Statuses about the brain, quotes about the brain. Aphorisms about the brain Sayings about the human brain

For those who are accustomed to thinking in inappropriate places, a concussion can turn into hemorrhoids.

Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts they swarm in my brain. What about yours?

Damn... Even though there is no network, I still launch Google over and over again. It's like a painful shock. The brain cannot realize that there is no Internet!!)

I wish my husband had the same brains as my figure

You want to fuck my brain! Add to my blacklist!

No brains, no problems...

Scientists say that alcohol kills neurons in the brain, which is why I argue that humanity's favorite pastime is getting rid of brains.

Two convolutions in the brain never form a labyrinth

If you don’t have enough brains to do better, copy from the leaders!

You need to learn to control your emotions with your brain, not your brain with your emotions. Then everything is in your hands.

The more often the brains are straightened, the more they become askew.

The heart insisted - the main thing is the truth, the brain understood - who needs this???

When women are severely frightened, a small part of the brain that is responsible for everything...

...don't destroy my brain...

Everyone in life has a secret, some place or some thing that he hides... -Yeah, and for many this thing is the brain.

Recently I diagnosed one of my friends: you know, your brain is wired incorrectly. And he, strangely enough, was not offended.

Hair color does not change the cerebral convolutions; they are either present or not observed)

Benefits of living alone: ​​Eat whenever you want! Sleep as much as you want! You do whatever you want! And, most importantly, your brain is in harmony with itself!

In all people, the brain appears in the embryo, in some it remains so in the embryo!

And why does the brain work especially intensely only in emergency situations???

In men, the body first replaces the brain. Over the years it has been the other way around. The brain replaces the body.

There is a sieve in the brain, thoughts flow out. What to do?! :)

Yes, lack of food in a young body contributes to the rapid death of brain cells... if there are any.

Our brain is part of our body, and it must be used constantly and skillfully!!! Otherwise it will malfunction!!!

Your amazing brain can lift you from rags to riches, turn you from a loner to everyone's favorite, lift you out of depression, make you happy and joyful - if you use it correctly.

You know, I got the impression that some people have heads like a Barbie doll: it’s not the brains that grow inside, but the hair that starts.

Sometimes people only have a skull, and there are no brains or sawdust in it. In short, a head accessory...

My brain is not my erogenous zone, so don't f... it!!!

In principle, I can’t understand envious people... it’s some kind of stupid feeling, why envy at all? You have to live your life)))

Learn to use your brain as deftly as you use your powder compact, and then perhaps you won’t need a powder compact anymore...

My virgin brain was brutally raped by the ECONOMY!

Many people complain about their appearance, but no one complains about their brains. But you can’t cover up brain defects with tonal makeup.

A verse that comes from the soul and goes straight to the soul.
But the brain, it’s true, sometimes resists and puts a spoke in the wheels of the soul.

The volume of rational thoughts immersed in the brain is equal to the volume of COCKROACHES displaced by them...

If a blonde has dark hair roots, it means the brain is still resisting.

My tongue is my enemy! All his life he has been fighting for independence from his brains!

A well-built brain is worth more than a well-filled brain.

All girls have the status: I miss “him”. it's about the brain, right?

You need to think constantly... and not for a long time...)))

Happiness is not in the brains... but in their quality...

Any wisdom becomes wisdom only when you turn on the work of your brain in combination with the analysis of your own experience and mistakes...
Serge Goodman

I really want a power steering. To think complex thoughts without difficulty.

The presence of a brain in the head does not always guarantee the presence of a mind...

The process of fermentation and rotting of the human brain begins with his tongue...) © zulnora

You always have to pay for those moments when the tongue is faster than the brain.

The human brain is the fattest organ and can contain up to 60 percent fat.
Maybe she's dumb not because she's blonde, but because she's thin?

Taking the brain out takes 5 minutes, but putting it back in is not an easy task!

Why does he think he has the right to fulfill his marital duty with my brain.

Not every gray mass has something in common with the brain...

Anger is a state in which the tongue works faster than the brain.

I have brains, but no one appreciates them, and what they pay me, I want to break something else)))))))

Sit down, honey, just don’t pinch your brain...

It is EASY for a smart woman to look like a fool, but for a fool to look like a smart woman it is UNREALISTIC!!!

A sign of a first-rate brain is the ability to hold two mutually exclusive thoughts in your head at the same time, without losing the ability to think.

For some, the head is a hard drive with data, for others it is a processor. And it should be a full-fledged computer.

The ability to blow your own mind is called CONSCIENCE...

Nowadays, you don’t need a lot of brains to start rumors, but you need brains not to take these rumors to heart!!!

The brain is the organ that enables our souls to make decisions...

Sometimes my brain surprises me.

It’s a pity that you can’t change people’s brains... And they don’t use theirs and take it out to others...

Well, why can’t a person live without a heart, without a liver, without kidneys... But, damn... WITHOUT BRAINS... Please!!!

Be careful! Reading can cause brain development...))

And in joy and sorrow, no matter what the stress, keep your brains, tongue and weight under control!

The only thing God divided equally was the brains. Nobody complains about their lack.

The path to knowledge is so thorny that sometimes, by the time you break through, you’ll rip off everyone’s brains.

These people are hiding something from me. Probably the brain.

A man's brain is a woman's favorite dish...

What a pity that brains are not sold in stores!!!
Sometimes I want to give someone a gift!

Every day those around me prove to me that life without a brain is real.

Many people complain about a lack of money, but almost no one complains about a lack of brains.

I see the place of the brain in your head is still vacant.

Even the brain is a relative thing))) For others, it is so relative that they cannot reach it)))

It’s not enough to “fuck” someone’s brain, you also need to fertilize it with your ideas and infect it with your principles.) Zulnora

When, for unknown reasons, female logic stops working... then female fantasy immediately comes to her aid, which with a control shot finishes off the male brain...

Statuses about the brain, quotes about the brain

: Brain convolutions are created to prevent thoughts from jumping in a straight line.

Ozzy Osbourne:
Of all the things I've lost, the one I miss most is my brain...
Friedrich Schiller:
The world is small, but the human brain is vast.
Hugh Laurie :
Everyone has brains, it’s just that not everyone has understood the instructions.
Michel de Montaigne:
A well-constructed brain is worth more than a well-filled brain.
Maksim Gorky :
Read books, but remember - a book is a book, and use your brain.
Robert McNamara:
Brains, like hearts, are drawn to where they are valued.
Nothing is yours except a few cubic centimeters in your skull.
Martin Luther:
We cannot stop birds from flying over our heads, but we will not allow them to land on our heads and build their nests on it. Likewise, we cannot prevent bad thoughts from sometimes entering our minds, but we must not allow them to nest in our brain.
Boris Andreev:
Brain convolutions are created to prevent thoughts from jumping in a straight line.
The brain is the most complex thing in the human body. But the brain would be imperfect if a person were missing at least one part of the body - for example, a foot. Just as the foot would be incomplete without the brain.
The brain is the beginning of all nerves, the heart is the beginning of all arteries.
We deny the existence of the soul, the existence of a spiritual substance independent and separable from the body. On the contrary, we affirm that, just as the body of an individual, with all its faculties and instinctive dispositions, is nothing other than the derivative of all the general and particular causes which have determined his individual organization, what is incorrectly called the soul; The intellectual and moral qualities of a person are a direct product, or, better to say, a natural, direct expression of this very organization, and precisely the degree of organic development that the brain has achieved due to a confluence of causes independent of the will.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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The human brain is still one of the most mysterious things on the planet, and it never ceases to pose new and challenging questions to scientists. Doctor of Biological Sciences and scientist in the field of neuroscience and psycholinguistics Tatyana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya has devoted her life to the study of this amazing part of the human body and can at least slightly lift the veil of mystery that shrouds this complex organ.

website collected quotes from Tatyana Vladimirovna from her lectures and interviews, which will easily make you believe how amazing and multifaceted a thing is hidden in each of us.

  • People should work with their heads, it saves the brain. The more it is turned on, the longer it is saved. Natalya Bekhtereva wrote shortly before leaving for better world scientific work"The smart ones live long."
  • Some people still say that nerve cells do not regenerate, but this is not true. It all depends on whether you force your brain to work constantly - it should be difficult for you regularly. If you don't give your muscles a workout, they will atrophy, and the same thing with the brain. He must not relax, otherwise there will be trouble.
  • The brain works at maximum speed precisely because it needs to do difficult work. Hard work for the brain is medicine.
  • Great literature, especially great poetry, clearly demonstrates the capabilities of language that people simply do not want to use. Language is incredibly rich, but it is only a tool. The most powerful instrument to learn to play.

    The brain is a mysterious, powerful thing that, due to a misunderstanding, for some reason we call “my brain.” We have absolutely no reason for this: who is whose is a separate question.

    The brain makes a decision 30 seconds before a person realizes this decision. 30 seconds is a huge period of time for brain activity. So who ultimately makes the decision: a person or his brain?

    A truly frightening thought - who is really the boss of the house? There are too many of them: genome, psychosomatic type, a lot of other things, including receptors. I would like to know who this decision-making creature is. Nobody knows anything about the subconscious, it’s better to close this topic right away.

    The fact that the brain is in our skull does not give us the right to call it “mine”. He is incomparably more powerful than you. “Are you saying that the brain and I are different?” - you ask. I answer: yes. We have no power over the brain; it makes decisions on its own. And this puts us in a very delicate position. But the mind has one trick: the brain makes all the decisions itself, generally does everything itself, but sends a signal to the person - don’t worry, you did it all, it was your decision.

  • We must take the brain seriously. After all, he is deceiving us. Think about hallucinations. It is impossible to convince a person who sees them that they do not exist. For him they are as real as for me the glass that stands on this table. The brain fools him, giving him all the sensory information that the hallucination is real. So what grounds do you and I have to believe that what is happening now is real and not inside our hallucination?
  • The opening cannot be done according to plan. True, there is an essential addition: they come to prepared minds. You see, his cook did not dream of the periodic table. He worked on it for a long time, his brain continued to think, and it just “clicked” in his sleep. I say this: the periodic table was terribly tired of this story, and it decided to appear to him in all its glory.
  • Now we know for sure: a genius can only be born. Another question is that, having been born a genius, you may not become one.
  • The brain stores all the information that it passed by, smelled, tasted, drank, etc., everything lies there. If you don't remember it, it doesn't mean it's not in the brain. That's why I always say: you can't read stupid books, communicate with idiots, listen to bad music, eat low-quality food, watch mediocre films.
  • If you are bored with life, you are a complete fool.
  • Creators really have different brains: data from tomographs show that some parts of them work more actively than those of other people. I am sure that every small child should be taught music, because it is a fine, sophisticated tuning of the neural network - and it does not matter whether he becomes a professional or not.
  • If the brain reads idiotic magazines, communicates with fools, listens to light, meaningless music and watches stupid movies, then there is nothing to complain about. A book that may be easy for some, but difficult for you. A movie you don't understand. This means you will think, read criticism. Or a performance where it is unclear what the director wanted to say. In this case, the brain will be busy with work.
  • The brain is networks, pulsating networks. There are no “places” where one thing works separately. Therefore, even if we found zones of sacrifice, love, and conscience in the brain, this would not make our life easier.
  • People are divided into those who have no tempo at all, and those who have a high tempo.
  • The brains of people who know more than one language have an advantage over the brains of those who know only one. Learning languages ​​is good for brain development, and this is also one of the ways to “delay Alzheimer's.”
  • Most people act as if life is a draft. Life begins from the moment of conception - I ask you to receive this extraordinary news. She's already walking, and she's alone. Why do you have to live as if there will be an opportunity to fix something later? Nobody is fixing anything.
  • I always scare everyone with the fact that the time is not far when artificial intelligence recognizes himself as a certain individuality. At this moment he will have his own plans, his own motives, his own goals, and, I assure you, we will not get into this sense.

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