Old Slavonic words and their designations. Old Slavonic words. Old Slavonic language. Old Slavonic initial letter. Use in church

The wisdom of the Russian language (with humor from Mikhail Zadornov)

Slavic words. Meaning

The ancient language of Rus', Rus, Russians.

More lectures by Sergei Danilov

Meaning of Slavic words, history of language (cuts from Ved Zadornov)

meaning of Slavic words ch4(1-2)

. Meaning.

Our language is full of amazing words that carry great meaning! After all, every word carries a series of images of the cosmic plan. Rewriting history and changing the ancients Slavic words in modern language, we lose touch with the source. We also forget meaning words, i.e. their essence, and that’s what they were created for. Of course, this greatly affects our life and its perception.

Mikhail Zadornov has long been exploring the meaning of Slavic words, their transformation into modern language. There is a series of films “Games of the Gods”, where this topic is explored more fully. I will give examples of interesting decodings of Slavic words from Trekhlebov’s book “Slavic Name Book” (which, by the way, can be downloaded here: koob.ru/trehlebov).

The main goal of this dictionary is to cleanse the Russian language from distorted interpretations of native Russian words, names and concepts. For the revival of the Vedic culture of Russia and the greatness of the state, it is now extremely important to return the true meaning of Russian words. To correctly understand the meaning of Russian names, you cannot do without this dictionary.

Basic meanings of Slavic words:

GOD is “rich”, i.e. owning wealth: a parallel world, some element, etc.; patronizing a nation, a city, a craft, or various manifestations of Nature. There are two types of gods: those who have cultivated a dekonic (spiritual) body, which has a humanoid form, live in the world of Glory; those who have fully cognized Good and Evil and cultivated a sattvic (light) body live in the world of Rule.

GOD RA – Slavic god Sun, Dazhbog (hence: “rainbow” - the arc of the god Ra; “joy” - what Ra gives).

VEDIC SCRIPTURES - scriptures, both ancient and modern, containing the grain (essence) of the original Vedas.

VEDUN - a knowledgeable, knowledgeable man.

VEDAS - sacred scriptures of the ancient Aryans: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Adharvaveda, Vedanta-sutra, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Mahabharata, Upanishads, Puranas, Itihasas, Kama-sutra, Ayurveda, Laws of Manu. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas, which have been preserved in Rus' for hundreds of thousands of years, have now been published.

WITCH - a woman knowledgeable in the science of creating and raising virtuous offspring (“ved” - nobility, “ma” - mother).

WEDDING - bringing together the destinies of a man and a woman for family life in the name of creating virtuous offspring and fulfilling the Laws of the Progenitor. In contrast to marriage (marriage), when each spouse uses the other for selfish purposes.

FAITH is the knowledge of Ra. Judeo-Christians replaced faith in the Most High God with faith in God. Faith depends on personal spiritual experience of all incarnations (“ve” - knowledge, “ra” - light, sun; i.e. enlightenment). * BES is a prefix in modern grammar. It was maliciously introduced by ignorant people to replace the prefix “without” and distort the original meaning of words. For example: “unscrupulous”, i.e. “unscrupulous” (which cannot be); must be “unscrupulous”.

RELIGION – performance of the rites of faith according to the Vedas.

BELIEVER – a person who professes Faith. Believers, like religious people, are divided into administrators, fanatics and mystics. Administrators join religion for selfish purposes, to satisfy their ego and vanity. Fanatics blindly follow the dogmas imposed by administrators. Thanks to the existence of these opposites, between them a small layer of spirit seers is formed - mystics, who are capable of cognizing the ultimate goal of any religion through penetration into the spiritual worlds. When meeting, administrators of different religions try to prove the correctness of their “faith” and the infidelity of others. Fanatics of different religions who meet are generally unable to provide reasonable arguments for the superiority of their “faith” and therefore try to destroy each other. When spirit seers of different religions meet, realizing that there is one Almighty and there cannot be two Almightys, that His Laws are the same for everyone, then they have nothing to argue about. Together, in peace and harmony, they each pray in their own language and glorify the Ancestor.

MAGIC – cleric, sage, astrologer, wizard. According to Vedic customs, he must raise and graze cows (“ox” - cow, “khovat” - protect; i.e., guardian of cows). Hence in Christianity - “pastor”, i.e. shepherd.

EDUCATION – creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of all the child’s bodies (“vos” – demand, what is needed at a given time, “nutrition” – nutrition of all human bodies).

HARM – an action that interferes evolutionary development.

SPIRIT is a non-figurative manifestation of the Almighty; Something outside of time and outside of space.

SPIRIT SEER - mystic, twice-born. A person capable of transferring his consciousness into a devaconic body and seeing the spiritual worlds.

SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT is the acquisition of Knowledge, moral and ethical qualities and the ability to transfer one’s consciousness into subtle material shells - into the astral, mental, buddhic and devaconic bodies.

SPIRITUAL PERFECTION is the achievement of the quality of Personality, the level of Paramatma. It is achieved through the transformation of all one’s bodies and shells into a sattvic body - an individual Brahmozgyoti. Provides a Personal Love relationship between the human “I” and the Almighty.

A SPIRITUAL TEACHER is a twice-born person who has the ability to guide people on the path of self-improvement and thus help them escape the cycle of birth and death.

A spiritual egregor is an energy-informational field created by the spiritual experience of our ancestors. A person connects to the spiritual egregor through the aharat column, which descends to the top of the head (where the hair curls into a spiral).

SOUL is a devaconic body. It has the shape of a human body and dimensions from two to several hundred meters. It is nurtured by moral and ethical victories, hence: “a soulless person” - one who has no morals, who has lost his soul or sold it to demons; “cowardly person” – having few moral and ethical victories; “generous person” - who knows how to control his feelings and transfer consciousness into the devaconic body.

WIFE - spouse. Her duties to her husband are as follows: in work - a servant; in care - mother; in endurance - like the earth; in beauty - Lada; in conversation - a sage; in bed - a witch (knowing mother).

BEAUTY is something that is similar to the god of the Sun - Dazhbog (“k” - to something, “Ra” - the god of the Sun, “so” - joint, “ta” - that, this).

PEASANT is a person who proportions and balances Yang and Yin energies in the field of agriculture.

A magician is a wizard who knows knotted (figurative) writing, kudes.

CULTURE – enlightenment, cult of Light – Dazhbog (“ur” – light, “Ra” – god of the Sun, Dazhbog; hence the Russian cry “Hurray!”).

LOVE is the awareness of the unity of one’s “I” with the whole world.

Rule - the worlds of gods who have sattvic bodies.

JOY – sunshine (“Ra” – sun; “dost” – sufficiency).

MIND – the ability of the mental body to summarize information received by the mind through the senses and draw appropriate conclusions.

RACE – original, white, light, pure. Russian people, the original inhabitants of planet Earth, whose ancestors came from the constellations Ursa Minor and Ursa Major, Cygnus and Cassiopeia. They have white skin color, blond hair and differ from each other only in the color of the iris, which depends on the light spectrum of their native Suns: silver-eyed (gray-eyed) - D "Aryans, green-eyed - X" Aryans, blue-eyed - Svetorus, fire-eyed (k" Ari-eyed) - Rassen. From here English name Russian people – Russian (Russian), i.e. Race.

LIGHT - a person who has achieved enlightenment, spiritualization of all his bodies and shells.

FAMILY is the basic unit of Vedic society. Consists of seven tribes: great-grandfather, grandfather, father, me, son, grandson, great-grandson. The whole family should live together, because they need each other: the elderly need financial care and the opportunity to pass on their life experience and work skills to their descendants; the owner needs to work to feed his family, and therefore he needs someone to look after his descendants. An experienced, knowledgeable person should raise and care for children.
Glory - the worlds of gods, demigods and righteous men (ancestors) who have deuconic bodies.

SLAV – glorifying the Almighty in all manifestations (“slav” – glory, “yang” – positive, male, solar, creative energy of the Almighty, “in” – negative, feminine, lunar, destructive energy of the Almighty).

Meaning the rest Slavic words, names, and much other information you can find in the book itself.

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Tags: Slavic words, meaning of Slavic words.

One of the most interesting is the Old Church Slavonic language. The words that were part of his vocabulary, the rules of grammar, even some phonetic features and the alphabet became the basis of the modern Russian language. Let's look at what kind of language it is, when and how it arose, and whether it is used today and in what areas.

We will also talk about why it is studied at universities, and also mention the most famous and significant works devoted to the Cyrillic alphabet and Old Church Slavonic grammar. Let us also remember Cyril and Methodius, the world-famous Thessaloniki brothers.

General information

That for centuries scientists have been paying attention to this language, studying the Old Church Slavonic alphabet and the history of its development, but there is not much information about it. If the grammatical and phonetic structure of the language, the lexical composition has been more or less studied, then everything related to its origin is still in question.

The reason for this is that the creators of writing themselves either did not keep records regarding their work, or these records were completely lost over time. A detailed study of the writing itself began only several centuries later, when no one could say with certainty what kind of dialect became the basis of this writing.

It is believed that this language was artificially created on the basis of dialects in the 9th century and was used in Rus' for several centuries.

It is also worth noting that in some sources you can find a synonymous name for the language - Church Slavonic. This is due to the fact that the origin of literature in Rus' is directly connected with the church. At first, literature was church literature: books, prayers, parables were translated, and original scriptures were created. In addition, mainly only people serving the church spoke this language.

Later, with culture, Old Church Slavonic was replaced by the Old Russian language, which largely relied on its predecessor. This happened around the 12th century.

Nevertheless, the Old Church Slavonic initial letter has reached us practically unchanged, and we use it to this day. We also use grammatical system, which began to emerge even before the emergence of the Old Russian language.

Creation versions

It is believed that the Old Church Slavonic language owes its appearance to Cyril and Methodius. And it is this information that we find in all textbooks on the history of language and writing.

The brothers created a new writing based on one of the Solunsky dialects of the Slavs. This was done primarily in order to translate biblical texts and church prayers into the Slavic language.

But there are other versions of the origin of the language. Thus, I. Yagic believed that the basis of Old Church Slavonic was one of the dialects of the Macedonian language.

There is also a theory according to which the basis of the new writing was the Bulgarian language. She will be nominated by P. Safarik. He believed that this language should be called Old Bulgarian, and not Old Slavonic. Some researchers are still arguing about this issue.

By the way, Bulgarian linguists still believe that the language we are considering is Old Bulgarian, and not Slavic.

We can even assume that there are other, less well-known theories of the origin of language, but they either have not been considered in scientific circles, or they have been proven completely untenable.

In any case, Old Church Slavonic words can be found not only in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian languages, but also in Polish, Macedonian, Bulgarian and other Slavic dialects. Therefore, discussions about which language is closest to Old Church Slavonic are unlikely to ever be completed.

Thessalonica brothers

The creators, Cyril and Methodius, came from the city of Thessaloniki in Greece. The brothers were born into a fairly wealthy family, so they were able to receive an excellent education.

The elder brother, Mikhail, was born around 815. When ordained as a monk, he received the name Methodius.

Constantine was the youngest in the family and was born around 826. Knew foreign languages, understood the exact sciences. Despite the fact that many predicted success and a magnificent future for him, Constantine decided to follow in the footsteps of his older brother and also became a monk, receiving the name Cyril. He died in 869.

The brothers were actively involved in spreading Christianity and the scriptures. They've been to different countries, trying to convey the word of God to people. But nevertheless, it was the Old Church Slavonic alphabet that brought them world fame.

Both brothers were canonized. In some Slavic countries, May 24 is also celebrated by cultures (Russia and Bulgaria). In Macedonia, Cyril and Methodius are honored on this day. Two more Slavic countries - the Czech Republic and Slovakia - moved this holiday to July 5.

Two alphabets

It is believed that the Old Slavonic initial letter was created precisely by the Greek enlighteners. In addition, there were originally two alphabets - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Let's look at them briefly.

The first one is Glagolitic. It is believed that its creators were Cyril and Methodius. It is believed that this alphabet has no basis and was created from scratch. In Old Rus' it was used quite rarely, in isolated cases.

The second is Cyrillic. Its creation is also attributed to the Thessaloniki brothers. It is believed that the statutory Byzantine letter was taken as the basis for the alphabet. At the moment, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians use the letters of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, or rather the Cyrillic alphabet.

As for the question of which one, there is also no clear answer. In any case, if we assume that both the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet were created by the Thessaloniki brothers, then the difference between the time of their creation hardly exceeded ten to fifteen years.

Was there writing before the Cyrillic alphabet?

It is also interesting that some researchers of the history of language believe that there was writing in Rus' even before Cyril and Methodius. This theory is confirmed by the “Book of Veles,” which was written by the ancient Russian Magi even before the adoption of Christianity. At the same time, it has not been proven in what century this literary monument was created.

In addition, scientists claim that in various records of ancient Greek travelers and scientists there are references to the presence of writing among the Slavs. Also mentioned are the agreements that the princes signed with Byzantine merchants.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been established exactly whether this is true, and if so, what exactly was the written language in Rus' before the spread of Christianity.

Learning Old Church Slavonic

Regarding the study of the Old Church Slavonic language, it was of interest not only to scientists studying the history of the language and dialectology, but also to Slavic scholars.

Its study began in the 19th century with the emergence of the comparative historical method. We will not dwell in detail on this issue, since, in fact, a person who is not closely familiar with linguistics will not be interested or familiar with the names of scientists. Let's just say that more than one textbook has been compiled on the basis of research, many of them are used to study the history of language and dialectology.

In the course of research, theories of the development of the Old Church Slavonic language were developed, dictionaries of Old Church Slavonic vocabulary were compiled, and grammar and phonetics were studied. But at the same time, there are still unsolved secrets and mysteries of the Old Church Slavonic dialect.

We will also allow ourselves to give a list of the most famous dictionaries and textbooks of the Old Church Slavonic language. Perhaps these books will interest you and help you delve deeper into the history of our culture and writing.

The most famous textbooks were published by such scientists as Khabugraev, Remneva, Elkina. All three textbooks are called “Old Church Slavonic”.

Quite impressive treatise was released by A. Selishchev. He prepared tutorial, consisting of two parts and covering the entire system of the Old Church Slavonic language, containing not only theoretical material, but also texts, a dictionary, and also some articles on the morphology of the language.

The materials devoted to the Solunsky brothers and the history of the alphabet are also interesting. Thus, in 1930, the work “Materials on the History of the Origin of Writing”, written by P. Lavrov, was published.

No less valuable is the work of A. Shakhmatov, which was published in Berlin in 1908 - “The Legend of the Translation of Books into the Slovenian Language.” In 1855, O. Bodyansky’s monograph “On the Time of the Origin of Slavic Writings” was published.

An “Old Church Slavonic Dictionary” was also compiled, based on manuscripts of the 10th and 11th centuries, which was published under the editorship of R. Tseitlin and R. Vecherka.

All these books are widely known. Based on them, they not only write abstracts and reports on the history of the language, but also prepare more serious works.

Old Slavonic layer of vocabulary

A fairly large layer of Old Church Slavonic vocabulary was inherited by the Russian language. Old Church Slavonic words are quite firmly entrenched in our dialect, and today we cannot even distinguish them from native Russian words.

Let's look at a few examples so that you understand how deeply Old Slavonicisms have penetrated into our language.

Such church terms as “priest”, “victim”, “rod” came to us precisely from the Old Church Slavonic language, and abstract concepts such as “power”, “disaster”, “harmony” also belong here.

Of course, there are many more Old Slavonicisms themselves. We will give you several signs that indicate that the word is Old Church Slavonic.

1. Availability of prefixes voz- and through-. For example: return, excessive.

2. Compound lexemes with the words god-, good-, sin-, evil- and others. For example: evil, fall.

2. The presence of suffixes -stv-, -zn-, -ush-, -yush-, -ash- -yash-. For example: burning, melting.

It would seem that we have listed only a few signs by which Old Church Slavonicisms can be identified, but you probably already remembered more than one word that came to us from Old Church Slavonic.

If you want to find out the meaning of Old Church Slavonic words, we can advise you to look into any Dictionary Russian language. Almost all of them have retained their original meaning, despite the fact that more than one decade has passed.

Modern use

At the moment, the Old Church Slavonic language is studied at universities in individual faculties and specialties, and is also used in churches.

This is due to the fact that at this stage of development this language is considered dead. Its use is possible only in church, since many prayers are written in this language. In addition, it is worth noting the fact that the first sacred scriptures were translated into the Old Church Slavonic language and are still used by the church in the same form as centuries ago.

Regarding the world of science, we note the fact that Old Church Slavonic words and their individual forms are often found in dialects. This attracts the attention of dialectologists, allowing them to study the development of language, its individual forms and dialects.

Researchers of culture and history also know this language, since their work is directly related to the study of ancient monuments.

Despite this, at this stage this language is considered dead, since, like Latin and Ancient Greek, no one has been communicating in it for a long time, and only a few know it.

Use in church

This language is most widely used in the church. Thus, Old Slavonic prayers can be heard in any Orthodox church. In addition, excerpts from church books and the Bible are also read on it.

At the same time, we also note that church employees and young seminary students also study this adverb, its features, phonetics and graphics. Today, Old Church Slavonic is rightfully considered the language of the Orthodox Church.

The most famous prayer, which is often read in this dialect, is “Our Father.” But there are still many prayers in Old Church Slavonic that are less known. You can find them in any old prayer book or hear them by visiting the same church.

Study at universities

Today, the Old Church Slavonic language is studied quite widely in universities. They take it at the faculties of philology, history, and law. In some universities it is also possible to study for philosophy students.

The program includes the history of origin, the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, features of phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar. Basic syntax.

Students not only study the rules, learn to inflect words, parse them as part of speech, but also read texts written in a given language, try to translate them and understand the meaning.

All this is done so that philologists can further apply their knowledge to study ancient literary monuments, features of the development of the Russian language, and its dialects.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to study the Old Church Slavonic language. The text written on it is difficult to read, since not only does it contain many archaisms, but the very rules for reading the letters “yat”, “er” and “er” are difficult to remember at first.

Thanks to the knowledge gained, history students will be able to study ancient cultural and written monuments, read historical documents and chronicles, and understand their essence.

The same applies to those who study at the faculties of philosophy and law.

Despite the fact that today Old Church Slavonic is a dead language, interest in it still does not subside.


It was Old Church Slavonic that became the basis of the Old Russian language, which, in turn, replaced the Russian language. Words of Old Church Slavonic origin are perceived by us as originally Russian.

A significant layer of vocabulary, phonetic features, grammar of the East Slavic languages ​​- all this was laid down during the period of development and use of the Old Church Slavonic language.

Old Church Slavonic is a formally dead language, in which only church ministers currently communicate. It was created back in the 9th century by the brothers Cyril and Methodius and was initially used for translating and recording church literature. In fact, Old Church Slavonic has always been a written language that was not spoken among the people.

Today we no longer use it, but at the same time it is widely studied in philological and historical faculties, as well as in theological seminaries. Today, Old Church Slavonic words and this ancient language can be heard by visiting since all the prayers in Orthodox churches are read on it.

"WITH and my Great Evil is ignorance and ignorance"

Commentary words are taken from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, books by Nikolai Levashov, documentaries by Sergei Strizhak.

"Worldview influences the social orientation of people's thinking, their psychological attitude, activity or passivity of their life position. A free people will always choose an active position, and a people resigned to slavery will choose a passive one. And this is reflected in word formation, in what new words are created by the people ". And by studying the words of the same people in different periods, their folklore, only by this sign can one determine the qualitative state of a people or nation at the time of the creation of certain words."

Initially Rassa language existed on the basis four main And two auxiliary types of writing.

1. This Pre-Aryan Etragi, conveying multidimensional Values ​​and diverse Runes. Some of these symbols formed the basis of the cryptograms of the Kritomycenaean culture, as well as hieroglyphic writing Ancient Egypt Mesopotamia, China, Korea and Japan.

2. Harian Karuna, from 256 runes. This ancient Greek letter formed the basis of the ancient Sanskrit DAVANAGARI and was used by the ancient priests of India and Tibet.

DAVANAGARI: Maiden on the Mountain, Elevation. Specially trained Indian dancers, through the language of plastic arts, helped the priests convey Vedic texts to the population.

3. Rasensky Molvitsy. Etruscan letter the same Slavs and Aryans who inhabited Italy in ancient times. This letter formed the basis of the Ancient Phoenician Alphabet.

4.The most common in ancient times Holy Russian letter or Initial letter with different fonts, which formed the basis of many European languages, including English.

5. First auxiliary: Glagolitic or trade letter, which was used for trade transactions and trade agreements.

6. Second auxiliary: Traits and Cuts. From words to draw and cut. He was also called birch bark letter. It was simple and widely used for everyday records and messages.

There was one language, but many ways of writing.

The Russian language was constantly being circumcised, thereby narrowing the consciousness of native speakers and depriving the people of imaginative thinking.

« Kiril and Mifodiy they took an ancient Slavic initial letter, which had 49 initial letters, 5 letters were thrown out because they were not in Greek such sounds, and for 4 they gave Greek names.

Yaroslav the Wise removed another letter. 43 left.

Peter the First reduced to 38.

Nicholas II up to 35.

Lunacharsky up to 31 letters, while removing images and introducing phonemes instead of images. And the language became unimaginative, that is, ugly. The rules of word formation have disappeared.” (Father Diy Alexander)

The vocabulary of the Russian language is more than 5,000,000 words.

It is the richest language on the planet.

The basic words of the Russian language belong to the original speech and have a sacred meaning.

Today, 40% of words in the Russian language are no longer unambiguous.

Basic words are suppressed as archaic.

Along with the loss of these words, we gradually lose our memory.

Holy Russian letter or initial letter

“The words of the Old Russian language are word-forming and do not consist of individual letters, but of abbreviations of initial letters and individual words.”

“The function of the Russian language is not so much communication as the restoration of a person.

In the Russian language, every word has its own sacred hidden meaning."

A - a az (God living on earth is the Creator).

B - Gods (many Divine meaning).

V - v(ie)di (I know wisdom on earth and heaven).

For two English verbs to see and to look in Russian: to look, to look, to see, to behold, to stare, to gaze, to stare, to stare, to contemplate, to observe...

R- one of 49 images of the initial letter RYTSY - Speech, utter, speak, and Connection of the Earthly and the Heavenly. This connection is an instantaneous information exchange between the Explicit and Spiritual Worlds through the WORD.

WORD- material spoken thought, and GOD the one who consistently passes on the traditions of his family in the image of the original universe, which is PERFECTION. Anyone who distorts Perfection and harms it is doomed to loss of awareness and genetic mutation, for IGNORANCE is EVIL. This is how the resonances between the Earthly and the Heavenly fade away, and this is how the PRINCIPLE OF CONFORMITY OF SIMILARIES is violated, and in Russian “WHAT YOU SOW, SO WILL YOU REAP”

“WORD” is a Symbol expressing an Image

Consider the phrase LIFESTYLE

"IMAGE» or « IMAGE"- (ABOUT) double(ONCE-ONE) unified(b) let's create or O n B ogami R ekomyy AZ, etc.

"IMAGE" or earlier "OBRAZ" an abbreviation consisting of initial letters On Gods Er Ratsy Az adding up the meaning of each initial letter we get On Gods Er Ratsy AzHe is Created by the Gods and Recommended by Ace.

Using the example of the word IMAGE, we see how simplification or reduction of seemingly unnecessary letters in a word distorts the image of the word IMAGE. This is how the degradation of language and through it the ROD occurs.

Az or according to modern Ace:Man or God incarnate on earth.

Ratsy:speech, utterance

Word "LIFE"“ZHI ZN Kommersant” is also an abbreviation Zhivot Zemlya Nash Er - The Belly of Our Earth Created From Above

Combining words LIFESTYLE we get Created by the Gods and Ace One of the Faces of the Living or Being in one of the qualities or Role in the Game

Through work to grow the Soul and soar spiritually

Life is harmony with the surrounding World. If it is violated, Life is interrupted.

"ALIVE"unit of life; our true self.

“The man of the future is the one with the longest memory”Friedrich Nietzsche

“For example, the new spelling “rules” imposed on the Russian people after 1917. ... Replacement of letters in many words Z by letter WITH immediately kills these words and fundamentally changes their meaning and significance, and violates the harmony and resonance with the genetics of the ancestors. Let's check it out right away. Living word WITHOUT selfish, denoting a person who has no selfish interests (without selfishness), after replacement it turns into BES selfish ( THE DEMONS IS SELF-SELF). In Russian the word BES means, as everyone knows, evil spirits and any Russian person at the subconscious level, ON LEVEL GENETIC IN MEMORY will REACT NEGATIVELY at the word and, naturally, involuntarily, there will be a negative attitude TO THE PERSON NOT HAVING SELF. Such a seemingly insignificant change is enough to cause a negative reaction to a person at the level of genetic memory. positive traits. Prefix WITHOUT, denoting the absence of something, very cleverly CHANGED in a word BES, noun. And many cognate words (words having one root) became double-root words (having two roots). At the same time, the meaning of words and their influence on people has fundamentally changed. The positive meaning was replaced with a negative one (example: selfless- selfless). What is the impact of such a substitution on words that initially carry a negative meaning?! Let's figure it out... For example, the word WITHOUT hearty, denoting a person WITHOUT HEARTS, soulless, cruel, where WITHOUTCONSOLE By the way, the heart, after the substitution, turned into a word BES cordial, in a word with two roots BES And HEART, with emphasis on the first root - BES. And thus the result is a demon of the heart. Isn’t it true, curious shapeshifter?! And this is not a coincidence. Take other words from BES om and get the same picture: BES strong, instead of WITHOUT strong. With such a substitution, the idea is imposed on a person at the subconscious level that in all situations in which he (the person) finds himself WITHOUT strength, in other words, was unable to accomplish or do anything, BES turns out STRONG, on high! It turns out to be the imposition of the idea of ​​the futility of trying to do something because BES stronger. And, again, the word WITHOUT useful, meaning an action without benefit, turned into useful BES a - useless. And there are many such words: WITHOUT worthwhile - BES worthwhile, WITHOUT sensual - BES sensual, WITHOUT honest - BES honest, WITHOUT whole - BES whole, WITHOUT scary - BES scary, etc. Thus, the concept of a person who has lost himself (disposable) is replaced by the statement that BES and there is a path (pathless), the concept of a person who has lost his humanity (insensitive) was replaced by the statement that BES, just something sensual; the concept of a person who has lost his honor, honesty (dishonest) - the assertion that the demon is just honest (dishonest); the concept of a person who has lost or has no purpose in life (aimless) - a statement that BES but there is always a goal (aimless); the concept of a person who does not know fear (fearless) - the statement that the demon is, in fact, terrible and should be feared (fearless). And these are not all words in which, replacing the letter “ Z"with the letter " WITH", fundamentally changed both the word itself and its meaning. Those who wish can see this for themselves by opening any Russian language dictionary...”

Our Slavic-Aryan ancestors called these lands the Burnt Stan, which over time transformed into one word - Palestine, which in English transcription pronounced PALESTINE. The word Palestine came into the Russian language through a “damaged telephone” in English. Russian name SINGED STAN V English version was written as Palestine and in this form returned to the Russian language as English word, although in English it is pronounced like Palestine - still the same Paleny Stan.

Nastenka has been since childhood RA detailed - RA active!

Word "Caring" comes from the word " Ra child" - " RA act”, which means “to act according to the laws of Ra”, according to the laws SVETA

For any free person, work is a joy, because if you put your soul into any business, a living creation of human hands comes out from under your hands, giving RA reach not only the worker himself, but also everyone else.

Modern word MILL has the same root as the word MELENKA. Word " MELET" became the root word for these two words, rather than the word " GRIND", which is the first thing that comes to mind. This means that our ancestors preferred words that denote the action itself, rather than words that denote the consequence of this action.

Our ancestors always called people who did not speak Russian Germans. Even Russian word“German” arose from the merger of two words - NEM THIS(this).

SLAVE otnikov

The meaning of the word is distorted "STUPID"! According to the concepts of our ancestors, STUPID- This WIFE HURRAY or SOUL HURRAY!

« HURRY“- people who have gone through the earthly cycle of development and reached the level of the CREATOR.

Our ancestors revered the Patron Goddess of orphans and children in general - "Baba Yoga"(Yogini Mother)! Baba Yoga - the ever-beautiful, benevolent, loving Patron Goddess, in Christian times “turned” into Baba Yaga - a bone leg with “legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and nose rooted to the ceiling...” Very “close” resemblance! But that's not all!

Vedic Baba Yoga wandered around Midgard-land, either on a fiery Heavenly chariot (Small Vaitmara), or on horseback throughout all the lands where the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clans lived, collecting homeless orphans in towns and villages:

« ...In every Slavic-Aryan Vesi, even in every populous city or settlement, the Patron Goddess was recognized by her radiating KINDNESS, TENDERNESS, MEEKNESS, LOVE and elegant boots decorated with gold patterns, and showed Her where the orphans lived. Ordinary people called the Goddess in different ways, but always with tenderness, who GRANDMOTHER YOGA WITH GOLDEN LEGS, and some quite simply - Yogini-Mother.

The Yogini brought orphans to her beautiful Hermitage, which was located deep in the forest, at the foot of the Irian Mountains (Altai). She did all this in order to save these last representatives of the most ancient Slavic and Aryan Clans from imminent death.

In the foothill hermitage, where Yogini-Mother led orphans through FIRE RITE OF DEDICATION TO THE ANCIENT HIGH GODS, there was a Temple of Rod, carved inside the mountain.

Near the mountain Temple of the Family there was a special depression in the rock, which the Priests of the Family called the Cave of Ra. A stone platform extended from it, divided by a ledge into equal depressions, called a “lapata”. In one recess, which was closer to the Cave of Ra, Yogini-Mother laid sleeping orphans in white clothes. Dry brushwood was placed in the second cavity, after which the lapata was moved back into the Cave of Ra, and the Yogini set fire to the brushwood.

For everyone present at the Fire Rite, this meant that the orphans were dedicated to the Ancient High Gods, and no one would see them again in the worldly life of the Clans. ALIENS, who were sometimes present at the Fire Rites, very colorfully told in their area that they observed with their own eyes how SMALL CHILDREN WERE SACRIFICED Baba Yoga did this to the Ancient Gods, throwing them alive into the Fiery Furnace. The strangers did not know that when the lapata platform moved into the Cave of Ra, a special mechanism lowered the stone slab onto the ledge of the lapata and separated the recess with the children from the Fire.

When the Fire lit up in the Cave of Ra, the Priests of the Family carried orphans from the recess on the lapata to the premises of the Temple of the Family. Subsequently, Priests and Priestesses were raised from orphans, and when they became adults, the boys and girls created families and continued their Family. But the foreigners knew none of this and continued to spread tales that the wild Priests of the Slavic and Aryan peoples, and especially the bloodthirsty Baba Yoga, sacrifice orphans to the Gods. These stupid foreign tales influenced the Image of the Yogini Mother, especially after the Christianization of Rus', when the image of the beautiful young Goddess was replaced by the image of an ancient evil and hunchbacked old woman with matted hair, who steals small children, roasts them in an oven in a forest hut and then eats them. Even the name of the Goddess Yogini was distorted, they began to call Her “Baba Yaga - a bone leg” and they began to scare all children with the Goddess...”

Previously, a wedding arrangement was called "LADINS" -get along, get along, get along, okay.

"LADA"- Female hypostasis of Rod, Spouse of Svarog. Theotokos Lada - Mother of the gods; She is also the Woman in Labor, the “Mother of Birth”, who helps during childbirth, as well as the Goddess of abundance, ripening of the harvest and fertility. For believers - Intercessor before the gods: protects from their wrath. Later, after the baptism of Rus', She was equated with the Christian Mother of God.

"LADA"- The highest creative hypostasis of the Spring of the Universe is the powerful energy of creation.

"WEDDING" SVA-D-B-A Heavenly Act of the Gods of the Ases for a family union is created for mutual assistance for ascension to the World of Rule through action in the Revealed World.

"REJOICE" - We please ourselves

"GET ANGRY" - Let's make ourselves angry

"LET'S FIGHT" - Shit Yourself

"LET'S FALL IN LOVE" - Let's fall in love with ourselves

"LET'S LEARNING" - Teach Ourselves

“Remember, people of the Great Clans of the Race, that the wealth and prosperity of the ancient great Clans was originally contained in your small children, whom you must raise in Love, Kindness and Hard work.” Commandment of Stribog

Word "RITA" there is a Rune, and it denotes the Code of Laws on the purity of the Family and Blood. The Clans of the Great Race themselves called this Code the Heavenly Laws. Since ancient times, all Clans of the Great Race have lived according to the Laws of RITA. People who violate the RITA Laws were relegated to the caste of untouchables (outcasts) and were driven out of the Communities. As a result, they were forced to wander, unite in camps (these are persecuted, TSE - GANES, GYPSIES).

The name of the country "RUSSIA" arose from the word SCATTERING, which in turn was formed from the word “SCATTERING”, the territory over which the great race, that is, the white peoples, settled. Subsequently, the word Russenia became Latin language as Ruthenia and began to be translated as Rus'.

« ISLAM"- IS SA or Jesus Christ. Islam is a branch of the Christian religion, adapted to the peoples of the East.

"POLITE"- in Rus' this word was not an adjective, but a real one and had an image "VEZHA" Knower of Life. Knowing, adept, at worst, scientist, educated. Hence the still unforgotten image "IGNORANT".

"POLITE" honorary title for a sorcerer or healer.

"WITCH" a very ancient Russian word and consists of the images KOLO circle and DUNIYA, a symbol of the union of earthly and heavenly living fire (one of one hundred and forty-four ancient symbols of the Slavic and Aryan family)

In Rus' they always drank a lot, especially VODKA, only vodka "VODKA" Our ancestors called herbal infusions infused with pure spring water. Russians never drank alcohol in any form. It was Peter I who began to spread foreign nasty things

"ISM" in Russian The Truth of the Earthly World

"CAPITAL ISM", "COMMUNE ISM" - substitution of concepts

“We must turn Russia into a desert inhabited by white blacks, to whom we will give such tyranny as the most terrible despots of the East have never dreamed of.”

Trotsky - Bronstein -the one who made the October Revolution in Russia in 1917


All these words have a setting based on the ancient abbreviation "HORSE"» created by our Fathers. Other « KЪНЪ» what we have created. You will not argue that the Constitution of Ukraine or the USA is ORIGINAL, it is LEGAL, that is, secondary to KONU. This means that we ourselves created the rules of the Game, trampling the Real ones, and are trying to find Harmony in this game. A system based on coercion goes against Nature. There is no Compulsion in Nature.

"STATE"- this word came to Rus' from Religion. The words LORD, GOSPODAR, GOVERNOR, STATE have the same etyminology.

Russia ORTHODOX country, only this Orthodoxy is not Religious, and Vedic, it is based not on Worship, but on Wisdom.

« ORTHODOXY"- RIGHT TO PRAISE, it is a right thing to glorify, to glorify the truth, to glorify the World of Rule, to glorify the World of the Ancestors of the Slavs.

« EDIT" - Vit Pravda.

Another image of the word « ORTHODOXY"- RULE GLORIOUSLY, to rule in the likeness of the World of GLORY.

"VLADA" modern "POWER"- order measured by wisdom. The rulers owned the World because they were in harmony with it and did not spend money on their own safety

In Old Russian VLADA

In Ukrainian VLADA

In Belarusian ULADA

"IS IT TRUE" - RIGHT This a given right or rule, the right to give, a just cause or truth, the law of the World of Rule, what belongs to the World of Rule. The basis of the Rus tradition.

Word "NOT TRUE" This something that does not belong to the World of Rule, but is also information.

"CRIVDA" distorted information (twisted) that does not belong to the World of Revealing.

And the word "LIE" meant - superficial information located on the surface (on the bed) - distorted, incomplete information about something.

"RIGHT"- The world of the Almighty Progenitor and his children, the bright Slavic-Aryan Gods, who are our ancestors, and we are their great-grandchildren.

"RIGHT" in its original form did not mean a legal term, but CODE OF PACONS OF THE WORLD RULE(TRUTH, RIGHTEOUS, RULE, GOVERNMENT, ORTHODOXY, JUSTICE...)

The ancient Rus and Aryans had "POWER" - DRYZHAVA The Good Existence of the Clans is Alive by the Wisdom of the Aesir (incarnate gods). In the State, people lived according to the bright commandments, tribal foundations, CANON communities and they had no power structures. The executive function was carried out CIRCLE, at the state level - the Sovereign Circle, at the regional level - Wedding Circles, below - clan or community Circles. The abilities of people in power are not inherited or through acquaintance.

Now the word Power has a different meaning (substitution of concepts). The sovereign administration initially had no POWER. Power, as a means of coercion, arose with the advent of the STATE.

"AUTOCRACY" Self management

"COPY LAW" "KOPA": together(Heap, Piggy Bank, Crowd, Totality, Blend, Dome, Cooperation).

Analogy to Kopnov Law - Cossack Circle. “YASA-U-LITS” modern “YASAUL” - YASA - ZA(KON) clear, explanation, belt, tribute lands. Keep Persons Clarity. I kept order in the Circle. So that no one confuses, but says something sensible and clear.

"POWER" - Own It, Be in Lada, Lada.

"VLADA"- In knowledge, wisdom - LAD harmony order - A orsh (determining measure) - Order Measured by Wisdom. Since it is in the language, it means it really happened. The language of a people reflects what makes sense to them, and this is essentially WORLDVIEW.

The Russian proverb “The Swede, the reaper, and the trumpet player” - they could do everything themselves, there were no narrow specializations, and therefore Integrity and Independence were present. The division of labor was not invented for personal growth, and to increase profits and pass it off as great progress in the development of Civilization.

"REALITY" is now understood as REALITY.

Initially there was a different word and image, it has an abbreviation "REALITY".

Rune AL- concentration of everything, “compressed” information. Firmament, stone... (Altar, Altai, alchemy) reflects the Image of the Created Material World

Word RE: utterance, repetition (REconstruction, REonimation) means Sounding, naming images with symbols, words. The word is not an image, it is secondary, therefore communication through words introduces distortion. Thus REALITY- spoken reality is not what actually exists, but mutually agreed upon appearance of existence.

"REALITY"- this is not an appearance, this is Primary Divine Act; undistorted reality or TRUTH.

"EVENT"or REFLECTION of the world of Representation (Rule) in the Earthly world (Reveal)

There were no opposites in the Old Russian language. There was unity.

"LIGHT", "DARKNESS" -The path can be ILLUMINATED by Knowledge or be in the DARKNESS of ignorance.

Church Slavic word "DARKNESS" comes from Old Russian "MOROK", which does not mean the absence of Light, but the loss of Awareness or Guidance.

Word "LIGHT" reduced to a purely physical concept, while it comes from KNOWLEDGE. A KNOWING person knows where he is going, but an IGNORANT person is CONFUSED or FAWN. What is the Path here?

Going THE BRIGHT PATH Creativity and Expansion are inherent. DARK Path in Ignorance. Anyone walking along it can only go where the torch is lit, that is, take advantage of someone’s achievement. He is not able to Create on his own and can only Tremble and Copy.

Thus "THE BLIGHT PATH" this is the path of creation and evolution, and "DARK PATH"- movement towards consumption.

“If you clarify the original meaning of all words, you can achieve enlightenment.”

"HAPPINESS" or COMPASSION, it is the action of putting individual parts together in the right way and the result of this action is “GOAL”

"TARGET" "INTEGRITY" This is SE-AL. SE: this, AL: everything. Absolute Integrity is GOD, that is, EVERYTHING.

GOAL INTEGRITY this is the state, A HAPPINESSthis is an action to achieve INTEGRITY .

In Russian Vedic culture, this is a Whole Unified Family, consisting of many generations of ancestors and descendants and Nature. This is not polytheism and not monotheism, this is the unity of many. This GOAL INTEGRITY is the essence of the Slavic-Aryan Worldview.

Living water was called in Rus' "PEVA", the Sorcerers prepared it from seven pure springs and sang over it.

"DARK" 10,000 thousand Planets of another world. Ultra violet and infrared light.

"SEX" in the old days, the analogue of this word was “DAL” “PLEASURE” device Give free rein to this device (male organ).

"MEMORY" Ace's Mental Path to the Created Image???

SAR - BALL - CIRCLE- 144 years


“Unintelligible words destroy the system of Images”

Basic words images: RA, VE, SO, BO, RE, LADA,

VI - aspiration upward

LO - container

LI - connection

PA - guard (doubling keyword enhances its meaning, PAPA is a guard)

KA - spirit

KOM - clot

GA - the way

RE - bright beginning, reconstruction

CE - person

SIM - the word of materialization spoken upward

ON - I give

Below we present to you the electronic Internet version of the dictionary of the Ancient Russian language. This resource is also well worth adding to the “Favorites” pages of your search programs.

Dictionary of Old Russian words with meaning and interpretation (ed. I. I. Sreznevsky).

The dictionary, published at the end of the 19th century after the death of the compiler, contains more than 40,000 dictionary entries and more than 17,000 derived forms of words from Old Russian, Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic languages.

Title page of the electronic version of the dictionary on the page oldrusdict.ru

The site provides a search by dictionary entries and meanings, phonetic search, as well as a table of contents of the dictionary for independent search of dictionary entries. If you wish, you can contact the developer if you find any shortcomings in the project.

Some instructions for using the advanced search are also provided on the main page of the dictionary.

Table of contents of subsections of the Old Russian language dictionary
A detailed presentation with words typed in Russian and links to the desired page of the original.
Link to the page of the dictionary of Old Russian words from the table of contents of the electronic edition

Enjoy using it!

Note to Rodnover

Despite the fact that the compiler of the above dictionary devoted a lot of time to the study of pre-Christian traditions, cults and languages, the publication and other works of the researcher do not mention the special value of birch bark artifacts. Today, archaeologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences began to “find” them in large numbers at excavation sites of the 21st century, mainly with large government funding. By the way, the word “Veles” could not be found in the book either. What then can we say about the newfangled one?!

In the middle of the 19th century, scientists did not know about “Veles” and “Vedas”. It’s just that Mikhail Zadornov wasn’t born yet – even though he’s a comedian.

Another feature that requires philological understanding is contained in the list of names of scientists who devoted themselves to the study of antiquities. A note from Wikipedia attracts attention with a set of characteristic nationalities, in which Great Russian surnames are a rare exception.

Related material:

Scientifically based exposure of the scientific version of world history from specialists from the authorized commission Russian Academy Sci.

Extended video material from the RSL conference about the identified substitutions and deliberate manipulation of Russian history over the past two or three centuries.

Review of the site site on historical research A. V. Pyzhikova “The Facets of the Russian Schism.” Video and transcript of the scientist’s lecture during the presentation of the new book.

Selected materials:

A selection of materials on the topic of the relationship between religious and secular perceptions of the world, including the headings "", "", materials "", information, as well as readers of the site "Old Believer Thought".

Visit the "Customs" section of our website. You will find in it many interesting things that have been undeservedly forgotten. , ,

A lively and reasoned story about the methods of baptism practiced by the New Believers, and true baptism according to the canons of the Church.

A brief selection of objective literature about ancient Orthodoxy and the history of the Russian Church.

Which cross is considered canonical, why is it unacceptable to wear a cross with the image of a crucifixion and other images?

Exclusive photographs capturing the consecration of the Great Epiphany Water in the Intercession Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

A rich photo report on the installation of bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and a sketch about modern life true Church.

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