Submarines of World War 2. Tactical and technical characteristics of the most common types of submarines. German submarines before the war

The submarine fleet of the Kriegsmarine of the Third Reich was created on November 1, 1934 and ceased to exist with the surrender of Germany in World War II. During its relatively short existence (about nine and a half years), the German submarine fleet managed to write itself into military history as the most numerous and deadliest submarine fleet of all times. Thanks to memoirs and films, German submarines, which inspired terror in the captains of sea vessels from the North Cape to the Cape of Good Hope and from the Caribbean Sea to the Strait of Malacca, have long turned into one of the military myths, behind the veil of which real facts often become invisible. Here are some of them.

1. The Kriegsmarine fought with 1,154 submarines built in German shipyards (including the U-A submarine, which was originally built in Germany for the Turkish Navy). Of the 1,154 submarines, 57 submarines were built before the war, and 1,097 were built after September 1, 1939. The average rate of commissioning of German submarines during World War II was 1 new submarine every two days.

Unfinished German submarines of type XXI on slips No. 5 (in the foreground)
and No. 4 (far right) of the AG Weser shipyard in Bremen. In the photo in the second row from left to right:
U-3052, U-3042, U-3048 and U-3056; in the near row from left to right: U-3053, U-3043, U-3049 and U-3057.
On the far right are U-3060 and U-3062

2. The Kriegsmarine fought with 21 types of German-built submarines with the following technical characteristics:

Displacement: from 275 tons (type XXII submarines) to 2710 tons (type X-B);

Surface speed: from 9.7 knots (XXII type) to 19.2 knots (IX-D type);

Submerged speed: from 6.9 knots (type II-A) to 17.2 knots (type XXI);

Immersion depth: from 150 meters (type II-A) to 280 meters (type XXI).

The wake of German submarines (Type II-A) at sea during maneuvers, 1939

3. The Kriegsmarine included 13 captured submarines, including:

1 English: “Seal” (as part of the Kriegsmarine - U-B);

2 Norwegian: B-5 (as part of the Kriegsmarine - UC-1), B-6 (as part of the Kriegsmarine - UC-2);

5 Dutch: O-5 (before 1916 - British submarine H-6, in the Kriegsmarine - UD-1), O-12 (in the Kriegsmarine - UD-2), O-25 (in the Kriegsmarine - UD-3 ), O-26 (as part of the Kriegsmarine - UD-4), O-27 (as part of the Kriegsmarine - UD-5);

1 French: “La Favorite” (as part of the Kriegsmarine - UF-1);

4 Italian: “Alpino Bagnolini” (as part of the Kriegsmarine - UIT-22); "Generale Liuzzi" (as part of the Kriegsmarine - UIT-23); "Comandante Capellini" (as part of the Kriegsmarine - UIT-24); "Luigi Torelli" (as part of the Kriegsmarine - UIT-25).

Kriegsmarine officers inspect the British submarine Seal (HMS Seal, N37),
captured in the Skagerrak Strait

4. During World War II, German submarines sank 3,083 merchant ships with a total tonnage of 14,528,570 tons. The most successful Kriegsmarine submarine captain is Otto Kretschmer, who sank 47 ships with a total tonnage of 274,333 tons. The most successful submarine is U-48, which sank 52 ships with a total tonnage of 307,935 tons (launched on 22 April 1939, and on 2 April 1941 received heavy damage and did not participate in hostilities again).

U-48 is the most successful German submarine. She is in the picture
almost halfway to its final result,
as shown by white numbers
on the wheelhouse next to the boat emblem (“Thrice black cat”)
and the personal emblem of the submarine captain Schulze (“White Witch”)

5. During World War II, German submarines sank 2 battleships, 7 aircraft carriers, 9 cruisers and 63 destroyers. The largest of the destroyed ships - the battleship Royal Oak (displacement - 31,200 tons, crew - 994 people) - was sunk by the submarine U-47 at its own base at Scapa Flow on 10/14/1939 (displacement - 1040 tons, crew - 45 people).

Battleship Royal Oak

Commander of the German submarine U-47 Lieutenant Commander
Günther Prien (1908–1941) signing autographs
after the sinking of the British battleship Royal Oak

6. During World War II, German submarines made 3,587 combat missions. The record holder for the number of military cruises is the submarine U-565, which made 21 trips, during which it sank 6 ships with a total tonnage of 19,053 tons.

German submarine (type VII-B) during a combat campaign
approaches the ship to exchange cargo

7. During World War II, 721 German submarines were irretrievably lost. The first lost submarine is the submarine U-27, sunk on September 20, 1939 by the British destroyers Fortune and Forester off the coast of Scotland. The latest loss is the submarine U-287, which was blown up by a mine at the mouth of the Elbe after the formal end of World War II (05/16/1945), returning from its first and only combat campaign.

British destroyer HMS Forester, 1942

The outcome of any war depends on many factors, among which, of course, weapons are of considerable importance. Despite the fact that absolutely all German weapons were very powerful, since Adolf Hitler personally considered them the most important weapon and paid considerable attention to the development of this industry, they failed to inflict damage on their opponents that would significantly influence the course of the war. Why did it happen? Who is at the origins of the creation of a submarine army? Were the German submarines of World War II really that invincible? Why were such prudent Nazis unable to defeat the Red Army? You will find the answer to these and other questions in the review.

general information

Collectively, all equipment in service with the Third Reich during World War II was called the Kriegsmarine, and submarines made up a significant part of the arsenal. Underwater equipment became a separate industry on November 1, 1934, and the fleet was disbanded after the war ended, i.e., having existed for less than a dozen years. In such a short period of time, German submarines of World War II brought a lot of fear into the souls of their opponents, leaving their huge mark on the bloody pages of the history of the Third Reich. Thousands of dead, hundreds of sunk ships, all this remained on the conscience of the surviving Nazis and their subordinates.

Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine

During World War II, one of the most famous Nazis, Karl Doenitz, was at the helm of the Kriegsmarine. German submarines certainly played an important role in World War II, but without this man this would not have happened. He was personally involved in creating plans to attack opponents, participated in attacks on many ships and achieved success in this path, for which he was awarded one of the most significant awards of Nazi Germany. Doenitz was an admirer of Hitler and was his successor, which did a lot of harm to him during the Nuremberg trials, because after the death of the Fuhrer he was considered the commander-in-chief of the Third Reich.


It is easy to guess that Karl Doenitz was responsible for the condition of the submarine army. German submarines in World War II, photos of which prove their power, had impressive parameters.

In general, the Kriegsmarine was armed with 21 types of submarines. They had the following characteristics:

  • displacement: from 275 to 2710 tons;
  • surface speed: from 9.7 to 19.2 knots;
  • underwater speed: from 6.9 to 17.2;
  • diving depth: from 150 to 280 meters.

This proves that the German submarines of World War II were not just powerful, they were the most powerful among the weapons of the countries that fought with Germany.

Composition of the Kriegsmarine

The warships of the German fleet included 1,154 submarines. It is noteworthy that until September 1939 there were only 57 submarines, the rest were built specifically to participate in the war. Some of them were trophies. Thus, there were 5 Dutch, 4 Italian, 2 Norwegian and one English and French submarines. All of them were also in service with the Third Reich.

Achievements of the Navy

The Kriegsmarine inflicted considerable damage on its opponents throughout the war. For example, the most effective captain Otto Kretschmer sank almost fifty enemy ships. There are also record holders among ships. For example, the German submarine U-48 sank 52 ships.

Throughout World War II, 63 destroyers, 9 cruisers, 7 aircraft carriers and even 2 battleships were destroyed. The largest and most notable victory for the German army among them can be considered the sinking of the battleship Royal Oak, whose crew consisted of a thousand people and its displacement was 31,200 tons.

Plan Z

Since Hitler considered his fleet extremely important for Germany’s triumph over other countries and had extremely positive feelings towards it, he paid considerable attention to it and did not limit funding. In 1939, a plan was developed for the development of the Kriegsmarine for the next 10 years, which, fortunately, never came to fruition. According to this plan, several hundred more of the most powerful battleships, cruisers and submarines were to be built.

Powerful German submarines of World War II

Photos of some surviving German submarine technology give an idea of ​​the power of the Third Reich, but only weakly reflect how strong this army was. The majority of the German fleet consisted of Type VII submarines; they had optimal seaworthiness, were of medium size, and most importantly, their construction was relatively inexpensive, which is important in

They could dive to a depth of 320 meters with a displacement of up to 769 tons, the crew ranged from 42 to 52 employees. Despite the fact that the “sevens” were quite high-quality boats, over time, Germany’s enemy countries improved their weapons, so the Germans also had to work on modernizing their brainchild. As a result of this, the boat received several more modifications. The most popular of these was the VIIC model, which not only became the personification of Germany's military power during the attack on the Atlantic, but was also much more convenient than previous versions. The impressive dimensions made it possible to install more powerful diesel engines, and subsequent modifications also featured durable hulls, which made it possible to dive deeper.

German submarines of the Second World War were subject to constant, as they would say now, upgrades. Type XXI is considered one of the most innovative models. An air conditioning system and additional equipment were created in this submarine, which was intended for a longer stay of the crew under water. A total of 118 boats of this type were built.

Kriegsmarine performance results

Germany of the Second World War, photos of which can often be found in books about military equipment, played a very important role in the offensive of the Third Reich. Their power cannot be underestimated, but it is worth considering that even with such patronage from the bloodiest Fuhrer in world history, the German fleet did not manage to bring its power closer to victory. Probably, good equipment and a strong army were not enough; for Germany’s victory, the ingenuity and courage that the brave soldiers of the Soviet Union possessed was not enough. Everyone knows that the Nazis were incredibly bloodthirsty and did not disdain much on their way, but neither an incredibly equipped army nor a lack of principles helped them. Armored vehicles, a huge amount of ammunition and the latest developments did not bring the expected results to the Third Reich.

Foreign submarines of the Second World War period in the USSR Navy

On July 26, 1944, the German submarine U250 set out on its first combat cruise from a parking lot code-named “Grand Hotel” on the island of Nuokko in the Finnish skerries. The submarine was to operate in the area at the northern entrance to Bjerkesund. The Soviet command was informed of the presence of enemy submarines in the area, but no instructions were given regarding anti-submarine defense actions.

The struggle here went on with varying degrees of success.

On July 15, in the area of ​​​​Ruonti Island, the submarine U679 was attacked by a Soviet patrol consisting of two torpedo boats and two sea hunter boats, and barely managed to escape, having received damage, losing three people. Three days later, the submarine U479 almost sent the MO-304 boat to the bottom. The MO-304, having lost its bow, managed to reach the base in reverse. The Soviet command attributed the damage to the boats to mines, since no one assumed that the Germans were wasting ammunition on targets that were hardly more expensive than the torpedoes themselves.

On the afternoon of July 30, 1944, the boat MO-105 was anchored on the patrol line north of Bjerkesund. At 12.43, an explosion was heard in the middle part of the boat’s hull, MO-105 broke in half and sank. Soon the patrol boat MO-103 approached the scene of the disaster. Having picked up seven surviving crew members of the dead boat from the water, MO-103 carried out an anti-submarine search, but found nothing and remained on the patrol line.

In the evening, from one of the boats covering the minesweeper boats working in the area, they discovered the cabin of a submarine underwater at a shallow depth, and immediately called a patrol boat with flares and a siren. At 19.15 MO-103, having established hydroacoustic contact with the submarine, launched an attack with depth charges, after which a moving bubble trail was observed above the water. MO-103 repeated the attack that became the death of the submarine U250: various objects appeared on the surface of the water, and among them six people who managed to leave the dying submarine through the conning hatch. Among the rescued submariners were the U250 commander, navigator, second navigator, junior petty officer, orderly and sailor.

Almost immediately after this, a decision was made to raise the U250, after which a group of specialists from the Baltic Fleet Emergency Rescue Service began work. The submarine lay on a rocky shallow, at a depth of thirty-three meters. The ship-lifting work was carried out at night, as the enemy in every possible way interfered with the work of the divers, firing at the site of the sinking of the submarine from the southwestern shore of the Vyborg Bay.

On the night of September 1, the Kriegsmarine made another attempt to destroy the submarine's hull with depth charges, but, having lost the S80 torpedo boat to a mine, it soon abandoned this idea. On September 14, 1944, U250 was raised, towed to Kronstadt and delivered to the DOC.

During the inspection of the submarine's compartments, in addition to various ship documents, ciphers, and codes, an Enigma-M encryption machine was discovered, as well as the latest T-5 homing acoustic torpedoes with operating instructions.

In addition, during the interrogation of prisoners, information was obtained about the organization of the activities of German submarines and the training system for submariners. After the torpedoes were removed from the submarine and raised onto the wall of the dock, their thorough examination began

The submarine itself was also of considerable interest to the Soviet command. Belonging to the VIIC series, she was a representative of the most common type of submarine in the entire history of world submarine shipbuilding (in total, Germany built more than seven hundred submarines of this type). These submarines formed the backbone of the German submarine fleet and most of the German submarine aces achieved their successes on Type VIIC submarines.

On November 6, 1944, by order of the People's Commissar of the Navy, a commission was created under the chairmanship of Captain 1st Rank M.A. Rudnitsky, which was entrusted with the work of studying the U250. The Soviet side was interested in both the implementation of German submarine shipbuilding experience in the USSR and the peculiarities of the living conditions of the submarine crew.

Back in 1942, TsKB-18 began developing the Project 608 submarine, the elements of which were close to the German VII series submarines. After U250 was raised, the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy N.G. Kuznetsov decided to suspend work on the project until the trophy was studied. In 1945, when Soviet specialists were able to familiarize themselves with the latest German submarines of the XXI and XXIII series, work on the project was finally stopped. Soon TsKB-18 began developing blueprints for Project 613 submarines.

U250 entered service with the USSR Navy under the designation TS-14 (captured medium) on April 20, 1945, but it never entered service, and after four months it was removed from the lists and handed over for dismantling.

On August 20, 1944, troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts began the Iasso-Kishinev operation. On the same day, the aviation of the Black Sea Fleet subjected a massive bombardment to the Constanta Naval Base, where German and Romanian submarines were based. On August 29, Soviet sailors were presented with a picture of the results of the raid on Constanta. Of the submarines in the port, U9 received a direct hit and sank right at the pier, submarines U18 and U24 were also heavily damaged, and when Red Army units entered the city they were scuttled in the outer roadstead of Constanta. The former Italian, and now under Romanian control, midget submarines SV-4 and SV-6 did not escape damage.

In addition to the above-mentioned submarines, the trophies of the Red Army were the Romanian submarines “Rechinul” and “Marsuinul”, as well as the former Italian midget submarines SV-1, SV-2 and SV-3.

The third Romanian submarine "Delfmul" was captured in Sulina. All of them, except for the heavily damaged and irreparable SV-6, were assigned to the Black Sea Fleet.

U9, U18 and U24 who died in Constanta were raised by the Emergency Rescue Service of the Black Sea Fleet, but they were not restored, U9, which by that time had received the designation TS-16, was soon handed over for dismantling, and U18 and U24 were used as targets in exercises and sunk torpedoes from the submarine M-120 in the Sevastopol area.

On August 29, 1944, Romanian (formerly Italian) midget submarines SV-1, SV-2, SV-3 and SV-4 were captured by Soviet troops in Constanta. Like the Romanians, the Soviet Union found no use for the former Italian midget submarines. After examination, the submarines were stripped for metal.

Among the Soviet trophies in Constanta were two Romanian submarines - “Rechinul” and “Marsuinul”. The third Romanian submarine, Delfmul, was captured in Sulina. On September 5, 1944, captured submarines raised the Soviet Naval flag.

The war on the Black Sea had already ended, and submarines did not have to take part in the hostilities on the side of the USSR. Already in November 1945, the USSR returned the Delfmul to Romania, which received the designation TS-3 in the Soviet fleet. The submarine was of no interest to Soviet specialists, and Romania was already considered by that time as a potential member of the Eastern Bloc. After the submarine was scrapped, its main mechanisms became part of the exhibition at the Maritime Museum in Constanta. In 1951, the Rechinul was transferred to the Socialist Republic of Romania, which bore the designation TS-1 in the Soviet fleet. The third submarine “Marsuinul” (TS-2), seriously damaged by the explosion of its own torpedoes in the port of Poti on February 20, 1945, was scrapped in the USSR in 1950.

On March 30, 1945, troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front took Danzig. Here, on the stocks of the Schichau plant, the hulls of twenty newest submarines of the XXI series (U3538 - U3557) were discovered. Sections were prepared for another 14 submarines (U3558 – U3571). In the summer of 1945, the hulls of the unfinished submarines were launched and transferred to the Soviet Union.

The first thirteen submarines were included in the fleet on April 13, 1945. The remaining seven – February 12, 1946. In the Soviet fleet, they all received the designations TS-5 - TS-13, TS-15, TS-17 - TS-19, TS-32 - TS-38. In March 1947, TS-5 - TS-12 received the designations R-1 - R-8. Some of the submarines had a fairly high degree of readiness, so the submarines were supposed to be completed according to Project 614 with the replacement of the missing German equipment with domestically produced components. Work on the project was carried out by SKB-143 under the leadership of V.N. Peregudov. Under pressure from former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition, plans to complete construction of captured submarines had to be abandoned. The P-1, P-2 and P-Z (former German U3538, U3539, U3540), which were in the highest degree of readiness, were scuttled on March 8, 1947, 20 miles northwest of the Ristna lighthouse, the remaining submarines were handed over for dismantling in 1947–1948.

On February 10, 1945, at the Schichau shipyard in Elbing, the advancing units of the Red Army captured 166 Seehund XXVIIB series midget submarines, which were in various stages of construction. The most ready of them - 16 units, the Germans managed to blow up.

The post-war fate of these submarines is unknown. They were not included in the Soviet fleet and, most likely, after studying they were dismantled on the spot.

The U78 VIIC series can also be included among the Soviet trophies. The submarine was accepted by the Kriegsmarine on 15 February 1941, despite being armed with only two torpedo tubes. It was never used as a full-fledged combat unit, and until March 1945, personnel of the 22nd Flotilla in Gotenhafen were trained on it. At the end of the war, the submarine was reclassified as a floating charging station, but the submarine's weapons were retained. Formally belonging to the 4th flotilla, the floating charging station was located in Pillau. During the battle for the city on April 18, 1945, the submarine was sunk by fire from the 2nd battery of the 523rd Corps Artillery Regiment from the 11th Guards Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front right at the Marine Station pier. After the end of the war, the hull of the submarine was raised, but the submarine itself was of no interest to the Soviet side and was handed over for dismantling.

In Germany, the design bureau under the leadership of G. Walter was actively developing a project for submarines with a steam and gas turbine unit (PGTU). Built in 1940, the experimental submarine U80 during testing for the first time in the history of the submarine fleet reached a fantastic speed of 28 knots at that time.

During the war years in Germany, despite the shortage of materials and labor, work on the PSTU continued. In 1942, the Germans managed to build four such submarines - U792 and U793 according to the Wa201 project and U794 and U795 according to the WK202 project, which received the general designation XVII series. By 1944, these submarines had undergone a variety of tests. By the end of the war, the Reich leadership decided on their mass construction. It was planned to build 108 XVII series submarines by mid-1945, but as a result, only three submarines saw the light of day - U1405, U1406 and U1407. The development of submarine projects from PSTU was carried out in Germany until the signing of the act of surrender. At the end of the war, all submarines from the PSTU were sunk. The British managed to find and raise two submarines - U1406 and U1407, one of which they handed over to the Americans.

In August 1945, a group of Soviet shipbuilding engineers dressed in military uniforms and were sent to Germany for “technical reconnaissance.” By that time, an employee of Walter's bureau had fled to the Soviet occupation zone from the Americans. With his help, Soviet specialists restored all the design documentation for German submarines from the PSTU. Based on this documentation and technical samples that were found in the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany by technical intelligence officers, in the USSR, with the help of the specially created KB-143, Project 617 was developed and the S-99 submarine was built.

Submarine TS-14 (U250)

The German submarine VII-C series was laid down on January 9, 1943 at the Germaniawerft shipyard in Kiel, launched on November 11, 1943, and entered into service on December 12, 1943. In 1943–1944 she made two military campaigns.

On June 30, 1944, in the Bjorke-Sund area, she sank the Soviet patrol boat MO-105, but on the same day she was destroyed by depth charges from the sea hunter MO-103. 46 submarine crew members were killed. Divers determined that the submarine lay at a depth of 27 meters on an even keel with a list of 14 degrees to starboard, and examined the hole above the diesel compartment. Under the cover of a smoke screen and with strong opposition from German torpedo boats and Finnish coastal troops, the submarine was raised using two pontoons and arrived in Kronstadt on September 14. On September 15, it was delivered to the dry dock. Secret documents, an Enigma encryption machine and four new G7es acoustic torpedoes were discovered on board, which were later studied by British naval experts together with Soviet specialists.

The submarine aroused the greatest interest among Soviet shipbuilders.

Despite the fact that by that time the VII series submarines were no longer the latest, having been in serial construction for more than five years, the design of the submarine was highly appreciated by Soviet shipbuilders. People's Commissar of the Navy N.G. Kuznetsov issued a special order to suspend the ongoing development of a new project of a medium submarine (project 608) until the captured U250 is studied. Specialists were especially interested in the intact secret G7es torpedo, equipped with an acoustic homing system.

From April 12 to August 20, 1945, the submarine U250 under the name TS-14 (TS-captured ship) was part of the USSR Navy as an experimental submarine. It was planned to restore it, but due to severe damage and lack of spare parts, the TS-14 submarine was withdrawn from the fleet and dismantled for metal at the Leningrad Glavvtorchermet base on the Turukhanny Islands.

Tactical - Technical Data of the submarine TS-14:

Displacement: surface/underwater – 769/871 tons. Main dimensions: length - 67.1 meters, width - 6.2 meters, draft - 4.74 meters. Speed: surface/underwater – 17.7/7.6 knots. Power plant: two forced, six-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engines “Germaniaverft M6V 40/46”, two electric motors with a total power of 750 hp, two propeller shafts. Armament: 88 mm C35 gun with 220 charges, four bow and one stern 533 mm torpedo tubes, 14 torpedoes or 26 TMA mines, one 37 mm M42U assault rifle and 2x2 20 mm C30 assault rifles. Diving depth: 295 meters. Crew: 44–52 submariners.

on the study of the German submarine U-250 and determining its further use

General guidance on studying German submarine shipbuilding technology and determining the technical condition of the German submarine U250 raised from the water for its further use will be assigned to the head of the Navy's shipbuilding department. For direct work on the boat, to assist the head of the Navy's shipbuilding department, appoint a commission consisting of the following:

Chairman of the commission - head of department "E" of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the NKVMF, engineer-captain 1st rank comrade. Rudnitsky M.A., deputy. chairman of the commission - chief of staff of the ODSKR submarine captain 2nd rank comrade. Yunakova E.G., Members: from the Criminal Code of the Navy - beginning. of the KPA department of the Criminal Code of the Navy, head. No. 194 engineer-captain 2nd rank comrade. Martynchik, - head of the NKVMF scientific and technical complex section, engineer-lieutenant colonel comrade. Petelina, - Art. engineer NTK NKVMF engineer-captain 2nd rank comrade. Tsvetaeva, - Art. engineer of the 2nd department of the III department of the Criminal Code of the Navy, engineer-lieutenant colonel comrade. Khasina, from the Navy Technical University - engineer-captain 2nd rank comrade. Indeikin, from the Navy Administration - engineer-lieutenant colonel comrade. Khudyakova, engineer-lieutenant colonel comrade. Zorina, from the Navy MTU - engineer-captain 2nd rank comrade. Martynenko, – engineer-captain 2nd rank comrade. Saulsky, from the Navy Communications Directorate - engineer-lieutenant colonel comrade. Voronkova, engineer-lieutenant colonel comrade. Belopolsky, from the hydrographic control. Navy - Head of the Navigation Department, Captain 2nd Rank Comrade. Gadova. The commission is entrusted with the following tasks:

1. Determine the technical condition of the U250 submarine in order to make a decision on its restoration and use.

2. Identify the most technically and tactically interesting components of the boat for the purpose of their further study and implementation in domestic design and construction.

3. View all technical documentation on the ship to resolve the issue of its use in design and construction.

I. To the Commander of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet:

1) By November 1, 1944, by the forces of the Kronstadt Marine Plant, work on the U250 submarine must be carried out to ensure its buoyancy and preserve the hull, mechanisms, systems, devices and equipment.

2) Transfer the submarine U250 to the Leningrad shipyard No. 196 before the freeze-up and place it in a wooden floating dock for further work on it, as well as for its study.

3) To equip the submarine U250 by the time of transfer to Leningrad with personnel according to staff No. 4/22B.

4) Transfer all material found on the submarine U250 (drawings, instructions, manuals, books, personal notes of the submarine crew, ship logs, photos, etc.) to the chairman of the commission for study and through the head of the Navy Criminal Code for organized translation and reproduction.

5) Select a wooden floating dock from those available in Kronstadt for staging the U250 submarine.

II. To the Head of the Navy Shipbuilding Department:

1) Issue orders to industry and draw up contracts for work related to the preservation of the hull, systems, devices, mechanisms and equipment, repairs and conservation.

2) Translate the materials found on the submarine from German into Russian and publish them, as well as supply naval organizations with them.

3) Based on the available German drawings and from nature, produce a complete set of drawings of the U-250 submarine with all the necessary data.

4) Together with the head of the Navy's submarine department, report to me by January 1, 1945, the need and real possibilities of restoring the U250 submarine into a warship, as well as the feasibility of transferring German equipment to domestic shipbuilding.

III. To the Head of the Navy Mine and Torpedo Directorate:

1) Take the most urgent measures to study the German torpedoes located in the torpedo tubes and on the racks of the U250 submarine for safe disarmament and removal from the submarine.

2) After studying German torpedoes and torpedo tubes, report to me their advantages and disadvantages in comparison with domestic electric and aerial torpedoes and tubes.

IV. To the Chief of the Navy Artillery Directorate:

Determine the need to bring artillery systems (37 mm machine guns and 20 mm twin machine guns) and periscopes removed from the U-250 submarine into good technical condition and report to me by January 1, 1945 the possibility of using them for the design and manufacture of domestic installations.

V. To the head of the communications department and the head of the hydrographic department of the Navy: Take measures to restore the radio, hydroacoustic and navigation equipment removed from the U250 submarine to transfer experience in the manufacture of domestic equipment and instruments.

VI. To the Head of the Technical Directorate of the Navy:

Before the submarine leaves for Leningrad, in the battery workshops of the KBF, treat the battery removed from the U250 submarine, taking all measures to restore it.

VII. To the head of the chemical department of the Navy:

Based on the materials presented by the chairman of the commission, study the rescue and identification devices and chemicals found on the submarine U250 (rescue masks, regeneration cartridges, dyes, etc.) and report to me by January 1, 1945 the feasibility and real possibilities of introducing them for our underwater fleet.

VIII. To the head of the Navy's clothing and logistics supply department:

1) Based on the materials presented by the chairman of the commission, study the uniforms of German submariners found on the submarine U-250 and report to the deputy. People's Commissar of the Navy Colonel General of the Coastal Service Comrade. Vorobyov the possibility of providing special clothing to the personnel of our submarines.

2) Provide the Navy shipbuilding department with the necessary amount of paper for printing translated materials, as well as publish them, if necessary, in printed form.

IX. To the Head of the Navy Food Supply Department:

Inspect the range of food consumed on German submarines, as well as its storage containers, and report to the Deputy People's Commissar of the Navy, Colonel General of the Coastal Service, Comrade. Vorobyov about the possibility of introducing similar food and containers to supply our submarines.

X. To the Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the Main Military School of the Navy:

Provide the necessary assistance to the Navy's shipbuilding department in translating materials from German into Russian and taking photos.

XI. To concentrate German experience in one center and use it more rationally, concentrate all the material used on the U-250 submarine in the Navy's shipbuilding department, and also allow the removal of mechanisms and other equipment from the submarine only with the knowledge and consent of the latter. XII. Until the final determination of the further use of the submarine U-250, it should be listed as part of a separate division of submarines under construction and overhaul in Leningrad, with the contents of the state No. 4/22-B (beeches). XIII. The chairman of the commission is given the right to call individual specialists from research institutes, the need for which arises along the way. XIV. Findings and conclusions on the German submarine U-250 in all parts should be submitted to the heads of the relevant central departments of the Navy to the head of the Navy's shipbuilding department by December 25 for a summary report to me.


Submarine U250 during testing and delivery to the German Navy. 1943.

Submarine U250.

Submarine U250 in dry dock after lifting. Kronstadt. September 1944.

Removing the bodies of dead German submariners from the pressure hull of the U250.

Captured crew members of the submarine U-250. In the center is the submarine commander, Lieutenant Commander Werner Schmidt.

Submarine TS-1 (SI “Rechinul” (“Shark”)

Laid down in 1938 at the state shipyard in Galati (Romania). On May 4, 1941, the submarine S1 (“Rechinul”) was launched, and in August 1943 it entered service with the Romanian Navy. S1 took part in combat operations against the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. In the first Combat Campaign, S1 patrolled the area of ​​Turkish Zundulak, then moved to Batumi to cover the evacuation of Crimea.

The submarine spent its combat campaign in the second half of June to July 1944 in the Novorossiysk area. On the morning of June 28, the submarine was attacked by Soviet hunters, resulting in minor damage. Rechinul spent another month in its assigned area, during which time the submarine was repeatedly attacked unsuccessfully by Soviet anti-submarine defenses.

On August 29, 1944, the submarine SI ("Rechinul") was captured as a trophy by the Red Army in Constanta. On September 5, 1944, the Soviet Naval flag was raised on the submarine and on September 14 it became part of the Black Sea Fleet under the designation “TS-1” (TS - captured ship).

On August 4, 1947, the submarine received the designation “N-39” (in the Soviet Navy, when a unified designation system was introduced, the letter “N” (German) was intended for all captured and reparation boats, regardless of their real “origin”), January 12, 1949 captured submarines were officially classified as medium submarines. On June 16, 1949, the submarine was again renamed S-39.

On July 3, 1951, the S-39 submarine was expelled from the USSR Navy and transferred to the Socialist Republic of Romania, where it served in its Navy under the former name “Rechinul” until the end of the 50s, after which it was scrapped.

Laid down in 1938 at the state shipyard in Galati (Romania). On May 22, 1941, the submarine was launched, and in July 1943, without any acceptance tests, it formally became part of the Royal Romanian Navy. In September 1943, the submarine finally entered service.

Under the Royal Flag of Romania, the submarine S2 (“Marsuinul”) took part in the hostilities against the Black Sea Fleet, reaching the Caucasus coast. Throughout the entire combat campaign, the submarine was subjected to constant and prolonged persecution by both its own and Soviet anti-submarine defense forces.

On August 29, 1944, the submarine was captured as a trophy by the Red Army in Constanta. On September 5, the Soviet Naval flag was raised on it and on September 14, 1944, under the designation “TS-2” (TS - captured ship), it became part of the Black Sea Fleet.

On the afternoon of February 20, 1945, at a parking lot in the port of Poti, while trying to remove a German G7a torpedo from a torpedo tube on a TS-2, the torpedo’s charging compartment exploded. According to the commission that investigated the disaster, the explosion occurred as a result of premature removal of the longitudinal torpedo beam. The torpedo sharply lifted its nose upward and hit the charging compartment against the protruding parts of the hull. As a result of the torpedo explosion, fourteen submariners were killed, and the submarine itself, despite being in the port, sank sixty-five minutes later, since due to the confusion of the personnel there was no fight for the survivability of the submarine. 9 days later, by 16:00 on March 1, 1945, TS-2 was lifted from a depth of six meters and drained by the 36th Emergency Rescue Squad of the Black Sea Fleet and towed to Sevastopol for restoration repairs. The dead members of the submarine crew are buried in the city cemetery in Poti.

According to the results of the “organizational conclusions”, the head of the mine torpedo department of the Black Sea Fleet, Captain 2nd Rank A.P. Dubrovin, the flagship miner of the Black Sea Fleet, Captain 1st Rank S.V. Rogulin and the commander of the submarine division, Hero of the Soviet Union B.A. Alekseev, were demoted in military ranks by one step , the head of the underwater diving department, Rear Admiral P.I. Boltunov, was removed from his post, the commander of the Submarine Brigade, Rear Admiral S.E. Chursin, and the chief of staff, Captain 2nd Rank N.D. Novikov, were severely reprimanded. The commander of TS-2, Captain 3rd Rank A.S. Alinovsky, “for systematic drunkenness, the collapse of discipline and organization of service” was put on trial by a military tribunal.

On August 4, 1947, the submarine was given the designation “N-40”, and on June 16, 1949, “S-40”. On November 28, 1950, due to the impossibility of restoration, the S-40 submarine was excluded from the lists of the USSR Navy, and on December 8, 1950, it was transferred to the Department of Stock Property for dismantling.

Submarine TS-3 (“Delfinul”)

Laid down in 1929 at the Cantieri Navali dei Quamaro shipyard in Fiume (Italy) by order of Romania. Simultaneously with the construction of the submarine, the Italians were ordered to build the Constanta mother ship. The submarine was launched on June 22, 1930, and entered service with the Italian Navy in 1931. In April 1936, the submarine was purchased by the Romanian government and entered service with the Royal Romanian Navy.

With the outbreak of the war against the Soviet Union, the submarine took part in combat operations against the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. Despite the fact that Delfinul was the only Axis submarine in the Black Sea before the arrival of German and Italian submarines, the Soviet command was forced to divert significant forces to carry out anti-submarine defense tasks. There is a legend that in the fall of 1941, the commander of the Delfinul, having discovered the Soviet battleship Paris Commune at the moment when the latter was sailing unguarded and exposing its side to a torpedo salvo, gave the command “Highlights!” He explained to his astonished assistant: “No one will believe that the only Romanian submarine sank the only Russian battleship on the Black Sea.”

On August 20, 1941, Delfinui was attacked by the Soviet submarine M-33, which fired a torpedo at the Romanian submarine to no avail. On November 5, 1941, 5 miles north of Yalta, the Delfinui attacked an unknown single Soviet ship. The attack was not recorded by the Soviet side. The target of the attack may have been the Soviet motor tanker Kremlin (formerly the Union of Water Workers). The steamships "Uralles" and "Lenin" mentioned in this regard in a number of sources cannot be considered as such, since the "Uralles" was destroyed by a German air strike near Yevpatoria on October 30, 1941, and the "Lenin" was killed by a Soviet mine near the cape. Sarych at the end of July 27, 1941.

On August 27, 1944, the submarine Delfinui was captured as a trophy by Soviet troops in Sulina. On September 5, 1944, the flag of the USSR Navy was raised on the submarine; on September 14, 1944, the submarine became part of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. In October, the non-combat-ready submarine was towed to Balaklava; on October 20, 1944, the submarine received the designation “TS-3” (TS - captured ship). She did not make combat campaigns as part of the USSR Navy.

On October 12, 1945, the submarine "Delfinui" was returned to Romania, and on November 6, 1945, it was removed from the lists of the USSR Navy. Under the former name "Delfinui", the submarine served in the Navy of the Socialist Republic of Romania until 1957, after which it was removed from the lists, disarmed and scrapped.

Tactical - Technical Data of submarines TS-1, TS-2, TS-3:

Displacement: surface/underwater -636/860 tons. Main dimensions: length – 68.0 meters, width – 6.45 meters, 4.1 meters. Speed: surface/underwater – 16.6/8.0 knots. Cruising range: surface/underwater – 8040/8.2 miles. Powerplant: diesel-electric. Armament: four 533-mm bow torpedo tubes, - 4, two 533-mm stern torpedo tubes, one 88-mm gun. Immersion depth: 80 meters. Autonomy: 45 days. Crew: 45 submariners.

Submarine S1 (“Rechinul”).

Submarine S-39 (formerly Rechinul).

Submarine "Delfinul" in the dock. 1942

Submarine "Delfinul".

Submarine TM-4 (SV-1)

The Italian submarine SV-1 (“Costiero”, type “B”) was laid down on January 27, 1941 at the Kaproni Taliedo shipyard in Milan. After the entry into service of the Italian fleet as part of the 11th submarine flotilla, she took part in the anti-submarine defense of Naples and Salerno.

At the end of April - beginning of May 1942, she was transferred to the Black Sea, where she joined the fight against the Soviet fleet. On September 8, 1943, after Italy's withdrawal from the war, she was transferred to the Romanian Navy.

On August 29, 1944, she became a trophy of the Red Army in Constanta (Romania) and on October 20, 1944, she was enlisted in the Black Sea Fleet. On February 16, 1945, due to its technical condition being unsuitable for further combat use, the TM-4 submarine was expelled from the USSR Navy and handed over for dismantling.

Submarine TM-5 (SV-2)

The Italian submarine SV-2 was laid down on January 27, 1941 at the Kaproni Taliedo shipyard in Milan. After the entry into service of the Italian fleet as part of the 11th submarine flotilla, she took part in the anti-submarine defense of Naples and Salerno. At the end of April - beginning of May 1942, she was transferred to the Black Sea, where she joined the fight against the Soviet fleet.

On September 8, 1943, it was transferred by the Italian command to the Romanian Navy. On August 29, 1944, she became a trophy of the Red Army in Constanta (Romania), and on October 20, 1944 she was assigned to the Black Sea Fleet. On February 16, 1945, due to its technical condition being unsuitable for further combat use, the SV-2 submarine was expelled from the USSR Navy. For detailed study, it was transferred to the enterprises of the People's Commissariat of Sustainable Industry in Leningrad, where it was handed over for disassembly.

Submarine TM-6 (SV-3)

The Italian midget submarine SV-3 was laid down on May 10, 1941 by Kaproni Taliedo (Milan). From April 25 to May 2, 1942, she was transferred by land from La Spezia to Constanta. Made six combat missions in the Mediterranean Sea. Within a month, the submarine was launched and brought into combat-ready condition. During the Great Patriotic War, it operated as part of the IV flotilla and was based in Yalta, and then in Burgas. For the winter, the submarine arrived in Constanta.

In 1942, it was planned to transfer Italian midget submarines from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea, but the defeat of German troops at Stalingrad and their subsequent retreat thwarted these plans. On January 2, 1943, all Italian ships were recalled from the Black Sea, but they were unable to return to their homeland, since the Black Sea straits were closed, and the route to the Mediterranean Sea through the Balkans was blocked by Yugoslav partisans.

In 1942–1944, the SV-3 made six combat campaigns. The information that on June 26, 1942, 10 miles south of Cape Sarych, SV-3 sank the Soviet submarine S-32, does not correspond to reality.

After the signing of the armistice between Italy and the Allies, the SV-3, along with other Italian midget submarines, was transferred to the Romanian Navy, where the submarine was captured by advancing Soviet troops at the Constanta Naval Base on August 29, 1944. On October 20, 1944, the SV-3 was assigned to the Soviet Black Sea Fleet under the designation TM-6 (captured small).

On February 16, 1945, due to its technical condition being unsuitable for further combat use, the TM-6 submarine was expelled from the USSR Navy and transferred to the Separate Submarine Training Division for use for training purposes. In 1955, the TM-6 submarine was dismantled for metal.

Submarine TM-7 (SV-4)

The Italian midget submarine SV-4 was laid down on May 10, 1941 at the Cargo Taliedo shipyard in Milan. After the entry into service of the Italian fleet as part of the 11th submarine flotilla, she took part in the anti-submarine defense of Naples and Salerno. At the end of April - beginning of May 1942, she was transferred to the Black Sea, where she joined the fight against the Soviet fleet. On June 27, 1942, the submarine unsuccessfully attacked the leader Tashkent. On August 26, 1943, the Soviet submarine Shch-203 was sunk by an SV-4 torpedo. On September 8, 1943, it was transferred by the Italian command to the Romanian Navy.

On August 29, 1944, she became a trophy of the Red Army in Constanta (Romania) and on October 20, 1944, she was enlisted in the Black Sea Fleet.

On February 16, 1945, due to its technical condition being unsuitable for further combat use, the submarine SV-4 was expelled from the USSR Navy. Transferred to a separate submarine training division for use for training purposes, where it was handed over for dismantling.

Tactical - Technical Data of submarines SV-1 - SV-4:

Displacement: surface/underwater – 35.96/45 tons. Main dimensions: 14.9 meters, beam 3.0 meters, draft 2.05 meters. Speed: above water/under water – 7.5/6.6 knots. Diesel power: 80 hp, electric motor power: 100 hp. Cruising range: surface/underwater – 1,400/50 miles. Armament: two 457 mm torpedo tubes. Crew: 4 submariners.

Midget submarine SV-1.

Midget submarine SV-4.

Italian midget submarines:

SV-3 in Yalta.

SV-1 - SV-4 in Sevastopol at the Morzavod.

Italian SMPL SV-2 on the surface off the Crimean coast. 1942.

Italian SMPL during transportation.

Italian midget submarines type SV in Constanta.

Italian submarines type SV in Constanta. 1942

Italian submarine CB-3. Yalta. 1942, summer.

Submarine TS-16 (U9)

The PV series submarine was laid down on April 8, 1935 at the Germaniawerft AG shipyard in Kiel. On July 30, 1935, U9 was launched and entered service on August 21, 1935.

The submarine participated in the Second World War in the West and in the East, made 19 combat campaigns, destroyed forty-seven ships and the French submarine Doris. In the autumn of 1941, the Kriegsmarine decided to transfer six submarines, including U9, to the Black Sea. Since passage through the Black Sea straits was excluded, the transfer was carried out along the route Kiel - Hamburg - Dresden (along the Elbe), then by land to Ingolyntadt and further down the Danube to Sulina, and then to the home base - Constanta. It took only six weeks to relocate the U9 submarine.

U9 became the first submarine to carry its own symbolism; it was a metal Iron Cross installed on the conning tower in peacetime. The sign was intended to be reminiscent of the U9 submarine of the First World War. Currently, the sign from the fence of wheelhouse U9 is on display at the Black Sea Fleet Museum in Sevastopol.

The U9 submarine, as part of the 30th submarine flotilla, took part in combat operations against the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, completing 12 combat campaigns. On May 11, 1944, U9 damaged the patrol ship Storm.

On August 20, 1944, U9 was sunk in the Constanta naval base by bombs from Pe-2 aircraft of the 40th aviation regiment of dive bombers of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force.

At the beginning of 1945, the submarine was raised by the Emergency Rescue Service of the Black Sea Fleet, towed to Nikolaev and put in for restoration repairs on August 19, 1945. Enlisted in the USSR Navy with the designation TS-16 (TS - captured ship).

On December 12, 1946, the TS-16 submarine was excluded from the lists of the USSR Navy due to the impossibility of restoration and was handed over for dismantling.

Tactical - Technical Data of the submarine TS-16:

Displacement: surface/underwater – 279/328 tons. Main dimensions: length – 42.7 meters, width – 4.08 meters, height – 8.6 meters, draft – 3.9 meters. Powerplant: two six 4-stroke diesel engines “MWM” RS127S 350 hp each, two electric motors “Siemens” 180 hp each. Speed: surface/underwater – 13/7 knots. Cruising range: surface/underwater – 3100/43 miles. Armament: one artillery gun 2st/65 S/30 (1000 shells), three 533-mm bow torpedo tubes (5 torpedoes or 18 TMV mines or 12 TMA). Maximum diving depth: 150 meters. Crew: 25 submariners.

Submarine U9. Launching.

Submarine U9.

German submarines U9 (moored by the first hull), U14 and U8 at the pier in Konstanz. 1941

Submarine U9 in the fall of 1944 and early 1945.

In memory of the submarine U9 of the First World War, the boat wore an emblem in the form of the Iron Cross on the deckhouse fence.

The emblem in the form of the Iron Cross, removed from the fence of wheelhouse U9 in the Museum of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol.

Submarine U18

The PV series submarine was laid down on July 10, 1935 at the Germaniawerft shipyard in Kiel. On December 6, 1935, the submarine was launched and on January 4, 1936, it became part of the Kriegsmarine.

On November 20, 1936, during a training attack in the Bay of Lübeck, she was rammed by the destroyer T-156 and sank. Eight submariners died as a result of the accident. The submarine was raised in September 1937 and put back into service.

At the beginning of the Second World War she was part of the 3rd submarine flotilla. She took part in the fighting in the West; during six combat campaigns, the submarine sank six ships and two transports were damaged. In the fall of 1941, six submarines, including U18, were transferred to the Black Sea. Since passage through the Black Sea straits was excluded, the transfer of submarines was carried out along the route Kiel - Hamburg - Dresden (along the Elbe), then by land to Ingolyntadt and further down the Danube to Sulina, and then to their home base - Constanta. The relocation of the submarine began in the summer of 1942, and at the end of May 1943, U18 returned to service, and it took only six weeks to transport the submarine.

The submarine took part in the hostilities against the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, completing eight combat campaigns, and on August 29, 1943, it sank the auxiliary minesweeper Jalita. On November 18, 1943, a torpedo damaged the tanker Joseph Stalin, which returned to Tuapse under its own power; on August 30, 1943, it damaged patrol boat No. 2, armed only with machine guns.

On August 20, 1944, the submarine U18 was seriously damaged by Soviet aircraft in the port of Constanta and, due to the impossibility of commissioning, was scuttled by the crew in the outer roadstead. At the end of 1944, the submarine was raised by the Emergency Rescue Service of the Black Sea Fleet. On February 14, 1945, it was decided not to restore the submarine. She was removed from the lists of the fleet and laid up.

On May 26, 1947, the U18 submarine was sunk during a training exercise by artillery fire from the M-120 submarine in the Sevastopol area. On June 19, 1947, she was excluded from the lists of USSR Navy ships for the second time.

Tactical - Technical Data of the submarine U18:

Submarine U18 on the Black Sea. 1943, September.

U18 submarine emblem on the wheelhouse fence

Submarine U18.

Submarine U24

The German submarine IIB series was laid down on April 21, 1936 at the Germaniaverf shipyard in Kiel. She was launched on September 24, 1936 and entered service on October 10, 1936. At the beginning of the Second World War she was part of the 3rd submarine flotilla. She took part in the fighting in the West, during which seven ships were sunk by a submarine and one transport was damaged. In the fall of 1941, when it became clear that the “blitzkrieg” in the USSR had failed, the German command decided to transfer part of its naval forces to the Black Sea. It was decided to include six submarines in their number, united in the 30th flotilla. These submarines included U24. Since passage through the Black Sea straits was excluded, the transfer of submarines was carried out along the route Kiel - Hamburg - Dresden (along the Elbe), then by land to Ingolyntadt and further down the Danube to Sulina, and then to their home base - Constanta. The submarine entered combat against the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. Made twenty combat cruises, destroyed the minesweeper T-411 (“Defender”), tanker “Emba”, two motorboats (with artillery), patrol boat SKA-0367

On August 20, it was heavily damaged by Black Sea Fleet aircraft in the harbor of the port of Constanta. Due to the impossibility of entering the open sea, the submarine was sunk in the outer roadstead.

In the spring of 1945, it was raised by the Emergency Rescue Service of the Black Sea Fleet, mothballed and handed over to the rear of the fleet for long-term storage. On June 7, 1945, she was enlisted in the Black Sea Fleet, but was not restored and on May 26, 1947, she was sunk during exercises by torpedoes from the M-120 submarine in the Sevastopol area. On June 19, 1947 it was finally removed from the lists.

Tactical - Technical Data of the submarine U24:

Displacement: surface/underwater – 279/328 tons. Main dimensions: length - 42.7 meters, width - 4.08 meters, draft - 8.6 meters. Speed: surface/underwater – 13/7.0 knots. Powerplant: two six-cylinder four-stroke diesel engines “MWM” RS127S 350 hp each, two electric motors “Siemens” 180 hp each. Armament: two 2ssh/65 S/30 artillery guns (1000 shells), three 533-mm bow torpedo tubes (5 torpedoes or 18 TMV mines or 12 TMA). Maximum diving depth: 150 meters. Crew: 25 submariners.

Submarine U24 of the Kriegsmarine.

Submarines U9 and U24 are transported on barges for the purpose of transfer to the Black Sea. 1941, autumn.

The emblem of the U24 submarine on the wheelhouse fence.

Submarine U78

The medium German submarine VIIC was laid down on March 28, 1940 at the Bremen-Vulkan shipyard under construction number 6, launched on December 7, 1940. The submarine entered service on February 15, 1941. Due to a shortage of torpedo tubes, U-78 received only three instead of five: two bow and one stern. Therefore, the submarine did not make combat cruises; throughout its entire career it was used as a training submarine; until March 1945, personnel of the 22nd Flotilla in Gotenhafen trained on it.

At the end of the war, the submarine was reclassified as a Floating Charging Station, but the submarine's weapons were retained. Formally belonging to the 4th flotilla, the PZS was located in Pillau. During the battle for the city on April 18, 1945, the submarine was sunk by fire from the 2nd battery of the 523rd Corps Artillery Regiment from the 11th Guards Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front right at the Marine Station pier.

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Performance characteristics of the most common types of submarines

The armament and equipment of German submarines, which in the first year of the war had many flaws and often malfunctioned, was constantly being improved, in addition to the creation of new, more reliable modifications. This was a “response” to the enemy’s emergence of new anti-submarine defense systems and methods for detecting submarines.

Type II-B boats(“Einbaum” - “canoe”) were put into service in 1935.

20 submarines were built: U-7 - U-24, U-120 and U-121. The crews numbered 25–27 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 42.7 x 4.1 x 3.8 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 283/334 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 13 knots, while submerged - 7 knots.

Surface range - 1800 miles.

It was armed with 5–6 torpedoes and one 20 mm gun.

Type II-C boats entered service in 1938

8 submarines were built: U-56 - U-63.

The crew consisted of 25 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 43.9 x 4.1 x 3.8 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 291/341 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 12 knots, while submerged - 7 knots.

Surface range - 3800 miles.

It was armed with torpedoes and one 20 mm gun.

Type II-D boats commissioned in June 1940

16 submarines were built: U-137 - U-152.

The crew consisted of 25 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 44.0 x 4.9 x 3.9 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 314/364 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 12.7 knots, while submerged - 7.4 knots.

Surface range - 5650 miles.

It was armed with 6 torpedoes and one 20 mm gun.

Immersion depth (maximum working/limit): 80/120 m.

Type VII-A boats entered service in 1936. 10 submarines were built: U-27 - U-36. The crew numbered 42–46 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 64 x 8 x 4.4 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 626/745 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 17 knots, while submerged - 8 knots.

Surface range - 4300 miles.

It was armed with 11 torpedoes, one 88 mm and one 20 mm anti-aircraft gun.

Immersion depth (maximum working/limit): 220/250 m.

Type VII-B boats were more advanced compared to Type VII-A boats.

24 submarines were built: U-45 - U-55, U-73, U-74, U-75, U-76, U-83, U-84, U-85, U-86, U-87, U -99, U-100, U-101, U-102, among them the legendary U-47, U-48, U-99, U-100. The crew numbered 44–48 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 66.5 x 6.2 x 4 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 753/857 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 17.9 knots, while submerged - 8 knots.

It was armed with 14 torpedoes, one 88 mm and one 20 mm gun.

Type VII-C boats were the most common.

568 submarines were built, including: U-69 - U-72, U-77 - U-82, U-88 - U-98, U-132 - U-136, U-201 - U-206, U -1057, U-1058, U-1101, U-1102, U-1131, U-1132, U-1161, U-1162, U-1191 - U-1210…

The crew consisted of 44–52 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 67.1 x 6.2 x 4.8 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 769/871 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 17.7 knots, while submerged - 7.6 knots.

Surface range - 12,040 miles.

It was armed with 14 torpedoes, one 88-mm gun, and the number of anti-aircraft guns varied.

Type IX-A boats were a further development of the less advanced type I-A submarines.

8 submarines were built: U-37 - U-44.

The crew consisted of 48 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 76.6 x 6.51 x 4.7 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 1032/1152 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 18.2 knots, while submerged - 7.7 knots.

Surface range - 10,500 miles.

It was armed with 22 torpedoes or 66 mines, a 105 mm deck gun, one 37 mm anti-aircraft gun, and one 20 mm anti-aircraft gun.

Immersion depth (maximum working/ultimate): 230/295 m.

Type IX-B boats were in many ways identical to Type IX-A submarines, differing primarily b O greater fuel reserve and, accordingly, cruising range on the surface.

14 submarines were built: U-64, U-65, U-103 - U-111, U-122 - U-124.

The crew consisted of 48 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 76.5 x 6.8 x 4.7 m.

Maximum speed on the surface is 18.2 knots, while submerged - 7.3 knots.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 1058/1178 t (or 1054/1159 t).

Surface range - 8,700 miles.

It was armed with 22 torpedoes or 66 mines, one 105 mm deck gun, one 37 mm anti-aircraft gun, one 20 mm anti-aircraft gun.

Immersion depth (maximum working/ultimate): 230/295 m.

Type IX-C boats would have O longer length compared to previous modifications.

54 submarines were built: U-66 - U-68, U-125 - U-131, U-153 - U-166, U-171 - U-176, U-501 - U-524. The crew consisted of 48 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 76.76 x 6.78 x 4.7 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 1138/1232 t (often 1120/1232 t).

Maximum speed on the surface is 18.3 knots, while submerged - 7.3 knots.

Surface range - 11,000 miles.

It was armed with 22 torpedoes or 66 mines, one 105 mm deck gun, one 37 mm anti-aircraft gun, and one 20 mm gun.

Immersion depth (maximum working/ultimate): 230/295 m.

Boats type IX-D2 had the longest cruising range in the Third Reich fleet.

28 submarines were built: U-177 - U-179, U-181, U-182, U-196 - U-199, U-200, U-847 - U-852, U-859 - U-864, U -871 - U-876.

The crew consisted of 55 people (on long trips - 61).

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 87.6 x 7.5 x 5.35 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 1616/1804 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 19.2 knots, while submerged - 6.9 knots.

Surface range - 23,700 miles.

It was armed with 24 torpedoes or 72 mines, one 105 mm deck gun, one 37 mm anti-aircraft gun, and two twin 20 mm cannons.

Immersion depth (maximum working/ultimate): 230/295 m.

Type XIV boats(“Milchkuh” - “cash cow”) - a further development of the IX-D type, were capable of transporting over 423 tons of additional fuel, as well as 4 torpedoes and a fairly large supply of food, including even their own bakery on board the submarines.

10 submarines were built: U-459 - U-464, U-487 - U-490.

The crew numbered 53–60 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 67.1 x 9.35 x 6.5 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 1668/1932 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 14.9 knots, while submerged - 6.2 knots.

Surface range - 12,350 miles.

Only two 37-mm anti-aircraft guns and one 20-mm anti-aircraft gun were in service; they had no torpedoes.

Immersion depth (maximum working/ultimate): 230/295 m.

Type XXI boats were the first ultra-modern submarines, the mass production of which used ready-made modules. These submarines were equipped with air conditioning and waste removal systems.

118 submarines were built: U-2501 - U-2536, U-2538 - U-2546, U-2548, U-2551, U-2552, U-3001 - U-3035, U-3037 - U-3041, U -3044, U-3501 - U-3530. At the end of the war, there were 4 boats of this type in combat readiness.

The crew numbered 57–58 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 76.7 x 7.7 x 6.68 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 1621/1819 tons, fully loaded - 1621/2114 tons.

Maximum speed on the surface is 15.6 knots, while submerged - 17.2 knots. For the first time, such a high speed of a boat in a submerged position was achieved.

Surface range - 15,500 miles.

It was armed with 23 torpedoes and two twin 20 mm cannons.

Type XXIII boats(“Elektroboot” - “electric boats”) were focused on constantly being under water, thus becoming the first project of not diving, but truly submarines. They were the last full-size submarines built by the Third Reich during World War II. Their design is as simplified and functional as possible.

61 submarines were launched: U-2321 - U-2371, U-4701 - U-4707, U-4709 - U-4712. Of these, only 6 (U-2321, U-2322, U-2324, U-2326, U-2329 and U-2336) took part in combat operations.

The crew consisted of 14–18 people.

Boat dimensions (length/maximum beam/draft): 34.7 x 3.0 x 3.6 m.

Displacement (surfaced/submerged): 258/275 t (or 234/254 t).

Maximum speed on the surface is 9.7 knots, while submerged - 12.5 knots.

Surface range - 2600 miles.

There were 2 torpedoes in service.

Immersion depth (maximum working/limit): 180/220 m.

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This text should perhaps begin with a short introduction. Well, for starters, I didn't intend to write it.

However, my article about the Anglo-German war at sea in 1939-1945 gave rise to a completely unexpected discussion. There is one phrase in it - about the Soviet submarine fleet, in which large amounts of money were apparently invested before the war, and “... whose contribution to the victory turned out to be insignificant...”.

The emotional discussion that this phrase generated is beside the point.

I received several e-mails accusing me of “...ignorance of the subject...”, of “... Russophobia...”, of “... keeping silent about the successes of Russian weapons...”, and of “. .. waging an information war against Russia...".

Long story short - I ended up becoming interested in the subject and did some digging. The results amazed me - everything was much worse than what I had imagined.

The text offered to readers cannot be called an analysis - it is too short and shallow - but as a kind of reference it may be useful.

Here are the submarine forces with which the great powers entered the war:

1. England - 58 submarines.
2. Germany - 57 submarines.
3. USA - 21 submarines (operational, Pacific Fleet).
4. Italy - 68 submarines (calculated from the flotillas stationed in Taranto, La Spezia, Tripoli, etc.).
5. Japan - 63 submarines.
6. USSR - 267 submarines.

Statistics are a rather insidious thing.

Firstly, the number of combat units indicated is to a certain extent arbitrary. It includes both combat boats and training boats, obsolete ones, those being repaired, and so on. The only criterion for including a boat on the list is that it exists.

Secondly, the very concept of a submarine is not defined. For example, a German submarine with a displacement of 250 tons, intended for operations in coastal areas, and a Japanese ocean-going submarine with a displacement of 5,000 tons are still not the same thing.

Thirdly, a warship is not assessed by displacement, but by a combination of many parameters - for example, speed, armament, autonomy, and so on. In the case of a submarine, these parameters include diving speed, diving depth, underwater speed, time during which the boat can remain under water - and other things that would take a long time to list. They include, for example, such an important indicator as crew training.
Nevertheless, some conclusions can be drawn from the table above.

For example, it is obvious that the great naval powers - England and the USA - were not particularly actively preparing for submarine warfare. And they had few boats, and even this number was “spread out” across the oceans. American Pacific Fleet - two dozen submarines. The English fleet - with possible military operations on three oceans - the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian - is only fifty.

It is also clear that Germany was not ready for a naval war - in total there were 57 submarines in service by September 1939.

Here is a table of German submarines - by type (data taken from the book “War At Sea”, by S Roskill, vol.1, page 527):

1. “IA” - ocean, 850 tons - 2 units.
2. “IIA” – coastal, 250 tons - 6 units.
3. “IIB” - coastal, 250 tons - 20 units.
4. “IIC” - coastal, 250 tons - 9 units.
5. “IID” - coastal, 250 tons - 15 units.
6. “VII” - ocean, 750 tons - 5 units.

Thus, at the very beginning of hostilities, Germany had no more than 8-9 submarines for operations in the Atlantic.

It also follows from the table that the absolute champion in the number of submarines in the pre-war period was the Soviet Union.

Now let's look at the number of submarines that took part in hostilities by country:

1. England - 209 submarines.
2. Germany - 965 submarines.
3. USA - 182 submarines.
4. Italy - 106 submarines
5. Japan - 160 submarines.
6. CCCP - 170 submarines.

It can be seen that almost all countries during the war came to the conclusion that submarines are a very important type of weapon, began to sharply increase their submarine forces, and used them very widely in military operations.

The only exception is the Soviet Union. In the USSR, no new boats were built during the war - there was no time for that, and no more than 60% of those built were put into use - but this can be explained by many very good reasons. For example, the fact that the Pacific Fleet practically did not participate in the war - unlike the Baltic, Black Sea and Northern.

The absolute champion in building up the forces of the submarine fleet and in its combat use is Germany. This is especially obvious if you look at the roster of the German submarine fleet: by the end of the war - 1155 units. The large difference between the number of submarines built and the number of those that participated in hostilities is explained by the fact that in the second half of 1944 and 1945 it was increasingly difficult to bring a boat to a combat-ready state - boat bases were mercilessly bombed, shipyards were the priority target of air raids, training flotillas in the Baltic Sea did not have time to train crews, and so on.

The contribution of the German submarine fleet to the war effort was enormous. The figures for the casualties they inflicted on the enemy and the casualties they suffered vary. According to German sources, during the war, Doenitz's submarines sank 2,882 enemy merchant ships, with a total tonnage of 14.4 million tons, plus 175 warships, including battleships and aircraft carriers. 779 boats were lost.

The Soviet reference book gives a different figure - 644 German submarines sunk, 2840 merchant ships sunk by them.

The British (“Total War”, by Peter Calviocoressi and Guy Wint) indicate the following figures: 1162 German submarines built, and 941 sunk or surrendered.

I did not find an explanation for the difference in the statistics provided. The authoritative work of Captain Roskill, “War At Sea”, unfortunately, does not provide summary tables. Perhaps the matter is in different ways of recording sunken and captured boats - for example, in what column was a damaged boat, grounded and abandoned by the crew, taken into account?

In any case, it can be argued that German submariners not only inflicted huge losses on the British and American merchant fleets, but also had a profound strategic impact on the entire course of the war.

Hundreds of escort ships and literally thousands of aircraft were sent to fight them - and even this would not have been enough if not for the successes of the American shipbuilding industry, which made it possible to more than compensate for all the tonnage sunk by the Germans.

How did things go for other participants in the war?

The Italian submarine fleet performed very poorly, completely disproportionate to its nominally high numbers. The Italian boats were poorly built, poorly equipped, and poorly managed. They accounted for 138 sunk targets, while 84 boats were lost.

According to the Italians themselves, their boats sank 132 enemy merchant ships, with a total displacement of 665,000 tons, and 18 warships, for a total of 29,000 tons. Which gives an average of 5,000 tons per transport (corresponding to the average English transport ship of the period), and 1,200 tons on average per warship - equivalent to a destroyer, or English escort sloop.

The most important thing is that they did not have any serious impact on the course of hostilities. The Atlantic campaign was a complete failure. If we talk about the submarine fleet, the greatest contribution to the Italian war effort was made by Italian saboteurs who successfully attacked British battleships in the Alexandria roadstead.

The British sank 493 merchant ships with a total displacement of 1.5 million tons, 134 warships, plus 34 enemy submarines - while losing 73 boats.

Their successes could have been greater, but they did not have many goals. Their main contribution to the victory was the interception of Italian merchant ships going to North Africa, and German coastal ships in the North Sea and off the coast of Norway.

The actions of American and Japanese submarines deserve a separate discussion.

The Japanese submarine fleet looked very impressive in its pre-war phase of development. The submarines that were part of it ranged from tiny dwarf boats designed for sabotage operations to huge submarine cruisers.

During World War II, 56 submarines larger than 3,000 tons of displacement were put into service - and 52 of them were Japanese.

The Japanese fleet had 41 submarines capable of carrying seaplanes (up to 3 at once) - something no other boat in any other fleet in the world could do. Neither in German, nor in English, nor in American.

Japanese submarines had no equal in underwater speed. Their small boats could make up to 18 knots under water, and their experimental medium-sized boats showed even 19, which exceeded the remarkable results of the German XXI series boats, and was almost three times faster than the speed of the standard German “workhorse” - the VII series boats .

Japanese torpedo weapons were the best in the world, surpassing the American ones three times in range, twice as much in the destructive power of the warhead, and, until the second half of 1943, had a huge advantage in reliability.

And yet, they did very little. In total, Japanese submarines sank 184 ships, with a total displacement of 907,000 tons.

It was a matter of military doctrine - according to the concept of the Japanese fleet, the boats were intended to hunt warships, not merchant ships. And since military ships sailed three times faster than “merchants”, and, as a rule, had strong anti-submarine protection, the successes were modest. Japanese submariners sank two American aircraft carriers and a cruiser, damaged two battleships - and had virtually no effect on the overall course of military operations.

Starting from a certain time, they were even used as supply ships for besieged island garrisons.

It is interesting that the Americans started the war with exactly the same military doctrine - the boat was supposed to track down warships, not “traders”. Moreover, American torpedoes, in theory the most technologically advanced (they were supposed to explode under the ship under the influence of its magnetic field, breaking the enemy ship in half) turned out to be terribly unreliable.

The defect was corrected only in the second half of 1943. By this time, pragmatic American naval commanders switched their submarines to attacks on the Japanese merchant fleet, and then added another improvement to this - now Japanese tankers became a priority target.

The effect was devastating.

Of the 10 million tons of displacement total lost by the Japanese military and merchant fleet, 54% was attributed to the submariners.

The American fleet lost 39 submarines during the war.

According to the Russian reference book, American submarines sank 180 targets.

If American reports are correct, then 5,400,000 tons divided by 180 "targets" hit gives an incongruously high figure for each ship sunk - an average of 30,000 tons. An English merchant ship from the Second World War had a displacement of about 5-6 thousand tons, only later the American Liberty transports became twice as large.

It is possible that the directory only took into account military vessels, because it does not provide the total tonnage of targets sunk by the Americans.

According to the Americans, about 1,300 Japanese merchant ships were sunk by their boats during the war - from large tankers, and almost to sampans. This gives an estimated 3,000 tons for each Maru sunk, which is roughly what is expected.

An online reference taken from the usually reliable site: also gives a figure of 1,300 Japanese merchant ships sunk by submarines, but estimates the losses of American boats higher: 52 boats lost, out of a total of 288 units ( including training and those who did not participate in hostilities).

It is possible that boats lost as a result of accidents are taken into account - I don’t know. The standard American submarine during the Pacific War was the Gato class, 2,400 tons, equipped with superior optics, superior acoustics, and even radar.

American submarines made a huge contribution to the victory. Analysis of their actions after the war revealed them as the most important factor that strangled the military and civilian industries of Japan.

The actions of Soviet submarines must be considered separately, because the conditions of their use were unique.

The Soviet pre-war submarine fleet was not just the largest in the world. In terms of the number of submarines - 267 units - it was two and a half times larger than the English and German fleets combined. Here it is necessary to make a reservation - British and German submarines were counted for September 1939, and Soviet ones - for June 1941. Nevertheless, it is clear that the strategic plan for the deployment of the Soviet submarine fleet - if we take the priorities of its development - was better than the German one. The forecast for the start of hostilities was much more realistic than that determined by the German “Plan Z” - 1944-1946.

The Soviet plan was made on the assumption that the war could start simply today, or tomorrow. Accordingly, funds were not invested in battleships that required long construction. Preference was given to small military vessels - in the pre-war period only 4 cruisers were built, but more than 200 submarines.

The geographical conditions for the deployment of the Soviet fleet were very specific - it was, of necessity, divided into 4 parts - the Black Sea, Baltic, Northern and Pacific - which, in general, could not help each other. Some ships, apparently, managed to pass from the Pacific Ocean to Murmansk, small ships like small submarines could be transported disassembled by rail - but in general, the interaction of the fleets was very difficult.

Here we come across the first problem - the summary table indicates the total number of Soviet submarines, but does not say how many of them operated in the Baltic - or in the Black Sea, for example.

The Pacific Fleet did not participate in the war until August 1945.

The Black Sea Fleet joined the war almost immediately. In general, he had no enemy at sea - except perhaps the Romanian fleet. Accordingly, there is no information about successes - due to the absence of the enemy. There is also no information about losses - at least detailed ones.

According to A.B. Shirokorad, the following episode took place: on June 26, 1941, the leaders “Moscow” and “Kharkov” were sent to raid Constanta. While retreating, the leaders came under attack from their own submarine, Shch-206. She was sent on patrol but was not warned about the raid. As a result, the leader "Moscow" was sunk, and the submarine was sunk by its escorts - in particular, the destroyer "Soobrazitelny".

This version is disputed, and it is argued that both ships - the leader and the submarine - were lost at a Romanian minefield. There is no exact information.

But here’s what is absolutely indisputable: in the period April-May 1944, German and Romanian troops were evacuated from Crimea by sea to Romania. During April and twenty days of May, the enemy conducted 251 convoys - many hundreds of targets and with very weak anti-submarine protection.

In total, during this period, 11 submarines in 20 combat campaigns damaged one (!) transport. According to commanders' reports, several targets were allegedly sunk, but there was no confirmation of this.

The result is astounding inefficiency.

There is no summary information on the Black Sea Fleet - the number of boats, the number of combat exits, the number of targets hit, their type and tonnage. At least I didn't find them anywhere.
The war in the Baltic can be reduced to three phases: the defeat in 1941, the blockade of the fleet in Leningrad and Kronstadt in 1942, 1943, 1944 - and the counter-offensive in 1945.
According to information found on forums, the Red Banner Baltic Fleet in 1941 conducted 58 trips to German sea communications in the Baltic.

1. One German submarine, U-144, was sunk. Confirmed by the German reference book.
2. Two transports were sunk (5769 GRT).
3. Presumably, the Swedish mobilized patrol boat HJVB-285 (56 GRT) was also sunk by a torpedo from the S-6 submarine on 08/22/1941.

This last point is even difficult to comment on - the Swedes were neutral, the boat was - most likely - a bot armed with a machine gun, and was hardly worth the torpedo that was fired at it. In the process of achieving these successes, 27 submarines were lost. And according to other sources - even 36.

Information for 1942 is vague. It is stated that 24 targets were hit.
Summary information - the number of boats involved, the number of combat exits, the type and tonnage of targets hit - is not available.

Regarding the period from the end of 1942 to July 1944 (the time of Finland’s exit from the war), there is complete consensus: not a single combat entry of submarines into enemy communications. The reason is very valid - the Gulf of Finland was blocked not only by minefields, but also by an anti-submarine network barrier.

As a result, throughout this period the Baltic was a quiet German lake - Doenitz's training flotillas trained there, Swedish ships with important military cargo for Germany - ball bearings, iron ore, etc. - sailed without interference - German troops were transferred - from the Baltics to Finland and back, and so on Further.

But even at the end of the war, when the nets were removed and Soviet submarines went to the Baltic to intercept German ships, the picture looks rather strange. During the mass evacuation from the Courland Peninsula and from the Danzig Bay area, in the presence of hundreds of targets, including large-capacity ones, often with completely conditional anti-submarine protection in April-May 1945, 11 submarines in 11 military campaigns sank only one transport, a mother ship and a floating battery .

It was at this time that high-profile victories happened - the sinking of the Gustlov, for example - but nevertheless, the German fleet managed to evacuate about 2 and a half million people by sea, the largest rescue operation in history - and it was neither disrupted nor even slowed down by the actions of the Soviets submarines

There is no summary information about the activities of the Baltic Submarine Fleet. Again - they may exist, but I haven't found them.

The situation is the same with statistics on the actions of the Northern Fleet. The summary data is nowhere to be found, or at least not in public circulation.

There is something on the forums. An example is given below:

“...On August 4, 1941, the British submarine Tygris and then Trident arrived in Polyarnoye. At the beginning of November they were replaced by two other submarines, Seawolf and Silaien. In total, until December 21, they made 10 military campaigns, destroying 8 targets. Is it a lot or a little? In this case, this is not important, the main thing is that during the same period, 19 Soviet submarines in 82 military campaigns sank only 3 targets...”

The biggest mystery comes from the information from the pivot table: - Soviet boats.

According to it, 170 Soviet submarines took part in the hostilities. Of these, 81 were killed. 126 targets were hit.

What is their total tonnage? Where were they sunk? How many of them are warships and how many are merchant ships?

The table simply does not provide any answers on this matter.

If the Gustlov was a large ship, and is named in the reports, why are other ships not named? Or at least not listed? In the end, both a tugboat and a four-oared boat can be counted as hit.

The idea of ​​falsification simply suggests itself.

The table, by the way, contains another falsification, this time completely obvious.

The victories of the submarines of all the fleets listed in it - English, German, Soviet, Italian, Japanese - contain the sum of the enemy ships they sunk - commercial and military.

The only exception is the Americans. For some reason, they only counted the warships they sunk, thereby artificially reducing their indicators - from 1480 to 180.

And this small modification of the rules is not even specified. You can find it only by doing a detailed check of all the data given in the table.

The final result of the check is that all data is more or less reliable. Except Russian and American. The American ones are worsened by 7-something times through obvious manipulation, and the Russian ones are hidden in a thick “fog” - by using numbers without explanation, detail and confirmation.

In general, from the above material it is obvious that the results of the actions of Soviet submarines during the war were negligible, the losses were great, and the achievements did not correspond at all to the enormous level of expenditure that was invested in the creation of the Soviet submarine fleet in the pre-war period.

The reasons for this are clear in general terms. In a purely technical sense, the boats lacked the means to detect the enemy - their commanders could only rely on not very reliable radio communications and their own periscopes. This was generally a common problem, not just for Soviet submariners.

In the first period of the war, German captains created an improvised mast for themselves - the boat, in the surface position, extended the periscope up to the limit, and a watchman with binoculars climbed onto it, like a pole at a fair. This exotic method helped them little, so they relied more on a tip - either from colleagues in the “wolf pack”, or from reconnaissance aircraft, or from the coastal headquarters, which had data from radio intelligence and decoding services. Radio direction finders and acoustic stations were in wide use.

What exactly the Soviet submariners had in this sense is unknown, but if we use the analogy with tanks - where orders in 1941 were transmitted by flags - then we can guess that the situation with communications and electronics in the submarine fleet at that time was not the best.

The same factor reduced the possibility of interaction with aviation, and probably with headquarters on land too.

An important factor was the level of crew training. For example, German submariners - after crew members graduated from the relevant technical schools - sent boats to training flotillas in the Baltic, where for 5 months they practiced tactical techniques, conducted firing exercises, and so on.

Particular attention was paid to the training of commanders.

Herbert Werner, for example, a German submariner whose memoirs provide a lot of useful information, became a captain only after several campaigns, having managed to be both a junior officer and a first mate, and receive a couple of orders in this capacity.

The Soviet fleet was deployed so quickly that there was simply nowhere to find qualified captains, and they were appointed from people who had experience sailing in the merchant fleet. In addition, the guiding idea at that time was: “... if he doesn’t know the matter, it doesn’t matter. He will learn in battle...”

When handling such a complex weapon as a submarine, this is not the best approach.

In conclusion, a few words about learning from mistakes made.

A summary table comparing the actions of boats from different countries is taken from the book by A.V. Platonov and V.M. Lurie “Commanders of Soviet Submarines 1941-1945.”

It was published in 800 copies - clearly only for official use, and clearly only for commanders of a sufficiently high level - because its circulation was too small to be used as a teaching aid for trainee officers at naval academies.

It would seem that in such an audience you can call a spade a spade?

However, the table of indicators is compiled very slyly.

Let's take, say, such an indicator (by the way, chosen by the authors of the book) as the ratio of the number of sunk targets to the number of lost submarines.

The German fleet in this sense is estimated in round numbers as follows - 4 targets for 1 boat. If we convert this factor into another - say, tonnage sunk per boat lost - we get approximately 20,000 tons (14 million tons of tonnage divided by 700 boats lost). Since the average oceangoing English merchant ship of that time had a displacement of 5,000 tons, everything fits.

With the Germans - yes, it agrees.

But with the Russians - no, it doesn’t fit. Because the coefficient for them - 126 targets sunk against 81 lost boats - gives a figure of 1.56. Of course, worse than 4, but still nothing.

However, this coefficient, unlike the German one, is unverifiable - the total tonnage of targets sunk by Soviet submarines is not indicated anywhere. And the proud reference to a sunken Swedish tug weighing as much as fifty tons makes one think that this is far from accidental.

However, that's not all.

The German coefficient of 4 goals per 1 boat is the overall result. At the beginning of the war - in fact, until mid-1943 - it was much higher. It turned out to be 20, 30, and sometimes even 50 ships for each boat.

The indicator was reduced after the victory of the convoys and their escorts - in mid-1943 and until the end of the war.

That is why it is listed in the table - honestly and correctly.

The Americans sank approximately 1,500 targets, losing approximately 40 boats. They would be entitled to a coefficient of 35-40 - much higher than the German one.

If you think about it, this relationship is quite logical - the Germans fought in the Atlantic against the Anglo-American-Canadian escorts, equipped with hundreds of ships and thousands of aircraft, and the Americans fought a war against weakly protected Japanese shipping.

But this simple fact cannot be recognized, and therefore an amendment is introduced.

The Americans - somehow imperceptibly - are changing the rules of the game, and only “military” goals are counted, reducing their coefficient (180 / 39) to a figure of 4.5 - obviously more acceptable for Russian patriotism?

Even now - and even in the narrowly professional military environment for which the book by Platonov and Lurie was published - even then it turned out to be undesirable to face the facts.

Perhaps this is the most unpleasant result of our small investigation.

P.S. The text of the article (better font and photos) can be found here:

Sources, short list of websites used:

1. - American boats.
2. - submarine warfare.
3. - English boats.
4. - English boats.
5. - Japanese boats.
6. - Italian boats.
7. - Soviet boats.
8. - Soviet boats.
9. - Soviet boats.
10. - submarine warfare.
11. - Soviet boats.
12. - Soviet boats.
13. - Wikipedia, Soviet boats.
14. - Wikipedia, Soviet boats.
15. - Wikipedia, Soviet boats.
16. - forum, military equipment. Hosted by Sergei Kharlamov, a very smart person.

Sources, short list of books used:

1. "Steel Coffins: German U-boats, 1941-1945", Herbert Werner, translation from German, Moscow, Tsentrpoligraf, 2001
2. “War At Sea”, by S. Roskill, in Russian translation, Voenizdat, Moscow, 1967.
3. “Total War”, by Peter Calvocoressi and Guy Wint, Penguin Books, USA, 1985.
4. “The Longest Battle, The War at Sea, 1939-1945,” by Richard Hough, William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1986.
5. “Secret Raiders”, David Woodward, translation from English, Moscow, Tsentrpoligraf, 2004
6. “The Fleet that Khrushchev Destroyed”, A.B.Shirokograd, Moscow, VZOI, 2004.


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