Properties of shungite stone: a gift from the Earth or an alien planet? Comments, feedback and discussion

Shungite is still unknown to mankind. Year after year, people make various discoveries that attribute additional abilities to this mineral. Moreover, its effects on humans are confirmed by scientific research. That is why even a skeptic cannot argue with its properties.

In fact, modern jewelry science has advanced many steps beyond the time when a woman put on her first jewelry. Today it is possible to grow virtually any mineral in laboratory conditions, and it will be identical to the natural one. However, every rule must have an exception. Until now, not a single scientist has been able to artificially grow shungite. A stone whose properties are not fully reproduced when recreated is what attracts people. We can say that its popularity directly depends on the fact that its artificial cultivation is impossible. And humanity has always been drawn to what it could not understand or explain.

So what are the properties of shungite stone? Some scientists say that its appearance on Earth was not natural, and this gem came to our planet on a ship of an extraterrestrial civilization. This is due to the fact that the formation of its deposits dates back two billion years. There seems to be nothing special about the fact that it was formed so long ago. This would be so if it were not for the fact that at that time life did not exist on the planet. There weren't even single-celled organisms. Please note that the air at that time was not the same as it is now, it was not suitable for life modern people or animals. The fact is that there were no plants that saturated it with oxygen. In principle, if we take into account the fact that this gem was brought to us from another planet, then its ability to influence a person becomes more or less understandable.

The main properties of shungite stone are that it is a unique sorbent. It is capable of destroying more than 95 percent of various pollutants. No other mineral can purify water better than shungite. It kills E. coli, nitrates, cholera, phenols and other compounds and bacteria that can harm humans. Therefore, if you purify your water with silver, there is a more effective substitute. It is enough to throw a small piece of stone into the decanter - and nothing will threaten your body.

Speaking about the properties of the shungite stone, it is impossible not to mention it. Some people are accustomed to thinking that such a gem in the house protects them from damage and the evil eye. In fact, he is capable of absorbing electromagnetic radiation, as a result of which you will get an excellent state when everyone around you is moping.

There is also a belief that the mineral gives good luck in love and money matters. His appearance is also somewhat mystical in nature, because he “came from ancient darkness” (he was found in caves formed more than two billion years ago) and brought light (here the emphasis is on its properties). This state of affairs could not go unnoticed, and people who believe in everything unknown immediately paid attention to the unique gem.

Thus, shungite is a stone that definitely has magical and healing properties. Even scientific minds cannot argue with this fact. Despite the fact that they still cannot determine exactly when and under what forces people received this mineral, its effect on humans does occur. And in most cases it is positive. So you can buy shungite for yourself, especially since its cost cannot be called high. You will receive a serious advocate for your physical and mental health.

No matter how many articles are written about shungite, there are only continuous praises everywhere. And he heals health. And it lifts the mood. And it removes damage. And at least one link on the Internet leads to a site with information about what medicinal shungite is and how it can be dangerous.

Nobody writes about the dangers of shungite at all. We were able to find only a few foreign sites where reasonable voices are trying to break through the crowds of applause. Everyone strives to describe the benefits of shungite, which lies in its presence in the composition of fullerenes. Nobody argues: the organic form of carbon in this form exists only in outer space, and also in shungite. So they attributed miraculous properties to it.

However, shungite is harmful! And it is considerable, although it is so cleverly veiled that getting to the bottom of the idea had to be done through pyramids of layers of rumors, repetitions and similar information.

Composition of shungite stone

Here. Fullerenes. Who are they? This is a structure of carbon molecules, similar to a sphere in its design. Previously, humanity knew only three forms of carbon: diamond, carbide and graphite. And then information appeared about fullerenes. The structure of the fullerene molecule resembles a hollow sphere.

It is noteworthy that at the time the discovery was being developed, the possibility of treating cancer with fullerenes was being explored, but then the development was pushed into a corner. Fullerenes themselves were discovered in 1996 by Harry Kroto from the University of Sussex and Robert Curl and Richard Smalley from Rice University.

The antiseptic and sorbing properties of the molecule have been proven. Fullerenes were recognized as cleansers of the body, and in 2003, the Soviet scientist Semyon Tsipursky, in one of the laboratories of the University of Arizona in America, where he moved for permanent residence, found fullerene molecules in shungite. The healing properties of the mineral were immediately recognized.

And where did they come from?
Shungite, whose healing properties began to be praised all over the world, remained a mystery to humanity. However, there were also those who stubbornly tried to unravel the mystery. The hypothesis about the existence of the planet Phaeton turned out to be the most tenacious, but, as usual, this is where the dog was buried.

Phaeton, the prototype of the Earth, once included earthly forms life. And pieces of the broken Phaeton, in a collision with another planet, the so-called Lucifer, fell on Earth. But everyone remembers about Phaeton, but they modestly keep silent about Lucifer. And the essence of what happened in the end turned out to be this.
If we consider any material from the point of view of energy, then any matter is concentrated energy.

There is a Vedic parable about a demon who tasted divine ambrosia and was then cut in half. Two demons appeared: Rahu and Ketu. And the monster’s blood dripped onto the ground. She was poisoned and was evil. But ambrosia also did its job: the plant, which grew on drops of blood, also turned out to be healing.

Onions and garlic grew in place of the blood that fell into the ground. Why do you think Vedic teachings are against onions and garlic? Because in addition to healing energy, they contain extremely harsh vibrations that lower a person to the level of animal instincts and attract negativity and diseases. That is, they treat one thing, and cripple another.

“In her juice, general,

There is a useful mineral -

From him from the generals

Not one died!..”

So, the same thing happened with shungite, whose properties are overly exaggerated. The place where shungite fell, Mount Vottovaara, is a place of connection of energies of both Phaethon (positive vibrations, healing for humans), and negative ones (due to pieces of the planet Lucifer). In fact, there is even a name for the mineral Luciferite, which contains aspects of demonized energies that are dangerous to the people of the Earth. And although local researchers and esotericists are trying to neutralize this influence and are working in every possible way to change the energy of space, there is great doubt that shungite has already become useful a priori.

We just don’t know much yet; it was discovered only 20 years ago. And the place where it fell was initially contaminated (read about Mount Vottovaara, will you find many flattering reviews?) It’s not difficult to put two and two together to understand that with shungite, reviews of which should be given objective, and not just laudatory, things are not like that smooth. And it is unknown how and when this “useful mineral” will “shoot”.

And we don’t know what shungite brings us. For now, we simply stare enthusiastically into the mouths of researchers who repeat the same thing. But even from the point of view of chemistry, shungite contains not only useful minerals, but also a lot of dangerous to human life, and the shungite deposits themselves have something in common with veins of pyrite and quartz.

Actually, it has long been known about the same pyrite and quartz that both minerals are not worn on the body for long, since they activate both positive and negative energies in a person. Isn’t it strange that shungite deposits combine these three rocks?

Think with your head, just use a little logic before blindly believing in the miraculous properties of shungite. And then you won’t have to wonder where cancer suddenly came from when nothing predicted it, or something even more interesting.

13,865 | 10/6/2015 | Section: | Tags:

Comments, feedback and discussion:

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    Alexey, Moscow

    Good luck to everyone! I’ve been familiar with shungite since pre-Internet times. And now there is such an opportunity to purchase both pendants and pyramids! I happily purchased both beads and a pendant in the form of a large cross from the Zazhoginsky deposit. I began to wear the cross, feeling unusual and pleasant emotions, of course. I literally idolized shungite
    But only now, having read the article, I wonder where all that dirt, including electromagnetic dirt, that this mineral accumulates in itself while constantly on the human body comes from? Shortly after two years of wearing the cross, it was accidentally discovered on an MRI a benign brain tumor. A month ago I had an operation and everything was removed. Some feeling suddenly drew my attention to this cross and now I’m all in search of the harmful sides of shungite, which have not been fully explored. I warn you - everything I wrote is only a personal opinion!

    Elena - Perm

    Quote: “And the pieces of the broken Phaeton, in a collision with another planet, the so-called Lucifer, fell on Earth. But everyone remembers about Phaeton, but they modestly keep silent about Lucifer.”
    God be with him and Phaethon, but not to know that Lucifer is the ancient name of the planet Venus, it’s just some kind of obscurantism, and there is nothing negative in this name, literally translated as “bringer of light”


    Everything useful, as well as harmful, depends on the norm. To be healthy, no plate, tablet or shrimp will help, only temporarily relieve symptoms. The root of all problems, as modern psychologists say, is “between the ears.” Negative vibrations flow 24 hours a day from TV and radio, placing themselves in our heads from early morning, destroying the body all day long. And in general, people, start not only thinking, but also doing. Stop sitting and waiting for weather from the sea. Please note there are three areas that should be disciplined in every person: 1st place - breathing, 2nd place - nutrition and only in 3rd place - movement. I don't think there are anyone here who disagrees?

    Vadim Ekaterinburg

    I read the comments, and once again I am convinced that the mineral works with any living substance. Just like everywhere else, you need it professional approach. Remember ordinary human wisdom - good things little by little.
    I will give advice to both those who are against and those who are for: if you show aggression towards the mineral, it’s time to think about yourself and your soul, if it helped you, thank and continue your endeavors with shungite to improve the health of your body and soul.
    And for those who read something, somewhere, I will answer simply and clearly: the truth is a lie, but a hint, this is a big lesson for everyone.
    And purely on topic: all fast-acting modern medicines work on the principle of shungite-fullerene carbon - they deliver to the diseased cell the composition we need to protect and restore it.
    And so, for information: shungite and its technologies are used today in such progression: the space industry, the military industry, medicine, construction, Agriculture, industry and metallurgy.
    This is how things are with shungite))))

    Marina Moscow

    My 84-year-old mother, with cerebral ischemia, experienced severe dizziness. She’s been using a shungite cap for a month and feels relief. She’s not throwing herself to the sides anymore. It relieves pain. Due to the heat emanating from the stone, she’s on the mend. Well, God willing!

    Shungite is a natural mineral with a specific structure crystal lattice, which is based on carbon. And carbon, as we know, is the basis of life on Earth. Origin shungites, whose geological age is more than 2 billion years, has not yet been solved. There is a hypothesis that shungites- these are the remains of the planet Phaeton, which once existed in our solar system. These minerals exist only at one point on our Earth. Moreover, in the form of lumps - “globules”. It is these globules of carbon substance that, when released into the water, transform and structure water molecules, giving it healing properties.

    Carbon- an essential element of life. Quite recently, a new, previously unknown form of existence of carbon was discovered, in the form of hollow spherical ions - fullerenes, on which doctors have high hopes. To date, fullerenes have been found only in shungite.

    Shungite- the only natural mineral in the world containing fullerenes. This explains its properties to cure many ailments, preserve youth, beauty, and freshness of organs and systems. Karelian shungites are truly unique: so far only one deposit of these rocks has been discovered in the world.


    Fullerenes are a molecular form of carbon discovered in 1985. Previously, it was believed that carbon had only three forms of existence - diamond, graphite and carbine.

    Fullerenes got their name from the American architect Richard Fuller, who built a pavilion at an exhibition in Montreal in 1967 using an unusual slender structure of pentagons and hexagons. Fullerene atoms are united in a similar way.

    The discovery of fullerenes caused a storm scientific research, as a result of which it turned out that these tiny structures can be used in a variety of fields - from rocket science to water filtration.
    Due to their network-spherical structure, fullerenes turned out to be ideal fillers and ideal lubricants. They roll around like molecule-sized balls between rubbing surfaces. By combining different atoms and molecules inside carbon balls, you can create the most fantastic materials of the future.

    Fullerenes can be used in nanotechnology, medicine, rocket construction, military purposes, electronics, machine production, in the production of technical products, computers, etc. And in all cases, the operating parameters of the equipment are significantly improved, the quality increases, and the technologies become more efficient and simpler.

    After the discovery of fullerenes, scientists began to look for other rocks containing them. Such rocks were discovered at meteorite fall sites in Canada, Australia and Mexico, which suggests the extraterrestrial origin of fullerenes.

    For the discovery of fullerenes, Harold Kroto (Great Britain), Robert Curl and Richard Smellie (USA) were awarded Nobel Prize in chemistry.

    As for shungite, it was the presence of fullerenes in shungite that began to explain its properties.

    In addition to unique fullerenes, shungite contains elements of almost the entire periodic table. The peculiarity of this rock lies in its selective action. When interacting with a person, shungite absorbs and destroys everything unnecessary, and also adds and restores the elements that a person needs. This phenomenon is based on the ion-exchange properties of shungite, which make it possible to selectively remove certain pollutants from the body. In addition, shungites “know how” to feed a person with the necessary macro- and microelements, and also selectively: the body itself chooses what it needs. This effect apparently occurs due to the fact that carbon particles ( they are called globules - approx. Auto.) are able to easily pass into cold water, for example, from the surfaces of fragments or from a fresh fracture of shungite rock, which gives the water healing properties. Of all the elements present in minerals, the body accurately absorbs only the necessary ones. As a result of this “exchange,” the mineral balance gradually returns to normal and the energy of our body returns to normal.

    It is curious that scientists noticed such an interaction while observing the behavior of animals. Biologists and naturalists have long known the phenomenon when deer, elk, and wolves find stones and lick them. What kind of stones are these? Why do they lick them? Scientists believed that animals lick natural salt and thus compensate for the lack of sodium in food. However, these stones turned out to contain no salt at all. More thorough studies have shown that what is happening is nothing more than ion exchange processes between minerals and animals, as a result of which animals get rid of some elements and are saturated with others, the lack of which their body feels.

    Water purification using shungite

    Shungite has the ability to purify water from almost all organic substances (including petroleum products and pesticides), bacteria and microorganisms. Fullerenes in a water solution acquire the properties of catalysts and help the oxidation of active chemical compounds. Clean and soft water at the depths of Lake Onega in Karelia, which meets all strict hygiene requirements, which can be drunk without any purification, is a consequence of the thousand-year interaction of this water with shungite. And today it is customary to attribute the healing properties of the Martial waters shungite the rocks through which they pass.

    The fact is that silicon, magnesium, metal sulfates, not to mention iron, which are contained in these waters, are also found in the waters of other modern sources. Meanwhile, Marcial waters have no analogues in their effects on the human body, and therefore their healing properties today are usually attributed to shungite, or rather, lumps-globules of ancient carbon that enter the water when interacting with shungite. Industrial production filters based shungite began in the 1990s, during which time more than one study was conducted on the effects of purified water on the human body. Strictly speaking, at first the effect was tested on animals and they came to the conclusion that shungite water absolutely non-toxic.

    Later, the Military Medical Academy spent several years studying the effects of this water on sick people and classified it as waters that have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. It has been proven that this water can be drunk without boiling, especially since boiling in ordinary water only increases the content of harmful organochlorine compounds. Examining the water that passed through shungite breed, scientists have proven that it has bactericidal properties. The experiment boiled down to placing either shungite dust or large pieces of rock. At the same time, the water was contaminated with microbes of group A streptococcus (it is the causative agent of sore throat, scarlet fever, rheumatism) and group D streptococcus (enterococci), this is one of the microbes that characterizes the suitability of water for drinking.

    The experiment showed that water infused with shungite for three days has pronounced bactericidal properties against these microorganisms. Within half an hour after immersing shungite rocks in water, the concentration of group D streptococcus decreased by 10-100 times, and group A by 900 times, compared to the initial values.

    Shungite purifies water from various impurities of organochlorine compounds, nitrates and nitrites, excess copper, manganese, iron, completely from helminth eggs, removes turbidity, tastes, and odors from it. It saturates water with calcium and magnesium salts, as well as microelements to the optimal concentration for the human body, and disinfects water without the use of chlorination or ultraviolet irradiation.

    In addition, this breed gives water unique healing properties. Scientists have proven the fact of the release of carbon from shungite into water with soluble fullerenes in homeopathic doses. Nature, as it turned out, has been “producing” solutions of fullerenes for centuries, the creation of which modern science is still struggling unsuccessfully.

    Diseases for the prevention and treatment of which shungite water is indicated:

    • anemia
    • allergies various types
    • bronchial asthma
    • gastritis
    • dyspepsia
    • kidney diseases
    • liver diseases
    • diabetes
    • cholelithiasis, gallbladder disease
    • weakened immune system
    • pancreatic diseases
    • colds
    • cardiovascular diseases
    • cholecystitis
    • chronic fatigue syndrome

    Water infused with shungite, thus becoming not just pure drinking water, but also a molecular colloidal solution of hydrated fullerenes, which belong to a new generation of medicinal and prophylactic agents with a multifaceted effect on the body. One example of such an effect is the antihistamine effect that shungite water has. It has been found that when consumed, the level of histamine in the blood, which plays a large role in the development of most allergic diseases, noticeably decreases.

    How to get shungite water at home

    Pour pre-filtered water into an enamel or glass container (jar) and place the pre-washed water in it. shungite breed of any shape and size - at the rate of 100 g. rocks per 1 liter of water. Within half an hour, the water acquires antibacterial properties, and will finally acquire all its healing properties after three days. Pour the infused water into another container and fill the vessel with shungite new portion of water. Don't be alarmed by the black color of this water; after a few minutes the suspension will settle and the water will become clear. In rural areas, where water is taken from wells, it is enough to immerse 20 - 30 kg into the well shungite crushed stone in order to purify water from bacterial contaminants, nitrates, petroleum products and impart active properties to water.

    Diseases for the prevention and treatment of which shungite baths are used:

    • allergy
    • varicose veins
    • dandruff, hair loss
    • gynecological diseases (in combination with douching with shungite water)
    • hypertension
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: dyspepsia, gastritis, enteritis, colitis
    • gallbladder disease
    • cholelithiasis
    • acne
    • blood and lymph diseases
    • urolithiasis disease
    • diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys
    • neuropsychiatric diseases: depression, stress
    • pancreatic diseases
    • colds
    • cardiovascular diseases
    • chronic fatigue syndrome, overwork

    It should be noted that the finer the fraction, the faster the purification will occur. For example, if you are dealing with shungite rocks 1 - 2 cm in size, then the poured water can be drunk after 10-15 minutes and left for no more than two days. The finer it is crushed shungite breed, the more actively it interacts with water and gives off healing properties. Rejuvenates, heals, soothes...

    Impact on the body shungite has a truly fantastic effect: it heals, protects, rejuvenates, relieves pain, and neutralizes the harmful effects of geopathogenic zones.

    Doctors noticed that patients who spent at least two to three weeks on Marcial Waters (Republic of Karelia) immediately began to feel better. The functioning of the circulatory, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems is normalized, skin diseases disappear, and the course of schizophrenia and mental illness is alleviated.

    Unravel the secret of the healing properties of shungite neither doctors nor physicists can yet. It was only possible to establish that when the effects of shungite on the body regeneration processes occur in the cells of the body. And bioenergeticists claim that it is enough to wear a pendant with a small piece of shungite around your neck for 5-10 days (by the way, polished shungite is very beautiful) and the human biofield, disturbed by stress and negative emotions, is restored.

    Although drinking shungite water has virtually no contraindications and is indicated for the prevention of many diseases; before people who have numerous health problems start drinking it, if possible, it is better to consult a doctor who is familiar with the effects of this mineral.

    Using shungite water as a drink and for cooking, you can treat diseases of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, genitourinary system, diseases of the circulatory system. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to drink no less three glasses of shungite water in a day.

    Water infused with shungite, has a general healing and rejuvenating effect on the body. The face is cleansed, shungite water eliminates wrinkles on the face, removes irritation, itching, rashes, and gives the skin elasticity and firmness. Strengthens hair, dandruff disappears, and healthy shine appears.

    Shungite water treats kidney disease, liver disease, cholelithiasis, heartburn. It is effective for vegetative-vascular dystonia, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system and circulatory system. Water relieves allergic conditions and improves the overall tone of the body.

    Let's drink and wash with shungite water

    A healthy person only needs to drink half a glass of shungite water a day to keep his body in good condition. In the autumn-spring period, to prevent colds and ARVI, drink 1.5 - 2 glasses daily for 2 months.

    • For wounds, cuts and abrasions, wash the affected area shungite water.
    • For thermal or chemical burns apply lotions with shungite water to the burned area.
    • For sunburn wet a cotton T-shirt with shungite water and put it on your naked body.
    • For sore throat, laryngitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease gargle and gargle with heated shungite water.
    • For hypertension, atherosclerosis Every morning, douse yourself with shungite water (or at least wipe your entire body with such water using a wet towel).
    • For inflammatory gynecological diseases Take daily sitz baths with shungite water heated to body temperature. Course 15-20 baths.
    • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract drink shungite water instead of regular water, cook food with it, and rinse dishes.
    • For skin diseases(neurodermatitis, eczema, etc.), as well as for abrasions, wounds, and skin irritations, shungite baths are excellent. Heat the water in the bath to a temperature of 40 degrees and place a cotton bag with shungite (weight 250-300 grams) in it. Wait until the water cools down to 36 degrees, and lie down in the bath for 10 - 20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse in the shower and lubricate the painful areas with lanolin cream.
    • For acne and problematic facial skin wash your face with shungite water twice a day (morning and evening) and let your face dry in the air. If the rashes are very severe, then make compresses from a cloth moistened with shungite water every day for a week.
    • For dandruff, split ends, brittle, dull hair, for alopecia(hair loss) after washing, rinse your hair with shungite water, and also moisten your scalp with a small amount of this water every day.

    Let's trample on shungite crumbs

    Everyone knows that the active zones (so-called projections) of all organs of our body are located on the soles of our feet. Therefore, doctors recommend walking barefoot on sand, pebbles, and morning grass. In this case, all zones are stimulated, and the body receives a charge of energy. And if you walk around shungite chips, then a real energy storm will occur in the body: just stomp around for 3-5 minutes, and fatigue will go away and vigor will appear.

    Besides The shungite “path” will relieve pain from radiculitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and improve blood supply to all organs. If you are tired or have decreased performance, stand on shungite crushed stone and trample on it for two minutes. Do this procedure in the morning (to “shake off” drowsiness) and upon returning from work (to get rid of fatigue). But no later than an hour before bedtime: the “explosive” activation of the points on the feet will prevent you from falling asleep quickly.

    Shungite chit comes in different fractions (sizes). It, as mentioned above, is used to purify water and take a bath. In addition, it works effectively on its own. Pour the crumbs into a shoebox or onto a piece of card stock (note that it leaves charcoal marks) and stand on it with your bare feet. You can imitate walking, you can just stand on this rock for 1 - 5 minutes. Since this procedure is quite painful, its time is selected individually.

    If we are talking about elderly or seriously ill people, then this procedure can be carried out while sitting on a chair and pressing with your feet on the rock scattered under your feet. For people with health problems, it is recommended to foot massage on shungite crushed stone under blood pressure control. It should not change significantly before and after the procedure.

    The effect of this procedure is very versatile. Impact on reflexogenic zones located on the foot, help improve blood supply to organs and tissues of the body. Relieves leg pain in older people and athletes, increases overall energy tone, and immediately relieves nervous tension, radiculitis is treated, the spine is freed from energies harmful to humans.

    Massage is also very effective made with shungite pebbles. It quickly relieves back pain and, with regular use, cures radiculitis. At the core treatment with shungite crumbs lies reflexology. The foot is one of the most reflexogenic zones on the human body; there are points on it that correspond to almost all systems and organs.

    P.S. I've been looking for a long time real Shungite and was surprised to find that 90% of what is now offered has nothing in common with Shungite, even at the All-Russia Exhibition Center in Moscow there were fakes. And then I personally visited Karelia, found out how it is mined, what is the difference between the mined stone (it turns out there is a difference in quality and properties) and contacted the TorgKontrakt company. This is one of the few companies that officially sell Shungite, have all certificates of conformity, the products have passed laboratory tests.

    Shungite is packaged in boxes of 500 grams, there are instructions, description. In personal communication with the owner of the company, I learned that They purchase the highest grade shungite directly without intermediaries, the one that has medicinal properties, I also found out that 500 gr. cannot cost 60-80 rubles, but this is the price they sell on the Internet.

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