Geography table 7 population of Eurasia. Geographical location of Eurasia. What we learned

Geography Continents, oceans, peoples and countries
Country studies 7th grade
I. V. Dushina

Chapter. Continents and countries

Lesson on the topic: “Eurasia. The main features of the nature of Eurasia. Mainland population"

Like a Mediterranean crab or a sea star,

The last continent was thrown away by water.

Close to broad Asia, to America,

The ocean is weakening, washing Europe.

Its living shores are cut up,

And the peninsulas are aerial sculptures;

Vizcaya, Genoa lazy arc...

O. E. Mandelstam

Lesson objectives: to show the features of the geographical location and nature of the largest continent on Earth; reveal the patterns of development and placement of the main components of nature; create conditions for independent educational research of the main features of the nature and population of Eurasia.

Teaching aids: globe, atlas maps (physical, structures earth's crust, climatic, climatic zones and regions, soils, natural zones); samples of minerals, herbarium, educational pictures and tables “Types of climate globe” with handout didactic material, “Main zonal types of soils of the globe”, “Flora of the continents”, “Fauna of the continents”; on-screen guides on the topic of the lesson.

Basic ideas and concepts: continent, part of the world, geographical location, coastline, lithospheric plate, platform, folded region, climate zones, climate types; modern glaciation, permafrost, latitudinal and altitudinal zonation, natural zones, natural and anthropogenic complexes; ethnicity, country.

Nomenclature: main objects characterizing the geographical position of the continent, main natural objects of the mainland, UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites.

Interdisciplinary connections: political map of Eurasia in different eras (history).

Lesson plan (methods, techniques, forms of educational activities)

1. Eurasia is the greatest continent on Earth

Teacher's story. A figurative emotional description of the continent. Ancient civilizations. From the history of research.

Practical work. Determine the geographical location of Eurasia, compare with other continents. Draw a conclusion about the influence of geographical location on the nature of the continent.

2. Relief and minerals

Teacher's explanation. Complex and long history of relief formation. Reasons for special relative position plains and mountains. The influence of external forces on the relief. The continent is rich in mineral deposits.

Practical work. Write a description of one of the landforms (optional).

3. Climate and inland waters

Conversation. Updating basic knowledge: what are the features of the Eurasian climate? What is the influence of each climate-forming factor on the climate? What air masses form the weather conditions of the continent?

08.07.2015 4637 0

Date of……


Like a Mediterranean crab or a sea star,

The last continent was thrown away by water.

Close to broad Asia, to America,

The ocean is weakening, washing Europe.

Its living shores are cut up,

And the peninsulas are aerial sculptures;

Vizcaya, Genoa lazy arc...

O. E. Mandelstam

Lesson objectives: show the features of the geographical location and nature of the largest continent on Earth; reveal the patterns of development and placement of the main components of nature; create conditions for independent educational research of the main features of the nature and population of Eurasia.

Teaching aids: globe, atlas maps (physical, structure of the earth’s crust, climatic, climatic zones and regions, soils, natural zones); samples of minerals, herbarium, educational pictures and tables “Types of climate of the globe” with handout didactic material, “Main zonal types of soils of the globe”, “Flora of the continents”, “Fauna of the continents”; on-screen guides on the topic of the lesson.

Basic ideas and concepts: continent, part of the world, geographical location, coastline, lithospheric plate, platform, folded region, climate zones, climate types; modern glaciation, permafrost, latitudinal and altitudinal zonation, natural zones, natural and anthropogenic complexes; ethnicity, country.

Nomenclature: main objects characterizing the geographical position of the continent, main natural objects of the mainland, UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites.

Interdisciplinary connections: political map of Eurasia in different eras (history).

Lesson plan (methods, techniques, forms of educational activities)

1. Eurasia is the greatest continent on Earth

Teacher's story. A figurative emotional description of the continent. Ancient civilizations. From the history of research.

Practical work. Determine the geographical location of Eurasia, compare with other continents. Draw a conclusion about the influence of geographical location on the nature of the continent.

2. Relief and minerals

Teacher's explanation. Complex and long history of relief formation. Reasons for the special mutual arrangement of plains and mountains. The influence of external forces on the relief. The continent is rich in mineral deposits.

Practical work. Write a description of one of the landforms (optional).

3. Climate and inland waters

Conversation. Updating basic knowledge: what are the features of the Eurasian climate? What is the influence of each climate-forming factor on the climate? What air masses form the weather conditions of the continent?

Exercise. Describe the climate of one or two zones. Compare the climate of Eurasia with the climate of North America. Draw a conclusion.

Practical work. Analyze climatograms, establish their correspondence to climate types, and correlate them with continental regions.

Exercise. Conduct educational research on the inland waters of the continent using thematic maps. Identify the feeding characteristics and regime of surface waters. Make a table reflecting the types of water, nutrition, regime and economic use.

4. Natural areas of Eurasia.

Teacher's explanation. Reasons for the peculiarities of the location of natural areas. Manifestation of latitudinal zonality and its violations. Altitudinal zone in the mountains of the mainland.

Exercise. Write a description of the change in natural zones along the 80°E meridian. and along the parallel 40° N.

Practical work. Compile a description of one of the zones (optional) revealing the connections between the components of the zone.

5. Population and countries

Teacher's story. Diverse and complex ethnic composition of the continent's population. Uneven population distribution. Stages of formation of a political map.

Exercise. Conduct an analysis of the map of peoples and population density, compare with other continents. Draw a conclusion.

Student messages. Theme: “Peoples of Eurasia, peculiarities of culture and life.”

Exercise. Group the countries of Eurasia according to various criteria.

Consolidation of what has been learned

Compare the coastline of Eurasia with the coastline of other continents, draw a conclusion and explain the result.

What is the influence on the nature of the continent of its geographical location and size of territory?

Explain the reasons that sedimentary and igneous minerals in certain areas of Eurasia are located next to each other (for example, on the Deccan Plateau, the East European Plain, etc.).

Why are there several climatic regions in the temperate and subtropical climate zones?

Explain the course of the 0° isotherm on the climate map within Eurasia.

Which climate zones are most favorable for human life and economic activity? Why?

What factors determine the distribution of internal waters on the continent? Prove with examples.

Identify the similarities and differences in the diet and regime of the rivers of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

How can we explain the fact that many shipping canals have been built between the rivers of the Atlantic Ocean?

Why are the steppes located in the interior of the continent?

What natural areas have been changed as a result of human economic activity?

Name the countries with the largest number of inhabitants in Eurasia. Show areas with high population density and explain the reasons.

How the political map of Eurasia has changed on the brink XX and XXI centuries? What changes might still happen?

Homework ( optionally)

Creative tasks ( optionally)

Announcements and information for students

Lesson No.


Item: Geography. Continents and oceans.

Class: 7

Lesson topic: Population, political map of Eurasia §23.

The purpose of the lesson: - provide students with information about the population of Eurasia, its size and distribution, national and linguistic composition;

Teach methods of working with various maps of Eurasia;

Contribute to the formation cognitive interest to the subject being studied.

Means of education: political map of Eurasia.

Lesson methods: explanatory and illustrative.

Lesson type: combined.

During the classes:

I . Organizational moment(greet the class, note those absent).

II . Updating knowledge. The survey is carried out in the form of tests on the topic “Natural areas” (application).

III. Motivation for educational and cognitive activities, psychological mood.

IV. Explanation of new material:

1. There are 91 independent states in Eurasia, 44 in Europe and 47 in Asia.

Language and National composition The population of Eurasia is very complex. More than 4 billion people live on the mainland, which is ¾ of the world's population. Intensive population growth is observed in southeast Asia. The population of two countries in this region - China and India - exceeds 2 billion people. Therefore, densely populated areas are found in Southeast Asia. The average population density of this region is 1000-1500 people per 1 km 2. In the European part, especially on the Atlantic coast, population density is also high. The northern regions of the mainland are characterized by harsh natural conditions, as well as the highlands are sparsely populated.

Representatives of all races of the globe live in Eurasia. Their national and linguistic composition is also diverse. The most common population is Caucasian. Peoples of the Asian race live in the Asian part. Representatives of the equatorial race live on the island of Sri Lanka and in southern India.

Modern world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam) arose and further spread on the territory of Eurasia.

The political map of the continent, before acquiring its modern form, long time was subject to constant changes. Currently, there are over 90 independent states in Eurasia. The largest of them are Russia, China, India, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia.

The countries of Eurasia according to their government structure are divided into republican and monarchical. In republics, the legislative body is the parliament, the executive is the government. The leadership of the state is carried out by the president.

The monarchical form of government is widespread mainly in Europe and Arab countries. Monarchies are divided into absolute, theocratic and constitutional. Power is inherited.

Thus, Eurasia became the cradle ancient civilization and culture in the history of human development, and will continue to remain the center of human development and prosperity.

2. Physical exercise.

    Working with the map “Peoples and population density of the world.”

The population of Eurasia is divided according to language into families and groups.

Exercise 1. What peoples, their families and groups live on the territory of Eurasia? Name and show on the map.

Task 2. Show on the map the most populated parts of the continent. Which areas are sparsely populated? Why?

4. Working with the “Political Map of the World” map.

Exercise 1. By what criteria can the countries of Eurasia be grouped? Give examples of countries in each group.

Task 2. Name and show the countries that make up Northern Europe.

"This is interesting!"


Many capitals of the world have their own symbol: London has the Tower, Rome has the Colosseum, Moscow has the Kremlin. And in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, the visiting card is a bronze figurine of the Little Mermaid with a sprig of seaweed in her hand; she looks into the sea with sad eyes... Denmark is the owner of the oldest national flag, which was adopted in 1219.


In Finland, the second Sunday of November is the annual holiday of fathers, on which national flags are flown and paternal insignia are awarded.


The capital of the ice country, Reykjavik, is heated with natural hot water and is therefore free of smoke and soot. The heat from underground sources also goes into greenhouses where bananas and tomatoes, melons and grapes grow. It is considered the cleanest city in the world.


Numerous competitions, competitions, and youth festivals are preferred all over the world. But in Norway there is an international festival of grandmothers. Ladies who have reached the age of sixty compete with each other in motorcycle riding, parachute jumping, and scuba diving in the cold North Sea. The list of types of competitions becomes more diverse from year to year.

4. Working with the textbook - filling out the table:

Eurasia region

Countries and their capitals

Industries and agriculture

V. Consolidation of new material:.

1. What are the reasons for determining the uneven settlement of the territory of Eurasia?

2. What ethnic and linguistic groups are the population of Eurasia divided into?

3. What world religions are common in Eurasia?

4. How many states are there in Eurasia?

5. What forms of government exist?

VI. Summarizing. Homework. §23, mark the countries of Eurasia on the outline map.

Eurasia is the largest continent on the globe. It occupies 1/3 of the entire landmass of the planet. The enormous size and complex structure of the earth's crust create uniquely diverse natural conditions.

Geographical records of the mainland

In Eurasia there is the highest mountain on Earth - Chomolungma (Everest), the largest mountain system in area - Tibet, the largest peninsula - the Arabian, the largest geographical area - Siberia, the lowest point of land - the Dead Sea depression.

Eurasia is the highest continent on Earth, its average height is about 830 meters. Elevation fluctuations are particularly large in Eurasia. The difference between the Dead Sea depression and the highest peaks of the Himalayas exceeds 9 kilometers.

The relief of Eurasia is extremely diverse; it contains some of the largest plains and mountain systems in the world: the East European Plain, the West Siberian Plain, and the Tibetan Plateau.

Eurasia has the most high mountains on Earth - the Himalayas, with the highest peak in the world - Mount Chomolungma.

Rice. 4. Chomolungma

The Eurasian mountain systems of the Himalayas, Tibet, Hindu Kush, Pamir, Tien Shan, etc. form the largest mountain region on Earth. This part of Eurasia is characterized by great activity of the earth's crust.

Rice. 5. Relief of Eurasia ()

How can we explain the diversity of the relief of Eurasia? This is the result of the mutual action of internal and external relief-forming processes.

The territory of Eurasia, like a mosaic, is made up of platform blocks connected by folded belts of different ages. The most ancient are the East European, Siberian, Sino-Korean and South China platforms.

Plains and mountains, created by internal forces, constantly change their relief under the influence of external forces.

Landforms created by rivers are ubiquitous on the mainland: mountain slopes are dissected by gorges and canyons, plateau surfaces are divided by terraces.

The largest plains of Eurasia - the Great Chinese, Indo-Gangetic, Mesopotamian, and West Siberian - are composed of river sediments - alluvium.

Rice. 6. Mesopotamian lowland

In the southeast and southwest of Eurasia - the Indochina Peninsula, in the Mediterranean, and in the Caucasus, karst forms are widespread. The limestones that make up the surface are dissolved by water seeping into the rock mass. And bottomless abysses appear on the surface, and deep underground - caves, blocked by palisades of stalagmites and stalactites.


Read § 43. Do practical work:

In a contour map, using the atlas map and the lecture text, plot the objects of the continental coastline.



Geography. Land and people. 7th grade: textbook for general education. uch. / A.P. Kuznetsov, L.E. Savelyeva, V.P. Dronov. Series "Spheres". - M.: Education, 2011. Geography. Land and people. 7th grade: atlas. Series "Spheres". - M.: Education, 2011.


1. Maksimov N.A. Behind the pages of a geography textbook. - M.: Enlightenment.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual/ A. A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": Astrel, AST, 2001. - 284 p.

2. Tutorial by geography. Tests and practical assignments in geography / I. A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

3. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral examination, theory and practice / V. P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

4. Subject Tests to prepare for the final certification and the Unified State Exam. Geography. - M.: Balass, Publishing house. House of RAO, 2005. - 160 p.

1.Russian geographical society ().

2. Russian education ().

3. Magazine "Geography"().

4. Gazetteer ().


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