Old Russian dictionary translator. Dictionary of obsolete words. Use in church

To the dictionary outdated words We have placed terms that are currently practically not used or are used very rarely. Outdated words and expressions are words that it is important to familiarize your child with before reading a fairy tale or explain their meaning while reading, so that the meaning of the work is perceived exactly as the authors would like. Some obsolete words and their meanings will be especially useful for general development child, for example, length measures of vershok, fathom and others.

Obsolete words of the Russian language are, for the most part, those words that have gone out of use in modern world, but which our old grandparents can very often use in communication. We can convey to children the kindness of Little Red Riding Hood, the tenderness of Thumbelina, the hard work of Cinderella and many other best character traits of the characters in the language of their great-grandparents and at the same time instill in children respect and interest in our history.

If this dictionary of outdated words of the Russian language does not contain the word you were looking for or you were not able to fully understand the meaning of existing words, write to us through the form feedback, they will definitely answer you.

Abwakhta - guardhouse Avos - either - perhaps, maybe Azhno - so Azovka - mythical creature Aksamit - velvet Altyn - three kopecks Asps - poisonous snakes

Babayka - a large oar attached to a boat Baet - speaks, tells Baidak - a river boat with one large sail Balagta - swamp Balakat - speak Canopy - a decorated canopy on posts Balodka - a one-handed hammer Basa - beauty, decoration, panache Batog - stick Bergamots - variety pears Pregnancy - an armful of Bosoviki - slippers Boyars - rich and noble people War - battle Brotherhood - brotherhood Armor - metal clothing that protects a warrior from blows Damask steel - weapons made of steel Burochki - a type of warm boots for cold climates, often felt boots Bureau - table with paper storage box

To go on patrol - to guard, to guard In a bag - to chase Vacation time - vacation Vacation - vacation To know - to know Venuti - to blow, to blow Vershok - an old measure of length, equal to 4.4 centimeters Vestimo - of course, it goes without saying Vetoshka - a rag Knight - a brave warrior , hero Vovan - liquid fat, extracted from the fat of marine mammals. Used for lighting in lamps and street lamps Meet - meet Eversion - the rhizome of a large tree turned out of the ground Endure - withstand, endure, endure

Galushka - dumpling cooked in water or borscht Galyota - a small merchant ship Ganat - guessing Voice of obedience - an answering voice Gorazd - knows how Gorka - a pyramid-shaped shelf for expensive dishes Upper room - room Rowing - a narrow dam on the river

Hay girl - maid Ten - 24 sheets Marvel - surprise, amaze

Food - food, food If - if

Zhaleika - a pipe made of willow bark Zhban - a jug with a lid Burmitsky (Burmite) pearls - large and round pearls Zhernovtsy - a small hand-made chalk

Zagnetka - a place in the fore-furnace where the heat is raked Zagnetka - a place in front of the firebox where the heat is raked Get started - start fasting Ahead of time - sing Lazarus in advance - flatteringly beg Sinisters - small fantastic creatures

Imperial - Indus gold coin - even, so

Treasury - money, wealth, property Kamka - silk colored fabric with patterns Karmazin - dark red cloth Kniksen - bow with a squat as a sign of greeting or gratitude from females Casing - outerwear made of leather Kokurochka - butter flatbread Kolymaga - carriage, in which noble people traveled Korob - basket, basket Oblique fathom - Old Russian measure of length, the distance from the toes to the end of the fingers of an outstretched hand diagonally is 216 cm Krinitsa - well, spring Krosna - home loom Tow - a bunch of flax or wool Body - wicker basket

Plate - iron or steel armor worn by warriors Lyko - the bark of a young linden, willow, elm, bast shoes, baskets, baskets are woven from it Lytka - shirk, shirk Lytka - part of the leg below the knee

Damask sword - a sword made of especially strong steel It’s not my first time - it’s not my first time Hoe - a hand-held agricultural tool Ant - overgrown with grass (ant)

Biggest - senior Whip - belt whip Namale - soap Unsalted to sip - be deceived in your expectations Nikoli - never

Flint - a stone or piece of steel for cutting fire from flint Once - once, once Come to your senses - come to your senses Scream - plow Chill - freeze

Boarding house - a school with a dormitory for students Blame - reproach, reproach Finger - finger New - welcoming a newborn Polati - wide sleeping bunks in a hut under the ceiling between the stove and the opposite wall Pomelo - a broom wrapped in a rag at the end, used for sweeping ash in the stove Tried - tried on Kidnapper - thief Start - start Clearing - a clearing or lawn in the forest not overgrown with trees Jumpy - fast Pryazhon - fried (fry in oil) Span - an ancient measure, the distance between the thumb and index finger of the hand

Army - army Rosstan - the crossroads of two roads To dress up - to persuade

Sazhen - an ancient Russian measure of length, the distance of the arm span from the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the other Salop - an ancient outer women's dress Sam-ten - ten times more Sam-pyat - five times more Sam-Thursday - four times more Seredovich - a middle-aged man A scolded tablecloth - a tablecloth woven with patterns Conscience will not hurt - conscience does not bother Shrike, shrike - a bird from the order of passerines Student - a well with icy water Sousek - a chest in which flour or grain is stored Twist - twist, twist several strands into one a thread

Below we present to you the electronic Internet version of the dictionary of the Ancient Russian language. This resource is also well worth adding to the “Favorites” pages of your search programs.

Dictionary of Old Russian words with meaning and interpretation (ed. I. I. Sreznevsky).

The dictionary, published at the end of the 19th century after the death of the compiler, contains more than 40,000 dictionary entries and more than 17,000 derived forms of words from Old Russian, Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic languages.

Title page of the electronic version of the dictionary on the page oldrusdict.ru

The site provides a search by dictionary entries and meanings, phonetic search, as well as a table of contents of the dictionary for independent search of dictionary entries. If you wish, you can contact the developer if you find any shortcomings in the project.

Some instructions for using the advanced search are also provided on the main page of the dictionary.

Table of contents of subsections of the Old Russian language dictionary
A detailed presentation with words typed in Russian and links to the desired page of the original.
Link to the page of the dictionary of Old Russian words from the table of contents of the electronic edition

Enjoy using it!

Note to Rodnover

Despite the fact that the compiler of the above dictionary devoted a lot of time to the study of pre-Christian traditions, cults and languages, the publication and other works of the researcher do not mention the special value of birch bark artifacts. Today, archaeologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences began to “find” them in large numbers at excavation sites of the 21st century, mainly with large government funding. By the way, the word “Veles” could not be found in the book either. What then can we say about the newfangled one?!

In the middle of the 19th century, scientists did not know about “Veles” and “Vedas”. It’s just that Mikhail Zadornov wasn’t born yet – even though he’s a comedian.

Another feature that requires philological understanding is contained in the list of names of scientists who devoted themselves to the study of antiquities. A note from Wikipedia attracts attention with a set of characteristic nationalities, in which Great Russian surnames are a rare exception.

Related material:

Scientifically based exposure of the scientific version of world history from specialists from the authorized commission Russian Academy Sci.

Extended video material from the RSL conference about the identified substitutions and deliberate manipulation of Russian history over the past two or three centuries.

Review of the site site on historical research A. V. Pyzhikova “The Facets of the Russian Schism.” Video and transcript of the scientist’s lecture during the presentation of the new book.

Selected materials:

A selection of materials on the topic of the relationship between religious and secular perceptions of the world, including the headings "", "", materials "", information, as well as readers of the site "Old Believer Thought".

Visit the "Customs" section of our website. You will find in it many interesting things that have been undeservedly forgotten. , ,

A lively and reasoned story about the methods of baptism practiced by the New Believers, and true baptism according to the canons of the Church.

A brief selection of objective literature about ancient Orthodoxy and the history of the Russian Church.

Which cross is considered canonical, why is it unacceptable to wear a cross with the image of a crucifixion and other images?

Exclusive photographs capturing the consecration of the Great Epiphany Water in the Intercession Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

A rich photo report on the installation of bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and a sketch about modern life true Church.

Old Russian language AER "air" / Ingush language ayr: air
Old Russian language AZ "ya" / Ingush language AZ "ya"
Old Russian language AKI "how" / Ingush language tskhyakkhi: somehow
Old Russian language ALAFA "reward" / Ingush language Alapi: salary, payment (remuneration for work)
Ingush language Alfi: bad literature, pornography
Old Russian language ALKAT "to starve" / Ingush language alkye: 1 cold, bad weather, 2 cold, frost / alkya: 1 apathetic, lethargic state, 2 tendency to sleepy state / alkhashk: 1 extinguished coal, 2|е|,-ыж| e| - starling | similar in color to an extinct black ember |
Old Russian language AMANAT "hostage" / Ingush language amanat: hostage |nitsa|.
Old Russian language ALSO "where" / Ingush language Michchakhya: where
Old Russian language ARKUDA - bear/ Ingush language arkal: supine, arkal leader: | hedgehog| - fall on your back / Ingush language Misha: a bear hibernating / urcha-cha: a polar bear
Old Russian language ARKUCHI - speaking / Ingush language archo "commander" (literally speaking) / Ingush language arch: senior, leading / Ingush language argda "I will say"
Old Russian language BORZO - quickly / Ingush language Borz "wolf" chewing: quickly, sikha: quickly / raskha "quick" / Norwegian language rask "quick"
Old Russian language VESI – know / Ingush language Veizi “do you recognize?”
Old Russian language vniti "enter" / Ingush language viina "coming" viinut "came" haviin "came" havel: come here/ valel: get out of here, d1avale "quickly go" Ingush language veita "sent"
Old Russian language VONYA – smell, aroma / Chechen language “bad, smell”
Old Russian language ZHELYA - sadness / Ingush language zhalai "crying for the dead"
Old Russian language ZAZOR - shame / Ingush language zovz: coward, zovzar "cowardly" / Ingush language groove: 1 opening, hole, 2 notch, indentation./ Ingush language pazz: | see. passa, as well as p1az|b| - step./ loatsa pazatash: socks/Ingush language pazvakkh: beat
Old Russian language ZAKYKHANE - sneeze / Ingush language khakave: cough / Ingush language khaika: respond / Proto-Slavic language kaikati: click / Ingush language kakyokhiy: result, finish / Ingush language khakh: cough
Old Russian language ZALAZ "danger, destruction"/ Ingush language zalam: good health/ Ingush language azal: conceit/ azale: eternity, death/ Ingush language zula: obliquely, obliquely/ Zulam: crime, harm/ Ingush language ze- laz "damage hurts" / Ingush language syn-ze: mental damage / laz, lazar, vine: hurts
Old Russian language ZRETI - see, look / Ingush language ziradakkh, zeravala, ziirade “to observe, watch, control”
Old Russian language KERSTA - coffin, grave / Ingush language KERSTA "Christian"

Old Russian language throwing: bows / Ingush language amatrazh: worship, courtship
Old Russian language MUSICIA - music
Ingush language musiykar: composer
Ingush language musika, musita: music.
Ingush language Musvate: draft.
Old Russian language COLLECTOR - tax collector, covetous man
MYTO - fee
Ingush language mitball: import duty
Ingush Mita language: customs officer name husband
Old Russian language NYRISCHA - ruin, lair, pit, gulley
Ingush language na1razh "doors"
Ingush language na1ra: for the door
Ingush language nyr "flow, diarrhea"
Ingush language Nyry in "cholera"
Russian language dive
Old Assyrian nir "flow, current"
Old Russian language OPASH - tail / Ingush language oapash "lie"
Old Russian language pardus: leopard
Ingush pard language: lynx
Ingush language ferkh: leopard
Old Russian language PERSI - breasts
Ingush language p'jars "hand"
Old Russian language rezana "currency unit"
Ingush language rez-akhcha: small coin.
Old Russian language CHEESE - cottage cheese
Ukrainian language syr "cottage cheese"
Ingush language shur "milk"
Old Icelandic syr "sour milk"
Lezgin language shur "cottage cheese"
Old Russian language TOLMACH - translator
Ingush language talmach: translator

Old Russian language Banner - banner
Old Russian language chum "ladle"
Ingush language chami "ladle"/ ladle: chami, code/kodilg: ladle

Glove From other Russian. pyrstatitsa - the same (Pskov. I chronicle), fingered mittens. Original *pricks with fingers.
other Russian prick your finger
Russian language ring
Ingush language phyars: hand (from hand to elbow)
Ingush language p'jarslat: larger shield
Russian language parry (defend with a shield)
Russian language finger, glove
Ingush language p'yarch'yer: clash, conflict
Ingush language soalozapkhyars: shaft
Ingush language pkharchy: criminal (literally the one who is scolded)
Ingush language pyar "hand"
Hittite language per – “hand”, Old English. speer – “to ask, beg, pray” (4: 285-286)< «протягивать руку в просьбе», рус. перо, и.-е. *per – «рука» – ингуш.язык *phar – «рука» >

Ingush language tIa'ryuk: palm
Chechen language t1ara: palm
Ingush language tarsh "round shield"
Chechen language tours "shield"
German tarsch "crusader shield"
Old Russian language torch "shield"
Tarch, torch (German Tartsche, Polish tarcz, from Old French targa - shield; Old German zarge) - the name of a type of shield
French targa "shield"
Ingush language t1arg "female shield covering the chest"
Russian language touch
Old German zarge "shield"
Ingush language zarg1-zarg1: 1 ringing of armor, 2 ringing made by blows of a sword on a shield.
Ingush language zarg1 aldya: armored
Ingush language Phonsha "big shield"
Ingush language Phench: fingers, open palm, paw
English punch "punch"
English palm "palm"
Sicilian palma "palm"
Ancient Greek palami "palm"
Ingush language palma: open palm with fingers spread.
Ingush language pyalma: 1 hand, 2 oar blade
Ingush language pIelg "finger"
Russian finger
Ingush language pyalte: shield
Thracian pelte "shield"
Ingush language pyaltekhar: warrior
Ingush language ph'alart: protective metal plaque on the chest and forehead | cavalry horse, elephant, warrior

Ingush Marvella language: hug
Elamite mari "to grab"
Ingush mara: into arms
German umarmen "to hug"

Ingush language Rustlan: navigator, ship course plotter
Ingush language Rustdaka: dotted line.
Ingush language Rustlo: 1 outlined path
Russian language channel
Ingush language Rusthe: nasopharynx
Ingush language Rostosh: proliferation, body growth
Ingush language rostoshkhal: limit |growth limit|.
Ingush language Rastat: |old| - military leader.

Russian language voevoda: Ingush language voe-voda “kill going”

One of the most interesting dead languages ​​is Old Church Slavonic. The words that were part of his vocabulary, the rules of grammar, even some phonetic features and the alphabet became the basis of the modern Russian language. Let's look at what kind of language it is, when and how it arose, and whether it is used today and in what areas.

We will also talk about why it is studied at universities, and also mention the most famous and significant works devoted to the Cyrillic alphabet and Old Church Slavonic grammar. Let us also remember Cyril and Methodius, the world-famous Thessaloniki brothers.

General information

Despite the fact that scientists have been paying attention to this language for centuries, studying the Old Church Slavonic alphabet and the history of its development, there is not much information about it. If the grammatical and phonetic structure of the language, the lexical composition has been more or less studied, then everything related to its origin is still in question.

The reason for this is that the creators of writing themselves either did not keep records regarding their work, or these records were completely lost over time. A detailed study of the writing itself began only several centuries later, when no one could say with certainty what kind of dialect became the basis of this writing.

It is believed that this language was artificially created on the basis of dialects of the Bulgarian language in the 9th century and was used on the territory of Rus' for several centuries.

It is also worth noting that in some sources you can find a synonymous name for the language - Church Slavonic. This is due to the fact that the origin of literature in Rus' is directly connected with the church. At first, literature was church literature: books, prayers, parables were translated, and original scriptures were created. In addition, mainly only people serving the church spoke this language.

Later, with the development of language and culture, Old Church Slavonic was replaced by the Old Russian language, which largely relied on its predecessor. This happened around the 12th century.

Nevertheless, the Old Church Slavonic initial letter has reached us practically unchanged, and we use it to this day. We also use grammatical system, which began to emerge even before the emergence of the Old Russian language.

Creation versions

It is believed that the Old Church Slavonic language owes its appearance to Cyril and Methodius. And it is this information that we find in all textbooks on the history of language and writing.

The brothers created a new writing based on one of the Solunsky dialects of the Slavs. This was done primarily in order to translate biblical texts and church prayers into the Slavic language.

But there are other versions of the origin of the language. Thus, I. Yagic believed that the basis of Old Church Slavonic was one of the dialects of the Macedonian language.

There is also a theory according to which the basis of the new writing was the Bulgarian language. She will be nominated by P. Safarik. He believed that this language should be called Old Bulgarian, and not Old Slavonic. Some researchers are still arguing about this issue.

By the way, Bulgarian linguists still believe that the language we are considering is Old Bulgarian, and not Slavic.

We can even assume that there are other, less well-known theories of the origin of language, but they either have not been considered in scientific circles, or they have been proven completely untenable.

In any case, Old Church Slavonic words can be found not only in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian languages, but also in Polish, Macedonian, Bulgarian and other Slavic dialects. Therefore, discussions about which language is closest to Old Church Slavonic are unlikely to ever be completed.

Thessalonica brothers

The creators of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet - Cyril and Methodius - came from the city of Thessaloniki, in Greece. The brothers were born into a fairly wealthy family, so they were able to receive an excellent education.

The elder brother, Mikhail, was born around 815. When ordained as a monk, he received the name Methodius.

Constantine was the youngest in the family and was born around 826. Knew foreign languages, understood the exact sciences. Despite the fact that many predicted success and a magnificent future for him, Constantine decided to follow in the footsteps of his older brother and also became a monk, receiving the name Cyril. He died in 869.

The brothers were actively involved in spreading Christianity and the scriptures. They've been to different countries, trying to convey the word of God to people. But nevertheless, it was the Old Church Slavonic alphabet that brought them world fame.

Both brothers were canonized. In some Slavic countries, May 24th is celebrated Slavic writing and culture (Russia and Bulgaria). In Macedonia, Cyril and Methodius are honored on this day. Two more Slavic countries - the Czech Republic and Slovakia - moved this holiday to July 5.

Two alphabets

It is believed that the Old Slavonic initial letter was created precisely by the Greek enlighteners. In addition, there were originally two alphabets - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Let's look at them briefly.

The first one is Glagolitic. It is believed that its creators were Cyril and Methodius. It is believed that this alphabet has no basis and was created from scratch. In Old Rus' it was used quite rarely, in isolated cases.

The second is Cyrillic. Its creation is also attributed to the Thessaloniki brothers. It is believed that the statutory Byzantine letter was taken as the basis for the alphabet. For now East Slavs- Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians use the letters of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, or rather the Cyrillic alphabet.

As for the question of which alphabet is older, there is also no clear answer to that. In any case, if we assume that both the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet were created by the Thessaloniki brothers, then the difference between the time of their creation hardly exceeded ten to fifteen years.

Was there writing before the Cyrillic alphabet?

It is also interesting that some researchers of the history of language believe that there was writing in Rus' even before Cyril and Methodius. This theory is confirmed by the “Book of Veles,” which was written by the ancient Russian Magi even before the adoption of Christianity. At the same time, it has not been proven in what century this literary monument was created.

In addition, scientists claim that in various records of ancient Greek travelers and scientists there are references to the presence of writing among the Slavs. Also mentioned are the agreements that the princes signed with Byzantine merchants.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been established exactly whether this is true, and if so, what exactly was the written language in Rus' before the spread of Christianity.

Learning Old Church Slavonic

Regarding the study of the Old Church Slavonic language, it was of interest not only to scientists studying the history of the language and dialectology, but also to Slavic scholars.

Its study began in the 19th century with the emergence of the comparative historical method. We will not dwell in detail on this issue, since, in fact, a person who is not closely familiar with linguistics will not be interested or familiar with the names of scientists. Let's just say that more than one textbook has been compiled on the basis of research, many of them are used to study the history of language and dialectology.

In the course of research, theories of the development of the Old Church Slavonic language were developed, dictionaries of Old Church Slavonic vocabulary were compiled, and grammar and phonetics were studied. But at the same time, there are still unsolved secrets and mysteries of the Old Church Slavonic dialect.

We will also allow ourselves to give a list of the most famous dictionaries and textbooks of the Old Church Slavonic language. Perhaps these books will interest you and help you delve deeper into the history of our culture and writing.

The most famous textbooks were published by such scientists as Khabugraev, Remneva, Elkina. All three textbooks are called “Old Church Slavonic”.

Quite impressive treatise was released by A. Selishchev. He prepared tutorial, consisting of two parts and covering the entire system of the Old Church Slavonic language, containing not only theoretical material, but also texts, a dictionary, and also some articles on the morphology of the language.

The materials devoted to the Solunsky brothers and the history of the alphabet are also interesting. Thus, in 1930, the work “Materials on the history of the emergence of ancient Slavic writing”, written by P. Lavrov, was published.

No less valuable is the work of A. Shakhmatov, which was published in Berlin in 1908 - “The Legend of the Translation of Books into the Slovenian Language.” In 1855, O. Bodyansky’s monograph “On the Time of the Origin of Slavic Writings” was published.

An “Old Church Slavonic Dictionary” was also compiled, based on manuscripts of the 10th and 11th centuries, which was published under the editorship of R. Tseitlin and R. Vecherka.

All these books are widely known. Based on them, they not only write abstracts and reports on the history of the language, but also prepare more serious works.

Old Slavonic layer of vocabulary

A fairly large layer of Old Church Slavonic vocabulary was inherited by the Russian language. Old Church Slavonic words are quite firmly entrenched in our dialect, and today we cannot even distinguish them from native Russian words.

Let's look at a few examples so that you understand how deeply Old Slavonicisms have penetrated into our language.

Such church terms as “priest”, “victim”, “rod” came to us precisely from the Old Church Slavonic language, and abstract concepts such as “power”, “disaster”, “harmony” also belong here.

Of course, there are many more Old Slavonicisms themselves. We will give you several signs that indicate that the word is Old Church Slavonic.

1. Availability of prefixes voz- and through-. For example: return, excessive.

2. Compound lexemes with the words god-, good-, sin-, evil- and others. For example: evil, fall.

2. The presence of suffixes -stv-, -zn-, -ush-, -yush-, -ash- -yash-. For example: burning, melting.

It would seem that we have listed only a few signs by which Old Church Slavonicisms can be identified, but you probably already remembered more than one word that came to us from Old Church Slavonic.

If you want to know the meaning Old Slavonic words, then we can advise you to look into any Dictionary Russian language. Almost all of them have retained their original meaning, despite the fact that more than one decade has passed.

Modern use

At the moment, the Old Church Slavonic language is studied at universities in individual faculties and specialties, and is also used in churches.

This is due to the fact that at this stage of development this language is considered dead. Its use is possible only in church, since many prayers are written in this language. In addition, it is worth noting the fact that the first sacred scriptures were translated into the Old Church Slavonic language and are still used by the church in the same form as centuries ago.

Regarding the world of science, we note the fact that Old Church Slavonic words and their individual forms are often found in dialects. This attracts the attention of dialectologists, allowing them to study the development of language, its individual forms and dialects.

Researchers of culture and history also know this language, since their work is directly related to the study of ancient monuments.

Despite this, at this stage this language is considered dead, since, like Latin and Ancient Greek, no one has been communicating in it for a long time, and only a few know it.

Use in church

This language is most widely used in the church. Thus, Old Slavonic prayers can be heard in any Orthodox church. In addition, excerpts from church books and the Bible are also read on it.

At the same time, we also note that church employees and young seminary students also study this adverb, its features, phonetics and graphics. Today, Old Church Slavonic is rightfully considered the language of the Orthodox Church.

The most famous prayer, which is often read in this dialect, is “Our Father.” But there are still many prayers in Old Church Slavonic that are less known. You can find them in any old prayer book or hear them by visiting the same church.

Study at universities

Today, the Old Church Slavonic language is studied quite widely in universities. They take it at the faculties of philology, history, and law. In some universities it is also possible to study for philosophy students.

The program includes the history of origin, the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, features of phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar. Basic syntax.

Students not only study the rules, learn to inflect words, parse them as part of speech, but also read texts written in given language, try to translate them and understand the meaning.

All this is done so that philologists can further apply their knowledge to study ancient literary monuments, features of the development of the Russian language, and its dialects.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to study the Old Church Slavonic language. The text written on it is difficult to read, since not only does it contain many archaisms, but the very rules for reading the letters “yat”, “er” and “er” are difficult to remember at first.

Thanks to the knowledge gained, history students will be able to study ancient cultural and written monuments, read historical documents and chronicles, and understand their essence.

The same applies to those who study at the faculties of philosophy and law.

Despite the fact that today Old Church Slavonic is a dead language, interest in it still does not subside.


It was Old Church Slavonic that became the basis of the Old Russian language, which, in turn, replaced the Russian language. Words of Old Church Slavonic origin are perceived by us as originally Russian.

A significant layer of vocabulary, phonetic features, grammar of the East Slavic languages ​​- all this was laid down during the period of development and use of the Old Church Slavonic language.

Old Church Slavonic is a formally dead language, in which only church ministers currently communicate. It was created back in the 9th century by the brothers Cyril and Methodius and was initially used for translating and recording church literature. In fact, Old Church Slavonic has always been a written language that was not spoken among the people.

Today we no longer use it, but at the same time it is widely studied in philological and historical faculties, as well as in theological seminaries. Today, Old Church Slavonic words and this ancient language can be heard by attending a church service, since all prayers are in Orthodox churches are read on it.

Slavic dictionary of Old Russian words. K - P

Quote from Ryabinka's message Read in full In your quotation book or community!

Slavic dictionary. Part 2

KAZHENIK - eunuch

INDICATION - instruction, exhortation

KAZATEL - mentor

KALIGI - boots with low tops

KAL - impurity, dirt

KALNY - dirty

KALUGER - monk

KAMARA - vault, shelter; tent, chamber

KAPA - hat

KAPITISYA - to gather together

KAPNO - together, together

KATUNA - wife

KENDAR - a measure of weight (about 3 pounds)

KERAST - snake; echidna

KEREMIDA - plate

KERSTA - coffin, grave

KLUKA - cunning, deception

SWEAR - horse, foal

KEY - suitable

KEY - steering wheel, helm

KMET - warrior

KOB - sorcery, fortune telling; happiness, luck

GOING - deceit

KOY (KUYU) - which, which

TIGHTS - quarrel, trouble

KOLO - cart, cart, wheel

MOSQUITOES - vaults on the roof

KOMONY - war horse

KOMKATI - to give communion

Crumbling - communion

KOPRINA - silk

FEED - food; type of tax, content; feast, treat

FEED - feed

KOROSTA - coffin

KOSNETI – hesitate

KOSNO - slowly

KOTORA - quarrel, enmity

quarrel - scold, swear, quarrel

KOFAR - Hindu slave

KOSHCHEY - slave, captive

blasphemy - sacrilege; funny jokes

KRAMOLA - rebellion, riot; malice, deceit; ambush, discord

RED - yarn, weaving mill

KRIN - lily

EXCEPT IN vain - looking to the side, despite this

KRYLOSHAN - clergymen

WONDERS - miracles

KUNA - marten skin, banknote in Ancient Rus'

KUPINA - bush, shrub

BUY - market, marketplace

BUY - together

TUBER - tent

KYY (KYY) - which, which; some

KUMET - warrior, warrior


LAGODITI - to indulge; do something nice

LANITA - cheek

Tenderness - gluttony

TASTE-HEART - gluttonous; pampered

LEK - dice game

LEPOTA - beauty, splendor; decency

LEPSHY - the best

FLATTERY - deception, cunning; heresy; CONSPIRACY

SUMMER - shoots of plants

FLY - you can

LEKHA - ridge, heap

LIHVA - interest

Dashing - evil

LICHBA - number, count

LICHENIC - insignificant, unfortunate

LOV - hunting

LOVITVA - hunting, fishing

LOVISCHE - a place for animal and fish hunting

LODZESNA - womb, uterus

LOMOVY - heavy

LONIS - last year

LUKA - bend, gyrus

LUKAREVO - winding

LUKNO - basket


LYCHENITSA - bast shoes

ANY - good, whatever, maybe even

LUBY - love, affection; addiction, inclination; agreement

Flattering - cunning, deceiving

LYADINA - thicket, bush; young forest

MAESTAT - throne, throne

MAMON - a type of monkey

MASTROTA - skill

MEGISTAN - dignitaries, nobles

Throwing - bows

SWORDMAN - princely warrior in Ancient Rus'; guard, squire

MILOT - sheepskin; outerwear; mantle, cloak

MNITI - think, believe

MOVI - bathhouse

GRAVE - hill

MREZHA - network

MUDITI, MUDDLY - hesitate, slowly

MUNGIT - Mongols

MUSIC - musical

MUSICIA - music

MUKHOYAR - Bukhara fabric made of cotton with wool or silk

MSHITSA - small insect, midge

MUKHORTY - nondescript, frail

COLLECTOR - tax collector, covetous man

MYTO - fee; file, trade duty; outpost, gathering place

NABDETI - take care, help

NAV - death

NAVODITI - slander

NAZIRATI – to observe

NAME - indicate, represent

BEST – especially

PUNISHER - mentor, teacher

NAKRY - tambourines, drums

NALESTI - get, find


NAMETIVATI - to appoint

FLOORS - in half, in two

IN VAIN - suddenly, unexpectedly

NEPSCHEVATI - to invent

NAME - name

DELIVERY - definite, known; noble; great

ORDER - order, establishment of order

NASAD - ship

HEIR - descendant

NASOCHITI - convey, announce, inform

SUCCESSION - succession to the princely throne

NEGLI - maybe, perhaps

NEGLIGENCE - negligence

INCREDIBLE - unworthy

DISLIKE - displeasure, annoyance; enmity

GERMAN - foreign, foreign

NEMKO - mute

UNUSUAL - nasty

UNIdle - pregnant

HOSTILE - hostile, devilish

NEPSCHATI (NEPSCHAVATI) - to believe, to doubt; think

NETI - nephew

UNWASHED - incorruptible


NOTHING GREAT – nothing special

NOGUT - peas

ZERO - maybe; almost, right up, then

NUDMA - by force

NEEDED - hard

NECESSARY - forced, bad

NIRISCHHA - ruin, lair, hole, gulley

ENSURE - to deceive, to win over

BOTHLY – however, but

OBESITE - hang up, hang up

ANNOUNCE - notify, notify

OFFEND - bypass

OBNOSITI - exalt, glorify

TURN AWAY - to retreat from something

OBL, OBLY - round

OBON FLOOR - on the other half, on the other side

OBOYALNIK - seducer, sorcerer

IMAGE - appearance, image; icon; example, symbol, sign

OBROCHITI - impose quitrent

OBSITI - hang up, hang up

OVO - whether, then...that, or...or

OVOGDA - sometimes

OVYY - one, some, this, that; such, some

ORDER - on the right

SINGLE-ROW - single-breasted outerwear

ODRINA - building, hut, stable

OGE - what if

OKAYATI - to call unhappy, pitiful; consider unworthy

FEED – manage

AROUND – around, around

OKSAMIT - silk fabric with a pile of gold or silver threads

ENJOY - try, try to do something

OLAFA - reward, gift

OLE - however, but

OMGENNY - closed

ONCE - recently

ONOMO - yes

ONSITSA - someone, some

ONUDU - since then, from there

OPANICA - bowl, dishes

OPASH - tail

OPRATI - wash

LOWER - change, become haggard

AGAIN - back, back

ORATAY - plowman

YELL - plow

ORY - horse

ORTIMA - bedspread; blanket

TO BE OFFENSED - to mourn

OSLOP - pole, club

OSN - tip

OSTROG - palisade, fence made of stakes or logs

OSESTI - surround, besiege

OTAY - secretly, hidden

RAKE AWAY - get rid of, move away

SHADOW - paternal

OTEPLA - warmth

OTMETNIK - renegade

FROM HERE - from where, from there, why, because, as a result of that

DENYING - condemnation, prohibition

OTROK - teenager, young man; warrior from the prince's personal guard

REPORT - renounce

TO SNAP - damage, spoil

HUNG - hide; leave; fall behind; abstain

OTSET - vinegar

OCHE - if

OCHINA - fatherland, inheritance passed on by father to son


PAVOLOKI - silk fabrics

PAKI - again, again, again

PARDUS - cheetah, leopard

PAROBK - boy, servant, servant

PAHATI - to blow, flutter

PACHE - more, higher, above, better

PELYN - wormwood

PENYAZ - money coin

SWITCH - outsmart

CROSS - get scared

REVERSE - interpret, translate from another language

PERCHES - abrasion

PERCY - breasts

FINGER - a handful of earth, earth, decay

PESTUN - teacher

SADNESS - care, care, troubles

CAKE - take care

PISHTS - pedestrian

P'SHTSI - infantry

PIRA - sum

PLISCH - noise, scream; confusion, excitement

FLESH - body

FLESH - corporeal

PLUS - foot

POVISM - bunch, skein

STORY - news, message, story


DAMAGE - bring down

POVEDTI - tell, say, show

POGANSKY - pagan

POGANY - pagan

SIMILARITY - comparison, use

BREAK - subdue

PODRUCHNIK - subordinate

POKHIB - flattery, deceit

SHAME is a spectacle; laughingstock

SHAME - watch

GAG - bent, twisted

POKOSNY - passing

FIELD - judicial duel

POLMA - half

POSHATI - scare


NOON - south

MIDNIGHT - north

FULL - open

POMAVATI – give a sign

WAKE - gifts

PONE - although, at least

PONT - sea

GET - grab, seize

FIELD - a travel measure 1000 steps long; day trip

PRIZYATI - to promote

POREKLO - nickname

Vices - battering guns

POROSI - dust

PORT - a piece of fabric. cloth

TAILOR - canvas

PORUB - dungeon, prison, cellar

POSKEPATI - to split, split; to harm

PROVERB - verbal agreement, agreement; proverb

POSTUSH - witness

SALON - according to the sun

POSTREL - plague, epidemic

CONSUME - destroy

TRY - try

PULL - to contrive, to try

POTYATI - hit, kill

POUHATI - sniff

SMELLING - ridicule

POYATI - take

RIGHT - real, correct

CONVERT - convert, incline

PRELAGATAY - scout, spy; messenger

ADORABLE - deceitful, deceptive

PRELESTY - deception, delusion; seduction; devilish machinations

DEBATE (PRI) - dispute, litigation; objection; a court case

SUPERPOWER - the middle of something

PRECIOUS - famous, illustrious

TO APPRECIATE - to threaten

PRETORGITI - to tear apart

STUMBLING - stumbling, stumbling; to make a mistake, to sin

EXHAUST - run out


PRIVABITI - call, invite; attract

PRIVOLOKA - short outerwear

BUTT - example

RESIST - resist

VISIT - visit, visit; send down mercy; consider

PRISNO - always

PRISNY - dear, close

PRETTY - equip yourself

PRITOCHNIK - writer of parables

PUSH - prove

PROK - remainder


GET FAME - become famous

STRETCH - stretch out, stretch out; continue; spread out, put

TRAY - imprint, list; duty


PROUSTAVITI - predetermine

OTHER - future, in the future

YARN - dry, fry (immersed in oil), bake

PYKH - pride, arrogance

PERST - finger

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