The fate of the galaxy. The famous Pleiades cluster. The three planets inhabited by the physical type are called Aryan, Alderon and Aldebaran


In addition to the Planets Erra of the Halcyon System and the Planets of the Taygetus System inhabited by the Lyrans, there are two more civilizations in the Pleiades, one of which - the dwarfs - is part of the Black League - a union of civilizations opposing the Galactic Federation and the Madar Confederation, which includes Lyra, Arcturus, Sirius and the Pleiades . The Pleiadians have several ground stations on our Planet: one in Switzerland, one in the USA and in the east. In the Alpine mountains, it is located in a narrow valley between two high mountain peaks; there are no roads in that area, so it is almost impossible to get to it from the surface of the Earth; the station is reliably protected and also indistinguishable from the air. This station has been operating for 70 years.

The Pleiades is an open star cluster. Three of the Pleiadian Star Systems have human life as we know it. The most developed system is Daneb Stars of Taygetos. Another system is the Tarot, which revolves around Alkyone.

The Pleiadian mother ships do not need to comply with the laws of aerodynamics of the physical world. They travel “between worlds” in hyperspace. From a physical point of view, it seems that such a ship disobediently disappears and reappears a moment later at a distant point in space. Sometimes Pleiadian ships transport some valuable cargo from Earth, and circumstances do not allow them to take advantage of the properties of hyperspace. Then, on a ship - the womb - according to earthly time, the journey from Earth to the constellation Pleiades takes approximately one year.

The Pleiadian Planets have a set of minerals similar to those on Earth. But for some Pleiades planets, it is more economical to mine elements such as zinc, phosphorus, silicon and other elements on Earth, because some metals are currently of no value to earthlings. That's why the Pleiadians now have mines in South America and South Africa. There they simultaneously extract fuel for the engines of their physical ships. Mine mining is carried out in empty places isolated from human activity.

Our Earth and the entire Solar System are the last in the Pleiades Star System to experience such a shift. All the other seven planetary systems (Seven Sisters) of the Pleiades have already gone through this cycle and are currently being realized as mystery schools and places of the Cities of Light. At the final stage of the current cycle and before a new evolutionary leap (late 2012 - early 2013), the Earth will undergo spiritual and physical cleansing. These changes, both internal and external, have already begun and are becoming deeper and deeper as our Solar System enters more and more into the Photon Band.

The Photon Band is High Frequency Cosmic Radiation emanating from the Galactic Center (the area in which Alcyone - the Central Sun of the Pleiades) is located. Moving in an elliptical orbit around the Pleiades and their center - Alcyone, with an orbital period of 26,000 years, our Solar System periodically passes through the Photon Band. The duration of stay in the Photon Band is 2,000 years. While the Earth is inside this strip, significant changes occur in its life activity - the poles of the planet shift, the frequency of vibrations and light entering its atmosphere increases significantly, and Spiritual Evolution accelerates. The period of being inside the Photon Band is sometimes called the “Age of Light”, the “Golden Age” or the “Age of Enlightenment”.

Information needed for Spiritual Awakening and the evolutionary leap of the Solar System - sacred codes will be transmitted to our Solar System and Earth through the Galactic Center, Sirius, Halcyone and Maya (another of the Pleiades stars). The Sun, in turn, will transform this information, vibrations (codes) and transmit it to the Planets of its System, including the Earth. These Photon Radiations and codes will vibrate at a very high frequency. And if a person’s central nervous system, his physical (material) and Subtle Bodies are not properly prepared and tuned, then he simply will not be able to withstand these vibrations. The frequency of such vibrations will consistently and steadily increase over the coming years.

Star Union of the Pleiades: is part of the defensive command. This Union created commands of duty posts. We can call them military border zones, since they are located far from their Planets and are sufficiently isolated. Their goal is to protect the entire Pleiades System from attack, and therefore they were able to develop their culture without interference from anyone.

Civilizations of the Pleiades: this is a collection of Beings from the Pleiades Star System. They are also from various times in the future, from 500 to millions of years in the future. The Pleiadian Culture is very ancient and was “seeded” from another Universe of Love long before the Earth was created. They have formed a huge society that operates with Love, ideas and ideals that we are not yet aware of. Their symbol is birds and winged figures. They also used the symbol of the seven stars. The Pleiadians have a deep Love for humanity. They launched a project to connect and inspire humanity to reclaim their energy and create a better reality for themselves. The Pleiadians generously shared their knowledge with the inhabitants of Atlantis. They are here as messengers from another “World” to help the Earth move to a higher level of consciousness and to assist each of us in our personal quest for awakening, remembering and learning. The Pleiadians are connected to us not only genetically, but also emotionally.

The Pleiadians and the ancient Incas had a very strong connection to each other. They also taught the ancient earthlings not only the spirituality of the Pleiades, but also some aspects of the spirituality of Vega. So, for example, the tea ceremony, which is an element of the tradition of some cultures, is an ancient ritual that came from Vega, but the Pleiadians taught us it. Now these ceremonies are more like a harmless ritual, but during the era of the settlement of the Chinese from Japan to Asia, the tea ceremony was a powerful meditative practice for conscious exit from the body.

There were also several ancient civilizations that influenced Japan. One of them was the Pleiades Civilization, and it was a major influence. It can be said that of all the earthly races, Asians most closely resemble the Pleiadians. There are various subgroups among the Pleiadians, and among them there are those with blonde hair and light eyes. But the main group of Pleiadians is dominated by very small women. The men of this group are also not very large. One of the main features of the Pleiadians, inherited by the Japanese, is the shape of the eyes. Even the fair-haired and light-eyed Pleiadians tend to have almond-shaped eyes, not like Europeans. However, their eyes are larger than ours. If we meet a Pleiadian on the street, he (or she) may well pass for a human, although he will look somewhat unusual. We can say that the Pleiadians are a combined type with Asian and European features. Even today we have many of the physical qualities of this race. Their genetic material was most widely used to create prototypes. Another characteristic physical quality among all earthly races is that Asians have the least pronounced bodily vegetation. This is a distinctive quality of the Pleiadians as well as the Zetians.

During the harmful upheavals of Atlantis, the Pleiadians more than once experienced a deep feeling of Love for people and passionately saved the human race from complete destruction by other aliens. The Atlantean colonies of the Tlavatli era were even founded on two planets of the Pleiades. Therefore, they most clearly embraced the idea of ​​​​creating a new, sophisticated race on Earth. For some time, Pleiades researchers persistently and creatively dissected many humanoids from various Star Civilizations and analyzed genetic crosses of alien races. Finally, our star brothers came to the awkward conclusion that the most suitable sense of unity of an individual with the whole people is possessed by the Zetians.

They took the DNA of one of the peoples of Zeta Reticulum and mixed it with the DNA of the Turans. The Pleiadians also added several of their chromosomes to the resulting genetic cocktail. Gradually in this process of creation a prototype of the Asian sub-race emerged. This “boiling flask” where the experiment was carried out was Japan. By that hot time, it had already been disconnected from Asia and became an island. The Star Aliens always tried to conduct such experiments on breeding new breeds of humanoids on isolated islands so that neighboring tribes could not influence this complex process. The energy and climatic features of this island were the best suited for the Pleiadians for their work. The Pleiadians also added the chromosomes of the Sirians to the created prototype of the Japanese and populated the Middle and Near East in detail with the resulting peoples; then, in an elegant prototype, they strengthened the Zeta Reticuli line with vegan chromosomes and the bred tribes were taught to live beautifully in Siberia, the Far East and China. The magnetic qualities of the peoples of the Zeta Reticulum that attracted the Pleiadians was that the "grays" always act as a hive mind, as a single being. Their individuality has been erased not only on the mental and astral levels, but their physical bodies are identical, just like two peas in a pod.

Our gene brothers from the Pleiades realized that the weakly expressed individuality of the “grays” is the inner quality that will unite the superficial humanity of the Earth in the future. In the center of our Planet, such a peaceful unification of Zetians, Vegans, and Martians has already arrived.

When creating the man of the new Asian race, the Pleiadians had to take into account all the shortcomings and inconsistencies of the earthly peoples. And make adjustments to the structure of a person, change his astral and mental vibrations, the speed of rotation of the chakras, shift some auric cocoons, etc.

When the prototype of the subtle Asian race was created, the high Andromedans (the Andromeda Galaxy and the DAL Universe, along with the Andromedans from the Hadromeda Constellation at that moment oversaw not only our Solar System, but almost our entire Galaxy) looked into the future and solemnly informed the Pleiadians that the experiment had been crowned success. After such a joyful message, the Pleiadian aircraft began the rapid resettlement of the new race from Japan throughout Asia. At the same time, other Star Aliens began to closely patronize the new subrace, whose territory they accidentally invaded. The Pleiadian Masters reverently transmitted to the Asians various spiritual techniques and moral principles of the Zeta Reticulum. The Zetians themselves were absent during the creation and training of the new Asian race. Therefore, the Pleiadians searched for the Spiritual and Moral roots of the people of Zeta Reticulum in the Vega Star System, where these humanoids originally came from. The civilizers from Alcyone taught the royal families of the Asian peoples the Spirituality and psychic practices of Vega and the Pleiades and the tantric techniques and knowledge of Orion. From the Pleiades came to Earth the wise custom of using mental gates to separate the habitats of different energies.

One of the Cosmic Teachers of humanity who arrived from the Pleiades to Japan at the foot of Mount Fuji was a high Spirit named Huangdi. Here, in the spacious classrooms of the Temple of the Sun, he taught the future leaders of Asian tribes and peoples the meditative practices of the civilizations of Sirius and Orion, the philosophy of the Great Bear and the Pleiades, the knowledge of Vega and Andromeda. Subsequently, He incarnated on Earth more than once and remained in the short memory of mankind as the first emperor of a united China - Huangdi, as a philosopher, the founder of Taoism - Lao Tzu, and as the Great Yogi of Tibet and poet - Milarepa. Under these and many other names, the Teacher entered the legends and traditions of the East.

Huangdi together c Some other Beings brought the Highest Spiritual Truth and an integral system of human improvement to Japan. It included theoretical and practical parts. At morning classes in the Temple of the Sun, after friendly chanting of mantras and meditation on a candle, the Teacher vividly and figuratively described to his students the process of Creation of the World by God, the Great Emptiness, and Tao.

The practical part of Huangdi's teachings consisted of a flexible system of psychophysical training, which used pranayama, mantras, mudras, asanas, vegetarianism, long fasts and deep meditation. In total, Huangdi had about 800 earthly and 200 unearthly students who reached Nirvana and learned to dematerialize their own and other people's bodies. The Teacher took half of them with him to Southeast Asia to build a pro-Chinese state, and sent the other half to enlighten other lands.

When the Pleiadian arks settled the Asian race throughout the territory of southeast Asia, Teacher Huangdi moved from the fabulously advanced Japan to the most impoverished province of China - the central one. Soon the “All-China Court” proclaimed the Star Teacher “King of Heaven” and the First Emperor of the Celestial Empire.

The original multifaceted information given by Huangdi to his students approximately 120 thousand years ago was a powerful source of the concepts of many spiritual schools. The differences between them came from what the school's ultimate goal was: improving the body, emotions, intellect or spiritual mind. But, as usually happens in our Valley of Tears, the simplest, “external” part of the holistic Huangdi system has become widespread. Over time, it transformed into annoying martial arts techniques, colorful shamanism, wretched magic and muddy myth-making. The “inner” part of the Huangdi Teaching was used by a few schools of Indian and Taoist yoga, whose goal was to develop the consciousness of adherents to the level of Divine Perfection. The esoteric tradition considers Huangdi the founder of Taoism. The Tao Te Ching was dictated by the Teacher once again in the sixth century BC, when he appeared on Earth in the body of Lao Tzu to restore the half-forgotten knowledge of the ancestors, which was bent to the selfish desires of people.

During conversations with ordinary people, Huangdi liked to answer the restless questions of earthlings with figurative parables, accessible allegories and metaphorical tales.

The Pleiadians trained the future leaders of the peoples of the Earth not only in Japan and China. The ruins of their Cyclopean schools can be found in Peru, in the Yucatan, in Cappadocia and under the Crimean peninsula.

As the project progresses, more and more aliens join the Pleiadian group, some even from other Star Systems. The Pleiadians say their reasons for contacting us are a chance for the future of the Earth and they have returned to inspire us as much as possible to begin creating our own reality and change the future. They teach personal and social metaphysics, Love and Purity of Spirit. The Pleiadians speak as one, there is no individual identification. They do not appear very sharply in the physical shell, despite the fact that they can. They say it's safer to pass through the canal and doesn't require close attention.

Also, some Pleiadians are Creatures that are genetically similar to people and also people who serve the Grays. They are also from the Pleiades and also look blond with fair skin. This type is a product of pure evolution, Spiritual, friendly, related by blood to humans and the only aliens that can definitely be trusted at the moment. They once offered their assistance to earthly leaders in resolving the situation with other, more aggressive aliens, but they were refused and since then they have practically not interfered. These aliens are supposedly the ancestors of the human race. They are mostly not present on Earth at present due to serious problems in their home territory. At one time they broke away from the Lyrian Group; some of them immediately went to the Pleiades Star Cluster, others to Earth, where they mixed genetically with the local population, and then returned to the Pleiades to unite with other “schismatics” from among the Pleiadians. This Pleiadian is a mixture of the genotypes we have already described. Their hair color varies, ranging from completely light to black and dark brown. Eye color usually ranges from blue to light brown, Caucasian. In principle, these Pleiadians really belong to the Caucasian type. They can be of different heights - from very short (1.50m) to very tall (sometimes they, both men and women, reach 2.10m - 2.20m, but this is quite rare). You can be sure that the recessive genes inherited by these Pleiadians from their Great-Grandfathers - the Lyrans (giants) manifest themselves in their appearance. In other words, these Pleiadians, as representatives of the Caucasian type, are quite different in external characteristics. But, generally speaking, about eye color, we need to take into account a very important point - we consider eye color to be the light reflected by the irises of the pupils. But if we vibrate with a different frequency or are on a different plane of reality, we will see that all color characteristics will change, since the laws of refraction of light rays and the very characteristics of reflected light will change. Therefore, you need to be very careful here...

There is really no need to go into depth with the Pleiadian genotypes, since they are similar in many ways to the Lyran groups. Some subgroups are a combination of different genotypes; others resemble red-haired Lyrans; still others are distinguished by their very fair skin. The physical expression variations of the Pleiadians are primarily based on Lyran genetics, in some cases a combination of Lyra and Aldebaran genotypes. Their emotional bodies are much more harmonious, but at the same time, today's Pleiadians were formed on the basis of the denial of negativity. Their emotional structure usually does not suppress anything negative so much, but their emotionality today is a consequence of suppressing the negative. In a sense, they actually prove how something negative (repression) can be used for the process of growth and development. At the same time, we can say that we are more similar to them than to any other race. The emotional similarities between earthlings and Pleiadians are very noticeable, and one of the most serious reasons for our differences is in the peculiarities of earthly reality, since our evolutionary paths have developed differently.

Recently, the Pleiadians are increasingly appearing on Earth in physical bodies. Through an effort of will, they condense their physical bodies so much that on the streets of cities they are almost indistinguishable from earthly people. Except that their necks are a little longer and their shoulders are narrower, like those of teenagers. Well, eyes with different pupil diameters.

It should also be said about the union of Zeta Reticuli and the Pleiades - this refers to the latest achievement of genetic experiment on Earth. The Pleiadians spoken of here do not belong to this time - they are from the future. The Zetians in question also belong to very distant times - to the period of their transition into fifth density. The union of Zeta Reticuli and the Pleiades is putting the finishing touches on the genetic experiment on Earth, going back in time to the period when the first civilization began to emerge on our Planet, and trying to create what we call the Asian race. The Caucasian and Negroid races were created mainly from the gene pools of the Lyrans and Sirians. The Asian race carries something else in its chromosomes. This "something" is the higher level genes borrowed from the Zetians and Pleiadians. This is very difficult to explain due to the time loops that occurred during this experiment, but it is already known that it was completed successfully.

Those who often make mistakes in their historical experiments on us are our blood brothers: the Pleiadians from the planet Belim, the Mayan Stars and from the planet Anum, the Lism Stars. However, those Pleiadians who live off us in the future make almost no mistakes. These are our brothers in Reason. Their experiments on us are painful and useful, and therefore lead to our Spiritual Growth. These gods are tolerant, and are practically equal to the Andromedans.

These Pleiadians do not fly in physical aircraft. They all mastered teleportation long ago and can instantly move along the beam to any point in time, space and creation.

The cities on the planets Belim and Anum are identified by their artistic beauty and spiritual integrity of architecture. Once upon a time, back in the time of the third Atlantis, these two planets were colonized by earthlings. The Belimians at one time moved from the solar system to the Pleiades.

Almost all groups of aliens coming to our Earth maintain various connections with royal families and governments of developed countries. It is thanks to the secret contacts of the governments of advanced countries with aliens that modern earthly humanity is moving by leaps and bounds towards scientific and technical resolution.

Fourth density Pleiadians: They are tall, feminine and peaceful (even the men are very feminine). They are easily identified by their elongated earlobes and long silver hair. There are even photographs of some of them, although the government is doing everything to make them difficult to obtain. Their ship is shaped like a saucer, metallic in color, and very complex in design. They also use devices that make the ship either visible or invisible. The motherships look like a huge candelabra, reminiscent of the ship in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The most popular of these creatures is the creature known as Semjase (described in detail in the Billy Meier materials). Although numerous attempts have been made to discredit Billy Meyer and the small number of other contacts with the Pdeideans, these creatures are very real and most of the photographs are true.

Seventh Density Pleiadians: These beings are not as well known as the fourth density Pleiadians. They have

shining bodies of light that have a humanoid shape. Because they vibrate at such a high level, they do not have the characteristics of a body, but only the glowing outline of a humanoid. Unlike star creatures, they are not transparent. The color of the light is golden.

Seventh density Pleiadians travel in an interdimensional spaceship that can change shape and move in and out of third density at will. Although they are observed very rarely, they resemble a green glowing sphere and fly horizontally at great speed.

Some of these entities travel through time. They are explorers and many of them are future incarnations of the primeval Adamic race that evolved into higher dimensions after lowering in vibration to incarnate on Earth. They communicate primarily telepathically and through channeling. Currently, their teachings are spread on Earth by several well-known channels.

Twelfth Density Pleiadians: In addition to the native Pleiadians, who have changed little over the past 100 million years, there are Pleiadians who have evolved to twelfth density from the legendary Lyra star system. All of them have evolved beyond the physical form and appear before the spiritual gaze only in the form of huge shining balls, glowing blue-white. They look like the Seven Sisters.

The Founders periodically come to Earth at certain planetary initiations. They travel through all dimensions of space and time, using pure consciousness as their means of transportation. Someday all developing Souls will reach such a limitless state.

Although the Founders are aware of the existence of the Brotherhood of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy, they do not directly influence these groups. By the time the Soul reaches twelfth density, the concept of Hierarchies and levels becomes insignificant.


(One of the civilizations in the Pleiades Constellation)

Despite the fact that by our standards the Pleiadians are distinguished by excellent health, our earthly atmosphere has a bad effect on them (we cannot say this for sure for all varieties of the Pleiadian race, but at least this applies to the Errians). Here they have to be in spacesuits, since prolonged inhalation of our air causes them to become ill. Although the atmosphere of their home Planet is similar to ours, there are much fewer pollutants there. The Errians themselves say that after the sterile clean conditions in the spacecraft, they experience difficulties when they find themselves in the atmosphere of their home planet, although these difficulties are not as serious as after being on Earth. The upper limbs of the Errians are very similar to ours, except that they are more graceful and flexible, and the skin on their hands is thinner. Each Errian has his own small garden, which he cultivates independently: this is how they maintain contact with the Universe. All residents work in factories for several hours a day. Their work mainly involves monitoring machines and robots. All Errians are quite educated in a variety of sciences. Residents of Erra all attend school up to the age of seventy, and after ten years of study their educational level reaches the level of a 25-year-old earthling who has graduated from college. Every Errian is required to thoroughly study from 12 to 20 professions. They do not marry until at least 70 years of age, despite the fact that they reach physical maturity by the age of 15-20. They just don’t tie the knot until they complete their education. The average age of those starting a family is about 110 years, and before receiving permission to marry, each partner undergoes the most serious testing of mental and physical condition. It should be noted that social traditions do not require them to get married, and many never do so. In matters of childbirth, they rely only on physiological childbirth, without any painkillers - they came to the conclusion that anesthesia leads to changes in brain biochemistry and affects the Willpower of the newborn, reducing it. Life on Erra is peaceful and harmonious, with each inhabitant striving to do everything possible for the common good. If we managed to fly to Erra - their home Planet, we would hardly see much there, because there life itself exists in a slightly different space-time from ours. In order to contact us, they are forced to somewhat “adjust” the frequency of their vibrations and the passage of time, so that if we want to communicate with them in their usual conditions, we will have to do the same. The Errians (and, in principle, all Pleiadians) say that in order to improve their consciousness, each person must fulfill his direct responsibility - to help others. In order for the Universe to grow and develop, it needs every particle of life - that’s why every grain of living matter must help its fellows.

To be continued.....

Continuation of the previous text. Published in Capital Education. I planned to add it, but I'm afraid I won't get around to it soon, so let it hang like this.

Continuing the conversation about the popular names of objects in the starry sky, we move on to the Pleiades star cluster, located in the constellation Taurus. These stars are clearly visible to the naked eye, so they very often attracted the attention of different peoples. In “folk astronomy” they usually single out the six or seven brightest stars of this cluster; scientific astronomers count about 1000 stars in it, nine of which have their own names.

Name Pleiades, which is used in astronomy, dates back to antiquity. Greek myths say that the Pleiades ( Πλειάδες ) are the daughters of the titan Atlas and the oceanids Pleione ( Πληιόνη or Πλειόνη ). In ancient times, seven stars received the names of these daughters: Alcyone (Ἁλκυών), Keleno (Κελαινό), Maya (Μαϊα), Merope (Μερόπη), Asterope or Sterope (Αστερόπή, Στερόπή), Taygeta (Τα ϋγέτη), Electra (Ηλέκτρα). Two more stars of this cluster were named by modern astronomers in honor of the parents of the Pleiades: Atlas and Pleione.

The myth about the origin of these stars is connected with the myth of Orion. Hyginus in his work “Astronomy” sets out this myth as follows: “When Pleione and her daughters were passing through Boeotia, Orion, inflamed with desire, wanted to get together with her against her will. She fled, and Orion pursued them unsuccessfully for seven years. But Jupiter took pity on the virgins and placed them among the constellations, and subsequently some astronomers called them the tail of Taurus. Therefore, it appears to the eye that Orion is still pursuing them as they flee to the west.” Ancient authors also offered other versions of how the Pleiades arose. After their brother Geas died and was killed by a lion while hunting, five of his sisters died of grief and became the Hyades star cluster, seven more committed suicide and became the Pleiades. According to another version, the seven daughters of Atlas committed suicide out of compassion for their father, who was condemned to support the vault of heaven.

Of the seven stars of the Pleiades, one is inferior to its neighbors in brightness. Ancient authors offered their explanations for this too. According to one version, the dim star is Merope, who is ashamed of having married a mortal. According to another, this is Electra, who mourns after the destruction of Troy, because her son Dardan was the founder of the Trojan kingdom. This is how Ovid presents both versions in the Fasti:

There are seven of them, but usually six of them are seen.
Or because only six ascended to the gods' bed -
For Sterope was the wife of Mars, they say,
Maya, Electra, Taygeta were carried away by the almighty Jupiter,
Neptune came as a husband to Kelena and to Alcyone;
Well, the seventh Merope met the mortal Sisyphus,
She is ashamed, and therefore she hides forever;
That's why it is so. that the Trojan devastation of Electra
He is unable to see and obscures his face with his hand.

Let us now turn to the stories about the Pleiades of other peoples. Often the Pleiades are perceived as a group, a bunch of objects. This is evidenced, for example, by their Slavic folk names: heaps, breasts, club(Russian), dome, boiling pot, bulk(white), gromadki, kupka, kupki(floor.), rubbish stars(Bulgarian). Common Turkic name for the Pleiades (Karakhanid ülkär, tour ülker, bashk. ülkär, Tatars ölkär, Tuvin. üger) comes from the Proto-Turkic verb *ürk- / *ülk- ‘to crowd out of fear, to run away in fear’. This verb is usually used in relation to a herd, so this name is also associated with the idea of ​​​​the Pleiades as a group of animals.

Many peoples sometimes considered the Pleiades to be a nest or a hen with chicks. This is indicated by the following names: Ukrainian. kvochka, squash, triggers, white trigger, chicken, hen, floor. kura, kurki, kwozcka, kokoszki, kurchęta, Bulgarian heron from captivity, cocoshka. The Bulgarians said that God warned a widow with many children about the flood so that she could be saved with her children and her only wealth - a hen and chickens. But leaving the city, the widow, like Lot’s wife, violated the ban, looked back and petrified along with her children. Only the hen and chickens were saved and became stars. A similar idea exists outside the Slavic peoples. Pleiades names like “chicken”, “chickens” or “chickens” are widespread in Europe, North Africa, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, for example Italian. Gallinelle'hen', Le sette galline'seven hens', Chioccia‘mother hen’, French. Poussinière‘chicken cage’, La poulerie Saint Jacque‘chicken brood of St. James’. The Pleiades can also be considered a group of other animals. Russian dialects have names hive And duck nest. The Finno-Ugric and Samoyed peoples considered this star cluster to be ducks or their nest.

The Pleiades as animals often appear in hunting myths. The Khakass told how a hunter chased seven gray ducks for seven years. Ducks turned into stars, that's why they call the Pleiades Khus Uyazy‘Duck’s nest’. And the hunter himself became the star of Aldebaran. The Koryaks believed that the Pleiades were a group of deer at which the shooter (Orion) was aiming. The North American Kwakiutl Indians said that the Pleiades are sea otters pursued by hunters (Orion). Sometimes the Pleiades themselves are the hunters (for example, in the myths of South American Indians). The Hottentots said that the Pleiades were the wives of Orion, who kicked him out because he missed and did not catch the game.

The Pleiades are often compared to a sieve. The Slavs have the following names for this: rus. lattice, white sita, sitka, cotton, rashata, rashatni, floor. sito, sitko. A similar name is reflected in Adam Mickiewicz’s poem “Pan Tadeusz”:

Na północ świeci okrąg gwiaździstego Sita, Circle in the north - luminous Sieve
Przez które Bóg (jak mówią) przesiał ziarnka żyta, It used to be that the creator sowed grain through it,
Kiedy je z nieba zrucał dla Adama ojca, Which he threw to Adam with compassion
Wygnanego za grzechy z rozkoszy ogrojca. In those days when he punished him with exile.

In northern Italy the Pleiades were called Crivello‘sieve, sieve’. The peoples of the North Caucasus, Iran, and the Finns also called them sieve ( seula'sieve', Seulaset‘Pleiades’), Lithuanians ( sietas'sieve', sietynas‘Pleiades’), Latvians, Turkic peoples, Chukchi and Koryaks.

Among the most diverse peoples of the world, the Pleiades are perceived as a group of people, and among some peoples these are women (like the ancient Greeks), and among others they are men. Such Slavic names are known as baby, babki, women. In legends, they are explained by the fact that Jesus Christ placed women in heaven who refused to show him the way. Or, on the contrary, as a reward for treating him with bread, he placed a woman and her six daughters in the starry sky (the Germans told a similar story). And the Bulgarians had the name haiduti and the legend that the Pleiades were robbers who attacked a traveler and were pursued by his fellow tribesmen (the constellation Taurus). The Poles came across the name siedem braci‘seven brothers’, the Pleiades and Serbs considered seven brothers. But the Ossetians told the following story: the young men asked the seven Pleiades sisters to do a job in order to find out which of them was better; they finished sewing at the same time; They said that only God knows which of them is better and worse, let him place them in heaven. The Pleiades were also considered women by many peoples of Africa, Indians, Chinese, Turks, peoples of the Far East, and North American Indians.

The French had a legend about kings who wanted to worship the infant Christ. The three kings walked quickly and reached Bethlehem (they became the three stars of Orion's Belt), while the seven others fell behind along the way and became the Pleiades.

One of the most popular names among Slavic peoples comes from the word stozhar‘stick, post in the middle of a haystack’. Most likely, this name reflects the idea of ​​the Pleiades as the center of the sky. Among the examples is Russian. stozhary, Belarusian interns, Ukrainian stozhary, Bulgarian stozhari, swallows, lastijari, Slovenian stožérčiči, Croatian straženjčići. The Eastern Slavs have the name Stozhary refers not only to the Pleiades, but also to the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

The names Pleiades are also common among the Slavs, derived from the root vlas-, vlashk- or volos-: st.-slav. lice glands, russian hair, visozhary, hair fires, white Valasazar, hairdressers, Ukrainian volosozar, valasajar, visagars, Slovenian vlastovice. The origin of these names is unclear. They are associated either with the word hair, or with the name of the people Vlachs, or with the name of the pagan god Veles.

Seasonal changes are often associated with the appearance of the Pleiades in the sky. About their Latin name, Gigin writes: “These stars were called Vergiliae by our compatriots, because they rise with the onset of spring. They actually enjoy greater honor than other stars, because their rising marks the onset of summer, and the setting of winter, which is not given to other constellations.” The Greeks associated their name with the verb πλεîν ‘to sail on the sea’, since the Pleiades are visible from May to early November - during the sailing season. But in the legends of some Turkic peoples, the Pleiades bring cold to the earth. Usually the hero of such legends breaks or steals several stars, leaving only six in the sky so that the cold is not so strong.

In Japanese the Pleiades are called subaru(昴). This word is known as the name of the brand of cars manufactured by Fuji Heavy Industries. It was chosen due to the fact that this company arose after the merger of six smaller firms.

Intelligent beings from the planetary system of the Alcyone Star, which is located in the Pleiades - a star cluster in the constellation Taurus (Greek Pleides - seven daughters of Pleione and Atlas) - have a body very similar to ours, perhaps more perfect, or, if I may say so will be expressed more refined, more elegant, more graceful and harmonious than ours. Through light clothing one could notice that their bodies were not only ideally and proportionally built, but also very muscular, as if filled with powerful strength from within.

This was even more impressive because the vast majority of my Pleiadian friends, or as they call themselves - Herrians (from the name of the planet of their main habitat - Gerra), were much taller than me - although I myself do not belong to the small ten and my height is 1m 85cm. Almost all of them, with the exception of only a few of the inhabitants, whom they called “guests,” had a European type of face with the same light, but more elastic, thin skin as ours.

The guests were somewhat shorter than me or the same height as me, but their skin color varied from yellow-gray and fiery red to dark brown, like the representatives of our Negroid human race. In one of the super-huge laboratories, in which tests were carried out on the processes that precede the birth, formation and disappearance of the Universes (only, of course, on a much smaller scale), I was introduced to some of the guests - very high-level specialists who arrived from the Sirius system.

Their Star Sirius-A, which is many thousands of times brighter than our Sun, is the main of the main Stars of this system, performing the functions of a Portal or Gate connecting one dimension of Space-Time with others. It has very powerful radiation and the processes occurring on it and in it greatly influence the course of events here on Earth.

Unfortunately, I did not remember their names, but they were all from that civilization of Sirians, whose representatives who visited us on Earth at different periods of our history are usually called “gods from Sirius.” Basically, these gods have a much darker skin color than the true Gerrians, but, in addition, there are also many purely external differences between them, which are explained by the fact that in their genotype there are genes belonging to non-human intelligent races, which, being mammals, were more like our reptiles or insects.

It was these genetic roots that determined all the differences by which the “guests” could immediately be distinguished among any number of Pleiadian-Gerrians dear to my heart. True Gerrians, purely outwardly, are indeed very similar to us earthlings, in any case, to a much greater extent than any of the representatives of other cosmic civilizations with whom I have had to communicate so far.

Of course, I do not mean our internal differences - both purely physical and spiritual - which are imposed by the characteristics and differences in the realities around us. But they also once, albeit a very long time ago, went through in their internal sensations approximately the same thing that you and I are now just trying to go through. Therefore, so much brings us together and connects us not only externally, but also internally.

As Ora, who accompanied me on my journey around the planet, explained to me, these qualities of the current Pleiadian-Gerrians - tall stature and muscularity - were formed due to the Life of many, many generations of this civilization on a planet with much greater forces of gravity and electromagnetic field than on Gerra. But on the other hand, they also have such qualities as good nature, cordiality, as well as their constant spiritual need and readiness to help someone at any moment, to give their Love, care and warmth of their Soul, or at least to be useful to someone in some way. then - they are absolutely not inferior to their external beauty and their powerful, truly “inhuman” strength.

Their ultra-finely structured emotional bodies were able to form harmoniously only thanks to their constant focus on care, on avoiding the invasion of negativity in their Life in any of its manifestations. They proved by their own example to many of the other civilizations also belonging to the Pleiades star cluster that by constantly suppressing negative qualities in themselves, any civilization can achieve the predominance of the positive process in its evolutionary growth and spiritual development.

This direction of evolutionary development is significantly different from our earthly bias, which is based on the desire of most people on Earth to gain internal neutrality (at best!), as one of the constituent parts of Harmony. But our problem is that in search of this “middle” we often brush aside not only obvious negativity, but also the development of emotional positivity in ourselves. Our pathological tendency to divide everything and everyone is the true cause of many of our endless problems. But let's return to Guerra.

The hair color of those of the inhabitants of Guerra with whom I had to communicate during my astral travel varied from wheat-yellow or almost white to light brown, and for some residents even chestnut. But from the very first moments of our acquaintance, I was literally struck by their very expressive eyes, which, upon closer and more careful examination, not only differed from human eyes in shape, size and color of the iris, but, as I found out a little later , and by its unique abilities to reflect and refract rays of Light.

None of the physical and even astral forms of man has anything similar that could emphasize our divine origin to such a great extent. Even the most beautiful human eyes would seem fishy and expressionless compared to theirs. Yes, how far we are from them and how imperfect! They also say that we are created in their image and likeness... Yes, we are just faded ghosts compared to them!

Noticing the despondency that gripped me about this, the girl accompanying me named Ora smiled absolutely charmingly and, waving her hand, immediately materialized in space the phantom of one of the Pleiadians, who smiled at me in a friendly manner and, putting his right hand to his heart, greeted me. This Pleiadian, who appeared literally out of nowhere, immediately seemed to me something close and very familiar. Perhaps I already communicated telepathically with him on the Contact Beam?

Before I even had time to think about it, Ora telepathized that this beautiful Being, whom I admire so much, is THAT VERY Oris, whom I had never seen before, but who constantly resides not only next to me, but also in me , because, materializing on the astro-physical level of the Earth, it was he, Oris, who spiritualized the Matter of these Plans with his Consciousness, gave me Life and created me as an earthly personality.

I stood dumbfounded by this unexpected meeting and did not even have time to groan when the Pleiadian Oris, approaching me closely to greet me, hugged me by the shoulders and immediately merged with me again. My confused and stupid appearance was probably a very funny sight from the outside, because Ora immediately began to laugh cheerfully and jump slightly in place, clapping her thin, graceful palms, well, exactly the same way as people sometimes laugh - cheerfully and from souls are our earthly girls.

In my opinion, no one, even among the representatives of the Higher Spiritual Beings, has such cheerful, perky, life-loving and spiritual qualities as my “new” Gerrian friends compare favorably with all my wonderful friends on the Ray of Contact. “Just as you and he are essentially one whole,” she telepathized to me, finally having taken a break from laughter, “so Oris is an inextricable part of our civilization.

Wherever we incarnate, no matter what remote areas of our Universe we spiritualize with our presence, we are always connected by invisible threads with our Spiritual Homeland, with our Home, which always help us survive, even in the most difficult conditions. Wherever we “die”, disincarnating from the Matter of the Plans we created, we always return here, to our home, where everyone knows each other, everyone loves each other and always looks forward to the return of each of our Brothers or Sisters. From now on, this is your Motherland, your Home, where you will always strive, because you are one of us!”

Ora, continuing to smile charmingly, put her palm on my Heart and I immediately felt such an all-encompassing Love for everything around me, which I had never felt for anyone before. Many, many of the hundreds and thousands of incarnations of Oris instantly flashed through my deep memory and I literally physically, with my whole being, immediately felt my integrity and indissolubility with that World, which, as it seemed to me, I had just visited for the first time, but about which, as it turned out, he already knew so much.

They, that is, this civilization, are subject to the same Universal Laws of the Cosmos as we are, and the material forms of expression of the Spirit in the gross Matter of the Physical Plane for us and for them are very similar to each other. But the very dimension of their densest Plan, the vibration frequency of their “physical” Matter, and therefore its properties, turned out to be completely different from what we have on Earth. By the way, their entire existence, in terms of intensity or creative activity, takes place mainly not on the third, like ours, but on the fourth and fifth levels of Matter density, which also have a much larger number of time ordinates than the same levels of earthly Space.

Our flora and fauna, but only in general terms, are also very similar, if you do not take into account that not only every animal, but also every plant has a much greater degree, so to speak, of “intelligence” and self-expression, than here on Earth. Several tens of thousands of years ago, this civilization even had its own colony on Earth. I even remembered that the greeting in their telepathic language sounds like “ealaado”. It occurred to me: doesn’t the Greek “Hellas” mean the same thing - “hello!” or "hello!"? The names of those with whom I had the opportunity to personally telepathically communicate during the trip sounded something like this: Ora, Aalan, Adoniezis, Goara, Woodok.

Their Evolution, which began billions of years earlier than ours and took place in completely different space-time conditions, in contrast to the Evolution of earthly humanity, which suffered from spiritual convulsions and numerous cataclysms, was carried out much more quickly, and the main root cause of their spiritual and intellectual ascent was the unrelenting Will to victory above degenerative and destructive forces, as well as awareness of the need to rise above all weaknesses caused by the forced loss of internal balance.

Their concept of Freedom, in contrast to our perverted and selfish, earthly understanding, is completely devoid of negativity and the state of balanced bliss and harmony in which they all reside is strengthened by their deep inner peace, harmony and that healthy certainty that is imparted to them by boundless confidence is that AS THEY SERVE THE HIGHEST, SO THE HIGHEST SERVES THEM.

This is what the radiant Goara, who accompanied me on this astral journey, telepathized on this occasion: “We are fused into one with the Almighty Will of the Creator, which, being the disseminator of Love and life-giving Light, is also the balancing dynamism of all the instincts that the various dimensions offer on the experimental Planes of Existence.

Our science, like our Wisdom, are the fruits of our Will and the aspiration to possess the Knowledge and Secrets of the Primary Elements that form the basis of both Creations, as well as those that dominate the corresponding anti-degenerative Forces of the Cosmos and all the dynamisms that structure the numerous aggregate levels of atomic and subatomic vibration frequencies that are used the so-called Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim and Thrones."

They help us not only because they are our ancestors and great-descendants at the same time, but also because they live and act according to the Law of Love for their neighbor. There is no need to think that they have already solved all their problems and are now just enjoying the perfection they have achieved. Probably, they not only have no fewer problems, but even much more than you and I, but they solve them completely differently, strictly adhering to the Seven Universal Laws of the Cosmos and avoiding open conflicts with other, more cruel and aggressive civilizations in the same Pleiades.

From communicating with them, I realized that in the Cosmos surrounding them there are still some red-haired races or civilizations, distinguished by extreme aggressiveness and rebellious unrestrained morals. The experience they gain is based on constant conflicts, eternal disagreement with everyone and the constant desire to prove to everyone and everything that they are right and have exclusive knowledge of the Truth. From the voluminous “live” pictures that were shown to me, I concluded that that type of red-haired Pleiadians is much shorter and “thinner,” so to speak - much skinnier than any of my giant friends, but their ambition and conceit, nevertheless less, do not borrow.

Telling me about herself, Goara also telepathized that, at one time, part of the Consciousness of this irrepressible and passionate by nature race was embodied in earthly bodies, thereby giving rise to a red-haired human hybrid, distinguished from other people of the Earth by its characteristic assertiveness, ardor and uncontrollability, capable of driving these people literally to madness if the obstacles in their path become insurmountable.

The beautiful Goara also showed me several other types of civilizations that arrived from other constellations, in particular from the constellation Lyra, and now also inhabit some planetary systems of the Pleiades, which are very similar in appearance to birds and cats, but which, nevertheless, differ much more development of intelligence compared to us earthlings. Next to them, we would look like little children in the presence of adults.

If bird-like humanoids are distinguished by extreme restraint, coldness and dispassion, then cat humanoids are more gentle and sensual by nature, although the characters of both are far from angelic. Goara noted that she showed all this to me only so that, thanks to my stories about them, the people of Earth would understand that, just as we humans cannot be judged in general, so the Pleiadians who are in contact with earthlings cannot be reduced to everyone." “one size fits all,” so great is the range that distinguishes them on the basis of spirituality, rationality and peace-lovingness, both in relation to their own kind and in relation to other cosmic civilizations.

Of course, our spiritual Teachers could help us in solving all our problems on a much larger scale, but according to Cosmic Laws they do not have the right to forcibly interfere with the natural development and maturation of the Consciousness of earthly humanity within the Material Creation. We, earthlings, must ourselves find the right solutions and ways out of dead-end situations into which we drive ourselves, not wanting to admit that the driving Force of Evolution is not so much Reason as Love, or rather, their balanced combination.

Therefore, their civilization is limited only to invisible help, the essence of which is that the crews of their spaceships make great efforts to constantly bring into a state of equilibrium and balance the balance of forces that we, people, with our barbaric attitude towards Nature, increasingly and increasingly more globally we take it out of the norm.

Many of the people with whom they maintain constant telepathic contact were specially incarnated on Earth from the Pleiades in order to create here direct energy-information channels for connecting Consciousnesses from their civilization with the humanity of the Earth. Many of these people, when the time comes for active inclusion in the general work, in one way or another learn about their extraterrestrial origin, while others only suspect about it and, nevertheless, feel positively motivated through the awareness of their belonging to a highly spiritual civilization and therefore with They joyfully join those who clearly know about their extraterrestrial origin, forming contact groups with them and selflessly helping each other.

No other goal is capable of uniting people who did not know each other so closely as the awareness of their common belonging to a distant cosmic homeland, the memory of which is stored only deep in the subconscious. Personally, I cannot, without tears of heartfelt emotion, observe the selfless devotion of the embodied extraterrestrials, who voluntarily sacrificed themselves for the sake of saving deeply fallen humanity.

In August 1997, through the Ray of Contact, I received information from my Teachers that there are quite strong groups of human contactees with the Pleiades in Zurich and Vienna, and there is also the main part of the Consciousnesses from the Pleiades and Sirius, specially embodied to assist in the unfolding missions by me. Therefore, I was not at all surprised when it was from Switzerland that readers immediately and enthusiastically responded to the appearance of my first book in the “Life Between Lives” series.

Nowadays, the bulk of my entire “support group” is concentrated in this country, consisting of wonderful, altruistic and infinitely kind embodied Consciousnesses of the Pleiadians and Siriusians. Who are they and how can they be recognized among the multi-million crowd of INHUMANS surrounding us? These are those who live in organic harmony with the Commandments of Christ.

They are never ministers or politicians in power, nor high-ranking church ministers, supposedly in charge of divine manifestations, because all this is an expression of justice and love only in our purely earthly understanding, poisoned by false piety and selfishness. The civilization from the Pleiades has three so-called strongholds or space stations in the Space of our planet, where they fly at certain periods of Time.

One of these stations is located over the territory of Russia (Ural Mountains), the second - over Switzerland (Alps), and the third - over South America (periodically this station drifts to the territory of the United States and then back). They are located approximately at an altitude of about 6-7 thousand kilometers above the solid surface of the Earth, and each of these stations is about 35-50 kilometers long and is capable of leading a completely autonomous existence for very long periods of time.

In their design, these stations are very different from each other: the one that “hangs” over Russia, slightly drifting from the Ural Mountains to the borders of Eastern Siberia, has a more elongated configuration in Space than the “Swiss” space station, consisting of four absolutely transparent spheres , each with a diameter of about 15 km. Three auxiliary production spheres, with the help of long corridors of 5-6 km each, are connected at an obtuse angle with a central, larger sphere, in which, in addition to the command post, there are huge rooms for rest and rehabilitation of service personnel, as well as compartments. garages for shuttle ships of 2-5 orders.

This entire transparent structure occupies a volume of about 125,000 cubic kilometers in the fourth level of Earth Space! Their shuttle vehicles, controlled by the Intermediaries of the first and second orders or the biorobots created by them, we can see or photograph only when the continuously moving hyperenergy shield that surrounds each of the spaceships, like an invisible ball, is removed.

Hyperenergy has the remarkable property of significantly accelerating the movement of particles of Matter, as a result of which its contours cannot be captured either by the human eye or by other means available to us. By the way, during one of the mental exits, I received information that at a distance of about 90 thousand kilometers from the Moon, in its orbit, there is another starship station of one of the civilizations located in the constellation Leo, in the Zeta planetary system.

On board this station there are constantly about 80 humanoids, short in stature (from 1 to 1.5 m) and very frail in appearance, who have at their disposal 28 aircraft of the third and fourth orders, shuttle type, with crews consisting mainly of biorobots. The purpose for which they visit Earth and study people is one: here they try and hope to rediscover genetic aspects that were lost a long time ago as a result of transformation, in order to try to reintegrate them into their genotype, otherwise they are doomed to evolutionary failure.

Among earthlings they are looking for Consciousnesses belonging to one of the civilizations of the Vega constellation, which were able, even through hundreds of earthly incarnations, to preserve their original DNA in the cells of the protein-nucleic acid complex, although already self-improved and adapted to a new, more perfect earthly form. We, the people of Earth, who are an excellent mixture of several galactic races, carry within ourselves, in our physical bodies, all the information about our cosmic past, which for some of the aliens, who have lost the emotional and other aspects of their existence, is the key to their future.

This is a truly priceless heritage that we received, as they say, “for free” and therefore we do not realize all its true value as for ourselves. and so for the entire Universe. That is why we are so ruthless and cruel towards our own kind, and if it were not for the timely and effective invisible assistance in smoothing out critical situations provided to humanity from the outside by other Higher cosmic civilizations, we would not have been able to exist here long ago due to strong radioactive radiation and environmental pollution.

Radioactive exposure, which has increased hundreds of times in recent years due to uncontrollable and uncontrolled environmental pollution, has already caused much more severe damage and destructive mutation of the cells of our physical bodies than is imagined by our doctors and scientists. Some dangerous processes in cells begin to enter the stage of irreversibility.

The immune system is becoming more and more unstable, which has led to the emergence of new dangerous diseases, of which AIDS is only the first sign of the approaching difficult trials of humanity. New diseases of humanity will be associated with destabilization of the energy of the astral body, which will have a very painful effect on the condition of the internal organs.

Environmental pollution and increased background radiation will primarily affect people's skin. Many beneficial insects and birds will disappear, including bees, with the disappearance of which humanity will deprive itself of such valuable medicines as honey, propolis, bee jelly and bee venom. In recent years, humanity, which has gone crazy, has had the opportunity to enjoy garlic, onions, honey and many other valuable natural healing products, which very soon will cease to exist altogether on the mortally stricken Earth.

On the part of the Pleiadians and Sirians, aircraft are used with great caution and only for the purpose of obtaining cellular material of plants, animals and humans from the Earth to determine the scale and degree of danger of our thoughtless destruction of the surrounding world. Since all their UFOs operate on hyper-energy, they also place an additional load on the energy balance of Space. Therefore, they interrupt their research phases on Earth for long periods.

I have already written that the very Life of this civilization, its reality and the very vibrational state of the Pleiadians exist in a completely different Space-Time, different from ours. Therefore, it is simply impossible to describe their life from the standpoint of our understanding - they only have something in Space that is very vaguely reminiscent of our Physical Plan. During my travels in the etheric body, I saw houses of unusual architectural form: the general impression of a synthesis of several pyramids, but not with smooth surfaces, but with various projections, compartments, etc.

Abundant, continuously changing dark emerald green vegetation (grass, shrubs and trees) fills the entire space between the structures. Both the external and internal walls of buildings, as well as the floor and even the staircase connecting several floors of the house with gentle wide steps, seem to be composed of parallelepipeds and cubes of various sizes, the structure resembling volumetric glass, very tightly fitted to each other and having no seams, no gaps at the joints.

There are also no metal building frames, which further strengthened the impression that all these houses were simply glued together from some very light snow-white, bluish and lilac blocks. Although the houses give the impression of being transparent, it is impossible to see from the outside what is happening or what is inside the structure. The walls are also impenetrable from the inside, although they completely let scattered sunlight (or the energy of another radiation source) pass through them, so there were no windows in these walls either.

In order to see something located outside the building, you just had to approach any of the cells, concentrate on the desire to see the “street” and it would immediately dissolve, providing the opportunity not only for an excellent overview, but also for hearing all the sounds. As soon as the need for this disappeared, the cell immediately appeared again, dense and voluminous. The light itself was dazzlingly white, without the golden hue characteristic of our sunlight, and created a slightly cold feeling. Although it was located quite low above the surface, neither heat nor any discomfort was felt.

Roofs, in our understanding - gable or dome-shaped - were also nowhere to be seen: instead of a roof, the entire structure at the top ended in the same transparent-looking cell blocks. Each house has several main (public) entrances and exits, about 10 m high and 5-6 m wide, located in different parts of it.

But such an opening can only be discovered by approaching it at a distance of at least 5 m: one of the blocks suddenly disappears, as if dissolving in Space, and when you enter the room, it silently acquires density again. Each “apartment” also has an individual opening cell. There are no doors, bolts or locks familiar to our houses.

There is very little furniture: almost everything that is not a permanent item is hidden in blocks and appears at the first request in the same way as the entrance to a building: the block loses its density and opens access to its contents. Inside the building, almost all the objects had the shape of either an oval, or a ball, or a parallelepiped, and the purpose of each of them was completely incomprehensible to me, only the armchairs with high, comfortable backs and soft armrests enveloping the entire body, and tables made up of already familiar, smooth to the touch, the parallelepipeds vaguely resembled at least something earthly.

Unlike wall cells, furniture cells were not transparent, but were practically weightless. The colors of the walls and objects smoothly transition from white to pleasant pastel colors. The white parallelepipeds of the table tops were supported not by legs, like we have on Earth, but by three-dimensional arcs made of the same material. Each of the chairs can react to at least 5-10 types of brain radiation and activates mechanisms associated with the implementation of these radiations.

For example, sitting in a chair, you can instantly recreate around yourself a hologram of your thoughts associated with landscapes, sensations, sounds, and emotions. The images that appear at the same time have characteristics so close to reality that, out of habit, one simply feels uneasy. But the landscapes and pictures of nature that arise in the imagination simply delight the heart: white birch trees, slightly shaking their green braids, quietly rustle over the cliff of a wide emerald-blue river; The birds are chirping cheerfully, the sun is shining brightly, the white caps of the clouds are floating smoothly...

They live according to the Laws of the Cosmos: everyone creates for themselves and at the same time - for everyone. The rules of social and interpersonal relations are based on these same Laws. Misdeeds (in their understanding) of one of the members of society are punished only in moral or spiritual terms, leaving the person who has stumbled to determine the extent of the harmfulness and danger for his spiritual Essence and for society as a whole, the consequences of his mistake, but the death penalty (in our understanding and execution ) They dont have. There is only a voluntary measure to intensively increase the level of spiritual vibrations. They believe that only God the Creator, who gave Life to every cosmic being, can take it back.

Religion, in our understanding of it as a social organization or movement, does not exist among them - power structures always arise in organizations, on the basis of which fanaticism very quickly grows - the most dangerous and greatest enemy of free Will and Love. We, people, have the opportunity to verify this by the example of the transformation, on the basis of the blind fanaticism of believers, of the most powerful religious Egregors from those initially created as spiritual energy structures - into spiritually corrupting Consciousness, demonic Egregors.

I was (for the umpteenth time!) warned that in Space there are Forces belonging to the “Dark Ring” that are interested in the spiritual capture of humanity on Earth. Moreover, we are talking about Forces of such an intergalactic scale and power that we cannot even imagine. Since the Earth is the weakest link in the entire chain of Worlds in our Solar System and the place of the greatest aggression of Cosmo-Evil, it is considered by the Hierarchy of Dark Forces as a springboard for their subsequent mastery of our entire Solar System, and beyond it - the entire Galaxy.

The Commonwealth of Civilizations of the “Light Ring” constantly guards our interests, since we ourselves, except for Love and Harmony, which we have practically no left, cannot oppose anything against this Evil. Here the battle is not fought with nuclear or hydrogen bombs, but with the help of substances invisible to the physical senses that destroy people’s brains and cells of internal organs. But a particularly dangerous weapon is considered to be the generation of waves that suppress the Will and Spirit of man and allow hosts of spiritually and evolutionarily low-developed cosmic Consciousnesses, most often belonging to other, extraterrestrial Worlds or Anti-Worlds, to freely penetrate human forms. If human madness is not curbed in time, then terrible, cosmic-scale consequences can occur.

During parting with representatives of this wonderful HUMAN civilization, I was informed that we ourselves are both the authors and at the same time the executors of the cosmic program of physical and gross astral destruction of all human Consciousnesses lagging behind in their evolutionary development, which will certainly be put into action unless we can to take the right, spiritual path of development.

Will this be in 2013 or even earlier - in 2002?.. The Apostle Peter himself warned about the approaching times: “The day of the Lord will come, like a thief in the night; also, things will burn out on it..." Perhaps each of us should think deeply about HOW HE LIVED and HOW HE LIVES, and not wait for the end, trying in an insane thirst for satisfaction of all our crazy desires to snatch from Life everything that we can It is possible, but in the time remaining before the Transfiguration, you can at least try to make up for what was so frivolously missed in spiritual development in order to create conditions in your field shell for the sound of the highest possible energy vibrations.

I cannot say exactly how long, according to their Pleiadian concepts, I stayed as a guest (or at home?), because with them Time is not measured by external, that is, objective influences dictating, as on Earth, the flow of Time, but only in accordance with their subjective, internal sensations. I was almost blinded by the splendor I saw there, the beauty and that feeling of universal Growth that literally permeated the entire atmosphere of the Space of this amazing planet and its no less amazing inhabitants. Therefore, having returned to the physical body, I could not come to my senses for a long time and continued to mentally remain there until the very morning, going over in my Mind all the nuances of communication with these wonderful people who managed to achieve godlikeness.

At one time, I picked up a lot of photos from the Google sky program


I sculpted myself from chalk

Of streams and pain.

Human body -

Continuation of will.

He brought himself into the world

From water and clay,

Oneself, like a cloud of wind,

I push him in the back.

Although the Lyrans at that time were gods for the natives, their history was no less dramatic. They once abandoned the sticky house so as not to participate in Lyra's military conflicts. By populating our planet, they naively thought that they were hiding from their problems. But human shortcomings haunt people with even greater force while people run from them until they turn to face their problem. Unfortunately, the earthly “gods” did not eradicate their aggressive inclinations and constantly started heated quarrels and stubborn wars among themselves. In alien conflicts, the native population acted as “cannon fodder”.

After another departure from the planet, the Lyrans of Nemesis repopulated the Earth. Under their leadership, the formation of the fifth subrace of the third race took place. There was a serious war between the Lyrans, and half of the aliens became aliens. Aliens left Earth in search of a new planet where they could live beautifully and escape military conflicts forever. This group of fugitives discovered a newly formed star system, the Pleiades, and inhabited a number of its planets. Consequently, we, earthlings, are the ancestors of the Pleiadians, who flew to our planet and are now teaching us, the poor and orphans, from the fourth and fifth dimensions. The colonization of new worlds by the Lyrans explains why the representatives of the Pleiades look almost no different from you and me. A long neck, like an “ugly duckling”, large compassionate eyes with pupils of different diameters, childishly small hands, an elongated cucumber-shaped skull - that’s almost all that outwardly distinguishes a Pleiadian on the streets of Moscow from the average earthling.

The fugitives from Earth searched for a long time for the reason for their stunning aggressiveness, so as not to expect a repeat of the old story. They turned to their inner world, and then reached a level of high spirituality with the help of the yogic meditation techniques they developed. The aliens also developed unimaginable scientific technologies, but this only served them to comprehend their inner essence. Until the war with the civilizations of the interstellar empire of Orion, the Pleiadians did not fly away from their fabulously beautiful planets.

This text is an introductory fragment.

From the book I Know Myself as the World of Unity author Klimkevich Svetlana Titovna

Elder brothers from the Pleiades 410 = Your cells hear your words first = Starfire - the main path to the Light (16) = 480 = Heavenly Grail - Sirius + Earthly Grail - Jesus = Discipleship stage - soul and body - one (9) = " Numeric codes." Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy 03/31/2012 I Am

From the book History of Humanoid Civilizations of the Earth author Byazyrev Georgy

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Zaporizhzhya National University

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Department of Physics and its teaching methods



Completed by: 1st year student

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Panfilova Anastasia

Checked by: Tkachenko S.P.

Zaporozhye 2010

1. General information about the Pleiades constellation

2. History of discovery

3. Interesting properties

4. Age and future development

5. Reflection Nebula

7. Neighbors in the sky from the Messier catalog

8. Pleiades in different cultures

10. The constellation of the Pleiades in burial mound ritual architecture

11. Myths about the origin of the name Pleiades in Slavic culture

12. Conclusion

13. List of sites used

1. ABOUTgeneral information about the Pleiades constellation

The Pleiades constellation is the closest star cluster to Earth

Open cluster in the constellation Taurus

Right ascension: 3h 47m

Declension: 24° 07`

Apparent magnitude: 1.6

Distance from Earth: About 410 light years / 135 ps

Cluster size: about 5 light years

The constellation Pleiades (astronomical designation - M45) is an open cluster in the constellation Taurus; one of the closest open clusters to Earth and one of the most visible to the naked eye.

People often call it Stozhary, its ancient Russian name is Volosazhary, and the proper name Seven Sisters is also used due to the fact that there are 7 brightest and most clearly visible stars; they make up a small “bucket” with a handle. About 500 stars in the cluster can be seen through binoculars, and it consists of approximately 3,000 stars in total. Its 9 brightest stars were named after the seven sisters (Alcyone, Asterope, Maia, Merope, Taygeta, Celeno, Electra), as well as their parents - the ancient Greek titan Atlas and the oceanid Pleione.

The Pleiades constellation has a diameter of 12 light years. It contains bright hot blue stars, brown dwarfs, which make up one-fourth of all stars, and white dwarfs, which could be formed in a fairly short time due to the emission of matter to their companions in double star systems. It is estimated that the total mass of the Pleiades stars is about 800 solar masses.

The Pleiades are 410 light years away from us. An interesting fact is that the main method for determining the size of our Universe is to calculate the distance at which the Pleiades Constellation is located from us. Until the Hipparcos satellite was launched by the European Space Agency, the distance between Earth and the Pleiades cluster was thought to be about 135 parsecs. When Hipparcos determined it to be only 118 parsecs, real panic began among astronomers. Such measurements today represent one of the most accurate tools for calculating distances in space. Further research, however, showed that the satellite's measurements had an error, the cause of which has not yet been established. It is currently accepted that the distance to the Pleiades is more than 135 parsecs.

The Pleiades constellation is considered a relatively young cluster of stars; its age is not precisely determined, but is in the range of 75-100 million years. And after 250 million years, the Pleiades will cease to exist, since over time they will cease to exist as a gravitationally bound structure. This fate awaits any open cluster of stars, since the speed of movement of the stars in them is greater than the escape speed of the entire cluster.

The Pleiades and Hyades, now part of the constellation Taurus, were originally considered two separate, independent constellations.

2. History of discovery

The Pleiades are clearly visible in winter in the northern hemisphere and in summer in the southern hemisphere (except Antarctica and its environs). The site has been known since antiquity to many cultures around the world, including the Maori and Australian Aborigines, the Japanese and the Sioux Indians of North America. Some ancient Greek astronomers considered it as a separate constellation. They are mentioned by Hesiod, and in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. The Pleiades are mentioned three times in the Bible (Job 9:9, 38:31; Amos 5:8).

The Pleiades have long been known as a physically connected group of stars, and not the result of a random projection of stars at different distances. The priest John Mitchell calculated the probability of a random projection of so many bright stars to be 1:500,000 in 1767, and correctly surmised that the Pleiades and many other star clusters must be physically connected. When the first measurements of the relative velocities of stars were made, it was discovered that their proper motions were very close, indicating that they were physically connected.

Charles Messier determined the position of the cluster and included it as M45 (the letter M before the number is a sign of belonging to the Messier catalogue) in his catalog of comet-like objects, published in 1771. Along with the Orion Nebula and the Manger Cluster, the inclusion of the Pleiades in the Messier catalog was noted as a curiosity, since most of the Messier objects were much fainter and could more easily be classified as comets, which is unlikely for the Pleiades. One suggestion is that Messier simply wanted a more complete catalog than his scientific rival Lacaille, whose 1755 catalog contained 42 objects. To increase the size of the list, he added some colorful, well-known objects.

Based on observations, Johann Mädler proposed “that the Pleiades group is the central group of all the fixed stars within the Milky Way; and that Alcyone in this group most likely constitutes the central sun.” He calculated that the sun makes one revolution around Alcyone in 18.2 million years.

3. Interesting properties

Measuring the distance to the Pleiades cluster is a fundamental method for calculating the scale of the Universe as a whole. The exact value of this distance allows us to construct a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for the specified cluster, which, in turn, in comparison with the unknown distances to other clusters, allows us to give them some estimate. Using other techniques, it is possible to extrapolate the specified rating scale from open star clusters to galaxies and galaxy clusters, constructing a cosmic distance scale. Ultimately, astronomers' knowledge of the age and evolution of the Universe depends heavily on knowing the distance to the Pleiades star cluster.

The Pleiades star cluster is about 12 light-years in diameter and contains approximately 1,000 counted stars, many of which are multiples. The total number of stars in the cluster is estimated to be about 3000. The cluster members are dominated by hot blue stars, 14 of which are visible to the naked eye (depending on viewing conditions from Earth). The arrangement of the brightest stars is in some way similar to the arrangement of stars in Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. The total mass of the cluster stars is supposedly equivalent to 800 solar masses.

The cluster contains a large number of brown dwarfs - stellar bodies with a mass of less than 8% of the Sun, which is not enough to cause a nuclear chain reaction. Brown dwarfs make up about a quarter of the number of stars that form the Pleiades cluster, and about 2% of the cluster's total mass. Brown dwarfs from young star clusters (such as the Pleiades) are of constant interest to astronomers, since they are still bright enough for observations.

In addition, the cluster contains several white dwarfs. Due to the relatively small age of the cluster, the stars were unlikely to have the opportunity to evolve into white dwarfs in the “usual way,” since such a process usually takes several billion years. It is believed that high-mass stars in binary star systems, due to the emission of matter to their companions, turned into white dwarfs within a short time.

Recent observations (1995) made it possible to find several exotic brown dwarfs in the Pleiades, which may turn out to be planets like Jupiter. Similar observations are being made in the infrared region of radiation, and they continue. The discovered brown dwarfs have masses of 60-70 times the mass of Jupiter, but their diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of our giant. Apparently, the compression process in these dwarfs continues.

4. Age and future development

constellation pleiades myth nebula

The probable age of star clusters is approximately determined by comparing the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for these clusters with a theoretical model of stellar evolution. Based on this technique, the age of the Pleiades ranges from 75 to 150 million years. This scatter is caused by a large number of inaccuracies in the theory of stellar evolution. In particular, calculations for a model in which there is a phenomenon of convection overlap, in which the convection zone of the star penetrates into its stable zone, gives a larger value for the age of the system.

Another method of approximating the age of a star cluster is based on studying the cluster objects with the smallest masses. In “ordinary” stars, lithium rapidly decays in nuclear fusion reactions, but brown dwarfs can retain lithium in their mass. Due to their low ignition temperature (2.5 million K), massive brown dwarfs will burn up lithium over time. By calculating the mass of the heaviest lithium-bearing brown dwarfs, we can get an idea of ​​the age of the star cluster they belong to. Based on this technique, the age of the Pleiades is estimated at approximately 115 million years.

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