Spellforce 2 blood feud walkthrough

The world has become older, has lost its bright colors, the purity of good and evil. Great warriors and sages left, ancient knowledge became useless, runes were forgotten. Yes, we have lost the world to which we are accustomed, the rules of which we know so well, but is this really so scary? We lose something every moment of our lives, the world grows older every second, and there is something wise in this.

World of Islands

West of Rokk, between the large islands of Hosk and Ensmere, cluster the so-called Ninety Islands. The closest one to Rokku was called Serd, and the farthest one was Seppish, it lies almost by the Peln Sea. Whether there really are ninety of them is unknown. If you count the islands with fresh water - about seventy, and if you count each rock - more than a hundred.

Ursula Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea

Once upon a time there was a huge continent, which was divided among all nations. Life was favorable to the development of magic, so sorcerers and sorceresses reached unprecedented heights in the art of magic. Enormous power has been concentrated in the hands of a few people for centuries, and some of them decided that they were capable of ruling the world themselves. The clash of characters led to a grandiose war of magicians: the forces called upon were so great that the continent could not stand it and split into islands. The consequences of the cataclysm made navigation impossible, and the islands were cut off from each other.

The sorcerers who survived the battles felt guilty. They connected the islands with portals, helped restore life, and the destinies of people again flowed as before. The nature of living (and non-living) creatures is such that it was not possible to live in the world forever. The war began again and again...

The fight against dark forces was led by rune warriors and sages from the Order of Dawn. Their magic was based on the fact that the souls of people were directly connected to the runes. With the help of runes, some people could endlessly command others, even bring back dead warriors from oblivion. Heroes who owned their own runes and could call on their less fortunate brothers to help them were called rune warriors.

The appearance of the Phoenix, with the help of which the victory was won, changed the world. The old magic began to lose its power, the runes became useless, and the invincible rune warriors turned into ordinary people.

The unification of many races made it possible to defeat the enemy, but the victory did not bring peace. While the forces of light were rebuilding their homes, a new alliance was brewing among the dark peoples. Not everyone among the dark elves supported an alliance with the shadows, newcomers from darkness, but there were too few supporters of a quiet life.

Traveler's Guide

Freedom is what's inside of me.

Sergei Shnurov

Any genre has its own classics, its own standard, the basis from which all other works are based. For fantasy, the cornerstone principle is simple: adventure is a journey. One day, in the character’s home, something happens something, which forces him to go on a journey. Along the way he finds true friends and many enemies...

The story of Spellforce 2 has not deviated from the canon: our team will travel behind the main character across the islands, crossing from one to another using magical portals. Each island has its own problems, its own enemies, its own tasks. You don’t have to complete secondary tasks, but the lost experience will come back to haunt you at high levels.

The heroes of Spellforce 2 are not quite ordinary - they are capable resurrect each other, if less than two or three minutes have passed since death and no enemies interfere. A comrade can even resurrect the main character who carelessly fell under the enemy’s sword. Companions can be resurrected later at a special building - the Altar of Life.

This is interesting: mixed feelings are when they show us a fresh corpse and say: “And this is your new companion.”

Unfortunately, along with the runes, the ability to select a team to your liking has disappeared: you will have to deal with those who are there. However, you can “fashion” them into anyone you like. I am glad that those moments when the main character was left alone have disappeared: in the first part of the game, on each new island you had to call on assistants again.

Our companions gain levels along with the main character, slightly behind him. They distribute experience points in the same way abilities: This is done automatically by default, but it is safer to do it yourself. When a grown character gets new things spell(or skill), he must transfer the spell to a “short sheet” of several cells - only then does this spell become active. The main character has ten such cells, while his assistants have only three.

While construction is underway, the heroes can rest.

The power of spells directly depends on the level: the base power of a spell is simply multiplies to the magician level.

Assistants, like the main character, have to be dressed. The set is standard: headdress, armor or mantle, necklace, two rings, weapons. The squad has a common infinite baggage that appears when you press the corresponding button in the characteristics window. Don't forget to sort automatically equipment(button at the bottom of the equipment window, near the left arrow).

In addition to the assistants, whom we fully control, dress and arm, random people walk with us fellow travelers: The first of them is the warrior princess Nightsong. Be careful: unlike the first part, a fellow traveler may die, and the journey will end there (more precisely, it will return to the last saved moment). Given that Nightsong is a melee specialist, problems can arise at every turn. By the way, it is not clear why she cannot be resurrected: we do this at the beginning of the plot, but we will not be able to repeat the success.

Having found workers and a suitable place, the hero can build a base and create an army in the best traditions of RTS. Craftsmen (or slaves, if we have evil intentions) are able to construct and repair buildings, as well as gather resources. There is no limit on the number of artisans, they are cheap - you can build for a long time and in large numbers. It is impossible to take the army to the next island: only our main assistants will follow us.

Three main resources − stone(stone), silver(silver) and laziness(lenya). Stones are needed for construction, silver serves as the basis for the army, laziness is some kind of strange herb necessary for paladins, elves, and other magical creatures and buildings. Gold coins are used as money for exchange with merchants; unlike other resources, you can take them with you to other islands.

To build an army, you need a lot of silver, but it is impossible to buy it from a merchant or exchange it for gold: it has to be mined and carried to the base in huge ingots. Apparently, silver is used as a base metal, the basis for chain mail and weapons!

The main characteristics of warriors - health, mana reserve, defense, attack power - depend on the level of the squad, or more precisely, on the level of the main character. As with spells, the principle is simple: the base values ​​(those shown in the table) are multiplied by the warrior's level.

Additional resource - food, produced on farms: to call soldiers, you need to “attach” them to a farm. The mechanism is standard for RTS and is presented in perhaps the softest version: artisans do not require food, there is no need to accumulate food, and if farms are destroyed, warriors do not disappear.

This is interesting: the rider requires twice as much food: the horse is not some artisan, it needs to be fed!

Inside the island, our character can quickly move using " teleportation stones"- strange structures, most similar to a fire. After standing next to the “stone” for a few seconds, the traveler activates it: now he can teleport to it at any time (third button in the upper left corner of the screen).

It is important: You can navigate the “magic metro” not only within the islands, but also between them. In the second part of the game, a rule was introduced: when waging a war, you cannot move between islands. The reason for this is simple: even an army of testers will not be able to find all the plot bugs with complete freedom of movement. On the other hand, the "role-playing" explanation is elegant: the hero has sworn not to abandon his troops to the enemy without leadership.

Teleportation only works for the main character, and only if there are no enemies nearby: it will not be possible to sneak away from the battlefield. Close associates are able to join the chapter using “ call- special abilities of heroes. To call it, you need to select our companion, and then find the call spell in the list under the image of the main character (upper left corner of the screen).

Strategic mode

I thought that you were left in the minority and they had more guns, and I wanted victory to be on your side. So I did the only thing I knew how...

Roger Zelazny, "A Dreary October Night"

If you played the first part of SpellForce, then remember: it was easy to get confused among the various races. The ability to build buildings for a specific race was determined by the type of temple encountered. Of course, this approach was not very convenient and required improvement.

There are only three sides left in the new world of islands: Realm(Forces of order) Pact(Pact), Clan(Clan). Fighting separately is a clear path to defeat, so like-minded races united. In the campaign, the Realm side became our home - the union of people, elves and dwarves.

Each side unites three races, so it has a central building, three base buildings for “training” ordinary warriors, and three buildings for providing reinforced troops. In addition, you can build additional “reception points” for resources and towers. Some buildings can be improved: this opens up access to new troops.

The Forces of Order (Realm) base starts with headquarters (Headquarters): Here you can call Craftsman to work. Special buttons allow you to send artisans directly to mine stone, silver or linen. In many real-time strategies, the headquarters also serves as a gathering place for all troops, but in SpellForce this is not the case: the center is responsible only for the simplest troops and titans.

Titanium- a special combat unit five to six meters tall, which exists in only one copy for each island (more precisely, one copy on each warring side). Titan is strong not in the strength of its blow, but in its health and magic. Each side has its own titanium.

All titans can use wide kick(Sweeping Blow, the blow damages several enemies at once), atomized magic(Scatter Magic, magic spreads to 5 targets) and crushing(Smashing, the force of the blow is tripled). The Order Titan Lightbringer can summon sacred blow(Divine Bolt, damage 60 units), Pact Titan Netherbeast causes pain(Pain, damage 40), clan titan Ragefire throws fireballs(Fireball, damage 30 to target and 80 to area). The damage shown in parentheses is for a hypothetical level one titan: a level ten titan will hit ten times harder.

The headquarters of the forces of order makes it possible to train ordinary soldiers (Soldiers) and crossbowmen (Crossbowman): the former require only forge (Blacksmith), the latter become available only after upgrading the forge to workshops (Workshop).

To summon stronger troops, you need to improve (update) the headquarters. There are three upgrades in total, one for each race, and for each you need to stock up on stone. The upgrade gives builders knowledge about the main building of each race - castle (Castle) for people, fortresses (Elven Fortress) for elves, warrior guild (Warrior Guild) for dwarves - it is in them that the main troops appear. In addition, each race has an auxiliary building: for humans it is citadel of the order (Order Stronghold), among the elves - shrine (Shrine of Helen), gnomes have a special forge(Dwarven Forge). Improved support buildings allow you to build the most powerful warriors for each race.

On a note: to provide troops with food, artisans must build farms ( Farm). Each farm can be upgraded to a pig farm, doubling its productivity, but this costs twice as much as a new farm. It is profitable to improve farms either if there is absolutely not enough free space, or if it is a pity to take artisans away from important work.

To protect the base there are security towers (Tower). The base attack of the towers is 40, and health is 1000 units. Like troops, towers depend on the hero’s level. In addition, each of the races is able to improve the tower: people increase the impact by 12.5% ​​and the range by 3 meters, the elves heal wounded troops from it, and the gnomes increase their defense by two-thirds. Of course, you have to pay large sums for everything. The last building altar of life(Altar of Life), as already mentioned, allows you to summon dead heroes.

The principle of building a base is true for all three sides of the conflict, so there is no point in dwelling in more detail on the barbaric principles of construction.

Role system

- Tell me: is killing good or bad?

— Is it good or bad to kill a tigress who attacked a child?

- Fine.

— For whom is it good: for a child or for a tigress and her cubs?

Boris Akunin, “The Diamond Chariot”


One day, the united but provincial Shaikan people sent their young warrior on a long journey. The goal was simple - to gain experience, see the world, learn new things, and bring knowledge from the outside world to a closed community. How did the traveler return - a strong warrior, a promising wizard, a cautious archer? None of them! The hero only knows which end to hold the knife by - he will learn the rest under our guidance, completing the tasks of everyone he meets.

The advantages of the situation are obvious: we can choose any method of destroying our enemies. Let there be no personal characteristics, we are not given the ability to develop eloquence, but the art of killing is held in high esteem. It is interesting that the hero began to study military science only after his village was under threat of destruction. Well, many people know this: inspiration comes only in critical condition. Sword and Magic Staff students also have a session!

The principles of self-improvement are simple to the point of disgrace: the character receives experience points ( experience) for completing tasks and periodically increases its level by one. Each new level gives one (just one!) point for new abilities ( skill). It is important to note that any ability, both the simplest and the most complex, is scored at one point.

All abilities are arranged in a hierarchy: first we choose between magic and martial arts, then between types of magic (or types of martial arts), then between subtypes and so on (the pure form of such a system is presented, for example, in Lineage 2).

At the same time, you won’t be able to become a narrow specialist: the game strictly forces you to develop a variety of abilities. A simple example: fire magic requires level 19 for an adept, but theoretically there are enough points for it already at level 12! You have to combine medicine and bows, heavy swords and white magic, hypnosis and necromancy...

On a note: In the game hint, the “number of points distributed” appears as a limitation for abilities. It would be more convenient to use the hero’s level, but then a “hole” would appear in the system: it would be possible to leave points “for later”.

In mathematics, such a hierarchy is called a “tree”: the image of the elements is similar to the foliage or roots of trees from the plant world. The role-playing system is divided into two trees: military and magical.

This is interesting: In mathematical theory, the term “forest” was coined to denote a set of “trees.”

Each ability has three degrees: the first gives basic capabilities, the second adds a new spell, the third allows you to expand your skills. To move on to a more “narrow” ability, you need to gain all three degrees of the “broad” one.

The basis of magical art is spells that appear automatically when an ability arises. However, the warriors are not offended, they have exactly the same “spells” (it’s more logical to call them skills). The difference is that for magicians, spells are the main form of warfare, while for warriors, skills are a nice addition. Both spells and skills require mana equally.

All spells and skills last for a certain period of time from one to several tens of seconds.

Way of the Sword

The first ability in the military “tree” is military rank (Combat Rank).The first rank allows you to pick up leather armor and helmets, clubs, clubs and other similar means for killing. The second title will help inflict mighty blow(Mighty Blow), temporarily doubling weapon attack. The third degree teaches hit on the head(Head Blow), which confuses the enemy for several seconds.

Anyone who has studied all three military ranks can learn the art of heavily armed fighters (Heavy Combat Arts): This will teach you how to use short swords, wooden shields and improved leather armor. The second degree, requiring character level 6, allows you to summon an extremely useful mercy(Benefactions), which heals a fighter and several comrades. The third degree (level 8) helps “tanks”: hero ridicule(Taunt) distracts enemies.

An alternative for those who have exhausted military ranks (you'll never guess!) - art of lightly armed fighters (Light Combat Arts). Beginners will immediately learn how to use daggers and short bows. Second degree (need level 6) - self-explanatory recovery(Mend). In contrast of favors is that the archer heals only himself, but twice as powerful. The third degree (8th level) does not serve as an example of wild imagination and is the opposite ridicule: hero escapes(Evade) from the enemy's attention.

The third “step” of the hierarchy requires a character to be level 10, the second degree requires level 13, and the third level requires level 16.

A heavy warrior of the highest level is able to study heavy weapons(Heavy Weapons): long swords and axes. The second degree of knowledge will also allow you to shout with an ax in your hands - battle cry(Battle Cry) makes the hero and several teammates hit a little harder. The third degree finally allows parry blows(Riposte), returning damage to the attacker. However, only ten seconds are enough to defend.

Those who have mastered the art of heavily armed fighters can also study heavy armor(Heavy Armor), that is, metal helmets, shields and other scrap metal. The second degree teaches you how to inflict additional wounds. hidden blades(Hidden Blades). The third degree allows using fortitude(Steadfast) takes half a minute to absorb three-quarters of the damage.

A light warrior who wants to develop further can learn about light weapons (Light Weapons): This will open up a world of long daggers and sabers. Skill rage(Rage) of the second degree increases damage to the enemy, and the third degree will help with a certain probability to avoid attacks with dexterity(Agility).

The second and much more useful option for a light warrior is weapon(Ranged Weapons), that is, ordinary bows and crossbows. Second degree teaches aim accurately(Steady Aim): This increases damage from arrows. Third degree speeds up shooting(Rapid Fire).

The last, fourth “step” of the hierarchy is available to heroes of level 19, its second level requires 23 levels, the third - 27 levels.

Having thoroughly studied heavy weapons, you can move on to one of the professional abilities.

Fight with sword in both hands(Two-Handed Swords) makes shields redundant: obviously, the attack increases, but the defense decreases. If the hero actually picks up a two-handed sword, he will receive a “prize” addition to the attack. Further development of skills - dissection(Cleave), which dramatically increases damage and penetrates armor. The highest degree brings you to the level of a master battle cry(Battle Cry Master) and the same dissection(Cleave Master), and also increases the impact of swords by 10%. Fight with with an ax in both hands(Two-Handed Axes) is similar to similar sword fighting. Skill berserk(Berserk) increases attack for 25 seconds, but all the rage falls on a random enemy. The highest degree gives professionalism in parrying(Riposte Master) and turning into berserker(Berserk Master) and also increases the blow with an ax by 10%. War Hammers (Warhammers) - here this is something from the field of armored vehicles. Thunderbolt(Thunder Strike) - a sharp increase in one blow, and its disadvantage is that we will have to use this ability several times in a row - in battle we will have more important things to do. A higher degree brings you to a professional level thunderclap(Thunder Strike Master) and taunts (Taunt Master), not forgetting to increase damage by 10%.

On a note: a bright picture - an armored warrior stands with a heavy hammer in his hands and professionally mocks his enemies...

Those who choose to study heavy armor in detail can also develop their knowledge.

Plate armor(Plate Armor) are more reliable than conventional ones, but require special skills. The second degree allows you to demonstrate iron will(Iron Will): in practice, this looks like the protective field from “Mechanoids”, that is, the defense increases and up to 75% of health and mana are restored, but at this time the warrior cannot move. Third degree improves iron will(Iron Will Master) and durability(Steadfast Master), and also speeds up health recovery by 50%. Chain mail (Chain Mail) at the second level help to apply last reserves(Last Reserve): over 20 seconds, the hero restores up to 150% health (the skill is intended for very bad cases). The last degree improves the same last reserves(Last Reserve Master) and hidden blades(Hidden Blades Master), in addition, speeds up mana recovery by 25%. Tower shields(Tower Shields) allow you to build on the second level shield wall(Shield Wall), which increases the protection of 15 nearby allies. At the third level, improved shield walls(Shield Wall Master) and mercy(Benefactions) are complemented by an acceleration of health recovery by 30% and mana by 15%.

Light weapons specialists will have to choose between standard combat abilities.

Fight with two daggers(Dual Wield Daggers) allows you to learn at the second level poisoning(Poison Stringer), infecting up to 5 enemies. The third level increases attack by 10% and improves slipping away(Evade Master) c poisoning(Poison Stringer Master). The meaning is clear: the character acquires the combat functions of a “thief”. Dual Wield Blades teaches in the second degree slashing blows(Slash): bleeding from them is no better than poisoning. The third level increases attack by 10%, improves dexterity(Agility Master) and slashing blows(Slash Master). Combat staves (Fighting Staffs) allow you to become hurricane(Hurricane) - the next strike is dealt to all surrounding enemies. In addition to increasing attack by 10%, the third level improves rage(Rage Master) and Hurricane(Hurricane Master).

Those who have studied small arms will be able to specialize in one type of bow.

Arrows from longbows (Longbows) by using true shot(Trueshot) increase the power and accuracy of shots, and the third stage increases damage from longbows by 10% and improves precise aiming(Steady Aim) with true shot(Trueshot Master). Arrows from speed bows(Fast Bows) know how tricks(Salvo) shoot five arrows at a time. At the third degree, they add 10% to damage, using rapid fire(Rapid Fire Master) are accelerated by 40%, using masterful tricks(Salvo Master) shoot seven arrows at once. Specialists in heavy crossbows(Heavy Crossbows) can penetrate armor with armor break(Armor Breaker). The third degree increases the impact of bolts by 10%, and also allows you to improve armor break(Armor Breaker Master) and recovery(Mend Master).

Mage's Choice

The life of a sorcerer begins with receiving magic rank (Magic Rank) - it is at this moment that he is taught to put on special clothes and hats. You know, you can’t just put on a magic hat - you need skill and ingenuity. Second rank teaches a spell flash(Flash), dealing medium damage to the enemy. The third rank allows treat(Healing) yourself or an ally.

A third-rank mage can choose between world and sacred magic. First degree of world magic ( World Magic) will help call thunderstorm(Thunderstorm), striking the three enemies closest to the sorcerer. The second degree makes it possible steal mana(Mana Theft) from the enemy - this is useful in battles with local “bosses”. The third degree is doubtful - acrid cloud(Corrosive Cloud) weakens the enemy's defense. It's better to hit directly...

First degree sacred magic(Divine Magic) strikes hard sacred lightning(Divine Bolt) at a given location on the map. Meditation(Meditation) at the second level restores mana. The third level gives a basic black magic spell - life drain(Lifetap).

The level restrictions for the third “step” of the hierarchy are the same as for a warrior.

On a note: The first degrees for each third-level ability do not grant new spells, but only allow the use of the corresponding staves and robes.

World magic can develop into elemental magic and psychic magic. Elemental magic (Elemental Magic) of the second degree makes it possible to call elemental projectile(Elemental Projectile), combining damage from fire, ice and earth. The third degree gives access to color shield(Chromatic Shield), which takes on some of the blows: of course, it is better for the magician not to fall under enemy blows at all.

Psychic magic(Mental Magic) second degree teaches hypnosis(Mesmerization): The enemy freezes until hit. A lot of restrictions make this spell too narrowly applicable. On the third degree shock(Shock) deals a physical blow depending on the target's mana level.

Sacred magic is divided according to the principle of the opposition of good and evil: white and black. Black magic (Black Magic) of the second degree allows you to apply pain(Pain), that is, simply taking away health. Third degree spell extinction(Extinct), instantly destroys all weak enemies in a given area.

White magic (White Magic) of the second degree, as you might guess, gives the ability treat intensively(Greater Heal). The third degree allows using retribution(Retribution) reflects most of the damage to attackers.

As for warriors, the last “step” of the hierarchy is available to heroes of level 19, the second level requires 23 levels, the third requires 27 levels.

Fire magic (Fire Magic) first degree teaches throwing fireballs(Fireball): hits both the target and its neighbors. On the second degree fire storm(Fire Storm) will allow you to get rid of surrounding enemy troops. Finally, the third degree enhances fireballs(Fireball Master) fire storm(Fire Storm Master) and elemental projectiles(Elemental Projectile Master). Ice magic(Ice Magic) freezes(Freeze) the object and hits it. The second degree is even colder: ice comet(Ice Comet) hits the area immediately. The third degree increases strength freezing(Freeze Master) ice comet(Ice Comet Master) and color shield(Chromatic Shield Master). Earth magic (Earth Magic) first degree throws three at the enemy stone(Rock Projectile), the second degree causes eruption(Eruption), which strikes both enemy troops and his buildings. A higher degree improves and throwing stones(Rock Projectile Master), and eruptions(Eruption Master), and acrid cloud(Corrosive Cloud Master).

Psychic magic is also divided into three types.

Magic (Enchantment) of the first degree allows you to return 75% of the magic strike to the enemy using feedback(Feedback). The second degree brings stream of thoughts(Mind Stream), which deals a physical blow to the enemy. Our hero must have terrible thoughts! Third degree improves feedback(Feedback Master), stream of thoughts(Mind Stream Master) and shock(Shock Master). Domination (Domination) first degree teaches charm(Charm), while we can control a weak enemy unit for half a minute. The second degree will give the ability to cause brutality(Amok): The enemy unit temporarily considers everyone around them to be enemies. The third degree enhances brutality(Amok Master), enchantment(Charm Master) and mana drain(Manadrain Master). Illusions (Illusions) of the first degree prohibit surrounding enemies from casting spells with silence(Silence). The second degree causes dancing lights(Dancing Lights): Weak enemies cannot move for a while. The third degree enhances silence(Silence Master) dancing lights(Dancing Lights Master) and hypnosis(Mesmerization Master).

Black magic offers its “graduate students” three different directions.

Necromancy(Necromancy) of the first degree causes dark stream(Dark Stream), which deals damage to everyone around the magician and at the same time drains health. That's right, you shouldn't get close to the necromancer! The second degree of necromancy will allow bring back from the world of the dead(Raise Dead) 10 allies for 40 seconds. The third degree enhances dark stream(Dark Stream Master), restoration of the dead(Raise Dead Master) and life drain(Lifetap Master). Specialist in of death (Death) can cause a strong physical shock under the modest name death. The second degree allows you to create field of pain(Field of Pain), that is, strike with black magic in a given area. The third degree increases the effect pain(Pain Master) of death(Death Master) and fields of pain(Field of Pain Master). Demonology (Demonology) allows you to apply demonic whip(Demonic Scourge), which summons a demon. The second degree brings burning blood(Burning Blood): The mage's companions first increase their attack, but then gradually die. An interesting option for the last battle. Third degree improves demonic whip(Demonic Scourge Master) burning blood(Burning Blood Master) and extinction(Extinct Master)

On a note: There is a limitation on the actions of the necromancer: it is impossible to return the dead who have risen from the dead from the world of the dead. Confused phrase? Now I’ll explain everything. In the world of Spellforce 2 there are risen from the dead(Undead). These are not only those whom the necromancer restored, this is a separate type of life with its own traditions. Risen from the Dead ( those that are Undead) may die again, and the necromancer will no longer be able to restore them. Such is the paradox.

White magic balances black magic in the number of subspecies.

Magic of protection (Protection Magic) with help sacred retribution(Divine Retribution) returns part of the damage to attackers. The second degree gives the ability to ten-second invulnerability(Invulnerable). The third degree enhances retribution(Retribution Master), sacred retribution(Divine Retribution Master) and invulnerability(Invulnerable). The magic of life (Life Magic) holy rays(Holy Light) heals everyone in a given area. The second degree allows you to restore 10 dead soldiers as ghost armies(Ghost Army) for a minute. The third degree takes you to the highest level enhanced treatment(Greater Heal) holy rays(Holy Light Master) army of ghosts(Ghost Army Master). Magic of nature(Nature Magic) engages in combat strikes using holy wrath(Holy Wrath), strengthened against those risen from the dead. The second degree allows the magician and his closest comrades to freeze and become invulnerable for 25 seconds when sacred power(Divine Command). The third degree enhances sacred lightning(Divine Bolt Master) holy wrath(Holy Wrath Master) and sacred power(Divine Command Master).

This is interesting: For the first time I see that white magicians cope with the return of the dead better than necromancers.


This story is about betrayal. We are used to branding traitors with shame, despising them, taking revenge on them... What is it like to be in the shoes of such a person, to feel his motivation, to understand him?

In Russian culture, it is customary with particular tenacity to confuse traitors with dirt, to deprive them of the slightest right to justify themselves. Yes, this is historically justified, suffered through human blood, but there is also the other side of the coin: betrayal has become a symbol, a label. It has long been known: any label becomes a convenient tool in the hands of manipulators of other people’s lives. Arguments are no longer needed, even one’s own thoughts are not needed: one cry of “Traitor!” Crucify him!

Too many are ready to endure bullying, just not to hear a menacing scream in their direction. It’s good when we can protect ourselves, but what if there is simply no such opportunity? Is the army or school really needed to instill fear of the stronger? Why does defending your own rights, your own life become shameful and despised? Yes, cheating can be cruel, but this is not a reason to believe other people's cries and stop thinking.

SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars is a multifaceted game: real-time strategy meets role-playing, challenging puzzles with detailed instructions on how victories translate into experience, genre templates with unexpected plot twists. The guide appeared on the pages of “Best Computer Games” in the last issue, and now before you is a walkthrough of the single-player campaign.

The main advantage of the game process is battles in the strategic mode, and it is to them that special attention is paid in the article. Most of the tasks from the role-playing part of the game are described in detail in built-in tips, so only those that can cause difficulties are described in the walkthrough.

Forces of order

Lord, the forces of light have captured our village and desecrated the graves!

Dialogue fragment

The creators of the game showed enviable ingenuity, maximizing the advantages of SpellForce 2: the main character alternately fights for all three sides of the conflict. We don’t just smash a line of skeletons ten times in a row with brave paladins: the game allows you to test yourself at the head of people, and as a commander of orcs, and leading a horde of necromancers. The scriptwriters managed to connect all the battles into one plot: the result was not only an unusual protagonist, despised by the official “light” forces, but also contradictory relations with his allies... It goes without saying that the topic of betrayal comes up every now and then during negotiations, but not a single It’s impossible not to sympathize with the hero.

The characteristics of the three light races have been known for a long time and in detail: elves shoot with precision and know how to heal, gnomes are specialists in technology and chain mail, and people... people learn a little from all other races. Crossbows allow a person to shoot well, horses allow them to move quickly, and griffins help them fly. Paladins, under the guise of light forces, even engage in typical necromancy! Of course, in none of the arts can people get ahead of teachers - this is their weakness. So, detachments of the forces of order.

Human soldier(Soldier) - a simple and cheap warrior, with a good blow, but poor health. Useful for blitzkrieg, but unreliable on a long march. Crossbowman(Crossbowman) - the basis of the human army, it is distinguished by good health, low price and unpretentiousness.

The monument greets us at the entrance to the city.

It is important: Archers should make up a significant part of the army: they do not interfere with each other when attacking and are able to shoot down flying enemies. The heroes will bear the brunt.

Mounted crossbowman(Mounted Crossbowman) is a squad that requires special attention and developed microcontrol. It requires two units of food, and therefore is ineffective in mass battles: the horsemen’s job is sabotage in the early stages. Paladin(Paladin) - a good heavy warrior for islands with long distances, temporarily resurrecting fallen comrades. Has 75% immunity to black magic. If the army is large, the paladins distract too much attention - it is better to take in numbers. Mage(Mage) is capable of flying, but requires a lot of laziness: this resource is usually in greatest shortage. Mages are good for unexpected attacks from the rear, but quickly die in random skirmishes. Dwarves defenders(Defender) - a strong, but quite expensive replacement for ordinary soldiers. They are needed primarily to distract attention from archers. Elite(Elite) - an improved version of the foot warrior with enhanced first strike ability. They need laziness. Immunity 75% to fire. Catapult(Dwarven Catapult) - a mobile unit for attacking buildings and enemy clusters from afar, the disadvantage is the high price and three units of food. Huntress(Ranger) - an archer who specializes in flying targets. Wins against a human crossbowman, but needs a laziness. Druid(Druid) - a healer for the squad, capable of standing up for himself in close combat. Ents(Treant) - walking trees for leisurely close combat with a large number of opponents. Disadvantages: low speed, vulnerable to fire, requires three units of food. In real combat they are ineffective, but they are needed because of their unique ability - they can see shadows.

Steel fields

The Shaikan are a tribe of people founded by the ancient alchemist and dark magician Malakai. Even hundreds of years after the death of their ancestor, the Shaikan maintain the tradition of mixing their blood with the blood of a dragon. Their dark past gave them incredible powers capable of deceiving death, but also turned them into outcasts of the inhabited world. The gods abandoned the Shaikans, and they live on the border of light and shadow, people and dark elves, not belonging to any union. "Shaikan" means "without gods."

Returning to the past is an important moment in the life of any person. What to do if a horde of enemies approaches the gates of your hometown? What can one warrior do against an army? The questions have been asked, the answers will find us.

This is interesting: There are only three resources left in the SpellForce world. Stone is needed to build buildings: it’s logical, it doesn’t raise any questions. The second resource, silver, is needed for the appearance of warriors. But why do we need multi-kilogram ingots? And iron is not on the list... Are all weapons, all armor made of silver? What kind of suspicious weed is this - lenya? What kind of herb turns ordinary warriors into paladins, and why do shamans love it so much?

While fate leads the heroes by the hand and brings them together with their first ally - the dark elf Night Song. There are still many surprises ahead!


The squad went for help to the paladins of the Order of the Falcon, but they themselves need help. However, who in this world does not need help? Only our enemies! Necromancers have captured the holy lands, skeletons are walking on the green grass... Special beacons will help keep the evil spirits at a respectful distance: they need to be lit one at a time, driving away the necromancer.

Even in such a situation, there is time for emotions: the guard Rottgar asks to deliver a letter to his fiancée Solveig. The warrior Leif was connected with the same girl, whose body lies on the way to the castle. From a diary found on the corpse, we learn that Rottgar staged Leif's death in order to eliminate a competitor in the fight for Solveig's heart. All the threads of history are in our hands, our words will determine the fate of Solveig. Decide what to tell her and what to hide! The truth is rewarded with a new sword from the stock of the blacksmith Uland.

The baron with the overly aristocratic name Ortbrandt is not inclined to believe the first person he meets. You need to prove your abilities with action: with the help of a huge horn we will block the enemies’ passage to the castle. We need to act quickly, without being distracted by small groups of opponents: after completing the combat mission, we will calmly cut their throats - with sense, placement and understanding of the harmony of the moment.

The next task is to find the lost children Inga and Rolf. The blacksmith's dog Cyclops will help in the search for children, barking periodically. It’s not clear what’s useful about this, but it doesn’t interfere – that’s good. The children are hidden in the curves of the terrain on the southwestern hill: you need to carefully look around to find them. Magister Helwig will offer to kill the children in exchange for a reward: we will listen to her carefully and tell the baron. The children are saved, but the first betrayal has been committed... Wasn't the price too high?

In parallel with the search, you need to remember about the necromancers: to get rid of the danger, it is enough to find their lair in the northwest and perform a ritual over it (or, more simply, talk to the altar, no matter how stupid it may sound). The battle tactics are simple: all forward!

Reed Hills

In the further journey we will have to take care not only of ourselves, but also of a small caravan. Fortunately, companions do not interfere with the center of the battle, but it is still dangerous to leave at least one enemy behind.

The leader of Rushwater Downs is a Master of the Order of the Dawn named Matricus. Along with the magic of the runes, the power of the order disappears: this time meeting with it will be only an episode in a long journey.

Village security is guaranteed!

In parallel with the main battle, we are required to protect a village in the southeast. If the difficulty of the game is not high, you can send there the detachment of warriors that they gave us to help. However, you can simply ignore the village.

It’s stupid to go to the capital empty-handed: we’ll find the stone to restore the portals in the north. Several auxiliary missions do not require comments: just follow the instructions or wait for a convenient moment in the future.

Seven towers

Sevenkeeps is a large city, and navigating it can be challenging at first. Main landmarks: the royal courtyard in the center, a little to the south - the guild of craftsmen. In the southwest of the royal court there is a portal to Westguard, and even further west is the university. In the west of the city there is a magic guild, in the northwest there is the territory of the priests, in the southwest there are barracks. Finally, to the east is the market, and to the north is the territory of the dwarves.

A strange disease has attacked the capital of the people, Sevenkeeps: at such a moment the king is not inclined to send an army on a long campaign. However, the art of the gnomes is more important for us: it is with them that we will negotiate first. Negotiations are not very easy: the dwarven ambassador Yandrim Windhammer is drunk. The young warrior Jared will tell us the recipe for a sobering potion. To make it, you need to combine the knowledge of masters and priests.

Of course, money is not a value for craftsmen: services are much more valuable. To enlist the support of each of the guilds, you need to talk with its representatives, receive tasks and complete at least one of them. Customers give such detailed instructions that additional explanations are not required: the main thing is action!


In the dwarven dungeons we will meet ghosts feeding on the power of green crystals. Ethereal gourmets are invulnerable near crystals, but once you lure them out, they become easy prey.

Young explorer Lela reaps the fruits of her curiosity in a cage in the middle of a dungeon: to free her, she needs to negotiate with a snow lynx to the west of the gnome settlement. Cats are smart animals, so you can negotiate with a lynx without the problems that usually happen with people. The animal will distract the giant guarding the keys next to the cage: Lela is free and waiting for us at Sevenkeeps University.

Battle in the air.

Before the final battle, allies are needed: the hero, inspired by successful negotiations with the animal, sets a new diplomatic record by coaxing piles of stones. The stones listen to reasonable speeches and turn out to be enchanted giants: soon the united army will set off to conquer the ice kingdom in the northeast.

The ice witch lives southwest of the main castle - it is there that the liberation of the dwarven land will be completed. Both when attacking the city and in the battle with the witch, the main striking force should be the shooting units - archers and catapults. Let the melee warriors be frozen by the ice, and strikes from afar will bring you victory. If the witch is too strong for your troops, towers built near her home will give a decisive advantage.

Now let’s return to Sevenkeeps, talk to General Einar, who is standing next to the king, and look for new allies - the elves. The elf ambassador has disappeared, her traces are lost in the possessions of the sorcerer Hagard in the northwest of the city. After several runs around the city (waystones are more useful here than ever), we will turn our attention to the young slacker Jester: he will tell us that Hagard is leading us by the nose. The next run to Hagard must be fully armed: we have a battle ahead of us.

Among the secondary tasks in Sevenkeeps, those that force you to temporarily change your occupation stand out. The priest will ask you to go around some houses at night and write down which of the residents is sneaking into the secret meeting (marks will have to be made separately, on paper).

Lieutenant Falida will ask you to become a double agent - you will have to master the profession of a thief: to steal from pockets, in the world of SpellForce it is enough to walk near ordinary people with a special amulet, and to rob merchants you need to calculate the time of movement of the guards and be transported to the waystones as soon as the loot is in your pocket. The stolen chest of Flann Gondersen from the craftsmen's guild can be recaptured from the robbers in the southwest of the island: this task brings a significant amount of experience in a short time.

Dan Mora

The rescued elf will open the way to the island of the elves, to Dun Mora. The first thoughts upon arrival are not optimistic: the elven people have seen better times. The remnants of a once strong race live in the ruins of the old capital, they are terrorized by demons, ghosts control half of the population... Are we really in someone's nightmare?

In the first part of the task, seconds count: after talking with the queen, you need to go around all the ghosts (they form a circle inside the city) and make them leave. For some, a blow with a sword is enough, others need consolation, the third will send for a letter that was once lost (the main thing here is not to be distracted by enemies along the way, but take the letter and run back), the fourth will ask to burn her body... If you don’t waste a minute, that’s all the ghosts will calmly go to another world. The second task is simpler: you need to build a base and recruit an army of archers - ordinary warriors are no good against flying demons.

When we return to Sevenkeeps, all that remains is to talk to the king and find Night Song in the northwest of the island. Hagard will find his grave nearby: as it turned out, he acted on the orders of our main enemy - the sorceress Sorvina. Not far from the portal there is a Mindstone - a mind-reading device that will reveal Sorvina's plans to us.


The next test is the lands captured by the orcs on the way to their native land. We have a camp in the southwest of the island. The enemy has three camps: in the north, in the east and in the northeast at the entrance to the fortress. It is not difficult to repel the first attack: it is enough to redirect troops to the place of attack. Simultaneously with the war, resource extraction should be quickly established in the north and south of the base.

When building a base, farms should play a special role: enemies tend to attack the first building they see. Since farms are the cheapest, they must protect towers in dangerous directions: from the north and east. In addition, farms must stand between the silver mine and the enemy. To prevent such tactics from affecting the size of the army, it is useful to build a few extra farms.

Conversations with other military leaders will help coordinate actions: as soon as the defense of the towers is built, the main part of the army, together with its allies, will sweep away first the northern camp, and then the eastern one. The third stage is the assault on the fortress. Along the way, you can free the magicians south of the fortress, but this will not bring a turning point in the battle.

The mercenary Mordecai Lataya from the defeated camp will offer to attack the orcs from the rear, but there is no particular benefit in this: a detachment of heroes is not enough to defeat the entire enemy army.

The main role in the assault should be played by catapults, as well as a coordinated attack by all our troops. It is useful to concentrate the attack on one flank and then transfer it to the second.

Return to the Steel Fields

The forces of order face the main battle against the forces of the sorceress: this time the battlefield is the homeland of the protagonist. The initial disposition is unfavorable: the base is located in the very south of the island, and passages in the east and west allow you to bypass the mountain range. The enemy has two advantages: flying gargoyles that can overcome mountains, and shadow warriors that are invisible until they attack. You won’t be able to block the passages and live in peace: the enemy can appear anywhere. So, we have two most important tasks - to build an air defense with archers and towers and to protect the silver mine. Mages on griffins, having flown around the island's perimeter, must get to the northeast to organize the extraction of the lenya: there is no need for protection - the enemy simply does not suspect such a possibility.

The enemy receives silver from a mine in the northwest of our base: weak defense begs for sabotage through the western pass. Of course, there will still be a risk of losing your base after an enemy strike. The goal of this stage is to gather the maximum army based on the resources that are initially available.

An alternative tactic, useful for high difficulty, is this: having received the first “harvest” of stone and silver, move your base to the mines in the northwest - they are located compactly, the production volumes are larger, and they are easier to defend. It’s good to build farms near the laney’s prey: they are safe there.

It is important: The benefit of a deposit is determined not so much by the volume of ore as by the number of jobs for miners.

When the largest possible army has been gathered, a detachment of heroes must head west for help from the Ents. At an early stage of development, such an expedition is of little use: the turtle-like low speed of the allied trees does not allow you to count on quick help. A joint army of people and trees will be able to attack first one enemy base, and then another. From this moment on, the outcome of the battle is decided.

The native lands were liberated, but all the defenders were killed, and the head of the clan was kidnapped. Let's go ahead and cleanse the world of evil! But what happened? The leaders of humans and elves say their mission is accomplished. Reconcile, forgive? Never! If people don't want to go further, we will go without them! What, you call this a betrayal of the concept of good?

At the head of the clan

Hail, our beloved enemy! You are the meaning of our life, you give us strength, you inspire us! Hail!

Orc Tribe's Prayer

The uncontrollable pathos of people and elves sooner or later gets boring, and intrigues seem like unnecessary games: we are looking for simplicity, frankness, competition without excesses and whispers behind our backs. This is exactly what the orcs will give us: they do not look at whether a person is in front of them or an elf, but evaluate the dexterity of the blow and the sharpness of the blade.

No loud slogans, no morality or culture: the meaning of life for orcs is war, art is murder. If an orc is a warrior, if a mage is a fire specialist, if a veteran is a walking tank. The orcs have trolls as their assistants - the embodiment of brute force and economy of brains. The third companions of the clans, barbarians, who are inconceivable outside the elements of battle, are not far behind. Let's study the capabilities of the orcs.

Archer(Archer) of the Orcs - a cheap archer for early attacks. Suitable if you can crush it with numbers at the beginning of development. Mercenary(Mercenary) - an ordinary swordsman: the ability to reflect part of the damage does not compensate for low health. Shaman(Shaman) - a cavalryman with a strong attack due to fire magic. Loses advantage in long battles when mana runs out. Veteran(Veteran) - a heavily armed but expensive infantryman. Increased impact against riders. Totem(Totem) - Orc air force. The totem is able to see shadows, its immunity to ice is 50%. There are no other features. Freak(Hurler) - a heavy clan warrior who throws stones at the beginning of the attack. Ravager(Devastator) - An expensive but effective melee warrior. Double strike against buildings. Incendiary Catapult(Fire Catapult) is self-explanatory due to its precise name. Man with an ax(Axeman) is a great example of a combination of an archer and a melee warrior, the best warrior of the clans. Immunity to ice 75%. Spiritualist(Spiritist) - a flying squad for sabotage using ice magic. Disadvantage: Requires three units of food. Berserk(Berserk) - a powerful melee warrior who reflects some of the blows on the enemy.

Gate of Swords

We can’t count on traditional allies - elves, gnomes, people, but maybe at least we will find understanding among our enemies? A small clan of orcs is our first wards and at the same time the entrance exam.

Behind the gates stands the “city” of orcs: a chaotically scattered network of fires and temporary huts. To the east is the “royal courtyard”, at the top of the hill in the center is a fair: this group of merchants will be our main store for the rest of the game (an alternative market operates in Westguard). In the southeast, the gladiator arena offers its services: let’s leave it for better times, fighting in the arena is too tough for a beginner.

Any special instructions in this area are unnecessary: ​​just walk around the camp and talk to all the sociable orcs. Only when visiting the oracle can you use a trick: to get the answer, you need to collect flowers faster than the local shaman (ordinary people are not able to understand the logic of oracles). There is a simple and elegant solution in Orcish style - to quietly kill the shaman and, without any haste, make a bouquet.

Uram Gor

The first task in the labyrinths of Uram Gor is to lead a group of workers to the site of the proposed base. Theoretically, they should be led from one safe circle to another, protected in between, but in practice it is more convenient to first exterminate all the enemies and destroy their houses, and then give the workers a walking tour in a calm atmosphere. Despite the abundance of moves, the correct path to the magic gate is long and looks like a loop extended to the north.

Along the way, it is useful to find two eyes of the local god Aonir - they are in the hands of enemies not far from the entrance in the east and north. If you return the eyes to the owner, some of the problems associated with ghosts will disappear.

The second part of the adventure is the most difficult stage of the game. We have to simultaneously hold back attacks from the north, from the dark elves, and from the west, from the fire elementals. Attacking the elf base is an unpromising activity due to the hobby of their owners with security towers. An effective tactic is defense in the style of the Mannerheim Line from the north and the gradual destruction of monuments in the east.


In the crater of a volcano on a dark mountain, the dwarves forged three rings... Considering the role-playing aspect of the game, destroying the rings would be unacceptably bad form, so the hero will have to forge the fourth. The first step in a blacksmith's career is to help the barbarian Vlad in the fight against the arrogant monsters besieging the village.

Enemies are attacking the village from two sides, and both of their camps are located at the same distance. The algorithm, therefore, is simple: we divide the army into two parts, the first, with the support of towers, protects the village on one side, the second captures the silver mine on the other (there is a mine on each path) and, without being distracted by additional tasks, eliminates the source of danger. Then the combined forces launch an attack in another direction. Once the village is safe, you can collect all the additional rewards: rob the giants in the west of their treasure and complete the task with the orc sword in the southeast.

The entrance to the gnomes' fortress is directly opposite the village. In the courtyard we should turn right: the enchanted Professor Twiddle is waiting for us there. To disenchant it, you need to move all the levers to the upper position. Eight levers are arranged in an infinity sign (?): each switches those closest to it. Thus, the central lever switches four other levers, and the other six switches two each. Solving the problem is not difficult: just move all the levers on one side to the desired position, and then finish the task on the other.

The ghost of a gnome will help you travel to a secret forge and forge a ring. First, you have to find four fiery entities - for which it is enough to attack clusters of fire elementals and destroy them until one drops the desired object. Then you need to light the fires: the gnome will tell you how to do this. The secret is that successive presses on the lever increase the heat: on one you need to set the maximum heat level, white, on the second - the second level, green, on the third - the first, yellow.

Having received the ring, we will be able to talk with one of the leaders of the shadows, a former rune warrior. Still, he was drawn in by dark forces... Final negotiations face to face (the companions must wait in the distance) near the orc camp lead to an agreement: the shadows will not protect Sorvina - and they want a black mirror for this.

Finding a black mirror is not so easy: you have to go to... the library. After talking with the merchants, we head south, gather an army of ghosts, find a library and, through the southern swamp, reach the portal to the island of magnetic stones. An army of ghosts will help you cope with an equally ghostly dragon - the portal's guard.

Size isn't everything...

Magnetic stones

The island of magnetic stones is full of magic, but the enemies did not take care of good defense. The secret of success is rapid expansion with the capture of resources: first to the north for the lenya, immediately after that to the northwest for silver, and then along the southern road to the west. As soon as the enemy loses his sources of income, the outcome of the battle will be decided. Hunting skeleton hunters is not a burdensome task, especially if you block the narrow passage to the enemy base in the center of the island. As soon as all the skeletons crumble, our army will level the enemy base to ground level.

Useful treasures are hidden in the canyons in the north, the mosaic in the north-west stands out especially: here several powerful attacks await the hero, each of which will give valuable trophies. The last wave of attack will allow you to complete the task of finding the perfect magnetstone.


Why do invisible creatures need a mirror? There is no answer, and there is no need for one: the result is important here. The crater itself with the precious mirror is located in the southwest, and there are two paths to it. Since Godzilla's own sister, the incredibly aptly named Grozilla, is wandering along the northern road, it would be better for us to take the southern route. The road consists of the systematic extermination of representatives of the animal world and their places of origin.

The mirror is guarded by a monster named Naugron, and he himself is protected by magical bones. Destroying the defense is not an easy task: a person cannot penetrate it, and a non-human cannot get here. The cunning spirit inside the main character will tell you: the monsters don’t need to get here: one is already here. Then everything is clear: we distract the enemy so that he hits his own defense with magic, at the same time we fight off his attacks and constantly heal. A few tense minutes - and now we have the mirror in our hands.

Short negotiations with the orc lord - and he is ready for great battles. The only catch is that the event requires the approval of the stone god in the south. In a conversation with God, we do not agree to the tasks of the higher mind, but doubt its truth: indeed, this is a fake, bringing back pleasant memories to fans of the first part of SpellForce.

Tuscari Desert

In the desert, one of the most difficult moments of the game awaits us, and the name of this moment is giant spiders. The main problem is to manage three directions at the same time: microcontrol must be at its best.

The first task is to deliver the heroes to the base in the southwest of the island as quickly as possible. There are two problems: firstly, there are spiders along the way, and secondly, the orc lord is with us, who strives to get involved in all the fights at once. As a result, instead of helping the base, the heroes are forced to destroy all the spiders in sight.

Meanwhile, the base constantly needs help: with inhuman (spider-like, one might think) tenacity, it is attacked from both sides by spiders. The defenders' forces are barely enough: one stupid step of an orc without intelligence can cost half the buildings. Therefore, a mandatory condition of the first stage is that construction teams must constantly be on duty at the security towers.

With the arrival of the main characters, the situation becomes less difficult: the army is growing, and we can already fully protect the approaches to buildings with towers. The eastern direction is especially important: local silver mines are the key to success.

It will be possible to find a recipe against multi-legged enemies only in an orc fortification captured by people: you will either have to cleanse the “deposits” of spiders several times with human blood, or kill the spider goddess. The option with a goddess is preferable: there is less hassle, and the base of people is nearby...

This is interesting: something outdated, forgotten, locals call Mist of Oblivion. It looks like the authors are wishful thinking!

As soon as the spiders disappear, people will happily launch an attack on our base in two directions. At the same time, their air force (mages on griffins) attack the orc lord who remained in the settlement recaptured from the people. The military commander must be protected with anti-aircraft installations - both archers and security towers can play their role.

The human base is located in the northeast, and the entrance to it is from the south: in fact, this is all that is important for warriors to know about it.

Dragh Lur

The stronghold of dark forces rises among the swamps, but it’s not easy to get there: traps are placed everywhere. These traps can easily destroy half an army, so you shouldn't take them lightly. Local sappers (pioneers) came with us to defuse the mines. They don’t know how to fight, but they defuse traps masterfully: just lead them to a flashing circle on the ground - they’ll take care of the rest.

The paths in the swamp we are interested in form a triangle, where minerals lie in the lower two corners, and the enemy base stands in the third corner. The enemy can take any path, so you will have to organize security in two directions at once. The most difficult thing in this situation is to guess the moment to attack and not miss a retaliatory attack. After the first victory, storming the castle is already a matter of technique. By technology I mean a squad of catapults.

What, negotiations with the shadow warrior were a betrayal? But we wouldn't have a chance! Is it better to lose, but with your head held high? Let the world perish, but our honor remains intact? No, this is not my way!

Controlling Chaos

You are a monster, a traitor, a monster, a creature, an animal! Okay, what are the orders?

Dialogue fragment

If you can't defeat the enemy, lead him! The goal is higher than the principles, so the main character accepts any help. Are the warriors of the dark alliance as strong as they saw from the other side of the battlefield? Now the enemy cannot escape: another dark elf will stand against the dark elf, and another necromancer will stand against the necromancer.

If we describe the dark forces in one word, then it is enough to say the word “ style" Dashingly curved swords, slightly foppish clothes, romantic desperation - this is a typical dark elf. Warrior Princess Nightsong is the only warrior in the world of SpellForce 2 who has traded full armor for armored underwear. Not far behind the elves are the gargoyles, the embodiments of the elements who value freedom above all else. They stand apart shadows- warriors from another world, invisible to most inhabitants of the sublunary world. They appear out of nowhere, unleashing their attacks on unsuspecting rear areas, and soon disappear again. So, the forces of darkness.

Dark Swordsman(Shadow Blade) - an infantryman without any special features, stronger than ordinary warriors of other races. Witch(Sorceress) knows the pain spell, but is of little use in a long battle, and therefore not needed. Prince of Death(Death Knight) is a good heavy warrior for quick attacks, capable of restoring health at the expense of enemies. Requires two units of food, so is not suitable for large armies. Necromancer(Necromancer) - a most dangerous warrior who uses black magic from afar. In battle, it creates a numerical superiority due to the skeletons raised from the dead. If resources are abundant, an army of necromancers will be an unpleasant surprise for large groups of the enemy. Spiderman(Arachnis) - a spider with the ability to summon other spiders. Interesting, but does not fit well with a regular army and requires three units of food. Ice Gargoyle(Frost Gargoyle) - a flying unit with the ability to freeze the enemy. Useful in combination with ground troops, vulnerable to fire, requires two units of food. Fire Gargoyle(Fire Gargoyle) - a flying unit with a strong attack. Useful for air raids, vulnerable to ice, requires two food units. Stone gargoyle(Stone Gargoyle) - a “bulldozer” that takes the blow of the defenders. Immunity to arrows is 75%, and the “little animal” itself needs three units of food. Murderer(Assasin) - a shadow capable of delivering a strong blow to the enemy when it appears. Formless(Transformer) - a shadow that can deal a strong blow to flying enemies when it appears. Ravager(Ravage) - a shadow that can deal a strong blow to buildings when it appears.


All allies have turned their backs on us, but we move on: the goal is too close to retreat... No, without allies, the seven warriors are unable to overcome Sorvina’s magic, but the sorceress herself fell into the trap of the resurrected Malakai. Now the hero faces the final betrayal: the betrayal of his own blood, the betrayal of his great ancestor.

All the companions are killed, but it doesn’t matter: you have a few minutes to revive them. It is better to do this quietly, from behind the wall, otherwise security will interfere. At the exit from the palace, the Night Song awaits us: the two losers have to unite, not paying attention to personal scores.

The disposition is as follows: we have a camp in the southwest, the enemy has two bases to the north of us and far to the east. There are no deposits of silver or stone: resources are brought by captured flags throughout the map. Strictly speaking, if the enemy acts intelligently, we have no chance: we can only rely on their stupidity and lack of coordination.

The tactics of the first minutes are “guerrilla raids” to capture the nearest flags in the north and northeast, as well as organizing a powerful defense with numerous towers. The enemy has an overwhelming advantage in all resources except one: the maximum number of warriors. You need to take advantage of this by gathering a larger army, and then attack the western base. The defense from the towers should protect our camp from the raids of our eastern “neighbors.”

This is interesting: Necromancers, without much difficulty, turn both their fallen comrades and dead enemies into warring skeletons. Sometimes things are not without oddities: for example, when from multi-meter titanium, as a result of magical “shrinkage and shrinkage,” a skeleton of quite ordinary human height is obtained.

The first victory turns out to be decisive: the eastern base is not able to resist a direct attack for long, and after its fall the war turns into mass murder. The victory is celebrated at the portal in the east.

Crystal Wastes

The path to the crystal forest leads through the crystal wastelands: local geographers cannot be denied a peculiar logic. The path is blocked by orc settlements: five small villages and a large camp in the northeast.

The first task is to destroy the nearest village (just north of the first base) and capture the resources located nearby. Having repelled retaliatory attacks, it is necessary to strengthen the central region: its resources are as necessary as air. In addition, resources in the northwest will not be superfluous: the risk of attack there is low. Then everything is simple: we destroy the base, collect treasures from all the villages, and then, using waystones, we are transported to the islands beyond essences of ice and fire.

Singing glass

Behind the orc base in the crystal wastes there is a portal to the Singing Glasses. This deserted area is worth visiting for three reasons: here you can get hold of some good ice weapons, experience for helping a local resident (and destroying other local residents), and help from Nightsong scouts.

The main value on this island is flawless crystals, and they are guarded by Crystal Guardians. The peculiarity of these monsters is their immunity to fire, ice, black and mental magic: so you have to either look for non-standard approaches, or simply actively use swords.

In exchange for crystals, the dark elf Malkuth Shlassar offers a wide range of ice weapons - from a knife and bow to an ax and a magic staff. Of course, you also need to complete a task: kill an orc named Lokhar in order to return the stolen heart to Malkuth. Murder on demand is a common thing for experienced travelers, so no difficulties are expected. You don’t even need to conduct a tedious search for an object: a convenient “subway” of waystones will take you straight to the enemy.

In the prisoner camp in the northeast you can get several flying units that will collect precious crystals from the mountain tops. There are also playing cards scattered around the prison.

Crystal Forest

We came close to the crystal mountain, where Malakai's laboratory is hidden. The goal is within easy reach, but the forces of order stand in the way: they guard this mountain and do not know that our enemy can simply teleport there. We don’t have such an opportunity, so we’ll have to break through with a fight.

The first task is to strengthen the base in the southwest and break through the southern coast to the southeast: additional deposits of silver and stone are hidden there. The path is blocked by earth elementals capable of throwing boulders at the squad. At the same time, there is a danger of attack along the narrow road from the north. There are two options: either build a defense and then attack the elementals, or lure them to their positions. Before an attack, it is useful to destroy the sources of life of the elementals with a long-range strike: fortunately, the terrain allows you to hit them with magic from a hill.

“Earth Essence”, raised from the corpses of elementals, will allow you to build stone gargoyles - powerful melee warriors. With the support of the gargoyles, the base in the center of the island no longer seems impregnable: the main thing here is a massive attack and special attention to the towers.

After the victory along the western road we go to the mountain, but the path is blocked by fortifications in a narrow canyon: a frontal attack will only bring losses. Invisible warriors will help you get through: they are able to pass through positions unnoticed and open the side gates. Strictly speaking, only one “saboteur” is needed: he does not have to engage in battle.

Before opening the gate, you need to kill the guards, but your troops are certainly capable of hitting the enemy from a distance. It is enough to destroy the sentries from behind the closed gates, and we find ourselves behind enemy lines: here our primary goal is the smeltery in the silver mine. The main base of the forces of order at the foot of the mountain is defenseless!

There are two long roads going to the right and left, but you can’t climb to the top along them: magic is needed here. These paths will only bring us enemies in the form of numerous titans and treasure chests: a saboteur will help to scout out the situation.

A strange musical instrument at the foot of the mountain leads up: to play it, you need crystals scattered on the slopes of the mountain. Several flying shadows will quietly remove the guards and get the crystals.

Just getting crystals is not enough: you need to play with them. Hitting with a hammer brings out a five-note melody, we just need to repeat it. If the war has taken away your love for beauty and at the same time your ear for music, just enter the correct combination: 3, 2, 4, 5, 1.

The laboratory at the top of the mountain is empty: only an abandoned diary indicates the further path. There are tiles hidden in the chests on the mountain - they will allow you to activate the portal at the top. The portal itself consists of two circles: a rotating inner one and an outer one of eight sections. The order of the signs in the inner circle (clockwise): heart, eye, star, triangle, cross, spiral, square, snake. Each section in the outer circle can accept any of the five slabs, and each section has a different set of five signs. There is only one option for filling the portal with slabs so that the order in the inner and outer circles matches: you should start with the northwest-west section in the order indicated above.

Steel Coast

Ahead is a gigantic fortress with the main enemy, and there are only thirteen of us: a magnificent seven heroes and six shadow assistants. The enemy's security is few, but serious: strange creatures called Malara, suspiciously reminiscent of droidekas (wheel-like robots) from the latest parts of Star Wars. In addition, there are powerful towers located throughout the fortress that can easily destroy our squad.

The principle of the fight is simple: a squad of heroes easily copes with the malars, but loses to the towers, and the shadow ravagers (Ravage) are able to sneak up on the towers and instantly destroy them, but cannot resist the malars. Malars see shadows and move much faster, making it difficult to hide and run away. We have an advantage: the towers, for obvious reasons, cannot move, so in every collision it is not so difficult to gain an advantage.

In the north of the fortress, the main enemy awaits: Malakai-Sorvina. The final battle is indistinguishable from dozens of previous ones: altars in the corners of the pentagram and the enemy in the center. Without haste, we demolish the altars one by one: after destroying each one, a dark twin of one of our heroes appears. Having destroyed the fifth altar, we run around all the bowls in the same order in which the five-pointed star is drawn (we start with the upper left, then the lower right, and so on) and are transferred to bloody temple. All that remains is to take out your swords one last time and strike the enemy. Victory!

- What do you feel?

- Emptiness. He was still a part of me.

- Now the Shaikan are free from the curse!

- The betrayals are over.

- I can't forgive you. But I see that you have sacrificed your pride for what must be done. This is the greatest sacrifice for a warrior!

Interface quirks

The basics of the interface are standard for computer games, with the exception of one detail: two modes are implemented at once. In the role-playing game mode (from a third person), the controls are standard for role-playing games: we can indicate the direction with both the left mouse button and a set of keys W, S, A, D. On the other hand, in the strategic mode (“from above”) the controls are no less standard: the left mouse button is responsible for selection, the right one for actions, the mouse wheel for the zoom and direction of the camera, the same W, S, A, D now move the camera. Quickly switch between modes - button Insert.

Function keys F1-F8 are responsible for the heroes, and the numbers, as in all RTS, are attached to the units. Double-clicking quickly takes you to the corresponding squad. Pressed key Control when selecting a warrior, will highlight all fighters of this type, and Alt removes unnecessary people from the group.

Tilde(~) is an extremely useful key, it helps you select all allied military units. Minus selects units in the field of view. G will force assistants to follow the main character.

Next to the mini-map you will find buttons for summoning the main buildings of the base: with their help you will summon new troops without being distracted from the main battle. The buttons on the left side will help organize patrols.

Adapted for summoning spells context interface: to cast a spell you need at first select a target, and only then call a spell from the list under the hero’s image. All spells are divided into three types: combat (select an enemy to call them), enhancing (choose a teammate or the magician himself), non-targetable (choose a magician). An example of a “no-target” spell is a lightning strike on three nearby enemies. In the same way, by selecting an enemy and clicking on the picture with a sword, you can order everyone to attack some enemy. The key will help you select the strongest enemy Tab.

Feel like a feudal lord

The search for military assistance leads our team to the supreme power - King Ulf. " Protect your people, troops come out, otherwise the province will perish"- the hero calls out to the king. The monarch’s decision was unexpected: “ We can't send troops, so your home is probably dead. In return, I give you power on Westguard Island - the western border of the kingdom, now your home will be there" An unexpected decision, nothing to say!

Of course, you can immediately forget about your rights and responsibilities, but it’s a sin to miss such an opportunity. To get into your possessions, you first need to talk to the manager of Utrecht (Bailiff Utrecht), who is present at the court, and then go into a special portal (it is located in the southwest of the palace).

Immediately after arriving in our “new home,” it becomes clear: the situation with rights here is difficult, but we are provided with responsibilities for a long time. However, local problems are unlike our usual exploits: we don’t need to rush somewhere or build a defense, it’s enough to slowly clear the province from the invasion of demons. Along the way, it is necessary to restore the destroyed farms, but the local population can handle this on their own.

Over time, it becomes clear why the king so easily scatters his provinces. Westgard is constantly in a state of war: barbarians attack it every now and then and destroy settlements, and recently demons have begun to appear here - there are few lovers of such adventures among the nobility. However, compared to our last trip, this is a real vacation!

In the north of the island, among wild animals, the team will find a pile of stones that looks like a primitive altar. As soon as the heroes stand next to him, a teleportation stone will open to a closed area in the east - the main culprit of the troubles of the local population lives there.

Having defeated all enemies, do not forget to receive a reward: it will allow you to forget about poverty for a long time. It's nice when the estate generates income!

Table 1
Combat units
Name WITH L P Armor rear Mana Hit AND Int D
Forces of Order (Realm)
Craftsman 20 0 0 0 100 100 5-15 1,3 7,7 0
Soldier 40 0 1 8 120 120 5-25 1,5 10 0
Crossbowman 60 0 1 5 150 150 12-24 2,5 7,2 0-14
Mounted Crossbowman 80 0 2 7 250 250 5-15 2 5 0-17
Paladin 60 60 2 12 300 300 20-35 2,4 11,5 0
Mage 40 120 3 10 300 300 10-30 2,2 9 0
Defender 80 0 1 15 200 120 10-20 1,5 10 0
Elite 80 40 1 9 240 0 15-35 1,5 16,5 0
Dwarven Catapult 250 0 3 10 240 0 30*3+20 - - 15-32
Hunter 60 30 1 6 150 250 8-28 1,5 12 0-20
Druid 30 90 1 5 150 250 10-20 2 7,5 0
Treant 50 150 3 10 500 0 15-30 2 11 0
Titan 800 1200 5 15 2000 1000 15-40 2,5 11 0
Slave 20 0 0 0 80 120 5-20 2 7,5 0
Shadow Blade 50 0 1 7 180 220 6-24 1,5 10 0
Witch (Sorceress) 60 0 1 5 180 220 4-16 2 5 0
Death Knight 100 20 2 10 250 300 15-30 2,4 9 0
Necromancer 50 100 1 6 180 220 5-25 2 7,5 0
Spiderman (Arachnis) 100 100 3 8 300 360 15-35 2 12,5 0
Frost Gargoyle 50 50 2 10 220 220 10-30 2,2 9 0
Fire Gargoyle 40 80 2 10 220 220 10-30 2,2 9 0
Stone Gargoyle 180 0 3 14 400 200 20-40 2,3 13 0
Assassin 60 40 1 7 150 250 5-25 1,5 10 0
Out of shape (Transformer) 60 60 2 7 200 280 20-40 2,2 13,5 0
Ravager (Ravage) 100 60 2 8 200 300 10-30 2,3 8,7 0
Titan 800 1200 5 5 2500 1000 20-55 3 12.5 0
Worker 20 0 0 0 110 70 5-15 1,3 7,7 0
Archer 30 0 1 5 100 60 5-20 2,5 5 0-14
Mercenary 50 0 1 8 120 80 4-20 2,5 4,8 0
Shaman 60 60 2 5 300 150 5-20 1 12,5 0
Veteran 120 0 1 10 240 120 5-65 2,5 14 0
Totem 80 40 2 9 250 0 10-90 1,5 33 0
Hurler 20 40 2 5 300 0 10-25 3 5,8 0
Devastator 150 0 2 6 400 150 20-35 3 9,2 0
Fire Catapult 200 50 3 10 240 0 120+200 - - 15-32
Man with an Ax (Axeman) 80 0 1 8 220 180 5-15 (5-25) 1,8 (2,5) 5,6 (6) 0 (4-16)
Spiritist 50 100 3 8 200 160 10-25 2,2 8 0
Berserk 80 40 1 10 220 180 20-40 2,5 12 0
Titan 800 1200 5 7 2200 800 20-45 3 11 0

C - silver

L - laziness

K - stone

Zd - health

I - interval between beats, seconds

Int - damage intensity (average damage per second)

In the plot SpellForce 2 a lot of time is devoted to farewell, as if the scriptwriters took the last pages of “The Lord of the Rings” as a standard. The old world is fading, the heroes of the past are forgotten, magic has ceased to be an art, and great warriors have become simple pilgrims... The destruction of magical portals has broken a single world into many islands, separated by a mighty ocean. The memory of the past smolders in the main characters, but this picture is gradually dimming.

The minor motif is largely symbolic. While the heroes have parted with their great past, the creators of the game sadly follow the idea of ​​​​"RTS plus role-playing game." First part SpellForce earned success precisely thanks to the experiment: combining strategy and character adventures. Of course, this caused a number of problems, but the unification not only took place - it became a household name. SpellForce was called one of the most important events of the year, and additions were expected for a long time.

All this is behind us. IN SpellForce 2 the strategic component was significantly reduced, everything returned to recognized standards. The lists have been replenished with “another role-playing game.” The logical world also disappeared - instead of a well-thought-out concept of runes, we saw standard assumptions for a computer from the series “ in this barracks warriors are born every five minutes".

The standard principle of RTS - parallel development of the base and war - is virtually reduced to zero. The reasons for this are clear: the tasks boil down to the principle of “build a big army and kill everyone.” Previously, they fought this with scripted events and multi-stage tasks, but now they have completely canceled it. Fortunately, such moments occur three or four times per expansion.

There are remnants of strategy in the moments when we are given a dozen or two soldiers to solve a certain problem. However, these are only small inclusions - the role-playing adventure took up the vast majority of the time.

The addition received the loud name “ Dragon Storm“, but in reality the storm turned out to be just a fresh breeze... The time of revolutions has passed: we have before us a natural continuation SpellForce 2. The list of changes includes small mutations in the role-playing system, armor sets and new races for RTS. The first does not make fundamental changes, the second actually does not occur in practice, the third, in the light of genre trends, remains beyond the bounds of reason.

Maybe we should say goodbye to the game? No. This year there are plenty of real-time strategies, but role-playing games are in clear shortage. Without communicating with elves and dwarves, it can sometimes be a bit boring, but “ Dragon Storm"created according to the canons of classic fantasy. Elves, gnomes, people, monsters, villains, magicians... The good old set that makes up a lively and unusual world with a slight excess of pathos and a lack of self-irony.

The developers got rid of the main problems SpellForce 2- obvious tasks and dull linearity. Of course, the plot is not full of forks, but there are also plenty of secondary tasks - sometimes quite funny. Those who scroll through conversations without reading risk ending up in a dead end and not receiving prizes. As you progress, the careful work with balance and pleasant attention to detail become clear.

The addition has become a full-fledged adventure, where there is no room for boredom. The journey turned out to be short (a week should be enough to complete it), but exciting. The role-playing system makes you think, the choice of weapons allows you to roam, the texts are long enough - everything is ready for a pleasant journey.

Good memories remain after the game. Perhaps the reason for this is the main idea of ​​the script, repeated more than once after the battles: freedom is more valuable than life.

At a crossroads

At the beginning of the game, the hero is faced with the question: who to be? It is necessary to build a clear plan from the very beginning and follow it throughout the passage. There are many options: each character must choose a primary and secondary profession, in addition, our squad at the end of the game grows to six people.

The core of the role-playing system remains unchanged. The character has two directions - magic and military affairs (the names are arbitrary). Each of the areas is divided into professions, professions into specialties, and specialties into specializations.

I will not repeat the detailed description of specialties that was already in the manual SpellForce 2, and instead focus on the possible roles of the characters.

Warrior- an obvious basis for the company. His goal is simple and uncomplicated: get involved in close combat and use the skill of chopping cabbage on the enemy. There are two positive aspects to this: the enemy is distracted from hunting for magicians, and at the same time he dies.

It’s simple to turn a warrior into a “tank”: we give him a shield in his left hand, and a sword in his right hand. If the attack is more important, there are more options: the arsenal includes two-handed swords, axes, war hammers, double swords for the right and left hands, daggers... Is such an abundance necessary? I deeply doubt it.

The spells of magicians are stronger than the swords of warriors. In close combat, it is not possible to cast spells from your hand, but lightning and black magic spells are the main threat to the enemy. A warrior is most useful when he is alive and in the center of the battle, and everything else is in the background.

Verdict - the concept of armor should be the main one in a military school. The thicker the shell, the more useful the warrior. On the other hand, the concept of a “light warrior” causes some confusion.

Battle Mage focuses on offensive spells. This profession is effective primarily due to its convenient point-and-click interface: to attack, you must first select an enemy and then a spell.

Those who choose a similar path have two options: elemental magic and black magic. Black magic is nominally stronger, but elemental mages have several advantages: they can attack buildings, they have more variety in spells, and fire and ice attacks are especially powerful against some creatures.

Necromancers and their colleagues are not deprived: their abilities are akin to white magic, and they can learn healing at the same time. In addition, black magic is stronger against enemy heroes.

Archer, like a magician, hits the target from afar. The overall effect is weaker, but there is one advantage: the archer does not require attention, he himself finds the target and tries to destroy it.

Doctor prefers white magic, which does not prevent him from sometimes summoning skeletons and sucking life out of the enemy. The goals are obvious, the advantages are undeniable - there should be one white magician in the squad.

New to the role-playing system - abilities Shaikan. They are not suitable as a main profession, but serve as an excellent addition to a warrior. Particularly useful magic call, which allows you to temporarily summon a flying dagger, a wolf or a vampire in the form of a bat. At the same time, the second profession for magicians should be either the path of the warrior or another magical principle.

Tour the world


Who am I? Why are these people gathered around? How did I end up here? What is going on? There is no time for questions; from the very first second the main character finds himself in the thick of things. There is a war going on all around us, and it’s clearly impossible to sort it out without us!

The first task is simple - you need to develop the hero depending on your desires. Teach him minimal skills, open chests nearby - and you are ready for adventure! You are in a devastated dwarven city, and your first goal is to get out of here as quickly as possible. The city is constantly attacked by animals, and the hero is entrusted with the responsibility of evacuation.

Chat with those around you, take tasks from them - the first of them will be searching for springs for the city gates. During numerous conversations, the sun will have time to set and rise again - don’t be surprised, this world generally does not like unnecessary haste!

Your goals are marked on the map - walk along them, fighting off the attacking monsters. There is no need to try to kill all the monsters: they are constantly arriving, albeit in minute quantities. Enemies will willingly wait for the completion of your work: open the gate (left mouse button on the lever), and get ready to travel among the snow.

Winterlight needs a humanitarian operation: to lead the dwarf craftsmen to the portal in the north. The problem is that gnome craftsmen are afraid of the cold and must quickly run from fire to fire. As a result, you will have to act quickly.

Clearing the path is not difficult: the targets are marked on the map. However, this task will be difficult if you decide to visit the branches on the map to collect treasures. The optimal algorithm for this choice would be a quick throw across the entire map with complete clearing of enemies, and then a second pass over a short distance to clear the path for the dwarf craftsmen. Continuously regenerating enemies are the main problem, so it is necessary to accurately calculate the time: as soon as the next fire is rid of the enemies, the artisans must already set off.

It is advisable to divide the gnomes into two groups, alternately running along the route: this way they will crowd less and, therefore, die from the cold. Don’t expect to transfer everyone and only then deal with additional tasks: as soon as the last of them crosses the portal, the next map will open to our eyes.


A fortress overflowing with crazy monsters suddenly appeared on the way of our army. What to do? Take it by storm, of course! Just three of us against an army of bloodthirsty creatures? Nothing, no one demands quick results from us.

First of all, go to the closed city gates. Along the way, the scout will offer you help: send him back to the camp so that he can correct the work of the local artillery - a bow alone is of little use. When you approach the gate, begin to tease the enemy, killing his archers and healing your friends. A peculiar tactic for storming a city, isn’t it? The goal is to distract the enemy’s fire for longer until our tree allies come up and remove the protective magic from the gate.

At this time we will have the opportunity to create a small support army. I advise you to skew towards archers: melee warriors will not always be able to reach the enemy, and long-range warriors will come in handy. With this army, one by one, destroy the enemy's breeding grounds in the southern part of the fortress. At the same time, be prepared for a counterattack: the enemy will have reinforcements in the west, and as soon as danger arises, quickly send all troops there.

Besides us, other warriors are attacking the fortress. It is impossible to coordinate with them, so for strong blows you can only catch their next attack and run after them with all your might.

The interior of the fortress is closed to visitors. Everyone around is talking about a secret passage (which raises doubts about its secrecy), so our hero will have to take a few minutes away from the fortress and move on to exploring the surrounding area. None of the people you meet know exactly where the secret passage is, but the magician Haldor, freed in the east, offers to cast illusion magic on your squad. To do this, you need three pieces of orc leather - and there should be plenty of this material around. Unfortunately, not all pieces are suitable, but from certain orcs, so carefully examine the corpses left behind. You will find the first such piece at the main gate, the rest - on the eastern path.

To the west of the city, thanks to a stroke of luck, you will find the builder Weyland, who will open the way for you to a secret passage. The road is open: head inside the fortress and kill everyone you meet. In addition to ordinary warriors, you will find a fiery titan - there is nothing left to do but kill him too. The tactics are clear - do not scatter your forces and always move with your army.

Alluvian has been taken! A minute of rest - free the prominent representative of the Shaikan Satras from captivity, listen to his insults and head further along the magical path.

Seven towers

Even if in the year since the adventures in the world Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars, you have already forgotten everything about the world of islands, one place will remain in your memory. Seven Towers, the capital of the empire, a city where people, elves, gnomes and other friendly creatures live nearby. In the labyrinth of narrow streets there is everything that befits a large city: a rich market, a quarter of artisans, a gallows, a mine for gnomes, a square of priests, a magical “flea market”, an embankment, a university... And of course, residential buildings, many residential buildings with standing next to the chests.

And how can we forget the court of King Ulf? Officially, this place is called the “royal courtyard,” but in practice this courtyard has earned the title of a passageway: a waystone is conveniently located here, and the highest authorities of the empire every now and then watch travelers teleporting not far from the king. There is a certain logic in this: it’s boring to sit surrounded by guards and wait for pilgrims to accidentally wander into the ruler. In our case, if the residents are not in too much of a hurry, they can come up and chat with the ruler, entertain him...

On a note: The name of the city looks a bit strange - these are the consequences of a less than ideal translation. Seven Towers is a strange name for a city (although there is a White Church in the real world), but its English-language counterpart, Sevenkeeps, looks natural and understandable. Perhaps something similar to the Seven Strongholds or Semigrad would be more suitable?

The landscape has changed since the last visit. The once rich city is burning, surrounded by enemy troops and wild animals prowling. It looks like the liberation of the capital will fall on the shoulders of our characters.

In the meantime, it’s too early to even talk about this - first we need to break through to the city. We are in the east of the capital, and the path of our squad is blocked by troops of dark forces. Actually, there are two ways to the city: gradually break through to the city under the slogan “beat strangers, heal your own” or use the prepared trick.

The trick lies in the close marriage of magic and technology. The dwarves prepared explosives, and the magician Haldor took control of one of the enemy warriors: now we can mine the enemy’s fortifications. Creating fortifications is simple: just stand for a few minutes next to specially marked places. Thus, in order to destroy the enemy, it is enough to take a tour of the enemy’s base. The main secret here is not to stop for a second, except for the time for mining. If one of the enemies follows the spy (this is very likely, since the sight of a sapper with a bag of explosives unnerves the guards), it is necessary not to engage in unnecessary running around, but to retreat to the main detachment. In addition, heroes are required to heal the scout.

When only firebrands remain from a large and protected enemy base, it is necessary to finish off the last resisters with the main detachment in order to demolish the remains of the buildings. Then lead the gnomes to the city gates - only after that we will get inside.

The guest of the capital is taken straight to the military council under the leadership of King Ulf. The friendliness of the hosts extends so far that travelers are offered to lead the defense of the city. Soon, with the help of teleportation stones, our squad will be in the main of the remaining forts - in the southwest.

It is impossible to build troops here. General Redmond is ready to provide us with soldiers, but first we need to get meat to feed the army. Apparently, there is an embargo on the import of troops from the Great Void, and instead a “killers for food” program has been proposed...

There are two ways to get supplies - long and dangerous. The long one consists of hunting local wildlife: wolves and bears (for some reason, these are the species that developed during the war, and the unkindly remembered spiders did not survive). A dangerous method is to intercept food caravans that travel between enemy bases. History is silent about why enemy bases need to intensively exchange meat among themselves if it is in abundance everywhere, but the insidiousness of dark forces is always ready to exceed our expectations!

Hunting does not cause any problems (poor bears did not even imagine that people would get their food with the help of lightning and black magic). It is certainly more interesting to attack caravans, but you should already have the first batch of fed warriors with you. The caravan’s algorithm of action is simple: move towards the destination of the journey, if an attack occurs, turn around and return to the starting point. As you can easily guess, it is best to attack caravans from behind. One of the guards will break through “to his own”: generally speaking, it is useful to stop him. However, even if the attack was only partially successful, you can always skin the pack horses and take away the much-needed meat from them.

Despite the peacetime, there is still plenty to do in the city. The classes are mostly uncomplicated, and the experience is generously distributed, so it makes sense to take up development. A girl named Idara gives us a slightly paranoid task: good dreams are being stolen from her, so we need to consult the wise willow on this topic. Unfortunately, the willow is thirsty, and on the way to the source there are enemies. The game pushes us to move to the north-west of the map and break through with battles (and at the same time with water for the willow). This task is difficult to accomplish, so it is better to slowly but surely walk through the specified area with all the troops under your control: a difficult combat mission turns into a pleasant walk through picturesque places.

Other simple tasks are searching for missing things for farmers who live to the west of the market (let me remind you, the market itself is easy to find in the east of the city; searching for missing things for farmers who live to the west of the market () the point is to engage in development. turn around and return to the original ). Items are easily obtained to the west of the city in battles with overgrown insects.

On a note: In the fields around the city you can find a lot of military equipment. Either farmers are not telling us something, or they simply live very well and allow themselves to buy potentially useful things.

The next task is to talk to the deaf old man Aedar. Everything is simple here: you need to listen and, if possible, understand the advice of your granddaughter and either assent or express anger in response to his memories. In the end, the old man will change his cunning to mercy and tell us a little history. It is also useful to visit the gnome quarter for a conversation, and generally walk around the city looking for people who want to chat.

Haunted Harbor

Majestic ruins are all that remains of the mighty civilization of the Creators. These creatures lived here for so long that some call this period “before the beginning of time.” No one has shown a desire to settle among the deathly walls; only a group of military archaeologists is exploring the remnants of past knowledge.

Immediately after moving, get ready for battle: this will mark the meeting with the new hero of your squad. A fresh stream will be Cain, a warrior with an incredibly long sword. Then explore the surrounding area and go meet archaeologists.

The style of play in Phantom Harbor is to slowly move around the map with a careful inspection of the signs, sniffing all the nooks and corners. The main squad is followed by the archaeologist Ragna: from time to time she will unravel secrets useful to the squad. The answer to the next question serves as a password to a lever of a certain color, which attracts the next tower to our side.

On a note: passwords from the “red color corresponds to green skull” series do not need to be remembered, they work automatically.

It is the towers that are the key to victory. Our forces, unlike the enemy's, are limited, so standard tactics require caution: lure the enemy forces into the fire of the towers and, in the meantime, send auxiliary troops to the next enemy base that creates reinforcements.

Don’t forget to collect the items you find, even if you don’t understand their origin: in the southwestern foothills lives the half-crazed magician Agathos, who will find a use for them.

The campaign ends with the capture of the citadel, where you can build a base. However, there is no need to build a base in the usual sense of the word: we only have a couple of minutes to strengthen the position before a massive enemy attack. This is the first and last assault: if you survive, it means you won. In such conditions, improving buildings is unnecessary and, moreover, harmful: we need food farms, barracks and many, many towers. Defense in depth makes no sense; it is necessary to concentrate all forces in one place - fortunately there is only one way.


« The creators are considered children of the gods“- these are the words the city-ship greets us. The ancient civilization of the Creators was clearly at a high level of technical development, and they did not shy away from magic. A ship, equal in size to a city and capable of moving between islands, is an amazing structure for us, masters of magic staffs and sharp swords.

The first walk through the city-ship is like a tour of a technological miracle. Everything around glows and moves, but the principles of this are incomprehensible. There are many strange rooms around, but they are all closed, access to them is blocked.

Our first target is the room with the refrigeration unit in the southeastern part of the ship. Not far from it you can find a blue key that fits the sphere (orb) installed on the pedestal. In the room, in addition to the enemies, you will find a crooked frozen creature, the skerg Urgi - it is he who will later introduce you to the ship.

After reviving the skerg, prepare a potion for him in the room that leads to the refrigerator. You need a green potion, which can be made from blue and yellow liquids in a special cauldron. Filling sequence: blue, yellow, yellow, yellow, blue, blue.

You can control the ship using instruments located to the south of the large globe in the center of the ship. Before launching the ship, it is necessary to collect the thoughts scattered throughout the ship (a fun activity: it’s not often that you have to fight against thoughts). Take your thoughts to the room, which is located just east of the refrigerator, and follow Urga’s further instructions. In the workshop, turn the first and third levers to fill the ship with energy, and get acquainted with the remaining tables: there you can build yourself a new weapon and continue the willow task.

In the room to the west you can complete the task of the priest Galius: the ghosts of warriors make their last march, and unreal demons trying to destroy them. Our task is to successfully carry out 20 ghosts. To do this, you need to alternately clear the air of demons and heal ghosts, no matter how strange this may seem.

The ship is ready to travel, the next stop is the Citadel.


The first appearance in the citadel does not encourage a thoughtful description. Our task here is to reach the giant reptile and attack it. The battle will have to be interrupted: a random witness convinces us that a small squad cannot defeat the monster.

The next task is to go for help. Return to the ship, follow Urga's next instructions and head to Drag'Lur. On the way, it is useful to visit the Seven Towers and complete several small tasks. The most important among them are the conversation with the leader of the dwarves and Cain’s task. You have to transport the gnomes to Winterlight by ship, but do not rush to do this: your forces are not enough to fight a war on this map.

Cain's quest is important for two reasons. Firstly, you can get a decent amount of experience for virtually nothing, and secondly, Cain will receive a new sword as a reward. This sword is significantly superior to its freely available counterparts and should not be missed. At the end of the task, you will have to make a verdict - while no consequences of the choice have been revealed, apparently this is a matter of testing your conscience. In the future, you will find a couple more similar tasks that need to be completed with high priority. The only difficulty in them is the need to lure Una out of the temple. Wine purchased at the market will help solve this problem.


The intricate events taking place on this map hide underneath a fairly simple battle in a classic RTS mode. First, the heroes need to break through from the north to the center, to the main base. Then attacks from the east and west begin on the base: before the start of one of them, you can set a trap for the sake of experience, but it will not play a fundamental role. It is more important to strengthen the base on both sides so that it can defend itself.

Having gathered an army, go on the attack. Since attacks from the east are stronger, it is advisable to send troops there and protect the western direction with reserves. Further events are the consistent genocide of dinosaurs, spiders and various enemies. Difficulties arise exclusively military, plot tricks are not provided.

The main part of the campaign ends in the southwestern corner of the map, and the army must go around the path in a circle, destroying all enemy bases. The main battle awaits us in the south, where the enemy has established a main base: before the attack, all troops must be gathered together.

Citadel: Return

The time has come for a real attack on the citadel. We now have support from two detachments: air and infantry-cavalry; In addition, it is possible to build a base in the south of the map. Actually, you need to start from the base, and one of the main concerns should be protection from air attacks. As it becomes clear, the backbone of the army will be archers.

The main events will unfold in the center of the map and in the north. Between this area and our troops there is a complex of enemy towers that can pretty much ruin our lives; to avoid losses, it is advisable to carry out the first foray with a detachment of the main characters whose death is reversible. Near the towers you will find carts with resources that will be a good help for the base.

Another interesting place on this map is the pier in the southeast. There, three skeletons who died during a scientific expedition are arguing among themselves: each of them needs something, and each is ready to reward us with experience.

Further events will develop when the army is ready at the base. Our goal is to destroy all the enemy’s secondary bases one by one, so that we can then attack the enemy’s main fortification without interference. The algorithm of actions is as follows: the squad finds the enemy’s base, the main character teleports to his own base, asks for help from the leader of the knights and runs with them (or after them, if the reaction fails) to the base. When the cavalry reaches the enemy base, the unattended unit also goes on the attack. At this time, the air squad led by the magician remains in place to withstand the enemy's unexpected counterattack.

The final attack, on the main base, must unite all our forces. It should be noted that the wings are faster than the legs, so the flying army must be sent out later.

The transition to the citadel itself is only possible if the enemy base is completely demolished. If the target does not change, you need to find the remaining building (this can be difficult) and demolish it.


The Land of Dragons resembles an inverted Drag'Lur. Once again we have a base that can be attacked from two sides. Again, both paths are closed into a ring... The tactics also remain the same: defense on one side, attack on the other. Our enemies will be sub-dragons of various types, so archers will be especially useful in the army.

There are places on the map for developing a second base, but they will not be useful: the main thing is to break through the nests to an audience with the dragons themselves.

After an otherwise heated battle with the younger dragons, we are presented with a riddle in the classic “knight and liar” style. The point of it is to find out which of our interlocutors is telling only the truth and who is only lying. The proposed riddle is simple and easy to solve. Here's the condition: Wind dragons are known to always lie, while others are always truthful. Before us are four dragons of different types and colors; it is necessary to determine their characteristics and nicknames.

The dragon Fonmir stated: Firior was called the Hunter, Fangor was called the Guardian, and Furin was the Messenger.
The dragon Fangor remembered: Firior was the dragon of the wind, Fonmir was called the Pathfinder, Furin had red scales.
The dragon Firior said: Fangor was a wind dragon, Fonmir had silver scales, Furin was a wyrm.
The dragon Furin said: Firior had green scales, Fangor was a crystal dragon, Fonmir had black scales.

Solution . Fangor and Firior contradict each other: one of them must be the wind dragon. Firior and Furin also did not agree on their memories. There is only one liar among dragons, so Firior is engaged in deception. If we use all the knowledge, we get: Fonmir was called the Pathfinder, and he was a black wyrm, Fangor was called the Guardian, he had silver scales and was a crystal dragon. Nicknamed the Hunter, Firior was a wind dragon with green scales. Finally, Furin is the Messenger, a fiery dragon with red scales.

Further events are related to the war: it is necessary to free the dragon nests one by one, thereby replenishing the army, fight the enemy and win.

Returning to the city-ship brought an unpleasant surprise: the vehicle is in the hands of the enemy! Consult with Urgi and call upon the evil spirits to your side: Madness, Anger, Fear, Disgust, Hatred. There are five spheres in the northwest room, each associated with two emotions. To summon a Doomstorm for each emotion, tap two orbs associated with it in a row.


One of the best episodes Spellforce 2 was connected with the fact that King Ulf gave the hero the island of Westgard. The main character became not just a traveler, he became a landowner, a ruler. It is not surprising that we returned to the same island in Dragon Storm.

The home of our heroes is in trouble again. The disposition is as follows: scattered troops in the center, enemy bases in the north, south and west. The enemy continually tries to deliver attacks that coincide with the roads. On each path there is an outpost, headed by one of the characters from the first part of the game, and now a strong hero.

There is a continuous stream of gargoyles coming into the base from the east. Most likely, it will not be possible to save the central buildings, so it is worth withdrawing all troops from there, sacrificing the position. The remaining objects must be protected whenever possible.

There are a lot of minerals on the island, and workers stand next to the deposits. The problem is that they are standing and not working, so it is necessary to send them to work as soon as possible. At the same time, defense should be organized, strengthening problem areas with troops.

When the army is ready, the time will come to attack. First of all, you should get rid of the northern and southern bases - each is headed by an enemy hero. What follows is simply war: first the destruction of the western base, then a massive hunt for the superbeast.

Shore of Mists

Our heroes found themselves on the southwestern island of a small archipelago, their enemies on the remaining islands. A significant addition has arrived: the dragon Vessel of the Soul, who decided to personally take part in the war.

First you need to strengthen yourself on the island, but without excesses: this base will defend itself. The whole war will take place on other islands, and here only archers will defend themselves from gargoyles.

Next you need to attack other islands. The crossing scheme is as follows: the dragon flies to another island, finds a waystone on the shore and fights with the troops guarding it. Over several approaches with healing in between, the dragon creates a bridgehead, and the heroes take turns crossing over to take part in the battle.

King Ulf's Palace

The wise and fair King Ulf, as it turns out, does not like to limit comfort! His palace will rival any other island in size, and in the middle there are plenty of various treasures.

Our first task is to explore the accessible premises of the palace as thoroughly as possible. In any room you can find excellent weapons, and experience is distributed with such generosity that it becomes clear: the final battle is designed for the maximum level of the heroes. Even in the kitchen there are plenty of various weapons - it’s not for nothing that the cook there is a warlike giant, extremely similar to Steven Seagal.

In the chests every now and then there are keys to other rooms, so the heroes have to make more than one circle around the palace. The logical key of the epic is the key to the southeastern dungeon, where our old friend Flink McWinter is imprisoned. If you walk with him along the corridor running from the center to the northwest, you can find a secret lever. One turn - and the king’s considerable treasury is at our service.

When you're ready for the final battle, follow the same corridor to the end. There you will find eight rooms from which monsters continuously run out. To stop each source, one of the characters must run into the room and stand in the blue circle. Magic will transport the character to another room, where there will be another blue circle - if you stand on it, the attacks of monsters will stop.

As soon as all the characters stand on the blue circles, the squad will be transported to the throne room. This is where the final battle will take place... The scenario is standard: fighting off constant attacks, you need to kill the circle of magicians protecting the main enemy, and then engage in the final battle.

The end of the game leaves little hope for a sequel. It looks like we won't be seeing a second expansion, and we won't be seeing Spellforce 3 anytime soon. Legends leave, becoming free... Sometimes you need to leave just like that - on time and with dignity.

SpellForce 2: Dragon Storm

In the plot of SpellForce 2, a lot of time is devoted to goodbyes, as if the writers took the last pages as a standard. The old world is fading, the heroes of the past are forgotten, magic has ceased to be an art, and great warriors have become simple pilgrims... The destruction of magical portals has broken a single world into many islands, separated by a mighty ocean. The memory of the past smolders in the main characters, but this picture is gradually dimming.

The minor motif is largely symbolic. While the heroes parted with the great past, the creators of the game sadly follow the idea. The first part of SpellForce earned success precisely because of the experiment: combining strategy and character adventures. Of course, this caused a number of problems, but the unification not only took place - it became a household name. SpellForce was called one of the most important events of the year, and the additions were awaited for a long time.

All this is behind us. In SpellForce 2, the strategic component was significantly cut down, everything returned to recognized standards. The lists have been replenished. The logical world also disappeared - instead of a well-thought-out concept of runes, we saw standard computer assumptions from the series.

The standard principle of RTS - parallel development of the base and war - is virtually reduced to zero. The reasons for this are clear: the tasks come down to the principle. Previously, they fought this with scripted events and multi-stage tasks, but now they have completely canceled it. Fortunately, such moments occur three or four times per expansion.

There are remnants of strategy in the moments when we are given a dozen or two soldiers to solve a certain problem. However, these are only small inclusions - the role-playing adventure took up the vast majority of the time.

The addition received a loud name, but in reality the storm turned out to be just a fresh breeze... The time for revolutions has passed: we have before us a natural continuation of SpellForce 2. The list of changes includes small mutations in the role-playing system, armor sets and new races for RTS. The first does not make fundamental changes, the second actually does not occur in practice, the third, in the light of genre trends, remains beyond the bounds of reason.

Maybe we should say goodbye to the game? No. This year there are plenty of real-time strategies, but role-playing games are in clear shortage. Without communication with elves and dwarves, it can sometimes be a bit boring, but it was created according to the canons of classic fantasy. Elves, gnomes, people, monsters, villains, magicians... The good old set that makes up a lively and unusual world with a slight excess of pathos and a lack of self-irony.

The developers got rid of the main problems of SpellForce 2 - obvious tasks and dull linearity. Of course, the plot is not full of forks, but there are also plenty of secondary tasks - sometimes quite funny. Those who scroll through conversations without reading risk ending up in a dead end and not receiving prizes. As you progress, the careful work with balance and pleasant attention to detail become clear.

The addition has become a full-fledged adventure, where there is no room for boredom. The journey turned out to be short (a week should be enough to complete it), but exciting. The role-playing system makes you think, the choice of weapons allows you to roam, the texts are long enough - everything is ready for a pleasant journey.

Good memories remain after the game. Perhaps the reason for this is the main idea of ​​the script, repeated more than once after the battles: freedom is more valuable than life.

At a crossroads

At the beginning of the game, the hero is faced with the question: who to be? It is necessary to build a clear plan from the very beginning and follow it throughout the passage. There are many options: each character must choose a primary and secondary profession, in addition, our squad at the end of the game grows to six people.

The core of the role-playing system remains unchanged. The character has two directions - magic and military affairs (the names are arbitrary). Each of the areas is divided into professions, professions into specialties, and specialties into specializations.

I won't be repeating the detailed descriptions of specialties that were already in the SpellForce 2 manual, but will instead focus on possible character roles.

The warrior is the obvious basis for the company. His goal is simple and uncomplicated: get involved in close combat and use the skill of chopping cabbage on the enemy. There are two positive aspects to this: the enemy is distracted from hunting for magicians, and at the same time he dies.

It’s simple to turn a warrior into one: we give him a shield in his left hand, and a sword in his right hand. If the attack is more important, there are more options: the arsenal includes two-handed swords, axes, war hammers, double swords for the right and left hands, daggers... Is such an abundance necessary? I deeply doubt it.

The spells of magicians are stronger than the swords of warriors. In close combat, it is not possible to cast spells from your hand, but lightning and black magic spells are the main threat to the enemy. A warrior is most useful when he is alive and in the center of the battle, and everything else is in the background.

Verdict - the concept of armor should be the main one in a military school. The thicker the shell, the more useful the warrior. On the other hand, the concept causes some confusion.

The Battle Mage focuses on offensive spells. This profession is effective primarily due to its convenient point-and-click interface: to attack, you must first select an enemy and then a spell.

Those who choose a similar path have two options: elemental magic and black magic. Black magic is nominally stronger, but elemental mages have several advantages: they can attack buildings, they have more variety in spells, and fire and ice attacks are especially powerful against some creatures.

Necromancers and their colleagues are not deprived: their abilities are akin to white magic, and they can learn healing at the same time. In addition, black magic is stronger against enemy heroes.

The archer, like the magician, hits the target from afar. The overall effect is weaker, but there is one advantage: the archer does not require attention, he himself finds the target and tries to destroy it.

The healer prefers white magic, which does not prevent him from sometimes summoning skeletons and sucking life out of the enemy. The goals are obvious, the advantages are undeniable - there should be one white magician in the squad.

A new feature in the role-playing system is the Shaikan abilities. They are not suitable as a main profession, but serve as an excellent addition to a warrior. Summoning magic is especially useful, allowing you to temporarily summon a flying dagger, a wolf or a vampire in the form of a bat. At the same time, the second profession for magicians should be either the path of the warrior or another magical principle.

Tour the world


Who am I? Why are these people gathered around? How did I end up here? What is going on? There is no time for questions; from the very first second the main character finds himself in the thick of things. There is a war going on all around us, and it’s clearly impossible to sort it out without us!

The first task is simple - you need to develop the hero depending on your desires. Teach him minimal skills, open chests nearby - and you are ready for adventure! You are in a devastated dwarven city, and your first goal is to get out of here as quickly as possible. The city is constantly attacked by animals, and the hero is entrusted with the responsibility of evacuation.

Chat with those around you, take tasks from them - the first of them will be searching for springs for the city gates. During numerous conversations, the sun will have time to set and rise again - don’t be surprised, this world generally does not like unnecessary haste!

Your goals are marked on the map - walk along them, fighting off the attacking monsters. There is no need to try to kill all the monsters: they are constantly arriving, albeit in minute quantities. Enemies will willingly wait for the completion of your work: open the gate (left mouse button on the lever), and get ready to travel among the snow.

Winterlight needs a humanitarian operation: to lead the dwarf craftsmen to the portal in the north. The problem is that gnome craftsmen are afraid of the cold and must quickly run from fire to fire. As a result, you will have to act quickly.

Clearing the path is not difficult: the targets are marked on the map. However, this task will be difficult if you decide to visit the branches on the map to collect treasures. The optimal algorithm for this choice would be a quick throw across the entire map with complete clearing of enemies, and then a second pass over a short distance to clear the path for the dwarf craftsmen. Continuously regenerating enemies are the main problem, so it is necessary to accurately calculate the time: as soon as the next fire is rid of the enemies, the artisans must already set off.

It is advisable to divide the gnomes into two groups, alternately running along the route: this way they will crowd less and, therefore, die from the cold. Don’t expect to transfer everyone and only then deal with additional tasks: as soon as the last of them crosses the portal, the next map will open to our eyes.


A fortress overflowing with crazy monsters suddenly appeared on the way of our army. What to do? Take it by storm, of course! Just three of us against an army of bloodthirsty creatures? Nothing, no one demands quick results from us.

First of all, go to the closed city gates. Along the way, the scout will offer you help: send him back to the camp so that he can correct the work of the local artillery - a bow alone is of little use. When you approach the gate, begin to tease the enemy, killing his archers and healing your friends. A peculiar tactic for storming a city, isn’t it? The goal is to distract the enemy’s fire for longer until our tree allies come up and remove the protective magic from the gate.

At this time we will have the opportunity to create a small support army. I advise you to skew towards archers: melee warriors will not always be able to reach the enemy, and long-range warriors will come in handy. With this army, one by one, destroy the enemy's breeding grounds in the southern part of the fortress. At the same time, be prepared for a counterattack: the enemy will have reinforcements in the west, and as soon as danger arises, quickly send all troops there.

Besides us, other warriors are attacking the fortress. It is impossible to coordinate with them, so for strong blows you can only catch their next attack and run after them with all your might.

The interior of the fortress is closed to visitors. Everyone around is talking about a secret passage (which raises doubts about its secrecy), so our hero will have to take a few minutes away from the fortress and move on to exploring the surrounding area. None of the people you meet know exactly where the secret passage is, but the magician Haldor, freed in the east, offers to cast illusion magic on your squad. To do this, you need three pieces of orc leather - and there should be plenty of this material around. Unfortunately, not all pieces are suitable, but from certain orcs, so carefully examine the corpses left behind. You will find the first such piece at the main gate, the rest - on the eastern path.

To the west of the city, thanks to a stroke of luck, you will find the builder Weyland, who will open the way for you to a secret passage. The road is open: head inside the fortress and kill everyone you meet. In addition to ordinary warriors, you will find a fiery titan - there is nothing left to do but kill him too. The tactics are clear - do not scatter your forces and always move with your army.

Alluvian has been taken! A minute of rest - free the prominent representative of the Shaikan Satras from captivity, listen to his insults and head further along the magical path.

Seven towers

Even if in the year that has passed since your adventures in the world of Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars, you have forgotten everything about the world of islands, one place will remain in your memory. Seven Towers, the capital of the empire, a city where people, elves, gnomes and other friendly creatures live nearby. In the labyrinth of narrow streets there is everything that befits a large city: a rich market, a quarter of artisans, a gallows, a mine for gnomes, a square for priests, a magic square, an embankment, a university... And of course, residential buildings, many residential buildings with chests standing next to them.

And how can we forget the court of King Ulf? Officially this place is called, but in practice this courtyard has earned the title of a passageway: a waystone is conveniently located here, and the highest authority of the empire every now and then watches travelers teleporting not far from the king. There is a certain logic in this: it’s boring to sit surrounded by guards and wait for pilgrims to accidentally wander into the ruler. In our case, if the residents are not in too much of a hurry, they can come up and chat with the ruler, entertain him...

Note: the name of the city looks strange - these are the consequences of a less than ideal translation. Seven Towers is a strange name for a city (although there is a White Church in the real world), but its English-language counterpart, Sevenkeeps, looks natural and understandable. Perhaps something similar to the Seven Strongholds or Semigrad would be more suitable?

The landscape has changed since the last visit. The once rich city is burning, surrounded by enemy troops and wild animals prowling. It looks like the liberation of the capital will fall on the shoulders of our characters.

In the meantime, it’s too early to even talk about this - first we need to break through to the city. We are in the east of the capital, and the path of our squad is blocked by troops of dark forces. Actually, there are two ways to the city: gradually break through to the city under the slogan or use the prepared trick.

The trick lies in the close marriage of magic and technology. The dwarves prepared explosives, and the magician Haldor took control of one of the enemy warriors: now we can mine the enemy’s fortifications. Creating fortifications is simple: just stand for a few minutes next to specially marked places. Thus, in order to destroy the enemy, it is enough to take a tour of the enemy’s base. The main secret here is not to stop for a second, except for the time for mining. If one of the enemies follows the spy (this is very likely, since the sight of a sapper with a bag of explosives unnerves the guards), it is necessary not to engage in unnecessary running around, but to retreat to the main detachment. In addition, heroes are required to heal the scout.

When only firebrands remain from a large and protected enemy base, it is necessary to finish off the last resisters with the main detachment in order to demolish the remains of the buildings. Then lead the gnomes to the city gates - only after that we will get inside.

The guest of the capital is taken straight to the military council under the leadership of King Ulf. The friendliness of the hosts extends so far that travelers are offered to lead the defense of the city. Soon, with the help of teleportation stones, our squad will be in the main of the remaining forts - in the southwest.

It is impossible to build troops here. General Redmond is ready to provide us with soldiers, but first we need to get meat to feed the army. Apparently, there is an embargo on the import of troops from the Great Void, and instead a program has been proposed...

There are two ways to get supplies - long and dangerous. The long one consists of hunting local wildlife: wolves and bears (for some reason, these are the species that developed during the war, and the unkindly remembered spiders did not survive). A dangerous method is to intercept food caravans that travel between enemy bases. History is silent about why enemy bases need to intensively exchange meat among themselves if it is in abundance everywhere, but the insidiousness of dark forces is always ready to exceed our expectations!

Hunting does not cause any problems (poor bears did not even imagine that people would get their food with the help of lightning and black magic). It is certainly more interesting to attack caravans, but you should already have the first batch of fed warriors with you. The caravan’s algorithm of action is simple: move towards the destination of the journey, if an attack occurs, turn around and return to the starting point. As you can easily guess, it is best to attack caravans from behind. One of the guards will break through: generally speaking, it is useful to stop him. However, even if the attack was only partially successful, you can always skin the pack horses and take away the much-needed meat from them.

Despite the peacetime, there is still plenty to do in the city. The classes are mostly uncomplicated, and the experience is generously distributed, so it makes sense to take up development. A girl named Idara gives us a slightly paranoid task: good dreams are being stolen from her, so we need to consult the wise willow on this topic. Unfortunately, the willow is thirsty, and on the way to the source there are enemies. The game pushes us to move to the north-west of the map and break through with battles (and at the same time with water for the willow). This task is difficult to accomplish, so it is better to slowly but surely walk through the specified area with all the troops under your control: a difficult combat mission turns into a pleasant walk through picturesque places.

Other simple tasks are searching for missing things for farmers who live to the west of the market (let me remind you, the market itself is easy to find in the east of the city; searching for missing things for farmers who live to the west of the market () the point is to engage in development. turn around and return to the original ). Items are easily obtained to the west of the city in battles with overgrown insects.

Note: in the fields around the city you can find a lot of military equipment. Either farmers are not telling us something, or they simply live very well and allow themselves to buy potentially useful things.

The next task is to talk to the deaf old man Aedar. Everything is simple here: you need to listen and, if possible, understand the advice of your granddaughter and either assent or express anger in response to his memories. In the end, the old man will change his cunning to mercy and tell us a little history. It is also useful to visit the gnome quarter for a conversation, and generally walk around the city looking for people who want to chat.

Haunted Harbor

Majestic ruins are all that remains of the mighty civilization of the Creators. These creatures have lived here for so long that some people call this gap. No one has shown a desire to settle among the deathly walls; only a group of military archaeologists is exploring the remnants of past knowledge.

Immediately after moving, get ready for battle: this will mark the meeting with the new hero of your squad. A fresh stream will be Cain, a warrior with an incredibly long sword. Then explore the surrounding area and go meet archaeologists.

The style of play in Phantom Harbor is to slowly move around the map with a careful inspection of the signs, sniffing all the nooks and corners. The main squad is followed by the archaeologist Ragna: from time to time she will unravel secrets useful to the squad. The answer to the next question serves as a password to a lever of a certain color, which attracts the next tower to our side.

Note: passwords from the series do not need to be remembered, they work automatically.

It is the towers that are the key to victory. Our forces, unlike the enemy's, are limited, so standard tactics require caution: lure the enemy forces into the fire of the towers and, in the meantime, send auxiliary troops to the next enemy base that creates reinforcements.

Don’t forget to collect the items you find, even if you don’t understand their origin: in the southwestern foothills lives the half-crazed magician Agathos, who will find a use for them.

The campaign ends with the capture of the citadel, where you can build a base. However, there is no need to build a base in the usual sense of the word: we only have a couple of minutes to strengthen the position before a massive enemy attack. This is the first and last assault: if you survive, it means you won. In such conditions, improving buildings is unnecessary and, moreover, harmful: we need food farms, barracks and many, many towers. Defense in depth makes no sense; it is necessary to concentrate all forces in one place - fortunately there is only one way.


With these words the city-ship greets us. The ancient civilization of the Creators was clearly at a high level of technical development, and they did not shy away from magic. A ship, equal in size to a city and capable of moving between islands, is an amazing structure for us, masters of magic staffs and sharp swords.

The first walk through the city-ship is like a tour of a technological miracle. Everything around glows and moves, but the principles of this are incomprehensible. There are many strange rooms around, but they are all closed, access to them is blocked.

Our first target is the room with the refrigeration unit in the southeastern part of the ship. Not far from it you can find a blue key that fits the sphere (orb) installed on the pedestal. In the room, in addition to the enemies, you will find a crooked frozen creature, the skerg Urgi - it is he who will later introduce you to the ship.

After reviving the skerg, prepare a potion for him in the room that leads to the refrigerator. You need a green potion, which can be made from blue and yellow liquids in a special cauldron. Filling sequence: blue, yellow, yellow, yellow, blue, blue.

You can control the ship using instruments located to the south of the large globe in the center of the ship. Before launching the ship, it is necessary to collect the thoughts scattered throughout the ship (a fun activity: it’s not often that you have to fight against thoughts). Take your thoughts to the room, which is located just east of the refrigerator, and follow Urga’s further instructions. In the workshop, turn the first and third levers to fill the ship with energy, and get acquainted with the remaining tables: there you can build yourself a new weapon and continue the willow task.

In the room to the west you can complete the task of the priest Galius: the ghosts of the warriors are making their last march, and unreal demons are trying to destroy them. Our task is to successfully carry out 20 ghosts. To do this, you need to alternately clear the air of demons and heal ghosts, no matter how strange this may seem.

The ship is ready to travel, the next stop is the Citadel.


The first appearance in the citadel does not encourage a thoughtful description. Our task here is to reach the giant reptile and attack it. The battle will have to be interrupted: a random witness convinces us that a small squad cannot defeat the monster.

The next task is to go for help. Return to the ship, follow Urga's next instructions and head to Drag'Lur. On the way, it is useful to visit the Seven Towers and complete several small tasks. The most important among them are the conversation with the leader of the gnomes and Cain's task. You have to transport the gnomes to Winterlight on ship, but don’t rush to do it: your strength is not enough for a war on this map.

Cain's quest is important for two reasons. Firstly, you can get a decent amount of experience for virtually nothing, and secondly, Cain will receive a new sword as a reward. This sword is significantly superior to its freely available counterparts and should not be missed. At the end of the task, you will have to make a verdict - while no consequences of the choice have been revealed, apparently this is a matter of testing your conscience. In the future, you will find a couple more similar tasks that need to be completed with high priority. The only difficulty in them is the need to lure Una out of the temple. Wine purchased at the market will help solve this problem.


The intricate events taking place on this map hide underneath a fairly simple battle in a classic RTS mode. First, the heroes need to break through from the north to the center, to the main base. Then attacks from the east and west begin on the base: before the start of one of them, you can set a trap for the sake of experience, but it will not play a fundamental role. It is more important to strengthen the base on both sides so that it can defend itself.

Having gathered an army, go on the attack. Since attacks from the east are stronger, it is advisable to send troops there and protect the western direction with reserves. Further events are the consistent genocide of dinosaurs, spiders and various enemies. Difficulties arise exclusively military, plot tricks are not provided.

The main part of the campaign ends in the southwestern corner of the map, and the army must go around the path in a circle, destroying all enemy bases. The main battle awaits us in the south, where the enemy has established a main base: before the attack, all troops must be gathered together.

Citadel: Return

The time has come for a real attack on the citadel. We now have support from two detachments: air and infantry-cavalry; In addition, it is possible to build a base in the south of the map. Actually, you need to start from the base, and one of the main concerns should be protection from air attacks. As it becomes clear, the backbone of the army will be archers.

The main events will unfold in the center of the map and in the north. Between this area and our troops there is a complex of enemy towers that can pretty much ruin our lives; to avoid losses, it is advisable to carry out the first foray with a detachment of the main characters whose death is reversible. Near the towers you will find carts with resources that will be a good help for the base.

Another interesting place on this map is the pier in the southeast. There, three skeletons who died during a scientific expedition are arguing among themselves: each of them needs something, and each is ready to reward us with experience.

Further events will develop when the army is ready at the base. Our goal is to destroy all the enemy’s secondary bases one by one, so that we can then attack the enemy’s main fortification without interference. The algorithm of actions is as follows: the squad finds the enemy’s base, the main character teleports to his own base, asks for help from the leader of the knights and runs with them (or after them, if the reaction fails) to the base. When the cavalry reaches the enemy base, the unattended unit also goes on the attack. At this time, the air squad led by the magician remains in place to withstand the enemy's unexpected counterattack.

The final attack, on the main base, must unite all our forces. It should be noted that the wings are faster than the legs, so the flying army must be sent out later.

The transition to the citadel itself is only possible if the enemy base is completely demolished. If the target does not change, you need to find the remaining building (this can be difficult) and demolish it.

The land of dragons resembles an inverted Drag "Lur. Again we have a base that can be attacked from two sides. Again, both paths are closed in a ring... The tactics also remain the same: defense on one side, attack on the other. Our enemies will be sub-dragons of different types, so archers will be especially useful in the army.

There are places on the map for developing a second base, but they will not be useful: the main thing is to break through the nests to an audience with the dragons themselves.

After intense battles with the younger dragons in all respects, we will be offered a riddle in the classic style. The point of it is to find out which of our interlocutors is telling only the truth and who is only lying. The proposed riddle is simple and easy to solve. Here's the condition: Wind dragons are known to always lie, while others are always truthful. Before us are four dragons of different types and colors; it is necessary to determine their characteristics and nicknames.

The dragon Fonmir stated: Firior was called the Hunter, Fangor was called the Guardian, and Furin was the Messenger.
The dragon Fangor remembered: Firior was the dragon of the wind, Fonmir was called the Pathfinder, Furin had red scales.
The dragon Firior said: Fangor was a wind dragon, Fonmir had silver scales, Furin was a wyrm.
The dragon Furin said: Firior had green scales, Fangor was a crystal dragon, Fonmir had black scales.

Solution. Fangor and Firior contradict each other: one of them must be the wind dragon. Firior and Furin also did not agree on their memories. There is only one liar among dragons, so Firior is engaged in deception. If we use all the knowledge, we get: Fonmir was called the Pathfinder, and he was a black wyrm, Fangor was called the Guardian, he had silver scales and was a crystal dragon. Nicknamed the Hunter, Firior was a wind dragon with green scales. Finally, Furin is the Messenger, a fiery dragon with red scales.

Further events are related to the war: it is necessary to free the dragon nests one by one, thereby replenishing the army, fight the enemy and win.

Returning to the city-ship brought an unpleasant surprise: the vehicle is in the hands of the enemy! Consult with Urgi and call upon the evil spirits to your side: Madness, Anger, Fear, Disgust, Hatred. There are five spheres in the northwest room, each associated with two emotions. To summon a Doomstorm for each emotion, tap two orbs associated with it in a row.


One of the best episodes of Spellforce 2 was when King Ulf gave the hero the island of Westgard. The main character became not just a traveler, he became a landowner, a ruler. It is not surprising that we returned to the same island in Dragon Storm.

The home of our heroes is in trouble again. The disposition is as follows: scattered troops in the center, enemy bases in the north, south and west. The enemy continually tries to deliver attacks that coincide with the roads. On each path there is an outpost, headed by one of the characters from the first part of the game, and now a strong hero.

There is a continuous stream of gargoyles coming into the base from the east. Most likely, it will not be possible to save the central buildings, so it is worth withdrawing all troops from there, sacrificing the position. The remaining objects must be protected whenever possible.

There are a lot of minerals on the island, and workers stand next to the deposits. The problem is that they are standing and not working, so it is necessary to send them to work as soon as possible. At the same time, defense should be organized, strengthening problem areas with troops.

When the army is ready, the time will come to attack. First of all, you should get rid of the northern and southern bases - each is headed by an enemy hero. What follows is simply war: first the destruction of the western base, then a massive hunt for the superbeast.

Shore of Mists

Our heroes found themselves on the southwestern island of a small archipelago, their enemies on the remaining islands. A significant addition has arrived: the dragon Vessel of the Soul, who decided to personally take part in the war.

First you need to strengthen yourself on the island, but without excesses: this base will defend itself. The whole war will take place on other islands, and here only archers will defend themselves from gargoyles.

Next you need to attack other islands. The crossing scheme is as follows: the dragon flies to another island, finds a waystone on the shore and fights with the troops guarding it. Over several approaches with healing in between, the dragon creates a bridgehead, and the heroes take turns crossing over to take part in the battle.

King Ulf's Palace

The wise and fair King Ulf, as it turns out, does not like to limit comfort! His palace will rival any other island in size, and in the middle there are plenty of various treasures.

Our first task is to explore the accessible premises of the palace as thoroughly as possible. In any room you can find excellent weapons, and experience is distributed with such generosity that it becomes clear: the final battle is designed for the maximum level of the heroes. Even in the kitchen there are plenty of various weapons - it’s not for nothing that the cook there is a warlike giant, extremely similar to Steven Seagal.

In the chests every now and then there are keys to other rooms, so the heroes have to make more than one circle around the palace. The logical key of the epic is the key to the southeastern dungeon, where our old friend Flink McWinter is imprisoned. If you walk with him along the corridor running from the center to the northwest, you can find a secret lever. One turn - and the king’s considerable treasury is at our service.

When you're ready for the final battle, follow the same corridor to the end. There you will find eight rooms from which monsters continuously run out. To stop each source, one of the characters must run into the room and stand in the blue circle. Magic will transport the character to another room, where there will be another blue circle - if you stand on it, the attacks of monsters will stop.

As soon as all the characters stand on the blue circles, the squad will be transported to the throne room. This is where the final battle will take place... The scenario is standard: fighting off constant attacks, you need to kill the circle of magicians protecting the main enemy, and then engage in the final battle.

The end of the game leaves little hope for a sequel. It looks like we won't be seeing a second expansion, and we won't be seeing Spellforce 3 anytime soon. Legends leave, becoming free... Sometimes you need to leave just like that - on time and with dignity.


The first appearance in the citadel does not encourage a thoughtful description. Our task here is to reach the giant reptile and attack it. The battle will have to be interrupted: a random witness convinces us that a small squad cannot defeat the monster.

The next task is to go for help. Return to the ship, follow Urga's next instructions and head to Drag'Lur. On the way, it is useful to visit the Seven Towers and complete several small tasks. The most important among them are the conversation with the leader of the dwarves and Cain’s task. You have to transport the gnomes to Winterlight by ship, but do not rush to do this: your forces are not enough to fight a war on this map.

Cain's quest is important for two reasons. Firstly, you can get a decent amount of experience for virtually nothing, and secondly, Cain will receive a new sword as a reward. This sword is significantly superior to its freely available counterparts and should not be missed. At the end of the task, you will have to make a verdict - while no consequences of the choice have been revealed, apparently this is a matter of testing your conscience. In the future, you will find a couple more similar tasks that need to be completed with high priority. The only difficulty in them is the need to lure Una out of the temple. Wine purchased at the market will help solve this problem.


The intricate events taking place on this map hide underneath a fairly simple battle in a classic RTS mode. First, the heroes need to break through from the north to the center, to the main base. Then attacks from the east and west begin on the base: before the start of one of them, you can set a trap for the sake of experience, but it will not play a fundamental role. It is more important to strengthen the base on both sides so that it can defend itself.

Having gathered an army, go on the attack. Since attacks from the east are stronger, it is advisable to send troops there and protect the western direction with reserves. Further events are the consistent genocide of dinosaurs, spiders and various enemies. Difficulties arise exclusively military, plot tricks are not provided.

The main part of the campaign ends in the southwestern corner of the map, and the army must go around the path in a circle, destroying all enemy bases. The main battle awaits us in the south, where the enemy has established a main base: before the attack, all troops must be gathered together.

Citadel: Return

The time has come for a real attack on the citadel. We now have support from two detachments: air and infantry-cavalry; In addition, it is possible to build a base in the south of the map. Actually, you need to start from the base, and one of the main concerns should be protection from air attacks. As it becomes clear, the backbone of the army will be archers.

The main events will unfold in the center of the map and in the north. Between this area and our troops there is a complex of enemy towers that can pretty much ruin our lives; to avoid losses, it is advisable to carry out the first foray with a detachment of the main characters whose death is reversible. Near the towers you will find carts with resources that will be a good help for the base.

Another interesting place on this map is the pier in the southeast. There, three skeletons who died during a scientific expedition are arguing among themselves: each of them needs something, and each is ready to reward us with experience.

Further events will develop when the army is ready at the base. Our goal is to destroy all the enemy’s secondary bases one by one, so that we can then attack the enemy’s main fortification without interference. The algorithm of actions is as follows: the squad finds the enemy’s base, the main character teleports to his own base, asks for help from the leader of the knights and runs with them (or after them, if the reaction fails) to the base. When the cavalry reaches the enemy base, the unattended unit also goes on the attack. At this time, the air squad led by the magician remains in place to withstand the enemy's unexpected counterattack.

The final attack, on the main base, must unite all our forces. It should be noted that the wings are faster than the legs, so the flying army must be sent out later.

The transition to the citadel itself is only possible if the enemy base is completely demolished. If the target does not change, you need to find the remaining building (this can be difficult) and demolish it.


The Land of Dragons resembles an inverted Drag'Lur. Once again we have a base that can be attacked from two sides. Again, both paths are closed into a ring... The tactics also remain the same: defense on one side, attack on the other. Our enemies will be sub-dragons of various types, so archers will be especially useful in the army.

There are places on the map for developing a second base, but they will not be useful: the main thing is to break through the nests to an audience with the dragons themselves.

After an otherwise heated battle with the younger dragons, we are presented with a riddle in the classic “knight and liar” style. The point of it is to find out which of our interlocutors is telling only the truth and who is only lying. The proposed riddle is simple and easy to solve. Here's the condition: Wind dragons are known to always lie, while others are always truthful. Before us are four dragons of different types and colors; it is necessary to determine their characteristics and nicknames.

The dragon Fonmir stated: Firior was called the Hunter, Fangor was called the Guardian, and Furin was the Messenger.
The dragon Fangor remembered: Firior was the dragon of the wind, Fonmir was called the Pathfinder, Furin had red scales.
The dragon Firior said: Fangor was a wind dragon, Fonmir had silver scales, Furin was a wyrm.
The dragon Furin said: Firior had green scales, Fangor was a crystal dragon, Fonmir had black scales.

Solution . Fangor and Firior contradict each other: one of them must be the wind dragon. Firior and Furin also did not agree on their memories. There is only one liar among dragons, so Firior is engaged in deception. If we use all the knowledge, we get: Fonmir was called the Pathfinder, and he was a black wyrm, Fangor was called the Guardian, he had silver scales and was a crystal dragon. Nicknamed the Hunter, Firior was a wind dragon with green scales. Finally, Furin is the Messenger, a fiery dragon with red scales.

Further events are related to the war: it is necessary to free the dragon nests one by one, thereby replenishing the army, fight the enemy and win.

Returning to the city-ship brought an unpleasant surprise: the vehicle is in the hands of the enemy! Consult with Urgi and call upon the evil spirits to your side: Madness, Anger, Fear, Disgust, Hatred. There are five spheres in the northwest room, each associated with two emotions. To summon a Doomstorm for each emotion, tap two orbs associated with it in a row.


One of the best episodes Spellforce 2 was connected with the fact that King Ulf gave the hero the island of Westgard. The main character became not just a traveler, he became a landowner, a ruler. It is not surprising that we returned to the same island in Dragon Storm.

The home of our heroes is in trouble again. The disposition is as follows: scattered troops in the center, enemy bases in the north, south and west. The enemy continually tries to deliver attacks that coincide with the roads. On each path there is an outpost, headed by one of the characters from the first part of the game, and now a strong hero.

There is a continuous stream of gargoyles coming into the base from the east. Most likely, it will not be possible to save the central buildings, so it is worth withdrawing all troops from there, sacrificing the position. The remaining objects must be protected whenever possible.

There are a lot of minerals on the island, and workers stand next to the deposits. The problem is that they are standing and not working, so it is necessary to send them to work as soon as possible. At the same time, defense should be organized, strengthening problem areas with troops.

When the army is ready, the time will come to attack. First of all, you should get rid of the northern and southern bases - each is headed by an enemy hero. What follows is simply war: first the destruction of the western base, then a massive hunt for the superbeast.

Shore of Mists

Our heroes found themselves on the southwestern island of a small archipelago, their enemies on the remaining islands. A significant addition has arrived: the dragon Vessel of the Soul, who decided to personally take part in the war.

First you need to strengthen yourself on the island, but without excesses: this base will defend itself. The whole war will take place on other islands, and here only archers will defend themselves from gargoyles.

Next you need to attack other islands. The crossing scheme is as follows: the dragon flies to another island, finds a waystone on the shore and fights with the troops guarding it. Over several approaches with healing in between, the dragon creates a bridgehead, and the heroes take turns crossing over to take part in the battle.

King Ulf's Palace

The wise and fair King Ulf, as it turns out, does not like to limit comfort! His palace will rival any other island in size, and in the middle there are plenty of various treasures.

Our first task is to explore the accessible premises of the palace as thoroughly as possible. In any room you can find excellent weapons, and experience is distributed with such generosity that it becomes clear: the final battle is designed for the maximum level of the heroes. Even in the kitchen there are plenty of various weapons - it’s not for nothing that the cook there is a warlike giant, extremely similar to Steven Seagal.

In the chests every now and then there are keys to other rooms, so the heroes have to make more than one circle around the palace. The logical key of the epic is the key to the southeastern dungeon, where our old friend Flink McWinter is imprisoned. If you walk with him along the corridor running from the center to the northwest, you can find a secret lever. One turn - and the king’s considerable treasury is at our service.

When you're ready for the final battle, follow the same corridor to the end. There you will find eight rooms from which monsters continuously run out. To stop each source, one of the characters must run into the room and stand in the blue circle. Magic will transport the character to another room, where there will be another blue circle - if you stand on it, the attacks of monsters will stop.

As soon as all the characters stand on the blue circles, the squad will be transported to the throne room. This is where the final battle will take place... The scenario is standard: fighting off constant attacks, you need to kill the circle of magicians protecting the main enemy, and then engage in the final battle.

The end of the game leaves little hope for a sequel. It looks like we won't be seeing a second expansion, and we won't be seeing Spellforce 3 anytime soon. Legends leave, becoming free... Sometimes you need to leave just like that - on time and with dignity.

In the plot SpellForce 2 a lot of time is devoted to farewell, as if the scriptwriters took the last pages of “The Lord of the Rings” as a standard. The old world is fading, the heroes of the past are forgotten, magic has ceased to be an art, and great warriors have become simple pilgrims... The destruction of magical portals has broken a single world into many islands, separated by a mighty ocean. The memory of the past smolders in the main characters, but this picture is gradually dimming.

The minor motif is largely symbolic. While the heroes have parted with their great past, the creators of the game sadly follow the idea of ​​​​"RTS plus role-playing game." First part SpellForce earned success precisely thanks to the experiment: combining strategy and character adventures. Of course, this caused a number of problems, but the unification not only took place - it became a household name. SpellForce was called one of the most important events of the year, and additions were expected for a long time.

All this is behind us. IN SpellForce 2 the strategic component was significantly reduced, everything returned to recognized standards. The lists have been replenished with “another role-playing game.” The logical world also disappeared - instead of a well-thought-out concept of runes, we saw standard assumptions for a computer from the series “ in this barracks warriors are born every five minutes".

The standard principle of RTS - parallel development of the base and war - is virtually reduced to zero. The reasons for this are clear: the tasks boil down to the principle of “build a big army and kill everyone.” Previously, they fought this with scripted events and multi-stage tasks, but now they have completely canceled it. Fortunately, such moments occur three or four times per expansion.

There are remnants of strategy in the moments when we are given a dozen or two soldiers to solve a certain problem. However, these are only small inclusions - the role-playing adventure took up the vast majority of the time.

The addition received the loud name “ Dragon Storm“, but in reality the storm turned out to be just a fresh breeze... The time of revolutions has passed: we have before us a natural continuation SpellForce 2. The list of changes includes small mutations in the role-playing system, armor sets and new races for RTS. The first does not make fundamental changes, the second actually does not occur in practice, the third, in the light of genre trends, remains beyond the bounds of reason.

Maybe we should say goodbye to the game? No. This year there are plenty of real-time strategies, but role-playing games are in clear shortage. Without communicating with elves and dwarves, it can sometimes be a bit boring, but “ Dragon Storm"created according to the canons of classic fantasy. Elves, gnomes, people, monsters, villains, magicians... The good old set that makes up a lively and unusual world with a slight excess of pathos and a lack of self-irony.

The developers got rid of the main problems SpellForce 2- obvious tasks and dull linearity. Of course, the plot is not full of forks, but there are also plenty of secondary tasks - sometimes quite funny. Those who scroll through conversations without reading risk ending up in a dead end and not receiving prizes. As you progress, the careful work with balance and pleasant attention to detail become clear.

The addition has become a full-fledged adventure, where there is no room for boredom. The journey turned out to be short (a week should be enough to complete it), but exciting. The role-playing system makes you think, the choice of weapons allows you to roam, the texts are long enough - everything is ready for a pleasant journey.

Good memories remain after the game. Perhaps the reason for this is the main idea of ​​the script, repeated more than once after the battles: freedom is more valuable than life.

At a crossroads

At the beginning of the game, the hero is faced with the question: who to be? It is necessary to build a clear plan from the very beginning and follow it throughout the passage. There are many options: each character must choose a primary and secondary profession, in addition, our squad at the end of the game grows to six people.

The core of the role-playing system remains unchanged. The character has two directions - magic and military affairs (the names are arbitrary). Each of the areas is divided into professions, professions into specialties, and specialties into specializations.

I will not repeat the detailed description of specialties that was already in the manual SpellForce 2, and instead focus on the possible roles of the characters.

Warrior- an obvious basis for the company. His goal is simple and uncomplicated: get involved in close combat and use the skill of chopping cabbage on the enemy. There are two positive aspects to this: the enemy is distracted from hunting for magicians, and at the same time he dies.

It’s simple to turn a warrior into a “tank”: we give him a shield in his left hand, and a sword in his right hand. If the attack is more important, there are more options: the arsenal includes two-handed swords, axes, war hammers, double swords for the right and left hands, daggers... Is such an abundance necessary? I deeply doubt it.

The spells of magicians are stronger than the swords of warriors. In close combat, it is not possible to cast spells from your hand, but lightning and black magic spells are the main threat to the enemy. A warrior is most useful when he is alive and in the center of the battle, and everything else is in the background.

Verdict - the concept of armor should be the main one in a military school. The thicker the shell, the more useful the warrior. On the other hand, the concept of a “light warrior” causes some confusion.

Battle Mage focuses on offensive spells. This profession is effective primarily due to its convenient point-and-click interface: to attack, you must first select an enemy and then a spell.

Those who choose a similar path have two options: elemental magic and black magic. Black magic is nominally stronger, but elemental mages have several advantages: they can attack buildings, they have more variety in spells, and fire and ice attacks are especially powerful against some creatures.

Necromancers and their colleagues are not deprived: their abilities are akin to white magic, and they can learn healing at the same time. In addition, black magic is stronger against enemy heroes.

Archer, like a magician, hits the target from afar. The overall effect is weaker, but there is one advantage: the archer does not require attention, he himself finds the target and tries to destroy it.

Doctor prefers white magic, which does not prevent him from sometimes summoning skeletons and sucking life out of the enemy. The goals are obvious, the advantages are undeniable - there should be one white magician in the squad.

New to the role-playing system - abilities Shaikan. They are not suitable as a main profession, but serve as an excellent addition to a warrior. Particularly useful magic call, which allows you to temporarily summon a flying dagger, a wolf or a vampire in the form of a bat. At the same time, the second profession for magicians should be either the path of the warrior or another magical principle.

Tour the world


Who am I? Why are these people gathered around? How did I end up here? What is going on? There is no time for questions; from the very first second the main character finds himself in the thick of things. There is a war going on all around us, and it’s clearly impossible to sort it out without us!

The first task is simple - you need to develop the hero depending on your desires. Teach him minimal skills, open chests nearby - and you are ready for adventure! You are in a devastated dwarven city, and your first goal is to get out of here as quickly as possible. The city is constantly attacked by animals, and the hero is entrusted with the responsibility of evacuation.

Chat with those around you, take tasks from them - the first of them will be searching for springs for the city gates. During numerous conversations, the sun will have time to set and rise again - don’t be surprised, this world generally does not like unnecessary haste!

Your goals are marked on the map - walk along them, fighting off the attacking monsters. There is no need to try to kill all the monsters: they are constantly arriving, albeit in minute quantities. Enemies will willingly wait for the completion of your work: open the gate (left mouse button on the lever), and get ready to travel among the snow.

Winterlight needs a humanitarian operation: to lead the dwarf craftsmen to the portal in the north. The problem is that gnome craftsmen are afraid of the cold and must quickly run from fire to fire. As a result, you will have to act quickly.

Clearing the path is not difficult: the targets are marked on the map. However, this task will be difficult if you decide to visit the branches on the map to collect treasures. The optimal algorithm for this choice would be a quick throw across the entire map with complete clearing of enemies, and then a second pass over a short distance to clear the path for the dwarf craftsmen. Continuously regenerating enemies are the main problem, so it is necessary to accurately calculate the time: as soon as the next fire is rid of the enemies, the artisans must already set off.

It is advisable to divide the gnomes into two groups, alternately running along the route: this way they will crowd less and, therefore, die from the cold. Don’t expect to transfer everyone and only then deal with additional tasks: as soon as the last of them crosses the portal, the next map will open to our eyes.


A fortress overflowing with crazy monsters suddenly appeared on the way of our army. What to do? Take it by storm, of course! Just three of us against an army of bloodthirsty creatures? Nothing, no one demands quick results from us.

First of all, go to the closed city gates. Along the way, the scout will offer you help: send him back to the camp so that he can correct the work of the local artillery - a bow alone is of little use. When you approach the gate, begin to tease the enemy, killing his archers and healing your friends. A peculiar tactic for storming a city, isn’t it? The goal is to distract the enemy’s fire for longer until our tree allies come up and remove the protective magic from the gate.

At this time we will have the opportunity to create a small support army. I advise you to skew towards archers: melee warriors will not always be able to reach the enemy, and long-range warriors will come in handy. With this army, one by one, destroy the enemy's breeding grounds in the southern part of the fortress. At the same time, be prepared for a counterattack: the enemy will have reinforcements in the west, and as soon as danger arises, quickly send all troops there.

Besides us, other warriors are attacking the fortress. It is impossible to coordinate with them, so for strong blows you can only catch their next attack and run after them with all your might.

The interior of the fortress is closed to visitors. Everyone around is talking about a secret passage (which raises doubts about its secrecy), so our hero will have to take a few minutes away from the fortress and move on to exploring the surrounding area. None of the people you meet know exactly where the secret passage is, but the magician Haldor, freed in the east, offers to cast illusion magic on your squad. To do this, you need three pieces of orc leather - and there should be plenty of this material around. Unfortunately, not all pieces are suitable, but from certain orcs, so carefully examine the corpses left behind. You will find the first such piece at the main gate, the rest - on the eastern path.

To the west of the city, thanks to a stroke of luck, you will find the builder Weyland, who will open the way for you to a secret passage. The road is open: head inside the fortress and kill everyone you meet. In addition to ordinary warriors, you will find a fiery titan - there is nothing left to do but kill him too. The tactics are clear - do not scatter your forces and always move with your army.

Alluvian has been taken! A minute of rest - free the prominent representative of the Shaikan Satras from captivity, listen to his insults and head further along the magical path.

Seven towers

Even if in the year since the adventures in the world Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars, you have already forgotten everything about the world of islands, one place will remain in your memory. Seven Towers, the capital of the empire, a city where people, elves, gnomes and other friendly creatures live nearby. In the labyrinth of narrow streets there is everything that befits a large city: a rich market, a quarter of artisans, a gallows, a mine for gnomes, a square of priests, a magical “flea market”, an embankment, a university... And of course, residential buildings, many residential buildings with standing next to the chests.

And how can we forget the court of King Ulf? Officially, this place is called the “royal courtyard,” but in practice this courtyard has earned the title of a passageway: a waystone is conveniently located here, and the highest authorities of the empire every now and then watch travelers teleporting not far from the king. There is a certain logic in this: it’s boring to sit surrounded by guards and wait for pilgrims to accidentally wander into the ruler. In our case, if the residents are not in too much of a hurry, they can come up and chat with the ruler, entertain him...

On a note: The name of the city looks a bit strange - these are the consequences of a less than ideal translation. Seven Towers is a strange name for a city (although there is a White Church in the real world), but its English-language counterpart, Sevenkeeps, looks natural and understandable. Perhaps something similar to the Seven Strongholds or Semigrad would be more suitable?

The landscape has changed since the last visit. The once rich city is burning, surrounded by enemy troops and wild animals prowling. It looks like the liberation of the capital will fall on the shoulders of our characters.

In the meantime, it’s too early to even talk about this - first we need to break through to the city. We are in the east of the capital, and the path of our squad is blocked by troops of dark forces. Actually, there are two ways to the city: gradually break through to the city under the slogan “beat strangers, heal your own” or use the prepared trick.

The trick lies in the close marriage of magic and technology. The dwarves prepared explosives, and the magician Haldor took control of one of the enemy warriors: now we can mine the enemy’s fortifications. Creating fortifications is simple: just stand for a few minutes next to specially marked places. Thus, in order to destroy the enemy, it is enough to take a tour of the enemy’s base. The main secret here is not to stop for a second, except for the time for mining. If one of the enemies follows the spy (this is very likely, since the sight of a sapper with a bag of explosives unnerves the guards), it is necessary not to engage in unnecessary running around, but to retreat to the main detachment. In addition, heroes are required to heal the scout.

When only firebrands remain from a large and protected enemy base, it is necessary to finish off the last resisters with the main detachment in order to demolish the remains of the buildings. Then lead the gnomes to the city gates - only after that we will get inside.

The guest of the capital is taken straight to the military council under the leadership of King Ulf. The friendliness of the hosts extends so far that travelers are offered to lead the defense of the city. Soon, with the help of teleportation stones, our squad will be in the main of the remaining forts - in the southwest.

It is impossible to build troops here. General Redmond is ready to provide us with soldiers, but first we need to get meat to feed the army. Apparently, there is an embargo on the import of troops from the Great Void, and instead a “killers for food” program has been proposed...

There are two ways to get supplies - long and dangerous. The long one consists of hunting local wildlife: wolves and bears (for some reason, these are the species that developed during the war, and the unkindly remembered spiders did not survive). A dangerous method is to intercept food caravans that travel between enemy bases. History is silent about why enemy bases need to intensively exchange meat among themselves if it is in abundance everywhere, but the insidiousness of dark forces is always ready to exceed our expectations!

Hunting does not cause any problems (poor bears did not even imagine that people would get their food with the help of lightning and black magic). It is certainly more interesting to attack caravans, but you should already have the first batch of fed warriors with you. The caravan’s algorithm of action is simple: move towards the destination of the journey, if an attack occurs, turn around and return to the starting point. As you can easily guess, it is best to attack caravans from behind. One of the guards will break through “to his own”: generally speaking, it is useful to stop him. However, even if the attack was only partially successful, you can always skin the pack horses and take away the much-needed meat from them.

Despite the peacetime, there is still plenty to do in the city. The classes are mostly uncomplicated, and the experience is generously distributed, so it makes sense to take up development. A girl named Idara gives us a slightly paranoid task: good dreams are being stolen from her, so we need to consult the wise willow on this topic. Unfortunately, the willow is thirsty, and on the way to the source there are enemies. The game pushes us to move to the north-west of the map and break through with battles (and at the same time with water for the willow). This task is difficult to accomplish, so it is better to slowly but surely walk through the specified area with all the troops under your control: a difficult combat mission turns into a pleasant walk through picturesque places.

Other simple tasks are searching for missing things for farmers who live to the west of the market (let me remind you, the market itself is easy to find in the east of the city; searching for missing things for farmers who live to the west of the market () the point is to engage in development. turn around and return to the original ). Items are easily obtained to the west of the city in battles with overgrown insects.

On a note: In the fields around the city you can find a lot of military equipment. Either farmers are not telling us something, or they simply live very well and allow themselves to buy potentially useful things.

The next task is to talk to the deaf old man Aedar. Everything is simple here: you need to listen and, if possible, understand the advice of your granddaughter and either assent or express anger in response to his memories. In the end, the old man will change his cunning to mercy and tell us a little history. It is also useful to visit the gnome quarter for a conversation, and generally walk around the city looking for people who want to chat.

Haunted Harbor

Majestic ruins are all that remains of the mighty civilization of the Creators. These creatures lived here for so long that some call this period “before the beginning of time.” No one has shown a desire to settle among the deathly walls; only a group of military archaeologists is exploring the remnants of past knowledge.

Immediately after moving, get ready for battle: this will mark the meeting with the new hero of your squad. A fresh stream will be Cain, a warrior with an incredibly long sword. Then explore the surrounding area and go meet archaeologists.

The style of play in Phantom Harbor is to slowly move around the map with a careful inspection of the signs, sniffing all the nooks and corners. The main squad is followed by the archaeologist Ragna: from time to time she will unravel secrets useful to the squad. The answer to the next question serves as a password to a lever of a certain color, which attracts the next tower to our side.

On a note: passwords from the “red color corresponds to green skull” series do not need to be remembered, they work automatically.

It is the towers that are the key to victory. Our forces, unlike the enemy's, are limited, so standard tactics require caution: lure the enemy forces into the fire of the towers and, in the meantime, send auxiliary troops to the next enemy base that creates reinforcements.

Don’t forget to collect the items you find, even if you don’t understand their origin: in the southwestern foothills lives the half-crazed magician Agathos, who will find a use for them.

The campaign ends with the capture of the citadel, where you can build a base. However, there is no need to build a base in the usual sense of the word: we only have a couple of minutes to strengthen the position before a massive enemy attack. This is the first and last assault: if you survive, it means you won. In such conditions, improving buildings is unnecessary and, moreover, harmful: we need food farms, barracks and many, many towers. Defense in depth makes no sense; it is necessary to concentrate all forces in one place - fortunately there is only one way.


« The creators are considered children of the gods“- these are the words the city-ship greets us. The ancient civilization of the Creators was clearly at a high level of technical development, and they did not shy away from magic. A ship, equal in size to a city and capable of moving between islands, is an amazing structure for us, masters of magic staffs and sharp swords.

The first walk through the city-ship is like a tour of a technological miracle. Everything around glows and moves, but the principles of this are incomprehensible. There are many strange rooms around, but they are all closed, access to them is blocked.

Our first target is the room with the refrigeration unit in the southeastern part of the ship. Not far from it you can find a blue key that fits the sphere (orb) installed on the pedestal. In the room, in addition to the enemies, you will find a crooked frozen creature, the skerg Urgi - it is he who will later introduce you to the ship.

After reviving the skerg, prepare a potion for him in the room that leads to the refrigerator. You need a green potion, which can be made from blue and yellow liquids in a special cauldron. Filling sequence: blue, yellow, yellow, yellow, blue, blue.

You can control the ship using instruments located to the south of the large globe in the center of the ship. Before launching the ship, it is necessary to collect the thoughts scattered throughout the ship (a fun activity: it’s not often that you have to fight against thoughts). Take your thoughts to the room, which is located just east of the refrigerator, and follow Urga’s further instructions. In the workshop, turn the first and third levers to fill the ship with energy, and get acquainted with the remaining tables: there you can build yourself a new weapon and continue the willow task.

In the room to the west you can complete the task of the priest Galius: the ghosts of warriors make their last march, and unreal demons trying to destroy them. Our task is to successfully carry out 20 ghosts. To do this, you need to alternately clear the air of demons and heal ghosts, no matter how strange this may seem.

The ship is ready to travel, the next stop is the Citadel.


The first appearance in the citadel does not encourage a thoughtful description. Our task here is to reach the giant reptile and attack it. The battle will have to be interrupted: a random witness convinces us that a small squad cannot defeat the monster.

The next task is to go for help. Return to the ship, follow Urga's next instructions and head to Drag'Lur. On the way, it is useful to visit the Seven Towers and complete several small tasks. The most important among them are the conversation with the leader of the dwarves and Cain’s task. You have to transport the gnomes to Winterlight by ship, but do not rush to do this: your forces are not enough to fight a war on this map.

Cain's quest is important for two reasons. Firstly, you can get a decent amount of experience for virtually nothing, and secondly, Cain will receive a new sword as a reward. This sword is significantly superior to its freely available counterparts and should not be missed. At the end of the task, you will have to make a verdict - while no consequences of the choice have been revealed, apparently this is a matter of testing your conscience. In the future, you will find a couple more similar tasks that need to be completed with high priority. The only difficulty in them is the need to lure Una out of the temple. Wine purchased at the market will help solve this problem.


The intricate events taking place on this map hide underneath a fairly simple battle in a classic RTS mode. First, the heroes need to break through from the north to the center, to the main base. Then attacks from the east and west begin on the base: before the start of one of them, you can set a trap for the sake of experience, but it will not play a fundamental role. It is more important to strengthen the base on both sides so that it can defend itself.

Having gathered an army, go on the attack. Since attacks from the east are stronger, it is advisable to send troops there and protect the western direction with reserves. Further events are the consistent genocide of dinosaurs, spiders and various enemies. Difficulties arise exclusively military, plot tricks are not provided.

The main part of the campaign ends in the southwestern corner of the map, and the army must go around the path in a circle, destroying all enemy bases. The main battle awaits us in the south, where the enemy has established a main base: before the attack, all troops must be gathered together.

Citadel: Return

The time has come for a real attack on the citadel. We now have support from two detachments: air and infantry-cavalry; In addition, it is possible to build a base in the south of the map. Actually, you need to start from the base, and one of the main concerns should be protection from air attacks. As it becomes clear, the backbone of the army will be archers.

The main events will unfold in the center of the map and in the north. Between this area and our troops there is a complex of enemy towers that can pretty much ruin our lives; to avoid losses, it is advisable to carry out the first foray with a detachment of the main characters whose death is reversible. Near the towers you will find carts with resources that will be a good help for the base.

Another interesting place on this map is the pier in the southeast. There, three skeletons who died during a scientific expedition are arguing among themselves: each of them needs something, and each is ready to reward us with experience.

Further events will develop when the army is ready at the base. Our goal is to destroy all the enemy’s secondary bases one by one, so that we can then attack the enemy’s main fortification without interference. The algorithm of actions is as follows: the squad finds the enemy’s base, the main character teleports to his own base, asks for help from the leader of the knights and runs with them (or after them, if the reaction fails) to the base. When the cavalry reaches the enemy base, the unattended unit also goes on the attack. At this time, the air squad led by the magician remains in place to withstand the enemy's unexpected counterattack.

The final attack, on the main base, must unite all our forces. It should be noted that the wings are faster than the legs, so the flying army must be sent out later.

The transition to the citadel itself is only possible if the enemy base is completely demolished. If the target does not change, you need to find the remaining building (this can be difficult) and demolish it.


The Land of Dragons resembles an inverted Drag'Lur. Once again we have a base that can be attacked from two sides. Again, both paths are closed into a ring... The tactics also remain the same: defense on one side, attack on the other. Our enemies will be sub-dragons of various types, so archers will be especially useful in the army.

There are places on the map for developing a second base, but they will not be useful: the main thing is to break through the nests to an audience with the dragons themselves.

After an otherwise heated battle with the younger dragons, we are presented with a riddle in the classic “knight and liar” style. The point of it is to find out which of our interlocutors is telling only the truth and who is only lying. The proposed riddle is simple and easy to solve. Here's the condition: Wind dragons are known to always lie, while others are always truthful. Before us are four dragons of different types and colors; it is necessary to determine their characteristics and nicknames.

The dragon Fonmir stated: Firior was called the Hunter, Fangor was called the Guardian, and Furin was the Messenger.
The dragon Fangor remembered: Firior was the dragon of the wind, Fonmir was called the Pathfinder, Furin had red scales.
The dragon Firior said: Fangor was a wind dragon, Fonmir had silver scales, Furin was a wyrm.
The dragon Furin said: Firior had green scales, Fangor was a crystal dragon, Fonmir had black scales.

Solution . Fangor and Firior contradict each other: one of them must be the wind dragon. Firior and Furin also did not agree on their memories. There is only one liar among dragons, so Firior is engaged in deception. If we use all the knowledge, we get: Fonmir was called the Pathfinder, and he was a black wyrm, Fangor was called the Guardian, he had silver scales and was a crystal dragon. Nicknamed the Hunter, Firior was a wind dragon with green scales. Finally, Furin is the Messenger, a fiery dragon with red scales.

Further events are related to the war: it is necessary to free the dragon nests one by one, thereby replenishing the army, fight the enemy and win.

Returning to the city-ship brought an unpleasant surprise: the vehicle is in the hands of the enemy! Consult with Urgi and call upon the evil spirits to your side: Madness, Anger, Fear, Disgust, Hatred. There are five spheres in the northwest room, each associated with two emotions. To summon a Doomstorm for each emotion, tap two orbs associated with it in a row.


One of the best episodes Spellforce 2 was connected with the fact that King Ulf gave the hero the island of Westgard. The main character became not just a traveler, he became a landowner, a ruler. It is not surprising that we returned to the same island in Dragon Storm.

The home of our heroes is in trouble again. The disposition is as follows: scattered troops in the center, enemy bases in the north, south and west. The enemy continually tries to deliver attacks that coincide with the roads. On each path there is an outpost, headed by one of the characters from the first part of the game, and now a strong hero.

There is a continuous stream of gargoyles coming into the base from the east. Most likely, it will not be possible to save the central buildings, so it is worth withdrawing all troops from there, sacrificing the position. The remaining objects must be protected whenever possible.

There are a lot of minerals on the island, and workers stand next to the deposits. The problem is that they are standing and not working, so it is necessary to send them to work as soon as possible. At the same time, defense should be organized, strengthening problem areas with troops.

When the army is ready, the time will come to attack. First of all, you should get rid of the northern and southern bases - each is headed by an enemy hero. What follows is simply war: first the destruction of the western base, then a massive hunt for the superbeast.

Shore of Mists

Our heroes found themselves on the southwestern island of a small archipelago, their enemies on the remaining islands. A significant addition has arrived: the dragon Vessel of the Soul, who decided to personally take part in the war.

First you need to strengthen yourself on the island, but without excesses: this base will defend itself. The whole war will take place on other islands, and here only archers will defend themselves from gargoyles.

Next you need to attack other islands. The crossing scheme is as follows: the dragon flies to another island, finds a waystone on the shore and fights with the troops guarding it. Over several approaches with healing in between, the dragon creates a bridgehead, and the heroes take turns crossing over to take part in the battle.

King Ulf's Palace

The wise and fair King Ulf, as it turns out, does not like to limit comfort! His palace will rival any other island in size, and in the middle there are plenty of various treasures.

Our first task is to explore the accessible premises of the palace as thoroughly as possible. In any room you can find excellent weapons, and experience is distributed with such generosity that it becomes clear: the final battle is designed for the maximum level of the heroes. Even in the kitchen there are plenty of various weapons - it’s not for nothing that the cook there is a warlike giant, extremely similar to Steven Seagal.

In the chests every now and then there are keys to other rooms, so the heroes have to make more than one circle around the palace. The logical key of the epic is the key to the southeastern dungeon, where our old friend Flink McWinter is imprisoned. If you walk with him along the corridor running from the center to the northwest, you can find a secret lever. One turn - and the king’s considerable treasury is at our service.

When you're ready for the final battle, follow the same corridor to the end. There you will find eight rooms from which monsters continuously run out. To stop each source, one of the characters must run into the room and stand in the blue circle. Magic will transport the character to another room, where there will be another blue circle - if you stand on it, the attacks of monsters will stop.

As soon as all the characters stand on the blue circles, the squad will be transported to the throne room. This is where the final battle will take place... The scenario is standard: fighting off constant attacks, you need to kill the circle of magicians protecting the main enemy, and then engage in the final battle.

The end of the game leaves little hope for a sequel. It looks like we won't be seeing a second expansion, and we won't be seeing Spellforce 3 anytime soon. Legends leave, becoming free... Sometimes you need to leave just like that - on time and with dignity.

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