Program reference books on tolerances and landings. The program of the academic discipline tolerances and technical measurements is a work program on the topic. Introduction. Product quality in mechanical engineering

The academic discipline program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) for the profession of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE)

150709.02 Welder (electric welding and gas welding work), enlarged group of professions 150000 Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking





The academic discipline program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard)by profession of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE)

150709.02 Welder (electric welding andgas welding works), enlarged group of professions 150000 Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking

Organization - developer: GBPOU "Saratov Construction Lyceum"

Developer: Savenkov V.A., special education teacher disciplines







1.1. Scope of application

The academic discipline program is part of the training program for qualified workers serving in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the profession of SVE Welder (electric welding and gas welding work)

1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational programthe discipline is part of the general professional cycle

1.3.Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

be able to :

Monitor the quality of work performed.

As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student must know:

Tolerance and landing systems, processing accuracy, qualifications, accuracy classes;

Tolerances and deviations of the shape and location of surfaces.

The student’s maximum academic load is 48 hours, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of a student 32 hours;

independent work of the student 16 hours.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

Type of educational work


Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)


practical lessons

Independent work of the student (total)

Final certification inform of differentiated credit

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline “Tolerances and technical measurements”

Name of sections and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

Topic 1.

General information about tolerances and technical measurements

Tolerances and technical measurements.

Concept, purpose of study, content, history of development

  1. Preparation of a report on the topic “The contribution of domestic science to the formation and development of standardization”
  2. Compilation of a summary on the topic “Product Quality Certification”

Topic 2.

Linear dimensions

Linear dimensions.

Nominal, real, limit. Deviations of linear dimensions: upper limit and lower limit. Tolerances of linear dimensions; tolerance range

Fit as a mating of two parts.

Types of fits: with clearance, interference and transitional Hole system and shaft system. Quality

Practical lesson

Determination of deviations and tolerances of linear dimensions in assembly and welding drawings using ESDP tables

Calculation of maximum dimensions, tolerances and fits of connected elements.

Performing a graphical representation of tolerance fields for various connections.


Solving variable problems on the topic: “Determining the suitability of parts based on the results of their measurements

  1. Drawing up a summary on the topic “Graphical representation of dimensions and tolerance deviations.”
  2. Preparation of a report on the topic “Application of standard tolerance and landing systems”

Topic 3.

Tolerances and fits of smooth cylindrical joints

Tolerance and landing systems.

Size intervals, accuracy ranges, main deviations.

Maximum size deviations.

Use of tables, calculation, application and designation of landings on drawings. Plantings of preferred use.

Practical lesson


Determining the nature of the connection by the designation of the fit in the drawing


Solving variable problems on the topic: “Tolerances and landings.”

Independent work of students.

1. Drawing up a summary on the topic “Combined plantings.”

2. Preparation of a report on the topic “Dimensional deviations with unspecified tolerances”

Topic 2.2.

Tolerances of shape and location of surfaces

Classification, designation and drawing

Tolerances and deviations of the shape and location of surfaces

Parameters and designation of surface roughness.

Basic requirements for accuracy

Practical lesson


Determining tolerances and surface locations in drawings.

Independent work of students.

1. Drawing up a summary on the topic “The influence of roughness on the performance properties of parts”

Topic 3.1.

Basics of technical measurements

Tools for measuring linear dimensions.

Plane-parallel gauge blocks, caliper tools, micrometric tools, bore gauges, depth gauges. Universal welder template

Tolerances and means of measuring angles and smooth conical joints.

Squares, protractors and goniometer tiles

Practical lesson


Selection of measuring instruments according to the drawing using tables of maximum instrument errors and permissible measurement errors


Measuring linear dimensions using universal measuring instruments


Measuring angles and determining the taper of a part using a square and protractor

Independent work of students.

1. Preparation of a report on the topic “Metrology: basic definitions; methods and types of measurements; measurement errors"



To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:

1. – familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2. – reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance)

3. – productive (planning and independent execution of activities, solving problematic problems)


3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence of a classroom “Tolerances and technical measurements”.

Classroom equipment:

  • seating according to the number of students;
  • teacher's workplace;
  • set of educational and visual aids “Systems of tolerances and landings”: GOST 2789-73, GOST 2.309-73, reference tables for determining maximum deviations, nomograms of the main (positions of tolerance fields) for diameter intervals, assembly drawings of welded structures, stands with measuring and micrometric tools, parts with different surface treatments
  • set of measuring instruments: tape measure type NR and RZh, calipers, height gauge, micrometer, universal welder's template, square, protractor.

Technical training aids:

  • a computer with licensed software and a multimedia projector.

3.2. Information support for training

Main sources:

  1. Zaitsev, S. A., Kuranov, A. D., Tolstov A. N. Tolerances, fits and technical measurements in mechanical engineering. – M.: JIC Academy, 2012.
  2. Bagdasarova, T. A. Tolerances, landings and technical measurements. Workbook. – M.: JIC Academy, 2010.

Additional sources

  1. Zaitsev, S.A., Gribanov, D.D., Merkulov R.V., Tolstov A.N. Instrumentation and instruments. – M.: JIC "Academy", 2010.
  2. Zaitsev S. A., Tolstov A. N. Metrology, standardization and certification. – M.: JIC “Academy”, 2009.
  3. Bagdasarova, T. A. Tolerances, landings and technical measurements. Control materials. – M.: JIC Academy, 2010.

Electronic resource:


Control and evaluation the results of mastering the academic discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments.

Learning outcomes

(mastered skills, acquired knowledge)

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes

Be able to:

control the quality of work performed

practical work


tolerance and landing systems, processing accuracy, qualifications, accuracy classes

practical work, test tasks, independent work

tolerances and deviations of the shape and location of surfaces

test tasks, practical work, differentiated testing, independent work

Developed in accordance with the standard curriculum for the subject “Tolerances, fits and technical measurements”. The Unified System of Tolerances and Fitments is examined in detail, basic standards are imposed on tolerances and fits of rolling bearings, keyed, splined and threaded connections, gears and gears, and plastic parts. The means of technical measurements of linear and angular dimensions are presented, and a method for their selection is given. The basic concepts of dimensional chains are considered. Intended for students of educational institutions implementing educational programs of vocational education.


The content of the educational subject “Tolerances, fits and technical measurements” includes the amount of mandatory knowledge that must be acquired by a specialist and which he must be able to use without additionally resorting to reference books and textbooks. The peculiarity of the academic subject lies in the fact that it is necessary to remember a large volume of concepts, definitions, formulations, without which it is impossible to master the material. The purpose of studying this educational subject is to acquire the knowledge necessary for the correct selection of tolerances and fits, measurement of controlled parameters, a reasonable choice of measuring instruments and control methods, as well as the correct use of indications of controlled parameters in the drawing.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Tolerances, landings and technical measurements, Zavistovsky V.E., Zavistovsky S.E., 2016 -, fast and free download.

  • Heuristic tasks as a means of developing technical thinking among college students, Educational and methodological manual, Petrova S.D., Belonovskaya I.D., 2016
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  • Atlas, Economic and social geography of Russia, grade 9, Outline maps with tasks, Alekseev A.I., Gavrilov O.V., 2016

The following textbooks and books:

  • Calculation and modeling of linear electrical circuits using a PC, textbook for students of mechanical engineering universities, Gavrilov L.P., Sosnin D.A., 2010

Teacher R.A. Tsikunova

Section topic.

Lesson topic.

1. Introduction. Product quality in mechanical engineering

1.1 Product quality indicators

1.2 Interchangeability and its types

2.Basic concepts of dimensions, tolerances and fits

2.1 Terms and definitions.

2.2 Graphic representation of tolerances and fits.

2.3 Concepts about mates.

2.4 Available sizes.

3. Basic principles of building a unified system of tolerances and landings

3.1 Unified system of admissions and landings (USDP).

3.2 Principles for constructing the ESDP.

3.3 Shaft system and hole system.

3.4 Explanation of the designations of tolerances and landings.

3.5 Tables of maximum deviations in the ESDP.

3.6 Thematic test

4. Deviations and tolerances of shapes and surface locations

4.1 Deviations and tolerances of surface shapes

4.2 Deviations and tolerance of surface arrangement.

4.3 Symbols of deviations and shape tolerances in the drawings

4.4 Methods and means for monitoring and measuring deviations from the shape and location of surfaces.

4.5 Roughness parameters. Designation on drawings

4.6 Designation on drawings

5. Tolerances and fits of rolling bearings

5.1 Purpose and classification of rolling bearings

5.2 Fittings of rolling bearings.

6. Tolerances of keyed and splined connections

6.1 Purpose and types of keyed and spline connections.

6.2 Landing of keyed joints. Centering spline joints.

7. Tolerances and means of measuring angles and smooth cones.

7.1 Concept of normal cones and angles

7.2 Smooth conical connections.

Practical work No. 1 Measuring angles

8. Tolerances of threaded surfaces and connections.

8.1 General classification of threads.

8.2 Means and methods for monitoring and measuring threaded connections.

9. Tolerances of gears and gears

9.1 Basic elements of gears and transmissions.

9.4 Inspection and measurement of gears.

ABOUT mandatory test No. 1

10. Technical measurements.

10.1 Metrology. Units of physical quantities.

10.2 Metrological indicators of measuring instruments.

10.3 Types and methods of measurements

10.4 Mechanical measuring instruments.

Practical work No. 2. Measurement of radial and axial runout.

11.1 The concept of a dimensional chain, a closing link.

11.2 Calculation of dimensional chains


Teacher R.A. Tsikunova

“Tolerances, fits and technical measurements”

The subject study plan is divided into sections. When studying sections you need to know the following questions.

1. Introduction. Product quality in mechanical engineering.

Product quality in mechanical engineering. Product quality indicators.

The concept of the inevitability of errors in the manufacture of parts and assembly. Types of errors: errors in size, shape and location of surfaces; surface roughness.

1.2 Basic information about interchangeability and its types. Standardization, unification, normalization.

2 Basic concepts about dimensions, tolerances and fits.

2.1 Concept and definition of the main types of dimensions and deviations: nominal, actual, maximum dimensions; upper limit deviation, lower limit deviation, actual deviation.

Designation of nominal dimensions and maximum deviations in the drawings. Size validity conditions.

2.2 Tolerance. Tolerance field. Layout of tolerance fields.

2.3 Surfaces, mating and non-mating, male and female. The concepts of “hole” and “shaft”; “fit”, “clearance”, “preload”. Types of fits: fits with guaranteed clearance, fits with guaranteed interference, transitional fits. Conditions for the formation of plantings. Parameters characterizing landings. Rules for calculating landings.

2.4 Limit deviations of dimensions with unspecified tolerances (free dimensions).

3. Basic principles of constructing a unified system of tolerances and landings.

3.1 Unified System of Admissions and Landings (USDP) Purpose of the USDP.

3.2 Principles for constructing the ESDP. The concepts of intervals of nominal sizes, main deviation, qualifications in the ESDP. Rules for the formation of tolerance fields.

3.3 Shaft system and hole system. Tolerance fields for holes and shafts in the ESDP.

3.4 Symbols of tolerance fields and fits in the shaft system and hole system.

3.5 Tables of maximum deviations in the ESDP. Using tables.

4. Deviations and tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces. Surface roughness.

4.1 Concepts: form, element, nominal element, real element, adjacent element.

The concept of deviations and tolerances of the shape of flat and cylindrical parts. Symbols of deviations and shape tolerances in the drawings.

Methods and means of monitoring and measuring shape deviations.

4.2 The concept of deviations and tolerances of surfaces.

4.3 Symbols and rules for indicating deviations in shape and location of surfaces in drawings.

4.4 Basic methods and means of monitoring deviations and tolerances of surfaces.

Total deviations and tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces; radial and axial runout. Methods for measuring their values, the tools and devices used.

4.5 Concept and definition of surface roughness. Surface roughness parameters.

4.6 Designation of surface roughness in drawings. Control of surface roughness by comparison with roughness samples. Measuring surface roughness using a profiler and profilometer.

5. Tolerances and fits of rolling bearings.

5.1 Purpose and classification of rolling bearings.

5.2 Marking of rolling bearings. Fittings of rolling bearings.

6. Tolerances of keyed and splined connections.

6.1 Purpose and types of keyed and splined connections, their standardized parameters.

6.2 Tolerances and fits of keys in the grooves of the bushing and shaft. Planting groups. Designation of keyed connections in the drawings. Methods for centering spline joints. Landings and layout diagrams of tolerance fields of the main elements of spline connections for various centering methods. Designation of tolerances and fits of spline joints on the drawings.

7. Tolerances and means of measuring angles and smooth cones.

7.1 General concept of normal angles and taper. Units of measurement of angles and tolerances for angular dimensions in mechanical engineering. Degrees of accuracy of angular dimensions. Taper as the main parameter of a conical connection.

7.2Smooth conical joints; their main elements; tolerances and landings.

Designation of taper in drawings. Control of angles and cones with gauges. General information about means of measuring cones and angles: angle measures, angle templates, squares, vernier protractors, mechanical engineering levels.

8. Tolerances of threaded surfaces and connections.

8.1 General classification of threads. Basic elements of metric threads. Nominal sizes and thread profiles. Basics of thread interchangeability.

Tolerances and fits of metric threads. Degrees of thread accuracy. Designation on the drawings of tolerance fields and the degree of thread accuracy.

8.2 General information about means and methods for monitoring and measuring threaded surfaces. Gauges for monitoring the threads of bolts and nuts, working and control gauges. Threaded templates. Measuring the average diameter of an external thread using the three-wire method. Micrometers with inserts.

9. Tolerances of gears and gears.

9.1 Basic elements of gears and transmissions. Classification of gears. Operational requirements for gears.

Tolerances of gears and gears. Degrees of precision of gears. Lateral clearance in gear transmission, standards of guaranteed lateral clearance. Accuracy standards for gears; the norm of kinematic accuracy, smooth operation and contact of gear teeth.

9.2 General information about methods and means of monitoring and measuring the parameters of gears and gears. Features of standardization of accuracy standards for bevel and worm gears.

Indication of the accuracy of gears and gears on drawings.

10. Technical measurements

10.1 Basics of technical measurements. Metrology as the scientific basis of technical measurements.

10.2 Basic metrological characteristics of measuring instruments.

10.3 Types and methods of measurements. Measurement errors.

10.4 Mechanical means of measuring linear quantities - plane-parallel gauge blocks, caliper tools, micrometric tools, gauges.

11. Basic concepts about dimensional chains

11.1 The concept of a dimensional chain, a closing link. Types of dimensional chains.

11.2 Rules for calculating the dimensional chain for maximum and minimum.

Questions for self-control.

1.What is meant by product quality in mechanical engineering? Name product quality indicators.

2.Name and characterize the types of errors

3.Name the main types of interchangeability.

4. Define the main types of dimensions and deviations: nominal, actual, maximum dimensions; upper limit deviation, lower limit deviation, actual deviation.

5. How are nominal dimensions and maximum deviations indicated on drawings?

6.What is tolerance, tolerance field? How are tolerance field layouts made?

7. Define mating and non-mating surfaces, male and female surfaces.

8. Define the concepts “hole” and “shaft”; “fit”, “clearance”, “preload”.

9.Name the types of plantings and give their definition.

10.What are the conditions for the formation of plantings? Parameters characterizing landings. Rules for calculating landings.

11. What is the essence and purpose of the unified system of admissions and landings (USDP)?

12.Name the principles of constructing the ESDP.

13 Define the concepts of intervals of nominal sizes, main deviation, qualifications in the ESDP.

14.What are the rules for creating tolerance fields?

15. Define the concepts of shaft system and hole system.

16.How are tolerance fields for holes and shafts formed in the ESDP? Symbols of tolerance fields and fits in the shaft system and hole system.

17. Define the concepts: form, element, nominal element, real element, adjacent element.

18. Define what deviation and tolerance of the shape of flat and cylindrical parts are. 19. How are deviations and shape tolerances indicated in the drawings?

20.Name methods and means of monitoring and measuring shape deviations.

21 Define what deviation and tolerance of surfaces are.

22. How are deviations and tolerances for the location of surfaces in drawings indicated?

23.Name the main methods and means of controlling deviations and tolerances of surfaces.

24. Define what the total deviations and tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces are; radial and axial runout. What are the methods for measuring their values, the tools and devices used.

25. Define surface roughness. Name the parameters of surface roughness.

26.How is surface roughness indicated in drawings?

27.How is surface roughness controlled?

28. What is the purpose and classification of rolling bearings?

29.How are rolling bearings marked?

30.Name the fits used to install rolling bearings.

31. Name the purpose and types of keyed and spline connections, their standardized parameters.

32.Name the tolerances and fits of the keys in the grooves of the bushing and shaft. Planting groups.

33.How are keyed connections designated on the drawings?

34.Name methods for centering spline joints.

35. Show the fits and layout diagrams of the tolerance fields of the main elements of spline connections for various centering methods.

36.How are tolerances and fits of spline joints indicated on the drawings?

37. Give a general concept of normal angles and conicity.

38.What are the units of measurement of angles and tolerances for angular dimensions in mechanical engineering. Degrees of accuracy of angular dimensions.

39. What are the main elements of smooth conical joints? Tolerances and fits of conical connections.

40.How is taper indicated on drawings?

41.What measuring instruments are used to control angles and cones?

42.Name the general classification of thread.

43.What are the main elements of metric threads?

44.Name the tolerances and fits of metric threads. Degrees of thread accuracy. How are tolerance fields and the degree of thread accuracy indicated on drawings?

45. What methods and means are used to control metric threads?

46. ​​Name the main elements of a gear and transmission. How are gears classified?

47.Name the degrees of accuracy of gears. What is the lateral clearance in a gear drive, the standards for guaranteed lateral clearance, and the accuracy standards for gears?

48.Name methods and means of monitoring and measuring the parameters of gears and gears.

49.What are the features of standardization of accuracy standards for bevel and worm gears?

50 How to designate the accuracy of gears and gears on drawings.

51.What is metrology?

52.Name the main metrological characteristics of measuring instruments. Types and methods of measurements. Measurement errors.

  • Methodological recommendations on the implementation of electronic distance learning systems in the activities of educational institutions of the Russian Federation table of contents (2)

  • is a small reference application for Android smartphones and tablets. It presents qualifications (all tolerance values ​​provided by the standard) for part sizes from 1 to 500 mm. The directory is intended for specialists in the field of mechanical engineering who design or manufacture machine parts and various equipment.

    The application serves as an analogue of reference data on the standardization of product sizes given in GOST or other technical documentation. The quality table in it contains rows with smaller size ranges and columns with designations of existing tolerances. Only a small portion of it is displayed on the device screen at a time, and to find the required values, you need to scroll up, down, or sideways. In this case, columns and rows with symbols remain attached to the edges of the window. To make it easier to find where they intersect, the backgrounds of neighboring cells slightly contrast with each other.

    The application is distributed completely free of charge and does not contain advertising inserts. Searching for data in it is no more difficult than in a traditional paper directory. The table is designed in pleasant blue tones, with clear and easy to read black font. As disadvantages of the directory, some users note the lack of search and the ability to group columns. However, the application can be extremely useful for owners of outdated devices with not the best hardware - it launches quickly and does not require resources.

    Bearings serve as supports for shafts and rotating axles. Rolling bearings are standard high-precision assembly units that are manufactured at specialized bearing factories using special high-precision equipment. Industry in the CIS countries produces bearings with outer diameters from 1.5 to 2600 mm. Bearings Ǿ20…200 mm are produced in large series. The bearings have full external interchangeability along the connecting surfaces, determined by the outer diameter of the outer ring and the inner diameter of the inner ring, and incomplete internal interchangeability between the rolling elements and rings. Lecture 7 Bearing rings and rolling elements are selected using a selective method. Full external interchangeability allows you to quickly install and replace worn rolling bearings while maintaining their good quality.

    The accuracy of the geometric parameters of rolling bearings is determined by deviations in the following parameters: Width of the inner and outer rings B; Width of the outer ring C, if the inner ring has a different width; Nominal diameters of the inner ring bore and outer ring seating surface (d, D); Average hole diameters of the inner and outer rings (dm, Dm); dm=(dmax+dmin)/2, Dm=(Dmax+Dmin)/2, dmax, Dmax and dmin, Dmin – the largest and smallest diameters of the seating surfaces of the bearing rings.

    Radial runout of the inner ring raceway relative to its bore Ri; Radial runout of the outer ring raceway relative to its outer cylindrical surface of the hole Ra; Mounting height of single row tapered roller bearing T; Inconsistency of the width of the Up ring. accuracy of the shape and relative position of the surfaces of the bearing rings and their roughness; the accuracy of the shape and dimensions of the rolling elements in one bearing and the roughness of their surfaces; rotation accuracy, characterized by radial and axial runout of the raceways and ring ends.

    Tolerance fields (GOST) for the housing and shaft and tolerance fields for the outer and inner rings of the bearing (GOST)

    Influence of the accuracy class of a rolling bearing on the choice of landings For bearings of accuracy classes 0 and 6, the recommended set of tolerance fields for the seating surfaces is the same. For higher accuracy classes of rolling bearings, the set of tolerance fields for the seating surfaces changes somewhat; in particular, tolerance fields of more precise grades are used.

    Influence of the type of loading of the bearing rings on the choice of fits The inner rings of the bearings rotate together with the shaft, the outer rings installed in the housing are stationary. The radial load P is constant in magnitude and does not change its position relative to the body. I scheme

    II diagram Influence of the type of loading of the bearing rings on the choice of fits The outer rings of the bearings rotate together with the gear wheel. The inner rings of the bearings, mounted on the axle, remain motionless relative to the housing. The radial load P is constant in magnitude and does not change its position relative to the body

    III diagram Influence of the type of loading of the bearing rings on the choice of fits The inner rings of the bearings rotate together with the shaft, the outer rings installed in the housing are stationary. The rings are subject to two radial loads, one constant in magnitude and direction P, the other, centrifugal Rc, rotating with the shaft. The resultant forces P and Pc perform a periodic oscillatory motion, symmetrical with respect to the direction of action of the force P.

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