Technology. Technology Tasks of the municipal stage on technology

Regional stage

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren on technology took place

Preliminary results of the regional stage of VSOSH on technology 2019-2020

I round (theory)- Academy of Digital Technologies (Bolshoi Prospekt PS, 29);
tour starts: 09:00

check-in: 08:30

Round II (practice) - by type of practical work(in accordance with the program of the regional stage)

I2nd round - defense of projects

Academy of Digital Technologies (Bolshoi Prospekt PS, 29)

Start of the tour (according to schedule)

Passing points for participation in the regional stage:

Nominations “Engineering, technology and technical creativity”

9th grade - 88 points, 10-11 grade - 100 points,

Nomination “Home Culture, Design and Technology”

9th grade - 98 points, 10-11 grade - 84 points.

  • Identity document (passport);
  • A medical certificate with a doctor’s note confirming your admission to participate in the Olympics;
  • Writing instruments (blue or black pen),
  • Non-programmable calculator;
  • Replacement shoes/shoe covers
  • If you are the winner or prize-winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in this subject in the previous academic year and studied in another region of the Russian Federation, you must provide a copy of your diploma or diploma for the previous year

List of invitees to the regional stage

Analysis of assignments, display of work, submission and consideration of appeals will take place on February 28, 2020, at 16:00

Registration starts at 15:30, assignments start at 16:00

Venue: Academy of Digital Technologies (Bolshoi Prospekt PS, 29, metro station Gorkovskaya / Chkalovskaya / Petrogradskaya)

When filing an appeal, bring with you:

Identity document

Replacement shoes/shoe covers


Dear winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology in the 2018-2019 academic year

The award ceremony will take place

on the Small Stage of the Anichkov Palace

at Nevsky Prospekt, 39

The beginning of the Ceremony is at 16:00

Registration starts at 15:30

Have with you:

passport or student ID with photo, replacement shoes/shoe covers.

Results of the regional stage of VSOSH 2019

Website of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren -

Methodological website of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren -

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology is held in four stages: school, municipal, regional, and final. Each stage includes three rounds: testing, practical work, and defense of creative projects.

The Olympiad is held in two categories: “Technology and technical creativity”, “Home culture and arts and crafts”.

1. The first competition should be theoretical (tests and questions).

2. The second competition is the practical round, it is required at all stages of the Olympiad.

3. The third competition of the Technology Olympiad is the presentation of a project independently completed by the student.

Since 2016, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in project activities Students are recommended to highlight several areas.

Nomination “Technology and technical creativity”

1. Electrical engineering, automation, radio electronics. (Including design of systems similar to the “Smart Home” concept, design of systems with feedback, design of electrified facilities, use of automatic control systems for devices for domestic and industrial use.)

2. Robotics, robotic devices, systems and complexes. (Robotic devices that are functionally suitable for performing technological operations, robotic systems that allow analyzing the parameters of a technological process and optimizing technological operations and processes, robotic systems that simulate or implement a technological process).

3. Technical Modeling and design of technical and technological objects.

4. Artistic processing of materials (wood carving, artistic forging, burning, and others).

5. Design of agricultural technologies (design areas - crop production, livestock farming), modern design (phytodesign and others).

6. Socially oriented projects (ecological, bionic modeling; agrotechnical: landscape and park design, floristry, mosaics and others with the application of art objects).

7. Design of objects using modern technologies(3-D technologies, CNC milling machines and others), design of new materials with specified properties and objects made of new materials.

Nomination “Culture of home and decorativeapplied creativity»

1. Design and production of garments, modern technologies, fashion.

2. Arts and crafts (handicrafts, crafts, ceramics and others), accessories.

3. Interior items, modern design (phytodesign, plant growing, agricultural technologies).

4. Socially oriented projects (ecological; agrotechnical: landscape and park design, floristry, mosaic and others with the addition of art objects).

5. National costume and theatrical costume.

6. Design of objects using modern technologies (3-D technologies, use of CNC equipment, laser processing of materials and others), design of new materials with specified properties.





Regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology

Preliminary results of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology 2019

Nomination "Home culture and arts and crafts"

Nomination "Technology and technical creativity"

Preliminary results 9th grade

Preliminary results for grades 10-11

The display of works and the appeal will take place on February 6, 2019 at 16:00 at the site of the State Budget Educational Institution Secondary secondary school No. 5 Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg at the address: St. Petersburg, 13-line V.O., building 28.

The regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad took place on January 30 and 31, 2019 at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 5 of the Vasileostrovsky District of St. Petersburg at the address: St. Petersburg, 13-line V.O., building 28.

Registration starts at 08:30.

The Olympiad starts on January 30 at 09:00 (theoretical round). January 31, registration of participants 15 minutes before the start of the practical tour

Program for the regional stage of the Olympiad

On January 30 and 31, the school has a canteen. The cost of a set lunch is 160 rubles.

nomination “Home Culture and Arts and Crafts” and "Technology and technical creativity"

For grades 10-11 - 80 points; for 9th grade -100 points

List of participants in grades 8 - 9 invited to the regional stage of the Olympiad

List of participants in grades 10-11 invited to the regional stage of the Olympiad

If you find yourself on the list, then register

Documents for participation in the regional stage:

  1. Identity document (passport);;
  2. Certificate from the institution where the participant is currently studying;
  • Writing instruments (blue or black pen), non-programmable calculator;
  • To perform practical work in the category "Technology and Technical Creativity" in the woodworking and metalworking sections, it is MANDATORY to have a work uniform (robe and headdress)
  • Replacement shoes/shoe covers.

The regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology took place on February 14 and 15, 2018

Passing score for participation in the regional stage:

Documents for participation in the regional stage:

This Olympiad is available to everyone!

We organized a technology Olympiad for talented and capable students in grades 5-11 and first- and second-year students of secondary secondary education institutions. We invite everyone to participate. We will appreciate your knowledge and adequately reward the efforts of each participant!

How technologies are taught at the Mega-Talent center: Olympiad participants receive sets of assignments that include various types of questions from the school curriculum. The tasks are supplemented with illustrations and diagrams.

What themes are we repeating this season:

  • Safety precautions when working with household appliances, irons, sewing machines, overlockers
  • Types of fabrics, yarns and threads
  • Types of hand and machine stitches, embroidery techniques, knitting and crocheting techniques

  1. Register on the website website.
  2. Apply for participation by indicating the number of participants.
  3. Confirm your application by paying in a way convenient for you.
  4. One application may indicate only one name of the Olympiad curator and one name of the educational institution, which will be reflected in the award materials of the participants and the curator. You can submit multiple entries for an event if required.
  5. Use the received teaching materials to conduct the Olympiad ( methodological recommendations, tasks for each category of participants, answer forms).
  6. Upload student work before debriefing begins.
  7. Download award materials from your completed application after the day the results are published.
  1. Students must complete all assignments independently, without outside help.
  2. Be responsible when filling out the answer table - the participant’s result may depend on it!
  3. Correctly fill in all required fields. Time to change the entered data is limited.
  4. Remember that the registration fee will not be refunded for participants’ works not added in a timely manner!

Who can win the Olympics?

Our methodologists create assignments that correspond to the school curriculum. They are simpler than at regional olympiads, but more interesting and varied than at school tests. Our assignments are completed by excellent students and students who know the material at a sufficient level. However, the experience of participating in Olympiads is also interesting for students with a satisfactory level of knowledge.

We took part in the Olympics last season. Are the tasks the same in this Olympiad?

No, we prepare new tasks for each season. Quests for different seasons are based on different sections curriculum. You can take part in the Olympiad again.

What does a set of tasks for the Olympiad look like?

On the day the assignments are issued, all teachers who have paid for participation can download a set of materials for the Olympiad, which includes:

  • Methodological recommendations for holding the Olympiad.
  • Motivation letter to the participant from the director of the Mega-Talent MDG.
  • A set of 15 tasks of various types.
  • Calendar of upcoming events.

How are the results of the Olympiad assessed?

After you enter the answers into a special table on the website, they will be submitted for verification. For each correct answer, the student receives 2 points. If a test question has two possible answers and the student indicated only one option correctly, he will receive 1 point.

How are rewards distributed?

  • An Olympiad participant who receives 30 points is awarded the highest award - a winner's diploma.
  • Participants who receive 26–29 points are awarded 2nd and 3rd places and given winners' diplomas.
  • All other participants receive personalized certificates.

Awards can be downloaded on the day of summing up.

How to pay for participation in the Olympiad?

To pay, use one of the proposed methods:

  • Bank card VISA/MasterCard/Maestro
  • QIWI Wallet
  • Yandex.Money Wallet
  • Transfer through a bank or Russian Post office
  • Cash at self-service terminals

In order not to pay for each event separately and not have to fill in all the payment information again each time, you can top up your personal balance.

How can you save on paying for participation in the Olympiads?

We will compensate for the costs of holding the Olympiad. The more students indicated in the application, the higher the percentage of compensation for the teacher's expenses.

You can also save by replenishing your balance on the website. When you replenish your balance, you will receive a bonus of 7–20%, depending on the replenishment amount.

Why do teachers choose the Mega-Talent Olympiads?

  • Simple application form
  • Convenient access to methodological materials and awards
  • Entering answers yourself and working on errors
  • Reimbursement of expenses for printing assignments and award materials
  • Unique and varied tasks

Photos of participants

More than 1000 reviews from satisfied teachers

I express my deep gratitude to the administration of MDG Mega Talent, my daughter, a 1st grade student, and I really enjoyed everything! Everything is fast and modern!

Liliya Sharifullina

FKU IK-4 GUFSIN of Russia for Chelyabinsk region

I really enjoyed the first day of the conference - thank you!!!

Thank you very much for the opportunity, we became participants International Olympiad according to ISO. The guys liked it. The site works great! Good luck.

Marina Marisova

Thank you very much for the competition. Students take part with pleasure. The organization of the competition is very good. The support service is operational. We hope for further participation in your competitions.

Olga Zhukova

branch of MBOU Sosnovskaya secondary school No. 2 in the village. Right Lamki

On behalf of the participants, thank you for very interesting tasks. The tasks are appropriate for the age category. The children are very happy. We plan to continue to actively participate in the Olympiads. Budantseva Marina....

Marina Budantseva

MBOU secondary school No. 3

Participated in the conference for the first time. The students liked it. The organization of the Olympiad is good. Thank you very much for the opportunity to host online events.

Igor Semenikhin

Taganrog College of Construction Industry and Technologies

Thank you very much for organizing and holding the Olympiad. Everything is very wonderful, prompt and organized. We will be happy to participate in other events.

Alexander Sklyar

Thank you for the opportunity to test what you have learned in such a bright, attractive, simple form. Thank you even more for the independent assessment.

Galina Palaeva

Our students have been taking part in subject olympiads in the subject “Music” for several years now, they really like literally everything, the tasks and gifts, we thank the organizers of such olympiads, they are very...

Galina Polyakova

Thank you, the tasks were interesting and understandable for the children. MKOU secondary school in the village of Kolyanur

Alevtina Kuzminykh


Thank you for organizing the Olympics. The assignments are written correctly, taking into account the completion of the program. Good luck!

Elena Belozerova

MKOU "Kremenskaya Secondary School"

Thank you for the events! We wish you success! We will still participate!

Daria Pyannikova

Thank you very much for the competition. The students enjoyed their work. The organization of the competition is very good. The support service is operational. We hope that we will take part in your competitions more than once.

Natalia Alova

Municipal educational institution "Lomonosov Gymnasium", Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia

We often participate in free competitions on your website. Thank you very much for holding them and the colorful diplomas! Children and parents love it!

Tatiana Lunegova

MAOU "Secondary School No. 132 with in-depth study subjects of natural and ecological profile"

We took part in the Olympiad with 6th grade students. The questions were interesting, the students liked it. We plan to participate in the future. THANKS TO THE ORGANIZERS!

Tatiana Logacheva

MDG "Mega-Talent" conducts all-Russian and international Internet Olympiads in technology for girls and boys. Our events involve young artists and young masters studying in grades 5-11 and in the first and second years of secondary school. Participants in the Mega-Talent Olympiads receive awards for their knowledge. The winners are awarded diplomas, and all others receive personalized certificates. Teachers who organize Olympiads receive certificates and thanks.

Some facts about the Mega-Talent talent development center:

  • More than 400 distance competitions in 47 school disciplines over the past year.
  • More than 2,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries showed their knowledge in technology Olympiads.
  • About 2.5 million rubles were paid in compensation for organizational expenses.
  • 98% of teachers who once took part in one of the Olympiads continue to cooperate with us on an ongoing basis.

5 basics of successful cooperation

Moving towards teachers, we have laid 5 foundations for successful interaction:

  1. Access to task sets for all classes after confirmation of the application for participation.
  2. Seasonal updates to the design of award materials.
  3. Compensation for organizational expenses.
  4. Monthly prize draws and rewarding of the most active organizers with especially valuable gifts once every six months.
  5. Lightning fast support service.

What are distance Olympiads?

Remote technology Olympiads for schoolchildren are a format of educational events when participants do not need to leave the cozy walls of their educational institution and adjust to a certain date. The teacher-organizer himself chooses a time convenient for himself and his students and is free to arrange the space for the Olympiad according to his taste, preferences and considerations. In such a “homey” atmosphere, students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge more fully and will be less nervous.

All tasks of the Olympiad are compiled taking into account school curriculum and Federal State Educational Standards standards.

The set of tasks for each category of participants consists of 15 test questions different types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Questions on analytical and chronological sequence.
  • Questions on exclusion and correlation of two data series.
  • Test tasks for working with illustrative sources.
  • Test tasks for solving problems.

Cost of participation in the Technology Olympiad for schoolchildren

The amount of the registration fee for one participant is indicated on the page of the selected Olympiad. Please note that up to 30% of this amount remains with you to cover organizational expenses. The percentage of compensation depends on the number of participants in the application. Detailed information information about how the percentage of compensation is calculated is available after registration .

We encourage the most active organizers of All-Russian Olympiads based on the resultsrating table valuable prizes and gifts once a month and once every six months.

How often do All-Russian technology Olympiads take place?

The event is available 7 times per academic year. At the same time, a new set of tasks is compiled for each Olympiad.

Of the seven above-mentioned Olympiads, three are all-Russian, and four are international. We hold All-Russian Olympiads once a season (in winter, autumn and spring), and international ones in between. The tasks of the Olympiads correspond to the knowledge that the participants should have already mastered as part of the school curriculum.

How are participant responses checked?

Participants' answers are checked automatically. The organizer enters the answers into a special table in his personal account, after which he gets access to ready-made personalized award materials on the day of summing up the results.

How to hold a Technology Olympiad?

  1. Register and select the desired subject in the schedule.
  2. Submit your application by clicking the appropriate button on the page of the selected Olympiad.
  3. Make a payment to open access to tasks.
  4. Download the assignments and read the methodological recommendations
  5. Prepare the required number of sets of assignments and answer sheets.
  6. Hold an Olympiad in your educational institution.
  7. Enter the participants' answers in your personal account.
  8. On the day of summing up, you will learn the results and be able to download the awards. We will also give you access to the correct answers.

How to pay the registration fee to participate in the Technology Olympiad?

The following payment methods are available to you:

  • Payment by bank card (online);
  • Payment by receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from outside Russia participate in the event?

If you are reading these lines, then you and your students probably speak Russian at a sufficient level to understand the essence of the Olympiad tasks. Therefore, welcome! We will be glad to cooperate. We have published answers to other frequently asked questions here

5th grade (girls) 2016/2017 academic year

(For each correctly completed task 1 point. Total 9 points.)

Task 1 ……………………..- decoration of the premises in a certain artistic style, as well as the interior view of the room.

Task 2 When an egg is boiled “in a bag”, it has:

A) hard yolk and white; B) liquid yolk and white;

C) runny yolk, hard white; D) hard yolk, liquid white;

Task 3 Plant fibers are obtained from...

A) nettle; B) flax; B) wool; D) cotton.

Task 4 Lobe thread when stretched:

A) changes its length; B) does not change its length.

Task 5 The process of obtaining fabric from threads by weaving them is called:

A) spinning; B) weaving; B) finishing.

Task 6 The non-fraying edge of the fabric is called:

A) ducks; B) basis; B) edge; D) fabric width.

Task 7 Who does clothing design?

A) seamstress; B) cutter; B) fashion designer; D) designer;

Task 8 Which tool is not a hand sewing tool?

A) needle; B) soap; B) scissors; D) hammer.

Task 9 The chain stitch is used:

A) for embroidery; B) for connecting parts; B) for processing the edge of a part

10) Creative work.(6 points)

Draw a sketch of a school uniform.

Practical task. (40 points)

  1. Perform a finishing chain stitch.
  2. Find the front side from the offered fabric samples.


Tasks for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Technology

6th grade (girls) 2016/2017 academic year

For each correctly completed task 1 point, 20 points in total

Task 1 Porridge can be cooked:

A) with milk; b) on the water; c) on jelly.

Task 2 Fermented milk products are:

A) milk; b) kefir; c) cottage cheese; d) sour cream.

Task 3 …………………………….. is the art of cooking.

Task 4 The shuttle device in the sewing machine is located:

a) in the car stand; b) in the sleeve of the machine; c) under the platform; d) on the platform.

Task 5 Number of the thickest machine needle:

A) 70; b) 90; c) 80; d) 110.

Task 6 Animal fibers include:

A) cotton; b) flax; c) wool; d) nylon.

Task 7 The following seams are used to process the bottom edge of the nightgown:

A) stagnant; b) invoice; c) hem with an open cut; d) hem with a closed cut.

Task 8 Connecting seams include:

A) stagnant; b) hem seam with an open cut;

B) hem seam with closed cut; d) finishing seams.

Task 9 Shoulder group garments include:

A) skirt; b) nightgown; c) trousers.

Task 10 When constructing drawings, use a cutter's ruler to scale:

A) 1:2; b) 1:3; c) 1:4; d) 1:5.

Task 11 To draw a drawing of a nightgown, you need to take measurements:

A) Di; b) Sun; c) Dst; d) Op; e) Sat; f) Dpr; g) Cr; h) Ssh.

Task 12 The pattern is......

A) adaptation to a sewing machine; b) a ruler for drawing curved lines; c) pattern of product parts; d) collar shape.

Task 13 From which side are measurements taken of a person’s figure?

A) on the right; b) from the left; c) does not matter; d) from the back.

Task 14 Ironing is:

a) remove wrinkles on fabrics and parts of the product;

b) reduce the thickness of the seam, fold or edge of the part;

c) spread the seam allowances on both sides and secure them in this position.

Task 15. Creative work. (6 points.)

Model the pocket.

Practical task. (40 points.)

  1. Thread the sewing machine.
  2. Sew a closed hem seam.


by technology

7th grade (girls) 2016-2017 academic year

1. Select correct definition for specified properties

1. hygroscopicity

a) the formation of folds and creases when wearing the product

2. creasing

b) the ability of the fabric to retain heat

3. crumbling

c) the property of fabric to decrease in size

4. shrinkage

d) the ability of fabric to absorb moisture

5.heat protection

e) loss of threads on cuts

2.What grain crop is “Hercules” cereal produced from:

a) wheat b) spelled c) rice d) oats e) buckwheat f) millet

3. Technological properties of fabrics include:

a) strength b) drapability c) spreading of threads in seams d) shrinkage e) fraying


A) spread the seam allowances on both sides and secure with an iron.

B) bend the seam allowances to one side and secure them.

C) remove wrinkles on fabrics and parts of the product.

5.The width of the fabric is

a) a distance equal to the length of the weft thread

b) a distance equal to the length of the main thread

c) distance from edge to edge

6.What seam is used to sew the bottom of the product, sleeves, edges of frills, etc.?

A) stitch seam. b) overlay seam c) hem seam with open or closed cut.

7.What fabrics are made from plant fibers?

A) woolen b) silk c) cotton d).linen

8. All fibers are divided into natural and

a) synthetic b) chemical c) artificial

9 . What type of edge stitch is it?

a) connecting seams b) edge seams c) finishing seams

10. Establish a correspondence between symbols and product care rules

11. What method of drawing the shoulder product did you use when making the product?

a) calculation and graphic b) dummy c) prototyping

12. What formula is used to determine the width of the shoulder product?

A) Ssh:3+1.0 b) Op:2+Pop c) Sg11:2 + Pg

13.Cooking in a small amount of liquid is:

A) allowance; b) sautéing; c) blanching; d) stewing

14. The process of changing the drawing of the product base in accordance with the selected model is called _ _________________________.

15. Inner world home, consists of individual things located in a certain way and interconnected, called _________________

16. The long groove of the machine needle serves

a) for threading the upper thread b) to protect the upper thread from chafing

c) to form a loop

17. Buttons on the leg are sewn with thread:

A) in the color of the fabric; b) in the color of the buttons; c) any.

18. Number of the thickest machine needle:

A) 70 b) 90 c) 80 d) 110

19. Etiquette is

a) science of human health;

b) a field of science that studies the effect of food on the human body;

c) a strictly established order of behavior.

20. Creative task - 6 points

Draw a model of the apron and describe it

Practical work - 40 points

1. Continue modeling the nightgown with a round yoke

2. Use a sewing machine to sew a double stitch


Tasks of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

by technology

8th grade (girls) 2016-2017 academic year

For each correct answer, the participant receives one point, for a total of 25 points

1. Enter in the right column of the table a term from the list given that corresponds to its definition:simple sandwich, sandwich, canapes, croutons

2. Increases to measurements are necessary in order to

a) compensate for changes in clothing size after washing

b) ensure that the product fits freely on the figure

c) increase the size of parts for processing sections

d) increase clothing size

3. The picture shows a drawing of a straight skirt. Define model

a) straight skirt with wrap and gathers at the waist;

b) a straight skirt with a wrap that turns into a flounce;

V) straight wrap skirt;

G) straight skirt with reliefs on the yoke

4.Indicate in numbers in rectangles the correct technological sequence for processing the product

A) Preparing the product for fitting b) Processing sections and parts of garments

c) Fabric preparation d) Final processing of the product

e) Cutting f) Fitting and correcting defects

5. Preventing cuts from shedding is:

a) basting b) stitching c) basting d) overcasting

6 . Give the correct answer.

A) vegetable; b) mineral; c) chemical; d) synthetic; e) artificial

7 . The ends of the stitches on the sewing machine are secured

A) double reverse stitching; b) a knot; c) a loop.

8. Threads running across the warp of the fabric are called:

a) weft b) lobe thread c) longitudinal thread d) shuttle thread

9.Modeling is:

a) performing calculations and drawing drawings

b) creating different styles c) taking measurements

10 . The split thread of the hem facing should be positioned

a) along the facing b) at an angle of 45° to the grain of the main part

C) across the facing d) in the direction of the grain of the main part

11.The size of women's clothing is determined by the following measurements:

a) chest width; b) half waist circumference; c) semi-circumference of the hips;

d) back length to waist; d) half chest circumference.

12. This French word entered the Russian language in the 30-40s of the 19th century as a competitor to the word field . Today we associate with this concept a person’s active achievement of success in professional activity. What is this word? ……………………………..

13. Methods for determining the direction of the grain thread in the fabric:

A) along the edge; b) according to the degree of stretching; c) by sound; d) according to the fabric pattern.

14. The side line of a straight skirt is processed using the seam shown in the figure:

15. Patchwork is:

A) embroidery b) patterned weaving c) patchwork d) applique

16. The figure shows the layout of a straight skirt pattern on the fabric. Explain why both panels of the skirt are directed in the same direction.

Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

17.What is at the top of the “Pyramid of Needs”?

A) need for safety b) physiological needs

C) the need for self-realization d) social needs

18. The family budget is... (Choose one of 4 answer options):

a) the structure of all income and expenses for a certain period of time.

b) costs, expenses, consumption of something for certain purposes.

c) the conscious need to have something material or spiritual.

d) activities to create goods and services, sell them and make a profit

19. Hierarchy human needs according to Maslow consists of:

a) three human needs b) five human needs

c) two human needs d) the only human need

20. Creative task. (6 points) Draw a sketch of a woman’s robe according to the description.

Wraparound robe (tied at the back with a belt), set-in sleeves - 3/4 length; shawl collar: 2 patch pockets; Bust darts extend from the armhole

Practical work - 40 points.

1. Run simulation

2. Finish the welt loop with hand stitches 15 mm long.


School stage tasks

9th grade (girls) 2016 – 2017 academic year

Task 1 . Mark the correct answer.

In the subject "Technology" the following are studied:

a) technologies for using household appliances;

b) technologies for designing computer programs;

c) industrial waste recycling technologies;

d) technologies for converting materials, energy, information.

Task 2. Mark the correct answer.

The project begins:

a) from collecting information for the implementation of the project;

b) from the formulation of the problem;

c) from putting forward ideas for the implementation of the project

d) with the formulation of the problem and requirements for the product;

e) from the production of drawings and technological documentation.

Exercise 3. Mark the correct answer.

The main building materials for human tissue cells and organs are:

a) carbohydrates; b) proteins; c) fats; d) mineral salts; d) vitamins.

Exercise 4. Mark the correct answer.

At the end of the meal, the utensils are put down:

a) on a napkin; b) on the table; c) on a plate; d) per glass.

Exercise 5. Mark the correct answer.

Finely patterned weaves include:

a) linen; b) matting; c) satin; d) satin.

Task 6 . Based on the properties of the fabrics, write down their names:

Characteristics of fabric properties. Name of fabric properties

1. The ability of fabric to withstand load_____________________________

2. Fabric hanging ability

form soft round folds__________________________________________

3. The ability of fabric to absorb moisture from environment(air)________________________________________________________________

4. The ability of fabric, under the influence of bending and compression, to form wrinkles and folds, which can only be eliminated by wet-heat treatment_____________________

Task 7. Mark the correct answer.

The fabric of a garment is cut according to...

a) allowance lines, b) pattern contour lines, c) arbitrarily, d) at the discretion of the cutter

Task 8 .

The raw materials for the production of chemical fibers are:

a) animal fur; b) oil; c) coal; d) silkworm cocoons; d) wood.

Task 9 . Mark the correct answers.

The machine needle number depends on:

a) on the color of the fabric; b) on the color of the thread; c) depending on the type of fabric; d) depending on the type of thread.

Task 10 . Complete the phrases:

a) In a household sewing machine, the handwheel should be rotated


b) You cannot start sewing on a sewing machine with ________________________ foot.

c) When starting to sew on a sewing machine, you need to hold the threads until


Task 11. Match:


Task 12 . Mark the correct answer.

Adjusting the tension of the lower thread in a sewing machine is carried out:

a) presser foot pressure regulator;

b) an adjusting screw on the bobbin case;

c) thread take-up;

d) adjusting the leaf spring on the bobbin case.

Task 13. Fill in the missing words using the reference words.

Areas of the sewing machine where ________________________ of parts occurs,

must be lubricated with machine oil. It makes ___________________ easier

machine mechanisms, reduces _______________________ parts, promotes

silent operation of the machine. (Rotation. Wear. Friction)

Task 14. Mark all correct answers.

a) electric b) hydraulic c) pneumatic d) manual e) foot.

Task 15. Mark all correct answers.

What markings should be present on the finished pattern?

a) names and number of parts; b) length and width of parts;

c) directions of the lobar thread; d) the presence of division along the waist line;

e) folds of fabric; f) allowances for processing cuts.

Task 16 . Finish the sentence. The role of darts in garments

Task 17. Match:

1. Seat height a) St

2. Half waist b) CrII

3. Half chest girth second c) Dts

4. Half hip girth d) Op

5. Back length to waist d)Sb

6. Shoulder girth e) Sun


Task 18. Mark the correct answer.

Extension of a straight skirt along the hemline can be done:

A. increasing the width of the rear panel;

b. increasing the width of the front panel;

V. closing the dart along the waistline.

Task 19 . Mark the correct answer. The hook number indicates:

a) the thickness of the thread for which it is intended;

b) its diameter;

c) the length of its working part;

d) the length of its handle.

Task 20 . Mark the correct answer.

The cost items for the production of a product are:

a) manufacturer’s profit; b) price of the product;

c) producer income; d) cost of the product.

Task 21 . Mark the correct answer.

The cost of a set of products, things and services needed by one person is called

a) family resources; b) budget basket;

c) consumer basket; d) human need.

Task22 . Mark the correct answer.

An activity that generates something new that did not previously exist:

a) creativity; b) research; c) teaching; d) modeling.

Task 23 . Mark the correct answer.

Specialties include:

a) engineer; b) doctor; c) physics teacher; d) seller; d) car mechanic.

Task 24 . Mark the correct answer.

Mistakes made when choosing a profession lead to:

a) to strengthen strong-willed qualities;

b) to the emergence of confidence in one’s strengths and capabilities;

c) to the emergence of a desire to create; d) to the impossibility of self-realization.

Task 25. Creative task - 11 points. Apron modeling.

1. Carefully read the description of the apron model and look at the sketch.

2. Identify the differences between the basic apron model and the specified model. In accordance with the sketch, draw new lines of the style and indicate your modeling actions on the base model. To do this, use arrows, icons, words in the proposed lines of the second column.

3. Transfer the lines of the style onto a template made of colored paper.

4. Make pattern pieces from colored paper to lay out on the fabric.

5. Carefully paste the pattern details into the column of the table “Performing apron modeling”.

6. Apply the necessary inscriptions for cutting on the pattern pieces.

Sketch and description of the model

Apply to drawing

model changes

Run Simulation

apron and preparation

patterns for cutting

Model Description:

Apron with cut-off bib.

The top line of the bib and the bottom line of the apron are given a V-shape.

To give shape

The upper cut of the lower part of the apron has soft folds.

Your modeling activities:

Practical work 40 points

Machine processing of the product (sample)

  1. Cut out the cuff. The finished length of the cuff is 22cm, the finished width of the cuff is 4cm.
  1. Fold the cuff right sides inward, aligning the edges.

Baste, stitch into a ring, seam width 0.7 cm.

  1. Iron the seam.
  1. Fold the cuff lengthwise in the middle, wrong side inward, and iron.

Self-control: compliance with execution technology; The machine stitching is smooth and neat; seam width corresponds given values; presence of fastenings; wet-heat treatment.

Operational control map

"Processing a straight closed cuff"

Control criteria


Points by

in fact

Compliance with execution technology

Open the cuffs

Maintaining seam width

Evenness, neatness of stitching

Making bartacks

Quality of wet-heat treatment

Compliance with T/B



School stage tasks

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren educational field"Technology"

10-11 grade (girls)

For each correct answer, the competition participant receives one point.

The creative task is worth 11 points.

Task 1. The first Russian entrepreneurs were:

A) officials; b) peasants; c) merchants;

Task 2. Labor productivity is an indicator:

Aa) the efficiency of the enterprise; b) the financial condition of the employee

B) the strength of the employee; d) prestige of production.

Task 3 . The following forms of remuneration are not used in industry:

A) piecework; b) criminal; c) time-based; d) negotiated.

A). passport b). patent; V). certificate; G). license.

Task 5. Money arose as a means:

A) facilitating the exchange of goods; b). saving wealth;

IN). expression of the value of a product; d) all of the above.

Task 6. Barter is...

A).exchange of goods for money; B) exchange of one product for another;

B) exchange of goods for securities. D) confiscation of goods;

Task 7 . In subsistence farming:

A. grow vegetables and fruits; B. everything needed for life is produced;

V. do not use harmful chemicals; D. goods are bought only at the market.

Task 8 . What do you call a person who buys goods in large quantities?

A. wholesaler B. merchant C. speculator; D. intermediary.

Task 9. Establish a correspondence between terms and technological operations

Technological operations


1. Processing shoulder seams

A) duplication

2. Connecting the collar to the neck

B) stitching

3.Reducing the thickness of the collar seam

B) stitching

4. Connection of collar parts with gasket

D) ironing

Task 10. Horns include:

A) for tubular pasta B) for types of vermicelli C) for pasta fillings.

Task 11. The raw materials for the production of chemical fibers are

A) animal wool B) oil C) coal D) silkworm cocoons E) wood.

Task 12. The seams are made with two machine stitches.

A) hem with closed cut B) stitched

C) hem with open cut D) double

Task 13. Choose the correct answer.

The electric energy meter measures:

A) current B) network voltage C) power consumed

D) energy consumption for a certain time

Task 14. The long groove of the machine needle serves

A) for threading the upper thread B) to protect the upper thread from chafing

C) to form a loop D) to reduce strength

Task 15. The project ends:

A) manufacturing the product B) drawing up an explanatory note

B) development technological maps D) presentation (defense of the project)

Task 16. Measure S b when constructing a drawing of the base of the skirt is necessary for

A) determining the width of the skirt B) determining the length of the belt

C) calculating the width of darts D) determining the position of the hip line

Task 17 . Establish a correspondence between the profession and the subject of work of professional activity


Subject of labor


Sign system





Livestock specialist



Artistic image

Task 18. The amount of dart solutions for a straight skirt is calculated using the formula

A) S b – S t B) (S b + P b) – (S t + P t)

C) S b – (S t + P t ) D) (S t + P t ) – (S b + P b )

Task 19. Establish a correspondence between culinary products (baked goods) and the type of dough from which they are made.

culinary product

Type of test



Cakes and pastries


Pizza, lavash bread

Shortbread, biscuit

Task 20 From the presented weaves, select twill:

A) b) c) d)

Task 21. Choose the correct answer.

Textile fibers are divided into natural and:

A) vegetable B) mineral C) chemical D) synthetic

Task 22. Choose several correct answers.

The following drives are used in a household sewing machine:

A) electric B) hydraulic C) pneumatic D) manual E) foot

Task 23 .Choose several correct answers.

A household sewing machine has controls:

A) stitch length B) stitch width C) zigzag width D) upper thread tension

Task 24. The success of professional activity depends to the greatest extent on A) level of education B) aspiration

C) the coincidence of professionally important personality qualities with the requirements of the profession.

Task 25. Creative task. 11 points Skirt modeling.

1. Read the description of the skirt model and look at the sketch.

2. In accordance with the sketch, draw the style lines on the drawing of the base of the skirt.

3. Transfer the style lines onto a template made of colored paper.

“ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN TECHNOLOGY 2016–2017 academic year. MUNICIPAL STAGE 7–8 grades Nomination “Culture of the home and...”


ON TECHNOLOGY 2016–2017 academic year. G.


7–8 grades

Nomination “Home Culture and Arts and Crafts”

Assignments, answers and assessment criteria

To complete tasks of the theoretical round of the Olympiad in technology

1.5 hours (90 minutes) are allotted.

The work includes thirteen tasks.

For each correctly completed task 1–10, one point is awarded.

For creative task 11 you can get 10 points.

For creative task 12 you can get 10 points.

The project essay (task 13) is worth 25 points.

The points received for all completed tasks are summed up.

The maximum possible number of points is 55.

Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

1. Guess the riddle:

“Both green and thick. A bush has grown in the garden bed.

Do some digging:

Under the bush..."

What soup recipe does not include this product?

Answer: potatoes (0.5 points).

For example, kharcho. Accept any soup whose recipe does not include potatoes (0.5 points).

2. Insert the name of the technology into the definition given by Eric Drexler, a pioneer in this field: “___________________________ is an expected production technology aimed at cheaply producing devices and substances with a predetermined atomic structure.”

Answer: nanotechnology.

3. For what kind of work is solving a riddle used:

“For business, one finger is wearing a bucket upside down”?

Answer: thimble, hand sewing.

© SAOU DPO TsPM. Publication on the Internet or in print without the written consent of GAOU DPO TsPM is prohibited.

Municipal stage. 7–8 grades

4. Establish a correspondence between the materials from which shoes are made and their symbols. Enter your answer in the table on your worksheet.

Materials Natural Natural Other A Textile B coated leather B leather materials Symbols


5. Insert the missing word into the famous proverb: “Don’t be angry with ___________ if you yourself have a flaw.” How do these objects located on the walls affect the visual perception of the size of the room?

Answer: mirror (0.5 points), magnify (0.5 points).

6. The programmable embroidery machine can do the following operations.

Conditional Operation to be performed designation

–  –  –

Inclined stitch from bottom left to top to right at an angle of 45° to the vertical Inclined stitch from top to right to bottom to left at an angle of 45° to the vertical The number of identical stitches to be performed is indicated by the number in front of the corresponding icon.

For example, 135 indicates 135 horizontal stitches.

© SAOU DPO TsPM. Publication on the Internet or in print without the written consent of GAOU DPO TsPM is prohibited.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology. 2016–2017 academic year G.

Municipal stage. Grades 7–8 Create a program for this machine that will result in an embroidered letter I 100 stitches high.

Answer: for example:

Accept the answer that there are 100 vertical stitches up and down at the beginning and end of the machine, no matter which direction the stitching begins. The number of up stitches, slant stitches and down stitches may vary mid-program.

7. Establish a correspondence between the pictures depicting ancient devices and modern devices that satisfy the same need. What are these devices used for? What do these modern devices have in common?

The advent of what technology made the use of these modern devices possible? Enter your answer in the table on your worksheet.

–  –  –

10. What is the name of the operation depicted in the sketches of the seam? What products is it used in?

Answer: Processing the cut with bias tape (0.5 points).

It is used, for example, to process the neck of a nightgown (0.5 points).

Accept any product where the cuts can be finished with bias tape.

11. Creative task.

Need: to feed breakfast to a grandmother and 5-year-old granddaughter.

(1 point) Create a breakfast menu that includes milk porridge.

For example:

1) oatmeal with milk;

2) sandwich with cheese;

3) sandwich with sausage;

4) apples;

5) tea, coffee.

Check compliance with the principles of healthy eating.

(2 points) List the products you will need to prepare breakfast.

For example:

1) hercules;

2) milk;

5) butter;

6) sausage;

Check that the list of products matches the stated menu.

–  –  –

(2 points) List the tools and equipment that you 3.

will be needed to prepare breakfast.

For example:

2) cutting board;

3) saucepan;

4) gas stove;

5) kettle.

Count if the proposed tools and equipment provide the ability to prepare the stated menu.

4. (2 points) Describe the technology for preparing porridge.

For example:

Pour 1 glass of milk and 1 glass of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil;

constantly stirring the boiling liquid, add rolled oats;

Without ceasing to stir, cook the porridge over low heat for 3 minutes, then turn off the heat;

add butter, salt and sugar to the porridge, mix everything and leave the porridge to steep under the lid for 5–10 minutes.

Count if the main technological operations are listed.

–  –  –

For 1 serving of oatmeal porridge you need 65 g of flakes, this is 345 0.65 = 224.25 kcal;

100 g milk, 53 kcal;

20 g sugar, 505 0.2 = 101 kcal;

5 g butter, 734 0.05 = 36.7 kcal.

Calorie content of 1 serving of porridge:

224.25 + 53 + 101 + 36.7 = 414.95 kcal. 415 kcal.

Answer: 415 kcal.

–  –  –

2. (2 points) Label the middle lines of the parts on the cutting details; indicate the direction of the shared thread; write down the names of the parts.


1) Bottom part, 1 part with a fold;

2) bib, 1 part with a fold;

3) pocket, 2 parts;

4) belt, 1 piece;

5) strap, 2 parts 3. (2 points) Indicate the silhouette (design) of the apron and its features.

Answer: an apron, cut at the waist, with 2 pockets and a rectangular bib, the lower part is in the shape of a hexagon.

4. (2 points) Based on the cut details, sketch the apron in color.

5. (1 point) List the materials from which such a model can be made.

Answer: for example: calico, chintz, satin.

6. (1 point) List the tools and equipment needed to make this product.

Answer: pins, scissors, sewing machine, needle, thimble, ruler, pencil, chalk, measuring tape, scissors, WTO equipment.

–  –  –

13. Write a short essay (try to fit it on one or two pages) about what project you started in the 2016–2017 academic year.

In your text, try to indicate the following.

1. Project name.

2. What is the purpose of the product, including what human need was it created to satisfy?

3. What is the main function of the product?

4. How many parts (elements, assemblies) are included in its design (estimated)?

5. What materials were used to create it?

6. Complete the illustrations that you consider necessary (drawing of the product, sketches of drawings, etc.).

7. Did you use any information sources and where did you get them?

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