Mean square approximation of table-specified functions. Course work: numerical methods for solving typical mathematical problems Topic: Methods for solving systems of equations

Often the values ​​of the interpolated function y, y2 , ..., y„ are determined from experiment with some errors, so it is unreasonable to use an exact approximation at interpolation nodes. In this case, it is more natural to approximate the function not by points, but by average, i.e., in one of the norms L p .

Space 1 p - many functions d(x), defined on the segment [a, b] and modulo integrable with p-th power if the norm is defined

Convergence in such a norm is called convergence in average The space 1,2 is called Hilbert, and the convergence in it is root mean square.

Let a function Dx) and a set of functions φ(x) be given from some linear normed space. In the context of the problem of interpolation, approximation and approximation, the following two problems can be formulated.

First task is an approximation with a given accuracy, i.e., according to a given e find φ(x) such that the inequality |[Dx) - φ(x)|| G..

Second task- this is a search best approximation i.e., searching for a function φ*(x) that satisfies the relation:

Let us define without proof a sufficient condition for the existence of the best approximation. To do this, in the linear space of functions we choose a set parameterized by the expression

where the set of functions φ[(x), ..., φ„(x) will be considered linearly independent.

It can be shown that in any normalized space with linear approximation (2.16) the best approximation exists, although it is not unique in any linear space.

Let us consider the Hilbert space LzCp) of real functions that are square integrable with weight p(x) > 0 on [, where the scalar product ( g,h) determined by


Substituting linear combination (2.16) into the condition for best approximation, we find

Equating derivatives with respect to coefficients (D, k= 1, ..., P, we obtain a system of linear equations

The determinant of the system of equations (2.17) is called the Gram determinant. The Gram determinant is nonzero, since it is assumed that the system of functions φ[(x), ..., φ„(x) is linearly independent.

Thus, the best approximation exists and is unique. To obtain it, it is necessary to solve the system of equations (2.17). If the system of functions φ1(x), ..., φ„(x) is orthogonalized, i.e. (φ/,φ,) = 5y, where 5, = 1, 8y = 0, SCH,ij = 1, ..., P, then the system of equations can be solved in the form:

The coefficients found according to (2.18) Q, ..., th are called coefficients of the generalized Fourier series.

If the set of functions φ t (X),..., φ„(x),... forms a complete system, then by virtue of Parseval’s equality as P -» co the norm of error decreases without limit. This means that the best approximation converges root-mean-square to Dx) with any given accuracy.

Note that the search for coefficients of the best approximation by solving the system of equations (2.17) is practically impossible to implement, since as the order of the Gram matrix increases, its determinant quickly tends to zero, and the matrix becomes ill-conditioned. Solving a system of linear equations with such a matrix will lead to a significant loss of accuracy. Let's check it out.

Let the degrees be chosen as a system of functions φ„ i =1, ..., П, i.e. φ* = X 1 ", 1 = 1, ..., P, then, assuming the segment to be the approximation segment, we find the Gram matrix

The Gram matrix of the form (2.19) is also called the Hilbert matrix. This is a classic example of a so-called ill-conditioned matrix.

Using MATLAB, we calculate the determinant of the Hilbert matrix in the form (2.19) for some first values P. Listing 2.5 shows the code for the corresponding program.

Listing 23

%Calculating the determinant of Hilbert matrices %clearing the work area clear all;

%choose the maximum order value of the %Hilbert matrix ptah =6;

%build a loop to generate %Hilbert matrices and calculate their determinants

for n = 1: ptah d(n)=det(hi I b(n)); end

%print the values ​​of the determinants of %Hilbert matrices

f o g t short end

After running the code in Listing 2.5, the MATLAB command window should display the values ​​of the determinants of the Hilbert matrices for the first six matrices. The table below shows the corresponding numerical values ​​of the orders of the matrices (n) and their determinants (d). The table clearly shows how quickly the determinant of the Hilbert matrix tends to zero as the order increases and, starting from orders 5 and 6, it becomes unacceptably small.

Table of values ​​of the determinant of Hilbert matrices

Numerical orthogonalization of a system of functions φ, i = 1, ..., П also leads to a noticeable loss of accuracy, therefore, in order to take into account a large number of terms in expansion (2.16), it is necessary either to carry out orthogonalization analytically, i.e., exactly, or to use a ready-made system of orthogonal functions.

If during interpolation they usually use degrees as a system of basis functions, then when approximating on average, polynomials orthogonal with a given weight are chosen as basis functions. The most commonly used of them are the Jacobi polynomials, a special case of which are the Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials. Lagsr and Hermite polynomials are also used. More details about these polynomials can be found, for example, in the appendix Orthogonal polynomials books

Let the table contain function values ​​obtained, for example, from experiment, i.e., measured with an error. Then approximation using interpolation apparatus , which is based on equating the values ​​of the polynomial at the interpolation nodes with table values, inappropriate.

With this formulation of the problem, it is necessary to perform an approximation on the average, i.e., describe the tabulated function by some fairly simple analytical dependence that has a small number of parameters. The optimal choice of these parameters will allow us to perform a root-mean-square approximation of the function specified by the table.

Selecting the type of analytical dependence you should start by plotting tabular data on the coordinate plane - this will form a field of experimental points. A smooth curve is drawn through the field of these points so that some of the points lie on this curve, some of the points are above, and some of the points are below the drawn curve. Based on the shape of this curve, one should determine the type of analytical dependence - whether it is linear, power law, hyperbolic or some other.

However, it is very difficult to select the type of analytical dependence from the graph by eye. Therefore it was proposed a method of approximate assessment and selection of the type of analytical dependence. This method is really approximate and inaccurate, since the curve can be drawn in different ways through the field of experimental points, and different reference points can be taken from the table for calculation, and the accuracy of the proposed method is unknown. At the same time, it can be considered as an approximate way to select the type of dependence.

The following algorithm of actions is proposed.

1. In the original table, select two points far apart from each other with coordinates (x 1,y 1) and (x n,y n) - reference points, and for each pair of coordinates calculate the arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean.

2. On the curve drawn through the field of experimental points, find three ordinates corresponding to the found abscissas x ap, x geom, x harm:

3. Compare those found on the curve with the calculated ones by calculating the following difference modules:

4. The minimum value is selected from the found values:

5. Conclusions: if it turned out to be minimal

The dependence is linear

The dependence is exponential

Fractional linear relationship

Logarithmic dependence

Power dependence

Hyperbolic dependence

Fractional-rational relationship

Any of these dependencies can be reduced to linear by performing a coordinate transformation or the so-called data alignment.
Thus, the first stage ends with the choice of the type of analytical dependence, the parameters of which are not defined.

Second phase consists in determining the best values ​​of the coefficients of the selected analytical dependence. For this purpose, mathematical least square method.

The method is based on minimizing the sum of squared deviations of given tabular values ​​() from those calculated from the theoretical dependence (): .

Let the selected dependence be straight line: . Let's substitute it into the functional: . Then the functionality is minimized:

To find the best values ​​of the coefficients and it is necessary to find the partial derivatives of and with respect to and and equate them to zero:

After transformations, the system of equations takes the form:

Solving this system of linear equations allows you to find the best values ​​of the coefficients and linear dependence.

If the selected dependency is quadratic parabola:

then the functionality is minimized: .

The parabola has three variable coefficients - , the best values ​​of which should be found by equating to zero the partial derivatives of the minimized functional with respect to the required coefficients . This allows us to obtain the following system of three linear equations for finding the coefficients:

Example 1. Determine the type of dependency given by the following table.

Y 0,55 0,64 0,78 0,85 0,95 0,98 1,06 1,11


The points specified in the table should be plotted on the coordinate plane - a field of experimental data. Through this field is conducted smooth curve.

Select from the table two reference points with coordinates (3;0.55) and (10;1.11) and for each pair of abscissas and ordinates the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic mean is calculated:

For three calculated abscissas, along a curve drawn through the field of experimental points, three corresponding ordinates are determined:

Note on the orientation of the calculations being carried out. Next, seven difference modules are defined:

Three minimum values ​​close to each other were obtained

At the second stage, the best values ​​of the coefficients should be determined for each of these dependencies using the least squares method, and then the standard deviation from the given table values ​​should be calculated.

The final selection of the analytical dependence is made based on the minimum value of the standard deviation.

Example 2. The table shows the results of experimental studies, which can be approximated by a straight line. Find the best values ​​of the coefficients of the line using the least squares method.


k Xk Y k X k Y k X k 2 Y k theor Y k -Y k theor (Y k -Y k theor) 2
66,7 67,50 0,20 0,0400
71,0 284,0 70,98 0,02 0,0004
76,3 763,0 76,20 0,10 0,0100
80,6 1209,0 80,55 0,05 0,0025
85,7 1799,7 85,77 - 0,07 0,0049
92,9 2694,1 92,73 0,17 0,0289
99,4 3578,4 98,82 0,58 0,3364
113,6 5793,6 111,87 1,73 2,9929
125,1 8506,8 126,66 - 1,56 2,4336
amounts 811,3 24628,6 5,8496

General equation of a straight line: .

The system of linear equations from which the best values ​​of the coefficients and should be determined, guided by the least squares method, has the form:

Let us substitute the calculated sums from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th columns of the last row of the table into the system of equations:

Where are the coefficients of linear dependence determined? This means that the equation of the theoretical line has the form:

. (*)

The sixth column of the table shows the function values ​​calculated using the theoretical equation for given values ​​of the argument. The seventh column of the table shows the differences between the specified function values ​​(3rd column) and theoretical values ​​(6th column) calculated using the equation (*).

The eighth column shows the squared deviations of the theoretical values ​​from the experimental ones and determines the sum of the squared deviations. Now you can find

Example 3. Let the experimental data given in the table be approximated by a quadratic parabola: Find the best values ​​of the parabola coefficients using the least squares method.


k Xk Y k X k 2 X k 3 X k 4 X k Y k X k 2 Y k Y k theor Y k -Y k theor
29,8 29,28 0,52 0,2704
22,9 45,8 91,6 22,22 0,68 0,4624
17,1 68,4 273,6 17,60 -0,50 0,2500
15,1 75,5 377,5 15,56 -0,46 0,2116
10,7 85,6 684,8 11,53 -0,83 0,6889
10,1 101,0 1010,0 10,60 -0,50 0,2500
10,6 127,2 1526,4 11,06 -0,46 0,2116
15,2 228,0 3420,0 14,38 0,82 0,6724
Sum 122,5 731,5 7383,9 3,0173

The system of linear equations for determining the parabola coefficients has the form:

From the last row of the table, the corresponding amounts are substituted into the system of equations:

Solving the system of equations allows us to determine the values ​​of the coefficients:

So, the dependence on the segment specified by the table is approximated by a quadratic parabola:

Calculation using the given formula for given values ​​of the argument allows you to form the ninth column of the table, containing the theoretical values ​​of the function.

The sum of squared deviations of theoretical values ​​from experimental ones is given in the last row of the 11th column of the table. This allows you to determine standard deviation:


Topic: Methods for solving systems of equations

Gauss method - method of sequential exclusion of unknowns - belongs to the group precise methods and if there were no calculation error, an exact solution could be obtained.

When performing manual calculations, it is advisable to carry out calculations in a table containing a control column. Below is a general version of such a table for solving a system of 4th order linear equations.

Free members Control column

Free members Control column

Example 1. Using the Gauss method, solve the system of 4th order equations:

These approximate values ​​of the roots can be substituted into the original system of equations and calculated residuals - , which are the differences between the right and left sides of each equation of the system when substituting the found roots into the left side. Then they are substituted as free terms of the residual system and get amendments

roots - :

The previous chapter discussed in detail one of the most common methods of approximating functions - interpolation. But this method is not the only one. When solving various applied problems and constructing computational circuits, other methods are often used. In this chapter we will look at ways to obtain root mean square approximations. The name of approximations is associated with the metric spaces in which the problem of approximating a function is considered. In Chapter 1, we introduced the concepts of “metric linear normed space” and “metric Euclidean space” and saw that the approximation error is determined by the metric of the space in which the approximation problem is considered. In different spaces, the concept of error has different meanings. When considering the interpolation error, we did not focus on this. And in this chapter we will have to deal with this issue in more detail.

5.1. Approximations by trigonometric polynomials and Legendre polynomials Space l2

Let us consider the set of functions that are Lebesgue square integrable on the interval
, that is, such that the integral must exist

Since the obvious inequality holds, from the integrability with the square of the functions
any linear combination of them must also be square integrable
, (Where
 any real numbers), as well as the integrability of the product

Let us introduce on the set of functions that are square integrable in the sense of Lebesgue on the interval
, scalar product operation

. (5.1.1)

From the properties of the integral it follows that the introduced operation of the scalar product has almost all the properties of the scalar product in Euclidean space (see paragraph 1.10, p. 57):

Only the first property is not fully satisfied, that is, the condition will not be met.

In fact, if
, then it does not follow that
on the segment
. In order for the introduced operation to have this property, in the future we will agree not to distinguish (consider equivalent) the functions
for which


Taking into account the last remark, we are convinced that the set of Lebesgue square integrable functions (more precisely, the set of classes of equivalent functions) forms a Euclidean space in which the scalar product operation is defined by formula (5.1.1). This space is called Lebesgue space and is denoted
or shorter .

Since every Euclidean space is automatically both normed and metric, the space
is also a normed and metric space. The norm (the size of the element) and the metric (the distance between elements) are usually entered in it in the standard way:



The properties (axioms) of the norm and metric are given in section 1.10. Elements of space
are not functions, but classes of equivalent functions. Functions belonging to the same class can have different values ​​on any finite or even countable subset
. Therefore, approximations in space
are defined ambiguously. This unpleasant feature of space
pays off due to the convenience of using the scalar product.

In order to smooth out the discrete Altman functions, and thereby introduce the idea of ​​continuity into the theory, the root-mean-square integral approximation by a polynomial of different degrees was used.

It is known that a sequence of interpolation polynomials at equidistant nodes does not necessarily converge to a function, even if the function is infinitely differentiable. For the approximated function, using a suitable arrangement of nodes, it is possible to reduce the degree of the polynomial. . The structure of the Altman functions is such that it is more convenient to use the approximation of the function not by interpolation, but by constructing the best mean square approximation in a normalized linear space. Let's consider the basic concepts and information when constructing the best approximation. Approximation and optimization problems are posed in linear normed spaces.

Metric and linear normed spaces

The broadest concepts in mathematics include “set” and “map”. The concepts of “set”, “set”, “collection”, “family”, “system”, “class” in non-strict set theory are considered synonymous.

The term "operator" is identical to the term "mapping". The terms “operation”, “function”, “functional”, “measure” are special cases of the concept “mapping”.

The terms “structure” and “space” have also acquired fundamental significance in the axiomatic construction of mathematical theories. Mathematical structures include set-theoretic structures (ordered and partially ordered sets); abstract algebraic structures (semigroups, groups, rings, division rings, fields, algebras, lattices); differential structures (external differential forms, fibered spaces) , , , , , , .

A structure is understood as a finite set consisting of sets of a carrier (main set), a numeric field (auxiliary set) and a mapping defined on the elements of the carrier and the numbers of the field. If the set of complex numbers is taken as a carrier, then it plays the role of both the main and auxiliary sets. The term "structure" is identical to the concept of "space".

To define a space, you must first define a carrier set with its elements (points), denoted by Latin and Greek letters

The carrier can be a set of real (or complex) elements: numbers; vectors, ; Matrices, ; Sequences, ; Functions;

The following sets can also act as elements of the carrier: real axis, plane, three-dimensional (and multidimensional) space, permutation, motion; abstract sets.

Definition. A metric space is a structure forming a triple, where the mapping is a non-negative real function of two arguments for any x and y from M and satisfies three axioms.

  • 1- non-negativity; , at.
  • 2- - symmetry;
  • 3- - axiom of reflexivity.

where are the distances between elements.

In the metric space, a metric is specified and the concept of the proximity of two elements from the set of the carrier is formed.

Definition. A real linear (vector) space is a structure where mapping is the additive operation of adding elements belonging to, and mapping is the operation of multiplying a number by an element from.

The operation means that for any two elements a third element is uniquely defined, called their sum and denoted by, and the following axioms hold.

Commutative property.

Associative property.

In there is a special element, denoted by such that for any it holds.

for anyone exists, such that.

The element is called opposite to and is denoted through.

The operation means that for any element and any number an element is defined, denoted by and the axioms are satisfied:

An element (point) of a linear space is also called a vector. Axioms 1 - 4 define a group (additive), called a module, which is a structure.

If an operation in a structure does not obey any axioms, then such a structure is called a groupoid. This structure is extremely poor; it does not contain any axiom of associativity, then the structure is called a monoid (semigroup).

In the structure, using the mapping and axioms 1-8, the property of linearity is specified.

So, a linear space is a group module, into the structure of which one more operation is added - multiplying the elements of the carrier by a number with 4 axioms. If, instead of the operation, we specify, along with another group operation of multiplying elements with 4 axioms and postulate the axiom of distributivity, then a structure called a field arises.

Definition. A linear normed space is a structure in which the mapping satisfies the following axioms:

  • 1. and if and only if.
  • 2. , .
  • 3. , .

And so on in a total of 11 axioms.

For example, if a module that has all three norm properties is added to the structure of the field of real numbers, where are real numbers, then the field of real numbers becomes a normed space

There are two common ways to introduce the norm: either by explicitly specifying the interval form of the homogeneously convex functional , , or by specifying the scalar product , .

Let, then the type of functional can be specified in countless ways, changing the value:

  • 1. , .
  • 2. , .



The second common way of approaching the task is to introduce another mapping into the structure of the space (a function of two arguments, usually denoted by and called the scalar product).

Definition. Euclidean space is a structure in which the scalar product contains a norm and satisfies the axioms:

  • 4. , and if and only if

In Euclidean space, the norm is generated by the formula

From properties 1 - 4 of the scalar product it follows that all axioms of the norm are satisfied. If the scalar product is in the form, then the norm will be calculated using the formula

The norm of a space cannot be specified using the scalar product , .

In spaces with a scalar product, such qualities appear that are absent in linear normed spaces (orthogonality of elements, equality of a parallelogram, Pythagorean theorem, Apollonius’ identity, Ptolemy’s inequality. The introduction of a scalar product provides ways to more effectively solve approximation problems.

Definition. An infinite sequence of elements in a linear normed space is called norm-convergent (simply convergent or having a limit in) if there exists an element such that for any there is a number depending on such that for

Definition. A sequence of elements in is called fundamental if for any there is a number depending on what any are satisfied (Trenogin Kolmogorov, Kantorovich, p. 48)

Definition. A Banach space is a structure in which any fundamental sequence converges with respect to norm.

Definition. A Hilbert space is a structure in which any fundamental sequence converges with respect to the norm generated by the scalar product.

Let's take a semi-quadratic coordinate system. This is a coordinate system in which the scale on the abscissa axis is quadratic, i.e., the values ​​of the divisions are plotted according to the expression, here m – scale in some units of length, for example, in cm.

A linear scale is plotted along the ordinate axis in accordance with the expression

Let us plot the experimental points on this coordinate system. If the points of this graph are located approximately in a straight line, then this confirms our assumption that the dependence y from x is well expressed by a function of the form (4.4). To find the coefficients a And b You can now apply one of the methods discussed above: the stretched thread method, the selected points method, or the average method.

Tight thread method applies in the same way as for a linear function.

Selected points method we can apply it like this. On a rectilinear graph, take two points (far from each other). We denote the coordinates of these points and ( x, y). Then we can write

From the given system of two equations we find a And b and substitute them into formula (4.4) and obtain the final form of the empirical formula.

You don’t have to build a rectilinear graph, but take the numbers , ( x,y) directly from the table. However, the formula obtained with this choice of points will be less accurate.

The process of converting a curved graph to a straight graph is called flattening.

Medium method. It is applied in the same way as in the case of linear dependence. We divide the experimental points into two groups with the same (or almost the same) number of points in each group. We rewrite equality (4.4) as follows

We find the sum of residuals for the points of the first group and equate them to zero. We do the same for the points of the second group. We get two equations with unknowns a And b. Solving the system of equations, we find a And b.

Note that when using this method it is not necessary to construct an approximating straight line. A scatter plot in a semi-quadratic coordinate system is needed only to verify that a function of the form (4.4) is suitable for the empirical formula.

Example. When studying the influence of temperature on the running of the chronometer, the following results were obtained:

z -20 -15,4 -9,0 -5,4 -0,6 +4,8 +9,4
2,6 2,01 1,34 1,08 0,94 1,06 1,25

In this case, we are not interested in the temperature itself, but in its deviation from . Therefore, we take as an argument , where t– temperature in degrees Celsius on the usual scale.

Having plotted the corresponding points on the Cartesian coordinate system, we notice that a parabola with an axis parallel to the ordinate axis can be taken as an approximating curve (Fig. 4). Let's take a semi-quadratic coordinate system and plot the experimental points on it. We see that these points fit quite well on the straight line. So, the empirical formula

can be searched in the form (4.4).

Let's determine the coefficients a And b using the average method. To do this, we divide the experimental points into two groups: in the first group - the first three points, in the second - the remaining four points. Using equality (4.5), we find the sum of the residuals for each group and equate each sum to zero.

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