Modern problems of general education. The main problems of Russian education. Problems of higher education

The development of the Russian Federation, together with economic, political and administrative vectors, also presupposes the development of the country’s human capital. It is thanks to human capital that the implementation of any conceived, planned development projects is possible. In many ways, the low effectiveness of economic and political reforms of the late twentieth century in our state is due to an incorrect assessment of the human factor. Thus, the transition to market relations, initiated primarily by reforms “from above,” came across the problem of implementing and implementing the legislative initiatives of the early 90s. Thus, for the successful implementation of market relations, reforms had to be based on a person’s special psychotype. Classically, he was described in the works of A. Smith as an egoist, prone to exchange for the sake of personal gain. However, for several decades now, a different standard type of behavior has been formed in the country, based on the idea of ​​equality, justice and self-sacrifice for the sake of public interests. Of course, in the Soviet state there were also individuals who shared the ideals of human behavior in the spirit of A. Smith, but at that time they were subject to public censure, and those who especially manifested themselves on the basis of economic activity were tried and sent to appropriate places of correctional character. Therefore, after the reforms of the early 90s, accompanied by an amnesty for economic crimes, we received a strong criminal bias in the introduction of market methods of economic organization of the state. That is, it was human capital that determined the low efficiency of market transformations.

One of the most significant determinants of human capital accumulation is the education system. However, educational reforms initiated since the mid-90s of the twentieth century do not provide grounds for a positive assessment of human potential for achieving the development goals of the Russian Federation. The modern education system of our country is reminiscent of the mythological character “chimera” - a creature made up of parts of various animals. The combination of the Soviet educational tradition with the Bologna process makes such a product unsuitable for the needs of the country's modern society.

What was the strength of the Soviet education system? Firstly, it was integrated into both the political and economic systems of the state. That is, in educational institutions of the Soviet Union, from the preschool level to higher education, there was purposeful work to form a person with parameters pre-set by the state. The state knew what it wanted from the population and clearly formulated its request for education. Secondly, the need for unified educational programs throughout the entire territory of the USSR was aimed at creating a single ideological space, a single system of values. Thanks to this, it did not matter in which part of the state a person received his education; his behavioral patterns and train of thoughts were understandable in any part of the country. This element of the system was called general education accessible to all. Thirdly, the system of planning the number of specialists in each industry and distribution to places of work made it possible, on the one hand, to saturate lagging regions with the necessary specialists, and on the other hand, it gave young people a guaranteed place of work and a starting point for starting a professional career.

Positive achievements of this system include the fairly reliable operation of social elevators up to a certain point (whose work was little effective in the Russian Empire), the emergence of scientists and representatives of the creative intelligentsia, recognized internationally, and the presence of colossal scientific breakthroughs significant for the entire world community (for example, flight man into space, etc.).

Such an education system also had negative aspects for the formation of social reality, which until the early 80s of the twentieth century were not of decisive importance. Among them are the destruction of intergenerational ties, the weakening of the importance of the institution of family, and the revival in a new way of communal and class models of behavior in society. For example, the destruction of intergenerational ties was provoked by the rules of the educational system. From the first years of life, children were given to specially trained people to be raised among their peers. That is, from year to year, most children live without the direct participation of their parents.

First, kindergarten from 8:00 to 20:00 (and there are also night groups where children spend the night in kindergarten), then school main shift + additional clubs (and there are also boarding schools). It turns out that the processes of transferring experience from parents to children are disrupted, since the child, at best, has the opportunity to communicate after a day of work with the tired older generation in the evening or on weekends. They spend most of their time with their peers and teachers. The importance of family education is declining, as is the role of the family in society. Communication with peers involves developing your own internal rules of behavior, code and values. This overlaps with archetypal models of communal behavior and class. As a result, by the 80s of the twentieth century, we get the isolation of labor communities to their corporate interests (including informal and criminal groups of youth), blat (they studied together at school, university), the encouragement of labor dynasties (the transition to estates) and the emergence of a party class nomenklatura (new estate). In my opinion, these problems of the era of late socialism could have been avoided if the ideological development of the state had not stopped after 1956, when at the 20th Congress of the CPSU, along with the exposure of the cult of personality, the creative message of this work for new generations was lost. This led to the fact that old slogans did not inspire young people to new achievements, economic growth slowed down and the need for social, political and economic reforms arose.

Now, probably, few people remember that the education reform in the mid-90s began under the slogans of humanizing education, introducing a personal approach to overcome the “impersonality and leveling” of the Soviet system. In 1999, the Bologna Declaration was adopted and Russia acceded to its provisions in 2003. A restructuring of the entire educational system of the state is taking place. However, this restructuring is essentially a superstructure of the collapsing Soviet education system. The collapse began with the cancellation of the state order for the training of specialists and the system of distribution to places of work. The cancellation of the state order led to a decrease in demand and degradation of education in the regions. Of course, this cancellation was associated with the cancellation of the five-year economic development plans. Thus, the involvement of the education system in the interests of the state was eliminated. But at the same time, the principle of universal education, the same for everyone, has been preserved. These decisions laid the foundation for the migration processes of the new Russia. Following the Bologna Declaration structured and intensified this migration. At the same time, the assessment of students and schools based on the results of passing the Unified State Exam in test form led to the destruction of the educational and developmental functions of education and neutralized the ideas of humanization of the mid-90s.

The modern education system fails to implement the main idea of ​​education that we inherited from the Enlightenment. This idea can be formulated as follows: “Education should acquaint the younger generation with the image of the world in which they will live.” Education should tell young people where to put their efforts, what problems are relevant in the present, and provide them with the necessary (or accumulated) knowledge and skills, and create motivation. The central subjects that introduce schoolchildren to social, political and economic problem areas are history and literature.

What does history teach? Here is a community of people living in a certain territory. He has this list of problems. It solves these problems in these ways and gets the following results and consequences. And so, from century to century, the younger generation becomes familiar with the problem field of the region. If we are talking about Siberia, then geographically the territory of Siberia and the Far East occupies more than two-thirds of the territory of the Russian Federation. A reasonable question arises: “What can we learn about the problem field of this region from modern school (and university) history textbooks?” Most of the story concerns the history of the central region of the Russian Federation. Literature, in turn, introduces schoolchildren to the customs of the region. The second question arises: “Why can’t some literary works of similar themes be replaced with works by Siberian writers?”

This is of enormous importance for the development of the regions of our state. Since a capable student who masters the school curriculum well at a regional school finds himself disoriented by the end of his studies. At school they teach him about one problem area, but other problems are relevant in the region.

This becomes even more important in the system of higher professional education after joining the Bologna Declaration. Ask a graduate of a regional university who has studied in enterprise economics, management, municipal administration or entrepreneurship: “Where do you plan to implement your professional knowledge? In what region? 90% of the answers will be in Russia or in the region where he currently lives. Ask the second question: “Do you know at least one domestic economic theory, theory of motivation or management?” Over the past 7 years of teaching at an economics university, no one could remember even one. Once again, these are capable students who perform well in almost all the disciplines taught. It turns out that an excellent student after graduating from a university does not have the knowledge and skills necessary for independent professional activity. And when he, even if he gets a job in his specialty, receives the phrase from his employer: “Forget everything you learned at university and start over,” a serious discord occurs in his mind. Its essence is simple: he is the owner of knowledge that is not very suitable for life in a given society, on which he spent about 20 years of his life, a lot of time, nerves and effort.

From this situation, there are three ways for an excellent student to resolve this conflict. The first is to do as the employer advises and start over. Accompanied by strong psychological costs. The second is to get a job in another specialty: you still have to retrain. This is psychologically easier to do. Therefore, a significant part of the modern economy is built by non-professionals. That is, the state spends a significant amount of resources on the education of a specialist, and his economic return for the state is several times lower than expected. The third way is this: If the knowledge does not correspond to the place of work (region of work), then I will go where this knowledge will coincide with the problem field and demands of the region. That is, the education system itself lays the foundation for migration processes. Moreover, they begin not with the “region-center” antithesis, but rather with the “village-city” antithesis.

Smart children in villages receive knowledge that will be in demand in the city or regional center. People tend to leave these small towns for regional centers. From there to the federal center, and then abroad. Moreover, it is the most active and capable who leave, precisely the contingent that their small homeland needs for its development.

Without a doubt, the idea of ​​such an education was formulated and implemented at the dawn of the formation of the USSR. But the outflow of intellectual resources from the region to the center in Soviet times was compensated by the distribution of specialists among the regions. Now the return flow of specialists from the center to the region is negligible. Usually, citizens from other cultural environments arrive in the regions, undermining the social stability of the region and slowing down the possible pace of development of the region, since those arriving need time to adapt, immerse themselves in the cultural traditions of living together and the problem field of the place where they came.

Thus, education reform should begin with an answer to the question: what kind of population and with what set of qualities does the state want to see in 15-20 years. In turn, the answer to this question must be decided from the state’s strategic development plans, which still do not exist. At the same time, the idea of ​​a uniform education for all lays the foundation for migration trends from less developed regions to more developed ones. Therefore, government mechanisms are needed to compensate for these processes. Either we abandon the idea of ​​a unified education and create an education system with a regional problem field, which will allow us to retain part of the active and well-educated population in the regions. In any case, the choice of one option or another presupposes the determination of the ideological guidelines of the state. The lack of choice and letting the situation take its course slows down the possible pace of development of the Russian Federation. And from a certain point, this may lead to a situation where the lack of targeted work with the human capital of the regions will become a source of destruction of statehood in these territories.

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Ph.D. Mungalov V.N., Irkutsk


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The modern education system is going through quite difficult times. The Soviet school is being destroyed and European trends are taking its place. Sometimes the introduction of innovations occurs on unprepared soil, or innovations are not adapted to the Russian mentality. There are enough problems in modern Russian education. Let's try to figure them out.

Firstly, we increasingly hear about the crisis of the old education system. In higher education, a solution was found in the transition to a bachelor's and master's degree system. But secondary schools and vocational schools remained unattended. The recently issued law on education is intended to solve this problem. And how effective it will be, practice will show. Now the need to change the approach to the learning process has become obvious. Modern society is at a level of development when it is time to move away from learning as memorizing facts. It is necessary to teach children to obtain information, understand it and apply it in practice. And this requires enormous work to prepare not only new textbooks for students and manuals for teachers, but also the teaching staff themselves.

The second problem of education in Russia is its excessive theoretical orientation. By educating theoretical scientists, we create a huge shortage of specialized specialists. Having received good theoretical training, few people can apply knowledge in practice. Therefore, after getting a job, new employees experience a serious adaptation associated with the inability to compare their knowledge with practical activities.

The third problem is not unique to education - it is insufficient funding. Lack of funds is the reason for the shortage of personnel in the education system throughout the country. In addition, in order to keep up with the times, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and update outdated equipment. The educational institution does not always have the funds for this.

The fourth problem, which school graduates and first-year students are beginning to feel especially acutely, is the low level of connection between the stages of education. So, now, in order to enroll in a university, parents often hire a tutor to take the Unified State Exam, because the school cannot provide the appropriate level of training. Especially if the university is prestigious and there will be a lot of competition for the chosen field of study. The level of requirements that were presented at school also differs from the level required for studying at a university. Therefore, the first year of study is the most difficult for students and is characterized by the largest number of expelled children who could not withstand the new rhythm of study.

The fifth problem arises from the seemingly positive trend towards increasing demand for universities. An increasing number of yesterday's schoolchildren are seeking to obtain a higher education document. But this trend has its drawback, because... The number of non-state universities has increased, with which you need to be very careful and attentive.

Of course, we cannot ignore such a problem as corruption. You can find many advertisements for the sale of higher education diplomas on the Internet. Corruption can also include money extortion at school, bribes for exams (tests), and theft of funds from the budget.

In conclusion, we can note such a problem as the decline in the prestige of vocational schools and technical schools. This leads to a shortage of workers at enterprises, in the service sector, etc.

The Education Law is an attempt to solve a number of pressing problems. But for the full development of the nation, it is necessary to take a number of more measures in the field of education. The state should not only strive to ensure that education meets international standards, but also fully satisfies the country's needs for qualified specialists and highly educated citizens.

Annotation. The article discusses the prospect of systematizing new teaching methods, and the search by scientific and pedagogical teams for new ways to solve problems posed by the requirements of the time. It was noted that it is necessary to ensure the integration of science and practice, the introduction of innovative educational technologies at all levels of the education system; development of the material, technical, information and scientific-methodological base of educational institutions; optimization of the network of regional educational institutions based on monitoring studies, prospects for its socio-economic development.
Key words: education, research and teaching teams, integration of science and practice.

There is no person in the world who is unfamiliar with the word “education”. Receiving a quality education means a successful, decent life tomorrow, not only for the children themselves, but for society as a whole. The success of teaching and upbringing in the modern world depends entirely on the ability of teachers to use advanced pedagogical ideas, technologies, and achievements of modern pedagogical science in practical activities. In modern conditions, the information environment of education at all stages is developing under the conditions of uniform standards. However, the modern education system is experiencing its difficulties.

We live in an age of achievements, new discoveries, and information technology. Time moves forward, and the current stage of development of education requires new teaching methods, non-standard forms of education, and an individual approach to each student. This encourages scientific and pedagogical teams to look for new ways to solve problems, since education is the foundation for the development and formation of personality, the foundation that will provide students with a stable life tomorrow. The famous phrase of the philosopher Seneca remains relevant: “We study not for school, but for life.”

Today, scientific and pedagogical workers are faced with a responsible and difficult task - to educate a citizen who is capable of bringing good to people and working for the good of his country. They must not only improve the quality of education, but also raise it to a new level, bringing it into line with the standards required by modern life. All activities of educational institutions should be aimed at increasing the effectiveness of learning, helping students master skills that allow them to adapt to the demands of life in modern society, solve life problems, and develop the ability to make independent decisions.

The old system is being destroyed and new information trends are replacing it. Sometimes the introduction of innovations occurs on damp soil, or innovations are not adapted to the regional mentality. Thus, we identified a “repertoire” of problem areas and identified more than enough of them. We offer approaches to their solution outlined as a first approximation.

First, it is necessary to teach students to obtain information not only from gadgets, but also to understand the possibilities of using new scientific literature, manuals, articles and participation in conferences for their growth.

Secondly, in the pursuit of innovation, we forget that by educating a theoretical scientist, a huge shortage of specialized practitioners is created. Having received good theoretical training, few people can apply the acquisition of knowledge in practice. Therefore, having got a job, young specialists are faced with the problem of adapting and applying their knowledge in practical activities.

Third, of course, is insufficient funding. Lack of funds is the reason for the shortage of personnel in the education system throughout the country. In addition, in order to keep up with the times, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and update outdated equipment. The educational institution does not always have the funds for this.

Fourth, there is a virtual lack of connection between the stages of education. There is a strong difference between the requirements that were presented at school and the level required for studying at a university. As a result, during the first year of study at universities, the percentage of deductions is the highest.

Fifth, the decline in the prestige of engineering fields leads to an oversupply of specialists in the humanities, law and other so-called “prestigious” specialties.

Currently, the education system is focused on finding other ways of innovative development of modern education. That is why it is now relevant to understand the problems of modern education, so that the ways to solve them would be an impetus for development and movement towards the eternally new. But for this it is necessary to objectively look at today, at the state of problems in modern society, in modern civilization. The implementation of grandiose tasks requires joint decisions and actions. It is necessary to ensure the integration of science and practice, the introduction of innovative educational technologies at all levels of the education system; development of the material, technical, information and scientific-methodological base of educational institutions; optimization of the network of regional educational institutions based on monitoring studies, prospects for its socio-economic development.

List of sources used:

  1. Vereskun V.D. History of engineering education in Russia [Electronic resource EBS “IPRbooks”]: textbook - M.: Educational and Methodological Center for Education in Railway Transport, 2012. - 227 p.
  2. Gromtsev S.A. Pedagogical problems of the system of training specialists with higher education in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource of EBS “IPRbooks”]: monograph - Saratov: University Education, 2014. - 65 p.
  3. Collection of master's programs “Social psychology and pedagogy”, “Health-saving technologies in education” [Electronic resource] - M.: Prometheus (Moscow State Pedagogical University), 2011.- 247p

According to the forecast of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, in 10-15 years, 57 professions will disappear, and they will be replaced by 186 high-tech “professions of the future.” Is the Russian education system ready for challenges?XXI century? Let's try to look at the main problems and look for ways to overcome them.

1. Low motivation

The first and main problem of today's educational system is that schoolchildren are simply bored with studying. Of course, the problem is not new, but modern children differ from you and me in that they do not pay attention to external motivation. This means that grades and parental praise become the least important factor in developing interest in learning. 40% of modern schoolchildren named personal social goals as the main motivator (“I want to be cultured and developed”, “I know who I want to work with and what is needed for this”). *

What to do about it?

Alexander Adamsky, scientific director of the Eureka Institute for Educational Policy Problems, speaks about the positive side of this process: “Learning for schoolchildren is becoming important and fashionable, and schoolchildren, coming to class, can know no less, or even more, about the subject of the conversation than the teacher.” .

Another thing is that students refuse the pace at which “old-school” teachers give it. Sitting through 45 minutes of a monotonous lecture is simply impossible for a child who is accustomed to receiving information instantly and switching between a dozen tasks at once. Therefore, the school one way or another has to adapt to new standards.

Firstly, the structure of the lesson changes. Previously, the teacher first explained the material, and only then gave the task. But today they try the opposite: first they give the child a problem, and when he has struggled a lot with the solution, they give him the necessary formula or theorem. A complete update of teaching materials and lesson scripts should occur in the next 3-5 years.

Secondly, we should not forget about the logistics: electronic diaries and textbooks, interactive whiteboards and desks - all this is designed to make the school environment more understandable and interesting.

2. Inability to apply knowledge in practice

The second problem logically follows from the first problem. Children have difficulty understanding when they need to apply their knowledge to practical material. This is especially true for today's freshmen - “trained” on test tasks, they are simply lost when they are given the task of writing a scientific or creative work.

What to do about it?

Since 2013, Moscow schools have been actively working to change the format of additional education. Now the lesson can take place anywhere - in a creative circle or sports section, in a museum, theater and even in a park. You don't even need a teacher for the lesson!

Increasingly, schoolchildren are engaged in personal interdisciplinary projects as part of their school education. This could be designing a robot assistant, writing a children's encyclopedia, or even organizing elections to the school council.

3. The gap between the knowledge that school provides and university requirements

This is not the first year that university teachers have been complaining about the level of knowledge with which freshmen come to them. For the first six months, yesterday’s schoolchildren have to be “brought up” to the required level of knowledge.

What to do about it?

It is not always possible to provide a high school student with all the knowledge that will be useful to him at university. Children from the same class then enter different universities, and MEPhI and the Literary Institute have very different requirements. Therefore, since last year in Moscow they have been trying a model of narrowly focused classes --- the so-called pre-universities.

Pre-university is a specialized class of a general education school, created on the basis of a university. The first class within the framework of the Pre-University program was organized in 2013. This year, 9 universities have already decided to participate in the program, including Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow State Linguistic University, MEPhI, REU im. Plekhanov.

4. Higher education as an end in itself

About 80% of Moscow school graduates continue their studies at universities. But not all of them have a clear understanding of why they need it. Most come to university because their parents insisted on it. Teachers note extremely low motivation of first-year students and a total reluctance to immerse themselves in the subject of study.

What to do about it?

For the second year now, Moscow has been trying to popularize secondary vocational education and get rid of the negative image of colleges. Surprisingly, such popular and “money-making” professions as a cook, jeweler, and hotel business specialist can be obtained in college.

But this is not the only solution. The capital's schools seriously intend to move to the concept of pre-vocational education. For now, engineering, medical and cadet classes are being opened on the basis of schools, and students of general education classes are invited to the “Professional Environment” project, where they can get a working specialty in their free time from studying.

It is not difficult to guess that the main problem of modern education is insufficient attention to the practical side of learning. Therefore, the main efforts are aimed at developing practical skills, developing a responsible approach to one’s educational responsibilities and developing the desire to independently solve problems.

Current problems of education in Russia

Global sociocultural changes in the world, the so-called civilizational shifts, are increasingly revealing the discrepancy between the existing school education system and the emerging social needs on the eve of the new anthropogenic reality. This discrepancy causes attempts to reform the secondary school from time to time in our country. Despite these attempts, many researchers tend to assess the state of school education as critical. The school crisis is naturally a reflection of socio-economic processes manifested in education in the following:

Loss of the usual goals of school education;

Acute lack of funding;

Inertia inherent in all educational systems and society as a whole.

But if the crisis were reduced only to this series of problems, overcoming it would only be a matter of time and the success of reforming the Russian social system. However, the close attention of domestic and foreign scientists to the problems of education is primarily associated with the evolution of the worldview of mankind, which places man as part of the macrocosm at the center of the scientific picture of the world. And then the problems of school education come to the fore, since they affect fundamental human values ​​that require a civilizational approach to their consideration. Such problems include:

The problem of optimizing the interaction between the individual and society as finding a balance between social-normative pressure and the individual’s desire for socio-psychological autonomy, overcoming the inconsistency of the “needs” of the social order and the interests of the individual (student, teacher, parent);

The problem of overcoming the disintegration of the content of school education in the process of creating and implementing a new socio-educational paradigm that can become the starting point in the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the student;

Problems of coordination and integration of pedagogical technologies;

The problem of developing problematic thinking in students through a gradual shift from monologue to dialogical communication in the classroom;

The problem of overcoming the irreducibility of learning outcomes in various types of educational institutions through the development and introduction of uniform educational standards based on a comprehensive systematic analysis of the educational process

a) The problem of social differentiation and quality of education

Young people enter working and social and political life, usually having a secondary education. However, education currently varies greatly in quality. Significant differences depend on social factors: in specialized schools with in-depth study of individual subjects it is higher than in ordinary schools; in urban schools is higher than in rural ones. These differences deepened due to the country's transition to market relations. Elite schools (lyceums, gymnasiums) appeared. The education system is clearly becoming one of the indicators of social differentiation. The desired diversity in education turns into social selection through education. Society is moving from a relatively democratic education system, accessible to representatives of all social groups, open to control and influence from society, toa selective, elitist model based on the idea of ​​autonomy of education, both in economic and political aspects. Proponents of this concept believe that education is the same sphere of entrepreneurial activity as production and commerce, and therefore should function in such a way as to generate profit. Hence the inevitability of students paying for education and the use of various systems to determine the level of intellectual development or talent.

b) Problems of secondary and higher schools. Correlation between mastering professional knowledge and general humanitarian culture

The situation in secondary schools now is such that, having broken the old system of secondary education and not created a new one, society has found itself in a very difficult situation. The abandonment of the activities of children's public organizations and the difficult financial situation of teachers have led to the fact that education has lost almost all guidelines without gaining new ones. Under these conditions, the younger generation is deprived of stable moral ideals. This process is aggravated by attempts to commercialize the school, which is not always accompanied by an increase in the quality of education.

In general, the optimal combination of general education and professional training has not yet been found. After serious criticism, which exposed many shortcomings, standards and rules that do not correspond to the spirit of the times, general and vocational education is becoming much more flexible than it was before. But its role and responsibility in training qualified workers is still far from the required level.

Professional education is an important stage in the civic formation of the individual, in its harmonious development. failure to understand the objectively necessary connection between development and professionalism gives rise not only to scholastic disputes regarding the “contradiction” of both, but also to serious errors in the practice of working with youth, when the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills in one form or another is opposed to general humanitarian culture. As a result, either the notorious “technocratic distortions” arise, or attempts to form a human humanitarian culture in isolation from life, from work and social practice.

A special place in enriching the intellectual potential of the country belongs to higher education. However, changes in the content, directions, and structure of its activities occur very slowly. Data from sociological research indicate that students and teachers highly value the opportunity for creativity, advocate for increasing the share of independent work, improving exam forms, expanding their participation in university management, and support the development of a competitive certification system for all personnel. At the same time, by the mid-90s, higher education entered into a severe crisis, from which not all universities have the opportunity to emerge with dignity.

c) Formation of moral guidelines among young people

The school now faces a difficult choice - to find the best ways for its further development. The assessment of the changes taking place is ambiguous, because in the public mood and public opinion there are a variety of points of view, including diametrically opposed ones. However, proposals and judgments, no matter how contradictory in essence they may be, reflect the deep interest of people in ensuring and further increasing the spiritual potential of society.

Along with instilling respect for work and professional guidance, the humanization of education, the development of self-government, and the development of practical skills among young people for organizational and social work play a significant role in the development of personality.

The consciousness and behavior of young people is greatly influenced by the mechanism of management of an educational institution. Strict adherence to the norms and principles of legality and justice, even during the years of study, becomes for them a kind of standard with which they later compare their path in life.

However, school education does not always contribute to the development and consolidation of the positive social experience of young people; it does not sufficiently resist manifestations of nihilism, indifference, indifference to public affairs, as well as demagoguery and anarchic actions.

The education system is still poorly shaped by high spiritual needs and aesthetic tastes, and a strong immunity to lack of spirituality and “mass culture.” The role of social science disciplines, literature, and art lessons remains insignificant. The study of the historical past, truthful coverage of complex and contradictory stages of national history are poorly combined with an independent search for one’s own answers to the questions that life poses. But there is no doubt that historical consciousness, combined with national self-awareness, acquires a decisive role in the civic behavior of students. The information revolution encourages continuous expansion of knowledge. True, they do not have a homogeneous structure. There is always a core - the knowledge that forms the basis of the sciences, and the periphery, where the process of accumulation and renewal takes place, which does not depreciate the value of fixed capital.

d) Lowering the social status of the teacher. The problem of government funding

Improving public education is unthinkable without measuring the situation in which the teaching staff, a significant part of the teaching corps, finds itself.

If we adhere to formal criteria - the presence of special education, work experience, etc., then most teachers meet their purpose. But if we evaluate their activities on their merits, we must admit that many of them have lagged behind the requirements of the time.

The main group of teachers are women, although it has long become obvious that in the education of boys, young men (and girls) the school experiences an acute lack of “male influence”. Although teacher salaries have been significantly increased recently, the average earnings of public education workers are still much lower than those of workers and engineering workers in industry and construction, and even in comparison with the average salary in the country.

The formation of teaching staff is related to the specifics of their work. It organically does not accept infringement of their rights and authority. Streamlining the work and rest regime of teachers is also a necessary prerequisite for their civic and professional growth. The living conditions of teachers require improvements. Despite the benefits provided to them, providing them with housing, medical care, and new literature remains an open question.

The school seriously lags behind in terms of equipment, computer technology, and materials, and thus puts its students in a position where they cannot act as full-fledged participants in the competition in the information field.

One of the functions of public education is to stimulate self-education, self-training, and a constant thirst for knowledge. Self-education, independent acquisition of knowledge and skills is by no means limited to the school system. Of course, school can and should give a person the skills to independently work with a book, document, etc. But self-education is built on the basis of general and vocational education, and not in replacement of it. New technical and information capabilities of educational television, video cassette technology, personal computers, and distance learning have yet to be widely used for the needs of self-education. The fate of new generations is increasingly determined by the general human culture: the development of logical thinking, linguistic, mathematical, and computer literacy.

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