Countries of Catholic Europe. XI-XV centuries

Final test on the history of the Middle Ages, grade 6, with answers. The test includes 4 options, each option contains 25 multiple-choice questions.

1 option

1. In what year did the Western Roman Empire fall?

1) in 476
2) in 410
3) in 455
4) in 395

2. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. States created by the Germans on the territory of the Western Roman Empire

1) state of the Franks
2) state of the Huns
3) state of the Ostrogoths
4) state of the Burgundians

3. The founder of the Frankish state was

1) Charlemagne
2) Theodoric the Great
3) Alaric
4) Clovis

4. The Carolingian Revival is

1) a cultural upsurge that coincided with the period of Charlemagne’s reign and was associated with the first manifestation of interest in ancient culture in the history of medieval Europe
2) the era of Charlemagne's reign
3) the era of the reign of kings from the Carolingian dynasty
4) the rise to power of kings from the Carolingian dynasty

5. Which of the above is considered to be the reasons for the Great Migration of Peoples in the 4th-7th centuries?

1) invasion of the Huns
2) collapse of the Roman Empire
3) the adoption by the Romans of Christianity as the state religion
4) the decline of cities in the Roman Empire

6. The body of Roman law was adopted under the emperor

1) Justinians
2) Alexei I Komnenos
3) Constantine XI Palaiologos
4) Vasily II the Bulgarian Slayer

7. Circus parties in Byzantium are

1) associations of people who supported one or another charioteer in competitions
2) political groups fighting for influence on the emperor
3) associations of circus actors to protect their interests
4) associations of charioteers to protect their interests

8. Which of the following is attributed to the reasons for the collapse of the Byzantine Empire?

1) urban growth in Europe
2) division of the Christian church into Western and Eastern
3) internal crisis, weakening of the authority of the imperial power
4) consequences of the Hundred Years' War

9. Islam originated in Arabia

1) in the 7th century.
2) in the 6th century.
3) in the 1st century.
4) in the 4th century.

10. The holy book of Islam is the Koran, which in Arabic means

1) teaching
2) book
3) revelation
4) reading

11. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. To the reasons for the success of the Arab conquests of the 7th-8th centuries. include

1) internal weakening of the states conquered by the Arabs
2) religious rise of the Arabs
3) the cruel attitude of the Arabs towards the local population
4) the closeness of early Islam to the beliefs of the local population

12. The European Middle Ages reached its peak

1) in the XIV-XV centuries.
2) in the X-XI centuries.
3) in the XI-XIII centuries.
4) in the IV-VII centuries.

13. In the Middle Ages, the class of “those who work” included

1) chivalry
2) peasantry
3) clergy
4) burghers

14. Subsistence farming is

1) an economy in which everything necessary is produced and not bought or exchanged
2) an economy in which the products of labor are produced for exchange
3) a farm in which the labor of dependent peasants is used
4) a farm in which peasants perform duties for the lord


A) corvee
B) three-field
B) heraldry
D) senor


1) the science of coats of arms
2) the work of dependent peasants on the lord's field
3) a person who has a vassal
4) a farming system based on a combination of winter and spring crops with fallow

16. The reasons for the growth of medieval cities include

1) success in agriculture, improvement of tools
2) the beginning of the Crusades
3) the emergence of the burghers
4) Norman raids

17. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. The code of knightly honor required a knight

1) fidelity
2) generosity
3) wealth
4) mercy to the weak

18. Heresy is

1) a teaching rejected by the church and declared false and harmful to faith
2) official teaching of the church
3) folk beliefs
4) medieval philosophy

19. When did the First Crusade take place?

1) in 1202-1204.
2) in 1096-1099.
3) in 1073-1085.
4) in 1261

20. Which of the following refers to the bodies of representation of estates in medieval Europe?

1) chessboard chamber
2) royal council
3) Estates General
4) city council

21. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. The causes of Wat Tyler's Peasant Revolt include:

1) war hardships
2) tax increases
3) arbitrariness of royal officials
4) defeat in the Hundred Years' War

22. Establishment in the country of a single king's power, uniform laws, governing bodies, taxes, and a standing army

1) association
2) centralization
3) civilization
4) reunion

23. Which of the following is attributed to the consequences of the invention of printing?

1) rising prices for books
2) extending the production time of the book
3) creation of favorable conditions for the dissemination of new knowledge, ideas, discoveries
4) difficulty in accessing books for the poor

24. The Hundred Years' War happened

1) in 1337-1437.
2) in 1337-1453.
3) in 1337-1471.
4) in 1328-1428.


1) showed deep interest in Antiquity
2) the goal of their studies was considered the knowledge of the Divine
3) highly valued a person’s personal merits
4) called for an active, purposeful life

Option 2

1. The Great Migration of Peoples of the IV-VII centuries. - This

1) massive movements of Germanic, Slavic and other tribes, which led to the death of the Western Roman Empire and the formation of German states on its territory
2) raids of the Normans, Magyars, Arabs on the territory of Europe, which ended with the creation of the Duchy of Normandy and the Kingdom of Hungary
3) movements of Germanic tribes, which led to the creation of the Frankish state in Gaul
4) movements of Slavic tribes that led to the death of the Eastern Roman Empire

2. The state of the Franks in Gaul arose

1) in 476
2) in 486
3) in 496
4) in 1507

3. During the reign of Emperor Charlemagne

1) Salic truth was compiled
2) the Arabs were defeated at the Battle of Poitiers
3) the last king from the Merovingian dynasty was deprived of power
4) The Frankish state became an empire

4. Beneficiary is

1) land provided for military service for a certain period
2) exemption of a knight from the obligation to perform military service
3) giving large landowners great power over the population
4) royal favor

5. Which of the following is attributed to the reasons for the collapse of Charlemagne's empire?

1) lack of strong connections between its individual parts
2) onslaught of the Huns
3) population growth of the empire
4) disputes between the sons of Charlemagne

6. The Nika uprising took place in Constantinople under

1) Emperor Justinian in 532
2) Emperor Justinian in 1204
3) Emperor Alexios I Komnenos in 1096
4) Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos in 532.

7. Which of the following is attributed to the reasons for the division of the Christian Church into Western and Eastern in 1054?

1) the beginning of the Crusades
2) disagreements in understanding important provisions of the doctrine
3) collapse of the empire of Charlemagne
4) the onslaught of the Seljuk Turks on Byzantium

8. Basileus is

1) head of the Byzantine Church
2) Byzantine military leader
3) Byzantine emperor
4) ruler of the city of Constantinople

9. Establish a correspondence between the name, concepts and their definitions.

Name, concepts

A) Muhammad
B) hijra
B) caliph
D) madrasah


1) the year of Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina
2) prophet of Allah
3) religious Muslim school
4) “vicar of the prophet”

10. The Arab Caliphate reached its greatest power in the years

1) when its capital was Baghdad
2) when its capital was Damascus
3) when the first four caliphs ruled
4) when Muhammad returned from Medina to Mecca

11. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. The consequences of the Arab conquests were

1) the spread of Islam among the local population
2) distribution Arabic among the local population
3) the destruction of followers of Christianity and Judaism
4) development of trade in the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean

12. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. Estates of medieval society

1) those who work
2) those who fight
3) those who pray
4) those who trade

13. Peasant duties are

1) duties of dependent peasants in relation to the lord (corvée, quitrent)
2) the duties of the peasants to obey the authority of the lord
3) the obligation of peasants to give a tenth of the harvest to the lord
4) the duties of peasants to serve in the army of the lord

14. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

A) knight
B) vassal
B) coat of arms
D) tournament


1) knight competitions
2) representative of the military class
3) a person who owes military service to a lord
4) a sign symbolizing the position and birth of a knight

15. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. The consequences of the struggle between the townspeople and the lords were

1) in the emergence of the urban class - burghers
2) in the emergence of city government
3) in affirming the principle “City air makes you free”
4) in eliminating inequality among city residents

16. The Inquisition is

1) a special church court to combat heresy
2) teaching rejected by the church
3) trial by jury
4) a court in which judicial trials and torture were not used

17. The Fourth Crusade took place

1) in 1202-1204.
2) in 1096-1099.
3) in 1291
4) in 1805-1087.

18. Parliament in England, the Estates General in France, the Reichstag in Germany are

1) bodies of class representation
2) royal authorities
3) judicial authorities
4) city government bodies

19. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

A) rose
B) stained glass
B) trivium
D) scholasticism


1) school subjects
2) round colored window in a Gothic cathedral
3) medieval philosophy
4) colored glass in a Gothic cathedral

20. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. According to medieval ideas, the king should

1) keep peace among subjects
2) strictly punish the guilty
3) don't take taxes
4) protect the church

21. What year did it happen? peasant revolt— Is the Jacquerie in France?

1) in 1358
2) in 1381
3) in 1448
4) in 1337

22. Which of the following is considered to be the cause of the Hundred Years' War?

1) contradictions between England and France regarding French possessions in England
2) contradictions between England and France regarding English possessions in France
3) claims of the French kings to the crown of England
4) England’s desire to return the city of Calais

23. Invented printing

2) Johannes Gutenberg
2) Jacques Coeur
3) Francis Bacon
4) Cosimo de' Medici

24. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. Centralization leads to approval in the country

1) uniform laws
2) uniform taxes
3) the principle “my vassal’s vassal is my vassal”
4) standing army

25. Renaissance thinkers are called

1) intellectuals
2) humanists
3) philosophers
4) scholastics

Option 3

1. The Great Migration occurred

1) in the IX-X centuries.
2) in the IV-VII centuries.
3) in the I-III centuries.
4) in the II-V centuries.

2. Which of the following is considered to be the consequences of the Great Migration?

1) the death of the Western Roman Empire, the formation of German states on its territory
2) the death of the Eastern Roman Empire, the formation of Slavic states on its territory
3) conquest of the Western Roman Empire by the Franks
4) division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern

3. Salic truth was accepted when

1) Charlemagne
2) Karl Martel
3) Clovis
4) Alarich

4. Alcuin, Einhard, Paul the Deacon are

1) figures of the Carolingian Renaissance
2) figures of the Italian Renaissance
3) courtiers of King Clovis
4) scientists who lived at the court of Theodoric the Great

5. Immunity is

1) giving large landowners great power over the population of a certain area
2) royal decree
3) land provided for military service for a certain period
4) land given by the king to the church

6. The defeat of Constantinople by the crusaders took place

1) in 1261
2) in 1453
3) in 1204
4) in 1096

7. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. The reasons for the Nika uprising include

1) abuses of officials
2) tax increases
3) rising food prices
4) the death of the Western Roman Empire

8. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

A) patriarch
B) basileus
B) icon
D) mosaic


1) an image made of multi-colored stones or tinted pieces of glass
2) head of the Byzantine Church
3) a sacred image made with paints on a wooden board or church wall
4) Byzantine emperor

9. The first year of the Muslim calendar is 622 - the year of the Hijri, that is

1) the resettlement of Muhammad and his supporters from Mecca to Medina
2) the return of Muhammad and his supporters from Medina to Mecca
3) the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to Muhammad
4) birth of Muhammad

10. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. The consequences of the Arabs' adoption of Islam include

1) statement certain rules regulating their daily life
2) unification of disparate tribes, ending conflicts between them
3) division of Arabs into followers of Islam and adherents of other faiths
4) softening of morals, especially among the Bedouin nomads

11. Establish correspondence between terms, names and their definitions

Terms, names

A) Ramadan
B) Koran
B) Mecca
D) Damascus


1) the capital of the Arab Caliphate during the period of its greatest power
2) holy month for Muslims
3) holy book of Muslims
4) holy city of Muslims

12. The development of new, previously unsuitable lands and their use for agricultural purposes (internal colonization) occurred at the fastest pace

1) in the XI-XIII centuries.
2) in the V-VII centuries.
3) in the XIV-XV centuries.
4) in the IX-X centuries.

13. Quit in kind is

3) the duty of peasants obliged to work in the lord’s field

14. Arrange the titles according to their place in the vassal pyramid (lowest to highest).

A) duke
B) knight
B) graph
D) one-shielded knight

15. The reasons for the struggle between townspeople and lords include

1) the desire of citizens for independence, the desire to independently solve their problems
2) the reluctance of lords to have cities in their possessions
3) unequal position of masters and apprentices
4) reluctance of citizens to participate in the protection of city fortifications

16. The workshop in the Middle Ages is

1) an association of urban artisans of the same specialty
2) artisan workshop
3) union of apprentices
4) union of merchants of one city

17. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

A) abbot
B) Dad
B) Franciscan
D) confession


1) member of a mendicant monastic order
2) confession of sins to the priest
3) head of the Catholic Church
4) head of the monastery

18. The causes of the Crusades include

1) thirst for prey, wealth
2) the desire to liberate the Holy Land
3) the desire to accelerate internal colonization
4) the desire of the Catholic Church to strengthen its influence Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in this list.

19. Body of representation of the estates in medieval England

1) Estates General
2) parliament
3) Reichstag
4) royal council

20. The medieval trivium (“three ways”) included

1) rhetoric
2) arithmetic
3) music
4) scholasticism

21. Wat Tyler's Rebellion occurred

1) in 1358
2) in 1348
3) in 1381
4) in 1337

22. Which of the following is considered to be the consequences of the Hundred Years' War?

1) loss of all possessions in France by England
2) the success of the centralization process in France
3) decline in trade, destruction of trade routes in northern Europe
4) the collapse of England into several states

23. The first printed book was published

1) in England
2) in France
3) in Germany
4) in Italy

24. A centralized state is characterized by the presence

1) king
2) parliament
3) uniform laws
4) armies

25. The Renaissance received its name because humanists wanted to restore (revive)

1) ancient art, science, culture
2) knighthood and knightly culture that had fallen into decline
3) medieval philosophy (scholasticism)
4) humane attitude of people towards each other

Option 4

1. An event that separates history Ancient world from the Middle Ages, they believe

1) fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476
2) division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern in 395.
3) the defeat of Rome by the Visigoths in 410.
4) the destruction of Rome by the Vandals in 455.

2. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. In the Great Migration of Peoples of the IV-VII centuries. Germanic tribes participated

1) francs
2) Burgundians
3) Normans
4) Ostrogoths

3. The Frankish state arose in 486 on the territory of the Roman province

1) Gaul
2) Upper Germany
3) Thrace
4) Pannonia

4. The capitulary is

1) a collection of decrees and orders of kings from the Carolingian dynasty
2) a record of the customs of the Franks
3) a collection of decrees and orders of the last emperors of the Western Roman Empire
4) large Catholic cathedral

5. Which of the following is attributed to the consequences of the collapse of Charlemagne's empire?

1) acceleration of the process of its fragmentation
2) strengthening the unity of the states formed under the terms of the Treaty of Verdun in 843.
3) the advent of a long period of internal and external peace in Western Europe
4) stopping the raids of the Normans and Magyars

6. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. The consequences of the fact that the Eastern Roman Empire did not cease to exist during the era of the Great Migration and became the basis for the formation of the Byzantine Empire include

1) Byzantium retained a powerful apparatus of government
2) highly developed Roman law was preserved in Byzantium
3) Byzantium did not encounter threats from the tribes and peoples living on its borders
4) in Byzantium, relative relations were maintained for a long time inner world and calm

7. Establish a correspondence between the names of historical figures and the cultural works they created.

A) Justinian
B) Anna Komnena
B) Procopius of Caesarea
D) Kekavmen


1) Secret history
2) Church of Hagia Sophia
3) a book about his father, the Byzantine emperor
4) a book of stories and advice written for my son

8. The fall of the Byzantine Empire under the pressure of the Ottoman Turks occurred

1) in 1204
2) in 1096
3) in 1453
4) in 1389

9. The Muslim calendar begins with the year of the Hijra - the migration of Muhammad and his supporters from Mecca to Medina

1) since 622
2) from 630
3) since 632
4) from 570

10. The consequences of Arab influence on medieval Europe include

1) acquaintance of European scientists with the works of ancient Greek philosophers
2) the flowering of troubadour poetry
3) the emergence of new crops
4) the emergence of city government

11. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

A) Islam
2) Allah
3) kalam
4) mosque


1) house of prayer for Muslims
2) one of the world religions
3) the name of God that Muslims worship
4) writing stick

12. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. In medieval society, land

1) was the property of the lords, could not belong to the peasants
2) was considered the main value
3) did not pass from one owner to another
4) gave its owner respect, honor, authority

13. Corvée is

1) the duty of peasants who are obliged to give the lord part of the money from products sold on the market
2) the duty of peasants, obliged to give the lord a certain amount of the products of their own labor
3) the duty of peasants obliged to work in the field and on the lord’s farm
4) the duty of peasants who are obliged to bake bread in the lord’s oven

14. In the relationship between the Duke and the Baron, the Baron was

1) vassal
2) senor
3) knight
4) peer (equal)

15. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. The consequences of the rise of chivalry include

1) formation of a knightly code of honor
2) formation of knightly culture
3) urban development
4) softening of morals among warriors

16. Which of the following is the body of representation of the estates in medieval France?

1) Estates General
2) parliament
3) Reichstag
4) royal council

17. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

A) workshop
B) Hansa
B) burgomaster
D) bank


1) head of the city council
2) union of artisans of the same specialty
3) an institution engaged in the transfer and lending of money
4) a merchant union that controlled trade in the North and Baltic seas

18. Rank the medieval clergy according to their position (from highest to lowest).

A) Dad
B) parish priest
B) archbishop
D) deacon

19. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. The consequences of the Crusades include

1) strengthening trade relations between Europe and the East
2) the decline of the Byzantine Empire
3) deepening contradictions between the Muslim East and Christian Europe
4) the establishment in Europe of a spirit of tolerance for beliefs that differed from the dominant ones

20. The medieval quadrivium (“four ways”) included

1) rhetoric
2) arithmetic
3) grammar
4) dialectics

21. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. Causes of Jacquerie include

1) tax increase
2) arbitrariness of royal officials
3) the king’s childhood
4) military defeats

22. The siege of Orleans was lifted during the Hundred Years' War

1) in 1415
2) in 1429
3) in 1453
4) in 1420

23. Johannes Gutenberg was

1) the inventor of printing
2) humanist
3) a rich merchant
4) a heretic

24. A state in which the unity of the organ system has been achieved government controlled, laws and taxes, a standing army was created, called

1) centralized
2) civilized
3) monarchy
4) class

25. Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in the list. Renaissance humanists

1) the goal of their activity was considered human knowledge
2) highly valued impeccable command of Latin
3) believed that a person’s dignity is determined by his origin, birth
4) called for an active life

Answers to the Final Test on the History of the Middle Ages, grade 6
1 option
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4

6th grade

The test is compiled for the textbook“History of the Middle Ages” by E.V. Agibalova, G.M. Donskoy,

1 option

Part A

1. The state of the Franks arose:

A) in the year 500

B) in 486

B) in 400

D) 390

2. What was the name of the land ownership for which military service was performed?

A) vow; b) feud; c) quitrent; d) title.

3.The first collection of Frankish laws was compiled during the reign of the king:

A) Clovis; b) Charlemagne; c) Pepin the Short; d) Karl Martel.

4. What is the name of the Holy Book of Muslims?

A) the Bible; b) Koran; c) Vedas; d) chronicles

5. All church ministers constituted a special group of the population:

A) chivalry; b) merchants; c) peasantry; d) clergy.

6. The medieval book was:

A) papyrus bundle;

B) evenly folded sheets of split bamboo;

C) folded and bound sheets of parchment of the same size;

d) a stack of clay tablets.

7. A code of laws uniform for the entire empire was compiled during the reign of the Byzantine emperor:

A) Justinian; b) Constantine4 c) Basil 1 Macedonian; d) Feodosia 2.

8. A person who lived in the city for one year and one day:

a) became free c) mastered a certain craft

b) acquired a lord d) obeyed the rules established by the city charter

9. Commercial farming:

A) farming, which was given for military service;

B) a craftsman’s workshop where you can buy his products;

C) an economy in which products are produced for sale on the market and are exchanged through money;

D) a farm in which everything necessary is produced for one’s own consumption.

10. Indicate the year in which the division of the Christian Church into Catholic and Orthodox occurred:

A) 1054; b) 1066; c) 1077; d) 1099.

11. What was the name of the body of class representation in France?

a) Parliament b) Estates General c) Diet d) Cortes

12. The cause of the Hundred Years' War for France:

A) conquer Aquitaine from England;

B) conquer lands in North America;

B) capture part of England;

D) repayment of debts by England.

13. In 1358 happened:

A) the conclusion of peace between France and England;

B) the battle of the city of Poitiers;

C) peasant uprising in France (Jacquerie);

D) peasant uprising in England.

14. During the Hussite wars, the people opposed:

A) rulers of the city of Prague;

B) ministers of the Catholic Church;

B) the Czech king;

D) local feudal lords.

15. Bulgaria came under the rule of the Ottoman Turks:

A) due to constant wars with the nomadic tribes of the Pechenegs;

B) due to the inability of the feudal lords to unite their forces to resist the conquerors;

B) due to the support of individual Bulgarian feudal lords for the Ottoman Turks;

D) because of unexpected death Bulgarian Tsar Vasily II from a heart attack.

Part B

IN 1. Match the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right.

AT 2. Indicate who made the vow (promise) to renounce personal property, not have a family, live in poverty and unquestioningly obey the leader of the monastery: ________________

AT 3. What do these names have in common: Urban II, Innocent III; Clement V.

AT 4. What is "shield money"? Who paid them and why?

AT 5. List what equipment the knight had.


Part A

Part B

IN 1.

1B; 2G; 3A; 4D; 5 B.

AT 2. Monk


AT 4. Instead of obligatory participation in the campaign, the knights could pay the king a special contribution - “shield money”. With these funds, the king, if necessary, recruited mercenary troops.

AT 5. Visor, armor, chain mail, club, sword, spear.

Control test for the 1st half of the year on the history of the Middle Ages

6th grade

Option 2

Part A


1. Estates are:

A) the unification of several tribes;

B) large groups of people with the same rights and responsibilities;

C) the union of emperors and kings;

D) union of artisans.

2. This leader emerged among the Franks at the end of the 5th century:

A) Atilla; B) Clovis; B) Julius Caesar; D) Justinian.

3. In what year was Charlemagne proclaimed emperor?

A) in 800; b) in 500; c) in 395; d) in 732

4. In Constantinople, the most remarkable work of Byzantine architecture was the temple:

A) Kaaba; b) Hagia Sophia; c) St. Basil's; d) Pantheon.

5. In medieval cities, workshops are:

A) departments of factories;

B) unions of artisans of various specialties;

C) unions of artisans of the same specialty.

D) unions of patricians and lords.

6. The division of the Christian Church into Catholic and Orthodox occurred:

A) in 843; b) in 962; c) in 1092; d) in 1054

7.The church court, created to fight heretics, was called:

A) indulgence; b) order; c) the Inquisition; d) confession.

8. The form of government in which the king relies on a meeting of representatives of the estates is called:

A) enlightened monarchy; b) absolute monarchy;

B) class monarchy; d) constitutional monarchy.

9. In what year were the Estates General convened for the first time in France:

A) 1215; b) 1265; c) 1258; d) 1302

10. In 1381 happened:

A) the battle of Sluys off the coast of Flanders;

B) the battle of Kreysi;

B) Wat Tyler's rebellion in England.

D) peasant uprising in France:

11. Who led the struggle of the French people against England at the beginning of the 15th century?

A) Joan of Arc B) Guillaume Cal

B) Charles VII D) Edward III

12. In the Hundred Years' War, the basis of the English army was:

A) scattered detachments under the leadership of feudal lords.

B) infantrymen recruited from among mercenaries;

B) war chariots driven by feudal lords;

D) knightly cavalry led by the king.

13. The Serbian warrior who sneaked into the Turkish camp to kill the Sultan was called:

A) Jan Zizka4 b) Guillaume Cal; c) Milos Obilic; d) Robin Hood.

14. The Hussite wars ended in 1434 near the city of Lipany with a battle between:

A) Crusaders and Hussites;

B) moderates and Taborites;

B) moderates and crusaders;

D) Czech and German feudal lords.

15. The duty of dependent peasants in the form of regular payments to the master in food or money is called:

A) tax; b) quitrent; c) contribution; d) fine.

Part B.

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

AT 2. The head of the Christian Church in Western Europe was: _____________

AT 3. What these names have in common: Philip II Augustus; Louis IX Saint; Philip IV the Handsome.

AT 4. Name the obligations of a vassal to his lord.

AT 5. List the duties of peasants.

Part B

B1.A4; B5; IN 1; G3; D 2.

AT 2. Pope

AT 3. Kings of France

AT 4. The vassal was obliged, by order of the lord, to go on a campaign and bring with him a detachment of warriors; participate in the lord's court; ransom the lord from captivity; help him with advice.

AT 5. Quirk, corvee, tithe.

2. East of Christendom. V-XI centuries

3. Prophets and conquerors of the East. VII-XIII centuries

4. Features of Catholic Europe. X-XV centuries

5. Countries of Catholic Europe. XI-XV centuries

6. The fate of medieval civilizations

What are the "Middle Ages"? The Middle Ages was a fairly long period in human history, filled with all sorts of events. At this time, in Europe, after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, new social, political and socio-economic systems emerged and developed. On the one hand, they bring with them famine, mass epidemics, the supremacy of the dogmas of the church and the ruthless persecution of dissent, manifestations of denseness, ignorance and feudal violence. And on the other hand, the appearance of masterpieces of the Renaissance, a revolution in the development of natural science, material and spiritual culture, the flowering of humanistic thought, the first national movements against foreign conquerors, and much more. As you can see, the material is very interesting, but extremely complex and extensive. How is it possible to master it, remember the names of the main historical figures and dates important events? The task is not easy, but our site offers its own solution - solving history tests (6th grade) with answers.

With the help of the final test in history (6th grade), which fully complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, a generalization is carried out educational material in the course of history (textbook “History of Russia. 6th grade” by N.M. Arsentiev, A.V. Torkunov and the book “History of Russia from ancient times to the 16th century” by I.L. Andreev, I.N. Fedorov). Besides, free assignments tests are developed and based on other teaching aids: textbook “History of the Middle Ages” edited by Agibalov E.V.; Books « General history. History of the Middle Ages” Boytsova M.A., Shukurova M.N.; manual “Testing and measuring materials for history, grade 6” by M.N. Chernova; books “Tests and assignments in history, grade 6”, edited by K.V. Volkova and “Tests on the history of the Middle Ages” by Yu.I. Maksimova. The test structure is quite simple. It consists of many interesting questions on topics, each of which has several answer options. The student can read the assignment and choose the only correct one online. This kind of electronic test won't let you get bored. This is both interesting leisure time and preparation for verification testing - in a quarter, half a year or a year. Identified shortcomings and errors will allow you to receive an excellent annual grade in the future.

1. What is the name of a state that has: a single king, uniform laws, taxes, an army?

a) united

b) centralized

c) democratic

2. When were the Estates General first convened in France?

a) 1302 b) 1209 c) 1304

3. What did the conquest of England by the Norman Duke William lead to?

a) to the weakening of royal power in England

6) to strengthen royal power

c) to feudal fragmentation of the state

4 In what year was Charles IVissued the Golden Bull?

a) in 1356 b) in 1265 c) in 1350

5. What was in the “Book of the Last Judgment”?

a) a census of all lands and the entire population of England

b) census of all feudal lords .

and pastures of England

c) census of English pensioners

6. When was the first parliament convened in England?

a) in 1230 b) in 1365 c) in 1265

7. When did the Hundred Years' War begin?

a) in 1337 b) in 1300 c) in 1303

8. What was the name of the body of the class representativefood in Spain?

a) Parliament b) Estates General c) Diet d) Cortes

9. What character did the Hundred Years' War take on for the French?

a) aggressive b) people's liberation c) defensive

10. What is the main result of the Hundred Years' War?

a) a peasant uprising called the Jacquerie was suppressed

b) the War of the Scarlet and White Roses was stopped

c) France defended its independence

11. What is the Reconquista?

a) religious war

b) the conquest of lands in Spain by Christians from Muslims

c) the union of Christians and Muslims in the fight against infidels

12. What was the nature of the War of the Roses in England?

a) internecine war of the feudal nobility

b) national liberation war

c) guerrilla warfare

Find out the identity from the description.

1. “In 1302, in order to enlist the support of the estates in the fight against the pope, he first convened the States General.”

Solve the problem.

1..The Hundred Years' War began in 1337. It ended 21 years after the execution of Joan of Arc. In what year was she executed? Maid of Orleans?

Tests on the history of the Middle Ages. 6th grade. Maksimov Yu.I.

M.: 2019. - 128 p. M.: 2013. - 160 p.

The manual includes tests on the history of the Middle Ages for current and final control and corresponds to the content of the textbook by E. V. Agibalova, G. M. Donskoy; edited by A. A. Svanidze “General History. History of the Middle Ages" for 6th grade general education organizations. Many test tasks are developed taking into account the requirements of the Main State Exam in 9th grade. They will help students master new types of tests and prepare for future oral and written exams. Tests can be used for training and self-control of students, checking homework, current and final control.

Format: pdf (2019, 128 pp.)

Size: 1.4 MB

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Format: pdf (2013, 160 pp.)

Size: 4.2 MB

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Preface 6
Living Middle Ages 8
I. The formation of medieval Europe (VI-XI centuries) 10
Test 1. Formation of barbarian kingdoms. State of the Franks in the VI-VIII centuries 10
Test 2. Christian Church in the Early Middle Ages 12
Test 3. The emergence and collapse of the empire of Charlemagne 15
Test 4. Feudal fragmentation Western Europe in the 9th-11th centuries 18
Test 5. England in the early Middle Ages 20
Final test on the topic “The Formation of Medieval Europe (VI-XI centuries)” 22
II. Byzantine Empire and Slavs in the VI-XI centuries 25
Test 6. Byzantium under Justinian. The empire's struggle with external enemies 25
Test 7. Byzantine culture 28
Test 8. Formation of Slavic states 30
Final test on the topic “The Byzantine Empire and the Slavs in the VI-XI centuries” 31
III. Arabs in the VI-XI centuries 34
Test 9. The emergence of Islam. The Arab Caliphate and its collapse 34
Test 10. Culture of the countries of the caliphate 36
Final test on the topic “Arabs in the 6th-11th centuries” 38
IV. Feudal lords and peasants 42
Test 11. Medieval village and its inhabitants 42
Test 12. In the knight's castle 44
Final test on the topic “Feudal Lords and Peasants” 46
V. Medieval city in Western and Central Europe 49
Test 13. Formation of medieval cities. Urban craft 49
Test 14. Trade in the Middle Ages 52
Test 15. Citizens and their lifestyle 54
Final test on the topic “Medieval city in Western and Central Europe” 56
VI. Catholic Church in the XI-XIII centuries. Crusades 59
Test 16. The power of papal power. Catholic Church and heretics 59
Test 17. Crusades 61
Final test on the topic “The Catholic Church in the XI-XIII centuries. Crusades" 64
VII. The formation of centralized states in Western Europe (XI-XV centuries) 67
Test 18. How the unification of France took place 67
Test 19. What the British consider the beginning of their freedoms 69
Test 20. Hundred Years' War 72
Test 21. Strengthening royal power at the end of the 15th century in France and England 74
Test 22. Reconquista and the formation of centralized states on the Iberian Peninsula 76
Test 23. States that remained fragmented: Germany and Italy in the XII-XV centuries 78
Final test on the topic “The formation of centralized states in Western Europe (XI-XV centuries)” 80
VIII. Slavic states and Byzantium in the XIV-XV centuries 83
Test 24. Hussite movement in the Czech Republic 83
Test 25. Conquest of the Balkan Peninsula by the Ottoman Turks 85
IX. Culture of Western Europe in the Middle Ages 89
Test 26. Education and philosophy 89
Test 27. Medieval literature 91
Test 28. Medieval art 93
Test 29. Early Renaissance culture in Italy 96
Test 30. Scientific discoveries and inventions 99
Final test on the topic “Culture of Western Europe in the Middle Ages” 102
X. The peoples of Asia, America and Africa in the Middle Ages 105
Test 31. Medieval Asia: China, India, Japan 105
Test 32. States and peoples of Africa and pre-Columbian America 107
Final test work 110
Replies 122

The manual presents lesson plans and subject tests, allowing you to test not only the basic knowledge and skills of students, but also more in-depth ones, covering all the course material. Lesson tests consist of five tasks and are intended for use when studying individual questions of the course. We recommend using them directly in the classroom or for organization homework as a means of ongoing control. Thematic (final) tests for each section, consisting of ten tasks, provide an opportunity to check and consolidate key dates, facts, concepts, and cause-and-effect relationships. At the end of the book there are four options for the final test work throughout the course on the history of the Middle Ages, as well as answers to all test tasks.

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