Suffix "nick". Russian language. What are the suffixes in Russian? Meaning of the suffix ik

One of the most productive in the Russian language is the suffix -nik- (-nits-). It must be said that it has a consonant alternation k/ts. The variant with the letter “k” forms words that are masculine, while the variant with the letter “c” is related to words that are feminine.

It forms words with a general objective meaning, that is, it occurs in nouns. Words with the suffix -nik- can be divided into groups according to their lexical meaning.

Words with meaning

This is a very large semantic group. All the words in it designate a person by his activity, by profession.

If these are genders, they have the suffix -nik-, examples of such words: boatman, tanner, gardener, forester, pupil, repairman, dirty trickster, robber, agrarian, altynnik, apparatnik, balalaika, balovnik, balyasnik, baranochnik, horse dealer, shoemaker, white ticketer , towpath, beader, fornicator, bribe-taker, hanged man, out-of-turn, waterman, military leader, wizard, freedman, receiver, eighty-year-old, eighth-grader, horseman, repeater, second-year student, sophomore, graduate, eye-seeker, holoshtannik, hunter, miner, potter, mayor, sinner , sinner, mushroom picker, summer resident, janitor, ninth grader, tenth grader, foreman, graduate student, debtor, pre-conscription worker, road worker, preschooler, defender, pickpocket, convict, film maker, brick maker, slanderer, collective farmer, nomad, seditious, bloodline, hooker, magician, puppeteer , cultural worker, holiday-goer, medical worker, miller, equestrian, classmate, excellent student, gunsmith, submariner worker, intelligence officer, libertine, home-wrecker, wise man, investigator, schismatic, libertine, warrior, interlocutor, adviser, companion, prisoner, magician, artist, ditty-reader, chashnik, misanthrope, warlock, fourth-grader, fourth-year student, drummer, glutton, shabashnik, hat-maker, sharomyzhnik, sixth-grader, tire-maker, schoolboy, self-seeker, saddler, sword-maker, skirt-maker, sneaker, pagan.

If these are female persons, the nouns denoting them have the morpheme -nits-: teacher, interlocutor, woman in labor, charming woman, witness, worker, mistress, sorceress, etc.

Words for plants

There are nouns in the Russian language with the suffix -nik-, denoting a plant or the place in which it grows.

For example: barberry, birch, vineyard, cherry, wolfberry, lichen, burnet; broom, moss, alder, gooseberry, sunflower, broom, currant, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, lingonberry, spruce, aspen, wren, buckthorn, hazel, rose hip, barley, berry.

Words with the meaning of a household item

Words with the suffix -nik- (-nits-) denote dishes or some other things in the house. Examples of these words: teapot, salad bowl, teapot, coffee pot, stewpan, washstand, gravy boat, wiper, pepper shaker, tureen, cracker, duckling.

There is a group of words with the meaning of a device, a tool: alarm clock, conductor, water collector, water sump, damper, thermometer, milker, lift, garbage collector, collar, radio, boiler, refrigerator, freezer, soldering iron, candlestick.

A special group consists of words that name food or a meal: vechernik, afternoon snack, dranik, kurnik, gingerbread, rassolnik, syrniki.

One can distinguish a category of words denoting premises and buildings: upper room, stall, hay barn, pigsty, cowshed, chicken coop, calf barn.

The suffix -nik- also forms words with the meaning “clothing”: letnik, quilted jacket, oversleeve, sweatshirt, spodniki, kosoklininik.

Words formed by prefix-suffix method

Some words with the suffix -nik- are formed by simultaneously adding a prefix and a suffix. Such words also have a subject meaning:

  • an object located below something: window sill, armrest, cup holder, headrest.
  • an object covering something: head cap, tip, knob, sleeve, knee pad, muzzle, headphones.
  • a person who does not have something: a free rider, a disinterested person, a horseless person, a shameless person, a homeless person, a spineless person, a godless person, a dowryless person.
  • people or objects located along something: border guard, plantain.

The objective meaning of such words is formed with the help of a suffix, and the spatial meaning is added by a prefix.

How to distinguish between the suffixes -nik- and -ik-.

What is the suffix in the word, for example, mechanic? If you say that -nik-, then it will be wrong. In the word mechanic the word-forming morpheme is -ik-. To prove this, you need to carry out a word-formation analysis: a mechanic is a person who has the ability to handle mechanisms; the productive stem contains the letter “n”. It follows from this that the suffix here is -ik-.

By the same principle, in the word “sandstone” the same morpheme -ik-, and not -nik-, is highlighted, since the originating word is sandy. And at the heart of this word there is the letter “n”.

And in the word lichen, there is definitely a suffix -nik-. It is derived from the word "lichen". As you can see, there is no “n” at the base of this word.

How double consonants NN appear in nouns

A doubled consonant in a word appears, as a rule, at the junction of morphemes, unless, of course, the word is foreign in origin. This means that one “n” refers to the stem of the generating word, and the second “n” refers to the first letter of the suffix. We can cite as an example words with -nik-: bannik (bathhouse), wanderer (country), chosen one (chosen one), guard (security), fable (fable), korennik (root), supporter (side), birthday boy (name day), swindler (moshna), elderberry (elderberry), insomnia (sleep), woodpile (log).

Difficulty may arise when distinguishing the suffix -nik- or -n- and -ik:

Let's consider examples: guard - protection (-nick-), chosen one - chosen one (-ik-). What do you need to learn in this case? A very simple circumstance: -nik- is used when a noun is formed from another noun, and -ik- produces a noun from an adjective or participle.

Here are examples of words where the suffix is ​​-nik- or -n- and -ik:

  • -nick-: druzhina-nick (druzhina -noun), rowan-nick (rowan -noun), arshin-nick (arshin -noun), patrimony-nick (votchina -noun)
  • -n+ -ik: hryvnia-n-ik (hryvnia -adj.), kon-n-ik (horse -adj.), kor-n-ik (indigenous -adj.), captive-n-ik (captive - adj.), priest-n-ik (sacred - adj.), own-n-ik (own - adj.), public-n-ik (public - adj.), sent-n-ik (sent - adj. ), production-n-ik (productive - adj.), related-n-ik (related - adj.), seed-n-ik (seminal - adj.), modern-n-ik (modern - adj.), expelled-n-ik (expelled - adj.)

Words with one letter "n"

One letter “n” is written in nouns that are formed from adjectives or participles with one letter “n”. Examples of words in which one letter n is written: varen-ik (boiled), windy-ik (windy), gostin-its-a (living room), drovyan-ik (wood-burning), konoplyan-ik (hemp), kostyan-ik -a (bone), maslen-its-a (oily), peat-ik (peaty).

The suffix -nick- in English

This suffix entered the English language with the words “satellite” and “beatnik”. The whole world knows the first word after the launch of the first Earth satellite.

The second word is associated with the name of journalist Herba Cain, who proposed calling the generation of broken youth the word “beatniks.”

Thus, the Russian suffix entered the English language and formed a whole nest of words with the meaning of a person adhering to a certain style of behavior.

IN English language he gives the words a mocking, disdainful meaning. This property is common in relation to borrowings; let us remember Leo Tolstoy: he used French for negative characterization of their negative heroes.

About two dozen English words have the suffix "nick". Examples of some of them:

  • neatnik - caring for oneself;
  • peacenik - opposed to war;
  • refusenik - not allowed to travel;
  • protestnik - protester;
  • draftnik - called up for military service;
  • Vietnik - served in Vietnam;
  • folknik - a fan of folklore;
  • nudnik - boring person;
  • no-goodnik - an unworthy person from whom nothing good is expected;
  • Freudnik - follower of Freud;
  • Goethenik - admirer of Goethe;
  • detentenik - supporter of detente;
  • computernik - a fan of computer technology;
  • real-estatenik - real estate dealer;
  • sitnik is a follower of Buddhism.

Thus, there is a suffix -nik- in Russian, which has made a good career in English speech.

There are many suffixes in the Russian language, the number goes into dozens, and each of them has a specific meaning. Some of them are found in modern language extremely rarely, for example, the suffix -ad- (as in the word “popadya”), while others are used constantly. The most common suffixes are -ek- and -ik-. The emphasis on these suffixes never falls, which causes difficulties when writing them. Schoolchildren and even adults sometimes confuse the letters “i” and “e” in these suffixes.

The meaning of the suffixes -ek-/-ik-

These suffixes are part of nouns.

The suffix -ik- should not be confused with another, very similar to it - -nik-. The latter forms words denoting professions, occupation (“”) or a person’s attitude towards any subject (“tselinnik”). It can also indicate the purpose of the item (“wallet”, “”). Words formed with this suffix can denote books (“reference book”, “problem book”) or spaces covered with something (“spruce forest”). The similarity of the suffixes is aggravated by the fact that in some cases the suffix -nik- is used without the letter “n” (“chemist”), but even in this case it can be distinguished by its meaning. This suffix is ​​always with the letter “i” and never with “e”.

The suffixes -ek-/-ik- have a completely different meaning. They belong to the suffixes subjective assessment, which give words an emotional coloring, expressing an attitude towards the subject. These suffixes indicate either the small size of the object (“key”, “handkerchief”), or a tender, affectionate attitude towards it (“”, “kitten”). Such suffixes are called diminutive.

Another difference between these suffixes and -nik- is in the placement of stress: -nik- in some cases turns out to be stressed (“mushroom picker”), and of the diminutive suffixes under stress, -ok- (“sailor”) is used, but not -ek - or -hic-.

Spelling suffixes

In order to decide which diminutive suffix - “-ek-” or “-ik-” - you need to write in in this case, a noun is required. With any change in the word by case, the suffix -ik- remains unchanged (“ticket - ticket, ticket”), and in the suffix -ek- the vowel drops out, and it turns into -k- (“little man - little man, little man”).

Thus, if, when changing a noun by case, the vowel in the suffix is ​​retained, the suffix -ik- should be written in the nominative case, and if it disappears, -ek-.

Suffixes play a very important role in the Russian language. With their help, not only new words are formed, but also grammatical forms, and they also serve to convey the emotional component of speech. That is why it is simply necessary to know what suffixes are and what they are used for.

What is a suffix?

A suffix is ​​a morpheme that comes behind a root. Sometimes there are cases when a suffix follows the ending. In this case it is called "postfix". First of all, this concerns the morpheme -sya-/-s-: wash themselves (ending -yut, postfix -sya-), get ready, show off and others.

The main function of a suffix is ​​the formation of new words, however, there are cases when this morpheme plays a formative role. There are many suffixes in the language that have expressive and emotional connotations.

So numerous that it begins to be studied in school as early as primary classes. What are the suffixes in the Russian language? Grade 2 takes place in the middle of the year.

Using this morpheme it is easy to find out which part of speech is in front of us. So, thanks to the specific -ush/-yusch and -ash-/-yash- we understand that this is a participle, and -v- clearly says that the word in question is a gerund. Let’s first consider these morphemes from the point of view of purpose, and then we’ll talk about belonging to any part of speech.

A word can exist without a suffix, but it is the suffix that gives the lexeme its special meaning. The opposite cases are also not uncommon, when there are two or even three suffixes. So in the word “teaching” there are two of them: -tel- and -stv-, and in the word “teaching” there are three: the verbal -ova- was added to the previous two.

What are they by function?

Let's look at what suffixes are from the point of view of their functionality.

Shades of values

Also, suffixes can be subdivided depending on what shade of meaning they convey. It is no secret that the root carries the main semantic load. The suffix only clarifies and makes the word more expressive. Let's look at what suffixes are from this point of view and the meanings they convey:

  • Diminutive: table-table; ram-lamb; handsome - handsome; child - baby.
  • Magnifying: boots, hands, fists, giants.
  • Baby animals: duckling, calf, kitten, baby elephant.
  • Designation of belonging to any profession: saleswoman, crane operator, barmaid; also localities: Siberian, St. Petersburg, Muscovite, southerner; Nationalities: Ukrainian, Georgian, German, Finnish.
  • Subjective attitude towards an object or person: thief, little one, cunning, greedy, laughing.

Noun suffixes

IN high school They begin to study morphology in detail, so for each part of speech they determine what suffixes there are in the Russian language (grade 5). Let's analyze this morpheme from this point of view.

We will cite as an example only the most characteristic suffixes, by which one can unambiguously say about their morphological affiliation.

Noun suffixes:


  • Belonging to a certain circle, nationality: highlander, Caucasian, encircled.
  • Ability: wrestler, merchant, tightrope walker.
  • Animal male: male, swimmer, stallion (-ec-) or female (-its-): bear, lioness, sloth.
  • Estimated meaning: brother, borscht, bread, prong (in colloquial speech and vernacular).
  • Diminutive meaning: knife, table.
  • Name of sciences, subjects: mathematics, mechanics, stylistics
  • Name of berries: blackberry, blueberry.
  • Item: textbook, fin, wallet.
  • Occupation: colonel, submariner, horseman.
  • Territorial object: greenhouse, dressing room, hay barn.


Diminutives: sparrow, wing, hut, snake.


Occupation: loader, parquet floorer, estimator, furniture maker.

Adjective suffixes

Now let's talk about what adjective suffixes are.

This is perhaps the richest part of speech for these morphemes.


A quality acquired under the influence of something (time, location, etc.): stale, tired.

Indicate the material from which the item is made. They are always written with one “n” (exceptions: glass, tin, wood): clay, sand, leather.

It may also indicate the purpose of the item (wardrobe) or the method of operation (wind, peat).

Indicates an expressive feature: enlarged body parts (lipped, tailed) or another quality (shaggy, bespectacled)

Ev-/-ov-, -in-

With the help of these suffixes grandfathers and fathers are formed.

It also indicates what the item is prepared or made from: pear, anise.


Property (military, morning, cranberry, slow)


Inclination, some quality, possession of something: rainy, lazy, beautiful

East, -chat-

Similarity: silvery, oily.

Tendency, similarity: sweeping, impetuous, turnip-like (turnip-like).

Performing an action or capable of it, having a connection: observant, surprising, selective.

Object of action, its purpose: swimming; desirable.

Verb suffixes

What are the suffixes for verbs in Russian? Most often they are formative (we wrote about them earlier). However, there are also those that are endowed with certain meanings. So -ova-/-yva- will tell us that the action has not ended, but is in the process (plan, fantasize, care) - these are all imperfective verbs.

The suffixes -sya-/-s-, although they form a reflexive verb, are not inflectional. They are included entirely in the base.

Pronoun suffixes

The last thing left to talk about is what pronoun suffixes are. There are only three of them: -this, -either, -something. They are all written with a hyphen and participate in the formation of anyone, any, something.

How to parse a word by its composition + TABLE OF SUFFIXES

To parse a word according to its composition means to make itmorphemic analysis , or indicate what morphemes the word consists of.Morpheme- the minimum meaningful part of a word.
Let's remember what parts a word can be divided into:


the main significant part of a word that related words have.

In the Russian language there are words that consist of one root:mushroom, metro, lane O, island, weather A.
Also, there are words consisting of two roots:heat O move, water O pad, myself O var.
From three roots: water O dirty e treat fucker.
From four roots:electr O light O water O treat tion.


a significant part of a word that comes after the root and is intended for the formation of new words.

Some words may have two suffixes: podberezovik - suffixes - ov - And - IR - .


this is a significant part of the word, which is located before the root and is intended for the formation of new words.


This is a variable part of a word; it serves to connect words in a sentence.

So, in order to parse a word according to its composition, you need to find the ending in the word, for which you need to change the word.

For example, in the worddrive.

Changing the word: trip Ouch , or trip at , then you can see - the variable part -A . Let's put a frame around it, this isending.

Next we will find the root, for this we will select a single-root word -By rides , re rides . Comparing these words, we see that part of the word does not changerides . That's what it is root.

Then we'll find prefix, for this we need to again select cognate words -By rides, under travel It can be seen that the prefix comes before the root, i.e. in our case it is part of the wordBy .

And finally we will findsuffix, which comes after the root and is intended to form a word, in our case it is part of the wordTo .

We made it:

Now let's look at the most common suffixes of nouns:




mold To ah, paw To A


Ray IR, plastic bag IR


hair OK, snow OK


years chick, forge chick


rut box, ban box


fur Nick, yard Nick


handkerchief ek, wreath ek


cool yok, guy yok


house ishq oh coat ishq O


spots yshk oh, per yshk O


spring ear and, woman ear A


mountains yushk oh gender yushk O


lamps points ah, dud points A


sit Echk oh this Echk A


apple onk oh, dev onk A


hand yenk oh, a knife yenk A

looking for

hut looking for a, hand looking for A


teach tel, build tel


dachshunds ist, programs ist


bunny onok, wolf onok


fox baby, tiger baby


gulch at oh, wolf at A


fox yat oh, tiger yat A

The most common suffixes for adjectives are:




Saturdays n y, famous n th


sample ov oh, canvas ov th


rings ev oh, every day ev ny


poor ovat oh, small ovat th


well done evat oh, son evat th


swing onk oh, lie down onk th


gray yenk yay, white yenk th


Belarusian sk yay, Mongolian sk th


happy Liv oh, brag Liv th


holes chat oh, smoke chat th

Suffixes on verbs:




jump A yikes, jerk A t


se I t, ve I t


hard e oh, look e t


smooth And yeah, driving And t


they say O t, count O t


I'll jump l ah, sowing l And

Examples of word parsing:


1. Select the ending, look for words with the same root: schoolwow, school. Endingth.

2. Find the root: school -schools A, school Nick. Root school

3. We are looking for the suffix: coldn oh, youth ny - adj. Suffix in the word prishkoln y - n.

4. Now the prefix:at estate, atmaritime That is, the prefixat.


1. Ending, change the word: boletus, boletusam, boletus ov. Ending And .

2. Root: boletus -aspen A, aspen Nick. Root aspen .

3. Suffix: nut ov oh, aspen ov oh, - ov -. And the suffix - IR -: boletus IR, Mokhov IR.

4. Prefix: under blanket, underbirch tree Consoleunder .

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