Th and -CH in undefined verbs. forms. Suffixes. Primary school How to distinguish a suffix from a postfix

Is -ti(-ti) in the indefinite form of the verb a suffix or ending?

Ti (-ti) is a form-building suffix, since it forms the form of the infinitive: read-ti, carry-ti. The infinitive (the indefinite form of the verb) is an unchangeable form, so it simply cannot have an ending, because the ending is the variable part of the word. By cutting off -t (-ti), we get the basis of the infinitive, from which many verb forms are formed: build-t - build-l, build-vsh-y.

IN school textbook according to tradition, -т (-ти) stands out as endings.
In the new manuals there is a double option, when -т (-ти) stands out both as an ending and as a suffix. Apparently, the most reasonable solution for the teacher would be to teach how to isolate a given morpheme as recommended in the textbook, while explaining its nature. Students should know that this is a formative suffix.

And here -whose at the end of the infinitive is not a separate morpheme at all, it is included in the root . Compare: bake, bake, eat, bake.

How to distinguish a suffix from a postfix?

In words that have an ending, the suffix usually comes before the ending. But the suffix can also appear after the ending. It's called postfix.

Postfixes are observed in verbs and in certain categories of pronouns: wash-sya, formed-sya, eat-ka, someone, some, came after all. They can be written with a word either together (the first two examples) or with a hyphen (the remaining examples).

By origin, all postfixes are independent words.

To distinguish a postfix from a suffix, you just need to remember all the postfixes. There are few of them; in the examples given above, they are all named.

What sign is used to highlight postfixes?

There are several options for highlighting: 1) as a suffix, 2) in no way, 3) as a “prefix on the contrary” (in the other direction).

The most logical, in our opinion, is to highlight the postfix with a suffix sign, since, according to the definition, a postfix is ​​a suffix that comes after the ending. But you need to explain in words that this is a special morpheme and name it correctly.

Are postfixes included in the stem of a word?

The verb has postfixes that are both word- and form-forming, while pronouns have only word-forming postfixes. Form-forming postfixes are not included in the stem of the word, word-forming ones are.

The verb postfix -sya (-sya) requires special attention. It can be both word- and form-building. It is formative if it forms a form of voice: to pour, to get angry, to rush. In a number of cases, the affix -sya acquires the meaning of a word-forming morpheme and is included in the stem, which in in this case becomes intermittent (it is interrupted by the ending and/or the formative suffix): cry-t-sya, read-l-sya, revelry-sh-i-sya. It is not difficult to distinguish such verbs: they are not used without -sya.

1. Suffix is a morpheme that comes after a root and is usually used to form new words, although it can also be used to form the form of one word.

For example: kind - kindness(suffix - from- word-formative), kinder, kinder(suffix - her- formative, forms the form of the comparative degree of the adjective; suffix - eish- formative, forms a form superlatives adjective).


In some cases, the suffix -j- may not receive a special graphic designation in the word. Its presence can be indicated by vowels e, ё, yu, i in the position after a consonant or a dividing ь, for example: Volga region[j] e[volga], Zaonezh[j] e[zΛn’ezhj].

2. Most suffixes are used to form new words.

Teach - teacher, teacher, teacher.

There are relatively few formative suffixes in the Russian language. The most important among them are the following:

    suffixes of the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjective: -ee (-ey), -e, -she, -eysh-, -aysh;

    Faster, faster, more expensive, older, deepest, wisest.

    past tense verb suffix -l;

    I came and found out.

    the imperative suffix of the verb -i;

    Take it, lead it.

    some noun suffixes as indicators of plurality and singular;

    Wed: citizen(units) - citizens(plural); Friend(units) - Friends(plural; it is created not only due to the ending -я [а], but also due to the suffix -j- - [druz’j а́]); son(units) - son I(plural; it is created not only due to the ending -я [а], but also due to the suffix -овj ​​- [снΛв’j а́]); duckling ok(units) - ducklings(plural).

    some noun suffixes as indicators of indirect cases.

    Wed: mother- (No) mater and, time- (No) times and

The spelling of suffixes depends on the part-speech nature of the word and will therefore be considered when characterizing the corresponding parts of speech.


1) In linguistics there is no unity in determining the status of the indicator of the indefinite form of the verb (infinitive) - -ть, -ти, -ч ( run, carry, take care). Some researchers characterize these morphemes as endings, others as suffixes. In this tutorial we look at infinitive indicator(-t, -ti, -ch) as an ending (!).

2) In linguistics there is no single point of view on the participle affiliation of participles ( reading, read, read, read) and gerunds ( reading, having read). In some manuals, participles and gerunds are characterized as independent parts of speech (in which case the corresponding suffixes will be derivational), in others - as special forms of the verb (in which case the same suffixes will be formative). In this manual, participles and gerunds are considered as independent parts of speech.

3. Like roots and prefixes, suffixes can change their appearance. At the same time, as in the roots, alternations of consonant and vowel sounds are observed here. In particular, “fluent vowels” are possible.

Wed: knizh-k-a - knizh-ek; slid-k-y - slid-ok, funny-n-oh - funny-on, old-etc - old-ts-a, saucer-ts-e - saucer-etc.

Quite regularly, alternations of consonants and combinations of sounds are observed in suffixes (k / h, ova / уj).

Wed: knizh-k -a - knizh-ech -k-a, kom-ok - kom-och -ek, pir-ova -t - pir-uj -yu.

4. In general, when identifying suffixes and complexes of suffixes, it is necessary to focus on the words from which the given word is derived. In this case, it is convenient to use a paraphrase with such a cognate word.

For example:

  1. Let's compare the morphemic composition of nouns: Sasha, cherry, pea.

      In the word Sashenka ( Sash-enk-a) the root stands out Sash- (Sasha) and suffix -enk(A): « Sashenka- diminutive for Sash A».

      In the word cherry ( cherry-to-a) the root stands out cherries with a fluent vowel ( cherry) and suffix -To(A): « Cherry- little cherry I».

      In the word pea ( pea) the root stands out peas with alternating consonants X/w (peas) and two suffixes: suffix -in- (pea): « Pea- single component of peas”; suffix -To(A): « Pea- small pea ina».

  2. Let's compare the morphemic composition of adjectives: dreamy and conscious.

      In the word dreamy ( dreamy) the root stands out dream- (dream) and three suffixes: verb suffix -A- (dream): « Dream- indulge in dreams am"; suffix -tel with the meaning “doer” ( dreamer): « Dreamer- one who loves dreams at"; adjective suffix -n(th): « Dreamy- such as a dreamer; characteristic dreamer Yu».

      In the word conscious ( conscious) the root stands out know (know) with prefix co- (cognizance), as well as one suffix -teln(th): « Conscious- one who is correctly conscious ayot, understands the surrounding reality.” Suffix -tel in this case it is not highlighted, since there is no noun in Russian conscious.


Most typical mistakes when highlighting suffixes are the following.

1) Assigning the final letters of a suffix to the ending. This happens especially often with suffixes: -enij ( e) - possession-enij -e, -tij(e) - take-tij-e, -ij(e) - narcissist-ij-e, -j(e) - happiness-j-e, -j(e) - old-j-e, -atsij(I) - delegation-atsij-i, -ij(I) - arm-ij-i. In all these cases andj or j refer to the suffix, not the ending (!).

2) Attributing part of a root or part of a previous suffix to a suffix (usually when there are identical sounds and letters at the end of a word).

3) Non-distinction between individual suffixes and the sum of suffixes.

Wed: inert- awn (from osn th, Where kosn- - root), ready-ness (from ready th, Where ready- - root), gram-n- awn (cf.: charter - Adiploma-n - thgram-n- awn).

Morphemic analysis shows which minimal significant parts ( morphemes) consists of the word being studied.

Note: In different educational complexes The approach to parsing the word is different. To avoid problems, compare the parsing procedure outlined below with your textbook.

Analysis of words by composition It is advisable to start with the designation of the initial form, with the definition of the part of speech to which the word refers. After that:
- highlight the ending and formative suffix (if they are in the word),
- highlight the stem of the word - part of the word without endings and formative suffixes,
- highlight a prefix and/or suffix (suffixes) at the base of a word through the construction of a word-formation chain,
- highlight the root in the word.

For reference:
Ending - a formative morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number and case (at least one of them!) and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences.

The basis - this is an obligatory element of the morphemic structure of a word, expressing lexical meaning words. All types of formative morphemes (ending, formative suffix) are not included in the stem of the word; the word-forming reflexive suffix - sya/-s (uch-l-a-s) is included in the stem.

Suffix - a significant part of a word that is found after the root (the exception is the suffix - sya (-s), which is found after the ending) and is usually used to form words.

Word-forming suffixes serve to form new words with the same root: write - write- tel, optics – optical esk-th.

TO formative suffixes include:

· suffixes of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs starting with –O, - E: -ee, - her, - e, - she, - eish, - aish: strong - strong -her, expensive - expensive e, obediently – obediently eish- e, high - tall -aysh-th;

· suffixes of past tense verbs in the indicative and conditional moods -l- and zero: affairs- l- affairs- l would, carry - carried - Ø would;

· suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb – ty, - ty(at school considered as graduation): lying down l-a – lying- t, pass- l-a – pass- you ;

· participle suffixes -ush-, - yush-, -ash-, - box-, - wsh-, - w-, - eat-, - im-, - om-, - nn-, - enn-, - t-: carried ushch-yy, game- yushch-yy, scream- asch-y, whistle- box-yy, read- Vsh-y, grew- w-th, organize- eat-th, love- them-th, ved- ohm-th, see- NN-th, revealed enne-th, erased- T th;

· suffixes of gerunds -a-, - I-, -uchi-, - yuchi-, - v-, - lice-, - shi-: hear- A, come on I, will- teach, a game- Yuchi, lose V, nadu- lice- sir, locked - shi-s.

Note: When classifying participles and gerunds as independent parts of speech, their suffixes are considered as word-formative (chanting, sung, chanting, chanting - are considered as different words, and not as a form of the verb chanting).

Suffixes can cause grammatical alternations in the root: mukh-a - mush-k-a

Console , or prefix- this is a significant part of the word, which is located before the root and serves to form new words.

Root - the main significant part of the word, which contains its main lexical meaning, the general part of the same root or related words. The root is the only required part of the word. There are no words without roots, while there are a significant number of words without prefixes, suffixes and without endings.

Parsing examples:


Some nouns have no ending, due to the fact that they do not change (coat, highway).

Stand out null endings:
1. im. p.un. h. nouns m.r. - garden-〙, snow-〙
2. im. p.un. h. nouns g. R. - joy-〙, mouse-〙;
3. kind p.m. including nouns of all genders: stocking-〙 (stockings), families-〙, (family), countries-〙 (countries).

Zero derivational suffix stands out:
1. g. R. them. p.un. including nouns formed from the corresponding adjectives: sin-Ø-〙 (cf. blue - blue, blue - sin-ev-a);
2. im. p.un. h.m.r. verbal nouns: run-Ø-〙 (cf. run - run, run - run-relative).

(y) window


Initial form window - a noun denoting a specific object;
ending -A (to the window - on the window - at the window) indicates gender. n. Wed. r., units h.;
the basis window;
window root -
(window, window), alternation possible window-, window-, window-



Initial form air - noun denoting substance;
ending -ohm (in the air - air - air) points to TV. p. husband r., units h.;
the basis air ;
root air - (air, air), alternation possible air-, air .



Initial form renaming - abstract verbal noun;
ending -Yu (renaming - renaming - renaming) indicates dates. n. Wed. r., units h.;
the basis renamed j;
renaming - naming - name - nominal - name;
suffix -nij -
forms nouns with the meaning of action;
suffix - ova - verb suffix meaning to carry out something;
suffix -en - suffix of an adjective with the meaning of a characteristic;
console re-
root -them -



Initial form cream - collective noun;
ending -am (cream - about cream - cream) indicates date. n., pl. h.;
cream - drain - drain - pour;
suffix -To - forms nouns denoting an object - the result of an action;
suffix - V - suffix of an imperfective verb;
console With- forms the perfect form of verbs;
root -whether- (pouring - pouring - pouring), alternation is possible -li-, - lj-, - lei- .


Endings No at the infinitive.

Stands out zero ending verbs have singular h.m.r. past vr. and conditional mood: did-〙 (would); for verbs in the imperative mood, where the zero ending expresses the meaning of the singular: look-〙.

Most verbs have two or more modifications basics- infinitive and present tense (for verbs of the perfect form - future).

Null suffix stands out for singular verbs. h.m.r. past vr. and conditional mood: nes-Ø-〙 (cf. nes-l-a), coast-Ø-〙 (would)



Initial form offend - imperfective verb;
ending - no - indicates the present form of the verb. vr., 3 l., units. h.;
basis: offend - insult , offended - offensej ;
offends - offends - offense;
suffix - j - - suffix of present tense verbs.
suffix - A - - suffix of the verb stem of the imperfective form (cf. offend)
root offense - possible alternation -offense-, - offence-

got ready


Initial form going to - got ready - reflexive verb of the perfect form of the indicative mood;
the zero ending indicates the past tense form of the verb, singular. h., m.r.;
basis: gather - collecting (th) Xia ; will gather - collected (ut) Xia ; are going - collectj (ut) Xia; got ready - gathering (l) Xia ;
collected - took - take;
suffix - Xia - derivational suffix of reflexive verbs;
suffix - l - - (knew - bathed) formative suffix of past tense verbs;
suffix - A- - suffix of the verb stem;
console with - has the meaning of unification;
root -br- (collected - will collect - gathered) alternation possible -bir-, -ber-, -br- .



Initial form rewrite - rewrite - verb of the perfect form of the imperative mood;
ending zero indicates a singular number;
the basis: rewrite_ ; rewrite - census ;
suffix -And- - derivational suffix of the imperative mood;
console re- in the meaning of “again”, “in a different way”;
root -pee- , possible alternation -piss-, -piss-



Initial form blush - infinitive (indefinite form of the verb);
graduation No, since the infinitive lacks signs of number, person, gender...;
the basis blush ;
blush - blush - red;
suffix -th - formative suffix of the indefinite form of the verb;
suffix -e- (word-formative) forms verbs with the meaning: to become someone, some;
console By- ;
root -red- ;


Some adjectives (beige, mini, raglan...), as well as comparative adjectives have no endings, since they do not change.

Zero ending stands out among short adjectives. p.un. h.m.r.: sad-〙; in them p.un. h.m.r. for possessive adjectives: sister-〙 (sister), fish-〙 (fish[b "y a]).

Form-building suffixes presented in degrees of comparison of the adjective are not included in the stem.

Suffixes adjectives help determine one or another category of adjectives, for example, - liv - suffix of qualitative adjectives (patient, annoying), - sk - suffix of relative adjectives (Pushkin style, sea), - ov-, - in-, - th - suffixes possessive adjectives: (fathers, Petin, bull).

highest (level)


Initial form high, highest - simple superlative adjective;
ending -his (to the highest - the highest - the highest) indicates m.r., unit. h., gen. P.;
the basis high ;
highest - high;
suffix -aysh- - formative suffix of a simple superlative degree;
root high , possible alternation high, high .

urban (Street)


Initial form urban - relative adjective;
ending -and I (urban - urban) indicates the railway. r., units h., im. P.;
the basis of the city;
urban - city;
suffix -sk- - suffix of a relative adjective;
root city-

grandfather's (home)


Possessive adjective, initial form grandfathers ;
ending -th (grandfather - grandfather) indicates m.r., unit. h., tv. P.;
grandfather - grandfathers - grandfather;
suffix -ov- - suffix of a possessive adjective;
root grandfather-



Qualitative adjective in short form, initial form comfortable ;
zero the ending (convenient - convenient - convenient_) indicates units. n. short adjective (does not change by case);
convenient - convenient;
root convenient- alternation possible convenient - convenient

Ø - zero suffix
〙 - zero ending
With the suffixal method of word formation, the suffix can be not only materially expressed, but also zero (exit-Ø-〙, sin-Ø-〙, bully-Ø-a, passing-Ø-iy). This method is used in different parts of speech.

Nouns are formed from – nouns: table → table- IR, – adjectives: blue → syn- ev-a, sin-Ø-〙, – verbs: run → run- rel-I, run-Ø-〙, – numerals: hundred → hundred- n-I, two → double- n-I, – adverb: together → message- Nick, why → why- chk-A.

Adjectives are formed from - adjectives: blue → syn- yenk-y, - nouns: autumn → autumn- n-y, - verbs: read → read- flax-y, - numerals: two → double- n-oh, - adverb: inside → inside- enne-y.

Pronouns are formed from pronouns - suffixes - that, - either, - any: someone, anyone, anyone.

Numeral – from the numerals: two → dv-adtsat, five → fifteen, two → dv-oj-e.

Verbs are formed from – verbs: re-read → re-read yva-th, wash → wash- Xia, – adjectives: red → red- e-t, visible → visible-e- t-Xia, – nouns: partisan → partisan-i- t, crowd → crowd-i- t-Xia, – numerals: two → dvo-i-t (‘to divide in two’), – interjections: ah → ah-a- t.

Adverbs are formed from – nouns: winter → winter- Ouch, – adjectives: good → good- O, – numerals: three → tr- every day, – verbs: lie → lying A, – adverb: good → good- just a little, like → somehow.

Prepositions – from verbs: except- I← exclude.

Morphemic analysis (analysis of a word by composition) shows which minimal significant parts ( morphemes) consists of the word being studied.

Suffix - a significant part of a word that comes after a root or after another suffix and usually serves to form new words, sometimes to form new forms of a word.

The suffix is ​​not a required part of the word. A word may not have a suffix, but may have one or more suffixes:

friend, friend OK , ram- wow (A).

Form-forming (inflectional) suffixes

Suffixes (there are few of them) that serve to form new forms of a word are calledformative (inflectional). During morphemic parsing, these suffixes are not included in the stem of the word.

For example,

    suffix-th ( -ty ) forms the infinitive form of the verb:side t , carried you

    suffix-l- - form of past tense verbs:read- l , think- l .

Suffixes-th ( -ty ), -l- are not part of the word.
Sometimes a formative suffix may appear after
: let's go to)- those, will go (eat) - those .

Reflexive verb suffix -sya/-sya was once a pronounmyself :

combing sya = combing(s) myself .

Reflexive suffixes-sya, -sya are the basis of the wordand often stand after :

closing (et) Xia , washing (Yu) sya

For more details seeInflectional suffixes.

Let me remind you that:

    inflection - this is educationforms of the same c fishing

    word formation - this is educationnew words

Derivational suffixes

By usingderivational suffixes words are formed different parts speech, but nouns and adjectives are most often formed.
For example, one of the most active suffixes in noun formation
-Nick- :

forest -Nick , school -Nick , study -Nick , three -Nick , satellite -Nick , resort -Nick , benefits -Nick , Saturdays -Nick etc.

The most active suffix with which adjectives are formed is the suffix-sk- :

rural sk (s), village- sk (ii), pestilence -sk (oh), Moscow- sk (ii) etc.

The same suffixes are used to form words with different meanings same part of speech .
For example, the suffix
-Nick -, - from - . - OK - ( mushroom-nick, red- from (a), friend- OK ) serve to form only nouns;-sk- ( fleet- sk (ii) ) - to form only adjectives; -yva -,- willow - ( think about it yva -th ) - only for verbs. That's why we talk about suffixes of different parts of speech:

Examples of word formation using various suffixes:

    from the rootkind- : kind, kind-from, kind-yak, kind-from-n, kind-e-t ;

    fromraspberry : malin(a), malin-k(a), malin-nik(), malin-ovk(a), malin-ov(y), malin-n(y) ;

    fromtime- : vrem(s), vrem-echk(o), vrem-yank(a), vrem-en-n(y), vrem-en-o, vrem-en-shchik .

If the root contains the main lexical meaning (sense) of the word, then suffixes (like ) complement this meaning and clarify it. For example:

    the suffix adds a diminutive meaning:daughter - daughter - To (a) - daughter- yenk (a), house - house- IR ;

    magnifying value:hand - hand - looking for (A) ;

    the suffix is ​​used to form words that name baby animals:elephant- baby , ut- baby ;

    to designate male persons by profession, place of residence, or nationality:teach- tel , tractor- ist , Moscow- ich , Siberian yak , academic IR , cargo- in , Caucasus- ec etc;

    to designate female persons by profession, place of residence, or nationality:selling schits (a), master ic (a), paramedic- ic (a), Osset-in- To (a), machine-ist- To (a), writer- prostrate (A) etc

    expression of attitude towards a person:cunning south ah, jade south ah, small turnout oh, goats turnout ah, flax tai , saliva tai .

Suffixes (and ) can tell a lot about a word. By suffixes you can determine the part of speech, and for nouns, gender. For example, the suffix- tel at the end of the word - noun male (teacher, builder, driver ),
suffix -
from - - feminine noun (good-from (a), deaf-from (a), beautiful-from (a) );
suffix -
sk - - adjective (hungarian-sk(ii), russ-sk(ii) ).

The suffix may not be indicated by letters.

A suffix or part of a suffix may be hidden , that is, not explicitly represented in letters in writing. Then it is isolated using transcription, indicating the sound of the suffix.
After vowels and after
b, b lettersE, Yo, Yu, I denote two sounds, one of which is [th’] (or often denoted). It is this sound that may turn out to be a suffix or part of a suffix. Then the suffix is ​​highlighted using transcription.
For example:

liar - [liar’ / th' /a], emigration - emigrant, two - dv, fox [l’is’/ th' /willow], fox [l’is’/ th' /ii'].

The procedure for highlighting a suffix in a word using the example of a word old :

    Select the root and ending by changing the form of the word and selecting related words using different suffixes:old, old, old, old - old-inn rootold -, endingth ;

    Can-inn- be a suffix? We look through related words that may contain part-inn- . Find the wordold in (A) , in which-in - - suffix, highlight it: old in- n(th) .

    Let's consider the rest -n- . The adjective old-n(y) is formed from the noun old(a) using the suffix-n-

    Let's prove the correctness of the choice of morpheme -n- , choosing words with a different root, but with the same suffix (the same part of speech as original word, because suffixes are “associated” with parts of speech): garden -n (th) (from the garden), mod- n (th) (from fashionable), autumn- n (ii) (from autumn) . This proves the correctness of the morpheme selection.

    Conclusion: old inn (th) .

You can check the correctness of parsing in a word-formation dictionary.

For more details see Highlighting a suffix in a word.

To identify suffixes, it is useful to know the most used ones.


Their work

Form nouns


fish - fish To A
key - key IR
lock - lock ek
friend - friend OK
hand-hand yenk A
fox-fox onk A
Vanya – Van Echk A
needle - needle points A
grandfather - grandfather ear A
field - floor yushk O

Give words a diminutive or endearing connotation


forest - forest Nick
carry - cart chick
drum - drum box
teach - teach tel
teach - teacher prostrate A
radio operator - radio operator To A

Form words that name persons by their occupation

Form adjectives


rock - rock ist th
city ​​- city sk Ouch
peas - peas ov th
shawl - shawl ev th
summer - years n th

Form verbs


sound - sound A t
wound - wound And t
white – white e t
winter - winter ova t
ring - rings Eve t
get motion sickness - motion sickness willow t
open -open yva t


teach - teach xia - I teach sya
treat - treat Xia - I'm flying sya

Forms verbs with reflexive meaning. Can be located after completion. They form the basis of the word.

Formative suffixes


chita t
carried you

Suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb. They are not part of the word.


I read - I read l ;
I say - speak l

Forms the past tense form of the verb. They are not part of the word.

For verbs ending in -whose , part of the word -whose part of the root: burn, bake.

You can clarify suffixes in word-formation and morpheme dictionaries (Potikha Z. A. School dictionary of the structure of words of the Russian language. M., 1987. , Tikhonov A. N. Word-formation dictionary of the Russian language, Efremova T. F. Dictionary word-formation units of the Russian language. M., 1996. , Baranov M.T. School dictionary of the formation of words in the Russian language, Baronova M.M. Analysis of words by composition, M., 2011, etc.).

Suffix- a significant part of a word that comes after a root or after another suffix and usually serves to form new words, sometimes to form new forms of a word.

The suffix is ​​not a required part of the word. A word may not have a suffix, but may have one or more suffixes:

friend, friend OK, ram- wow(A).

Form-forming (inflectional) suffixes

Suffixes (there are few of them) that serve to form new forms of a word are called formative(inflectional). During morphemic parsing, these suffixes are not included in the stem of the word.

For example,

  • suffix -th (-ty ) forms the infinitive form of the verb: side t, carried you
  • suffix -l- - past tense form of verbs: read- l, think- l .

Suffixes -th (-ty ), -l- are not part of the word.
Sometimes a formative suffix may appear after : let's go to)- those, will go (eat) - those.

Reflexive verb suffix -sya/-sya was once a pronoun myself:

combing sya= combing(s) myself.

Reflexive suffixes -sya, -sya are the basis of the word and often stand after :

Closing, washing

For more details see Inflectional suffixes.

Let me remind you that:

  • inflection- this is education formsone and the samec fishing
  • word formation- this is educationnew words

Derivative suffixes

By using derivational suffixes Words of different parts of speech are formed, but nouns and adjectives are most often formed.
For example, one of the most active suffixes in noun formation -Nick- :

forest -Nick ,school -Nick , study -Nick, three -Nick, satellite -Nick, resort -Nick, benefits -Nick, Saturdays -Nick etc.

The most active suffix with which adjectives are formed is the suffix -sk- :

rural sk(s), village- sk(ii), pestilence -sk(oh), Moscow- sk(ii) etc.

The same suffixes are used to form words with different meanings same part of speech .
For example, the suffix -Nick -, —from — . —OK — (mushroom-nick, red- from(a), friend- OK ) serve to form only nouns; -sk- (fleet- sk(ii) ) - for the formation of adjectives only; — yva -,-willow — (think about it yva-th) - only for verbs. That's why we talk about suffixes of different parts of speech:

Examples of word formation using various suffixes:

  • from the root kind-: kind, kind-from, kind-yak, kind-from-n, kind-e-t;
  • from raspberry: malin(a), malin-k(a), malin-nik(), malin-ovk(a), malin-ov(y), malin-n(y);
  • from time-: vrem(s), vrem-echk(o), vrem-yank(a), vrem-en-n(y), vrem-en-o, vrem-en-shchik.

If the root contains the main lexical meaning (sense) of the word, then suffixes (like ) complement this meaning and clarify it. For example:

  • the suffix adds a diminutive meaning: daughter - daughter To(a) - daughter- yenk(a), house - house- IR;
  • magnifying value: hand - hand looking for(A);
  • the suffix is ​​used to form words that name baby animals: elephant- baby, ut- baby ;
  • to designate male persons by profession, place of residence, or nationality: teach- tel, tractor- ist, Moscow- ich, Siberian yak, academic IR, cargo- in, Caucasus- ec etc;
  • to designate female persons by profession, place of residence, or nationality: selling schits(a), master ic(a), paramedic- ic(a), Osset-in- To(a), machine-ist- To(a), writer- prostrate(A) etc
  • expression of attitude towards a person: cunning south ah, jade south ah, small turnout oh, goats turnout ah, flax tai, saliva tai .

Suffixes (and ) can tell a lot about a word. By suffixes you can determine the part of speech, and for nouns, gender. For example, the suffix tel at the end of the word there is a masculine noun ( teacher, builder, driver),
suffix - from - - feminine noun ( good-from (a), deaf-from (a), beautiful-from (a));
suffix - sk - - adjective ( hungarian-sk(ii), russ-sk(ii)).

The suffix may not be indicated by letters.

A suffix or part of a suffix may be hidden, that is, not explicitly represented in letters in writing. Then it is isolated using transcription, indicating the sound of the suffix.
After vowels and after b, b letters E, Yo, Yu, I denote two sounds, one of which is [th’] (or often denoted). It is this sound that may turn out to be a suffix or part of a suffix. Then the suffix is ​​highlighted using transcription.
For example:

liar - [liar’ / th'/ a], emigration - emigrant, two - dv, fox [l’is’/ th'/willow], fox [l’is’/ th'/ii’].

The procedure for highlighting a suffix in a word using the example of a word old:

  1. Select the root and ending by changing the form of the word and selecting related words using different suffixes: old, old, old, old - old-inn ⇒ root old-, ending th;
  2. Can -inn- be a suffix? We look through related words that may contain part -inn-. Find the word old in(A), in which -in- - suffix, highlight it: old in- n(th).
  3. Let's consider the rest -n-. The adjective old-n(y) is formed from the noun old(a) using the suffix -n-
  4. Let's prove the correctness of the choice of morpheme -n- , selecting words with a different root, but with the same suffix (the same part of speech as the original word, since suffixes are “related” to parts of speech): garden -n(th) (from the garden), mod- n(th) (from fashionable), autumn- n(ii) (from autumn). This proves the correctness of the morpheme selection.
  5. Conclusion: old inn(th).

You can check the correctness of parsing in a word-formation dictionary.

For more details see Highlighting a suffix in a word.

To identify suffixes, it is useful to know the most used ones.

Suffixes Their work
Form nouns
fish - fish To A
key - key IR
lock - lock ek
friend - friend OK
hand-hand yenk A
fox-fox onk A
Vanya – Van Echk A
needle - needle points A
grandfather - grandfather ear A
field - floor yushk O
Give words a diminutive or endearing connotation
forest - forest Nick
carry - cart chick
drum - drum box
teach - teach tel
teach - teacher prostrate A
radio operator - radio operator To A
Form words that name persons by their occupation
Form adjectives
rock - rock ist th
city ​​- city sk Ouch
peas - peas ov th
shawl - shawl ev th
summer - years n th
Form verbs
sound - sound A t
wound - wound And t
white – white e t
winter - winter ova t
ring - rings Eve t
get sick - get sick willow t
open -open yva t
-sya-(-s-) teach - teach xia - I teach sya
treat - treat Xia- I'm flying sya
Forms verbs with reflexive meaning. Can be located after completion. They form the basis of the word.
Formative suffixes
chita t
carried you
Suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb. They are not part of the word.
-l- I read - I read l;
I say - speak l
Forms the past tense form of the verb. They are not part of the word.

For verbs ending in -whose , part of the word - whose part of the root: burn, bake.

You can clarify suffixes in derivational and morphemic dictionaries (Potikha Z. A. School dictionary of the structure of words of the Russian language. M., 1987, Tikhonov A. N. Derivative dictionary of the Russian language, Efremova T. F. Explanatory dictionary of derivational units of the Russian language. M ., 1996. , Baranov M.T. School dictionary of the formation of words in the Russian language, Baronova M.M. Analysis of words by composition, M., 2011, etc.) .

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