Where did the light of my eyes come from? Light of my Eyes. See what “My Soul” is in other dictionaries

The light of my eyes is Ustar. Book poet. An affectionate, friendly address to a dear, loved one. [ Vasily Ioanovich:] Dear, light of my eyes, forgive me(Lazhechnikov. Rival mothers).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “The Light of My Eyes” is in other dictionaries:

    Light of my Eyes)- LIGHT 1, a (y), m. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    my little light! Light of my Eyes!- (foreign language) beloved, dear Wed. Fathers of light! friendly address. Wed. You, my light, are in the window (face-to-face). Wed. Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed. Krylov. A Crow and a fox. Wed. Here is my dear, beloved one. Here is my little light, joy. Light brown head (song) ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    LIGHT- husband. a state that is contrary to darkness, obscurity, obscurity, darkness, which gives a way to see; Some take light for the shaking of the smallest particles of matter, others for a special, subtle substance, poured everywhere by the sun and fire. Direct light, self-light, from... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    LIGHT Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    LIGHT- (1) LIGHT (1) light, m. 1. only units. Radiant energy perceived by the eye and making the surrounding world accessible to vision and visible. Interference of light. Light refraction. Streams of light. The speed of light is 300,000 km per second. Treatment with blue... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    light- LIGHT, a (u), husband. 1. Radiant energy, making the world around us visible; electromagnetic waves in the frequency range perceived by the eye. Solnechny village Electric s. S. from the lantern. S. truth (translated). The face was illuminated with inner light (translated: ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Whose, whom. Outdated Book To move away from someone, to disappear, leaving someone behind. Hide from my eyes, you disgusting light! (Sumarokov. Khorev). Run, hide from sight, Cythera, weak queen! Where are you, where are you, thunderstorm of kings, proud singer of Freedom? (Pushkin... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    eye- noun, p., used compare often Morphology: (no) what? ok, what? ok, (I see) what? eye, what? About who about what? about the eye; pl. What? eyes, (no) what? eyes, what? I see (I see) what? eyes, what? eyes, about what? about the eyes 1. In poetic works, historical... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    SVECHIN- Svetinsky, Svetilov, Svetlichny, Svetlyakov, Svetlov, Svetov, Svechinsky, Svechkin, Svechnikov, Kostrov, Ogaryshev, Ogaryshkin... All these names are in one way or another connected with light - God's, solar, electric, or that given by a fire, a candle or... ...Russian surnames

    eye- A; pl. eyes, family eyes; Wed Trad. poet. 1. Outdated Eye. Take care, keep more than your own eye; like the apple of your eye (to keep something very vigilantly and carefully). In the blink of an eye (very quickly, instantly). The watchful, watchful eye (about the one who is vigilant,... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

In Rus' they called the beloved man the Light of my eyes, because a man is the Path, an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds. A loving woman looks admiringly at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself.

And the woman’s name was “My Soul.”

Because it resembles that for which it only makes sense to move along this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no meaning in anything: neither in wars, nor achievements, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if the soul is forgotten.

A man looks at his woman and cannot be afraid, cannot betray, cannot give up, because his soul looks at him through her eyes. And he will not accept any false excuses. You can't lie to your soul.

And sometimes he becomes coarser in battles so that the battles themselves become the meaning of life. And if he looks into her eyes, hears her voice, the cold of his heart will melt. And he will stop shedding blood and cry. This will melt the ice that fettered the soul.

Or vice versa: he will throw off the yoke and stand up to his full height, take up a weapon, and fight until he frees his soul and his people or until he dies in this battle. And in moments of fear for the body, her eyes will stand before him. And fear will recede before this look. And he will step into battle...

What is a man to a woman?

When a woman-caregiver gets confused, gets bogged down in vanity, saving everything and even forgetting why she is saving it, she will look into his eyes and remember. He won’t even remember, but will directly see the Path. And she will understand why she should take care, why she should preserve it, and why she should not give up even a tiny bit of beauty. Why provide space? Why not turn into a kitchen woman? There is a great meaning in all this, because through the eyes of a loved one the light of the Other World is visible. And this world is a real Home and Motherland. He is waiting. He is not a fiction. Because the man himself carries his spirit in everything he does...

Each of us has both masculine and feminine energies.

A man is a giver: care, finances, shelter. Masculinity manifests itself in the way of giving. If he does not feel the oncoming flow of female love, he stops giving. A man needs a woman to LOVE him: not to teach him, not to educate him, but to ACCEPT him.

Femininity is revealed in acceptance. She must learn to accept: his decisions, his reactions, his essence.

A woman's ability to accept her man without reasoning develops a man's ability to give his power to a woman; A woman’s love consists of accepting a man; the ability to embrace love with emotional energy puts a woman among the human virtues. Tenderness, humility, respect, tolerance - these four energies teach a man to live through generosity. A protective field is formed around him, the strength of which is life aspirations and success.

If a woman possesses these energies, the man becomes generous, and a protective energy shell is formed around him: career growth, life success, emotional balance.

Modern women carry too much masculine energy. They have forgotten how to love with their hearts and feelings. Love began to come from the mind. Girls strive to choose a husband not with their hearts, but with their minds: he earns good money, he has his own property, he will be a good father...

Women have changed the energies that are necessary for procreation: the woman also began to give herself, showing excessive care for her son, preventing his masculine qualities from manifesting; about her husband, becoming not his wife, but his mommy. This is - men's ways of creating with their minds. All this affects the exchange of energies between a man and a woman... This is where a large number of disagreements arise in a couple.

The main manifestation of Femininity is acceptance. The ability to accept a man in all his manifestations. This does not mean humiliating yourself in front of him. This means being able to envelop him with vitality, unconditional love, from which he will draw his strength and give the woman even more of his creativity, his victories, his joyful accomplishments..

In Rus' they called the beloved man - "Light of my Eyes", because a man is the Path, an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds. A loving woman looks admiringly at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself.

And the woman's name was - "My soul".

Because it resembles that for which it only makes sense to move along this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no meaning in anything: neither in wars, nor achievements, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if the soul is forgotten.

A man looks at his woman and cannot be afraid, cannot betray, cannot give up, because his soul looks at him through her eyes. And he will not accept any false excuses. You can't lie to your soul.

And sometimes he becomes coarser in battles so that the battles themselves become the meaning of life. And if he looks into her eyes, hears her voice, the cold of his heart will melt. And he will stop shedding blood and cry. This will melt the ice that fettered the soul.

Or vice versa: he will throw off the yoke and stand up to his full height, take up a weapon, and fight until he frees his soul and his people or until he dies in this battle. And in moments of fear for the body, her eyes will stand before him. And fear will recede before this look. And he will step into battle...

What is a man to a woman?

When a woman-caregiver gets confused, gets bogged down in vanity, saving everything and even forgetting why she is saving it, she will look into his eyes and remember. He won’t even remember, but will directly see the Path. And she will understand why she should take care, why she should preserve it, and why she should not give up even a tiny bit of beauty. Why provide space? Why not turn into a kitchen woman? There is a great meaning in all this, because through the eyes of a loved one the light of the Other World is visible. And this world is a real Home and Motherland. He is waiting. He is not a fiction. Because the man himself carries his spirit in everything he does...

You are probably familiar with phrases such as “The light of my eyes” and “My soul.”

It was not by chance that I brought up this topic. After all, today is a wonderful Slavic holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. And this is also the day of Peter and Fevronia.

The marital union of these two saints, patrons of family and love, is considered a model of a true Christian marriage. On this day, the Slavs traditionally chose their betrothed. It was from this day that weddings began. He follows Ivan Kupala, which, first of all, was a holiday of Love. And I really want love to reign around me, peace and harmony to exist in families.

The light of my eyes, my soul... As soon as we hear these phrases, something inside responds. Think about it - not the eyes, but the eyes, the light of the eyes. Listen to these words, say them out loud, without haste, without fuss. The light of my eyes... My soul... Listen to yourself, to your feelings. Your soul immediately becomes warm, calm and comfortable. It’s as if the memory of our ancestors is beginning to awaken in us. And remind us of the origins, the roots, without which no growth and no development is possible.

The people of ancient Rus' possessed special wisdom. And they also knew. It’s not for nothing that Rus' was called Vedic. People knew that words have power and carry energy. They structured their speech in a special way. Hence “the light of my eyes” and “my soul”. The man looked at the woman as a Goddess, and he himself was God for her.

In Rus', a beloved man was addressed with the words “The Light of My Eyes,” because a loving woman looked at her beloved with admiration, as a light that helps her not to forget herself. And also because a man is the Path, the ascent to the upper worlds.

And when it happened that the guardian became confused, got bogged down in vanity, saving everything and even forgetting why she was saving it all, she would look into his eyes and see the Path. And she will remember, she will understand why she needs to take care, preserve and for the sake of which she will not sacrifice even a tiny bit of beauty, not turn into a kitchen woman. And this makes the greatest sense! Because through the eyes of a loved one the light of those same Upper worlds is visible. A woman will see this light and remember again that she is a Goddess!

He called his beloved “My Soul.” Because she helped him not to forget his soul. After all, there is no point in anything - neither in wars, nor in victories, nor in knowledge, if the soul is forgotten. She reminded him of the meaning of moving along his Path.

The man looked at his beloved and could no longer betray, coward, or give up, because through her eyes his soul was looking at him. And there were no excuses for any lies, because you cannot lie to your soul.

And it happened that he would harden in battles, so much so that the battles themselves became the meaning of life, and as soon as he looked into her eyes and heard her affectionate voice, the ice of his heart began to melt. The same ice that shackled the soul. And he stopped fighting and shedding blood.

Or it happened differently. He threw off the yoke, rose to his full height, and fought with weapons in his hands until he freed his soul, his people, or died himself. And in moments of fear for her body, her eyes stood before him. And the fear of this look receded. And with new strength the man went into battle.

In Rus' they called a beloved man “The Light of My Eyes,” because a man is the Path, an arrow pointing to ascent. A loving woman looks admiringly at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself.

And the woman’s name was “My Soul.” Because it resembles that for which it only makes sense to move along this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no meaning in anything: neither in wars, nor achievements, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if the soul is forgotten.

A man looks at his woman and cannot be afraid, cannot betray, cannot give up, because his soul looks at him through her eyes. And he will not accept any false excuses. You can't lie to your soul.

And sometimes he becomes coarser in battles so that the battles themselves become the meaning of life. And if he looks into her eyes, hears her voice, the cold of his heart will melt. And he will stop shedding blood and cry. This will melt the ice that fettered the soul.

Or vice versa: he will throw off the yoke and stand up to his full height, take up a weapon, and fight until he frees his soul and his people or until he dies in this battle. And in moments of fear for the body, her eyes will stand before him. And fear will recede before this look. And he will step into battle...

What is a man to a woman?

When a woman-caregiver gets confused, gets bogged down in vanity, saving everything and even forgetting why she is saving it, she will look into his eyes and remember. He won’t even remember, but will directly see the Path. And she will understand why she should take care, why she should preserve it, and why she should not give up even a tiny bit of beauty. Why provide space? Why not turn into a kitchen woman? There is a great meaning in all this, because through the eyes of a loved one the light of the Other World is visible. And this world is a real Home and Motherland. He is waiting. He is not a fiction. Because the man himself carries his spirit in everything he does...

You are the light of my eyes!
I live only for you
In dreams and in reality.
Mystery of the nights
Instills awe and passion in the heart.
Love you. To fall to your lips
I feel the height of bliss.
I sing your beauty: you are an ideal,
You are perfect.
No matter what heights I reach while creating,
You will be my muse.
Your image gives me, I am grateful to God,
Understanding beauty.
With dreams of you I will overcome the road
Your destiny. I stand on it alone,
I'm sad.
Only when night falls I am master
Your desires. Under the dim light of the moon
You come from outside
And I rejoice in dreams, although they are liars,
But I'm sick of you, and I need them
To calm the brain.
I get tired of thinking about you every day:
Your features haunt me everywhere...
Wax runs off
From melted candles, in the silence of the night
The light is flickering, sit and write,
And the night in the window...
I can't find peace alone,
But I believe in the star that shines above me,
Flying on a horse
Rushing through the darkness to meet you.
I’ll forget about the rumor and won’t notice
Envious speeches.
Coming to you
I will gain confidence in myself.
You are the light of my eyes!

1995 Shukevich E.Yu.

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