Modern problems of science and education. Educational system as an object of monitoring Education at the Lyceum

1 . Globalization, today, is an important problem for higher education, because, in essence, the very model of the future education system, or in other words, the level of qualifications of labor resources, depends on the adequate implementation of the constituent elements of globalization and internationalization in the educational process.

Let us highlight the key problems, the solution of which forms the area of ​​joint fruitful existence of globalization and education:

§ internationalization strategies;

§ transnational education;

§ ensuring international quality;

§ regional and interregional cooperation;

§ information and communication technologies and virtual universities;

§ problems of equality and accessibility of education.

The reasons for the emergence of these problems in the context of the globalization process are proposed to be the following characteristic features of today's educational process:

§ applied process of knowledge production;

§ a wide range of interdisciplinary knowledge, the production process of which is achieved by establishing a consensus of specialists in different fields. In modern science, in this regard, the term transdisciplinarity of knowledge has been introduced, which presupposes a clear but flexible framework for managing the process of finding a solution to the problem. It is important to note that these frameworks are created and stored in the context of their application, but are not brought in ready-made;

§ complex and non-linear socio-technical relationships of participants in the creation of knowledge;

§ increasing social responsibility and accountability for the knowledge produced, which is a consequence of the growing participation of social groups in solving global problems;

§ expansion of the base of quality control systems (meaning new criteria that invade the production of knowledge through the context of its application), which implies an increase in internal contradictions between diverse intellectual, social, economic and political interests.

When solving the problems posed, it would be acceptable to first determine the degree and structure of the introduction of the proposed educational innovations. The process of transforming universities into institutions operating on the basis of integrated information networks (which, in essence, is what the globalization of education implies) includes, in addition to the introduction of new technologies, also inevitable changes in mentality. If it is possible to resolve the contradictions between new technologies and existing humanitarian pedagogical principles, as well as neo-humanistic values ​​between different groups of the population, information and communication networks will become the most important zone and tool where the process of constructing the creative abilities of a new social order will take place.

2 . Along with the traditional goals of education, pursuing the training of specialists of a high professional level, the task of forming a post-non-classical, synergetic-evolutionary type of scientific rationality is currently on the agenda. The post-non-classical type of rationality takes into account the correlation of the acquired knowledge about an object not only with the characteristics of the means and operations of the activity, but also with the value-goal and structures. The connection between intrascientific goals and extrascientific, social values ​​and goals is revealed. Modern science requires the inclusion of value parameters in knowledge, since its objects are human-sized systems. Man is no longer outside the world, he is included in it. Moreover, man and the Universe exist in indissoluble conjugacy. Therefore, it is not so much “objective” truths that are valuable, but rather those that are comparable to the direct existence of people.

Achieving this goal in education is the most important prerequisite for creating a new self-organizing environment in which understanding the personal responsibility of each individual for the fate of the whole world becomes a necessary condition for the survival of humanity.

In this interpretation, the basic foundations of the post-non-classical ideal of education, both natural science and humanitarian, become not nature, the world, but a person who cultivates a culture of treating the environment not as a feeding trough that provides a means of subsistence, but as the noosphere - the sphere of reason, synthesizing the biosphere and the human mind as a self-organizing, autopoietic system. This ideal of education carries new meanings, consisting in the practice of self-organization, autopoiesis, self-cultivation of a person, building his own anthropology through the idea of ​​humanity, humanitarianism.

Regardless of the content of education, be it knowledge of the natural sciences or the humanities, in the depths of this knowledge, especially conceptual knowledge, bearing the imprint of the strategy and ideal of thinking, transdisciplinary ideas arise that act as vectors, axes that guide a single integral system of knowledge. These ideas must be the basis of cultural and educational practice. They make it possible to make a self-determination of a person: what a person is, and close it hermeneutically to autopoiesis.

With this approach, the post-non-classical ideal of education cannot be only one profession, a practice that keeps a person within the framework of one profession. The ideal becomes “transfession” - a practice that takes the subject beyond the boundaries of any one profession. The task of education becomes the production of a transfessional - a person who constructs the trajectory of his own education.

Fundamental ideological and methodological ideas that can serve as a stimulus for education include the following ideas: formation, which correlates with the idea of ​​time, self-organization, universal evolutionism and co-evolution of complex systems, integrity, fundamentality, “human dimensionality” of complex systems, the decisive role of man in choice future.

3 . Thanks to the great discoveries of the second half of the 20th century. in the field of natural sciences in the 70s. XX century a new interdisciplinary scientific direction "synergetics" is emerging, which convincingly confirms the commonality of patterns and principles of self-organization of a wide variety of complex macrosystems - physical, chemical, biological, technical, economic, social. The modern scientific picture of the world and the achievements of synergetics open up wide opportunities for modeling educational processes using methods and approaches traditionally applied to the natural and exact sciences.

In forecasts about the prospects for the development of education, one should rely on the principles of complementarity of the natural science methodological tradition and humanitarian ways of knowing.

The specificity of the methodology of interdisciplinary knowledge lies in the primacy of integrative, synthesizing tendencies.

This approach helps to restore holistic ideas about the world, a picture of the world as a single process. Integration of knowledge based on interdisciplinary connections makes it possible to embrace linear connections horizontally and pointwise vertically, to grasp not only the sequence, but also the simultaneity of these connections and to recreate at a new, higher level a holistic vision of any problem, situation, phenomenon in its entirety of versatility, multidimensionality .

The duality of “nature - culture,” which includes all forms of earthly life, is characterized by four main features: archetypal, antithetical, holographic, and cyclical. They reflect the openness of the world and are applicable to all elements of the system: the DNA molecule, the natural world, the technosphere, and the unified cultural field, of which education is a subsystem. This universality is reflected in the fourfold principle of the sages of the Ancient East: “Everything is everything, everything is in everything, everything is always there, everything is everywhere.”

A synergetic approach to education opens up the possibility of self-conscious liberation from the need to judge this or that cultural phenomenon, and in this context, education in accordance with engagement, with a given historical and cultural state of society or one or another established system of scientific criteria.

One of the most important features of modern knowledge is an extensive discussion of fundamental, ideological, philosophical, cognitive and methodological problems, which is a necessary condition for the formation of new ideas in science. Various ways of exploring the world (art, philosophy, science, etc.) provide the opportunity for a multidimensional vision of the problem. That is why today the defining trend of the cognitive process is integration.

Modern education, based on the integration of various methods and various sciences, promotes a holistic understanding of the world and an increase in the creative potential of the individual: the co-evolution of man, nature and society determines the moral principles of harmonization of their coexistence, and in the educational environment - a departure from the subject differentiation of scientific knowledge as a means of teaching effectiveness and searching for optimal ways to integrate knowledge. Differentiated ready-made knowledge forms reproductive thinking. Integration of knowledge is impossible without the use of creative efforts. A synergetic approach to education involves the development of variable models of the educational process and course content, the fundamental principles of which will be integration and creative development of the individual. The method of system analysis fits organically into the synergetic approach to education. The main thing in it is a logically sound study of the problem and the use of appropriate methods for solving it, which can be developed within the framework of other sciences. Systems analysis assumes interdisciplinarity. The scientific picture of the world is recreated using the method of system analysis and is a model based on data from specific sciences about nature and society. System analysis is not only a methodological basis for scientific research and the development of new technical and management solutions. It can be regarded as a toolkit for the rational acquisition of knowledge, comprehension of its nature, methods of memorizing and systematizing it. It helps to comprehend new knowledge. Mastering the skills of systems analysis contributes to the formation of creative thinking, reintegration of information at a new qualitative level with an understanding of systemic connections. One ancient sage argued that an ounce of knowledge is worth a pound of information, and an ounce of understanding is worth a pound of knowledge. Only well-understood knowledge gives a qualitative increase in personality. Speaking about understanding, one should distinguish between logical understanding, which ensures reproductive assimilation of information, and deep understanding, i.e. comprehensive mastery of the subject of reflection, in which “speculation” and creative activity become possible.

4. Comprehension of the unity of the world, nature, man, as well as the disclosure of all cultural and ideological ideas is impossible through one academic subject, which makes obvious the need to establish interdisciplinary, meaningful, logical, functional and other connections between these ideas.

Integration processes in the sphere of socio-cultural life of society support inexhaustible interest in the problems of an interdisciplinary approach, various aspects of which are reflected in the scientific and methodological works of various authors. Scientists associate these aspects with the concepts of “interdisciplinarity,” “complexity,” “integration,” “interaction,” and “interdisciplinary connections.”

Questions of interaction between man and the surrounding world, the interrelation of its multi-component processes have since ancient times found a place in the works of philosophers Democritus, Pythagoras, Plato and others. Thus, for Aristotle, the world around man is that which is known, studied and thanks to which knowledge of the general is achieved.

A significant role in the development of the theory of interdisciplinary approach was played by the works of J. Dewey, Y.A. Comenius, J. Locke, I.G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau. Turning to the philosophical and methodological aspects of the interdisciplinary approach, it should be noted that the leading methodology here is based on the laws of dialectics formulated by Hegel.

The ideas of an interdisciplinary approach are also traced in the didactic works of J. Dewey. The scientist called for the formation of personality through creative comprehension of cultures in historical environments, giving the leading role in education to the sociocultural context and the implementation of the principle of interrelation between theory and practice. A special place in his conceptual vision was occupied by the idea of ​​combining work and learning, which was later repeatedly tested both in the domestic and foreign history of pedagogy.

One of the first large-scale practical experiences of an interdisciplinary approach to teaching was the Soviet labor school, the origins of which were N.K. Krupskaya, A.V. Lunacharsky, A.S. Makarenko, S.T. Shatsky and others. In the Soviet school, interdisciplinary connections were used to connect learning with life, with the productive work of students.

R. Steiner, the founder of the Waldorf school, also discussed the need for interdisciplinarity and multidimensionality in education. An interdisciplinary approach is used in the study of all subjects, taking into account the age characteristics of children, which helped them not only in mastering knowledge of individual areas, but also in the ability to independently establish complex connections between phenomena.

The founders of the French Annales school (New Historical Science) M. Bloch, L. Febvre, F. Braudel and others insisted on eliminating barriers between different spheres of intellectual work, calling on specialists to use the experience of related scientific disciplines.

An analysis of the literature shows that interdisciplinarity in education has been widely written since the early 50s of the 20th century. A significant stage in the development of an interdisciplinary approach is the ideas considered in studies of human psychophysiology, which reflect the interdependence of human mental and practical activity. Thus, research by B.G. Ananyev convincingly prove that human activity aimed at cognition and transformation of an object is the basis for the formation of logical connections and relationships of his consciousness. In his works M.N. Skatkin, G.S. Kostyuk, V.V. Davydov show that leading ideological ideas play an organizing role in the study of educational material.

In the 60s The 20th century saw the development of research in the field of interdisciplinary connections. Interdisciplinary connections were considered as a didactic means of increasing the efficiency of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities (G.I. Baturina); as a condition for the development of cognitive activity and independence of students in educational activities, the formation of their cognitive interests (V.N. Maksimova).

During the 70s, the problem of an interdisciplinary approach to teaching became one of the central ones in didactics, and in the works of the 80s, another aspect of the problem was highlighted, where special attention was paid to the educational potential of interdisciplinarity (G.I. Belenky, I.D. Zverev , V.M. Korotov).

Today, interest in the problem of implementing an interdisciplinary approach in education continues. Analysis of the history of the interdisciplinary approach in education allows us to identify three main stages of its formation and development:

Use of comprehensive training programs;

Theoretical development of interdisciplinary connections;

Practice of interdisciplinary integration.

The idea of ​​interdisciplinarity acquires a special context in the light of the competency-based approach to education, the main goal of which is to master a set of competencies. This does not mean abandoning the disciplinary acquisition of knowledge, but saturating it with methods of interdisciplinary presentation of educational material that form interdisciplinary thinking. Therefore, today, when there is a transformation of social relations, the improvement of information technology, the expansion of multifunctional labor, the expansion of multifunctional knowledge, skills, methods of mental action and their application in new life situations, we should talk about the transition to a new stage - the stage of development and implementation of interdisciplinary ideas approach in a competency-based format.

5. A strategically important direction in the development of education is its informatization. It is a necessary condition for solving the most important problems of the education system - its fundamentalization, increasing accessibility for the general population, giving education a proactive character in order to timely prepare people for the conditions of life and activity in the new information environment.

Considering the current state and prospects for the development of the process of informatization of education, we can highlight two main directions for the development of this process:

Instrumental and technological direction, which includes the tasks of using new capabilities of computer science and information technologies to improve the efficiency of the education system;

In turn, as part of the instrumental and technological direction, we will highlight the following four major tasks:

The use of computer science and information technology as a highly effective pedagogical tool that allows obtaining a new quality of the educational process with less effort and time for both teachers and students. This direction of informatization of education is sometimes called pedagogical informatics.

Information support of the educational process with the necessary databases and knowledge stored in automated information systems, electronic and regular libraries, archives, funds and other sources of information.

Informatization of management of the education system by federal, regional, departmental or intra-company bodies, which aims to make this management more efficient.

Development of systems and means of distance education, ensuring increased availability of quality education for remote users and the possibility of improving their qualifications on the job. The main types of distance education technologies are:

Case technologies, when a student is given a portfolio with a complete set of educational materials for each discipline. In this case, both regular teaching aids and their electronic versions on CD-ROM, audio, video cassettes, as well as in the form of multimedia computer programs are used;

Network technologies implemented via the Internet or regional telecommunication networks;

Television technologies implemented through a satellite television system

The problem of informatization of education today can no longer be considered only as an instrumental-technological one, and even more so as a problem of saturating the education sector with computer science tools and creating pedagogical tools based on them. Today it is necessary to change the goals of education, to ensure its fundamentally new orientation towards the conditions and problems of the information society

§ Training of specialists for professional activities in the information sphere of society who are proficient in new information technologies.

§ Formation of a new information culture in society.

§ Fundamentalization of education due to its significantly greater information orientation and the study of the fundamental principles of computer science.

§ Formation of a new information worldview among people.

6. Science as a social institution develops and functions not only in the form of formally organized structures: a scientific group, laboratory, sector, department, department or institute, but also in the form of informal organizations, which, first of all, should include scientific schools.

A scientific school is a team of researchers integrated with a single program and a common style of thinking, headed, as a rule, by a well-known and recognized scientist who performs the functions of a leader and generator of ideas in this team. A scientific school is a community of scientists of different statuses, competencies, specializations, united by the leader of the school. Each member of the school contributes to the implementation and development of the research program, and also advocates for the goals and results of his school.

If we characterize a scientific school in detail, then it means an association of scientists characterized by the following functions: research, scientific-educational, broadcasting.

Schools in science are a necessary, permanent factor in its development (although there were and are discoveries made on the basis of individual research programs, that is, outside scientific schools: in particular, M. Planck and A. Einstein achieved outstanding results in science in solitude). Scientific schools arose at the stage of transition of science from individual forms of labor to collective ones.

A scientific school is a special phenomenon that differs from other scientific associations (department, scientific organization, scientific community). It cannot exist without a teacher, students, a common problem (an object of joint activity). In the scientific school, all three aspects of scientific activity (logical-rational, personal-psychological, social-psychological) are presented in a concentrated form.

The emergence of a scientific school occurs in different ways: a) it can occur within an already established scientific discipline as the emergence of a new idea; b) at the intersection of scientific disciplines in the form of solving an interdisciplinary problem; c) finally, as the formation of a completely new scientific direction.

Scientific schools differ in their forms of functioning; by the name of the teacher, by the name of the area.

There is a division of scientific schools into classical and modern. The first include research centers that emerged in the 19th century on the basis of the largest European universities, which, along with educational tasks, also solved problems in the scientific sphere. The second type of scientific schools appeared already in the twentieth century, when targeted scientific programs were formed, acting as a social order, and their implementation was determined not so much by the role and influence of the scientific leader of the school, but by the basic research goals.

The characteristic features of modern scientific schools are:

– their education not on the basis of higher educational institutions, but on the basis of research institutes of the corresponding profile (that is why a modern scientific school is called a disciplinary scientific school), provided that there is a close connection between the latter and the corresponding higher educational institutions;

– transition to the problematic principle of organizing scientific research. The fact is that in modern science there is differentiation not only in research areas, but also in the problems being solved. The unification of scientists around the problem being solved makes it possible to synthesize research processes that are separated in time by putting forward common goals and objectives;

– short lifespan compared to classical schools: today the nature of the problems being studied is so complex and multi-vector that it is impossible for one leader to go into the intricacies and details of the work of his students for a long time.

Like any education, schools not only emerge, but also disintegrate. This happens after the research program, the idea on which the school is built, has exhausted itself.

7. Recent decades have been characterized by active processes of reforming the main institution in society - education in the context of the humanistic paradigm. We can conclude that “education reform” is synonymous with the concept of “humanization of education.” “In fact, the concept of “humanization of education” helps to clearly capture the values ​​demanded by society in the formation of the younger generation, changes in the field of education itself in accordance with the humanistic values ​​of society, and focus attention on the process of development of a modern school.

One of the directions of the strategy for reforming the higher education system is fundamentalization education, which involves: the creation of large educational complexes, the basis of which should be universities, the orientation of education towards a synthetic perception (study of the laws) of nature, society, and man; orientation towards universal higher education (improving the quality of education and the level of education of people ).

Informatization education involves instrumental and technological (use of computer science and information technologies in the educational process); content (formation of new content of the educational process); formation of a new information culture, a new information worldview.

Democratization education involves increasing the availability of quality education for all segments of the population.

Humanization education provides for the creation of a system of state support during the period of education for persons less socially protected. The entire education system (goals, content, methods, forms, technologies) is characterized by an ethical and humanistic orientation.

Continuity education presupposes the education of a person, the improvement and self-improvement of the individual throughout life, the constant confirmation and renewal of professionalism.

Anticipation education means the orientation of education towards new conditions for the (future) development of the entire world community.

Innovation education involves the widespread use of innovative technologies in the holistic educational process, the formation of a new “innovative product” and the formation of innovative thinking.

The next direction of education reform is building a new methodology education focused on understanding the integrity of the surrounding world, consistency in the perception of the world of science.

Formation of dynamic integrity educational system means entering the global educational space; interdisciplinary communication; unity of training, education and development; unity of the form of presentation of knowledge and content of education; etc. .

Technologization education involves the use of computer science and information technologies in the educational process, education management system (electronic libraries, educational computer programs, electronic textbooks, etc.), the development of systems and means of distance education (case technologies, network and television, etc.)

8. The quality of education should be considered as a social and pedagogical category. In social terms, we are talking about the state and effectiveness, determined by indicators of compliance of education with the needs and expectations of society (the state and various social groups) in achieving social competence, developing civic, professional and personal qualities.

From a pedagogical point of view, the quality of education is determined by a set of indicators that characterize various aspects of the educational activities of an educational institution, which create conditions for successful socialization and identification of an individual, his professionalization. This concerns the goals, content of education, forms and methods of training, provision of appropriate material and technical base and professional personnel.

Unfortunately, quantitative indicators have mainly been and continue to be used to assess the quality of education. And although in the 70-80s. In the twentieth century, the problem of scientific and pedagogical monitoring of the quality of education was raised, but “things are still there.” The most primitive didactic system for assessing the success of students from the first grade of school to the state exam at a university (lottery success or failure) continues to exist - marking. And the number of excellent and good marks is still passed off as the quality of education. There is a special problem of pedagogical and social relationship here: didactic primitivism gives rise to social terrorism.

Despite all the absurdity of the quantitative growth of indicators and their replacement of quality, they were relatively adequate to the educational paradigm that existed at that time, centered on knowledge (cognitive-oriented educational model, ZUN, Knowledge, Abilities, Skills), which increasingly came into conflict with life, costs of education, both government and personal efforts of schoolchildren and students.

But if we agree with the statement that currently the total amount of knowledge doubles on average in ten years (in Lomonosov’s time in 150 years), 30% of the knowledge acquired in university education becomes obsolete immediately upon completion of training, then pedagogical the idea of ​​“continuity of education throughout a person’s life.” This is emphasized in the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation. There is a large reserve here for modernizing education by mastering a new model - personal development and socially oriented.

The ongoing change in the educational paradigm is due to sociocultural transformations caused by post-industrial, information culture, which is replete with sources of information and requires students to have the ability and desire to obtain it, and not to receive it in ready-made form, and the ability to use it creatively. To teach to learn with passion, to communicate tolerantly, to work creatively and to live with dignity - this is the meaning and purpose of education. This is its quality, which is quite easy to track in an individual student and in a teacher, as well as in society. Education built on the principles of universality, integrativeness, humanity, communicativeness and continuity through meta-subjectivity, dialogicality, problematicity, continuity, complementarity, openness, creativity, personal self-actualization and self-sufficiency of the student and teacher will create the necessary and sufficient psychological and pedagogical conditions for educating a person who knows how to live in unity with nature and society, adapt to them, accept them as true values. At the same time, adaptation (adjustment, adjustment) to life does not mean assimilation (dissolution in others); it not only does not exclude, but presupposes the development of individuality, the acquisition of identity properties (being oneself).

Regarding the problem of managing the quality of education, it is necessary to immediately say that a simplified understanding of education as a service is inadmissible, firstly, and, secondly, transferring a model for business and production to the education system. Therefore, we are talking about criteria that are in tune with the spirit of the new educational paradigm and the development of a quality management system based on its planning, achievement, monitoring and timely correction of the process.

9. The traditional system for assessing student knowledge, which has extensive experience in monitoring learning outcomes, due to its organizational and technological features cannot ensure the satisfaction of these needs of society. Its results cannot be used to obtain objective quantitative and qualitative indicators that allow managing the quality of education. The emergence of the concept of “monitoring” is associated with the formation and development of the information society, which needed objective and subjective information about the status of certain objects and structures. The educational system turned out to be too complex and multifaceted for it to be possible to immediately create a system that would allow us to objectively judge the state of affairs.

Today, most countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including Russia, have developed a policy framework for monitoring and evaluating educational activities as part of the global reform of their countries' education systems. These countries have begun to define norms (standards) when developing training programs, which is an important stage in national policies in the field of education and quality control as an integral part. These norms (standards) are a necessary basis for determining the goals of education, creating a unified pedagogical space in the country, which will ensure a uniform level of general education received by young people in different types of educational institutions.

However, in general, Russia has not yet taken the necessary measures to create a regular system for assessing the performance of educational institutions and the education system as a whole. It should be noted that there is a fundamental contradiction in this area: on the one hand, the autonomy of educational institutions and teaching staff from the state in determining educational programs is significantly expanding, and on the other hand, the autonomy of educational institutions and teachers may conflict with the systematic process of evaluating results their activities by the state.

The successes of the new education policy are related to the socio-economic processes occurring in society. Indeed, openness, sharing of responsibilities, the right to diversity and the matching of supply to needs are principles that must first be introduced and implemented in the political and economic sectors in order to then be applied in the field of education.

A comprehensive characteristic of education is quality, which expresses the degree of its compliance with federal state educational standards and federal state requirements (educational standards and requirements established by universities) and (or) the needs of the customer of educational services, social and personal expectations of a person.

At assessing the quality of education The following provisions should be highlighted:

    • Quality assessment is not limited to testing students' knowledge (although this remains one of the indicators of the quality of education).
    • Assessment of the quality of education is carried out comprehensively, considering the educational institution in all areas of its activities. Quality assurance, or quality management, addressed primarily through the use of quality monitoring, means the step-by-step monitoring of the process of obtaining a product to ensure that each of the production stages is being performed optimally, which, in turn, theoretically prevents the output of low-quality products.

Monitoring the quality of education can be carried out directly in the educational institution (self-certification, internal monitoring) or through a service external to the educational institution, approved, as a rule, by government bodies (external monitoring)

When forming educational standards, it is advisable to be guided by a pluralistic vision of the content and purpose of the standards (both standards of educational content and standards of the final result achieved by students). Standards related to the conditions ensuring the successful implementation of standards are defined as standards for ensuring the “process” of education. An example of such standards is the availability of the required number of textbooks and qualified teachers, appropriate material and technical support for the educational process, etc.

Thus, education is supposed to be assessed as a result and process of the activities of each educational institution, both from the side of monitoring the level of knowledge and skills of students (simultaneously by the teaching staff and external government bodies), and from the side of monitoring and evaluating the activities of teachers

Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline:

Main literature:

1. Baturin V.K. Sociology of education. Tutorial. Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Center “Professional Textbook” as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2012. – 192 p.

2. Yasnitsky L.N., Danilevich T.V. Modern problems of science. Tutorial. Recommended by the NMS in Mathematics and Mechanics of the UMO for classical university education in the Russian Federation as a teaching aid for students of higher educational institutions - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012. – 295 p.

Additional literature:

1. Analysis of global trends in the development of scientific and educational activities: analytical review. - Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. University, 2006. - 136 p.

2. Belyakov S.A. Modernization of education in Russia: improving management: [monograph]. - M.: MAKS Press, 2009. - 438 p.

3. Voitov V.A. Unexpected scientific and technical problems of the modern stage of scientific and technological progress // Social sciences and modernity. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 144-154.

4. Gretchenko A.I., Gretchenko A.A. Bologna process: integration of Russia into the European and world educational space. – M.: KNORUS, 2009.

5. Kuptsov V.I. Education, science, worldview and global challenges of the 21st century. – St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2009.

6. Science in Russia: current state and revival strategy. - M.: Logos, 2004. - 380 p.

7. Science in the context of globalization / Edited by Allahverdyan A.G. Semenova N.N., Yurevich A.V. - M.: Logos, 2009. – 517 p.

8. Salmi J. Creating world-class universities. – M: publishing house “The Whole World”, 2009.

9. Synergetic paradigm: synergetics of education. - M.: Progress-Tradition, 2007. - 592 p.

10. Shpakovskaya L.L. Higher education policy in Europe and Russia. – St. Petersburg: Norma, 2007.

11. Yurevich, A.V. Science in modern Russian society. - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010. - 335 p.

Software and Internet resources:

1. Electronic pedagogical library. Electronic pedagogical library. The site contains the library itself, a news feed on pedagogy, legislative materials in the field of education and family upbringing, and a short psychological dictionary.

2. http://www.internt - Internet library. On the site you can find books, articles, dictionaries on pedagogy; materials on teaching practice, scientific methodology, educational theory

3. Institute of content and teaching methods of the Russian Academy of Education.

4. methodology. Website of the Moscow Methodological Corporation. The website contains information about conferences and seminars of the network of thought-activity pedagogy; regulations on the Tournament of Abilities for junior schoolchildren and tasks of the tournaments; publications on the problems of thought-activity pedagogy; information about other MMK projects.

5. researched around the world. International scientific pedagogical Internet journal with a depository library under the patronage of the State Scientific Pedagogical Library named after. K.D. Ushinsky Russian Academy of Education. The online journal with a library “Education: Researched in the World” (“”, “OIM”) exists only in electronic form and consists of the journal itself and the library attached to it. The journal and its library are a single database of full-text documents (a depository of small and large format texts), united by the name (of the journal), its direction, a single editorial board and its principles.

6. http://www.aboutstudy.ruTraining. ru: educational portal.

7. education. Scientific and practical journal on information technologies in education. On the website you can find out about the latest issue of the journal (individual articles are available in electronic form); information about conferences, seminars and exhibitions on IT; get acquainted with the list of IT magazines and information about IT on the Internet.

8. Federal target program “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia” for 2009-2013. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2008 N 568.

9. Strategy for the development of science and innovation in the Russian Federation for the period until 2015 // Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

10. website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

11. Modern problems of science and education. Electronic scientific publication (journal)

The scientific literature contains many formulations of the concept “system”. In this case, there are two main approaches to its formation:

  • 1) an indication of its integrity as an essential feature of any system;
  • 2) understanding the system as a set of elements along with the relationships between them.

A subsystem is understood as “a purposeful integrity of interconnected elements, having new integrative properties that are absent in each of them, associated with the external environment.”

In the specialized literature (V.G. Afanasyev, P.K. Anokhin, N.V. Kuzmina, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, V.A. Yakunin, etc.) it is noted that any system has: goals, objectives, functions, signs, structure, attributes, relationships or interactions, the presence of two or more types of communication (direct and reverse), levels of hierarchy.

Among the many types of social systems, pedagogical systems are distinguished. According to their characteristics, pedagogical systems are real (by origin), social (by substance), complex (by level of complexity), open (by the nature of interaction with the external environment), dynamic (by variability), probabilistic (by the method of determination), purposeful (based on the presence of goals), self-governing (based on controllability) character. Provided they are purposeful and dynamic, they still have developing properties, which is manifested in their constant variability. Pedagogical systems are open because information processes occur between them and the surrounding reality.

Many prominent scientists have devoted their works to a systems approach, in which such a phenomenon as the pedagogical system is considered to varying degrees of completeness. Various authors give the following formulations of the concept “system”:

  • 1) a set of interconnected components that make up a certain whole in its structure and functioning (S.I. Arkhangelsky);
  • 2) a certain community of elements functioning according to its inherent goals (Yu.K. Babansky);
  • 3) an ordered set of interconnected elements, identified on the basis of certain characteristics, united by a common goal of functioning and unity of control and acting in interaction with the environment as an integral unity (T.A. Ilyina). The educational process, means, methods, and organizational forms of teaching are considered as a pedagogical system;
  • 4) any process taking place under certain conditions, in combination with these conditions (V.P. Bespalko). Systems in which pedagogical processes take place are defined as pedagogical systems that have certain elements or objects and their relationships or structures and functions. The system can be a university, technical school, etc., which includes administrative, economic, and other subsystems. But the leading element in them is the pedagogical subsystem, which is also a system. The pedagogical system, like any other system, has its own structure (didactic task, teaching technology, public and state order, subjects of the educational process). Also, a pedagogical system is understood as a certain set of interrelated means, methods, processes necessary to create an organized, purposeful and deliberate pedagogical influence on the formation of a personality with given qualities.

The pedagogical system is “a socially determined integrity of participants in the pedagogical process interacting on the basis of cooperation between themselves, the environment and its spiritual and material values, aimed at the formation and development of personality.” This is “a relatively stable set of elements, an organizational connection of people, their spheres of action, the order of performing functions, spatio-temporal connections, relationships, methods of interaction and structure of activity in the interests of achieving certain educational goals and results, solving planned cultural and developmental tasks of education and human learning."

An educational institution is considered as a complex socio-pedagogical system, i.e., as a set of interconnected elements. It contains a wide variety of educational systems. Thus, the holistic pedagogical (educational) process is a system. The learning process, being a subsystem of the holistic educational process, is also considered as an educational system. An educational lesson is a subsystem of the learning process and, in turn, is a complex educational system.

Each individual pedagogical system (in particular, a university as an educational system) is complex because it itself has subsystems in the form of groups, classes, etc., but this system itself is included as a subsystem in the education system.

A relatively closed pedagogical system is characterized by a clearly defined internal structure, often hierarchical; it is built according to certain rules, and the individual is subordinate to the group in it. On the contrary, an open pedagogical system is characterized by a high degree of individualism and a minimum desire of team members to maintain both internal and external boundaries.

The functioning, development and self-development of the educational process as a pedagogical system is the main condition for its existence.

Development and self-development are basically a real means of functioning, that is, in a broad sense, a consequence of purposeful activity. For example, the development of any person is a consequence of his activities and communication. Any educational system is created with the goal of ensuring the development of growth and qualitative change in students, primarily based on their interactions with the teacher, with each other, with the textbook, with the computer, and so on.

It is known that the elements of any pedagogical system can be systems of lower orders. The educational process as a system is characterized by the presence of relationships between its objects and between their properties.

The structure, or organization, of a system is the most important condition for its existence and an equally necessary feature. This provision relates most directly to the educational process as a pedagogical system, since it makes no sense at all to talk about its existence without the interaction of real people, in the real conditions of a secondary educational institution, classes and the like.

The educational process as a system has specific goals, functions and properties that differ from the goals, functions and properties of its constituent objects, relationships and attributes. The objects of any system are simply its parts, components, and attributes are the properties of system objects. Relationships are what unites the system into one whole; in our case, it is the interaction of subjects of the educational process as a whole.

The presence of two or more types of communication is also the most important feature, characteristic, and condition for the existence of the educational process as an active system.

Integrity is the most important condition for the existence of the educational process as a pedagogical system, its main property and main feature. Violation of integrity leads to the collapse of the overall activity of the system as such. The property of integrity determines the interconnection, mutual influence, and mutual development of all components and system-forming factors of the pedagogical system as a whole.

Thus, the educational process, as an active system, is constantly in continuous development, possessing a colossal ability to improve, provided there is a clear, scientific organization of its management, and vice versa, it shows a tendency to degradation in the absence or poor organization of management of this process. In principle, no person can be taught anything unless he wants to. Managing the cognitive and self-educational process means, first of all, directing, helping, correcting on the basis of clear planning of the organization and control of the process as a whole.

information educational system personality

MODUL 1. T E M A 1
D O Ts., K. P. N. SHAT OKH I N A I. V.



Vorobyova S.V. Management Basics
educational systems: textbook. allowance.
for students higher textbook institutions / S.V. Vorobyova.
– M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. – 208
With. - With. 21-24, 84-94.

A system (in a general theoretical aspect) is something
a whole that is a unity
located and interconnected
parts (S.I.Ozhegov)
Educational system - any special
organized system designed for
inclusion of a person in culture (past,
present and future) in order to
to form a certain readiness for action,
establish mechanisms of orientation, adaptation,
motivation, communication, production
cultural values. (S.V. Vorobyova)

Types of educational systems:

Education systems in
national scale (system
education of the Russian Federation; regional education system
(subject of the Russian Federation); municipal system
System (set) of educational
Educational organization as a system.

Question 2. Education systems on a national scale.

Components of the Russian education system:
educational standards and
educational programs
various levels and
Network of educational
organizations of various
organizational and legal forms,
types and types

Functions of state educational standards:

Act as government mechanisms
providing guarantees for education for
all students (regardless of what
program and what type of schools they are in
are being trained).
Ensure the integrity of the educational
spaces within the Russian Federation.
Describe the requirements for results,
content and structure of educational
programs and conditions for implementing the standard
(three T)

Current educational standards at the school:

Federal State

primary general education,
Federal State
educational standard (FSES)
basic general education, 2013

Educational program (EOP) –
normative document defining
content of education of a certain
level and focus.
Types of OOP:
General education

General educational educational programs:

Preschool education programs;
Primary general education programs;
Basic general education programs;

Contents of OOP
Basic requirements for the results of mastering OOP:
subject, meta-subject and personal.
Contents of education:
- syllabus
- academic discipline programs
spiritual and moral
education of students
- Program for creating a culture of healthy and
safe lifestyle
- Corrective work program
- extracurricular work programs
Technologies, methods and techniques of training and education
Forms of training and education, regime conditions
implementation of OOP.
A set of diagnostics (didactic, socio-pedagogical, psychological, etc.).
Basic requirements for the conditions for implementing OOP.

Question 3. The system of educational organizations in modern Russia


Question 3. Educational organization as a system

schools like

The structure of the school as a system

structure component
structure components
Target block
(mission and purpose
programs (classes,
groups, circles and
- School services
school management
school council).
- Administration
- Pedagogical
Learning processes
on individual subjects.
Learning processes
by subject cycles.
Learning processes
by class.
Learning processes
by parallels.
Learning processes
by school level.
Learning processes
by shift.
Education process

School mission – accepted
collectively and in
destination decision

Mission Statement Example
We will provide the best
education for all students,
we will support
professional growth of teachers and
promote development
communities of teachers, parents and

The purpose of the school is
projected educational
results sought
school, the achievement of which
planned for a certain
long enough
a period of time.

component of school activities):
achievability (=reality);
specificity (expressed in the fact that the wording
contain an indication of the time frame for achieving the predicted

An example of a school goal statement:
By….year (in five years) create conditions for
achieving 80% of the planned school students
qualifications and retraining of 60% of teachers
schools; involving 40% of parents in activities
on organizing students' leisure time during extracurricular activities
school environment.

The relationship between the mission and goals of the school

We will provide the best By….year (in five years)
education for all
create conditions for
achievement of 80% of students
schools planned
we will support
professional growth
advanced training and
retraining of 60% of teachers
and promote development
communities of teachers,
parents and students
involving 40% of parents in
organizing activities
leisure time for students
extracurricular environment at school.

Question 5.
- a single goal-oriented process
education and training, which is a social
significant benefit and carried out in the interests of
person, family, society and state, as well as
the totality of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities,
values, experience and
competencies of a certain scope and complexity for the purposes
intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative,
physical and (or) professional development
person, satisfying his educational
needs and interests (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in
Russian Federation", 2013).

Educational process as a system
educational process as a target,
substantive, procedural component
diagnostic (resultative) component.

Educational process as a system

methods, forms,
education and
his organization

Developmental education as a process


outdated - public education, one of the main. social institutions, the most important sphere of personality development, a historically established national education system institutions and their governing bodies, acting in the interests of educating younger generations and preparing them for independence. life and prof. activities, as well as satisfaction of the individual, educated. needs. Covers institutions of preschool education, general education, prof. (primary or vocational-technical secondary). and higher uch. establishments, various Prof. forms training, retraining and advanced training of workers, extracurricular and cultural education. institutions.

The prototype of the school system can be seen in Wed. centuries as a hierarchy of religions. schools (in Western Europe - monastery, cathedral and cathedral schools). Available to ordinary European laymen. parochial schools pursued religious goals. nurturing and maintaining the unity of faith. Ch. the unit of socialization was the family: here the child received basic education. information about the world around him, assimilated a certain set of social roles predetermined by class origin, received practical prof. skills.

In modern times, with the expansion of the individual's social connections, the insufficiency of family forms of socialization and narrowly functional education has become apparent, as well as the need to create special societies, a mechanism for general education. and prof. training of relevant age groups of the population. Previous forms of socialization could not solve such a problem.

One of the decisive factors in the formation of education. systems there was a transition from religious-class to national-state. form of organization of societies, life. S. o. is most closely connected with industrialization and the further development of technology. progress. In the history of S. o. industrial stages played a special role. revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, tech. revolution at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. and modern scientific-technical revolution (from the mid-20th century). From the point of view of obligations. general education training received by the basic mass of the population, these are the stages of universal literacy, universal incomplete education. education and mass media education.

Spreading literacy in the general state. scale became possible with the creation of a wide network of people. schools, education in which was legally declared universal and compulsory (see Universal education). Such schools either immediately became the object of the state. management, or were created as municipal (community) ones. and church ones, which were under the state. control. In general, the implementation of universal education and the formation of social education. represented a long process that developed over time. countries at different rates and spanned the period 16-19 centuries. The first mandatory level is beginning. training, i.e. mastering literacy and simple labor skills became the first criterion for determining the content of the concept “nar. education": it is often associated precisely with the system of education, with the sphere of mass education. general education schools.

At the same time, in the 18-19 centuries. in S. o. means more and more. Qualification training and prof. occupied a special place. education. These functions, previously concentrated in forms of apprenticeship directly at production, began to be taken over by specialists. uch. establishments - prof. schools, colleges, etc. Although the main Some of these schools were created by entrepreneurs, the formation of a network of professional and technical. uch. institutions - an important stage in the development of the entire social system. generally.

Processes of becoming a citizen. society, the complication of social production and its organization were characterized by an expansion of the scope of occupations related to spiritual activity and the growing scale of complex and intellectual work. This growing process of societies, division of labor and separation of various. new areas of activity caused the emergence of new professions and specialties, required differentiation of both general and professional. types of education. At the same time, previously “non-mass” types of education turned into mass ones. Associated with this differentiation is the division of cf. schools for the humanities (classical). and real (from the 17th century). profiles, formation of a team of specialists. prof. uch. institutions (from the 18th century), separation of natural sciences. and tech. directions to higher education school (18-19 centuries). The processes of societies and the division of labor determined the sequence of cycles and the substantive continuity of levels of education in general and prof. education: primary, incomplete secondary, secondary and higher. The nature of the training of workers, which means. and orientation of the student. institutions were not limited to the needs of the economy, although that means. degrees and depended on them. For the development of S. o. influenced by socio-political, cultural, historical, military and other factors. For these reasons, even within the framework of one country it turns out to be difficult to single out as a separate c.-l. stage of development of S. o. Even in the development of basic school In compulsory education, there has been a long-term tendency to divide education at one level into options, most often into improved (“urban”) ones. and deteriorated (“rural”). Capitalism has developed and complicated social differentiation in society. Receiving Wed. and higher education has become a factor in social career.

Since the sphere of intellectual work and management was the sphere of activity of socially privileged layers of society, the path to the so-called. elective student institutions were constantly complicated by differences. forms will complement selection designed to guarantee a certain elitism of the student. institutions and the stability of their contingent.

From the 18th century Ch. engine in the development of S. o. became the interest of the state. Starting with the organization of elementary education, the state then subordinated other parts of the school to itself. systems. In the 19th century Nationalization affected general education to the greatest extent. school, in the 20th century. - the highest. Consolidation of general education school became an important milestone in the development of the school system: schools were developed. legislation, unified schools statutes, teaching plans, etc.; mass training of teachers for various schools began. level. In the conditions of the emerging civil society. society, through the efforts of the state, the orientation of the social system radically changed; The content and nature of education acquired a secular orientation, although this did not rid the school of religions. influence. State the school became ch. arr. interfaith.

Means. the state's attention to S. o. was also determined politically and ideologically. reasons; The authorities were looking for ways to increase the influence of officials. ideology to the masses, including through S. o.

Creatures, an aspect of the organization of S. o. according to bourgeois the type was national. The era of the formation of capitalism. way of life is also the period of formation of the modern one. nations, strengthening and development of national. cultures, national self-awareness. Under these conditions, S. o. became a mass channel for educating the intelligentsia, developing the national culture. In the mononational state government, this process most often proceeded without complications. In multi-gonac. monarchic state-wah (Austria-Hungary, Russia). centralized S. o. became a dangerous tool for the assimilation of oppressed nations, an obstacle to the development of other peoples and nationalities. crops Specific The state played an important role in the organization of the S. o. in the USA, where its tasks were determined not only by the rapid development of agriculture, but also by the need for ideological. and cultural cohesion diff. national flows to the US nation. This circumstance determined the high rate of development of S. o. in the USA and that means. the proportion of subsystems in it cf. and higher education. At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. in terms of youth coverage avg. school S. o. The USA was far ahead of other countries. In terms of budgetary spending on education, the United States was also far ahead. In the future, these circumstances ensured that. The superiority of the United States in the level of education of the population, in certain industries - in qualifications. personnel structure and influenced technology. “separation” of the USA from Western Europe. countries

One of the chapters. problems of organizing S. o. performed at 7 p.m. 20th centuries accessibility of education institutions for various categories of the population. Under the influence of economics. factors and as a result of the long struggle for social rights in S. o. entered Wed. and higher, as well as vocational-technical. women's education and adult education and skills development. Organic part of the S. o. gradually became doshk. upbringing. Self-sufficient. branches were recognized as general education. and prof. preparation, education of children with physical disabilities. and mental development. The organization of special education for gifted children, etc. Inclusion and integration of these elements into the system of education. in decomposition countries occurred unevenly.

Cultural transformations that began in Russia after the collapse of the autocracy and continued after the establishment of the Soviet Union. authorities were hampered by a difficult legacy: mass illiteracy of the population, undeveloped social education, in which even the beginning. The training covered only approx. 20% of school children age. The introduction of free all types of education, financial assistance to students, the creation of a social system. on the principles of a unified school, education in the native language of students, concentration of state. and societies, funds for the development of the school network and meeting its needs made it possible in the shortest possible time. deadline to eliminate illiteracy, introduce universal education and set the task of transition to universal education. youth education. According to him, the ease and speed of achieving mass school literacy have, however, given rise to illusions about the possibilities of solving all problems at higher levels of general and professional education. education.

A characteristic feature of the scientific and technological revolution period was the steady expansion of the scope of education. Back in the 1st half. 20th century mass avg. education has ceased to be a problem, everyone who can.n. wants to study, get avg. education. School policymakers have come to the conclusion that the previous dualism of the school system has become an anachronism and needs to be transformed. Since the 60s in Western Europe countries are introducing new types of schools for students Wed. age groups (united schools in Great Britain, colleges in France, etc.), in which division into streams is carried out before graduation to the senior level, cf. school, and not after graduation. schools. The opportunity to receive general education within the school, taking into account the prof. students' self-determination activates learning and orients it towards specific education. and social status parameters. Creatures, the moment of organization of S. o. became introduced in some countries (in the late 60s). obligatory prof. training for persons not continuing their education.

Means. The sphere of higher education has expanded significantly. schools: in the 80s continued their studies at universities in St. 45% of school graduates from the USA, 38% from Japan, 25% from France, 19% from Germany. The share of scientists has increased. workers trained in universities. This area is given special attention in the context of scientific and technological revolution.

At the same time, the growth of the network will form. institutions is fraught with the danger of a decline in the quality of education and the accompanying “devaluation of cf. and higher education". The quality of education is negatively affected by the high level of unemployment among school and even university graduates.

Basic problems of S. o. in Asia, Africa and Latvia. America in the 60s - early. 80s were the spread of mass literacy and the creation of a social organization structure that met the tasks of the national. economy. In most Asian countries, early. training was declared compulsory and free, but in the 1st half. 80s there were 9 states where no official was accepted. laws on obligatory beginning training. Coverage of school-age children (5-13 years old). training ranged from 100% in Iraq, Jordan, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. to 40% in Pakistan. In most countries, laws on universal education are not implemented due to the financial difficulties of students' families, which means. dropouts and repetitions. The quality of education remained low during the transition to Wed. For many students, exams become an insurmountable barrier. Highest student enrollment avg. schools were in South. Korea (over 80% in the early 80s); in other countries - from 60% (Philippines, etc.). up to 5% (Yemen Arab Republic). Along with the state Wed uch. establishments existed, that means. number of private ones with high tuition fees. Wed. School in most countries is multi-level, which makes it difficult for students to get a full sr. education. Means. reached prof. education, however, the needs of most countries in qualified. frames are not covered. The highest development has reached the highest level. school in India, the success of universities in the South is noticeable. Korea and Thailand. In most states in Lat. America carried out (since the 60s). reforms in the structure of schools: a basic cycle of education was introduced (from 5 to 8-9 years, combining primary school and the first cycle of secondary school), recognized as mandatory in a number of countries. On this basis, professional institutions build their work. education and 2nd stage Wed. schools, the region prepares university applicants. Widespread professionalization cf. schools contributed to the provision of personnel for the economy and involvement in studies means. youth contingents. The increase in the number of university students is high, but higher. The school does not fully solve the problem of providing many specialists. industries, especially engineering. personnel.

In the beginning. 80s illiteracy of the population of African countries (age 15 years older). ranged from 30 to 95%, initial coverage. training - from 13 to 100%. Despite the meaning. increase in the number of school students, development of early and especially cf. education lags behind the demographic rate. growth. The differences in S.'s development are significant. in decomposition afr. countries. The organization of profs remains an acute problem for most countries. and higher education, especially the training of teaching staff for the beginning. and Wed schools

Historically, three management systems have developed: centralized, decentralized, and mixed. Centralized management is carried out in France, Italy, Belgium, and the countries of Latvia. America. At the head of such a S. o. costs states, the body is most often the Ministry of Education. The state publishes the textbook. programs, instructions, approves uniform requirements for obtaining educational documents. Centralization of S. o. in one department was undoubtedly a progressive phenomenon, however, with the expansion of such S. o. growth is inevitable center, control apparatus. Hypertrophied centralization fetters the initiative of school employees. institutions and regional administration, makes it difficult to find ways to improve education. process, imposes excessive uniformity of forms and methods of pedagogical work.

In contrast to this system, stable trends have developed towards decentralization of the management of the agricultural sector. Counties in the UK, states in Germany, states in the USA have this means. autonomy in the field of school organization. The management of the S. o. is decentralized. in Norway, Sweden, etc. The staff in the USA is divided into units. districts. At the head of such a district is a committee, where representatives from the population are elected, as a rule, intellectuals and businessmen. The committee decides on issues of the school budget, the hiring and dismissal of teachers, recommendations on the use of textbooks, etc. In Germany, each state has its own ministry of culture, which is also in charge of educational issues. Against the backdrop of strengthening economic regulation. In life, the general trend has been to increase the centralization of management of the agricultural system. This is achieved by increasing the share of government. allocations for education from the general government. budget, as well as the adoption of special legislation on issues of expanding the rights of the center and bodies in this area. Active searches are underway for ways to create a national national education standards. Most often, the decisions of the ministries responsible for education. policy, have no obligations. forces, but are in the nature of recommendations.

A mixed form of government is characterized by a division of functions between the center and local authorities. Usually the center and bodies are in charge of general planning and control, as well as the financing of certain educational institutions. establishments.

Problems of management of S. o. - the subject of heated controversy between various. groups of teachers and sociologists. These problems cannot be reduced to purely managerial ones, but inevitably become political. meaning: the question is raised about limiting the power of the state. bureaucracy and the establishment of a truly democratic public control over the activities of academicians. establishments.

Since education management has become a state sphere. politics, government, many others countries are developing long-term and long-term programs for the development of environmental protection. In practice, the focus of such programs is always economic problems, but education is also considered in conjunction with them. tasks. Attempts are being made to create long-term forecasts of qualifications. structure of the economically active population and tasks, etc. links S. o. in training of workers. In practice, such programming does not go beyond the scope of recommendations.

Management of S. o. in USSR. was carried out on a public basis. level centrally. In the republics there were ministries of education and higher education. and Wed specialist. education and management bodies of professional-technical education. Historically, the so-called polycentric management system, consisting of specialists. bodies: Ministry of Education of the USSR, Ministry of Higher Education. and Wed specialist. education of the USSR. and State to the USSR. in professional-technical education. The creation of these departments reflected the need to strengthen the organizing influence on the relevant sub-sectors. But with such an organization, a single teacher. the process that the state was striving for. S. o., found itself torn between departments, which caused a number of negative phenomena: disjunction of general education. school and university, incomplete secondary education and subsequent levels of general and prof. education, etc. Departmental subordination of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. only the Ministry of Education, the disunity of the republic. Scientific research institutes of pedagogy led to insufficient scientific research. provision of education process in different links of the S. o. In the presence of the Union Ministries, the management of universities was dispersed between 70 ministries and departments, the advanced training system was subordinate to 50 different departments. min-you and departments. Non-specialized The ministries and departments managed the institutions of the S. o. without proper differentiation, without specialists in organizing the method. manuals. Departmental disunity led to uneven provision of teaching staff. institutions with personnel and resources, equipment, etc., as well as imbalances in the placement of education. institutions.

Industry principle of department management. links of the S. o., apparently, will remain in the near future. However, increasing the efficiency of S. o. management requires substantial improvements in measures of supra-industry management, incl. improvement of scientific security of each industry and the entire C o

The educational reform being carried out in the Russian Federation is based on the principles of democratization developed in the late 80s and developed in the early 90s (elimination of the state monopoly on education management, transition to a public state system, in which roy individual, society and the state act as partners), decentralization of education management through its regionalization and municipalization, independence of educational institutions in choosing the paths of their development, diversity and variability of educational institutions (variety of forms of ownership of education and educational institutions, choice of various channels and forms of education), providing Russian regions with the right to choose their own. education strategies, creating your own. development programs in accordance with the law. specific features and conditions, national self-determination of the school, openness of education (the school’s orientation to the holistic and indivisible world, humanization of education and the creation of the most favorable conditions for the discovery and development of the abilities of each student, humanization of education, differentiation of learning and mobility of education, developmental education, lifelong education See also Russia

Incomplete definition ↓

A set of guidelines that is aimed at combining public, state, and personal interests with the identity of national culture, introducing them to the younger generation. The changes that are taking place in modern Russia have become the reason for the reform of schools.

Standard as a variant of a social contract

Education and educational systems used in the last century have ceased to meet the demands placed on schooling by modern realities. That is why there is an urgent need to change classical standards; a significant reform of domestic education and development is required.

This sphere is that part of society that, to a certain extent, represents the interests of the entire population of the country.

Provides a framework that is used by millions of teacher trainees. It affects the interests of various public organizations and families, and therefore requires serious consideration and analysis.

Relevance of reforms in school education

The time has come for serious changes. the previously existing system has lost its relevance. New standards developed for all academic disciplines must fully satisfy the social order of society. They must establish a relationship between the state and educational institutions.

The purpose of the standard is to periodically update the content of subjects, making adjustments to the universal learning skills that schoolchildren at the primary, basic, and secondary stages of education must master.


Basic educational systems must satisfy public, individual, and state needs and interests. Such needs in this area integrate the potential for social, personal, and professional success of schoolchildren.

Such activities presuppose harmonious and multifaceted self-development, taking into account individual interests, inclinations, abilities, and motives. Social adaptation characterizes a painless entry into the social life of the country.

Social request for modern schools

The system of educational standards presupposes a list of certain social needs that must be formed in the learning process:

  • healthy and safe lifestyle;
  • willingness to put into practice all the knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process;
  • responsibility and freedom associated with awareness of the moral essence of freedom;
  • the ability to make personal, informed choices;
  • ability for full-time work;
  • acceptance and awareness of the versatility of traditions, tolerance.

School Education Requirements

The state order, which is currently presented to Russian schools, involves significant changes. Modern educational systems must meet certain requirements in this area. They are related to the implementation of the following priorities:

  • security and national unity, necessary for the formation of a sense of civic identity in the younger generation of our country;
  • training active, morally mature, competent citizens who are ready to live and work in real economic conditions.

The system of educational programs should be designed so that the emphasis is not on acquiring a huge amount of knowledge and skills, but on developing skills for independent development and improvement.

The state's interest lies in the creation of certain standards by which it would be possible to evaluate not only the activities of school teachers and educators of children's institutions, but also the work of the institution itself. The new generation Federal State Educational Standards were developed specifically in order to develop uniform requirements and create professional standards for workers in kindergartens, schools, technical schools, and academies.

This approach allows us to eliminate any social conflicts and make education absolutely accessible to all children, regardless of their social status or financial situation.

Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation

The new system of educational activities assumes a consistent focus on the formation of a personal space for each child. This approach allows us to develop independence skills and elements of social responsibility in the younger generation.

The standard is a tool for organizing the interaction of individual subjects in domestic education. It contains information about the goal, progress, means and resources necessary for its successful implementation.

The modern educational system is a combination of various teaching methods that contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality who loves his country and honors the traditions of his ancestors.

Priorities of modern education

Currently, the educational system has enormous potential for the development and improvement of every child. The essence of the updates is to create a single educational space and continuity between individual levels. The new generation Federal State Educational Standard ensures accessibility of education within the compulsory subject minimum. This document contains the basic requirements for the training of graduates at each level of education.

Purpose of new generation standards

What distinctive features does the modern educational system have? The functions that even an ordinary school should perform are spelled out in the Standard. It is he who acts as a guideline for improving the content of each educational area, a means of continuity of individual levels within the framework of the transition to a continuous education system.

Among the functions that the Federal State Educational Standard should perform, its developers highlight the provision of rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

The educational system is a specific mechanism, for the management of which a single set of requirements was necessary. It is not limited to creating basic requirements, but involves the use of variable programs.

There are certain differences between the mandatory minimum provided by the Federal State Educational Standard and the actual content of the academic subject taught in Russian schools.

The essence of the proposed transformations is that the basic part in each scientific field is determined by the Standard in order to provide all schoolchildren with the same basic education. Moreover, each institution has the right to in-depth study of individual subjects.

Activity approach to learning

The fundamental difference between the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards and its creators is their increased focus on learning outcomes. In Russian psychological and pedagogical science, an activity-based paradigm of education has been created, within the framework of which the educational process is analyzed. The system-activity approach is based on the ideas of L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, A. N. Leontiev. It was they who were able to reveal the principles of psychological patterns of processes. Their works necessarily take into account all the patterns of age-related development of adolescents and children.

The activity approach is based on the principle according to which psychological abilities are considered as a result of the transformation of external activity with successive transformations into internal psychological work.

The basis for mastering a system of various scientific terms that determine the formation of theoretical thinking and the progress of cognitive development of schoolchildren is the empirical type of thinking. Learning is aimed at students through independent activity. That is why the Federal State Educational Standard for each academic subject indicates universal learning skills that every student must master after completing the course.

Features of the implementation of new programs

The priorities of the updated education system are related to the formation of independence skills in the younger generation. Having received a specific task from the teacher, students must think through an individual educational trajectory along which they will be able to cope with this problem.

Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation do not put the filling of the academic discipline with scientific facts in the foreground, but the formation of skills in developing and testing hypotheses, the ability to conduct project activities, independence and initiative. To measure such a result, the new standards provide for the term “supra-subject qualities,” skills, and abilities.


Modernization of the domestic education system is aimed at increasing efficiency in certain indicators:

  • giving all educational results a personally and socially significant character;
  • strong and flexible learning by schoolchildren;
  • the ability to move independently in a specific educational field;
  • implementation of differentiated learning using a unified theoretical structure;
  • maximizing the motivation of the younger generation to acquire new skills and abilities.

The activity approach in the new educational standards contributes to the creation of conditions for the personal and general cultural development of schoolchildren on the basis of the formation of universal educational skills that ensure not only high-quality acquisition of knowledge, but also the formation of a unified picture of the world, strong competencies in all subject areas of knowledge.

The key objectives of the updated content of Russian education are related to providing equal opportunities for absolutely all schoolchildren to master various skills.

For example, a classic course in inorganic chemistry involves the formation in the younger generation of clear ideas about the safe use of numerous classes of substances, and is also aimed at developing practical skills.

Personal development is associated with the readiness of schoolchildren to independently acquire knowledge and realize creative potential in subject-related productive and spiritual activities. Young people, leaving the walls of their educational institution, should have high professional and social mobility. Their success in their future profession directly depends on how much they were able to develop learning skills.

Patriotic education is of particular importance in modern Russia. Therefore, in each educational area included in the school curriculum, a certain number of hours are allocated to the regional component. Within its framework, teachers introduce their students to the climatic and historical features of the region, and instill in the younger generation a love for their small homeland.

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