Temperament and profession. The influence of temperament types on professional choice Why you need to know your temperament type

Photo: Stefano Lunardi/Rusmediabank.ru

Why with some people we like we can find common language and make friends, but with others we run into a wall of misunderstanding? With some people we can talk for hours on completely different topics, but with others it’s difficult to discuss even basic things? Perhaps it’s all about temperamental characteristics that need to be taken into account when communicating. Let's find out more about what fundamental knowledge you need to have in order to find an approach and build harmonious relationships with people with different types temperament.

How to find an approach to a choleric person

You need to learn to speak loudly and clearly enough: this impulsive one does not like slurred and quiet speech.

Cholerics adore, but only if they do not look like rude flattery, but are expressed sincerely, from the heart and honestly.

If a controversial issue arises, do not criticize or raise your tone at the choleric person, otherwise instead of a reasonable explanation you will get a loud scandal. When resolving a controversial issue, it is better to start with sincere praise (you can always find something good!), support the subject of the dispute with clear and compelling arguments, and end with gratitude for the dialogue. Then there is a chance that the choleric person will be able to change his point of view or give in to the argument.

Choleric people love to give instructions to their partner. Always ask him to show you how, in his opinion, you should do this or that task: drive a car, cook soup, play with a child, etc.

To do this, invite the choleric person to some creative event such as a concert or a trip to the theater. They simply love creating cultural programs and then discussing them.

How to get along with a sanguine person

Take it for granted that sanguine people strive to please everyone without exception. Therefore, be prepared that his sincere interest and attention will be addressed not only to you, but to everyone around.

Constantly surprise a sanguine person, do not be ordinary for him - and then your relationship will be stable and long-lasting. This type of temperament cannot tolerate boredom, indifference and routine.

Be curious about the hobbies of this type of character, support them in their endeavors: it is very important for a sanguine person to feel the interest of strangers in what he is doing.

Sanguine people need encouragement and positive assessment: they are ready to move mountains if they hear kind words to your address.

This type of temperament clearly lacks discipline and organization, so always double-check your joint plans, even if there is a preliminary agreement.

How to find an approach to a phlegmatic person

Due to natural slowness, a phlegmatic person simply cannot act quickly or immediately make or voice his decision. Therefore, all events, be it a date or a visit, should be planned in advance.

Phlegmatic people do not tolerate various kinds of surprises well: they need to not only get ready, say, to go to the theater, but also get used to this idea in advance. So let them know your plans ahead of time.

Don’t even try to impose your opinion, demands, or fulfillment of conditions on this type of temperament. For a phlegmatic person, there is only his personal choice and path. Otherwise, you will provoke such an attack of rage that it will not seem enough!

In relationships, phlegmatic people will not clearly express their feelings and emotions, but this does not mean that they are “crackers”. You need to learn to read the “inner” emotions and mood of your secretive partner.

Phlegmatic people tend to underestimate their capabilities, so faith in them will help overcome doubts about their abilities. Let them know often that you believe in them.

How to get along with a melancholic person

Accept that a melancholic person, due to the characteristics of the nervous system, is very vulnerable, vulnerable, subtle and capricious.

This type of temperament, like no other, needs praise, attention and support. However, it will be very easy to expose you if the compliments are insincere and do not come from the heart.

Do not take to heart all the complaints and ailments of a melancholic person: you still won’t help him, but you can harm your own psyche.

Do not rush to be offended if the melancholic person refuses your proposals to go out into the world, for example, to a club, cinema, party: he prefers solitude with a book or sitting in front of the TV in a quiet home environment.

Remember that melancholic people are the most unpunctual people, so take this fact into account if you make an appointment or date. The thing is that these comrades perceive time more slowly than reality dictates.

Knowing how to deal with different types of temperament will allow you to build smooth and harmonious relationships both at work and in your personal life. And you yourself will be known as a real diplomat, capable of finding a common language with any person.

Do you know what type of temperament your colleague has? If you need to prepare a presentation by tomorrow morning, why would a choleric colleague be almost delighted, while a melancholic colleague would be horrified? Know your colleagues and your office life will be simplified and your successes will multiply.

A little theory. Temperament refers to the innate characteristics of the human nervous system. People with different types of temperament can react emotionally and behaviorally to the same situation in completely different ways.

Even at the institute, when studying temperaments, G. Eysenck’s scheme seemed to me the most clear. According to his theory, temperaments are located on a coordinate system with two scales:

Introversion - focusing on the inner world and searching for answers within yourself, through communication with yourself. Extremely introverted people prefer a narrow social circle and individual tasks rather than working in a group.

Extraversion - focusing on outside world and finding answers through communication with other people. Extremely extroverted people prefer a wide range of acquaintances and team tasks.

Stable nervous system: with such a nervous system, a person controls his emotions relatively easily, is not distracted by weak stimuli, and easily comes to his senses after a shock.

Unstable nervous system: with such a nervous system, a person has little control over his emotions, reacts to any stimuli, even minor ones, and worries for a long time about any shocks.

The theory is, of course, good, you say. But how can you determine what temperament your colleagues have? In fact, it's easy - just watch how they behave in any situation. True, temperament manifests itself especially clearly in an unexpected, stressful situation. This is what we will look at now.

Imagine you are sitting at your computer and watch your colleague walk past you. You think, “I wonder what Vasechkin’s temperament is?” And literally in a second a situation will arise due to which you will immediately answer your question. Vasechkin is carrying coffee, and Vseerundaiko’s other colleague emerges from around the corner, his head buried in his phone. He doesn’t notice Vasechkin, bumps into him and coffee spills on your subject. How will Vasechkin react?


He immediately turns red with anger, and, unable to restrain himself, curses, “Piiiip (not a literary word here), Vseerundaiko, where are you going? Lost himself in his phone, Peep (swearing again)! I have a meeting in an hour!” Vseerundaiko apologizes. After 10 seconds, Vasechkin says, “Okay, okay, not the end of the world. We urgently need to come up with something, don’t go to a meeting in this shirt! I’ll run to the nearest store for a new one, I’ll get it done in an hour. I don't need your money. Business lunch for you!” He runs away and is the only one seen. An hour later at a meeting in a new shirt.

Conclusion: if your colleague is choleric, then he is an extrovert with an unstable nervous system. Did you see that he:

    Very emotional and hot-tempered

    Can be aggressive

    Easy-going and outbursts of anger pass quickly

    Makes decisions quickly and also quickly takes action

    Sociable and open to any contacts


He stands frozen for a few seconds. Then, in a voice that was even and quiet, like that of Eeyore from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh (the donkey, by the way, is also phlegmatic): “Well, today apparently is not my day.” Sighs quietly. “I’ll go to the toilet to scrub the stain. As long as it’s not dry, it can be wiped off.” When asked by Vseerundaiko to go to the nearest store to buy a shirt, he replies, “Why? The stain can be wiped off. While we are shopping, I will miss the meeting, this is unacceptable.” He walks towards the toilet at a leisurely pace. He spends the entire hour before the meeting in the toilet, thoroughly cleaning the stain.

Conclusion: if your colleague is a phlegmatic person, then he is an Introvert with a stable nervous system (the complete antipode of Choleric). Have you observed that he:

    Keeps his emotions to himself, it’s difficult to get him angry

    Perfectionist, quality comes first

    Self-demanding, responsible

    Not flexible in decisions - changes his mind with great difficulty

    Works and thinks slowly, but thoroughly


After a collision, he reacts immediately: “That’s it!” Workplace accident! Vseerundaiko, you are violating the rules of movement around the office!” In response to his apology, Vseerundaiko pats him on the shoulder, “Come on, it doesn’t happen to anyone!” There’s just one small problem - the meeting is in an hour, and I’m like this!” Vseerundaiko suggests going to the nearest store for a new shirt. He answers without thinking, “Oh, great idea! Let's go, let's go! On the way, at the same time, I’ll tell you how the guys and I played football yesterday!” He shouts to a colleague passing by, “Ramochkin, we’re going to the store.” Come with us and let’s chat!” He is late for a meeting, too engrossed in fitting and communicating with colleagues.

Conclusion: if your colleague is sanguine, then he is an extrovert with a stable nervous system. Have you observed that he:

    Not prone to strong emotional outbursts

    Optimist, cheerful, cheerful

    Easy-going - quickly forgets troubles

    Sociable, gets along with people easily

    If he gets carried away, he may become unobligatory


There is horror on his face at what happened: he blushes, his eyes widen, he tries to shake himself off: “Oh no! What should I do now? Such a stain! The coffee won’t rub off!” To Vseerundaiko’s apology, he replies, “No, no, it’s my own fault. You need to be careful with hot coffee." He politely declines Vseerundaiko’s offer to go to the store with him, preferring to go alone. He returns five minutes later because he forgot to take his wallet.

Conclusion: if your colleague is melancholic, then he is an Introvert with an unstable nervous system (the complete antipode of Sanguine). Have you observed that he:

    Very worried about failures and mistakes

    Stress makes you very unsettled and you become distracted

    Difficulty controlling your emotions

    Self-critical, often unsure of himself

    Unsociable and often avoids others

By the way, hypersensitive people most often have a melancholic temperament. However, choleric people, phlegmatic people, and mixed types are found among them. I am sure that there are no sanguine people among orchids (read more about the phenomenon of highly sensitive natures on my website).

Let's say you have learned to determine the temperament of your colleagues. What to do now with this knowledge? Of course, actively use them! Knowing who your colleagues are makes it easier for you to predict their reactions to any situation. This will allow you to more competently build relationships with them and conduct joint activities.

Obviously, you shouldn’t bombard Melancholic in the evening with the news that a 50-slide report is needed tomorrow morning. He will get so nervous that he will be of little use. But such news can be presented to Choleric. Deep down, he will even be glad - after all, difficult and difficult tasks are like a drug for him. There is somewhere to put your unbridled energy!

I remember my former colleague Cholerica, who sincerely shared with me: “I just love it when something breaks and goes wrong in the processes for which I am responsible! It’s such a thrill to run around the office, give orders and see how the train rushing downhill returns to its tracks again!” In general, Cholerics are very good in situations where you urgently need to put out a fire.

By the way, if the Melancholic has enough time to write a report, he will do it diligently and with inspiration! Agree, not every person has enough inspiration for long-term work.

Let’s say, knowing that your colleague is Phlegmatic, you understand that he is good at high-quality detail work and is also a truth-teller! Therefore, you can entrust him with conducting an audit of any process - not a single error or abuse will escape his eye.

But if your colleague is Sanguine, it means he feels like a duck to water in team events. Then it would be appropriate to entrust him with a brainstorming session or a team competition on the best plan for the week.

Knowledge is power. The better you know people, the more likely you are to build effective working relationships. Then teamwork will be more fruitful, and you will achieve better joint results!

Why do you need to know your colleague's temperament type?

Do you know what type of temperament your colleague has? If you need to prepare a presentation by tomorrow morning, why would a choleric colleague be almost delighted, while a melancholic colleague would be horrified? Know your colleagues and your office life will be simplified and your successes will multiply.

A little theory. Temperament refers to the innate characteristics of the human nervous system. People with different types of temperament can react emotionally and behaviorally to the same situation in completely different ways.

Even at the institute, when studying temperaments, G. Eysenck’s scheme seemed to me the most clear. According to his theory, temperaments are located on a coordinate system with two scales:

Introversion - Extraversion

Stability - Instability(nervous system)

I will give definitions:

focusing on the inner world and searching for answers within yourself, through communication with yourself. Extremely introverted people prefer a narrow social circle and individual tasks rather than working in a group.

focusing on the outside world and finding answers through communication with other people. Extremely extroverted people prefer a wide range of acquaintances and team tasks.

Stable nervous system: with such a nervous system, a person controls his emotions relatively easily, is not distracted by weak stimuli, and easily comes to his senses after a shock.

Unstable nervous system:
with such a nervous system, a person has little control over his emotions, reacts to any stimuli, even minor ones, and worries for a long time about any shocks.

The theory is, of course, good, you say. But how can you determine what temperament your colleagues have? In fact, it's easy - just watch how they behave in any situation. True, temperament manifests itself especially clearly in an unexpected, stressful situation. This is what we will look at now.

Imagine you are sitting at your computer and watch your colleague walk past you. You think, “I wonder what Vasechkin’s temperament is?” And literally in a second a situation will arise due to which you will immediately answer your question. Vasechkin is carrying coffee, and Vseerundaiko’s other colleague emerges from around the corner, his head buried in his phone. He doesn’t notice Vasechkin, bumps into him and coffee spills on your subject. How will Vasechkin react?

He immediately turns red with anger, and, unable to restrain himself, curses, “Piiiip (not a literary word here), Vseerundaiko, where are you going? Lost himself in his phone, Peep (swearing again)! I have a meeting in an hour!” Vseerundaiko apologizes. After 10 seconds, Vasechkin says, “Okay, okay, not the end of the world. We urgently need to come up with something, don’t go to a meeting in this shirt! I’ll run to the nearest store for a new one, I’ll get it done in an hour. I don't need your money. Business lunch for you!” He runs away and is the only one seen. An hour later at a meeting in a new shirt.

Conclusion: e If your colleague is choleric, then he is an extrovert with an unstable nervous system. Did you see that he:

    Very emotional and hot-tempered

    Can be aggressive

    Easy-going and outbursts of anger pass quickly

    Makes decisions quickly and also quickly takes action

    Sociable and open to any contacts

He stands frozen for a few seconds. Then, in a voice that was even and quiet, like that of Eeyore from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh (the donkey, by the way, is also phlegmatic): “Well, today apparently is not my day.” Sighs quietly. “I’ll go to the toilet to scrub the stain. As long as it’s not dry, it can be wiped off.” When asked by Vseerundaiko to go to the nearest store to buy a shirt, he replies, “Why? The stain can be wiped off. While we are shopping, I will miss the meeting, this is unacceptable.” He walks towards the toilet at a leisurely pace. He spends the entire hour before the meeting in the toilet, thoroughly cleaning the stain.

Conclusion: if your colleague is a phlegmatic person, then he is an Introvert with a stable nervous system (the complete antipode of Choleric). Have you observed that he:

    Keeps his emotions to himself, it’s difficult to get him angry

    Perfectionist, quality comes first

    Self-demanding, responsible

    NOT flexible in decisions - changes his mind with great difficulty

    Works and thinks slowly, but thoroughly

after a collision he reacts immediately, “That's it!” Workplace accident! Vseerundaiko, you are violating the rules of movement around the office!” In response to his apology, Vseerundaiko pats him on the shoulder, “Come on, it doesn’t happen to anyone!” There’s just one small problem - the meeting is in an hour, and I’m like this!” Vseerundaiko suggests going to the nearest store for a new shirt. He answers without thinking, “Oh, great idea! Let's go, let's go! On the way, at the same time, I’ll tell you how the guys and I played football yesterday!” He shouts to a colleague passing by, “Ramochkin, we’re going to the store.” Come with us and let’s chat!” He is late for a meeting, too engrossed in fitting and communicating with colleagues.

Conclusion: if your colleague is sanguine, then he is an extrovert with a stable nervous system. Have you observed that he:

    NOT prone to strong emotional outbursts

    Optimist, cheerful, cheerful

    Easy-going - quickly forgets troubles

    Sociable, gets along with people easily

    If he gets carried away, he may become unobligatory

there is horror on his face at what happened: he blushes, his eyes widen, he tries to shake himself off: “Oh no! What should I do now? Such a stain! The coffee won’t rub off!” To Vseerundaiko’s apology, he replies, “No, no, it’s my own fault. You need to be careful with hot coffee." He politely declines Vseerundaiko’s offer to go to the store with him, preferring to go alone. He returns five minutes later because he forgot to take his wallet.

Conclusion: if your colleague is melancholic, then he is an Introvert with an unstable nervous system (the complete antipode of Sanguine). Have you observed that he:

    Very worried about failures and mistakes

    Stress makes you very unsettled and you become distracted

    Difficulty controlling your emotions

    Self-critical, often unsure of himself

    Unsociable and often avoids others

By the way, hypersensitive people most often have a melancholic temperament. However, choleric people, phlegmatic people, and mixed types are found among them. I am sure that there are no sanguine people among orchids (read more about the phenomenon of highly sensitive natures on my website).

Let's say you have learned to determine the temperament of your colleagues. What to do now with this knowledge? Of course, actively use them! Knowing who your colleagues are makes it easier for you to predict their reactions to any situation. This will allow you to more competently build relationships with them and conduct joint activities.

Obviously, you shouldn't attack Melancholic in the evening the news is that tomorrow morning a report of 50 slides is needed. He will get so nervous that he will be of little use. But Choleric such news is quite possible to present. Deep down, he will even be glad - after all, difficult and difficult tasks are like a drug for him. There is somewhere to put your unbridled energy!

I remember my former colleague Choleric, who sincerely shared with me: “I just love it when something breaks and goes wrong in the processes for which I am responsible! It’s such a thrill to run around the office, give orders and see how the train rushing downhill returns to its tracks again!” In general, Cholerics are very good in situations where you urgently need to put out a fire.

By the way, if you Melancholic enough time to write a report, he will do it diligently and with inspiration! Agree, not every person has enough inspiration for long-term work.

Let's say, knowing that your colleague Phlegmatic person, you understand that he is good at high-quality elaboration of details and is also a truth-teller! Therefore, you can entrust him with conducting an audit of any process - not a single error or abuse will escape his eye.
But if your colleague Sanguine, that means he feels like a fish in water in team events. Then it would be appropriate to entrust him with a brainstorming session or a team competition on the best plan for the week.

Have you ever heard how illogical, inappropriately emotional actions from the point of view of the speaker are explained by the phrase “this is such a temperament”? Probably not even once. Have you ever wondered what kind of category this is into which all the peculiar, sometimes inexplicable manifestations of human behavior are attributed?

There is more than one scientific definition of temperament that considers it as a subject of psychological theoretical research. However, the subject of our conversation lies on the plane of practical, vital significance.

What is temperament?

The role of temperament in psychological characteristics of a person is very great, since it includes innate, and therefore unchangeable, deep mental processes. Knowledge about the types of temperament and their characteristics, as well as the ability to recognize them in people, can give a woman a serious weapon that will allow her to manipulate people to a certain extent, influence their adoption of certain decisions and, at the right moment, become the mistress of the situation.

So, without further ado, let us still give a definition of temperament from an everyday point of view. Temperament should be considered by us as a system of parameters of the human psyche, which manifests itself through the degree of expression of emotions, the strength and speed of body movements, the intensity and verbosity of speech. However, surprisingly, you don't need prolonged interaction with a person and analysis of gestures to identify him. The characteristics of a certain temperament inherent in a person are reflected in facial features, general body contours, and a tendency to be overweight.

Types of temperament and their characteristics

Everyone knows that there are 4 types of human temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic, but hardly anyone can clearly and sufficiently characterize them. Therefore, the characteristic below for determining the type of temperament will obviously not be superfluous:

  • A sanguine person is a person who is more frivolous than serious; he is carefree, not prone to long, monotonous work; speaks a lot and quickly, loves crowded companies,
  • Melancholic - takes everything very close to the heart, prone to introspection; speaks little, is reserved in gestures; prone to displaying negative rather than positive emotions.
  • Choleric - quick-tempered, but easy-going; ambitious; in a conversation he will definitely pull your buttons and reinforce his words with energetic gestures.
  • A phlegmatic person is a balanced person, tactful by nature, experiences all emotions within himself; characterized by constancy of views and attachments.

What is the external manifestation of this or that type of human temperament? Sanguine people, as a rule, are people of average or even short height with a massive figure; in men, they often have a round tummy and a “potato” nose. Melancholic people are usually fragile and even have some features of aristocracy in their appearance: a slender figure, thin long fingers. Cholerics are absolutely not inclined to be overweight, often to the point of excessive thinness, with an aquiline nose and a narrow pelvis. Phlegmatic people usually have, as they say, a “strongly built” figure with massiveness rather in the torso than in the pelvis, short legs, and a large nose.

Types of temperaments and their characteristics are knowledge, and on its basis you need to create a guide to action. The manifestation of temperaments creates a number of stereotypes that should be taken into account. Here are some examples:

  • do not expect a sanguine person to fulfill his promise - most likely, he will simply throw it out of his head if it creates additional troubles for him;
  • if you want to chat “about this and that,” you won’t find a better interlocutor than a sanguine person;
  • if you meet a sanguine person, keep in mind that the first impression is extremely significant for him;
  • if you decide to express your complaints and grievances to a sanguine person, he will be terribly upset, he will definitely ask for forgiveness, but do not expect that he will draw conclusions;
  • do not tell a melancholic person that “the world is beautiful, despite its shortcomings” and “everything that is done is for the better,” he simply will not understand you;
  • it takes considerable effort to force a melancholic person to start some business, because he is an incorrigible pessimist and sees in everything, first of all, insurmountable difficulties and obstacles;
  • a melancholic person will definitely make a mountain out of a mountain if the slightest problem arises;
  • a well-timed compliment to a choleric person will make him move mountains for you;
  • excessive criticism can make a choleric person almost lose all interest in life - it’s better not to give him advice on how to disguise acne or get rid of dandruff - he will be offended;
  • It is not possible to force a choleric person in an argument to accept your point of view, because in a couple of minutes he will already forget what he was arguing about with you;
  • Be careful: too persistent objections to a choleric person in a conversation can lead him almost to;
  • do not try to “get” a phlegmatic person with wit - emotionally he is “impenetrable”;
  • if you are looking for a neighbor to live together or a companion for close cooperation, you will not find a better phlegmatic person - these are the most accommodating people;
  • in a conversation with a phlegmatic person, you don’t have to be afraid of stupid or tactless questions - he will never get into your soul;
  • The phlegmatic person seems to be created for painstaking, meticulous work.

Well, let's try to draw conclusions from the above. Conclusion one: the role of temperament is important both for the sphere of private life and for quality and success professional activity. Conclusion two: belonging to a certain type of temperament is easy to recognize by a fairly cursory glance at a person. Conclusion three (following from the second): it is stupid not to take advantage of what, so to speak, lies on the surface.

Temperament is individual characteristics the personality of each person. The behavior of each of us from birth and our attitude towards the world around us depends on it. To ensure success in any activity and reduce the likelihood of conflict situations, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the temperaments of the people around you and your own.

What is temperament?

Each person has individual psychophysiological properties. They are there from birth and are very stable. The combination of these properties is called temperament, and it is on them that the dynamic characteristics of mental processes and human states depend.

Features of temperament do not in any way affect a person’s cognitive abilities or his moral qualities. But they must be taken into account when choosing an activity - for example, people with slow reactions will not find it easy to operate mechanisms at high speed, but they will ideally cope with work that requires concentration and perseverance.

It is worth noting once again that these properties are precisely psychophysical. This is part of human physiology. Not only a person’s behavior and character, but also his energy, performance, pace and speed of completing tasks, ease of changing forms of activity and general emotional background depend on temperament. These differences can be noticed even in newborns: some children are more active, scream more often, sleep less, while others, even during periods of wakefulness, can lie quietly, looking at toys.

Differences between temperament and character

Temperament Character
Genetically primaryLifetime education
Manifests itself in all areas of lifeAssociated with certain situations
Appears earlyFormed later under the influence of upbringing
Associated with the characteristics of the nervous systemAssociated with social situations
Amotivated (does not determine attitude towards the world)Expresses attitude towards the world
Influences the formation of character, since character traits arise when temperament is sufficiently developedAffects temperament
Shows up more clearly in difficult situationsAppears in typical situations

What types are there?

Scientists distinguish four main types of temperament. When determining them, dynamic characteristics are taken into account mental activity: for example, its tempo and rhythm, sharpness, intensity and amplitude. No less important are indicators of a person’s emotionality - impressionability or sensitivity to various kinds of influences, the speed with which emotions cause actions and end, the pace of their change, strength and depth. This allows all people to be divided into four groups according to their temperament type:

  • sanguine people,
  • phlegmatic,
  • choleric people,
  • melancholic people.

Usually, special tests are carried out to determine the type of temperament. But sometimes, knowing a person well, this can be determined “by eye”, taking into account only the main characteristics of different types.


Owners of this type of temperament have a strong and dynamic, and at the same time very balanced nervous system, characterized by high degree extraversion. Most sanguine people are energetic, active and sociable people. They quickly react to external stimuli, but their experiences are not very deep. They easily cope with losses and failures, simply without dwelling on them.

Most of all, sanguine people are afraid of going crazy and losing their normal, measured and stable mental existence.

Such people love new experiences, sometimes even to the point of being reasonable. They are very resistant to the emotion of fear, but at the same time they often suffer from banal phobias - for example, acrophobia or claustrophobia. People with this type of temperament love to be around people. They are depressed by loneliness, but in company they often joke and laugh and are the center of attention. They are excellent organizers and leaders, but sometimes they can be superficial.

Phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic temperament is characterized by the balance of all nervous processes and introversion. Its owners usually have a strong nervous system, are characterized by composure and some inertia. Such people may be slow, but at the same time they are thorough and calm. Phlegmatic people are not prone to violent reactions and strong emotional experiences. They are rarely afraid of anything, but at the same time they have difficulty adapting to a new environment, so they may feel anxious and depressed.

A phlegmatic temperament often makes its owner subordinate. Such people do not like conflicts; it is easier for them to agree with their interlocutor, so they are easily persuaded and more often become followers than leaders. Phlegmatic people are usually sensitive and understand others well, so they are careful about their feelings. They are indecisive, yet sweet and charming. With the correct and clear formulation of the task, they can become ideal performers, but not leaders. In the absence of stimulus, phlegmatic people can be passive, boring, lazy and weak-willed.


People with this type of temperament have a stable nervous system. In them, the processes of excitation greatly predominate over inhibition, so their movements are sharp and impetuous, all their thoughts flow quickly, and their feelings are completely captivating. Cholerics are extroverts, very sociable, open to emotions, but their mood can change too quickly. Usually their experiences are not too deep, so the owners of this temperament cope with difficulties easily. Their main problem is the inability to restrain themselves.

Choleric people are born leaders. They easily captivate people and enjoy it. They love to argue, but not to find the truth, but simply to prove that they are right and again find themselves above everyone else. People with this temperament are quick-tempered and often suffer from bouts of rage, but at the same time they quickly move away and forget the insults. In order to save face, they are able to blame others for their mistakes.

With the right motivation, a choleric person can be very proactive, inventive, energetic and principled. The lack of upbringing and positive goals in life makes him irritable, prone to affect and loss of self-control.


People with a melancholic temperament have a weak nervous system. Most of them are emotionally unstable introverts. This is often accompanied by autonomic disorders and panic attacks. Inhibition processes prevail over excitation in them.

Melancholic people usually look calm and outwardly react sluggishly to stimuli, but at the same time they react very sharply to any shades of feelings. The emotional experiences of such a person are always very deep and last for a long time. People with this type of temperament often suffer from depression and invent frightening situations for themselves, which leads to depression and melancholy.

Melancholic people are prone to creative activities and often engage in science. Their constant desire for improvement and perseverance in achieving goals, calm nature and non-conflict nature make them excellent employees. But only in small companies, where you don’t have to constantly be in sight and communicate with someone. Conditions that require quick decisions and activity can cause prolonged inhibitory reactions in them. Simply put, such a person will give up and stop any activity.

What does temperament depend on?

As we have already said, temperament is an innate characteristic of a person. It is believed that it is genetically determined, but there is no strong evidence of this today. In addition, it was noted that some factors may influence it.

  • Climatic conditions. Probably everyone has noticed that southerners more often have an explosive choleric temperament than residents of northern countries.
  • Lifestyle. Lack of sleep and poor diet, night work and alcohol abuse can make noticeable adjustments.
  • Age. Gradually, a person's hormonal levels change. For example, a decrease in testosterone levels, which occurs over the years, leads to a decrease in energy, aggressiveness, and weakening leadership qualities.

In addition, there is a theory that temperament may depend on the time of year when a person was born. Researchers have noticed that those born in the summer are more likely to experience rapid mood swings, those born in the spring are more positive, and “winter people” are less irritable, but are prone to depression. Unfortunately, there is no scientific confirmation of this fact, as well as an explanation.

Is there a dependence on blood type?

The idea of ​​linking temperament with blood type is not new and has been haunting scientists for a long time. There are many studies on this topic. The most popular theory is based on the assertion that all blood groups have different origins and did not appear on Earth at the same time. That is why their owners have different temperaments, must eat certain foods and choose the appropriate type of activity.

  • The most ancient, according to this theory, is the first blood group. It belonged to ancient hunters who constantly fought for survival. According to researchers, these people are born leaders and optimists, have a strong will and always try to manage all processes.
  • The second blood group appeared when people united into tribes and began farming. At this stage, connections between people became closer, and norms of behavior became stricter. People with the second group inherited a more stable nervous system from their ancestors. They are calm, patient and diligent. These are extroverts who make contact easily. At the same time, they can be stubborn and conservative, sometimes they do not tolerate stress well and do not know how to relax.
  • The third group was formed among the nomads. They needed to constantly adapt to new conditions, so the descendants of these people also have high stress resistance and sensitivity. These are creative and inventive individualists who often hide a tremulous soul behind external calm.
  • The fourth group is the youngest. It was formed in the process of mixing the second and third. Its owners are kind and calm people, pleasant and sociable. But at the same time, they often live for today and do not think about the consequences.
    The creators of this theory were unable to somehow correlate blood groups with specific types of temperament. It also turned out to be impossible to prove, so for scientific world this is nothing more than an interesting fairy tale.

Is it possible to change temperament?

You can often hear from people that they don’t like their temperament and would like to change it for the better. But this is an innate quality that is not so easy to change. You need to understand that temperament cannot be good or bad, each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses, and they must be identified and used correctly.

Those who want to change their temperament should think about why they should do it. For example, a melancholic person envies his choleric director and wants to become just as successful and active. He can overcome himself and begin to move, talk and act more energetically. He might even be able to convince everyone that he is a strong leader and become a director. But will this make him happier? Hardly. From such stress and constant communication, a concentrated melancholic introvert, who is used to achieving the ideal result in everything, will simply burn out emotionally.

You need to understand that it is possible to learn to act like someone with a different temperament, but changing your essence is not. It would be much more correct to study your characteristics and strengths and try to organize your life so that you don’t want to change anything.

Temperament is an important innate psychophysiological characteristic of a person. In many ways, the character and behavior of a person depends on it. It is impossible to change it or somehow program it before birth. But it is very important to consider temperament when choosing an activity.

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