Creative and destructive activity. Creative action Theological meaning of the teaching


The article is devoted to the analysis of the category “creative activity of the future social teacher,” the relevance of the formation of which is determined by the needs of the development of teaching practice in universities. The author believes that the formation of a student’s “creative activity” can be the basis for his successful inclusion in socially significant activities. The article presents a description of the concept and content of the creative activity of a future social teacher, highlighting its components and criteria. The components of creative activity, according to the author, are motivational, cognitive and reflective. The author includes motivation for creative creative activity, the presence of a creative product as a result of creative activity, and reflection as criteria. The article describes the levels of formation of creative activity of students (reproductive, productive, creative).

creative activity

future social teacher

creative product

socially significant activity

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Currently, the most important condition for a person’s development as a professional is his own activity, the need to demonstrate his strengths and capabilities, including in educational activities at the stage of professional training. The relevance of the problem of forming the creative activity of a university student’s personality is determined by the needs of developing the teaching practice of higher educational institutions, focusing on preparing graduates for active and effective life in a dynamic, developing society. Modern higher school is designed not only to provide students with high-quality formation of subject knowledge and skills, but also to become a factor in the development of their creative activity, allowing the individual to be prosperous in a post-industrial society.

The purpose of this article is to reveal the content of the category “creative activity of the future social teacher”, the formation of which, in our opinion, can be the basis for the successful inclusion of a student in socially significant activities.

Expanding the concept of “creative activity of a future social educator,” it is necessary to turn to the definitions of the concept of “activity” revealed in psychology and pedagogy.

In psychology, activity is viewed as socially recognized, goal-directed behavior that results in socially beneficial changes. Having an active life position, according to A.G. Asmolov, is an attribute of personality. Human activity acquires special significance as the most important quality of personality, as the ability to change the surrounding reality in accordance with one’s own needs, views, and goals (A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky). V.A. Petrovsky considers activity as the highest form of development of activity. Revealing personality problems, the scientist introduces the concept of non-adaptive (supra-situational) activity, defining it as a person’s ability to rise above the level of situational requirements, set goals that are redundant from the point of view of the main task, overcoming external and internal limitations of activity. “Nonadaptive activity appears in the phenomena of creativity, cognitive (intellectual) activity, “disinterested” risk, and excess activity.” To be active, according to E. Fromm, means to allow one’s abilities, talent, and the entire wealth of human talents to manifest itself; it means to renew, grow, experience deep interest, and passionately strive for something. At the same time, E. Fromm introduces the concept of productive activity: “this is a state of internal activity in life’s difficulties, associated with the “cultivation” of one’s capabilities.”

In pedagogy, activity is considered as an active attitude to the world, a person’s ability to make socially significant transformations of the material and spiritual environment on the basis of mastering socio-historical experience. The ways to manifest activity are creative activity, volitional actions, and communication. In pedagogy, scientists study various types of activity (cognitive, social, educational, organizational) in relation to various subjects of the educational process - students, students, teachers. V.A. Slastenin points out that the professional development of a teacher requires such a level of internally determined activity in which the teacher is able to act independently of the particular situations and circumstances that arise in his biography, create these circumstances, develop his own strategy of professional thinking, behavior and activity. G.I. Shchukin and T.I. Shamov, studying cognitive activity, consider activity to be a prerequisite and result of human development (G.I. Shchukina) and a personality quality that manifests itself in relation to the content, process of activity, in the desire to effectively master knowledge and methods of obtaining it, in mobilizing volitional efforts to achieve learning goals (T.I. Shamova). N.V. Chekaleva defines activity as goal-setting in educational activities, determined by self-directed motivation; activity is manifested in creative forecasting of activity results. Creativity is also seen as a form of human activity that performs a transformative function. It manifests itself in potential (creative potential) or actual (creative activity) form.

Studying the problem of developing the creative potential of a young teacher in a modern school in Russia, T.V. Luchkina points out that the creative activity of a young teacher can serve as one of the criteria for his internal reserves. Significant for us is the fact that the development of a student’s creative potential will be more productive if he successfully engages in creative socially significant activities, showing his activity.

Mastering knowledge about activity is important for pedagogy, because these are fundamental factors in the development and formation of a person (in our case, the future social educator), which it turns out to be possible to manage and use as a pedagogical tool, a pedagogical means. The above definitions and characteristics of activity in psychology and pedagogy show that this is a broad, multidimensional, multifaceted phenomenon that covers all spheres of society, since they all contain the activities of people and their activity.

The qualitative definition of the analyzed concept is the definition of “creative”. The categories “creation” and “creativity” generally reflect that this is a creative activity that ends in the creation of a certain product. The concept of “creation” has a constructive, creative context - creation. A person is satisfied only if there is an act of creation of his life and its various aspects, an act of creation of the surrounding life - creation, if there is an active creativity of the subject himself. Hence, the integral characteristic of a human creator is significant creative and constructive activity.

The phenomenon of “creative activity” has not been sufficiently developed in the scientific literature. Considering the creative abilities of students, S.Yu. Zalutskaya points out that “the creative activity of youth is represented by two main parameters: independence, understood as the ability and motivation for independent action, and cooperation, understood as the ability and motivation for joint action and helping partners.” In this characteristic, what is significant for us is the presence of motivation for creative creative activity.

M.V. Koshkina, based on the definition of creative energy (O.N. Melnikov, V.G. Larionov), defines creative (constructive) activity as “the external manifestation of the intellectual and spiritual abilities of an individual during the period of targeted use of his intellectual and spiritual resources in order to create creative intellectual -spiritual products". In the framework of our research, the result of the manifestation of the creative activity of the future social teacher is a specific end result - a creative product (socially significant project).

E.A. Igumnova and her co-authors highlight the creative activity of the individual, the essence of which “is the conscious and purposeful participation of a person in social transformations and personal self-improvement.” In our case, this is participation in socially significant projects, as well as in the self-improvement of the future social teacher through the reflexive component of creative activity.

An analysis of the existing definitions of the category “creative activity” allows us to identify the following criteria for the creative activity of a future social teacher: motivation for creative creative activity; the presence of a creative product as a result of creative activity; reflection.

We consider the creative activity of the future social teacher as professional and personal education and consider it a form of manifestation of the supra-situational activity of the individual in the context of the analysis of socially significant activity, since creative activity is, in fact, the activity of a subject who goes beyond the scope of the situation and its limitations. That is, this is the ability of an individual to act, exceeding the “threshold requirements” of the situation, which is manifested in the readiness to search for solutions to any situation or task, the preference for difficulties and finding attractiveness in difficulties, the ability to find original solutions, the need for independent activity.

Taking into account the creative potential of the profession of a social teacher and the active nature of social assistance, we believe that the formation of the creative activity of a future social teacher is one of the conditions for the professional development of a specialist.

Characterizing the creative activity of the future social teacher, we highlight its motivational, cognitive and reflexive components.

The motivational component is determined by a system of dominant motives that express a conscious motivation for future professional socially significant activities, for one’s own development in the process of professional training. The cognitive component of the creative activity of the future social teacher is related to social activities that are significant for the student, includes knowledge about society and oneself in society, and the ability to integrate them. The manifestation of creative activity in various types of activities by a student - a future social teacher - presupposes the presence of corresponding and therefore also different knowledge, skills, and professional competencies. The third and final component of the creative activity of the future social teacher is reflexive, characterizing the cognition and analysis of the phenomena of one’s own consciousness and activity. It is worth noting here that the task of forming and developing reflective skills is currently considered as one of the main lines of modernization of education.

At the ascertaining stage of the ongoing research to study the conditions for the formation of creative activity of the future social teacher in the educational space of the university, a diagnosis was carried out among students of the social faculty of the pedagogical university. Diagnostic methods were selected (diagnosis of motivation using the TAT method (modified by H. Heckhausen), “Level of project skills”, “Self-determination of the creative potential of an individual”, “How responsible are you”, “Readiness for self-development”, etc.), allowing us to identify the level of formation creative activity of students: reproductive, productive and creative. Let us present the characteristics of these levels.

Students of the reproductive level show interest only in achieving pragmatic goals; the criterion for evaluating events and people is the possibility of obtaining personal gain. They do not connect their own participation in socially significant activities with personal and professional development. The productive level includes students who are characterized by the predominance of narrow personal motives of behavior, as well as the presence of motives of duty and responsibility. They are aware of their own participation in socially significant activities as a way of inclusion in the life of the educational institution. The activities of students at the creative level are internally motivated: their own development in the process of activity, action with others and for others; characterized by creative creative activity, which involves the desire for theoretical understanding of the information received, independent search for solutions to problems, activity and initiative. They not only correlate the nature of their participation in socially significant activities with personal and professional development, but also consider it as a way to increase competitiveness, self-development, and self-realization. The identified levels of formation of the creative activity of future social educators allow us to individualize the process of including students in socially significant activities.

Thus, the analysis of existing approaches to determining the essence of the creative activity of a future social educator allowed us to add new characteristics to the category of “creative activity.” In our opinion, these are: professional and personal education; form of manifestation of suprasituational activity; socially significant actions; internal readiness to perform future professional activities; creative attitude to socially significant activities; energetic initiative aimed at transforming reality and the very subject of social work; reflective activity.


  • Bordonskaya L.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physics, Theory and Methods of Teaching Physics, Transbaikal State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after. N.G. Chernyshevsky, Chita.
  • Klimenko T.K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Transbaikal State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after. N.G. Chernyshevsky, Chita.
  • Kiryakova A.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Theory and Methodology of Education, Orenburg State University, Orenburg.

Bibliographic link

Zherebyatnikova G.V. CHARACTERISTICS OF CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF A FUTURE SOCIAL TEACHER // Modern problems of science and education. – 2012. – No. 1.;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

If you are wondering what creative activity is, then first of all you need to pay attention to the keyword “create”. V. Dahl interprets it as “to create something.”

However, creative activity is mistakenly understood as cutting out snowflakes from book sheets or sculpting hedgehogs from plasticine. Everything that belongs to this concept must not only have a creative, technical, cultural or scientific basis, but also bring benefit, pleasure or benefit to society or a separate group of people.

A creator can be either a creator (a person with exceptional intellectual or creative abilities) or an ordinary person who creates useful benefits for society.

Let's get acquainted with famous examples of creative human activity.


Paintings as objects of fine art are the creative activity of the artist. With the help of paints and brushes, he turns an empty canvas into a real masterpiece. This is what Ilya Repin did, for example, when he painted the painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga.”


The result of sculptural art. Work on creating the faces of four American presidents was carried out over 14 years under the leadership of John Gutzon Borglum.


Steve Jobs spent most of his life engaged in creative activities in the field of high technology. The result of his work is the legendary Apple company, which received the highest rating from IT industry experts.


In 1922, Frederick Banting and Charles Best saved a boy dying of diabetes with the world's first dose of synthesized insulin.

From that moment on, all people in the world suffering from diabetes were able to lead a full life. Undoubtedly, such medicine is one of the greatest and most useful achievements in society.


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Understand how the universe works and act according to its rules. Robert Fritz, who studies the structural dynamics of creativity and its application in the business environment, says that creativity is a window to the universe. Instead of going with the flow, you can act and create. In this article, you will learn how to bring ideas that matter to you to life through creativity.

Creative approach

The goal of a creative approach is to overcome automatic thinking and develop alternative solutions. There is one significant difference between creativity and problem solving. Solving problems means destroying them, and creating means bringing something new into the world. When you get a big and tasty problem in your hands, you no longer need to think - you have an obsession. What if you suddenly had no problems? What would you be thinking about then? What did you do? The Creator is always focused on what he would like to bring into the world.

The primitive tribes living in the jungle consider the passing plane to be a miraculous sign. Airplanes for them are, if not gods, then chariots of gods. The unknown often seems incomprehensible. Due to the lack of information, creativity is perceived as a mystical matter - in the same way, the inhabitants of the jungle lack knowledge in the field of modern aviation. In reality, creativity is a skill that can be acquired and developed like any other: through hard practice. To become a creator, you need to create regularly.

Algorithm for achieving goals in creator mode

Below are the basic steps of any creator. You may have some skills, but others may not come easy.

Imagine the outcome you want to achieve

First, the creators have an idea. Sometimes it's just an outline, and sometimes it's something specific. Understanding what you need is a real art. The education system does not teach us to understand what we want from life. We are trained to choose the “right option” from the limited options that life offers. This meager assortment has little in common with our true aspirations, and many begin to doubt their desires. Before the invention of the airplane, the steam engine and the telephone, scientists believed that this was impossible.

Answer the question: what do I want? Try asking yourself this question in different situations. If you get into the habit of thinking about it, you will develop an instinct and you will be able to determine what you want without thinking. Every time you feel confused, ask yourself this question and answer it. Much will become clearer.

Create a vision

The Chinese have a saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” A creative person knows how to draw in his mind what he wants to create. The form, structure of creation, impressions and sensations that make up the vision - all this immediately appears, even in the simplest picture. Let each new creation appear in your mind as if out of nothing. Don't take into account everything that happened in the past, focus on what you want to see come to life. Start from scratch, from an empty field. Imagine the result. Try adding elements. Take the risk of removing some of the old ones. Examine the imaginary creature from the inside, outside, up close, from afar. So, by changing your perspective, you will accumulate more and more knowledge about what you want to create. The task is to draw several pictures of what you want in your head. Then try to describe them in words.

“It is an incredible human gift to see beyond the present and the past and from that distant, unknown, to extract something that did not exist until now.” Robert Fritz

Don't think about the implementation process

If you try to decide what you want based on how you will achieve it, you will limit your ability to determine the desired outcome. So you reduce everything to what you can do or know how to do it. But the creative process is full of discoveries about what you don't know - yet. So just focus on the goal for now.

Make a choice

First, you look at ideas and try them out. This is how you accumulate knowledge about what you like and what you don't. After that, you need to make your choice, weed out the options in order to ultimately settle on one thing. Great creators know what to let go of and what to avoid.

The more you practice making decisions, the more you develop the instinct for making the right choice, leading to the implementation of creative plans. What do you think: who has a better chance of success - the one who is careful about making decisions, or the one who was able to develop a sense of making the right choice? Give the choice an official form by saying the words: “I choose...”. You don't have to say the words out loud, say them silently. By putting the vision into verbal form, you will give it concreteness and mobilize energy. Choosing your outcome is a powerful force.

Feel the birth of an idea

Origination is a special stage of the creative process. The main thing that distinguishes it is the incredible energy that characterizes a new beginning. Have you ever experienced a burst of energy when you started a new project, started a new study, or when you met your soulmate? Composer Roger Sessions describes genesis as “the impulse that sets the machinery of creativity in motion.” For film director Alfred Hitchcock, the making of a film was the sweetest part of the filmmaking process.

Determine what has already been done

When drawing a picture, the artist must understand how much he has already done and at what stage his work is at. It is very important. If he is not aware of what he has created, then he cannot add new strokes or change what he has drawn. Knowing what stage you are at is also an art. This is not so simple, because we perceive reality subjectively. Therefore, the next stage is important.

Realize reality

Many people have to get used to reality. You can lie to yourself, come up with explanations. But as you learn to create, you gain the ability to tell yourself the truth. Whether she is good, bad or indifferent to you - you want to know her. The truth makes us free and helps us create. Only by recognizing and accepting the facts of reality can we harness the power of structural tension.

Appreciate structural tension

The discrepancy between what you want and what you currently have forms the most important element in the creative process: structural stress. Creators don't just tolerate differences; they value them and encourage them. Divergence contains energy that helps create. As a creator, you can learn to create tension even in undesirable situations and hold it until it releases naturally.

Direct the energy of tension in the right direction

The tension tends to discharge. You, as a creator, create tension, use it, manage it, and release it in the direction you choose. Movement causes even more movement. Even if you are moving in the wrong direction, it will be easier for you to change course and turn towards the outcome than if you do not move at all. By moving away from your vision, you increase structural tension. It begins to generate more and more energy, pulling you more and more in the direction you really wanted to go. When you move in the direction of what you want, you accumulate inertia, and getting closer to the goal becomes easier and easier.

By embodying your creative process, you accumulate inertia. It is easier to learn a new foreign language if you already know one language. By learning a language, you not only assimilate it, but you also assimilate the ability to learn languages. If you already speak two foreign languages, then the third one will be even easier for you.

Do it by your own rules

The education system teaches us to play by someone else's rules, and few people know how to invent their own. Inventing something of your own is an important skill for a creative person. The main strength of the creator is that he knows how to experiment and evaluate experiments.

Don't stop there

Professional creators don't believe in luck, but in evolution. The creative process doesn't just bring the desired results - it contains the potential for growth. Who do you think has a better chance of creating what he intended - a master or a beginner? Even Mozart - perhaps the most gifted composer of all time - developed and grew in his work. The music he composed at age 30 was superior to that he created at age 20. The experience gave him the “acceleration” characteristic of the creative process.

Each completed work is the basis for the next creation. The nature of creative energy is such that it does not wear out, but only accumulates and multiplies itself. Once you create one culinary masterpiece, it will be easier for you to create another. If you create a beautiful garden, you will do it even better next year. Completion pushes you forward.

In short:

  • Step 1: Describe where you are.
  • Step 2: Describe where you want to be.
  • Step 3: Make a formal choice of your desired outcome.
  • Step 4: Move.

Decisive factor

Many feel hostage to the past, believing that childhood events predetermined how their lives will turn out in the future. Some are convinced that they have become victims of improper upbringing or attitude on the part of their parents. Others believe that their behavior style is determined by their genes. Others believe blindly in astrology. And they all believe that the future is largely predetermined, and only a little can be changed.

The creative approach, on the contrary, suggests that the main decisive factor in your life is yourself. In creating his symphonies, Beethoven may have been influenced by his upbringing, education and social status, but he needed

the man Beethoven to write this music. By your presence on the planet, you make possible the emergence of creations that the world would not otherwise see.

Experiment with the principles described here and begin to work with the creative process in a variety of areas. Every person can become the main creative force in his life. And once you discover this idea, there is no turning back. Your life will change forever.

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