Compound verb predicate. The meaning of the auxiliary verb of a compound verbal predicate

Compound predicates- these are predicates in which the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning (tense and mood) are expressed in different words. The lexical meaning is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (tense and mood) is expressed in the auxiliary part.

Wed: He started singing(PGS). - He started to sing(GHS); He was sick for two months(PGS). - He was sick for two months(SIS).

Compound Verbal Predicate (CVS) consists of two parts:

A) auxiliary part(verb in conjugated form) expresses grammatical meaning (tense and mood);
b) main part(indefinite form of the verb - infinitive) expresses lexical meaning.

SGS = auxiliary verb + infinitive

For example: I started singing; I want to sing ; I'm afraid to sing.

However, not every combination of a conjugated verb with an infinitive is a compound verbal predicate! In order for such a combination to be a compound verbal predicate, two conditions must be met:

    The auxiliary verb must be lexically incomplete, that is, it alone (without an infinitive) is not enough to understand what the sentence is about.

    Wed: I began- what to do?; I want- what to do?.

    If in the combination “verb + infinitive” the verb is significant, then it alone is a simple verbal predicate, and the infinitive is a minor member of the sentence.

    Wed: She sat down (for what purpose?) relax .

    The action of the infinitive must relate to the subject (it is a subjective infinitive). If the action of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence (objective infinitive), then the infinitive is not part of the predicate, but is a minor member.

    1. I want to sing . I want to sing- compound verbal predicate (want - I, sing will- I ).
    2. I asked her to sing. Requested- simple verbal predicate, sing- addition (I asked, she will sing).

Auxiliary verb meanings

Meaning Typical verbs and phraseological units Examples
1. Phase (beginning, continuation, end of action) start, become, start, continue, finish, stay, stop, quit, stop and etc.

He began to prepare to leave.
He continued to prepare to departure.
He gave up smoking .
He again started talking about the hardships of rural life.

2. Modal meaning (necessity, desirability, ability, predisposition, emotional assessment of an action, etc.) Can, be able to, wish, want, dream, intend, refuse, try, strive, count, be able to, contrive, strive, assume, get used to, hurry, be embarrassed, endure, love, hate, be afraid, be afraid, be cowardly, be ashamed, set a goal , to burn with desire, to have the honor, to have the intention, to make a promise, to have the habit and etc.

I can sing .
I want to sing .
I'm afraid to sing.
I like singing .
I'm ashamed to sing.
I I hope to sing this aria.

Plan for parsing a compound verbal predicate

  1. Indicate the type of predicate.
  2. Indicate how the main part is expressed (subjective infinitive); what meaning does the auxiliary part have (phase, modal) and what form of the verb is it expressed.

Sample parsing

The old man started chewing again.

Started to chew- compound verb predicate. Main part ( chew) is expressed by a subjective infinitive. Auxiliary part ( set off) has a phase meaning and is expressed by a verb in the past tense of the indicative mood.

Compound predicate is a predicate consisting of more than one word. In a compound verbal predicate, one part of such a predicate expresses the semantic meaning of the predicate, and the second expresses the mood and tense of the predicate:

She started singing- She started singing.

A compound verb predicate consists of in two parts:

1) Main part of a compound verb predicate, which expresses the lexical meaning of the predicate and is expressed by the infinitive;

2) which expresses the tense and mood of the verb and is expressed by the verb in conjugated form.

I I can fly. I I want to drink. I I'll start running in the morning.

Many infinitive phrases with conjugated verbs can be mistakenly taken for compound verb predicate. But there are two conditions by which we can make sure that we have a compound verbal predicate in front of us:

1) The action that denotes the main part of the predicate (infinitive) must relate to the subject. If the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence, then we do not have a compound verbal predicate, but a simple predicate and an objective infinitive. Compare:

I I want to drink. I asked bring me my sister drink.

In the first case we have a compound verbal predicate, in the second we have a simple verbal predicate with an object "drink", expressed by the infinitive.

2) Auxiliary part of a compound verb predicate cannot exist on its own in a sentence, since the sentence will not have a complete lexical meaning. Compare:

I can hear.(Compound verb predicate. Sentence "I can" is not such, since it does not have semantic completeness without an infinitive "hear").

He came over to look. He came up.(The infinitive in this sentence is not part of the compound verbal predicate, but an object).

The meaning of the auxiliary verb of a compound verbal predicate.

The auxiliary part of a compound verbal predicate can have the following meanings:

  1. Modalities. In this case, modal verbs are used: can, be able to, want, love, hate, desire, try and many others.
  2. The value of the phase or time of action. Expressed using verbs: p continue, start, finish, stop, quit etc.

Scheme for parsing a compound verbal predicate.

1) Type of predicate.

2) The form of the verb and the meaning of the auxiliary part and how the main part of the predicate is expressed.

Parsing example.

Rain started rattling even stronger.

Started to rattle- compound verb predicate. The main part (to drum) is expressed by the infinitive. The auxiliary part has a phase meaning and is expressed by a verb in the form of the past tense of the indicative mood.

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Lesson objectives:

  • consolidate information about the simple verb predicate; introduce the compound verb predicate; develop the ability to distinguish between types of predicates, compare, analyze similar linguistic phenomena;
  • develop linguistic competence: the ability to analyze text, operate with terms, construct a coherent oral statement, develop the ability to combine learned information into a system.
  • instill aesthetic taste, cultivate speech culture, develop interest in the history of the exact sciences and physicists based on the biography of Isaac Newton.


  • activate the creative potential of students;
  • develop independence and activity;
  • broaden students' horizons;
  • develop the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, cards for individual work, lesson presentation in Power Point format.


I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework(Annex 1 )

– What difficulties did you encounter while doing the home exercise?
(Slide No. 2)

Checking home exercise 98:

Communiqué(French communiqué, from Latin communico - I inform), an official message about the results of international negotiations, about an international agreement, about important events in the internal life of the country, indisputably. cf. TSB, 1969-1978

A joint the communiqué emphasized the traditional nature of friendly relations and the successful development of diverse cooperation between countries.
Synonyms - agreement.

Know-how(from the English know how - know how) or secret of production - original technologies, knowledge, skills that have not yet become widely known and can be the subject of purchase and sale or used to achieve a competitive advantage over other people, neskl, cf.
A technical invention or idea that provides maximum practical effect at minimum cost.

Know-how amounted to a key part of the company's assets.

If I have made any valuable discovery in my life, it has been more through patience and attention than through any other talent.

Isaac Newton

– Today we continue the conversation about the main members of a sentence, about the types of predicates. During the lesson, we will repeat information about the simple verbal predicate and talk about the compound verbal predicate. By the end of the lesson, you should be able to distinguish between a simple and a compound verb predicate.
To solve the problems of the lesson and realize its goals, we will use language material about Isaac Newton.

Student message.(Slide No. 9)

– Isaac Newton – English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, mechanic, who laid the foundations of classical mechanics. He explained the movement of celestial bodies - the planets around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth. His most famous discovery was the law of universal gravitation

V. Formation of new concepts

1. Working with the textbook. § 20, p. 51-52.
2. Work with the scheme for constructing a compound verbal predicate. (Slide No. 10)

Draw a diagram of ASG and SGS. (Pay attention to the grammatical and lexical meaning of the verbs in the GHS)

Scheme for constructing a compound verbal predicate.

3. Work with the table “Auxiliary verbs and their meaning.” ( Appendix 2 )

Review the table of auxiliary verbs and their meanings. It is given to you as a reminder. Remember that auxiliary verbs carry additional meaning to the main verb in the infinitive form.

Basic auxiliary words

Beginning, end, continuation of action Desirability, possibility, necessity of action Emotional assessment of action Short adjectives as auxiliary verbs Phraseological combinations
get started
set off
be able to
be on time
get used to
be in love
be afraid to be ashamed
be afraid
be a coward
to have a wish
make an effort
burn with desire
have the honor
to have intention
give a promise
have a habit

VI. Learning new knowledge

1. Write down example sentences and analyze them. Pay attention to the way of expressing the predicate. (Slide No. 11)

Laws of mechanics opened Isaac Newton.
Even as a child, Isaac started tinkering mechanical toys. Newton in adolescence continued to build water mill models.
Formulate your own conclusion and justify your answer.

2. Digital dictation followed by self-test. (Slide No. 12)

Distribute the predicates in accordance with numerical designations into three columns: in the first - a simple verbal predicate, in the second - a compound verbal predicate (PG, SGS):

Isaac Newton (1606-1642) was born (1) in England.

Newton wanted to hope (2) that his kind ascends (3) to the Scottish nobles of the 15th century, However, historians do not count (4) .Ancestors of Newton strived get rich(5). By the end of the 16th century the family moved (6) into the category of yeomen (landowners)). Newton's father left (7) inherited a large sum for those times of 500 pounds sterling and several hundred acres of fertile land occupied by fields and forests.
Isaac from 12 studied (8) At school in Grantham. In 1659 mother returned (9) him to the estate and tried to lay (10) The 16-year-old son takes part in managing the household.

VII. Consolidation of new knowledge

1. Question: what do auxiliary verbs express?

1) Young Newton started polishing mirrors, prisms and lenses.
(Action phase (continues lesson, finished singing). (Slide No. 13)

2) Isaac Newton as a young man wanted to create mirror telescope for observing the starry sky.(The attitude of the actor to the action) (Slide No. 14)
He was happy to help astronomers with this optical instrument.(Emotional assessment of action)

R.r. Creative tasks

Group I.(Slide No. 15)

1. Replace simple verbal predicates with compound ones.

1. Isaac read books.
2. Newton studied at Cambridge University.
3. During his student years, Isaac made scientific instruments.

Sample answers: strived to learn, continued to tinker.

Group II.(Slide No. 16)

2. Parse the sentence:

According to legend, Newton was able to discover the law of gravity by observing an apple falling from a tree branch.

III group.

3. Perform punctuation analysis of the sentence:

Newton continued to experiment with color, proving that white light is not primary, but consists of colored components with different angles of refraction. (Slide No. 17)

IV group.

4. Determine how the predicate is expressed. (Slide No. 18)

The scientist dreamed of writing a book about mathematical principles. In this work, Newton was ready to define the basic principles of mechanics. Newton was able to formulate three laws of mechanics. He had to work hard.

3. Using the text, fill out the table ( Appendix 4 )

Ways of expressing a compound verbal predicate.

Self-test. (Slide No. 19):

Newton Isaac (1643-1727)

English mathematician, physicist, alchemist and historian. Born into a farmer's family.
At the age of 12 he began studying at Grantham School, and in 1661 he continued to study at Trinity College, Cambridge University, as a subsizer (the so-called poor students who performed the duties of servants in college to earn money).
After graduating from the university, Newton was able to receive a bachelor's degree in 1665. In 1665-1667. he continued to develop mainly those ideas that helped lead him to the creation of differential and integral calculus, the invention of the reflecting telescope, and the discovery of the law of universal gravitation.
In Cambridge he had to conduct experiments on the decomposition of light. In 1668, Newton was awarded a master's degree. In 1671, Newton finished building a second reflecting telescope - larger and of better quality. Newton owns ideas about monochromatic light rays and the periodicity of their properties, substantiated by the finest experiments, that underlie physical optics.
In 1687, Newton published his grandiose work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” (briefly - “Principles”), which laid the foundations not only of rational mechanics, but also of all mathematical natural science. The “Principles” contained the laws of dynamics, the law of universal gravitation with effective applications to the movement of celestial bodies, the origins of the study of the movement and resistance of liquids and gases, including acoustics.
In 1705, Queen Anne was pleased to elevate him to a knighthood for his scientific works. In the last years of his life, Newton liked to devote a lot of time to theology and ancient and biblical history. Newton was buried in the English national pantheon - Westminster Abbey.

VII. Testing the acquired knowledge followed by self-test

– In this lesson we talked about the compound verb predicate. Why is the predicate called compound? Verbal?
I draw your attention to the fact that an infinitive must be present in a compound verbal predicate.

Verification work. Write down the compound verb predicates(Appendix 5 )

(1) Little Isaac was constantly alone. (2) His peers did not treat him very well because he could always win at checkers and other games that required intelligence. (3) Young Newton could not make friends with any of these kids. ( 4) Thus began his loneliness - from birth to death....
(5) During his student years he felt , that is capable of solving problems that have troubled humanity for centuries. (6) Just thinking about it, he felt the furious impatience and insatiable passion of a discoverer. (7) Of course, at Cambridge he will become a master, then a member of the college, maybe a professor. (8) He knew that members of the college could not get married. (9) Newton did not regret it. (10) Mathematics became his love...
(11) He knew perfectly well anatomy and physiology, various methods of treatment, which greatly contributed to his enviable longevity.
(12) He did not particularly favor literature and did not like poetry, painting and sculpture at all.
(13) From childhood, Newton was able to introduce into his consciousness that lies, selfishness, violence, loss of control over one’s feelings and actions are mortal sins. (14) He was a true son of his Puritan age.
(15) Newton was characterized by faith in the original clear meaning of the Bible. (16) He tried to eliminate the discrepancies between secular chronology and Old Testament chronology.
(17) The passion for scientific pursuits could not leave him even in his later London years. (18) Although his creative age had long passed, he tried to strictly observe the training regime he had established for himself once and for all. (19) No one had ever seen him without work. (20) Work served him as a balm for mental anxiety.

-Indicate sentences in which a phraseological combination of words is used as an auxiliary component in a compound verbal predicate:

1. After this incident, Pyotr Petrovich no longer decided to take the dog out of the house. 2. I would like to unite a certain group around me. 3. I have no intention of harming you. 4. Insarov was burning with the desire to get out of Moscow as quickly as possible.

Indicate sentences in which a short adjective is used as an auxiliary component in a compound verbal predicate.

1 I intended to go at dawn to the fortress gates, from where Marya Ivanovna was supposed to leave. 2Tyoma was ready to cry. 3Oh, I, as a brother, would be glad to embrace the storm. 4He (the dog) tried to jog, but his legs, which began to swell, grew like cast iron into the ground. -

Indicate the sentence(s) in which a short adjective is used as an auxiliary component in a compound verbal predicate.

1He was able to work no worse than the average turner, and sometimes even better than the average. 2After this incident, Pyotr Petrovich no longer decided to take the dog for a walk. 3 He is worthy of a king to teach children. 4I don’t even intend to torment you with questions.

Write it off. Underline the grammatical basis in each sentence. Indicate simple and compound verb predicates. What meanings do auxiliaries express?

verbs in compound verb predicates?
1. Even in the gymnasium, I began to read Bunin. 2. I tried to follow this advice from Blok. 3. I started writing an autobiographical story and reached the middle of my life in it. 4. I keep calling<<Жизнь Арсеньева>> a story, although with the same right I could call it a poem or a fairy tale. 5. The stranger stood at the gate and tried to open a small umbrella, but it did not open. 6. Walking along the path of Sokolniki Park was that stranger whose voice Levitan could not forget. 7. He decided to stop in the settlement.

each of the parts;

1. At the age of four months, Bim himself pulled out the block and tried to examine it. 2. But Bim could absolutely accurately understand the owner’s mood. 3. He began to write down from different books into a thick general notebook everything that could justify Bim as a representative of the setter breed. 4. Bim was already his friend, and you always want to help out friends. 5. My mind wants to come to terms with the bitter truth.

Try replacing the compound verb predicate with synonymous simple verbs. What did you get? How does such a replacement affect the overall meaning of the sentence? Write 2-3 sentences with compound verb predicates. Graphically show the syntactic connections of the predicates.

Rearrange these sentences using a compound verb predicate with a double negative and write it down.

Sample entry: I Told you about this journey - I could not help but tell you about this incident.
1) He kept his promise. 2. I obeyed the order. 3. We thanked my grandmother for the advice. 4. I love my fatherland.
For reference: As the first part of a compound verbal predicate, the words can’t, can’t, impossible, didn’t dare can be used.+

Compose and write down 10 sentences, including the following words in the compound verb predicate. Determine the meaning of each component in the composition

predicate. Choose imperfective verbs for the verbs of the first group, and perfect ones for the verbs of the second group. 1) Learn, get used to, get bored, love, like. 2) Be able, have time, want, decide, conceive. HELP ME PLEASE))

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