The vessel as an object of control. Vibration in ship conditions. Preventing seasickness Actual values ​​of general vibration on a ship

Question No. 2 Conditions on the ship.

By factors relating to ship conditions, it should be noted that in order to improve the conditions for a person to stay on a ship, continuous work is carried out in the process of designing the ship and its operation. Structurally, the human habitat on the ship is provided in the following areas:

1.Climatic conditions. These conditions include:

a) room temperature, which should be maintained at an average level of about + 20 degrees,

b) relative air humidity (the most comfortable conditions are at a relative humidity of 40-60%),

c) the speed of air movement in the premises, air circulation should be moderate and not exceed 0.1-0.2 m/s.

2. Illumination. This may include:

a) illumination of workplaces. The most favorable conditions are created with natural light. The following requirements are imposed on natural and artificial illumination: the light should not blind the eyes, the light intensity must be constant, and the reflection of light rays must be excluded, excessive illumination is as harmful as insufficient,

b) lighting in residential and recreational areas. Here, too, preference is given to natural lighting. Depending on the purpose of the room, certain lighting standards are established: from 50 lux in corridors to 200 lux on the working panels of control panels.

3.Noise. The effect of sound on humans is as follows:

The permissible limit is 20-30 dB. A sound intensity of 130 dB causes pain. At a sound intensity of 150 dB, the sensation becomes unbearable and deafening. In ship conditions, noise is the most difficult problem in creating a normal human environment. To reduce noise from operating units, they are installed on special shock absorbers and noise-absorbing gaskets, covered with sound-insulating casings and sound-reflecting screens and shields. The bulkheads of the premises, as well as their ceilings, are covered with sound-absorbing insulation. Living quarters are located as far as possible from the engine room compartment. To reduce noise, noise protection products are used in the form of headphones and ear buds. The influence of noise depending on its level from various sources is characterized by the following table (Table No. 12):

Table No. 12

Noise Source

Sound intensity dB

Impact on humans

Ship's whistle (typhon, siren)


Pneumatic drill

Harmful, unpleasant

Auxiliary engine

Harmful, unpleasant

Normal conversation



Silence of the night

Feelings of peace and comfort

rustle of leaves

Feeling of peace. Comfort

4.Vibration. On a ship, a person is exposed to vibration around the clock, which arises from unbalanced rotating masses, impacts of mechanisms, etc. In addition to the fact that vibration violates the strength of the structure, it has an extremely negative effect on a person, causing fatigue, nervous system disorders and blurred vision. The most dangerous vibration for humans is vibration with a frequency of 6-9 Hz, which lies in the range of natural vibrations of human internal organs. The global problem that shipbuilders must solve is to reduce vibration to the minimum level safe for humans. The most effective way to combat vibration is:

    installation of shock absorbers and dampers,

    placement of mechanisms operating with increased vibration in isolated rooms,

    installation of individual rooms or the entire residential superstructure on special suspensions.

5.Infrasound. On a ship, sources of infrasound include the power plant, propeller, ventilation and air conditioning system, and stormy weather. Infrasound is characterized by fluctuations below 20 dB and, when exposed to the human body, causes a feeling of anxiety and fear. The human circulatory system is a low-frequency oscillatory circuit, and when exposed to infrasound, the heart rate increases so much that arterial rupture or cardiac arrest can occur. Infrasound travels in air at a speed of about 330 m/sec, and in water - up to 1650 m/sec. By staying ahead of the stormy wind zone, infrasound reaches the ship much earlier than the onset of bad weather, which contributes to a feeling of inexplicable fear. At a frequency of 7 Hz, ultrasound is lethal to humans. He becomes a "silent killer".

6.Electromagnetic radiation. Sources of electromagnetic radiation are radio engineering and electronic devices, transformers and microwave generators. The entire spectrum of electromagnetic fields is conventionally divided into 3 categories:

a) high frequency currents (below 30 MHz),

b) ultra-high frequency currents (30-300 MHz),

c) ultra-high frequency currents (more than 300 MHz).

Electromagnetic radiation has a harmful effect on the human body. The most dangerous radiation will be ultrahigh frequency radiation. Human tissues absorb the energy of electromagnetic radiation, and if the body cannot cope with the resulting heat, then a thermal effect occurs. In this case, human organs with an underdeveloped vascular system (eyes, brain, stomach) suffer. The danger of exposure to radiation is aggravated by the fact that it is not detected by the senses. If electromagnetic radiation does not exceed the maximum permissible norms, then disorders in the human body are reversible.

During a long voyage, the perception of the ship’s habitable space as a set of material, social and spiritual conditions becomes dull. The seafarer’s isolation from the shore, the enclosed living space, in which there is no usual social distance, creates many professional and purely personal difficulties. Crew members are connected with each other on the ship not only through conventional means, but through the senses - hearing, smell and even the subconscious sensation of the physical presence of other people, when at any moment you can be seen and heard. The subject-spatial environment of a person on a ship needs constant updating. Inappropriate solutions should be found to create structural adapters that significantly increase comfort. While making a solo circumnavigation of the world, F. Chichester noted the positive results of the adapters: “On my stove, during any motion, it was possible to place a full glass or cup without fear that the contents would spill. This was achieved thanks to a well-designed suspended swinging frame with a heavy tray, which played a role pendulum. The hanging chair connected to the swinging table was placed very well. I could sit in the chair completely straight, regardless of the list of the ship. This was one of the most successful details in the yacht's equipment." One of the features of the watch service is the occurrence during the voyage of long periods of forced inactivity when it is impossible to leave the workplace.

On the open sea, when the ship's movement is not complicated by interference, a state of boredom and anxious monotonous waiting arises. Some researchers of the human psychological state consider boredom as a passive state in which interest in the surrounding reality decreases. From a physiological point of view, boredom causes inhibition of the nervous processes of the cerebral cortex, which led I.P. Pavlov to call it sleep with open eyes. This is an extremely dangerous situation that often leads to serious accidents. One of the causes of boredom, in addition, is the state when work, during a period of forced passivity, is discredited and a person from a creative, purposeful personality turns into an appendage of a machine (ship). A specialist with the highest level of culture with a holistically oriented nature of aspirations, finding himself in forced conditions that are not filled with valuable forms of life, finds himself in a professional conflict with the work performed.

Attempts are being made to overcome boredom: from technical means that stimulate physical activity (acknowledgement of signals from various sound or light warning sensors), and professional selection, to harmonizing the environment with music, design solutions for its aestheticization. But they do not completely eliminate this phenomenon. Automation and mechanization of manual labor, processes of analyzing information from many sensors, facilitates and expands a person’s capabilities in successfully operating a vessel. Improving the structural elements of the ship eliminates the negative impact on humans of noise, thermal effects, vibration, and pitching of the ship and helps crew members better adapt to the ship. Ship maintenance and disciplinary practice have individual and social characteristics, and initiative and efficiency, compliance with national and international, through the ILO, ship support standards and the movement of crew members from ship to shore improve or worsen a person’s condition in the performance of service duties.



ISO 6954:2000
Mechanical vibration - Guidelines for the measurement, reporting and evaluation
of vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships



The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

Standard information

1 PREPARED BY the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Research Center for Control and Diagnostics of Technical Systems” (ANO “SRC KD”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 183 “Vibration, shock and technical condition monitoring”

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 15, 2009 No. 857-st

4 This standard is identical to the international standard ISO 6954:2000 “Vibration. ISO 6954:2000 “Mechanical vibration - Guidelines for the measurement, reporting and evaluation of vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships”.

When applying this standard, it is recommended to use instead of reference international standards the corresponding national standards of the Russian Federation and interstate standards, information about which is given in the additional


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments- in the monthly published information indexes “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet


Vibration on ships is a negative factor, interferes with the performance of official tasks, affects the degree of comfort and causes complaints from crew members and passengers.

This standard provides guidance on assessing habitat conditions for different areas on a ship. Habitat conditions are assessed based on measurements of the overall frequency-corrected rms acceleration over the frequency range 1 to 80 Hz.

This standard specifies requirements for measuring equipment, measurement methods and vibration analysis.

The results of measurements carried out in accordance with this standard may be used:

When checking whether the vibration level meets technical requirements;

For comparison with vibration on other ships;

To develop and improve standards in the field of vibration.



Vibration. Guidelines for the measurement and evaluation of vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships

Date of introduction - 2011-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes guidance for the assessment of vibration from the point of view of living conditions (degree of comfort) on passenger and merchant ships, as well as requirements for means and methods for measuring vibration in places where passengers and crew are permanently located.

This standard does not cover the assessment of low-frequency vibration that may cause motion sickness.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

ISO 2631-1:1997 Vibration and shock. Assessment of the impact of general vibration on humans. Part 1. General requirements (ISO 2631-1:1997, Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 1: General requirements)

ISO 2631-2 Vibration and shock. Assessment of the impact of general vibration on humans. ISO 2631-2, Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 2: Vibration in buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz)

ISO 8041 Human exposure to vibration. Measuring instruments (ISO 8041, Human response to vibration - Measuring instrumentation)

3 Vibration measuring instruments

3.1 General requirements

Measuring instruments must meet the requirements of ISO 8041.

It is permissible to use equipment that complies with the requirements of ISO 8041, in which the measuring scale covers the region above 80 Hz, provided that the filter characteristics meet the requirements of ISO 2631-2 (see).

Verification of measuring instruments should be carried out at least once every two years. The documentation must indicate the date of the last verification.

3.2 Functional check

Before and after measurements, it is necessary to check the functionality of each measuring channel.

4 Measurement points and directions

4.1 Location of vibration sensors

Vibration sensor installation points are selected in habitable areas on each deck, and their number must be sufficient to characterize the vibration of the ship from the point of view of its impact on passengers and crew.

The measurement directions must coincide with the three axes of the vessel: longitudinal, abeam and vertical.

5 Measurement conditions

Vibration measurements are carried out, first of all, during acceptance or sea trials of the vessel. To obtain comparable and reliable results, the following conditions must be met during the measurement process:

a) the ship is moving freely on a straight course; 1)

b) the engine operates in representative mode with constant power output;

c) excitement does not exceed 3 points;

d) the propeller is completely submerged;

e) the depth is at least five times the vessel's draft.

Any deviations from the specified conditions must be recorded in the test report.

1) Free movement means the movement of the vessel at a constant speed and a constant course within the limits of the rudder shift to port and starboard of 2°.

6 Measurement method

At least two points on each deck, measurements should be taken in three directions. At other points, only the vertical component of vibration is measured.

To evaluate vibration, regardless of the measurement direction, the combined frequency correction function in accordance with ISO 2631-2 is used.

Appendix A
Frequency correction function

The frequency equalization function used in this standard is the combined frequency equalization function of ISO 2631-2 (see Table A.1 and Figure A.1).

1 - frequency correction function for acceleration; 2 - frequency correction function for speed

Figure A. 1 - Combined frequency correction functions taking into account bandpass filtering

Table A.1 - Values ​​of the combined frequency correction function in one-third octave bands in the frequency range from 1 to 80 Hz (calculated based on the true values ​​of the geometric mean frequencies of one-third octave bands taking into account bandpass filtering


frequency Hz

To speed up

For speed



Coefficient Wa

Coefficient Wa

AX indicates the frequency band number according to IEC 61260


Vessel type:

Place of registration:

Shipyard, number

Date of construction

Housing characteristics

Main engine characteristics

Length between perpendiculars, m:

Number of cylinders:

Theoretical width, m:

Draft, m:

Power, kWt:

Side height, m:

Deadweight, t:

Rotation speed, min-1:

Gear ratio:

Characteristics of propellers

Measurement conditions

Quantity and type:

Number of blades:


Wind speed and direction:

Diameter, m:

Slope in degrees;

Bow draft, m:

Average draft, m:

Rotation speed, min-1:

Stern draft, m:

Depth, m:


Type and characteristics of measuring equipment

Measurement results

(ISO 2631-1:1997) Vibration and shock. Measuring general vibration and assessing its impact on humans. Part 1. General requirements"

Sensor installation location

Measurement direction

Total RMS Corrected Vibration

acceleration, mm/s2

speed, mm/s

GOST 31191.2-2004 (ISO 2631-2:2003) “Vibration and shock. Measuring general vibration and assessing its impact on humans. Part 2. Vibration inside buildings"

GOST ISO 8041-2006 “Vibration. Impact of vibration on humans. Measuring instruments"

Note - This table uses the following conventions for the degree of compliance with standards:

IDT - identical standards;

MOD - modified standards.


ISO 2041, Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring – Vocabulary

IEC 61250, Electroacoustics - Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters

Keywords: vibration, ship, vibration assessment, passengers, crew

GOST 12.1.047-85

Group T58




Method of control at workplaces and
in living quarters of sea and river vessels

Occupational safety standards system. Vibration.
Method of control at working places
and in accommodations of sea and ships river

Date of introduction 1987-01-01

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated December 12, 1985 N 3926

The validity period was lifted according to Protocol N 7-95 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-95)

REISSUE. June 2001

This standard establishes a method for monitoring general vibration at crew workplaces, in residential and public premises (hereinafter referred to as residential premises) of sea and river vessels of all types and purposes.



1.1. Vibration levels are monitored during acceptance tests on lead and serial ships, as well as on ships that have undergone repairs or re-equipment, which could lead to changes in vibration levels in the premises and workplaces of the ship’s crew.

1.2. The control is carried out to check the compliance of vibration levels at the crew’s workplaces; in residential and public premises to the requirements of sanitary standards of the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.3. The measured values ​​are set to the logarithmic level of vibration acceleration, dB, relative to the initial value ms, or the logarithmic level of vibration velocity, dB, relative to the initial value ms, in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies: 2, 4, 8, 16, 31.5 and 63 Hz.

The amplitude range of the measured parameters is from 1·10 to 1·10 ms for vibration acceleration and from 1·10 to 1·10 ms for vibration velocity.


2.1. Equipment

2.1.1. For vibration measurements, equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.012-83 should be used.

2.1.2. Before starting and after completing measurements, the measuring system should be calibrated using a calibration device or an internal reference voltage.

2.1.3. The measuring equipment used and the calibration device used must have valid certificates of metrological state verification.

2.2. Preparing for measurements

2.2.1. Vibration measurements are carried out according to a program developed and agreed upon in the prescribed manner, included in the design documentation of the vessel and containing diagrams of the location of measurement points and guidelines for carrying out measurements.

2.2.2. In the engine room, isolated control stations, production facilities located in the engine room and outside it, vibration measurement points are selected at the main workplaces and in service areas of the power plant, mechanisms and devices: at the main and auxiliary engines, at the control station, in workshops , at the front of the boiler, in the area of ​​fuel and oil separators, at fish processing equipment, etc.

2.2.3. In main engine service areas, measuring points should be located on the engine room flooring, at a distance of 0.7-1.0 m from the engine. For large engines (for example, low-speed diesel engines), measurement points are located on platforms near the engine. If there are two or more engines located side by side, measurements should be taken on the floor between them.

2.2.4. In isolated control stations, production and service premises with an area of ​​up to 20 m, measurements are performed in the center of the room. In rooms of a larger area, the number of measurement points should be increased at the rate of one additional point for every 20-30 m and they should be located evenly throughout the room.

In workplaces, vibration measurements can also be performed on seats if the main working posture is a sitting position and the vibration is subjectively perceived as unpleasant

2.2.5. Vibration measurements are carried out in at least 30% of residential and public premises, evenly distributed along the decks, with the obligatory inclusion of premises in which, according to subjective assessment, increased vibration is observed.

On ships with a total number of cabins of less than ten, measurements should be taken in all cabins.

The number of passenger cabins in which vibration measurements should be carried out can be reduced to 20% if the total number of them on the ship is more than 30, and to 10% if there are more than 100.

Measurements are taken on the floor, in the center of the room, as well as on seats and bunks, if they are attached to bulkheads and the vibration is subjectively perceived as unpleasant.

2.2.6. Vibration measurements in the longitudinal and traverse directions are performed at points specified in the program. These points must be located in the engine room (in the hold and on the upper platform), in the central control room, production premises, on the accommodation decks and on the navigation bridge (in the wheelhouse) - at least two points at each measuring level (along the height of the vessel ), and they are outlined approximately one under the other in the area of ​​the frontal bulkhead of the superstructure in the center plane of the vessel and on one of the sides.

For measurements at other points of this measuring level, choose the direction with prevailing vibration or vertical if the difference in the values ​​of the measured vibration parameter in three directions is less than 2 dB.

2.2.7. On serial ships, monitoring of vibration levels can be carried out to a reduced extent according to an agreed program.

2.2.8. During the running acceptance tests, the number of measurement points can be reduced or supplemented by decision of the selection committee.

2.3. Measurement conditions

2.3.1. Vibration control is carried out in full speed mode at the rated speed of the propellers, the operation of the main and auxiliary mechanisms and other equipment that ensures normal operation of the vessel in this mode.

On river vessels, in addition, by decision of the acceptance committee, measurements can be taken at partial modes of the vessel's progress.

2.3.2. Measurements during running mode are carried out:

in sea areas with depths of at least four times the vessel’s draft (depths are not specified for river vessels);

when the waves are not higher than 3 points for ships with a displacement of up to 5000 tons and 4 points - for ships with a displacement of 5000 tons and above;

on lead ships - fully loaded and in ballast. If it is impossible to ensure that the vessel is fully loaded during the acceptance tests, measurements of the cargo must be carried out on one of the first operational voyages in agreement with the customer of the vessel. On serial ships - fully loaded or in ballast, which is recorded accordingly in the test report. In all cases, the draft of the stern must ensure complete immersion of the propeller;

when the ship is moving on a straight course. It is allowed to shift the rudder at an angle of no more than 2° to the left or right side.

2.3.3. On technical vessels and fishing fleet vessels, measurements are performed in running and production modes under specific conditions. In the production and technological premises of fishing fleet vessels, vibration measurements during sea trials are carried out during the operation of technological equipment without fish processing.

2.3.4. Vibration measurements are performed in rooms equipped according to specifications and prepared for testing. In cabins, especially with vibration-isolated (“floating”) floors, in addition to operators taking measurements, there may be no more people than provided for in the specifications for a given room.

2.4. Taking measurements

2.4.1. Vibration measurements are performed at the points specified in clauses 2.2.2-2.2.6.

2.4.2. When measuring vibration, if necessary, to install the sensor, it is allowed to use an intermediate metal plate of a round or rectangular shape with a thickness of 4-5 mm, diameter (or side of a rectangle) (200±50) mm. It is allowed to use intermediate elements with other sizes if they do not introduce additional errors in the measurements. An intermediate plate with a vibration transducer fixed in its center is pressed against the surface to be measured by the feet of a standing person. If there are carpets or other soft coverings on the deck of the premises, a plate with a sensor is installed on top of the covering. On seats and bunks, a plate with a sensor is placed between the person and the surface being measured.

2.4.3. When measuring the parameters of periodic vibration, the reading is carried out according to the average reading of the device.

In accordance with GOST 12.1.012-90, the measurement time in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies of 2 and 4 Hz should be at least 20 s, in the octaves of 8 and 16 Hz - at least 2 s, in the octaves of 31.5 and 63 Hz - not less than 1 s.

2.4.4. If it is necessary to determine the parameters of random vibration (when moving in ice, on dredgers during dredging), the measurement time in octaves from 2 to 63 Hz should be at least 120 s;

To measure random vibration parameters, instruments with a time constant of at least 120 s should be used or magnetic recording should be carried out with subsequent analysis in laboratory conditions.


3.1. The results of vibration measurements carried out at each point in accordance with paragraphs 2.2.2-2.2.6, as amended, are compared with the relevant sanitary standards.

3.2. The measurement results must be documented in a test report containing the following data:

name and type of vessel;

project number and serial number in the series;

name of the design organization and manufacturer;

year of construction of the vessel, port of registry;

date of testing;

testing area, depth, sea (river) condition;

data on vessel loading;

operating mode of the vessel and power plant (load and rotational speed of the main engines, rotational speed of the propellers, operating diesel generators);

information about the measuring equipment used (name, type, verification data);

name of the organization, position and names of the operators who performed the measurements;

conclusion based on the results of vibration measurements with an assessment of their compliance with sanitary standards.

A table with processed measurement results, indicating locations and measurement points is attached to the test report. The form of the table is given in the Appendix.

3.3. The test report is submitted to the acceptance committee for decision-making and is an integral part of the vessel’s acceptance certificate.



Vibration levels in the premises of the ship "______________"

Name of premises and location of measurement points

Levels of vibration acceleration (vibration velocity), dB,
in octave frequency bands, Hz

Engine room

Acceptable rate

Numerical values ​​of the norm

Numerical values ​​of measurement results

Control stations

Acceptable rate

Central control station, at the console

Industrial premises

Acceptable rate



Office premises

Acceptable rate


Living spaces

Acceptable rate

cabin N. . .

Name of company,
positions and signatures of operators,
who carried out the measurements _________________

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
"System of occupational safety standards." Sat. GOST -
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2001

Vibration on the ship.

In addition to noise, another strongly pronounced physical factor operating in ship conditions is vibration.

As is known, vibration- these are mechanical oscillatory movements transmitted to the human body or its individual parts from sources of vibration.

Vibration sources:

1. Propellers

2. Engine, cranking mechanisms

3. Wave hits

4. Vibration after shots, take-offs.

Vibration happens:

1) Local

Naturally, general vibration predominates on the ship.

As a result of vibration, an occupational disease develops - vibration disease.

Particularly dangerous is the coincidence of vibration frequency with the natural frequency of vibration of the human body or individual organs.

For a standing person, the resonant frequencies are 5-15 Hz, for a sitting person - 4-6 Hz, the natural frequency of the stomach is 2 Hz, the heart and liver - 4 Hz, the brain - 6-7 Hz.

When the forcing frequency coincides with the natural frequency of vibration of the organ, the phenomenon of resonance is observed and, as a consequence, visceroptosis(prolapse of internal organs). Under the influence of general vibration, damage to the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and cardiovascular system develops, metabolic disorders, rapid fatigue, etc. occur. Under the influence of general vibration, damage to the spine can also occur due to displacement of the intervertebral discs.

The vibration frequency can be

1) Low frequency(up to 35 Hz). In this case, nerves, muscles, and bone apparatus are affected.

2) High frequency(100 - 150 - 250 Hz). Mainly blood vessels are affected.

Prevention of vibration effects:

1. Technological methods(balancing engines, engine parts, etc.).

2. Vibration isolation(shock absorbers, gaskets, etc.).

3. Operational methods(change in resonant frequency due to, for example, a change in the oscillation frequency of a ship).

4. Personal protection includes shoes with vibration-damping soles (thick rubber), vibration chairs, vibration belts, etc.

Pitching is a type of vibration. The pitching may be (in direction)

1) Side (transverse)

2) Keel (longitudinal)

3) Vertical The consequences of pitching can be

1. Displacement of organs

2. Irritation of organ membranes

3. Pain in organs (liver, spleen)

4. Nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbance, dizziness due to disturbances of the vestibular apparatus - syndrome seasickness.

Prevention of pitching (sea sickness):

1) Technical events(devices - pitching dampers)

2) Personal events(movements, work, etc. are required)

3) Enhanced ventilation.

4) Training

5) Eating only cold dishes in small quantities and always including salty and sour foods.

6) Medication correction with the help of pharmacological drugs (aeron, appliqués scopolamine on the earlobe or behind the ear, ephedrine and etc.)

Sanitary standards


"Vibration levels on marine vessels"

Vibration Levels on Board Marine Ships. Sanitary Norms

Date of introduction - from the moment of approval

Introduced to replace -

"Sanitary standards for vibration

on sea, river and lake vessels", No. 1103-73

1 area of ​​use

1.1. These standards establish the maximum permissible vibration levels in the places where crew and passengers are on sea vessels, as well as the conditions for measuring vibration and requirements for measuring equipment.

1.2. The rules apply to all self-propelled sea vessels, including river-sea vessels, with the exception of military ships, military transports, sports and pleasure vessels not engaged in commercial operations.

1.3. The standards apply to ships being designed, built, operated and converted.

1.4. Sanitary standards are mandatory for shipowners, organizations designing, building and re-equipping ships, and state sanitary inspection institutions.

1.5. The requirements of these standards must be taken into account in regulatory and technical documents - GOSTs, TUs, etc., regulating the design, technological and operational requirements for ships and ship equipment.

1.6. The values ​​presented in these standards should be considered as maximum permissible, and not as desirable. Where practicable, vibration levels should be kept below the specified permissible values.

2. Normative references

2.2. "Sanitary standards for vibration on sea, river and lake vessels" SN 1103-73.

2.3. ISO standard 2631/1-1985 "Assessment of the effects of general vibration on the human body - Part 1: General requirements."

2.4. ISO standard 6954-1993. "Rules for the general assessment of vibration on marine vessels."

4.4. Vibration regulation is carried out depending on the purpose of the premises, the duration of exposure and the conditions of stay of the crew and passengers of the ship, according to the classification of ships.

5. Maximum permissible vibration levels

5.1. The form of the maximum permissible spectra is adopted, in accordance with ISO 2631/1 and GOST 12.1.012-90, the same for all regulated premises.

5.2. Maximum permissible vibration levels on ships are established according to the limit spectra (LS) for vibration acceleration ( La), dB, and ( A), m/s 2, table. , and or corresponding values ​​of vibration velocity ( Lv), dB and ( v), mm/s, table. , And .

6. Vibration measurement conditions and requirements for measuring equipment

6.1. Measuring equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.4.012 -90. Vibration measuring instruments that have passed verification are allowed for measurements (at least once every 2 years).

Before starting and after completing measurements, the measuring path should be calibrated using external and built-in calibration devices.

6.2. Vibration measurements are carried out according to a program agreed upon with the sanitary and epidemiological service and the customer's institute, included in the design documentation of the vessel, containing its main characteristics, layout of measurement points and guidelines for carrying out measurements.

6.3. Test conditions, measurements, processing and registration of measurement results must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.047-85.

6.4. Vibration is measured in three directions: vertical, longitudinal and traverse (transverse).

The limiting vibration spectrum for a given measurement point is the same for all three directions. To compare with standards, it is necessary to take the largest of the measured values.

Note.If, by selective measurements carried out in accordance with the agreed test program, it is established that the level of vibration in the longitudinal and traverse directions does not exceed vibration in the vertical direction by more than 3 dB, then measurements can only be made in the vertical direction. The test results are recorded in the sea trial report.

7. Dose assessment of vibration exposure

7.1. To assess the extent of exposure to vibration with varying levels and duration of exposure, a vibration dose estimate should be adopted. In practice, it is advisable to use the relative value of the vibration dose - Far East in fractions of the permissible dose - D add.

Where D- actual dose value.

In shipboard conditions, the average daily dose estimate should be used.

7.2. Average daily dose of vibration exposure - Far East(24) is determined by three partial doses corresponding to three eight-hour periods of the day, reflecting the main types of life activity of the crew - work, non-production time (active rest) and sleep (see Appendix).

7.3. Average daily dose - Far East(24) to which one or another category of crew is exposed, taking into account personal protective equipment, should not exceed one.

At Far East> 1 Measures must be taken to reduce vibration or reduce exposure time. At work stations where this is practically impossible, personal protective equipment (vibration-proof shoes, carpets, etc.) should be used.

8. Measures to organize testing, prevent exposure and reduce vibration

Lv; v(in table and)

1. Energy department

1.1. With unattended service

1.2. With periodic maintenance

1.3. On permanent watch

1.4. Isolated control stations (CPU)

2. Production premises

3. Office premises

4. Public spaces, offices and salons in residential premises

5. Sleeping and medical premises of ships of categories I and II

6. Accommodation premises for ships of category III

7. Living quarters (for rest of the shift worker) of category IV ships

table 2

Limit spectra (LS) of vibration levels by acceleration La, dB
relatively a 0= 3×10 -4 m/s 2

PS number,


Adjusted level

, dB


Table 3

Limit spectra (LS) of vibration in terms of acceleration in absolute values, a, m/s 2

PS number,


Geometric mean frequencies in octave bands, Hz

Corrected value, , m/s 2












































Table 4

Limit spectra (LS) of vibration levels by speed Lv, dB
relatively v 0= 5×10 -8 m/s

PS number,


Geometric mean frequencies in octave bands, Hz

Adjusted level



Table 5

Limit spectra (LS) of vibration by speed in absolute values, v, mm/s

PS number,


Geometric mean frequencies in octave bands, Hz

Corrected value













































Annex 1


The relationships between vibration acceleration levels, expressed in decibels,


Acceleration, m/s 2


Acceleration, m/s 2


Acceleration, m/s 2

3.00 × 10 -3

9.49×10 -2


3.37×10 -3

1.06×10 -1


3.78×10 -3

1.19×10 -1


4.24×10 -3

1.34×10 -1


4.76×10 -3

1.50×10 -1


5.33×10 -3

1.69×10 -1


5.98×10 -3

1.89×10 -1


6.72×10 -3

2.12×10 -1


7.54×10 -3

2.38×10 -1


8.45×10 -3

2.67×10 -1


9.49×10 -3

3.00×10 -1


1.06×10 -2

3.37×10 -1


1.19×10 -2

3.78×10 -1


1.34×10 -2

4.24×10 -1


1.50 × 10 -2

4.76×10 -1


1.69×10 -2

5.33×10 -1


1.89×10 -2

5.98×10 -1


2.12×10 -2

6.72×10 -1


2.38×10 -2

17.54×10 -1


2.67×10 -2

8.45×10 -1


3.00 × 10 -2

9.49×10 -1


3.37×10 -2



3.78×10 -2



4.24×10 -2



4.76×10 -2



5.33×10 -2



5.98×10 -2



6.72 × 10 -2



7.54×10 -2



8.45×10 -2




Appendix 2


The relationship between vibration velocity levels, expressed in decibels,
and values ​​expressed in absolute units


Speed, m/s


Speed, m/s


Speed, m/s

1.58×10 -6

5.61×10 -5

1.77×10 -3

1.77×10 -6

6.30×10 -5

1.99 × 10 -3

1.99 × 10 -6

7.07×10 -5

2.23×10 -3

2.23×10 -6

7.93×10 -5

2.51×10 -3

2.51×10 -6

8.89×10 -5

2.81×10 -3

2.81×10 -6

9.98×10 -5

3.16×10 -3

3.16×10 -6

1.12×10 -4

3.54×10 -3

3.54×10 -6

1.26×10 -4

3.97×10 -3

3.97×10 -6

1.41×10 -4

4.46×10 -3

4.46×10 -6

1.58×10 -4

5.00 × 10 -3

5.00 × 10 -6

1.77×10 -4

5.61×10 -3

5.61×10 -6

1.99×10 -4

6.30×10 -3

6.30 × 10 -6

2.23×10 -4

7.07×10 -3

7.07×10 -6

2.51×10 -4

7.93×10 -3

7.93×10 -6

2.81×10 -4

8.89×10 -3

8.89×10 -6

3.16×10 -4

9.98×10 -3

9.98×10 -6

3.54×10 -4

1.12×10 -2

1.12×10 -5

3.97×10 -4

1.26×10 -2

1.26×10 -5

4.46×10 -4

1.41×10 -2

1.41×10 -5

5.00 × 10 -4

1.58×10 -2

1.58×10 -5

5.61×10 -4

1.77×10 -2

1.77×10 -5

6.30×10 -4

1.99 × 10 -2

1.99 × 10 -5

7.07×10 -4

2.23×10 -2

2.23×10 -5

7.93×10 -4

2.51×10 -2

2.51×10 -5

8.89×10 -4

2.81×10 -2

2.81×10 -5

9.98×10 -4

3.16×10 -2

3.16×10 -5

1.12×10 -3

3.54×10 -2

3.54×10 -5

1.26×10 -3

3.97×10 -2

3.97×10 -5

1.41×10 -3

4.46×10 -2

4.46×10 -5

1.58×10 -3

5.00 × 10 -2

5.00 × 10 -5

Appendix 3


Calculation of the average daily dose of vibration

Due to the unequal levels of vibration and the duration of its exposure in the working area (for example, on the main diesel engine sites, at auxiliary engines, in the boiler room, separator room, central control room), when calculating the partial dose of the working period for eight hours, one should proceed from those obtained by measurement (or calculation) actual values ​​of the equivalent vibration level depending on the time the watchman spent in a particular zone.

When calculating, you should use single-digit corrected values ​​of the monitored vibration parameter (vibration acceleration or vibration velocity) or its logarithmic levels or .

Dose of vibration D determined by the magnitude and time of vibration exposure.

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