Alcohols thematic tests 10 11. Chemistry test on the topic "Alcohols" (grade 10). Alcohols: Chemical Properties

1 option

A) ethanol; B) phenol; B)propyne; D) benzene.

CH 3 -CH 2 -CH-OH


A) butanol-1;


B) butanol-2;

D) 1-methylpropanol-1

3.Indicate the row where physical properties ethanol (n.o.) are reflected most fully:

A) a liquid soluble in water;

B) density is less than that of water, pungent odor, does not mix well with water;

C) a liquid with a pungent odor, insoluble in water;

D) a liquid with a pungent odor, highly soluble in water.

4. The formula for a homologue of ethylene glycol is:


B)CH 3 -CH 2 OH;



5. Indicate the number of isomeric alcohols that corresponds to the formula C 5 H 11 OH:

A)6; B)4; AT 7; D)8.

6. Glycerol interacts, but ethanol does not interact with:

A) metallic sodium;

B) copper (II) hydroxide;

B) oxygen;

D) acetic acid.

7. Ethanol, under certain conditions, reacts with all substances of the following series:

A) Na, O 2, CH 3 COOH, HCl;

B) NaCl, Cu(OH) 2, K, O 2;

B) O 2, HCl, KCl, Na;

D) C 2 H 5 OH, Na, H 2 O, CH 3 COOH.

8. Indicate the reaction schemes reflecting the methods for producing phenol:

1)C 6 H 6 + Cl 2 →;

2) 1 mol C 6 H 5 Cl + 1 mol NaOH →;

3)C 6 H 5 ONa + HCl →;

4)C 6 H 6 + O 2 →.

Choose the correct answer:

A)1, 3; B)2, 3; B)3, 4; D)1, 4.

9. To burn methanol with a volume of 1 dm 3 (n.o.), air is required with a volume (dm 3):

A)7, 1; B)35; B)71; D)3, 5.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Alcohols and phenols”

Option 2

1. Indicate the substances containing the functional hydroxyl group – OH:

A) methanol; B) butene; B) benzene; D) hexanol.

2.According to the systematic nomenclature of alcohol structure



A) 2-methylpropanol-1;


B) 3-methylbutanol-2;


3. Indicate the row where the physical properties of phenol (n.a.) are most fully reflected:

A) an odorless solid, soluble in water;

B) a colorless crystalline substance with an odor, poorly soluble in cold water;

C) a substance with a characteristic odor, soluble in water;

D) a colorless, odorless substance, insoluble in water.

4. The formula for a glycerol homologue is:

A) C 2 H 5 OH;

B)CH 2 OH-CH 2 OH;


D) CH 3 -CHN-CH 2 OH.

5.Isomers in relation to each other are:

A) butanol-2 and propanol-1;

B) ethylene glycol and glycerin;

B) methanol and ethanol;

D) 3-methylbutanol-2 and 2,2-dimethylpropanol-1.

6. Differences in the chemical properties of monohydric alcohols and phenol can be confirmed by reaction with:

A) metallic sodium;

B) copper (II) hydroxide;

B) bromine water;

D) acetic acid.

7. All substances in the series react with bromine water:

A) phenol, acetylene, propylene;

B) benzene, phenol, ethanol;

B) ethylene glycol, toluene, phenol;

D) ethylene, acetylene, benzene.

8. Indicate the reaction schemes characteristic of both monohydric and polyhydric alcohols:

1)R(OH) x + Na →;

2)R(OH) x + CH 3 COOH →;

3)R(OH) x + CuO →;

4)R(OH) x + HCl →.

Choose the correct answer:

A)1, 3; B)1, 2, 4; B)2, 3, 4; D)1, 4.

9. To burn the hydrogen that was released during the interaction of ethanol with sodium metal, 100 dm 3 (no.) of air was required. The mass of ethanol that entered into the reaction (g) is equal to:

A)86, 25; B)43, 125; B)172, 5; D)21, 56.

Test on the topic "Alcohols"

Option 1

1. Functional group in alcohol molecules:

2. The esterification reaction is an interaction reaction between:

1) alcohol and acid

2) aldehyde and oxygen

3) metal and non-metal

3. Establish a correspondence between the name of an organic substance and its formula:



1. propanetriol - 1. 2, 3 or glycerol

2. methanol or methyl alcohol

3. ethanol or ethyl alcohol

Test on the topic "Alcohols"

Option 2

1. Name of the functional group of alcohols:

1) hydroxyl;

2) amino group;

3) carbonyl

2. Reaction products in the combustion reaction:

1) carbon dioxide and water

3. Match the name of the organic substance with the class of the organic compound:

A) methanol

Write your answer as a sequence of numbers (for example 132) _______________



Exercise 1

Task 2

Task 3


Alcohols: Physical properties.

1. Familiarize yourself with the samples of limiting monohydric and polyhydric alcohols given to you. Describe their physical properties: a) smell, b) volatility c) state of aggregation. Analyze the change in their physical properties with increasing molecular weight.
2. Check the solubility of ethanol in water. Draw a conclusion about the solubility of saturated monohydric alcohols in water.
3. Based on the work done, summarize the physical properties of alcohols.
4.Take ethanol, pour it into a porcelain cup and set it on fire. Draw a conclusion about the reaction products. Compose reaction equation, enter the coefficients.


Alcohols: Preparation

1. Study additional literature on pages 148-149 of the textbook.

2.Give examples of the production of alcohols

A) in the laboratory

B) in industry


Alcohols: Use of alcohols.

1. Study pages 68,72-73 of the textbook

2. Summarize the information on the use of saturated monohydric alcohols.

3. Summarize information on the use of polyhydric alcohols.

4.Characteristics of ethanol and methanol - effects on the body.

5. Complete reference summary on your topic, prepare short message for 5 minutes.


Alcohols: Chemical properties

1.Study the textbook pp. 69-70 of the textbook

    Summarize information about the chemical properties of monohydric and polyhydric alcohols.

    Prepare a background summary on your topic and prepare a short report for 5 minutes.

1. The substance pentanol-2 refers to:

1) primary alcohols, 2) secondary alcohols; 3) tertiary alcohols; 4) dihydric alcohols.

2. A limiting monohydric alcohol is not:

1) methanol 2) 3-ethylpentanol-1 3) 2-phenylbutanol-1 4) ethanol

3. How many isomeric compounds correspond to the formula C 3 H 8 O, how many of them belong to alkanols? 1) 4 and 3 2) 3 and 3 3) 3 and 2 4) 2 and 2 5) 3 and 1

4. How many isomers belonging to the ether class does 1-butanol have?

1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Five

5. The isomer of the position of the functional group for pentanol-2 is:

1) pentanol-1 2) 2-methylbutanol-2 3) butanol-2 4) 3-methylpentanol-1

6. How many primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are given below?

1) CH 3 dc 2 -OH 2) C 2 H 5 -CH(CH 3)-CH 2 - OH 3) (CH 3) 3 C-CH 2 -OH

4) (CH 3) 3 C-OH d ) CH 3 -CH(OH)-C 2 H 5 e ) CH 3 -OH

1) primary - 3, secondary - 1, tertiary - 1 2) primary - 2, secondary - 2, tertiary - 2
3) primary - 4, secondary - 1, tertiary - 1 4) primary - 3, secondary - 2, tertiary - 1

7. What kind chemical bond determines the absence of gaseous compounds among hydroxy compounds substances (under normal conditions)?

1) ionic 2) covalent 3) donor-acceptor 4) hydrogen

8. Boiling points of alcohols compared to the boiling points of the corresponding hydrocarbons:

1) approximately comparable; 2) below; 3) higher; 4) do not have a clear interdependence.

9. Alcohol molecules are polar due to the polarity of the hydrogen bond with:

1) oxygen; 2) nitrogen; 3) phosphorus; 4) carbon.

10. Choose the correct statement: 1) alcohols are strong electrolytes; 2) alcohols conduct electricity well;

3) alcohols – non-electrolytes; 4) alcohols are very weak electrolytes.

11. Alcohol molecules are associated due to:

1) formation of intramolecular bonds; 2) formation of oxygen bonds;

3) formation of hydrogen bonds; 4) alcohol molecules are not associated.


12. Methanol does not interact with 1) K 2) Ag 3) CuO 4) O 2

13. Ethanol does not interact with 1) NaOH 2) Na 3) HCl 4) O 2

14. Which of the following substances does ethanol not interact with:

1) Na 2) NaOH 3) HBr 4) O 2

15. Which of the following substances will glycerin react with?

1) HBr 2) HNO 3 3) H 2 4) H 2 O 5) Cu(OH) 2 6) Ag 2 O/NH 3

16. Propanol does not interact with 1) Hg 2) O 2 3) HCl 4) K

17.Glycerin does not react with

18. Ethanol does not react with 1) Na 2) CuO 3)HCOOH 4)CuSO4

19. Ethylene glycol does not react with 1)HNO 3 2)NaOH 3)CH 3 COOH 4)Cu(OH) 2

20. Saturated monohydric alcohols are characterized by interaction with

1) KOH (solution) 2) K 3) Cu(OH) 2 4) Cu

21. The oxidation of primary butyl alcohol produces:

1) propanal; 2) butyraldehyde; 3) ethanal; 4) methanal.

22. When oxidizing (dehydrogenating) a secondary alcohol, the following is obtained:

1) tertiary alcohol 2) aldehyde 3) ketone 4) carboxylic acid.

23. Which of the hydroxyl-containing substances turns into a ketone during dehydrogenation:

1) methanol 2) ethanol 3) propanol-2 4) o-cresol.

24. The oxidation of butanol-1 produces :1) ketone 2) aldehyde 3) acid 4) alkene

25. The oxidation of methanol produces

1) methane 2) acetic acid 3) methanal 4) chloromethane

26. The oxidation of propanol-2 produces 1) aldehyde 2) ketone 3) alkane 4) alkene

27. When methanol is heated with oxygen on a copper catalyst, it forms

1) formaldehyde 2) acetaldehyde 3) methane 4) dimethyl ether

28. When ethanol is heated with oxygen on a copper catalyst, it forms

1) ethene 2) acetaldehyde 3) diethyl ether 4) ethanediol

29. One of the products of the reaction that occurs when methanol is heated with conc. sulfuric acid, is 1) CH 2 =CH 2 2)CH 3 -O-CH 3 3) CH 3 Cl 4) CH 4

30. During intramolecular dehydration of butanol-1, the following is formed:

1) butene-1 2) butene-2 ​​3) dibutyl ether 4) butanal.

31. Intramolecular dehydration of alcohols leads to the formation

1) aldehydes 2) alkanes 3) alkenes 4) alkynes

32. What substance is formed when ethyl alcohol is heated to 140 o C in the presence concentrated sulfuric acid?
1) acetaldehyde 2) dimethyl ether 3) diethyl ether 4) ethylene

33. Acid properties ethanol manifest themselves in reaction with

1) sodium 2) copper (II) oxide

3) hydrogen chloride 4) acidified solution of potassium permanganate

34. Which reaction indicates the weak acidic properties of alcohols:

1) With Na 2) with NaOH 3) with NaHCO 3 4) with CaO

35. Alcoholates are obtained from alcohols when they react with:

1) K M nO 4 ; 2) O 2 3) CuO 4) Na

36. When propanol-1 reacts with sodium, the following is formed:

1) propene; 2) sodium propylate 3) sodium ethoxide 4) propanediol-1,2

37. When alcohols are exposed to alkali metals, the following are formed:

1) easily hydrolyzed carbonates; 2) carbonates that are difficult to hydrolyze;

3) difficult to hydrolyze alcoholates; 4) easily hydrolyzed alcoholates.

38. What substance is formed in the reaction of pentanol-1 with potassium?

1) C 5 H 12 OK; 2) C 5 H 11 OK; 3) C 6 H 11 OK; 4) C 6 H 12 OK.

39. Substance that reacts with Na, but not responsive with NaOH, upon dehydration giving an alkene is:

40. Which of the following alcohols reacts most actively with sodium?

1) CH 3 dc 2 OH 2)CF 3 CH 2 OH 3)CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 4) (CH 3) 3 C-OH

41. What is the molecular formula of the product of the reaction of pentanol-1 with hydrogen bromide?

1) C 6 H 11 Br; 2) C 5 H 12 Br; 3) C 5 H 11 Br; 4) C 6 H 12 Br.

42. During the reaction of ethanol with hydrochloric acid in the presence of H 2 SO 4,

1) ethylene 2) chloroethane 3) 1,2-dichloroethane 4) vinyl chloride

43. With freshly precipitated copper hydroxide ( II) will not interact : 1) glycerin;

2) butanone 3) propanal 4) propanediol-1,2

44. A freshly prepared precipitate of Cu(OH) 2 will dissolve if you add to it

1) propanediol-1,2 2) propanol-1 3) propene 4) propanol-2

45. Glycerol in an aqueous solution can be detected using

1) bleach 2) iron (III) chloride 3) copper (II) hydroxide 4) sodium hydroxide

46. ​​Which alcohol reacts with copper (II) hydroxide?

1) CH 3 OH 2) CH 3 CH 2 OH 3) C 6 H 5 OH 4) HO-CH 2 CH 2 -OH

47. A characteristic reaction for polyhydric alcohols is the interaction with

1) H 2 2) Cu 3) Ag 2 O (NH 3 solution) 4) Cu(OH) 2

48. Substance that reacts with NaAndCu( OH) 2 is:

1) phenol; 2) monohydric alcohol; 3) polyhydric alcohol 4) alkene

49. Butane can be obtained from ethanol by sequential action

1) hydrogen bromide, sodium 2) bromine (irradiation), sodium

3) concentrated sulfuric acid (t> 140°), hydrogen (catalyst, t°)

4) hydrogen bromide, alcohol solution of sodium hydroxide

50. Propyl alcohol can be converted into isopropyl alcohol by sequential action of reagents

1) hydrogen chloride, alcohol solution of sodium hydroxide

2) concentrated sulfuric acid (t > 140 o C), water in the presence of sulfuric acid

3) alcohol solution of potassium hydroxide, water

4) hydrogen bromide, concentrated sulfuric acid (heating)

51. Ethanediol-1,2 can react with

1) copper (II) hydroxide

2) iron oxide (II )

3) hydrogen chloride


5) potassium

6) phosphorus

52. Propanol-1 interacts with substances:

1) silver nitrate

2) copper (II) oxide

3) hydrogen bromide

4) glycine

5) silver oxide (NH 3 solution)

6) copper(II) hydroxide


53. What reagent is used to obtain alcohols from haloalkanes?

1) water solution KOH 2) H 2 SO 4 solution 3) alcohol solution KOH 4) water

54. Butanol-2 and potassium chloride are formed by interaction

1) 1-chlorobutane and aqueous solution of KOH 2) 2-chlorobutane and aqueous solution of KOH

3) 1-chlorobutane and an alcohol solution of KOH 4) 2-chlorobutane and an alcohol solution of KOH

55. Alkaline hydrolysis of 2-chlorobutane predominantly produces

1) butanol-2 2) butanol-1 3) butanal4) butene-2

56. What reagent is used to obtain alcohols from alkenes?

1) water 2) hydrogen peroxide 3) weak solution H 2 SO 4 4) bromine solution

57. Catalytic hydration of ethylene is used to produce:

1) methanol; 2) ethanol; 3) propanol; 4) butanol.

58. When butene-1 reacts with water, it forms predominantly

1) buten-1-ol-2 2) butanol-2 3) butanol-1 4) buten-1-ol-1

59. Upon hydration of 3-methylpentene-1, the following is formed:

1) 3-methylpentanol-1 2) 3-methylpentanol-3 3) 3-methylpentanol-2 4) pentanol-2

60. Ethanol can be obtained from ethylene as a result of the reaction:

1) hydration 2) hydrogenation; 3)halogenation; 4)hydrohalogenation.

61. What alcohols are obtained from aldehydes?

1) primary 2) secondary 3) tertiary 4) any

62. From what substance can pentanol-3 be obtained:

1) pentene-1 2) pentene-2 ​​3) 3-bromopentane 4) 3-chloropentane

63. From what substance can propanol-2 be obtained:

1) propene 2) propanal 3) 2-bromopropane 4) propanone-2

64. From what substance can primary alcohol not be obtained?

1) ketone 2) aldehyde 3) alkene 4) haloalkane

65. From which haloalkane can a secondary alcohol not be obtained?

1)2-chloropropane 2)2-chloro-3-methylpentane 3)2-chloro-2-methylpropane 4)2-bromobutane

66. Butanol-1 cannot be obtained from:

1) butene-1 2) butene-2 ​​3) 1-chlorobutane 4) 1-bromobutane

67. Propanol-1 cannot be obtained:

1) reduction of the carbonyl compound; 2) hydration of the alkene;

3) hydration of alkyne; 4) hydrolysis of a haloalkane.

68. Hexanol-2 can be obtained by hydration:

1) hexene-1 2) hexene-2 ​​3) hexene-3 4) hexene-1

69. Ethanediol can be obtained in the reaction

1) 1,2-dichloroethane with an alcoholic alkali solution 2) hydration of acetaldehyde

3) ethylene with a solution of potassium permanganate 4) hydration of ethanol

70. Propanol-1 is formed as a result of a reaction, the scheme of which is

1) CH 3 CH 2 COH + H 2 → 2) CH 3 CH 2 COH + Cu(OH) 2 →

3) CH 3 CH 2 Cl + H 2 O → 4) CH 3 CH 2 CH + Ag 2 O →

71. As a result of alcoholic fermentation of glucose, the formation occurs

1) C 2 H 5 OH And CO 2) CH 3 OH And CO 2 3) C 2 H 5 OH And CO 2 4) CH 3 -CH(OH)-CO OH

72. The industrial method of producing ethanol does not include:

1) alcoholic fermentation of glucose; 2) hydrogenation of ethanal

3)hydration of ethylene 4)hydrolysis of chloroethane

73. The raw materials for producing methanol in industry are

1) CO and H 2 2) HCHO and H 2 3) CH 3 Cl and NaOH 4) HCOOH and NaOH

74. In industry from carbon monoxide and hydrogen under pressure, at elevated temperatures, in in the presence of a catalyst we get:

1) methanol; 2) ethanol; 3) propanol; 4) butanol.


75. How many phenols of the composition C 7 H 8 O are there? 1) One 2) Four 3) Three 4) two

76. The oxygen atom in the phenol molecule forms

1) one σ - connection 2) two σ -connections 3) one σ - and one π -bonds 4) two π -communications

77. Phenols are stronger acids than aliphatic alcohols because...

1) a strong hydrogen bond is formed between alcohol molecules

2) the phenol molecule contains a larger mass fraction of hydrogen ions

3) in phenols electronic system shifted towards the oxygen atom, which leads to greater mobility of the hydrogen atoms of the benzene ring

4) in phenols, electron density O-N connections decreases due to the interaction of the lone electron pair of the oxygen atom with the benzene ring

78. Choose the correct statement:

1) phenols dissociate to a greater extent than alcohols;

2) phenols exhibit basic properties;

3) phenols and their derivatives do not have a toxic effect;

4) the hydrogen atom in the hydroxyl group of phenol cannot be replaced by a metal cation under the action of bases.


79. Phenol in aqueous solution is

1) strong acid 2) weak acid 3) weak base 4) strong base

1. Substance that reacts with Na And NaOH , giving a violet color with FeCl 3 is:

1) phenol; 2) alcohol 3) ether; 4) alkane

80. The effect of the benzene ring on the hydroxyl group in the phenol molecule is proven by the reaction of phenol with

1) sodium hydroxide 2) formaldehyde 3) bromine water 4) nitric acid

81. Chemical interaction is possible between substances whose formulas are:

1) C 6 H 5 OH and NaCl 2) C 6 H 5 OH and HCl 3) C 6 H 5 OH and NaOH 4) C 6 H 5 ONa and NaOH.

82. Phenol does not interact with

1) methanal 2) methane 3) nitric acid 4) bromine water

83. Phenol interacts with

1) hydrochloric acid 2) ethylene 3) sodium hydroxide 4) methane

84. Phenol does not interact with a substance whose formula is

KOH 3) B r 2 4) Cu (OH ) 2

86. Acid properties are most pronounced in 1) phenol 2) methanol 3) ethanol 4) glycerol

87. When phenol reacts with sodium,

1) sodium phenolate and water 2) sodium phenolate and hydrogen

3) benzene and sodium hydroxide 4) sodium benzoate and hydrogen

88. Establish a correspondence between the starting substances and the products that are predominantly formed during their interaction.


A) C 6 H 5 OH + K 1) 2,4,6-tribromophenol + HBr

B) C 6 H 5 OH + KOH 2) 3,5-dibromophenol + HBr

B) C 6 H 5 OH + HNO3 3) potassium phenolate + H 2

D) C 6 H 5 OH + Br 2 (solution) 4) 2,4,6-trinitrophenol + H 2 O

5) 3,5-dinitrophenol + HNO 3

6) potassium phenolate + H 2 O

89. Match the starting materials and reaction products .


A) C 6 H 5 OH + H 2 1) C 6 H 6 + H 2 O

B) C 6 H 5 OH + K 2) C 6 H 5 OK + H 2 O

B) C 6 H 5 OH + KOH 3) C 6 H 5 OH + KHCO 3

D) C 6 H 5 OK + H 2 O + CO 2 4) C 6 H 11 OH

5) C 6 H 5 OK + H 2

6) C 6 H 5 COOH + KOH

90. Phenol interacts with solutions

1) C u (OH) 2

2) H 2 SO 4

3) [Ag (N.H. 3 ) 2 ]OH

4) F EU l 3

5) B r 2

91. Phenol reacts with

1) oxygen

2) benzene

3) sodium hydroxide

4) hydrogen chloride

5) sodium

6) silicon oxide (IV)


92. When hydrogen in the aromatic ring is replaced by a hydroxyl group, the following is formed:

1) ester; 2) ether; 3) limiting alcohol; 4) phenol.

93. Phenol can be obtained in the reaction

1) dehydration of benzoic acid 2) hydrogenation of benzaldehyde

3) hydration of styrene 4) chlorobenzene with potassium hydroxide

Test on the topic: “Alcohols”

Option 1.

Part A.


1) C3H6O 2) C6H5OH 3) C3H8O 4) C3H6O2


A3. Among the statements:

A. All alcohols are highly soluble in water.

B. Hydrogen bonds are formed between alcohol and water molecules, −

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both statements are true

4) both statements are incorrect

A4. A blue precipitate of copper(II) hydroxide forms a cornflower blue solution when exposed to

1) butylene 2) butanol 3) butanediol-1,2 4) butadiene-1,3

A5. . Methanol can not be produced in a reaction

1) carbon monoxide with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst

2) chloromethane with aqueous alkali solution

3) dehydration of methanoic acid

4) hydrogenation of formaldehyde

Part B.

IN 1. Propanol -1 reacts

1) Intramolecular dehydration

2) with hydrogen chloride

3) with sodium hydroxide

4) with an acidified solution of potassium permanganate

5) “silver mirror”

6) hydrolysis.

Part C.

1. Carry out transformations:

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2. As a result of the interaction of saturated monohydric alcohol with hydrogen chloride weighing 18.25 g, an organic product weighing 46.25 g and water was obtained. Determine the molecular formula of alcohol.

Test on the topic "Alcohols"

Option 3.

Part A.

A1. The class of saturated monohydric alcohols may include a substance with the composition

1) C3H6O 2) C6H5OH 3) C4H10O 4) C3H6O2

A2. Ethanol is characterized by isomerism

1) carbon skeleton 2) geometric

3) interclass 4) functional group positions

A3. To methods of producing alcohols not applicable

1) hydration of alkynes

2) hydration of alkenes

2) hydrolysis of alkyl halides

3) reduction of carbonyl compounds

A4. One of the products of the reaction that occurs when methanol is heated with concentrated sulfuric acid is

1) CH2═CH2 2) CH3─Cl 3) CH4 4) CH3─O─CH3

A5. Ethylene glycol reacts with

1) HCl 2) NaOH 3) CH3COONa 4) CuSO4

Part B.

IN 1. Methanol reacts with

1) hydrogen chloride

4) copper (II) oxide

6) acetic acid.

Part C.

1. Carry out transformations:

2. When 30 g of saturated monohydric alcohol interacted with sodium metal, 5.6 liters of hydrogen were released. Determine the formula of the original alcohol.

The use of tests in chemistry lessons occupies a special place in the process of introducing new technologies. Test methodology is a universal means of assessing students' subject results. The test is able to provide equal testing conditions for all students, and also allows you to implement individual approach. For diagnosis, it is possible to use various forms of testing; it is important that the chosen form allows you to quickly obtain results. This methodological development intended for 10th grade students studying chemistry according to the O.S. Gabrielyan program.



GBOU school No. 181 of the Central district of St. Petersburg

Test on the topic: “Limited monohydric alcohols -

classification, nomenclature, isomerism, properties, application »

1.Insert suitable terms into the sentences:

Saturated monohydric alcohols are organic substances whose molecules contain (one hydroxo group, several hydroxo groups). General formula saturated monohydric alcohols ( CnH2n+1OH, CnH2n(OH)2,

СnH2n-1(OH)3 ). The first representative of this homologous series is ( C2H5OH, CH3OH, C3H7OH ). Alcohols are characterized by the following types of isomerism (carbon chain, spatial, position, interclass)

2.1. Butanol-2 refers to:

1) primary alcohols, 2) secondary alcohols; 3) tertiary alcohols; 4) aromatic alcohols.

2.2.Isomers are not:

1) ethanol and propanol-2 3) butanol-1 and butanol-2

2) butanol-1 and diethyl ether 4) propanol-1 and methyl ethyl ether

2.3. Saturated monohydric alcohols can be obtained by hydration:

1) alkenes 2) alkynes 3) alkanes 4) alkadienes

2.4. The raw materials for producing methanol in industry are

1) CO and H 2 2) HCHO and H 2 3) CH 3 Cl and NaOH 4) C2H5OH and H2O

2.5. What reagent is used to produce alcohol from chlorobutane?

1) H 2 SO 4 solution 2) aqueous solution KOH 3) alcohol solution KOH 4) water

2.6.Saturated monohydric alcohols are characterized by the following reaction:

1) hydration 2) dehydration 3) hydrogenation 4) dehydrohalogenation

2.7. Which of the following substances does ethanol not interact with?

1) Na 2) KOH 3) HBr 4) O 2

2.8.Oxidation products primary alcohols are:

1) ketones 2) aldehydes 3) esters 4) ethers

2.9 The acidic properties of ethanol are manifested in reaction with

1) sodium 2) copper (II) oxide 3) hydrogen chloride 4) acetic acid

3.1.Make up reaction equations according to the given scheme:

Acetic acid methyl ester

Methane → acetylene → ethylene → ethanol → ethanal

Carbon dioxide

3.2 . Match the name of the reaction with its product:

Reaction name:

1) dehydrogenation 3) combustion

2) dehydration (intramolecular) 4) esterification

reaction product:

a) carbon dioxide b) ethanal

c) ester d) ether

4.1. Establish a correspondence between the use of alcohol and its name.

Use of alcohol Name of alcohol

A) Liquid used

for rubber production 1) Methanol

B) Cosmetic products

B) Poisonous liquid 2) Ethanol

(a small amount of

leads to blindness)


as a solvent

D) Food industry

D) Medicines

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