Combined lessons. Structure and organization of a combined lesson of industrial training and special technology. Questions and tasks

Khabarovsk Territory

leaders of local governments,
exercising management in the field of education

The Ministry of Education of the Khabarovsk Territory sends for use in the work methodological recommendations on the organization of classes in primary classes of small-scale schools in the Territory.
We ask you to bring these recommendations to the teaching staff of subordinated small-class schools.

Application: for 8 liters. in 1 copy.

Deputy Minister - Chief
general education department
A.M. King

Recommendations for the organization of training sessions in primary grades of small-scale schools in the region

Teaching in a small primary school has a number of features. Due to the small number of students, children have to be combined into classes-sets, one teacher works in the same room with students of different ages.
A set class is a permanent group of children working according to a single annual curriculum and program, according to a permanent schedule.
The formation of classes-sets is determined by specific conditions and depends on the number of students and teachers (clause 2.9.10. SanPiN
In accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms (SanPiN, it is allowed to combine students of the first stage into a class-set, while the formation of two combined classes-sets should be preferred. It is optimal to combine students of grades 1 and 3 (1 + 3), grades 2 and 3 (2 + 3), grades 2 and 4 (2 + 4) into one set. The occupancy of two-class sets should be no more than 25, and when three or four classes are combined into one set - no more than 15 children.
To prevent fatigue of students, the duration of combined (especially 4th and 5th) lessons should be reduced by 5-10 minutes (except for a physical education lesson). The duration of the combined lessons is reduced to 40 minutes, the last lessons to 35 minutes. In grade 1, according to the basic curriculum of 2004, the duration of the lessons is 35 minutes - the entire academic year.
Thus, the choice of the principle of combining classes into a set depends on an objective factor (the number of students in each class and the number of first-graders, the stability of conditions and the number of teachers).
The organization of the educational process in the classroom, where students of the first, second, third and fourth grades study simultaneously under the guidance of one teacher in the same room, has a number of features that distinguish it from the educational process in a school where one teacher works with children of the same class. Accordingly, a lesson in a combined class differs from a lesson with one age group both in structure and organizational forms.
The main feature of the lesson in the combined class is the obligatory independent work of students in each lesson. In order to explain the educational material to the students of one of the classes without prejudice to the children of another class, the teacher needs to engage the children from another class with useful work, offer them to independently, without his direct guidance, perform this or that task. And while the students of one class independently complete the learning tasks, the teacher explains the new, asks what has been done, explains the next task for independent work to the students of another class.
The second feature of the lesson is the alternation of students' work under the direct supervision of the teacher, work with the teacher and independent work on the instructions of the teacher or their own choice.
The third feature is the dependence of the volume of independent work and the time allotted for its implementation on the volume and time of the teacher's work with another class.
The number of alternating stages of the lesson depends on many conditions: the nature of the schedule (multi-subject and single-subject), the content of the educational material, the degree of students' ability to work independently, as well as the age capabilities of children. So, first-graders are able to work with concentration for no more than 5 minutes, therefore, the number of stages of their independent activity should correspond to their capabilities. They do not yet possess even the simplest learning skills, they need the help of a teacher all the time.
The older the students, the more skills they possess, the more opportunities for independent activity. As a rule, two or three independent works are included in one lesson, sometimes five. But the fragmentation of independent work can lead to the destruction of the integrity of the perception of educational material.
In general, the structure of the lessons can be represented as follows:

General stage of work under the guidance of a teacher

Working with a teacher

Independent work of students

Independent work

Working with a teacher

Independent work

Independent work

Working with a teacher

Independent work

Change, rest

Independent work

Working with a teacher

The general stage of work with the teacher - summing up the lesson

The rational connection of classes is one of the important components of successful work in the lesson. When combining classes into one set, the first class causes the greatest difficulty. Possible options for combining it with other elementary school classes.
First and second grades. Positive in such an association is the proximity of age and the fact that the first class is propaedeutic. In this version, it is convenient for the teacher to focus on the formation of general educational skills and abilities at the general stage of work: for first graders - showing a sample, for second graders - repetition and exercise in the correct action. Arbitrariness of attention in first-graders - 5 minutes, in second-graders - 8 minutes. Combining allows you to work in pairs of interchangeable composition.
The disadvantage of combining grades 1 and 2 in a set is the inability of children in both classes to work independently, not only because of the lack of formation of this skill, but also because children actually do not have fluency and correct reading, which makes it difficult to work with students in both classes.
First and third grades. The positive thing about this variant of association is that third grade students are able to work independently, and the time of their voluntary attention is 10-12 minutes. This allows the teacher to organize independent performance of rather complex tasks. The relative readiness of third-graders makes it possible for them to help the teacher as consultants - "teachers" when using the technology of the collective method of teaching.
The disadvantage of this option is the temptation and opportunity to increase the time and volume of independent activities of third-graders in order to free up time for work with first-graders.
First and fourth grades. In this option, one should not devote more time to first-graders at the expense of fourth-grade students, organizing their independent work, since the fourth grade is graduation, this year the educational material is repeated and generalized throughout the initial link at a qualitatively different level. Children of this age have new opportunities for mental activity.
Based on the specifics of a small-class school - the obligation of students to work independently at each level, the main criterion for combining classes into a set is the ability of children to work outside the constant guidance of a teacher. And from these positions, combining classes 1 and 3, 2 and 4 into one set is the most appropriate.
Studying in a class-kit, the student must learn:
- focus on the task;
- do not listen to the teacher's explanations for another class;
- do not pay attention to pictures and other demonstration materials not intended for them;
- do not listen to the answers of students from another class;
- instantly rebuild when the teacher addresses them.
In this regard, in the classes-sets, it is necessary to pay more attention to the ability of schoolchildren to work independently than in ordinary classes.
Independent work is the activity of students aimed at mastering knowledge, skills, ways of applying them in practice, which is carried out without the participation of a teacher. Independent work develops the activity of children, forms voluntary attention, teaches them to focus on their own business, ignoring what is happening around.
For students in grades 1-4, the following types of independent work are available and feasible:
- preparatory exercises that are performed before learning new material (repetition from the textbook, work with cards and tables, etc.);
- independent study of new material, carried out according to detailed instructions;
- consolidation exercises in order to master the methods of action based on algorithmic tables, prescriptions, memos;
- various training exercises;
- control and verification tasks that are offered after mastering all parts of the educational material.
The form of independent work can be oral and written. Oral are rarely used. Most often, written independent work is used, which must be diversified so that all types of memory are evenly loaded: visual, auditory, motor.
The duration of independent work depends on the complexity of the tasks and the abilities of the students. Duration must be dosed from class to class, gradually accustoming children to do independent work for a certain time.

Approximate norms of time for independent work in the lesson

1 semester, min.

2 semester, min.

Independent work performs mainly educational and control functions in the class-set. Depending on the goals and objectives, it is practiced at all stages of the lesson. Most often, teachers take out consolidation and repetition for independent work (about 60% of the total volume), less often - the assimilation of new material (about 20%), the rest of the independent work is intended to perform verification work (about 20%). Verification work is necessary to control knowledge, skills, methods of their application. At each lesson, children are offered work of various types and purposes: preparatory, educational, testing.
Preparatory independent work is offered to students in order to repeat the studied material, which will be necessary for understanding new knowledge (the stage of updating knowledge). The teacher selects tasks in such a way that a problem situation with difficulty or surprise is created. That is, in addition to assignments for the material covered, it is necessary to include assignments for new material. This will enable children to identify the problem that they have to solve on their own or together with the teacher.
Independent work in the study of new material is possible if students have no problems with reading and understanding what they read. At the same time, the cognitive abilities of children develop well, and most importantly, self-education skills are successfully formed.
Teaching independent work, children perform in the lessons of applying or consolidating new knowledge. Their goal is to identify and promptly eliminate existing gaps in knowledge. Such independent work implies the presence of detailed instructions for performing a particular task (in the form of an algorithm).
At the final stages of the lessons, tests are offered. Their goal is to control the quality of the assimilation of educational material.
The effectiveness of independent work depends on its organization. When planning and offering independent work in a class-set, it is necessary:
- have a good understanding of its goals;
- clearly see its place and role in the structure of this lesson;
- navigate the requirements of a certain level of mastery of educational material;
- take into account the level of preparedness and capabilities of students;
- determine the duration of independent work and monitor the expenditure of time;
- look for rational ways to check the work;
- correctly combine independent work with work under the guidance of a teacher.
Not all subjects and not all lessons of one subject provide the same opportunities for organizing independent work. Most of them are in the lessons of the Russian language (foreign language), mathematics, drawing and labor training. Less - at the lessons of literary reading and the world around. Music and physical education lessons are held only with the participation of a teacher.
Instructions play an important role in organizing independent work in all lessons: instructions, algorithms, prescriptions, reference schemes, etc. The handout contains "supports" - ready-made samples, examples of tasks, reasoning or actions. Instructions are necessary for independent work.
Most of all, the student needs help in mastering a new type of work. In this case, the technique recommends writing down plans (algorithms, instructions) of reflections in individual cards or on a blackboard. First, these instructions are detailed. But over time, they become more and more compressed.
A responsible role in maintaining the interest of children and the effectiveness of learning belongs to textbooks. You should stop at one textbook in order to study its content well, get used to the textbook and prepare a set of handouts.
To make it easier for children to work with the textbook, it is advisable:
- if necessary, change the sequence of actions proposed in the textbook;
- introduce brief additional instructions for completing tasks;
- supplement the instructions with algorithmic requirements that children are used to.
Any instructions should be understandable to children.
In the conditions of working with two classes, the teacher has a particularly acute question about the correct distribution and use of time. If classes and lessons are combined in such a way that one class starts work with an independent task, and the other - with the direct participation of the teacher, then time losses can be avoided.
Reserves for saving time lie not only in the rational connection of classes, properly organized independent work of students, but also in a well-designed class schedule.
Small schools can work in the mode of both a five-day week and a six-day one. The mode of operation of the primary link does not depend on which of the educational and methodological kits the school uses. When drawing up the schedule, teachers take into account the features of different subjects in terms of the ability to organize independent work of children in the classroom. Most often, one-subject combination is used in the schedule (mathematics with mathematics, Russian with Russian), because. it is easier for the teacher to concentrate, there is no need to switch from one area of ​​knowledge to another, it becomes possible to offer students common tasks on different educational material, which ultimately makes it possible to increase the productivity of learning.
Under the conditions of such a combination, the schedule provides for lessons in technology, physical education, fine arts, and music. At the same time, to a certain extent, differentiation of the content of classes is ensured, taking into account the difference in the programs of each class. In the schedule, part of the day is set aside for working with only one class.

Approximate one-subject combined schedule



Days of the week



Russian language

Russian language

Russian language

Russian language

The world

The world

Literary reading

Foreign language



The world

The world




Literary reading

Literary reading

In accordance with the recommendations for organizing the training of first-graders during the adaptation period (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation N 408 / 13-13 of 04.20.2001), in the first grade in September and October, 3 lessons of 35 minutes each are held. The rest of the time is filled with targeted walks, excursions, physical education classes, educational games. In order to fulfill the task of relieving the statistical stress of schoolchildren, it is proposed to use not class-lesson, but other forms of organization of the educational process in the fourth lessons: excursions, dramatization lessons, etc.
It is possible to schedule lessons with a “shifted” start of classes, where students do not start classes at the same time. The first lesson the teacher works with students of the same class. At this time, as a rule, students study new material together with the teacher, there is a formation of skills to use theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems, (oral) individual survey.
The second lesson is attended by children from another class included in the set, and, as a rule, two lessons, less often three, the teacher deals with two classes at the same time. Then the students of one class go home or to an extended day group, and the teacher continues to work with the rest of the class. According to the second schedule, lessons for grades 1 and 4 start at 8:30, and for grades 2 and 3 - at 9:15.

Schedule of lessons with a "shifted" start of classes



Days of the week

Literal reading

Russian language

Russian language



Russian language Mathematics


Literary reading

Literary reading





Literary reading

Russian language

From the standpoint of the interests of schoolchildren and teachers, with a contingent of more than 10-12 people in a set, such an organization of classes can be considered optimal for all external unattractiveness, complexity, and apparent overload of teachers.
Even the most perfect schedule needs to be adjusted throughout the year. During this time, there are changes that must be taken into account.
Conducting any lesson is a creative individual process. However, there are a number of mandatory requirements that must be met. Necessary:
- determine the place of a particular lesson in the system and structure of the subject;
- explore the material of a particular lesson, correlate it with the requirements of the standard;
- choose the best methods and techniques of training;
- think over didactic teaching aids (tasks in the textbook, visibility, handouts, check the serviceability of technical teaching aids);
- plan your lesson by the minute in each class, setting where the work will be done under the guidance of the teacher, where and when the children will perform independent tasks;
- to foresee what the children will do, where they will feel difficulties, when fatigue sets in and it will be necessary to do a physical exercise;
- think about how to ease the complexity of cognitive work for children;
- weigh the educational possibilities of the material being studied and try to bring the solution of educational problems into the outline of the lesson;
- to think over how to carry out personality-oriented training and education;
- Create a lesson plan.
A lesson in an ungraded school is conducted according to one common plan for the class-set. Its structure is characterized not by the stages of the lesson, but by transitions: “with the teacher - on your own”, “on your own - with the teacher”. In the lesson plans of the teacher of an ungraded school, the columns “work with the teacher” and “independent work” appear.
Much attention should be paid in terms of the general stages of work, when all students do the same work - listen to the teacher's explanation, play, complete the task, work with observation diaries.
Single-theme lessons are sometimes held in joint classes. Their appearance is due to the fact that certain topics are repeated in programs, supplemented from class to class with new information. Such lessons are accompanied by visualization, and, if available, computer technologies are also used. In terms of the lesson, the work of children under the guidance of a teacher in one class and independent work in another should be clearly, minute by minute. Single-theme lessons and lessons with common stages are possible.
Thus, an elementary small school has its own specifics, and the quality of education in it directly depends on the teacher's ability to organize training sessions with younger students in classes of different ages.

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The idea of ​​combining the lessons of industrial training and special technology was born in the practice of teaching. In educational institutions where there are qualified professional and pedagogical personnel and appropriate material and technical equipment of training workshops, combined training is used by masters of industrial training and teachers of special disciplines. In educational institutions where combined lessons were held at least several times, students become allies of the master in improving the methods of teaching the lesson.

What is the idea of ​​a combined lesson based on? If we consider the traditional summary-thematic planning of special technology and industrial training in the preparation of electricians for the maintenance of electrical equipment (training period - 1 year), it is easy to see that the gap in the study of related topics is 2 - 4 weeks.

However, the combination in planning the study of related topics of theoretical and industrial training is only one of

features of the methodology of lessons of this type. The second is to plan combined lessons of special technology and industrial training on a specific topic.

The essence of such planning lies in the fact that the teacher of technological disciplines selects the content of theoretical material, which is advisable to study simultaneously with the formation of practical skills. As a rule, such content of educational material includes a description of the technology of work. In academic disciplines devoted to the technology of work, it is advisable to combine 30 - 40% of the content of educational material on the topic with industrial training. So, it is necessary to select the material of theoretical training, plan combined lessons of special technology and industrial training.

The third feature of co-education concerns the structure of the lesson. The structure of a lesson in combined learning does not coincide with the structure of a lesson in theoretical or industrial training, since during a combined lesson there is a combination, alternation, merging of the processes of assimilation of theoretical knowledge and the formation of professional skills. The content of the new theoretical material is given in portions; after each portion, the practical activity of the students follows, i.e., the performance of the exercise.

The structure of a combined lesson can be represented as a sequential alternation of phases. In turn, each phase consists of two steps. The first step is the assimilation of a portion of theoretical material, the second is the practical formation of skills (Fig. 27).

When planning a lesson in time, it should be borne in mind that the theory step usually takes 10-15 minutes of the practice step, the exercise on the studied portion of theoretical material takes students from 20 to 30 minutes.

You should stop separately at the beginning of the lesson, or the zero phase. Mobilizing students for the upcoming work, forming an interest in the study of new theoretical material, the teacher must reveal to them the entire technology of work being studied on the topic under consideration as a whole. At the very beginning of the lesson, students are given an indicative basis of activity. Then the teacher proceeds to the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for individual parts (blocks) of the technological process. The combined lesson ends with a final briefing summarizing the work of each student.

1st step - knowledge formation

2nd step - the formation of skills and abilities

Rice. 27. The structure of the combined lesson phase

Thus, the generalized structure of the combined lesson can be represented by the following formula:

Y \u003d f 0 + f, + f 2 + ... + f p + F 3,

where F o - the initial phase (1st step - organization and target setting, 2nd step - orientation of students in the upcoming activity, a brief explanation of the technology of the upcoming work); Ф], Ф 2 , ..., Ф „ - intermediate phases (1st step - brief theoretical information on the block of knowledge, 2nd step - the content of practical exercises); F 3 - the final phase (collection and analysis of student work, grading in theory and practice).

In conclusion, we give an example of a combined lesson on the topic "Installation of the electrical contact of wires."

The purpose of the lesson is to form the initial skills for installing the electrical contact of wires. Lesson objectives:

Educational - to study the property of the electrical contact of wires, to teach students to solder copper wires, crimp copper and aluminum conductors;

Educational - to cultivate a careful attitude to technical documentation, tools, materials. Rationally use your working time, strictly observe all safety rules;

Developing - in the process of performing tasks on the basis of the acquired knowledge, develop the ability to analyze and comprehend the work performed.

Type of lesson - combined.

Lesson equipment: didactic - posters "Electrical tool", "Soldering of wires", "Compression of wires and cables"; tablets "Brands of wires", "Electrical material and products"; electrified stand "Electrical circuit of a screw-cutting lathe model 1K62".

Samples of electrical contact of wires: wire segments PV - 1 mm 2, PGV - 0.5 mm 2, APPV - 2.5 mm 2, APV - 4 mm 2, PV - 2.5 mm 2; solder POS - 40; rosin; aluminum and copper sleeves and tips; a set of electrical tools.

Lesson structure

1st phase - organizational and mobilization support of the lesson:

a) checking the journal of those present at the lesson, determining the state of health (pay attention to appearance);

b) communication of the purpose of the lesson, a story about the importance of proper preparation for electrical work, the role of reliable electrical contact, attentiveness, self-discipline, the quality of the work performed;

c) explanation and demonstration of electrical contact by soldering and crimping.

2nd phase - preparation of wires for installation of electrical contact.

1st step - the physical properties of the electrical contact. Material (its properties) for the manufacture of mounting wires. Straightening wires. Stripping the insulation of the installation wires. Methods for cutting the ends of wires.

Asking questions:

What does weak electrical contact lead to?

What can lead to non-compliance with the rules when cutting installation

Why is it impossible to move when using a fitter's knife?
on yourself?

2nd step - consolidation of knowledge based on the following exercises:

a) straightening of mounting wires of brand PV - 1 mm 2; APV - 4 mm 2; APPV -2.5 mm 2;

b) stripping insulation of installation wires;

c) cutting the ends of the installation wires.

3rd phase - copper wire soldering technology.

1st step - determination of brands of wires for soldering. Auxiliary material for soldering. Tools and fixtures used in soldering. Rules for the use of tools and devices. Soldering lived mounting wires.

Asking questions:

What is the difference between the brand of solder POS-40 and POS-30?

Is it possible not to strip the wire strands before soldering?

What can happen if for an electric soldering iron during
work do not use a special stand?

2nd step - consolidation of knowledge based on exercises:

a) stripping the wire cores at the joints;

b) soldering of installation wires of PGV with a cross section from 0.5 mm 2 to 1 mm 2 and PV from 1 mm 2 to 2.5 mm 2.

4-phase - crimping of copper and aluminum conductors of wires.

1st step - determination of brands of wires for crimping. Tools and fixtures for crimping. Rules for the use of tools and devices. Tips and connecting sleeves. Technology of crimping cores of installation wires.

Asking questions:

What happens if an aluminum sleeve is used when connecting copper conductors of wires?

What will be the consequences during the operation of the contact connection, if the norms of contact pressure, the depth of crimping are not observed?

What happens if quartz-vaseline paste is not used when connecting aluminum conductors?

2nd step - consolidation of knowledge in the exercises:

a) removal of the oxide film from the cores of the wires;

b) crimping of copper conductors of wires of the PV brand with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2;

c) crimping of aluminum conductors of wires of the APV brand with a cross section of 4 mm 2;

d) application of quartz-vaseline paste on the contact connections of aluminum conductors.

Final phase:

a) assessment of students' knowledge, the level of formation of skills and abilities and the manifestation of qualities - accuracy, punctuality, attentiveness, discipline and organization;

b) homework - repeat the topic "Connecting and terminating the cores of wires and cables."

Educators may have the following questions.

Does co-education lead to fewer hours spent studying technology disciplines? Leads. The study of theoretical material is carried out during a six-hour lesson of industrial training on this topic. The traditional lesson of special technology is not held. It is advisable to use the reduced time to improve the professional knowledge and skills of students.

Who conducts combined lessons of industrial training? Is it possible to conduct them without the participation of a master of industrial training? As a rule, a combined lesson is conducted by a teacher of special technology together with a master of industrial training. The teacher forms the theoretical knowledge of students, shows the technology of work, exercises, etc. The master connects to show individual operations, brief briefing before performing exercises, conduct current briefing during the formation of practical skills. However, already today, masters with a professional pedagogical education conduct lessons using special technology, and conducting combined lessons does not cause them methodological difficulties.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the typical structure of a theoretical teaching lesson?

2. List the features of the educational material that indicate
the need for laboratory work.

3. What is the typical structure of an industrial training lesson?

4. List the main conditions for applying the combined lesson.

1. Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M.: Peda
gogika, 1989. - 190 p.

2. Bespalko V.P., Tatur Yu.G. Systematic and methodological support
educational process of training specialists: textbook.
tod, allowance. - M.: 1989. - 144 p.

3. Blinchevsky F.L. What is a job training lesson? //
Industrial training. - 1946. - No. 15. - S. 5-12.

4. Wertheimer M. Productive thinking: Per. from English. - M.: Pro
gress, 1987. - 336 p.

5. Gomoyunov K.K. Improving the teaching of technical dissertations
ciplin: methodological aspects of the analysis of educational texts. L .: Publishing house Le-
ningr. un-ta, 1983. - 206 p.

6. Dridze T. M. The concept and method of establishing a meaningful structure
rounds of the test in relation to the educational text (informative-targeted
analysis). Psycholinguistic and linguistic nature of the text and especially
Bennosti his perception / ed. Yu.A. Zhluktenko, A.A. Leontieva. -
Kyiv: Vyscha school. Publishing house at Kyiv, un-te, 1978. - 100 p.

7. Dyachkov V.P. Use of economic basic records of studies
new material in vocational schools. - M.: VNMTs Publishing House, 1993. - 62 p.

8. Eretsky M.I. Improving education in the technical school. - M.: Higher.
school, 1987. - 264 p.

9. Clarin M.V. Innovative models of teaching in foreign pedas
gogic quest. - M.: Arena, 1994. - 222 p.

10. Landa L.N. Algorithmization in teaching. - M.: Enlightenment,
1966. - 523 p.

11. Muchnik B. S. Man and text: foundations of the culture of written speech. -
M.: Book, 1985. - 252 p.

12. Pedagogical encyclopedia: in 4 volumes - ML: Sov. Encycl., 1964. - T. 2. -
848 p.

13. Pinsky A.A., Golin G.M. The logic of science and the logic of educational
meta // Sov. Pedagogy, 1983. - No. 12. - S. 54-64.

14. The program of the subject "Electrical Engineering" for secondary vocational
technical schools. - M.: VNMTs Publishing House, 1984. - 54 p.

15. Psychology of perception: Materials of Sov.-Nor. sympos. - M.: On
uka, 1989. - 197 p.

16. Theoretical foundations of the content of general secondary education /
ed. V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner. - M.: Pedagogy, 1983. - 352 p.

17. Technique in its historical development / ed. S. V. Shukhardina. -
M.: Nauka, 1982. -510 p.

18. Shaporinshy S.A. Questions of the theory of industrial training:
Vocational pedagogy. - M.: Higher. school, 1981. - 208 p.

19. Shikhin A.Ya. Electrical engineering. - M.: Higher. school, 1987. - 336 p.

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ................... 3

Development of a combined lesson plan

Rice. 8. The structure of the combined lesson phase

and industrial training (binary)

Combined lesson of special technology

The main characteristics of the lesson:

Consistent alternation of types of students' activities (cognitive and practical);

Studying a local segment of theoretical material, performing exercises and solving educational and production problems;

The result of the activity of students in the lesson is a formed system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, objectified in material objects;

The duration of the lesson is equal to the school day (6 or 7 hours);

In the structure of the lesson, phases and steps are clearly expressed, characterizing the target functions of the stages in the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The structure of a combined lesson can be represented as a sequential alternation of phases. In turn, each phase consists of two steps. The first step is the assimilation of a portion of theoretical material, the second is the practical formation of skills (Fig. 8).

1st step - the formation of knowledge

2nd step - the formation of skills and abilities

When planning a lesson in time, it must be borne in mind that 10-15 minutes are usually allotted for a theory step; the step of practice (performing exercises on a portion of theoretical material) takes students from 20 to 30 minutes.

The generalized structure of the combined lesson can be represented as the following formula:

Y \u003d F o + F1 + F 2 + ... + F n + F 3,

where F o - the initial phase (1st step - the organization and target setting of the lesson,

2nd step - orientation of students in the upcoming activities);

Ф1,Ф 2 , ...,Ф n - intermediate phases (1st step - a brief explanation of the technology of the forthcoming work, questions on knowledge testing, 2nd

step - practical exercises);

F 3 - the final phase (collection of student work, analysis of student work, grading in theory and practice).

1. Formulate the goals of the combined lesson.

2. Determine the list of the main phases of the lesson.

3. Develop the structure of the three phases of the lesson.

4. Give a detailed plan for one of the listed phases of the lesson.

Disadvantages of traditional lessons - the typical structure of the lesson, the involvement of students in traditional forms of educational activity and, as a result, a decrease in interest in the subject, the teacher's orientation towards the average student and general didactic goals, the predominance of the reproductive activity of students in the lesson.

Innovative Lesson- a lesson that has a flexible non-standard structure, conducted with the aim of activating the activities of students by involving them in various non-traditional forms of organizing educational activities aimed at increasing students' interest in the subject.

State budgetary educational institution

Samara region basic comprehensive school with. Staroe Maksimkino of the Koshkinsky municipal district of the Samara Region


"The best methodological development of the lesson

in combined classes in an ungraded school”


2-3 grade


"The best lesson in elementary school"

Primary school teacher

GBOU OOSH village Staroe Maksimkino

Grigoryeva Natalya Gennadievna


Explanatory note

This lesson in mathematics is held in 2nd and 3rd grades in the 3rd quarter.

1. Characteristics of the class

There are only 10 students in grades 2 and 3.

Grade 2 - 4 students: 2 girls and 2 boys. Of these, 4 students study at "5" and "4".The place and role of this lesson in the course of mathematics were determined correctly, the lesson is in connection with previous and subsequent lessons.

The material of the lesson contributes to the development of oral computing skills, prepares for the written reception of multiplication. Provides strength of knowledge and improvement of computational skills and abilities.

Grade 3 - 6 students: 3 girls and 3 boys. Of these, 3 students study for "5" and "4", 3 students - for "3".

The class is efficient, cognitive activity is high.

2. Characteristics of the topic.

3. System of goals.


Grade 2 - Written methods of addition and subtraction within 100

Lesson type: knowledge consolidation lesson.

Lesson Form : lesson - game

Didactic goal: secondary comprehension of already known knowledge, development of skills and abilities for their application.

Lesson Objectives:

    consolidate oral techniques of tabular multiplication and division, addition of two-digit numbers within 100;

    improve the ability to solve problems for finding the perimeter, problems for finding the area;

    improve computing skills;

    develop the ability to reason, draw conclusions;

    to cultivate interest in mathematics, positive motivation for learning;

Lesson structure.

    Organizing moment - 1 min.

    Motivational setting, work planning - 1 min.

    Repetition of what has been learned. Actualization of students' knowledge - 8 min.

    A minute of calligraphy

    Verbal counting

    Chamomile questions

    Consolidation of acquired knowledge - 30 min.

    Problem solving (in pairs)


    Geometric material (perimeter, area)

    Multi-level independent work

    Playing with sticks

    Graphic dictation

    Summing up the lesson. Reflection. - 3 min.

    Homework message, instruction. - 2 minutes.

Subject: mathematics

Grade: 2.3

Grade 2 - Written methods of addition and subtraction within 100

Grade 3 - Oral tricks of multiplication and division within 100


    To consolidate written techniques for adding two-digit numbers within 100

    Improve the ability to solve problems in two steps, finding the perimeter



Health saving

    Ensuring physical activity in the classroom.


    To consolidate the oral techniques of tabular multiplication and division

    Improve the ability to solve compound problems, problems to find the area

    Improve your computing skills


    Develop the ability to reason, draw conclusions.

    Develop mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, competent and correct speech.


    Education of cognitive interests in the subject

    Education of communication skills

    Cultivate interest in mathematics positive motivation for learning

    Cultivate respect for classmates, the ability to behave at a party

Health saving

    Creation of conditions for relieving physical stress;

    Create conditions for the emergence of a situation of success and psychological comfort in the classroom

    Individual approach to students

    Ensuring physical activity in the classroom.

During the classes:

I. Org. moment.

Set students up for collaboration and success.

My friends! I'm very happy

Enter our friendly class.

And for me already a reward

Attention of your smart eyes.

II . Motivational setting, work planning

I would like to start our lesson with a proverb: “Every day adds a particle of wisdom.

How do you understand it? (Every day we learn something new.)

Our knowledge is wealth that we put in a chest, and when necessary, we take it out and use it.

Today we will test our knowledge. We will work together, help each other and we will succeed.

Teamwork rules:

    Don't tell everyone at once.

    Do not argue, but discuss and prove.

    Try to understand each other.

    Accurately, clearly and correctly formulate the answer.

    Seek help from the teacher as needed

With what mood will you get to work? (With good, ...)

Smile at each other! Let's hit the road!

I invited our favorite heroes to visit today, so we won’t be bored today.

And here they are. Meet them! (Masha and the Bear appear on the screen.)

III . Repetition of what has been learned. Updating students' knowledge.

    A minute of calligraphy

    Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Today Masha is going to visit Misha. We need to help collect the gifts.

Grade 2 collects apples in a basket (numbers less than 90)

57, 91, 25, 34, 93, 61, 85, 80

Read the numbers. What is the excess number? Why?

Write the numbers in a notebook as a sum of digit terms.

Mutual verification. We exchanged notebooks, we check.



Grade 3 collects pears (numbers that do not have tens)

102, 340, 506, 967, 830, 702, 400, 208

Read the numbers? What is redundant and why?

Write the remaining numbers in your notebook, write them down as the sum of the bit terms


967=900+60+ 7


Self test

Chamomile questions

    What are the components of addition called? (1,2 term, sum)

    What is the name of a figure in which all sides are equal? (square, rhombus)

    Several people were on the tram. At the bus stop, 5 people got off and 9 got on. Has the number of people on the tram increased or decreased and by how much? (increased by 4)

    What is the name of a figure that has all right angles? (rectangle)

    Continue the statement: from the rearrangement of the terms ... (the sum does not change)

    How to find subtrahend? (subtract the difference from the reduced)

Chamomile questions

1. What are the names of the multiplication components? Divisions?

2. How is the area of ​​a rectangle determined?

3. Dividend 74, divisor 2. Specify the quotient.

4. How do you know how many times 3 is in 17?

5. Divide the sum of the numbers 63 and 12 by 3.

6. Continue the sentence: "The multiplication of two numbers can be checked like this ..."

Masha often misbehaves. Let's remind her how to behave at a party.

Thank you if you are invited to visit.

    First ask permission from your parents, and then give an answer.

    If you promised, be sure to come.

    Don't be late for a visit, but don't come too early either.

    It is customary to come with a gift for a birthday. The main thing in a gift is not its value, but attention to the person.

    Be friendly and cheerful when visiting.

    Keep yourself simple at a party, do not draw the attention of others to yourself, do not laugh too loudly, do not shout or play around.

    If you are treated, you should not be picky or rush to try delicious treats.

    Don't forget to say "thank you" when you leave the table.

Masha goes to Mishka and looks at ladybugs and butterflies along the way

Choose the answer to the expression (answers on butterflies)

8+5= 15-7=

9+3= 11-8=

7+4= 16-9=

9+9= 14-5=

Admire? What group of animals do they belong to?

And now we will set them free.

Masha sat down on a stump to rest and began to guess on Chamomile (Chamomile of questions - 2 pieces) in turn

    There are 16 books on the shelf and 4 on the table. How many times fewer books are on the table than on the shelf? (4)

    How to find the dividend? (quotient times divisor)

    Grandma is 60 years old. The grandson is 10 times younger than the grandmother. How old is the grandson? (6)

    Reduce 9 times 9. (1)

    Continue the statement: from a permutation of factors ... (the product does not change)

    When a crane stands on one leg, it weighs 3 kg. How much will a crane weigh if it stands on two legs? (3kg).

For the filling, the bear took 18 large strawberries, and 5 more small ones. How many berries did the bear put in the pie?

What is the task? What berries did the bear put in the pie? So, what words will we write in a short condition?

Can we immediately find out how many large berries are in the pie?

Why? And we can find out: how many are small? What action?

How to find out how many? Why?

- Decide on your own

- Self test

How many berries are in the filling? (41 berries)

The pie turned out great!

What shape is the cake? (rectangle) Prove.

Find the perimeter of the pie. (Work at the blackboard)


Express in dm.

And the bear is waiting for Masha and he decided to bake a strawberry pie for her(independent work)

Come up with a task according to the condition and solve it(pair work)

Sugar- ? 2 glasses of 100 g

Flour -? 3 glasses of 100 g

How much?

Mutual verification.

In how many steps did you solve the problem?

What did you learn in 1 action? 2? 3?

Find the perimeter (strong learners in many ways) and the area of ​​the pie.

(work in pairs)

R=(30+20)*2=100 cm

S=30*20=600 cm 2

Playing with sticks

Lay out of sticks

2nd class - lamp, 3rd class - TV.

What geometric shapes does the lamp consist of? TV?

So Masha came, Mishka was delighted and began to dance!

Musical physics minute with the heroes of the lesson

A hare came to visit Masha and the bear.

Misha treated the guests and they began to play the game

- "Catch up with me" (multi-level independent work). Let's play this game


1. From the numbers 48, 1, 14. 4, 40. 81, 8, 18, 84, 44, 80, 88 write out all two-digit numbers in ascending order

2 level

Solve the equation:

30 + x = 67

3 level

Calculate the values ​​of expressions:

40 + 5 = 30 + 20 =

26 + 2 = 70 + 13 =

Level 4*

There are 15 candies in a box. When Sasha ate 6 candies and his brother ate several candies, there were 7 candies left in the box. How many sweets did your brother eat?

Template check. Self test

Guys, who are ahead of us? Who managed to complete all the tasks?

- Tanagram "Bunny" (folded on the desks)

- "Catch up with me" (multi-level independent work)

1 level

Compare numbers:

401 … 386 699 … 700 220 … 202

2 level

Solve the equation:

X : 6 = 9

3 level

Find the meaning of expressions:

47 + 5 3 - 18 = (36: 6 + 3) 2 =

Level 4*

Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Alyosha watches one new cartoon. How many new cartoons will Alyosha watch in 6 weeks?

- Self test

- Template check. Self test

Our meeting is coming to an end, Masha decided to give you a gift, and what, you will now find out by completing a graphic dictation

Step back 3 cells to the left, 3 cells from the top, put a dot and start drawing

What did Masha give you?) (Flower)

Say goodbye to our heroes

Lesson summary


If you liked the lesson, clap your hands, if not, stomp your feet.

What tasks did you like?

What was the most difficult?

What was interesting about the lesson?




List of used literature

1. Kalinina I.G. Development of attention in mathematics lessons in an ungraded school. / Primary school, 1999

2. Mathematics. Grade 2 Proc. allowance for general inst. At 2 o'clock - M.: Enlightenment, 2012

3. Mathematics. Grade 3 Proc. allowance for general inst. At 2 o'clock - M.: Enlightenment, 2013

4. Sitnikova T.N. , Yatsenko I.F. Lesson developments in mathematics Grade 2 - M .: VAKO, 2013.

5. Sitnikova T.N. , Yatsenko I.F. Lesson developments in mathematics Grade 3 - M .: VAKO, 2013.

6. Suvorova G.F. Improving the educational process in an ungraded school. - M .: Pedagogy, 1999

Internet resources:

The idea of ​​combining the lessons of industrial training and special technology was born in the practice of teaching. In educational institutions where there are qualified professional and pedagogical personnel and appropriate material and technical equipment of training workshops, combined training is used by masters of industrial training and teachers of special disciplines. In educational institutions where combined lessons were held at least several times, students become allies of the master in improving the methods of teaching the lesson.

However, the combination in planning the study of related topics of theoretical and industrial training is only one of the features of the methodology of lessons of this type. The second is to plan combined lessons of special technology and industrial training on a specific topic.

The essence of such planning lies in the fact that the teacher of technological disciplines selects the content of theoretical material, which is advisable to study simultaneously with the formation of practical skills. As a rule, such content of educational material includes a description of the technology of work. In academic disciplines devoted to the technology of work, it is advisable to combine 30–40% of the content of educational material on the topic with industrial training. So, the material of theoretical training has been selected, the combined lessons of special technology and industrial training have been planned.

The third feature of co-education concerns the structure of the lesson. The structure of a lesson in combined learning does not coincide with the structure of a lesson in theoretical or industrial training, since during a combined lesson there is a combination, alternation, merging of the processes of assimilation of theoretical knowledge and the formation of professional skills. The content of the new theoretical material is given in portions, doses; after each portion, the practical activity of the students follows, i.e., the performance of the exercise.

The structure of a combined lesson can be represented as a sequential alternation of phases. In turn, each phase consists of two steps. The first step is the assimilation of a portion of theoretical material, the second is the practical formation of skills (Fig. 30).


1st step - the formation of knowledge

2nd step - the formation of skills and abilities

When planning a lesson in time, it should be borne in mind that the theory step usually takes 10–15 minutes of the practice step, the exercise on the studied portion of theoretical material takes students from 20 to 30 minutes.

You should stop separately at the beginning of the lesson, or the zero phase. Mobilizing students for the upcoming work, forming an interest in the study of new theoretical material, the teacher must reveal to them the entire technology of work being studied on the topic under consideration as a whole. At the very beginning of the lesson, students are given an indicative basis of activity. Then the teacher proceeds to the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for individual parts (blocks) of the technological process. The combined lesson ends with a final briefing summarizing the work of each student.

Thus, the generalized structure of the combined lesson can be represented by the following formula

U \u003d F 0 + F 1 + F 2 + ... + F p + F s,

where F 0 - the initial phase (1st step - organization and target setting, 2nd step - orientation of students in the upcoming activity, a brief explanation of the technology of the upcoming work);

Ф 1, Ф 2, ..., Ф n- intermediate phases (1st step - brief theoretical information on the block of knowledge, 2nd step - the content of practical exercises);

Fz - the final phase (collection and analysis of student work, grading in theory and practice).

Educators may experience the following questions.

1. Does co-education lead to fewer hours spent studying technology disciplines? Leads. The study of theoretical material is carried out during a six-hour lesson of industrial training on this topic. The traditional lesson of special technology is not held. It is advisable to use the reduced time to improve the professional knowledge and skills of students.

2. Who conducts combined lessons of industrial training? Is it possible to conduct them without the participation of a master of industrial training? As a rule, a combined lesson is conducted by a teacher of special technology together with a master of industrial training. The teacher forms the theoretical knowledge of students, shows the technology of work, exercises, etc. The master connects to show individual operations, brief instructions before performing exercises, and conduct current instructions during the formation of practical skills. However, already today, masters with a professional pedagogical education conduct lessons using special technology, and conducting combined lessons does not cause them methodological difficulties.

Integrative Lesson- this is a special type of lesson that combines learning simultaneously in several disciplines while studying one concept, topic or phenomenon. In such a lesson, there are always distinguished: the leading discipline, which acts as an integrator, and auxiliary disciplines, contributing to the deepening, expansion, and refinement of the material of the leading discipline. Integrative lessons can unite a variety of disciplines in their entirety, generating integrative subjects such as "Fundamentals of Life Safety" or "World Artistic Culture", or they can include only individual components - content, methods. For example, you can integrate the content of disciplines while maintaining the teaching methods of the leading discipline. So, the lessons of physics, literature and music are well integrated. The lesson of physics in the case of integration becomes the leading one and retains its inherent methods. In the course of the disclosure of the topic, poems and music are inserted into it, describing or imitating in an artistic form the studied physical phenomena. It is also possible to integrate the methodology of teaching different disciplines while maintaining the content of only one subject. At a history lesson, you can conduct an experiment on a computer on systemic forecasting of the development of a particular historical event based on a change in the factors of its occurrence. At a chemistry lesson, it is quite possible to do, for example, the search and study of archival materials about the life and work of domestic chemists, etc.

Ticket number 20 The concept of the content of education. Factors that determine the content of education. Basic concepts of educational content + see slides

The content of education is a system of knowledge, including facts and generalizations, skills and abilities (B.P. Esipov, N.K. Goncharov), basic knowledge, skills and abilities of the relevant field of scientific knowledge (T.A. Ilyina), a system of scientific knowledge , practical skills, as well as worldview and moral and ethical ideas that students need to master in the learning process; a system of scientific knowledge, skills, ideological, moral and aesthetic ideas, elements of social, cognitive and creative experience.

Content of education- this is a system of scientific knowledge, skills, the mastery of which ensures the comprehensive development of the mental and physical abilities of schoolchildren, the formation of their worldview, morality and behavior, preparation for social life and work. This definition contains all the elements of the social experience accumulated by mankind, and the content of education is considered as one of the components of the learning process.

General requirements for the content of education:“The content of education is one of the factors of the economic and social progress of society and should be focused on: ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization; development of society; strengthening and improvement of the rule of law. The content of education should provide: an adequate world level of the general and professional culture of society; formation of a student's picture of the world adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (level of education); integration of personality into national and world culture; the formation of a person and a citizen integrated into the society of his day and aimed at improving this society; reproduction and development of the personnel potential of the society”.

V.S. Lednev determined factors, which have a significant impact on the selection of structural components of the content of education. Among those they include:

- factors of the global level, on the basis of which education is divided into main branches and successive stages;

- defining the structure of the content of general, polytechnic and special education, taking into account their division into theoretical and practical parts;

- factors underlying the content of individual accounts. courses, practices and uch. projects.

Modern concepts of new types of educational content



(V.V. Davydov)

mental activity

and metasubject

(Yu.V Gromyko)

Personally oriented

based and meta-subject (A.V. Khutorskoy)



Development and self-development, formation of thinking and reflective consciousness

The unity of the processes of thinking, communication and action based on reflection

Personal creativity, self-change of personal experience

Theoretical, developing, cultivation of the subject of activity

Creation of knowledge and oneself

Actualization of the subjective image, the search for meaning

Personal experience


System of learning tasks, thinking act

Unity of thinking, communication and action

Procedures and stages for constructing an ideal knowledge system

Education model

School of Developing and Developing Education

Thought-activity school, meta-school

School of creativity

2. Concepts about groups. Types and classification of groups. Characteristics of the study group.

Group - a community of people limited in size, distinguished from the social whole on the basis of certain characteristics (the nature of the activity performed, structure, level of development.

Group types: large group, small group.

Psychology of small groups and intergroup interaction

small group is a small-sized association of people connected by direct interaction. Its lower and upper boundaries are determined by qualitative features, the main of which are contact and integrity. contact- this is the opportunity for each member of the group to regularly communicate with each other, perceive and evaluate each other, exchange information, mutual assessments and influences. Integrity is defined as a social and psychological community of individuals belonging to a group, allowing them to be perceived as a single whole.

Beyond the lower bound the size of a small group, most specialists accept three people, since in a group of two people (dyad) group socio-psychological phenomena proceed in a special way. Upper limit of the small group determined by its qualitative characteristics and usually does not exceed 20-30 people. The optimal size of a small group depends on the nature of the joint activity and is in the range of 5-12 people. In smaller groups, the phenomenon of social satiety is more likely to occur, larger groups more easily break up into smaller ones in which individuals are connected by closer contacts. In this regard, it is customary to single out small groups of primary, that is, the smallest in size and further indivisible communities, and secondary, formally representing a single community, but including several primary groups.

Formal groups- groups, membership and relationships in which are predominantly formal, that is, they are determined by formal prescriptions and agreements. Formal small groups are, first of all, primary collectives of subdivisions of social organizations and institutions. Organizational and institutional small groups are elements of the social structure of society and are created to meet social needs. The leading sphere of activity and the main psychological mechanism for uniting individuals within the framework of organizational and institutional small groups is joint activity. informal groups- associations of people that arise on the basis of internal, inherent in individuals needs for communication, belonging, understanding, sympathy and love.

Small Group Leadership

Small Group Leadership- this is the phenomenon of the impact or influence of an individual on the opinions, assessments, attitudes and behavior of the group as a whole or its individual members. The main features of leadership are:

Higher activity and initiative of the individual in solving joint tasks by a group;

Greater awareness of the problem being solved, the members of the group and the situation as a whole;

More pronounced ability to influence other members of the group;

Greater compliance of behavior with social attitudes, values ​​and norms adopted in this group;

Greater manifestation of personal qualities, reference for this group.

The main functions of a leader- organization of joint life activity in its various spheres, development and maintenance of group norms, external representation of the group in relations with other groups, taking responsibility for the results of group activities, establishing and maintaining favorable socio-psychological relations in the group.

Leadership is the phenomenon of the impact or influence of an individual on the opinions, assessments, attitudes and behavior of the group as a whole or its individual members.

Conformity and group pressure

conformism(from lat. conformis - similar) is a change in the opinions, attitudes and behavior of individuals under the influence of others.

group pressure- this is the process of influence of attitudes, norms, values ​​and behavior of group members on the opinions and behavior of the individual. Normative influence is characterized by the individual's acceptance of the opinion of the majority as a group norm, the individual's dependence on the group and his desire to harmonize his behavior and his attitudes with the behavior and attitudes of the group. Information influence is characterized by the influence of other members of the group as a source of information important for decision making and taken into account by the individual.

Psychology of large social groups and mass phenomena

Each person is included in various social communities, or large groups. There are two types of human communities that determine the specific socio-psychological characteristics of groups. The basis for the separation of these types of groups is the nature of the connections. In the first case, these are the objective social ties of a given community. So, social class as a large group characterizes the place that he occupies in the system of objective socio-economic relations and which is determined by the social division of labor. The basis for selection nation a certain system of objective social ties serves as a social group. For gender and age communities there are real socio-demographic characteristics. The belonging of people to these groups does not depend on their will and consciousness. It is determined objectively. Groups belong to another type of communities, belonging to which is the result of a conscious desire of people to unite on the basis of common goals and values. Examples of such communities are professional associations, parties, social movements. Psychological phenomena form the basis of these associations. These are psychological communities.

Large social groups are classified according to other criteria.

By duration of existence distinguish more long-term (classes, nations) and less long-term (rallies, audiences, crowds) groups.

By the nature of the organization of the group are divided into spontaneous (crowd) and consciously organized (parties, associations).

You can also say about conditional and real groups. At the same time, the sign of contact and interaction is considered essential. Gender and age and professional groups are not real, but conditional. Real large groups with short but close contacts include rallies and meetings.

Large social groups can be open and closed. Membership in the latter is determined by the internal regulations of the groups.

3. Peculiarityfederal state educational standards of general education- their activity character, which makes the development of the student's personality the main task. Modern education refuses the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities; the wording of the Federal State Educational Standard points to real activities.

The task at hand requires a transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm, which, in turn, is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher who implements the new standard. Teaching technologies are also changing, the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) opens up significant opportunities for expanding the educational framework for each subject in a general education institution, including mathematics.

Under these conditions, the traditional school, which implements the classical model of education, has become unproductive. Before me, as well as before my colleagues, the problem arose - to turn traditional education aimed at accumulating knowledge, skills, skills, into the process of developing the child's personality.

Leaving the traditional lesson through the use of new technologies in the learning process allows eliminating the monotony of the educational environment and the monotony of the educational process, creates conditions for changing the types of activities of students, and makes it possible to implement the principles of health saving. It is recommended to make a choice of technology depending on the subject content, the objectives of the lesson, the level of preparedness of students, the possibility of meeting their educational needs, the age category of students.

Pedagogical technology is often defined as:

A set of techniques is an area of ​​pedagogical knowledge that reflects the characteristics of the deep processes of pedagogical activity, the features of their interaction, the management of which ensures the necessary efficiency of the educational process;

A set of forms, methods, techniques and means of transferring social experience, as well as the technical equipment of this process;

A set of ways to organize the educational and cognitive process or a sequence of certain actions, operations related to the specific activities of the teacher and aimed at achieving the goals (technological chain).

In the context of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC, the most relevant are technologies:

v Information and communication technology

v Critical thinking development technology

v Design technology

v Developmental learning technology

v Health-saving technologies

v Problem-based learning technology

v Gaming technologies

v Modular technology

v Workshop technology

v Case - technology

v Integrated learning technology

v Pedagogy of cooperation.

v Tier differentiation technologies

v Group technologies.

v Traditional technologies (class-lesson system)

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