The topic is “Education in our life.” Essay About education in English with translation The importance of education in a person’s life in English

Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life.

During all the periods of human history education ranked high among people. Human progress mostly depends upon well-educated people. We get our knowledge of this world and life through education. Many famous discoveries would have been impossible if people were not interested in learning something. Self-education is very important for the development of human’s talents. Only through self-education a person can become a harmoniously developed personality.

A person becomes a highly qualified specialist after getting some special education. And professionalism can be reached only through it. Even highly qualified specialists from time to time attend refresher courses to refresh their knowledge.

Education develops all sides of human personality, reveals his abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the right way in this world. The civilized state differs from others in the fact that it pays much attention to the educational policy. John Kennedy said: “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.” But it doesn’t concern only one particular nation. We know that science and art belong to the whole world. Before them the barriers of nationality disappear. So education brings people closer to each other, helps them to understand each other better.

Education in our life

Education plays a very important role in our life. This is one of the most valuable things a person can receive in life.

Throughout all periods of human history, education has had a high rating among the population. Human progress mainly depends on well-educated people. We gain our knowledge about the world and life through education. Many famous discoveries would not be possible if people were not interested in learning something. Self-education has great value to develop human talents. Only through self-education can a person become a harmoniously developed personality.

A person becomes a highly qualified specialist after receiving special education. And professionalism can only be achieved through it. Even highly qualified specialists attend refresher courses from time to time to update their knowledge.

Education develops all aspects of the human personality and reveals all abilities. In addition, it helps a person understand himself in order to choose the right way in this world. A civilized state differs from others in that it pays great attention educational policy. John Kennedy said, “Our progress as a nation cannot be faster than our progress in education.” But this does not only apply to one specific nation. We know that science and art belong to the whole world. In front of them, barriers of nationalities disappear. Education brings people together and helps them understand each other better.

It is worth learning from an early age that you can only learn what you love. And don't let school subjects interfere with education. If you love English, you will definitely learn it.

Essay on About education

Let’s try to imagine the world without education, without any schools, colleges and universities. What would that be like? No school means no knowledge and skills. No university means no doctors, no engineers and no scientists. Therefore, it means no development and no inventions. Would you like to live in the world that is deteriorating? The answer is quite obvious: it’s vitally important to study and get an education.
Nowadays there’re different kinds of education, but the most wide-spread is still the traditional one that includes the set of establishments providing education. For the vast majority of people, the first step is a primary school where students get the basic skills of reading, writing and counting. The next stage is secondary school which gives broad knowledge about various subjects and prepares students for future professional education. At the end of the last form school children take exams and after school graduation they have several options: to stop studying and get a job or get professional education in college or university. Students’ life is not easy because they have to take exams every term and study hard to succeed. Nevertheless, most people remember students’ years as the best time of their lives, full of fun and entertainment.
However, the modern world is full of new opportunities to get education. More and more schools and universities provide on-line courses and trainings. It has some advantages for sure, because you study in a comfortable place at comfortable time. Also, some alternative ways are becoming more and more popular, e.g. home education or some approaches connected with developing the mind without books and strict systems.
As for me, I’m fully convinced that, no matter what kind of education you support, it’s necessary to study and develop your skills, to use the experience of others to create your own ideas in order to implement them to life.

Essay on the topic About education

Let's try to imagine a world without education, without schools, colleges and universities. What will it be like? No schools means no knowledge and skills. No universities - no doctors, engineers and scientists. Thus, lack of development and invention. Would you like to live in a world that is going downhill? The answer is quite obvious: learning and getting an education is vital.
Today there are various types education, but the most common is still the traditional one, which includes a number of institutions providing training. For most people, the first step is primary school, in which students gain basic reading, writing and calculation skills. Next stage - high school, which provides a broader knowledge of various subjects and prepares students for future vocational training. At the end of the last grade, students take exams and after leaving school they have several options: finish their studies and find a job, or get vocational education at college or university. Student life is not easy as they are forced to take exams every semester and study hard to succeed. However, most people remember their college years as the best time of their lives, full of fun and entertainment.
However, modern world full of new educational opportunities. More and more schools and universities are offering online courses and training. This, of course, also has its advantages, since training takes place in a convenient place at a convenient time. Also, some alternative options are becoming more and more popular, such as homeschooling or various approaches aimed at development without the use of books and a strict system.
As for me, I am convinced that no matter what type of education you are a supporter of, you need to learn and develop your abilities, use the experience of other specialists to create your ideas in order to turn them into reality.

The topic “Education” includes the study of words and expressions associated with any education - school, university, courses, etc. “Education” in English sounds like “education”. Education is divided into several types:

1. Incomplete secondary education – Junior secondary education
2. Complete secondary education – High education, high-school education.
3. Higher education – The higher education.

In addition, higher education itself is divided into bachelor's (baccalaureate) and master's (magistracy).

The first stage of education for every student is school. The school is divided into two types: elementary school and secondary school.

In addition, schools have several other types:

  • Gymnasium - Gymnasium
  • Lyceum
  • Boarding school
  • Public school— State (maintained) school
  • Private school
  • School with in-depth study English/mathematics – an English language/mathematic’s school

Students can answer questions about activities like this:

I study in school./I go to school. - I study at school.

I am pupil. - I am a student.

To clarify which school the child is studying at, you can use the following:
I study in the elementary/secondary school. – I study in primary/secondary school.

In order to say which grade (form) the student is in, you need to use ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.):
I study in the first form. – I am in first grade.

The school is run by the school director – headmaster, and lessons are taught by – teacher. At the end of their studies, students receive a certificate - the sertisicate.

At the end schooling final exams are taking place and a graduation party is taking place.

After graduating from school and receiving full/incomplete education, a schoolchild enters a university/college:

to enter the university/college – go to university/college
I study in college/university. – I study at college/university.
I am student. - I'm a student.
I’d like to enter the linguistic university. - I want to go to linguistic university.

Attention! The combination to enter the... does not use the particle to. Be careful.

It is worth noting that when asked “Where do you study?” answer briefly, without the verb to study:

Where do you study? – I’m at the University of Moscow. Where do you study? – I study at Moscow University.

To designate a course (year), in the same way as a class, ordinal numbers are used:

What year are you in? – I’m in my fourth/final year. What course are you studying? – I am a fourth/final year student.

In addition, in colloquial speech the word freshman is used - freshman.

After graduation, students receive a bachelor's or master's degree.

I have the higher education. – I have a higher education.
I have a bachelor’s/master’s degree. – I have a bachelor's/master's degree.
I graduated from University. – I graduated from the university.

Attention! You cannot use the combination “I’m graduated.” There are only two possible options: “I have graduated” / “I graduated”.

A story about education in English

Hello, my name is Nina. I am 21 years old.

In 2000, I went to primary school in Moscow. After 4 years I went to high school. It was the gymnasium. At school I liked to study literature and the English language. I passed perfectly all final exams. We celebrate a beautiful farewell party. I got complete higher education because I studied 11 forms. The school gave me a lot of knowledge about the world.

Then I entered the Moscow State Linguistic University on specialty “Tourism”. When I was in the second year, I started to learn French and Chinese.
In 2016 I graduated from University. And now I have bachelor's degree. On next year I’d like to enter the Moscow State University. After 2 years I will have master's degree. And I will have the higher education.

Today I work in a large international hotel. My education helps me on my work every day.

I think that education is the most important thing in my life. Through education at school and university, I have many friends, knowledge and good experience of life.

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