distinguish between natural bodies and natural phenomena; compile characteristics of different bodies; classify bodies on the basis of “natural and artificial bodies”.






Contents of the lesson stage

teacher activity

student activities

I. Updating of background knowledge and problem statement

Identify the level of required knowledge of students;

activate previously acquired knowledge; create a problematic situation with difficulty

Be able to summarize the concept; perform analysis of objects, identifying essential features; fix the problem; distinguish the new from the already known.(Cognitive UUD.)

Be able to accept and maintain a learning task.(Regulatory UUD.)

Be able to formulate your own opinion and position.(Communicative UUD.)

A game“Call it in one word.”

1) Cube, machine, doll, pyramid.

2) Hat, coat, jacket, skirt, dress.

3) Catfish, bream, perch, pike.

4) Butterfly, caterpillar, beetle, ladybug.

5) Thunderstorm, hail, rain, snow, fog.

6) Lion, bear, wolf, hare.

7) Sun, Moon, Venus, Earth, comet.

A word that combines a group of words is calledconcept .

(Cards with concepts are hung on the board“toys”, “clothing”, “fish”, “insects”, “natural phenomena”, “animals”, “celestial bodies”. )

What groups can these concepts be divided into?

Organizes problem solving in groups:

Here are pictures depicting a wild tulip and selective tulips bred by man.

Determine which groups (natural or artificial) they belong to





Natural phenomena.


Celestial bodies.

Living and non-living.

Man made and natural

II. Formulation
lesson topics, setting tasks. Collaborative discovery of knowledge

To teach how to formulate an educational problem in the form of a lesson topic and solve an educational problem

Be able to listen and understand the speech of others; draw conclusions based on observations; compare and analyze objects, highlighting essential and non-essential features.(Cognitive UUD.)

Be able to identify and formulate tasks in the lesson with the help of a teacher, plan your action in accordance with the task.(Regulatory UUD.)

Be able to express your thoughts orally; collaborate in joint problem solving; express your point of view and try to justify it.(Communicative UUD.)

Organizes the formulation of the lesson topic by students.

Organizes the setting of lesson objectives by students.

Offers to name the signs of living
and inanimate nature.

Organizes a comparison of signs of living and inanimate nature.

For what purpose does a person carry out plant breeding?

Conducts a conversation about the role of man in the creation of new species of plants and animals

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Learn to distinguish between living and inanimate objects.

They come to the conclusion that all tulips are
to living nature.

It was not nature, but man who changed their appearance

III. Primary consolidation with pronunciation

in loud speech

Teach how to solve a learning problem

Be able to draw conclusions based on observations.(Cognitive UUD.)

Be able to leave a plan for solving a problem together with the teacher; working according to plan, check your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct errors
with the help of the teacher.(Regulatory UUD.)

Be able to formulate your thoughts

orally and in writing;
respect the other person's position.(Communicative UUD.)

Organizes work in pairs according to plan
with further pronunciation in loud speech:

1. Distribute the words into groups: natural bodies - artificial bodies.

Tree, boat, cabinet, bush, pencil.

2. Draw the body of living nature on the right, and inanimate nature on the left.

3. Underline the “extra” word:

River, continent, island, rain, building

1. Natural bodies: tree, bush.

Artificial bodies: boat, wardrobe, pencil.

3. “Extra” word: building –
artificial body

IV. Independent work with self-test

according to the standard

Learn to apply new knowledge in practice

Be able to accept and maintain a learning task; carry out final and step-by-step control based on the results; make necessary adjustments to the action after its completion.(Regulatory UUD.)

Be able to demonstrate ability
to self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities.(Personal UUD.)

Organizes students’ performance of independent work – a test with a choice of difficulty level and volume.

(See Resource Material (RM).)

Organizes self-testing of work
according to the standard, self-analysis and self-esteem

Reference: A1 – 2, A2 – 1, A3 – 1, A4 – 3, A5 – 2

Carry out independent work and self-examination of the work according to the sample, analyze (aloud if desired) their work.

Perform self-assessment
your work

V. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system

Learn to apply new knowledge in practice

Be able to carry out synthesis as composing a whole from parts; work with information presented in the form of a picture.(Cognitive UUD.) Be able to accept and retain educational
(Regulatory UUD.)

Be able to negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities.(Communicative UUD.)

Organizes work in groups.

Imagine yourself as a breeder: develop a new plant variety (watermelon, tomato)

Determine what qualities a new plant may have

VI. Reflection on learning activities
at the lesson

Learn to record new lesson content; organize
reflection and self-assessment of learning activities by students; promote students' awareness of learning activities; teach self-assessment of performance results

Be able to evaluate the correctness of an action.(Regulatory UUD.)

Be able to express your thoughts orally.(Communicative UUD.)

Demonstrate the ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities.
(Personal UUD.)

Organizes recording of new content, reflection, and self-assessment of educational activities.

Conducts student assessments.

Homeworkoptional: read the textbook article “Natural bodies and natural phenomena. Natural
and artificial bodies", workbook: No. 7, 8 (p. 5)

Answer the teacher's questions.

Name the main positions of the new material and how they learned them
(what happened, what
it didn’t work and why).

Doing a job analysis
self-assessment of your work.

Notice your emotional state

Natural bodies and phenomena The world around us Educational and educational complex "Harmony" 2nd grade according to the textbook by O.T. Poglazovoy (integrated course)

Anointed E.V.,

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 2"

Yasny city, Orenburg region

How scientists study the world around us

Formulate the laws of nature

Draw conclusions

Testing hypotheses

They make assumptions


Try to name in one word what is shown in the pictures Try to name in one word what is shown in the pictures

Physicists called any objects around us bodies, and changes occurring in the world - phenomena

The serpent will soar above the rooftops.

The sun in the sky will laugh,

He will say to the cloud: “Here is a letter

It’s flying towards us from the ground itself!”


Across the blue sky

The sleigh raced by

Only traces

What's left of the runners.

Airplane tracks

Red, blue, cyan,

Weightless, inflatable,

Not a living bird,

strives to fly away


Thousands of different bouquets

Light up the sky on holiday!

In the dark these bouquets suddenly explode:

They bloom with all colors -


And the minutes don’t live -

They are crumbling.

The red dawn lit up

In the dark blue sky,

The lane appeared clear

In its golden shine.

S. Yesenin

To the mountains in the darkness of the night,

On the gray cloud of sunset,

Like a brush, I use this ray

I'll throw on some blush and gold.

“If you miss the dawn, you won’t see the ruble,” our ancestors said.

Do you think this proverb is about the evening or morning dawn?

Explain its meaning.

Check your findings

Any objects and living beings are called bodies. For example, the sun, a house, a stone, a tree, a squirrel, a pencil.

A thunderstorm, a volcanic eruption, falling leaves are examples of natural phenomena.

Some phenomena are admired, while others pose a danger to nature and humans.

  • rainbow
  • tornado
  • frost
  • leaf fall
  • apple
  • candlestick
  • kitty
  • kite
  • air balloons
  • traces from airplanes
  • firework
  • dawn
  • sunset
  • drawing of a dog

Sections: Primary School

Class: 2

Lesson objectives:


  • Introduce the concept of “natural phenomena” and “seasonal phenomena”.
  • Learn to distinguish between natural bodies and phenomena.


  • Develop a child’s curiosity and initiate a penchant for exploration.
  • Develop the ability to analyze and generalize.


  • Cultivate interest in the subject.
  • Cultivate interest in nature and respect for it.

Lesson type: lesson on introducing new material.

Pedagogical technology: system-activity approach.

Teaching methods: visual-practical, verbal-logical, problematic.

Planned results.


  • get the opportunity to expand and systematize your knowledge about nature;
  • be able to observe natural bodies and phenomena in order to understand nature.


  • personal result - to arouse interest in educational activities; develop goodwill, emotional responsiveness;
  • regulatory UUD - to foresee the possibility of obtaining a specific result when carrying out research activities; control your actions; develop the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the task;
  • cognitive UUD - learn to make assumptions, use acquired knowledge about natural phenomena to solve creative problems;
  • communicative UUD - learn to listen to each other, exchange opinions, construct understandable, logical speech statements, formulate your difficulties, provide mutual assistance in cooperation.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, cards for group work, cards for reflection, individual sets, signal circles, plasticine, paper, cups of water, tea for research work, dynamic “tree” model, “bird” model.

I. Organizing time. Psychological mood for the lesson.

Teacher: The cheerful bell rang , SLIDE 1

The lesson begins.

Hello, young naturalist researchers.

The long-awaited moment has come again,
It's time for us to hit the road.
He calls us to a mysterious world,
The mysterious world of nature.

- Let's get ready for the lesson. SLIDE 2

I found the mood for myself
To be lucky:
I'm fine,
And it will be even better.
I repeat it a hundred times -
The clouds will clear:
I'm fine,
And it will be even better!

Teacher: What do you want our lesson to be?


Let the lesson be educational,
And only success awaits everyone!

II. Updating knowledge.

a) blitz survey, compiling a cluster “Bodies of the surrounding world”

– What do you see around you now?

-What did you see when you came here? SLIDE 3

– How to call these objects in one word?

Children: Bodies of the surrounding world. SLIDE 4

– What groups can bodies be divided into?

Children: Natural and artificial SLIDE 5

– How can you call natural bodies differently?

Children: This is nature.

– What is nature?

Children: Nature is everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands.

– Name natural or natural bodies.

Children: Sun, mushroom, tree, bird, stone.

– Name the artificial bodies.

Children: Book, pencil, table.

b) Game “Traffic Light”: SLIDE 6

– You have traffic lights on your tables. Show green if these are natural bodies and red if they are artificial.

Flower, basket, shoes, hat, horse, spider.

– Can natural bodies be further divided into groups? Which? SLIDE 7

Children: Yes, you can: bodies of living nature, bodies of inanimate nature.

– Name the bodies of living nature.

Children: Tree, mushroom, bird.

– Name the bodies of inanimate nature.

Children: Stone, Sun.

– Why did they do it this way? Name the signs of living nature.

Children: Every living thing breathes, eats, grows, bears offspring, ages and dies.

III. Creating a problem situation.

a) individual work using cards SLIDE 8Annex 1

– Distribute the bodies of the surrounding world into groups: draw an arrow with a green pencil from the word to the term “Bodies of living nature”, red – to the term “Bodies of inanimate nature”, yellow – to the term “Products”.

Fox, ball, garden bloom, moon, envelope, mushroom, star, birdsong

– Did all the words allow you to accurately represent the body?

– Did everyone complete the task? Who's having trouble?

Children: We could not determine where the singing of birds and the flowering of the garden belonged.

– Why did the difficulty arise?

Children: We haven't gone through this yet.

IV. The stage of building a way out of a problem situation.

a) conversation-observation “Signs of bodies” SLIDE 9

– What is a body?

Children: This is an object that is located in space.

- In front of you is a ball, an envelope. Slide 10

Name a common feature.

Children: These are artificial bodies or products.

– Name the characteristics of the ball.

Children: Round, large, colored, rubber.

– Name the characteristics of an envelope.

Children: Rectangular, small, white, paper.

– Name the signs of bodies.

Children: They have shape, size, color, mass. You can touch them and move them from place to place.

b) research work

– Do you think bodies can change?

– Now let’s conduct an experiment.

Here is a spring in front of you. It can be stretched, compressed, bent. What will change?

Children: Length, location in space.

– Take a sheet of paper and cut out any shape. What has changed now?

Children: Shape, size.

– Stir red paint in a glass of water. What changed?

Children: Color.

– Now you sit and listen to me carefully. And now I say:

“The children stood up from their desks, raised their hands up, stretched, stretched, lowered their hands, sat down, jumped up and sat down at their desks. What was happening to us now?

Children: Change of bodies in space.

– We looked at different types of changes. All changes occurring in nature are called phenomena.

V. Goal setting.

– Formulate the topic of our lesson.

Children: Natural bodies and phenomena.

– What goal will we set for ourselves in the lesson?

Children: Find out what a natural phenomenon is. Find out what natural phenomena are.

VI. Discovery of new knowledge.

working with Ozhegov's dictionary

– How do you understand the meaning of the word “phenomenon”?

– Where can I find out a more accurate interpretation of the word?

Children: In Ozhegov's dictionary.

– A natural phenomenon is any manifestation of something that can be detected, that is, seen or heard, felt.

working with the “Tree”, “Bird” model

– Prove that the “blooming garden” is a natural phenomenon.

Children: A tree grew, for example, an apple tree - this is a natural body. In the spring, changes occurred to the tree: the buds swelled, leaves appeared, then flowers, and then fruits.

– Prove that “birds singing” is a natural phenomenon.

Children: A bird is a body of living nature. Suddenly she starts singing, a change has happened to her, which means this is a natural phenomenon.

– Observing nature, we, of course, notice that everything in it is constantly changing. Day gives way to night, night to day. In nature we notice the movement of clouds, the growth of plants, the flow of water, the melting of snow. We feel the wind, cold, warmth. We hear thunder, the sound of the wind, the rustling of grass. We see lightning flashing, rain falling, leaves falling from the trees. Yes, in nature everything flows, everything changes.

VII. Stage of primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

a) work in pairs “Body - phenomenon” Appendix 2

- We work in pairs. On your tables are the cards “The Body is a Phenomenon.”

– Mark (color the plate) the bodies of nature with green, and the phenomena of nature with yellow.

– Make pairs “object – phenomenon” (connect the tablets with lines).

b) checking against the standard.

– Check your work against a sample or standard.

- Stand up, whoever completed the task correctly.

c) acquaintance with unusual natural phenomena.

– Today I want to introduce you to unusual natural phenomena. I invite my assistants to the conversation.

Northern lights

The Northern Lights are an unusual glow that is formed due to the interaction of the upper layers of the atmosphere with charged particles from the sun. The higher its activity, the greater the likelihood of radiance. This amazing sight can only be observed near the poles. It lasts from 2-3 hours to several days.

Falling stars

At night, in clear weather, you can often observe luminous points moving quickly across the sky. And although they are called shooting stars, they are just small rocks, particles of matter. A bright flash occurs when they invade the earth's atmosphere. Sometimes meteors fall in a continuous stream. This phenomenon is called “star rain”.

Ball lightning

Ball lightning is one of the mysterious natural phenomena. Such lightning has the shape of a ball, but sometimes it can resemble a pear, drop or mushroom. The color can be orange, red, but can also be black and transparent. The sizes can also be different - from 5-6 centimeters to several meters. This phenomenon lasts only a few seconds.

Rains with frogs and fish

Precipitation from living creatures is not such a rare occurrence. In ancient times, it was explained simply - as a gift or punishment from the gods. Modern scientists tend to see the reason in tornadoes or tornadoes, which first lift living creatures into the air and then transport them over long distances.

d) watching the video “Natural Disasters”

VIII. Independent work stage.

creating a problematic situation

“At night I had a dream that I woke up, went out into the street and was dumbfounded. To my left, a birch tree dropped its bright yellow outfit, to my right, a snowman with a carrot nose, and right in front of me, a huge, bright rainbow spread its bridge. I woke up from surprise.

-What surprised me?

– Why can’t this happen at the same time?

– What will determine what happens in nature?

Children: From the change of seasons.

-What seasons do you know?

Children: Winter spring Summer Autumn.

– Natural phenomena are observed in certain seasons of the year, which is why they are called seasonal natural phenomena.

work in shift groups “Seasons” Appendix 3

– Each season has its own palette of colors.

– What color do you associate with winter, spring, summer, autumn? Why?

Children: White, blue, because everything is covered with white snow. Spring is green, everything around is turning green, leaves are blooming. Summer – with red: red flowers, wild strawberries, strawberries. And autumn is yellow, orange: the leaves turn yellow and red.

– You have blue, green, red and yellow tokens on your tables. Take your seats at the Four Seasons tables.

– Determine what natural phenomena occur at this time of year.

– Each season is a small work, where every month there are small plays, compositions, variations. You will work to the music of Tchaikovsky's "Seasons". With his music, the composer tries to convey the mood of nature, which is characteristic of one of the four seasons of the year.

(Children work in groups to the music of “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky)

– Every season is amazing in its own way. The changing colors of nature are unique from season to season. Only one thing is required of us - to protect this fragile creation - Nature!

Come on, friends, in any weather
Let's take care of our native NATURE!
And from our caring love
The earth will become richer and more beautiful!
Remember, adults, remember, children!
Remember - that, beauty on the planet,
It will depend only on us.
Don't forget this now.
Save the living planet for the people.
And let him praise the hymn of life

IX. Lesson summary.

– Our task is to be active observers of nature.

Look closely at the clouds
Listen to the birds
Take a closer look at the springs -
Nothing will happen again.
Moment by moment, step by step
Be amazed.
Everything will be like this and everything will be wrong
In one moment.

– What problem were solved in class?

Children: What is a body and what is a natural phenomenon.

– What do I call any objects?

Children: Bodies.

– What signs do bodies have?

Children: Shape, size, color.

– What are changes in nature called?

Children: These are natural phenomena.

– Clap your hands if you hear a natural phenomenon:

Sunset, rainbow, rain, tree, volcanic eruption, book, bear, ruler, sunrise, clock, closet, thunder, ball, lightning, earthquake, frog.

X. Reflection.

– Now prepare your palms. Put all the knowledge you had on one palm, and on the other – everything you learned today. Place your palms together, this is your knowledge base. Give yourself and your neighbor a pat on the desk. Well done!

XI. Homework.

Teacher: Thanks for the lesson. At home, prepare to read the text on p. 92-93, solve a crossword puzzle about natural phenomena, color the picture “Seasons”.

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