Product technology and catering specialty. Specialty: public catering. Pros and cons of the profession

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice
  • Physics - optional at university

The food industry is an industry that is important not only because it provides people with essential goods. Thanks to her work, many other areas are stimulated. For example, production requires special equipment, energy, and chemical products.

Specialty 03/19/04 “Product Technology and Catering Organization” is the most important component of the industry. It involves organizational and managerial activities, as well as direct participation in production processes.

If we remember the historical analogues of the modern profession, we can go back to the era of kings, when their food was tasted by tasters. The role of a modern technologist is much broader: it covers a variety of areas related to public catering outlets, the organization of their work and the culture of food consumption.

Admission conditions

The goal of the direction is to train a future specialist in the skills of working with products, ranging from practical activities to research and scientific activities. This profession is inextricably linked with technical and exact sciences, so the level of knowledge of applicants is certainly checked. What subjects do applicants take:

  • mathematics (profile),
  • Russian language,
  • chemistry or physics by choice.

Future profession

Graduates of the course will be able to work with food raw materials of plant and animal origin, processing them and controlling their quality. They are in charge of all technical aspects, from the selection of equipment to its operation. They can also design public catering outlets, implement projects into reality and control further activities.

Where to apply

You can obtain a bachelor's degree in your specialty by graduating from any of the following universities in Moscow or other Russian cities:

  • Russian State Trade and Economic University;
  • Moscow State University of Food Production;
  • Moscow branch of the Russian International Academy of Tourism;
  • St. Petersburg State Economic University;
  • Samara State Technical University.

Training period

The bachelor's degree program can be completed in four years by enrolling as a full-time student. Based on the eleventh grade, graduates also choose part-time, evening or mixed forms: then they have to study for five years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

During the course of mastering the program, a young specialist will become familiar with the following subjects:

  • food sanitation;
  • hygiene standards;
  • heating engineering, electronics and electrical engineering;
  • commodity science (food industry);
  • physiology of nutrition;
  • food production apparatus and processes;
  • enterprise design.

Acquired skills

The young specialist will be able to solve the following tasks with full responsibility and competence:

  • quality control of raw materials, their processing, storage and processing;
  • production of semi-finished products;
  • creation of real enterprise projects and their reconstruction;
  • registration of permits;
  • development of plans and programs for introducing innovations;
  • quality control and compliance with sales standards;
  • document flow, organization of team work;
  • searching for shortcomings in the operation of the enterprise and solutions to eliminate them;
  • formation of consumer demand and forecasts regarding sales volumes.

Job prospects by profession

A bachelor with a complete knowledge base will easily find a job: he can work in enterprises of various forms of ownership, whose activities are related to food products. These are restaurants and cafes, hotels and specialized workshops.

What do graduates of the direction do:

The level of remuneration for such a specialist is always quite high. But it differs depending on the place where professional competencies are applied. The average salary is about 50 thousand in domestic currency. But it can be many times higher if a professional proves his worth and works in an expensive restaurant, for example.

Advantages of enrolling in a master's program

If a student continues his studies and begins a master's program, he will immerse himself in the field in more detail, and subsequently become a valuable and sought-after specialist. Here we study in more detail the issues of how to build and organize the work of an enterprise, and control all the nuances that affect its efficiency.

Practice plays a significant role, without which a master’s degree is impossible. Students work in laboratories and existing plants to develop specific skills. Therefore, they are able to solve a variety of problems, including non-standard ones. Such graduates can apply for positions of directors of enterprises and engage in teaching activities.

It is impossible to imagine any settlement without public catering establishments. And in each of them - from small cafes and canteens to elite restaurants - a technologist is required. The scope of responsibility of specialists is very wide and varied. First of all, they must know the technology of processing, processing and storing raw materials and creating semi-finished products from them, be able to monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in food production, issue permits and monitor the correctness of document flow, develop enterprise projects and carry out reconstruction of existing ones, monitor the work of the organization , identify shortcomings and eliminate them in a timely manner, generate consumer demand and forecast sales volumes. The technologist needs to control the quality of not only food products, but also customer service. Also, in his activities, he has to take on management functions and organize the work of other employees. In addition, their job responsibilities include negotiations with suppliers of raw materials and timely production.

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

Russian State Trade and Economic University

Chelyabinsk Institute (branch)

Course work

in the discipline: "TECHNOLOGY, TECHNICAL


topic: “Organization and technology of a public catering enterprise, using the example of the Ermolaev restaurant”

Completed by: 3rd year student

directions 080200.62 Management

majoring in Economics and Management


correspondence accelerated form of training

Group 33ES Bakanova Irina Vladimirovna


Chelyabinsk 2014


Chapter 1. State of the art and trends in the development of public catering at the present stage

2.2 Study of the organizational structure of restaurant management

2.3 Research of production and work of workshops

Chapter 3. Organization of customer service at a catering establishment, restaurant “Ermolaev”

3.1 Restaurant service

List of used literature



Mass nutrition plays an important role in the life of society. It will most fully satisfy people's nutritional needs. Catering enterprises perform functions such as production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Food for the population is provided mainly by small private enterprises. Food provided to the population in hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, children's and other institutions is organized at the expense of the state. Food is an essential requirement of life for the majority of workers, employees, students and a significant number of other groups of the country's population. Before perestroika, public catering occupied an important place in the national economy of the country. But, starting in 1992, a radical change occurred in the industry, which led to the closure and ruin of most public catering enterprises. Since that time, the food industry began to develop anew.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is due to the fact that nutrition is one of the main conditions for human existence. The quantity, quality, range of food products consumed, the timeliness and regularity of food intake have a decisive influence on the vital functions of the body. That is why the art of cooking is one of the most ancient areas of human activity, dating back to primitive people.

The organization of production of finished products brings public catering enterprises closer to the food industry, and the implementation of the sales process brings them closer to trade enterprises. The combination of production and trading functions with the organization of customer service is a specific feature of their activities.

The purpose of the course project is to analyze the technology of providing services in public catering establishments.

The object of the study is the activities of a public catering enterprise, the subject of the study is the organization of the provision of services at the public catering enterprise "Ermolaev" restaurant.

Chapter 1. State of the art and trends in the development of public catering

Public catering is a sub-sector of trade, the basis of which is made up of enterprises characterized by unified forms of organization of production and consumer service and differing in types and specialization. Public catering is part of the country's food complex and is one of the forms of distribution of material goods in society.

There are about 1 million business entities in the Russian Federation, employing more than 5 million people.

The goal of public catering enterprises is to satisfy the population's needs for high quality products and services.

The activities of public catering establishments in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, which includes the public catering department.

Development of public catering:

Provides significant savings in social labor due to more rational use of equipment, raw materials, materials;

Provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency and maintains health;

Makes it possible to organize a balanced, balanced diet in children's and educational institutions.

Many public catering enterprises are purely commercial, but along with this, social catering is also developing: canteens at industrial enterprises, student and school canteens. There are food factories and companies that take on the task of organizing social catering.

Competition is an integral part of the market environment; a developed market is unthinkable without competition. Competition is the main engine of a market economy. Consumers have the opportunity to choose. The main task of each enterprise is to improve the quality of the products produced and services provided. The successful operation of an enterprise must be ensured by the production of products and services that:

Meet clearly defined needs;

Satisfy consumer requirements;

Complies with applicable standards and specifications;

Meet current legislation and other requirements of society;

Offered to consumers at competitive prices;

Causes profit.

To achieve its goals, the enterprise must organize its activities in such a way as to keep under control all technical, administrative and human factors affecting product quality and safety.

A situation where supply exceeds demand requires a marketing approach to organizing work. Food and service services must be competitive. The main criteria of competitiveness are safety, quality, range, price, services. Marketing research on service quality is needed. The object of the study is consumers, their attitude towards services, requirements for the quality and range of products and services. The results of the study can be used as the basis for the company's quality policy; To do this, one cannot do without creating a quality system.

The trends in the development of public catering are as follows:

Improving the quality, safety of products and culture (service) of service;

Construction or reconstruction of public catering establishments in accordance with demand and design standards;

Expansion of the network of specialized public catering establishments, including fast food establishments;

Improving the organization of catering at the place of work and study;

Training of competent specialists;

Use of modern equipment, increased automation and mechanization of labor;

Competent management.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has developed a concept for the development of domestic trade in consumer goods:

Priority development of a public network of enterprises;

Restoration and expansion of socially oriented enterprises;

Stimulating the development of a network of public catering establishments with industrial methods of food preparation (preparation of semi-finished products);

Massive expansion of the food network in complex, retail and hotel service areas.

As market participants testify, local networks operate in three options: independently, under a franchise scheme, or create network partnerships. Chain restaurants are a replication of proven technology, where all costs have already been optimized, supplies have been established, and a recipe for success has been found; the cost of all products is low due to corporate contracts with suppliers - chains initially purchase more products, and therefore the supplier makes discounts, and individual restaurants purchase less, and therefore the cost of the service is higher. By reducing costs, network operators have higher profitability and a shorter payback period.

The peculiarity of catering chains is their focus on the middle price category. The development of a chain in the premium segment happens very rarely: it is difficult and pointless to replicate the special atmosphere of an original restaurant, the “hands” of a chef. This niche requires conceptually unique establishments with an individual approach to clients.

catering enterprise technology

Chapter 2. Analysis of the organization of production of a public catering enterprise, restaurant "Ermolaev"

2.1 Characteristics of the catering establishment

The catering enterprise "Ermolaev" restaurant belongs to the bar-restaurant class. It is distinguished by harmony, comfort and choice of services, a varied assortment of dishes, products and drinks of complex preparation.

"ERMOLAEV" Russian beer restaurant, which has become famous for its democratic atmosphere, excellent cuisine, interesting parties and, of course, beer. The main pride of the establishment is the live beer “Ermolaev” of five varieties:

CITY, BAVARIAN, PILSEN, KRASNOSELSKOE, BLACK VELVET. The bar-restaurant has a capacity of 200 seats. The building includes: a bar, a restaurant hall, production premises, administrative premises, warehouse premises, living quarters for staff, technical premises.

The production premises include; hot shop, cold shop, meat shop, confectionery shop, vegetable shop, kitchen utensil washing, dish washing.

Administrative premises include the manager's office, accounting department, and manager's office. production.

Household premises include a locker room for staff, a shower room and toilet rooms.

Technical rooms include ventilation, switchboard, and heating units.

The bar-restaurant has an illuminated neon sign, located in the foyer at the entrance. The foyer contains: a wardrobe, toilet rooms, and a security post.

The restaurant's interior is designed in the style of beer establishments of the early 20th century. Noble aged wood, muted light from copper lamps, a massive antique buffet, nostalgic posters on the walls - all this organically fit into the atmosphere of the old merchant house in which the restaurant is located.

To create an optimal microclimate, the restaurant has an air conditioning system.

"ERMOLAEV" offers its guests excellent Russian home cooking. Just reading the menu makes you want to work up an appetite: jellied meat “for acceleration”, Siberian sterlet stroganina, fried goose with baked apples, royal veal, quail tobacco for gourmets, rack of lamb cooked on the grill with smoke, assorted fish “beautiful life” .

The atmosphere of an eternal holiday is supported by live music and fiery hits of the popular group “Double Cocktail” and the best sound equipment in Tyumen.

Each day of the week has its own program and performances by artists. The calling card of a restaurant is its menu, i.e. a list of snacks, dishes, drinks (indicating price and output) available for sale during the entire opening time.

Cold dishes and snacks:

· PICKLES “From a tub”: A plate of home-salted vegetables: two types of sauerkraut, rustic-style pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, milk mushrooms, garlic, hot pepper 370/20/15 g

· MUSHROOM GLADING: pickled honey mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, white milk mushrooms, seasoned with sour cream and onion 200/30/30 g


With boiled jacket potatoes

With butter and onion 150/80/10/15 g

· VEGETABLES FROM THE GROUND: fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, green onions 250/30 g




salmon fillet, fresh tomatoes

· red salmon caviar, green onion, spices 130/40 g

· LIGHT-SALTED SAMPLE: slices with “tears” 150/40 g

· MUKSUN LOW SALT as expected, with lemon and herbs 150/g

Hot dishes and snacks:

CRISPY FAMILY: capelin fried in breadcrumbs until crispy. An excellent snack to start any meal 240/20/50 g.

SQUID RINGS in batter served in Tar-Tar sauce 150/50 g.

BOILED PRAWNS 250/20/10 g.

FRIED PRAWNS 250/20/10 g.


CHICKEN WINGS served with tomato sauce 300/50 g.

JULIEN with chicken, champignons and Mozzarella 120/20/7 g.

DRANIKI "DELLY" crispy potato pancakes, decorated with lightly salted salmon 210/70/50 g.

HOT CHEESE STICKS served with Tar-Tar sauce 250/50 g.

CRISPY RYE CROUTONS with garlic and cheese sauce 150/50 g.


FRIED POTATOES WITH CREAM fried potatoes with lard and onions 210 g.

2.2 Studying organizational structure of restaurant management

When determining the organizational structure of a restaurant, it is necessary to take into account the labor intensity and qualifications of workers at each level. The organizational management structure itself depends on the size of the restaurant.

The Ermolaev restaurant has a linear-functional management structure, when the restaurant is managed not only from above, but also directly on the ground.

Let us formulate the requirements for the control system :

Adequacy of the purpose and functions of management structures to the goals and strategy of the company;

Responsiveness to changes in external conditions and the ability to quickly transform control structures to solve emerging problems;

Ability to process and accurately disseminate intensive information flows;

Strict control over the implementation of management decisions and the organization of a system for tracking the results of these decisions;

Compliance with the principle of delegation of authority, in which each employee, in his clearly defined area of ​​competence, has the right to make independent decisions and bear full responsibility for them;

Compliance of the qualifications of managers and employees with the range of their functional responsibilities;

Development and implementation on an ongoing basis of a training and advanced training program for employees in accordance with the goals and objectives of the company.

The popularity and prestige of modern restaurants depend not only on the interiors, equipment, and the quality of the food offered, but also on professional skills. Service employees are called upon to create an atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality in the restaurant. The impression that a catering establishment makes on visitors largely depends on the waiters. The tactfulness of waiters, their attentiveness, friendliness and high professionalism directly affect the attendance of the establishment and its competitiveness.

The restaurant management process is a set of relationships and actions aimed at ensuring the optimal balance of labor, material and financial resources.

The management process is aimed at creating normal conditions in the sphere of production, sales of own-produced products and purchased goods, as well as a high level of service.

Let's look at what the employees of the Ermolaev restaurant do.
The work of the Ermolaev restaurant is headed by a director, who is appointed by the highest governing body - the general meeting of participants.

Rice. 2.1. Scheme of the organizational structure of the Ermolaev restaurant

The director bears full responsibility for the reorganization of the business activities of the restaurant, the execution of contracts and agreements; considers complaints.

The director is given the right to: hire, fire and relocate restaurant employees; independently approve states; manage funds; issue orders, instructions, encourage employees, impose penalties on them if necessary.

The accounting department, human resources department, service department, and kitchen are directly subordinate to the director.

The director manages the work of the restaurant, resolves all financial issues related to the ongoing operation of the enterprise, and financial and organizational issues relating to the use of part of the profit and directions for the development of the restaurant are resolved jointly with the founders of the restaurant.

The chief accountant maintains the restaurant's accounting, takes cash, prepares financial reports, and pays salaries. Distributes responsibilities between the accountant, cashier, bookkeeper, cashier, and assistant accountant.

The head of the personnel department heads the work of staffing the enterprise with workers and employees of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy and profile of the enterprise, the changing external and internal conditions of its activities, the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel, their development and movement.

Organizes the development of forecasts, determination of current and future personnel needs and sources of its satisfaction based on studying the labor market, establishing direct connections with educational institutions and employment services, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile, informing employees within the enterprise about available vacancies, using the media for placing advertisements for hiring workers.

Participates in the development of personnel policy and personnel strategy of the enterprise.

The service department provides effective and high-quality service to restaurant/bar visitors, creates comfortable conditions and a favorable atmosphere for guests, organizes and controls the work of junior staff, as well as service service managers, prevents and eliminates conflict situations, and trains new service employees in service standards.

The restaurant chef ensures operational management of the restaurant kitchen, recruits and trains staff, and develops new menus.

The chef is responsible for the management of the entire kitchen area, as well as for the production of dishes according to the established standard of the restaurant, taking into account achieving maximum success in the economy and organization of production, supports the purchasing manager on all issues of purchasing raw materials, goods and quality, manages his area taking into account the main production directions development of the company, organize, manage, control the work of all employees working in the kitchen, planning, determining prices, as well as drawing up menus for every day and for special events, taking into account the specialties of the season, quality control.

Purchasing and warehouse department purchasing manager.

His functions: is responsible for managing the procurement of all goods (food, non-food products) taking into account the environmental principle, consults with all departments when choosing the necessary goods, checks all warehouse stocks and monitors their timely replenishment, takes into account in his work the main directions of development and management of the enterprise , organizes and controls the use of personnel in the areas of warehousing and purchasing, etc.

There are also positions in the restaurant:

1. cook He submits requests for the necessary products (raw materials) in accordance with the menu to the production manager, during work he accepts requests from waiters and fulfills them.

2. auxiliary kitchen workers.

3. waiter. He sets tables, takes orders from clients, passes them on to cooks and bartenders for execution, and ensures that the order is delivered to the client on time. Cleans tables, changes ashtrays in the food hall, counts clients, ensures the correctness of calculations, transfers money to the cash register.

4. cleaning lady. She cleans the premises, removes dirty dishes and changes ashtrays in the halls, and submits requests for the necessary cleaning supplies.

5. bartender. He prepares non-alcoholic cocktails and sells all drinks and products in the bar’s assortment, accepts money from the waiter at the cash register, and submits applications to the production manager for the purchase of goods from the bar’s assortment.

6. dishwasher.

All personnel were hired on a permanent basis. People who were not necessarily educated were hired to fill the positions of auxiliary kitchen worker, cloakroom attendant, cleaner, and tableware washer; the main thing was that they knew their job. However, people with special education, knowledge and practice of working in their specialty were invited to the position of cook. There are certain requirements for a waiter. In addition to special training, he must have good health, especially vision and hearing, be physically resilient, and be able to easily come into contact with people. In addition, the waiter needs to be resourceful and witty, know the basics of cooking technology, the culinary characteristics of cold and hot appetizers, first and second courses, desserts, cold and hot drinks, wine and vodka products, etc.

To stimulate the work of employees, the management of the Ermolaev restaurant uses economic and administrative methods of motivation.

The most significant economic method of motivation at an enterprise is wages accrued according to time-bonus and piecework wage systems.

The use of a direct individual piecework wage system assumes that the amount of employees’ earnings is determined by the amount of products produced by them over a certain period of time.

All output of an employee of the Ermolaev restaurant is paid at one constant piece rate. Therefore, an employee’s earnings increase in direct proportion to his output.

For managers, specialists and employees, a system of official salaries is used. Official salary is the absolute amount of wages established in accordance with the position held.

In addition to the salary, a bonus is paid related to the performance of the enterprise. The bonus amount does not exceed 40% of the official salary.

The Ermolaev restaurant also established a one-time reward for length of service. Remuneration is paid to workers (loaders, forwarders, sellers, etc.), managers and employees who have worked for a given enterprise for a full calendar year.

In addition to the above, employees are paid the following additional payments and allowances:

Payment for all overtime work and on weekends is double;

Additional payment for management in the amount of 20% of the rate.

Employees of the enterprise are paid financial assistance in connection with funerals and difficult financial conditions.

To maintain labor production discipline, administrative motivation is used in the form of penalties, warnings, reprimands, severe reprimands, fines, and dismissal from work. Reprimands are issued based on reports from line managers.

The organization of work at the enterprise is designed in such a way that all employees are involved in it. Their regime is shift work. There are two shifts of work hours at the enterprise: 1. From 10.00 - 18.00; 2. from 18.00 - 01.00. From 01.00 to 08.00 (for security guards). In this case, it is necessary to rest for 15 minutes every two hours. Lunch is required - it takes place at 12.00, 21.00, 04.00. Management personnel work from 09.00 to 17.00.

2.4 Study of the organization of production and work of workshops

The Ermolaev restaurant has a variety of workshops, specializing in the types of processed raw materials and manufactured products: a workshop for finishing semi-finished products, vegetable, hot, cold. Warehouse, packaging, sanitary facilities.

Shops are divided into: procurement (workshop for finishing semi-finished products, vegetable); pre-cooking (hot, cold).

Each workshop organizes a technological line - a production area equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

In the restaurant's procurement shops, they perform mechanical processing of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and produce semi-finished products to supply the hot shop of their enterprise with them.

At the Ermolaev Restaurant, they mainly work on semi-finished products, so the processing of meat, poultry, offal and fish is concentrated in one workshop (semi-finished products processing workshop), as well as the processing of all vegetables.

Cold shop.

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold soups. Products used for preparing dishes are not subject to secondary heat treatment before release, so strict sanitary requirements must be observed in the workshop: products used for preparing dishes must be stored in refrigerated cabinets or chambers at a temperature not exceeding 6-8 degrees; utensils and equipment must be labeled and used for their intended purpose; In accordance with the technological process, workplaces for processing raw and cooked vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning dishes, etc. must be clearly demarcated; salads, vinaigrettes, sandwiches should be prepared only in batches and sold within one hour; observe the temperature regime for storing and dispensing cold dishes (10-14 degrees).

Hot shop.

The hot shop is the main workshop of the enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broths, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses is carried out, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Hot shop dishes produced at the Ermolaev restaurant comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, and are produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up based on the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area.

The hot shop is equipped with modern equipment: heating, refrigeration, mechanical, and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, production tables and shelving.

Vegetable shop.

The vegetable shop has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the production of finished products is completed.

The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, peeling, finishing after mechanical cleaning, washing, slicing.

Equipment for a vegetable shop is selected according to equipment standards depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment is production tables, tables for peeling potatoes, washing baths, and vegetable trays.

Workplaces are equipped with tools and equipment to perform certain operations.

In the vegetable workshop there is a line for processing potatoes and root vegetables and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs. Equipment is installed along the technological process

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager.

Workshop for finishing semi-finished products.

The Ermolaev Restaurant has set up a workshop for processing semi-finished products, which the company receives from industrial and procurement enterprises in the form of large pieces of meat, specially cut chilled and frozen fish, chicken carcasses and chickens.

Separate workplaces are organized in the workshop for processing semi-finished meat products, semi-finished poultry and fish products.

The equipment in the semi-finished products processing workshop includes a universal drive PM-1.1 with a set of machines for loosening, chopping meat and performing other operations. In addition to mechanical equipment, the workshop is equipped with refrigeration equipment, washing baths, production tables, and mobile shelving.

At the Ermolaev Restaurant, according to the production program, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into portioned, small-piece and chopped. The workplace is equipped with a production table, on which I place a cutting board, and dial scales are installed.

By-products enter the enterprise in the form of raw materials, and in the semi-finished products preparation workshop there is a separate place for their processing.

A separate workplace is also organized for processing poultry coming from industry. The preparation of semi-finished poultry products is carried out at a workplace where washing baths and a production table are used.

Taking into account the specific smell of fish products, portioned semi-finished products are prepared on separate production tables. In addition to separate equipment, there are separate tools, containers, cutting boards marked for processing fish.

In the workshop for finishing semi-finished products, tabletop meat grinders are used.

The work of cooks of 4 and 5 categories is performed in the workshop. For their work, cooks report to the production manager or foreman.

Washing kitchen utensils.

The kitchen utensil washing machine is designed for washing stovetop utensils (cauldrons, pots, baking trays, etc.), kitchen and cutting equipment, and tools.

The washing room should have a convenient connection with production workshops (cold, hot). In the washing room there are shelves for used dishes, racks for clean dishes and equipment, and washing baths with three compartments - for soaking, washing and disinfection.

Control over the production and work of the workshops is carried out by the production manager (chef).

The production manager (chef) belongs to the category of managers; he is hired and fired by the director of a public catering enterprise.

The main task of the production manager (chef) is to provide leadership in his activities:

Resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities relating to the organization of public catering, organization and production technology; The production manager (chef) must know and be guided in his activities by:

Resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities relating to the organization of public catering, organization and production technology;

The range and requirements for the quality of dishes and culinary products, the basics of rational and dietary nutrition;

The order of the menu;

Accounting rules and standards for issuing products;

Standards for consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products;

Calculations of dishes and culinary products, using the prices in force for them;

Standards and technical specifications for food products and semi-finished products;

Rules and shelf life of finished products, raw materials and semi-finished products;

Technical characteristics of various types of technological equipment, principles of its operation;

Current internal regulations;

The principles of economy adopted in public catering;

Regulations on the organization of payment and labor incentives;

Fundamentals of labor organization;

Labor legislation;

Rules and regulations on labor protection;

This job description.

Chapter 3. Organization of customer service at a catering establishment, restaurant “Ermolaev”

The purpose of preparing a restaurant hall for serving visitors is to create ideal cleanliness, comfort, and clear organization of service.

Preparing the hall in the Ermolaev restaurant for serving visitors includes: cleaning the room, arranging tables, covering them with tablecloths, obtaining dishes and cutlery, setting tables and personal preparation of the waiter for work.

Daily cleaning of the sales area includes ventilation of the premises, wet cleaning of floors, furniture, window sills, etc.

Tables are arranged in straight lines or in a checkerboard pattern, forming groups of zones separated from one another by main passages at least 2 m wide and auxiliary passages 1.5-1.2 m wide. Each table is placed at such a distance from neighboring ones that would provide free access to it for visitors and waiters when the hall is fully loaded.

Near the group of tables assigned to the waiter there are auxiliary sideboard tables for waiters.

After arranging the furniture in the Ermolaev restaurant, the waiter foreman, against receipt, receives in the service and linen room the dishes, cutlery and table linen necessary for serving in accordance with the number of tables. Plates are carried, covering them with a handbrake, from the service room into the hall and placed on sideboards and utility tables in stacks of 10 to 12 pieces, and wine glasses, glasses and glasses - on trays covered with a napkin.

Sometimes waiter carts are used to deliver large quantities of dishes.

Before setting tables, the waiter must inspect the received dishes, cutlery and glass for the quality of washing and defects.

Before setting tables, it is necessary to wipe with a handbrake, polish dishes and cutlery, glass, and crystal.

Table setting is the final stage of preparing the sales area to receive visitors. Preliminary table setting complements the interior of the restaurant hall and speeds up the process of serving visitors. The form of serving depends on the class of enterprise, method and time of service. In the morning and lunchtime, minimal table setting is used, in the evening it is more complete.

3.1 Process of serving restaurant visitors

The term “order of service” refers to the sequence of actions from guests arriving at a restaurant to their departure.

The sequence of staff service actions must take into account all the nuances in order to best satisfy the needs of each visitor.

If several groups of guests sit at tables served by a waiter at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of each of the companies and make sure that fulfilling orders will not lead to overload of one waiter.

Meeting with guests.

The first thing a restaurant visitor pays attention to is the readiness of the company’s employees to meet and receive the guest. If the reception turns out to be warm, then the visitor has the right to expect no less pleasant service; he will have a positive impression of the enterprise.

Service to visitors to the Ermolaev restaurant begins with their meeting and accommodation. In restaurants, visitors are greeted by an administrator. He checks reservations, escorts guests to their seats, and introduces them to their waiter. In small restaurants, the waiter is responsible for the entire service procedure. In both cases, the order is as follows:

· Greeting guests at the entrance to the hall.

· Greetings.

· Show guests to the table.

· Offer chairs to guests, letting them know they can sit.

Unfolding napkins. By unfolding a napkin for the visitor, the waiter thereby prepares the table for serving food and drinks. Some diners unwrap their napkin themselves after sitting down at the table, while others wait for the waiter to do it.

Water supply. Ice water can be offered to guests after greeting and seating. This will allow them to refresh themselves and give them time to choose their aperitifs. Waiters should always have water ready, although some restaurants serve it only at the request of visitors. (In the USA and Japan, it is customary to always serve water with ice on the table, so tourists in these countries do not specifically order water, considering that it is included in the table setting.) In some restaurants, it is customary to place jugs of ice water on the table so that visitors can serve themselves .

Serving bread. Bread is usually served immediately after diners sit down at the table. It is placed in a basket on the table or served personally to each guest. Transfer the bread from the basket to a bread plate using a special device. The second option allows you to save space on the table.

Serving aperitifs. Orders for aperitifs should be taken as soon as possible after guests are seated. The waiter should skillfully invite guests to try something stimulating by recommending several cocktails or wines. You should allow the guest to express his tastes and remember all his wishes. Drinks are served by going around the table counterclockwise. The owner of the table is served last.

Menu presentation. The presentation of the menu is a favorable moment to offer a “product”. Before offering a menu, the waiter must study it well in order to be able to describe any dish, know what it is prepared from, and how to serve it. The waiter is also required to know all the intricacies of signature dishes.

Restaurant "Ermolaev" is a public catering establishment that provides consumers with a wide range of dishes, as well as wine, vodka, tobacco and confectionery products. A high level of service is combined with the organization of recreation for visitors.

Leisure services include:

organization of music services;

organizing concerts, programs, variety shows.

The restaurant organizes catering for receptions, family celebrations, banquets, and theme nights.

Visitors are served by waiters and bartenders; food and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. The service personnel have uniforms and shoes of the same type.

Visitors are provided with lunch (business lunch) and dinner. The restaurant has convenient access by road.

Today, the successful implementation of the production process depends on operational planning and proper organization of work in public catering establishments.

The production process is a labor process that has a certain technical and organizational content, aimed at creating specific material benefits and characterized by the constancy of the main subject of labor.

Collections of dishes and culinary products, along with current industry standards and technical specifications, are the main regulatory and technological documents for public catering establishments.

The main feature of production at public catering enterprises is that the turnover of organizations is in a tight connection between the processes of production, sales and consumption of products. The essence of organizing production at public catering establishments is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct of the technological process of food preparation.

The successful operation of the Ermolaev restaurant depends on many factors. Like any complex system, it begins with the planning of functional areas of the production and technological process and ends with its functioning. The people who work at the enterprise are of great importance.

As measures to improve the organization of public catering in a market economy, it is possible, in relation to the Ermolaev restaurant, to recommend the following measures:

Mechanization of processes, use of modern equipment (mechanical, thermal, refrigeration), introduction of low-capacity equipment - desktop mechanical equipment, small-sized thermal equipment;

Development of advanced technology for the production of public catering products based on new equipment;

Mechanization of labor-intensive work performed by kitchen workers, dish assemblers, cleaners of industrial and commercial premises;

Applications of electronic computing technology, computerization;

Development and implementation of environmental and ergonomic solutions;

Increasing wages for employees.

Studying the essence of personnel management allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

Currently, the main goal of the human resources management system is to provide personnel, organize their effective use, professional and social development.

A study of motivation through a survey of employees revealed problem areas of the motivation system - dissatisfaction with the wage system adopted in the restaurant and the need for non-material motivation - increasing professionalism.

The reorganization of the existing labor organization system is planned in such a way that the monetary remuneration of the company’s personnel will be made dependent on the efficiency of the company’s work, which is economically justified in the conditions of market relations between the employer and the employee.

To enhance staff motivation, meeting the expectations of employees, a system of personnel development is proposed through the development and implementation of a coherent training system, including training for all categories of employees.

List of used literature

1. Rules for the provision of catering services. Approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 1997 No. 1036.

2. GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises"

3. GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions".

4. GOST R 50764-95 “Catering services”.

5. GOST R 50935-96 “Public catering. Requirements for service personnel."

6. OST 28-1-95 “Public catering. Requirements for production personnel."

7. GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and Definitions".

8. Agranovsky E.D. Organization of production at public catering establishments. - M.: Economics, 1990. -

9. Cooking: theoretical foundations of professional activity (Text): Textbook: In 2 parts / O.M. Solovyova, G.K. Mironova, A.P. Elepin. - M.: Akademkniga / Textbook, 2007. - Part 1: 205 pp.: ill.

10. Cooking: theoretical foundations of professional activity (Text): Textbook: In 2 parts / O.M. Solovyova, G.K. Mironova, A.P. Elepin. - M.: Akademkniga / Textbook, 2007. - Part 2: 205 pp.: ill.

11. Nikulenkova T.T. Margelov V.N. “Design of a public catering enterprise” M. “Economics”, 1987.

12. Standards for equipping public catering establishments with tableware, cutlery, furniture and kitchen utensils. Approved By order of the USSR Ministry of Labor No. 38 dated 09.022.73.

13. Radchenko L.A. “Organization of production at public catering establishments” M. “Phoenix”, 2008 - 373 p.


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Obtaining an education in the field of catering technology involves obtaining a secondary specialized education. This education can be obtained in many educational institutions. For example, at the Moscow Cooperative Technical School. G.N. Altstuhl.

If we talk about studying after 9th grade, then it is possible. In this case, you will have to study for this profession for more than four years. Part-time study will take more than 6 years.

If you enter an educational institution with an 11th grade diploma, then obtaining an education will take about 4 years.

Admission to an educational institution is carried out based on the results of the Unified State Examination or on a paid basis.

Catering technology specialty

The technology of organizing public catering requires obtaining the qualification of a process engineer. This qualification is obtained based on the results of training. In order for this qualification to be awarded, students must pass the state exam. exams. You will also need to write a qualifying thesis.

In addition, the training includes a mandatory practical part.

At the same time, practical training is divided into two stages: industrial practice and pre-graduation practice. The practice can be completed at manufacturing enterprises - confectionery shops, bakeries or at food facilities - restaurants, canteens, etc.

Specialty: technology of public catering products

The profession of a process engineer implies the following specialties, which are obtained in secondary educational institutions:

  • profession - bartender;
  • confectionery;
  • bakery;
  • cook's;
  • catering technology.

Specialty 260807 food service technology

Profession code 260807 means receiving education in the field of manufacturing products for various public catering outlets. A specialist from an educational institution who has received such a state diploma will be able to work at various facilities. This could be a food production facility or a catering facility.

Thus, the scope of application of this profession is quite wide. In addition, the demand for specialists is very high. Therefore, graduates from such colleges, as a rule, do not have problems with employment.

Product technology and catering specialty

This specialty involves acquiring a number of skills:

  • prepare confectionery products, flour products;
  • prepare various dishes from meat, fish or poultry;
  • prepare soups and sauces;
  • preparing desserts. It can be any type of dessert;
  • development and planning of production performance indicators;
  • purchasing the necessary volumes of products for preparing dishes;
  • control the production of final products;
  • organization of mass catering.

Specialty: catering technologist

This specialty means obtaining the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge about the technology of manufacturing food products, as well as catering.
Such a specialist can evaluate production work, organize meals for visitors to a restaurant or cafe. It may control the production of products for medical nutrition or child nutrition purposes.

Therefore, a catering technologist has quite broad opportunities for future employment.

Graduate department

Department of Technology and Organization of Public Catering

Information on the educational program

The Department of “Technology and Organization of Public Catering” conducts training of bachelors in the direction 03/19/04 Technology of products and organization of public catering in the educational program (profile) Technology of food production and organization of public catering.

Types of graduate activities

Students gain competencies in the production processes of semi-finished products and products for various purposes for food enterprises, develop skills in quality control over the effective operation of food enterprises and the safety of food raw materials and food products, and acquire knowledge in the design and reconstruction of food enterprises.

Practical skills of a graduate of this direction are implemented in the following areas:

production of culinary products and confectionery products;

ability to draw up and maintain regulatory and technical documentation in their industry;

knowledge and practical application of methods and means of testing and quality control of raw materials and finished products of public catering, certification and standardization systems, with various methods of managing the quality and safety of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products at catering establishments;

the basics of effective organization of a restaurant business.

Basic disciplines

The curriculum in this area includes more than 20 disciplines, reflecting all modern trends in the functioning and development of a successful public catering enterprise: Research methods for public catering products, Innovative technologies in public catering, Service and personnel in public catering, Food engineering of public catering products, Chemistry of taste, color and aroma of public food products, Organoleptic analysis of public food products, HACCP in public catering.

Possible areas of activity for graduates

Graduates of the department are high-class professionals capable of engaging in commercial, technological, teaching and research activities and successfully working in any enterprise producing public catering products.

Examples of graduate employment

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates of the direction 03/19/04 Product technology and catering includes:

processing, processing and storage of food raw materials at food enterprises;

production of semi-finished products and culinary products for various purposes for catering enterprises;

control over the effective activities of food enterprises;

quality control and safety of food raw materials and food products;

design and reconstruction of food enterprises.

A graduate with a bachelor's qualification can occupy the following positions:

Catering technologist


Restaurant Industry Manager

Production manager at catering establishments

Catering Designer

Partner companies

"Ibis Samara Ibis Samara"

LLC "KupiKofe", Samara region, Samara

Milimon Group LLC, Samara region, Samara

McDonald's LLC

Holiday Inn LLC

Chelsea LLC, Churchill Restaurant

Hotel Vesta LLC

LLC Varenye

Restaurant Frau Gretta, Tolyatti

Shannon Restaurant

Nestle Samara LLC


Cafe "Deck"

KP "UPalycha"

LLC "Oktyabrinka"

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