Topics for parent consultations on drawing. Consultation for parents "drawing in unconventional ways." Drawing with cotton swabs

Elena Babaeva
Consultation “Unconventional drawing”

Every child, learning about the world around him, tries to reflect it in his activities: in the game, in stories, in drawing, in modeling, etc. Fine creative activities provide excellent opportunities in this regard. The more diverse the conditions conducive to the formation of a creative environment, the brighter the child’s artistic abilities will manifest themselves.

Unconventional drawing techniques are a wonderful way to create small masterpieces. It turns out that you can create a salty picture, and your palm can turn into a blue elephant. A gray blot can become a tree, and carrots and potatoes can surprise you with unusual patterns.

For example, with children of primary preschool age you can use:

- finger painting

- palm painting

Thread printing

Stamp made from potatoes or carrots.

With children of middle preschool age you can try:

Picture prints

Printing with plasticine

Oil pastel + watercolor

Leaf prints

Palm drawings

- painting with cotton swabs

Magic strings


And with children of older preschool age, you can master more complex technology:

- drawing with soap bubbles

- drawing with crumpled paper

- painting with salt





Each of these non-traditional Technician is a little game for a child. Using these techniques allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, and more spontaneous. These techniques develop imagination and give complete freedom for self-expression.


1. Plasticine stamps

It is very simple and convenient to make stamps from plasticine. It is enough to give a piece of plasticine the desired shape and decorate it with patterns. (lines, spots) and paint it in the required color. For painting, you can use a sponge moistened with paint, or a brush that can be used to apply paint to the surface of the stamp. It is better to use thick paint.

Materials: 1. Plasticine 2. Pencil 3. Paint 4. Sponge 5. Brush 6. Paper 7. Water jar

2. Thread stamps

For creating "striped stamps" You can use threads tightly wound around an object. Using a thick layer of paint, the threads are painted in the required color. Then, using your imagination, "striped pattern" applied to the surface to be decorated.

Materials: 1. Wool thread 2. Base 3. Paint 4. Brush 5. Paper 6. Water jar

3. Pictures-prints

You can make prints using foam molds, which are easy to create with a pointed object, leaving indentations in the mold. Then you need to apply paint to the form. A sheet of paper is immediately placed on top of the form and ironed. After some time, you need to carefully remove the sheet of paper. A beautiful design will appear on its reverse side.

Materials: 1. Foam mold 2. Pencil 3. Paint 4. Brush 5. Paper 6. Water jar

4. Prints "leaves"

This technique is familiar to many. To print a sheet, you can use any ink. Paint should be applied to the side with veins. Then the painted side of the sheet is applied to the paper and ironed. After a few seconds, you need to carefully lift the sheet. An imprint of the leaf will remain on the sheet of paper.

Materials: 1. Leaf 2. Paint 3. Brush 4. Paper 5. Water jar

5. Prints with potatoes, carrots, apples

Delicious vegetables and fruits can also paint. You just need to give them the desired shape, choose the appropriate paint color, paint them with a brush and make a beautiful imprint on the surface to be decorated.

Materials: 1. Vegetable/fruit 2. Paint 3. Brush 4. Paper 5. Water jar


1. Draw with your palms

Very interesting and exciting draw with colored palms. It is very pleasant and unusual to paint your pens with bright colors and leave your fingerprints on a piece of paper. Drawing with palms is a fun game for little artists.

Materials: 1. Finger paints 2. Paper 3. Brush 4. Water jar

2. Finger painting

Can draw with your fingers, leaving colorful prints on paper.

Materials: 1. Finger paints 2. Paper 3. Pencil/Felt-tip pen 4. Water jar


Salt gives the painting intricate patterns. When painting any landscape or vibrant background, salt can be used to give the background of the painting a beautiful texture. The background must be sprinkled with salt while the paint is still wet. When the paint is dry, simply shake off any remaining salt. Unusual light spots will remain in their place.

Materials: 1. Salt 2. Paint 3. Brush 4. Paper 5. Water jar


Unconventional drawing technique"blotography" (blowing with a straw)- this is another magic of creative activities. This activity for children is very exciting, interesting and very useful. Just as blowing through a straw strengthens health: lung strength and the child’s respiratory system as a whole.

To create a magical picture you will need a large blot on which you need to blow, blow, blow... until an intricate design appears on a sheet of paper. When the strange drawing is ready, he can paint on the details: leaves, if it turns out to be a tree; eyes, if you get a magical creature.

Materials: 1. Watercolor 2. Tube 3. Brush 4. Paper 5. Water jar


Technicians drawing with"magic thread". It is necessary to dip the threads into the paint so that they are well saturated with paint. Then they need to be placed on paper so that the ends of the thread protrude 5-10 cm from both sides of the sheet of paper. The threads are covered with another sheet of paper. The top sheet is held with your hands. The threads are spread in different directions. The top sheet rises. The unusual picture is ready.

Materials: 1. Thread 2. Paint 3. Paper 4. Water jar


In the fine arts, there is a stylistic direction in painting called "Pointillism"(from the French point - point). It is based on the manner of writing with separate strokes of a dotted or rectangular shape.

The principle of this technique simple: The child paints the picture with dots. To do this, you need to dip a cotton swab into the paint and apply dots to the drawing, the outline of which is narrower. drawn.

Materials: 1. Cotton swabs 2. Paint 3. Paper 4. Water jar

Ekaterina Timoschenko
Consultation for parents “The benefits of drawing”

Consultation for parents

« The benefits of drawing»

We adults sometimes don’t share this happiness, and we even feel indignant to the core when looking at the kid’s art on the walls in the apartment. But drawing is of great importance in the formation of a child’s personality. Therefore, before scolding your child, try to direct his creativity in the right direction. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

From drawing the baby only gets benefit. Communication is especially important drawing with a child's thinking. At the same time, visual, motor, and muscular-tactile analyzers are included in the work. Besides, drawing develops memory, attention, fine motor skills, teaches the child to think and analyze, measure and compare, compose and imagine. For the mental development of children, the gradual expansion of the stock of knowledge is of great importance. It affects the formation of vocabulary and coherent speech in a child. Agree, the variety of shapes of objects in the surrounding world, different sizes, variety of shades of colors, spatial designations only contribute to enriching the baby’s vocabulary. tree tree

In the process of visual activity, the child’s mental and physical activity is combined. To create a drawing, you need to make an effort, work hard, mastering certain skills. At first, children develop an interest in the movement of a pencil or brush, in the marks left on paper; only gradually does the motivation for creativity appear - the desire to get a result, to create a certain image.

Remember, each child is a separate world with its own rules of behavior, its own feelings. And the richer and more varied the child’s life experiences, the brighter and more extraordinary his imagination, the more likely it is that the intuitive craving for art will become more meaningful over time. “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at the tips of their fingers. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child,” stated V. A Sukhomlinsky.

Imagination and fantasy are the most important aspect of a child’s life. And imagination develops especially intensively between the ages of 5 and 15 years. Along with a decrease in the ability to fantasize, children’s personality becomes impoverished, the possibilities of creative thinking decrease, and interest in art and creative activity fades. In order to develop creative imagination in children, a special organization of visual activities is necessary.

How to teach a child paint?

If you are already thinking that it is time to teach your child paint Please try to comply with the following principles:

Never ask for a child draw you have something specific to order, you can only offer several options to choose from, but do not insist that the child must drew anything you suggested; Let him better draw what he himself has in mind.

Never criticize a small child's work; yes, he is still imperfect, he draws as best he can, but he draws with his soul; if you constantly criticize him, he may give up this activity altogether.

Never, under any pretext finish drawing Do not improve anything in the child’s work, this also offends him, emphasizes his inferiority, the impossibility of draw well(often parents do it in order to later demonstrate the child’s work to relatives and friends as his achievements).

Never teach a child paint any specific image, since this kills his imagination, puts stamps on certain images (your vision); better teach your child how to work with materials, drawing different shapes, and from these skills he himself will extract favor and will draw unusual, images of this or that object or creature that are not similar to anyone else.

Encourage non-standard solutions for images or working methods; let the baby understand that the main thing is his imagination.

Review and discuss his previous works so that he does not forget what he can already do paint, which he had already done very well once; Try to hang your child’s work on the wall.

Look at other children's work to make him want to draw also.

Look at reproductions of paintings by different artists, go to art galleries.

Publications on the topic:

“Non-traditional drawing technique” Consultation for parents NON-TRADITIONAL DRAWING TECHNIQUES A child’s mind is at his fingertips. V. I. Sukhomlinsky Drawing is one of the most important means.

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Consultation for parents “Unconventional ways of drawing” Drawing for a child is a joyful, inspired work, to which he should not be forced, but it is very important to stimulate and support the child.

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Consultation for parents on non-traditional drawing techniques “Don’t be afraid to experiment!” Often from parents of preschool children who are trying to introduce their child to artistic creativity, you can hear the following words:

GBDOU "Kindergarten No. 91 combined type"

Consultation center

Completed by the teacher

highest category

Korshunova E.V.


Consultation for parents “Drawing in non-traditional ways”

Performed by teacher of the highest category Korshunova E.V.

The development of the creative potential of an individual should be carried out from early childhood, when a child, under the guidance of adults, begins to master various types of activities, including artistic ones.

Great opportunities for the development of creativity lie in visual arts and, above all, drawing.

Drawing is an important means of aesthetic education: it allows children to express their ideas about the world around them, develops fantasy and imagination, and makes it possible to consolidate knowledge about color and shape. In the process of drawing, the child improves his powers of observation, aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions, artistic taste, creative abilities, and the ability to independently create something beautiful using accessible means. Drawing classes develop the ability to see beauty in the surrounding life, in works of art. Own artistic activity helps children gradually approach an understanding of works of painting, graphics, sculpture, and decorative and applied art.

The image in the drawings is created using a variety of materials. Artists use various materials in their work: various chalks, paints, charcoal, sanguine, pastels and much more. And in children's creativity it is also necessary to include different paints (gouache, watercolor, ink, crayons), to teach children to use these visual materials in relation to their means of expression.

Experience shows that drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions, as we know, are both a process and a result of practical activity, primarily artistic creativity. By emotions one can judge what pleases, interests, depresses, worries the child at the moment, what characterizes his essence, character, and individuality.

Preschoolers, by nature, are able to sympathize with a literary hero, to play out various emotional states in a complex role-playing game, but to understand what beauty is and learn to express oneself in visual activity is a gift that one can only dream of, but it can also be taught.

We adults need to develop a sense of beauty in a child. It depends on us how rich or poor his spiritual life will be. It should be remembered: if the perception of beauty is not supported by the child’s participation in the creation of beauty, then, as they say, “infantile enthusiasm” is formed in the child.

In order to instill a love of fine art and arouse interest in drawing starting from early preschool age, it is necessary to use non-traditional methods of depiction. Such unconventional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using objects well known to them as artistic materials, and surprises them with their unpredictability.

Unusual methods of drawing captivate children so much that, figuratively speaking, a real flame of creativity flares up in the group, which ends with an exhibition of children's drawings.

What non-traditional painting methods can you use at home? Blotography, salt painting, finger painting. Soap bubbles, splashing, etc. Aren't you interested in knowing what happens if you draw with a rag or crumpled paper?

You can draw however you want and with anything! Lying on the floor, under the table, on the table. On a leaf of a tree, on a newspaper. The variety of materials poses new challenges and forces us to always come up with something new. And from the scribbles and scribbles, a recognizable object eventually emerges - the Self. The uncomplicated joy of satisfaction from the fact that “I did it - it’s all mine!” "

Having learned to express his feelings on paper, the child begins to better understand the feelings of others, learns to overcome shyness, fear of drawing, of the fact that nothing will work out. He is confident that it will work out, and it will turn out beautifully.

Mastering various materials, ways of working with them, and understanding their expressiveness allows children to use them more effectively when reflecting their impressions of the life around them in drawings.

The variety of visual materials makes visual activity more attractive and interesting, and as children master different materials, they develop their own style of depiction.

One of children's favorite ways to draw unconventionally is painting with salt. It not only has interesting decorative capabilities, but is also very easy to use.

Children love to draw and... with soap bubbles. You can draw using the blowing method.

But you can draw with a toothbrush, cotton wool, your finger, your palm, a tampon, crumpled paper, a tube driving paint (a drop) across a sheet of paper, print with different objects, create compositions with a candle, lipstick, feet...

Dare, fantasize! And joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children.

Drawing art has a variety of techniques and they should be used when working with children. The use of various materials enriches children with knowledge of how to work with them, their visual capabilities, will make children's drawings more interesting, and will increase the aesthetic side of the drawing.

Why and why do our children draw? Yes, because visual activity is perhaps the most interesting activity for preschoolers. It allows the child to reflect his impressions of the world around him in visual images and to express his attitude towards them. At the same time, visual activity is of invaluable importance for the comprehensive aesthetic, moral, labor and mental development of children.

But when teaching a child to draw, you should not overdo it. You should not constantly force your child to draw. It is necessary to create in him a positive motivation for drawing, a desire to be a creator.

Summarizing my experience of working with children in this direction, I can confidently say that the most interesting forms of visual activity for children are non-traditional drawing techniques. Such non-standard approaches to organizing visual activities surprise and delight children, thereby arousing the desire to engage in such an interesting activity.

Dear parents! I suggest you get acquainted with unusual drawing techniques. Your child will have a lot of fun and expand his capabilities if you offer him new, unusual materials and techniques for visual creativity.

Fun splashes

Try it yourself first, and then show your child what to do. Load up a full brush of paint, hold it over the paper, and hit the brush with your other hand. This way you can get an interesting background for your future drawing. Or you can even put templates - figures cut out of cardboard - onto the paper before spraying. For example, silhouettes of stars, crescents, flowers, leaves, animals. The resulting “white spots” can be left blank or painted.

Leaf prints

On a walk, collect leaves of a wide variety of shapes with your child. At home, dilute the paints in paper cups so that they are thick enough. Cover the surface of the sheet with paint and press the painted side against the paper. Place another sheet of paper on top and smooth it out with your hand or a rolling pin. Peel off the top paper and see what happens. You may have to practice a little first, and then the child will be able to create a whole composition from leaf prints.


Very interesting effects are obtained if you create an image using your own fingerprints or palm prints. Of course, you need to take paint that is easy to wash off, such as gouache. With watercolor, the patterns from the prints will not be so contrasting and expressive. You can start with simple images - a flower, a bunch of grapes. And the necessary details can then be completed with a pencil.


Together with your child, take turns drawing straight and curved lines intersecting each other on a piece of paper. Then you can paint over the areas limited by these lines with pencils or felt-tip pens of different colors, fill them with strokes, specks, and cells.

Potato stamps

Cut a raw potato in half and cut out a simple relief at the cut site - a flower, a heart, a fish, a star. Saturate a stamp pad with paint and show your child how to make imprints. If you don’t have a special pad, you can take a piece of sponge or apply paint directly to the cut surface. If you prepare several different stamps, your child will be able to use them to even create story pictures or make beautiful wrapping paper for a gift. This activity is a good excuse to introduce your child to various geometric shapes: circle, square, etc.

Sponge painting

You will need several sponges - a separate one for each color. Try it yourself first: dip a sponge into the paint, squeeze lightly to remove excess. Now you can work on the sheet with light touches. Master a new technique yourself - teach it to your child.


You, of course, did this yourself more than once as a child. All you have to do is show your baby how it’s done. We fold a sheet of paper in half, draw on one side of the sheet with paints or simply apply spots, blots, then cover the drawing with the other half of the sheet, lightly draw on top with our hand. You can use several colors, you can add a little glitter. We reveal what happened: a butterfly, a strange flower. A great activity for developing imagination.

Painting reliefs

Take a sheet of paper, put a coin under it, and paint over it with a soft pencil or wax crayon. The relief appears on the paper. You can find any other hard surface with an interesting texture: leaves with thick veins, tree bark, a cross-stitched tablecloth, a metal badge. - just look around. This will not only keep your child engaged, but will also help develop his fine manual skills.

The use of unconventional methods can instill in children a desire to draw, making the child's activities interesting and educational.

Don’t expect masterpieces from your child: the goal of any visual activity is to have fun. Do not get carried away with criticism, even fair ones, otherwise you risk turning your child away from this activity. But try not to praise, otherwise he will stop taking praise seriously.

A series of consultations for parents

on the development of artistic abilities of preschool children.

1.Consultation “Art studio at home”

Dear parents!

In order for your child to be able to freely study at home and use the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten, it is necessary to prepare a workplace.

A table corresponding to the height of the child, covered with oilcloth,

On the left side of the table there should be a window or a table lamp (while drawing, your child should see the entire sheet as a whole, the shadow should not fall on the paper),

Work clothes can be an apron or an old dad's shirt,

Art materials and tools:

Album sheets, whatman paper or wallpaper

Squirrel or kolinsky brushes No. 2 and No. 8-10

Water jar "Silver"

Simple pencil

Colour pencils


Honey watercolor, gouache

You can make materials for non-traditional drawing techniques yourself or use other available means:

Toothed plastic comb and toothbrush.

Pointed birch branches (stacks).

Drinking tubes (straws).

Signets can be cut erasers, foam seals (flowers, leaves, geometric shapes, etc.), dried leaves and buttons are also suitable.

Cotton swabs are suitable as swabs.

Much depends on your participation and creativity. Help your child, teach him, develop his artistic abilities. And let your children show their abilities and develop with you.

Good luck in your creativity!

2. Consultation “Drawing Lessons”

From the very beginning, when a child sits down to draw, it is necessary to teach him to sit correctly: straight, without bending over the table too much, draw with his right hand, hold a sheet of paper with his left. At first, verbal instructions alone (“sit up straight”) are not enough for the baby; he still does not know how to control his actions. He needs to be helped to sit down correctly and place his hands correctly (both hands up to the elbow rest on the table). The child’s muscles are still very weak, especially the extensors, so very soon he will begin to lean lower over the table, may drop his hands, forget to hold the piece of paper, and again he needs to correct his position.

This should be done gently, without irritation. Typically, one verbal reminder is sufficient for most children in subsequent sessions. If the child cannot sit down correctly even after the reminder, you need to correct his back and arms. If this is not done, he may develop the habit of sitting incorrectly.

Fatigue and incorrect posture can also be caused by children sitting in one position for a long time. Therefore, it is important to monitor the diversity of their activities. There is no need to delay drawing for more than 15-20 minutes. Even if a child is very enthusiastic, he gets tired of the monotony of actions and the need to sit in the same position. You need to distract the baby, offer him to watch something, go to the window or toys. After a short break, he can return to drawing again.

Sometimes you can draw while standing, and in this case you need to make sure that the baby does not bend his back or lean low towards the sheet.

If someone close to you knows how to craft, he can make a small easel, behind which a small child can paint while standing. It is convenient to draw at an easel, the entire sheet of paper is in front of your eyes, the images are clearly visible, you can stand straight without bending over. The easel should not be used for children under 2.5-3 years of age. At this age, it is better to give children not albums, but separate pieces of paper. It’s easier for a child to draw on them.

From the first lessons, it is very important to teach your child how to correctly grasp a felt-tip pen, brush, pencil: with three fingers, thumb and middle, holding it on top with the index finger, hold it in your fingers and use it correctly. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not squeeze the pencil too tightly with his fingers, as this leads to overexertion of the hand, stiffness of movements; the child’s weak fingers may not be able to hold the pencil, and it will fall out of his hands. Therefore, while teaching your child, you need to watch how the child holds a pencil, brush, felt-tip pen and uses them. This skill is developed and consolidated very slowly. Gradually, the child’s hand will become stronger, and the correct grip will be established. If you don’t pay attention to this, the child will continue to hold the pencil or brush in his fist, and he will not develop the correct skill for a long time.

In addition to felt-tip pens, pencils, and paints, you can give your kids colored wax crayons and pastels for drawing at home. These materials are soft and give a nice wide textured line. They fit well on paper, and the child enjoys drawing with them. But they should be given to those children who have mastered drawing a little, know how to hold a felt-tip pen correctly, and use it well.

When you offer your child crayons or pastels for drawing, you should warn him that colored sticks are very fragile, they need to be used carefully and not press too hard on the paper. The sticks should be held in the same way as a pencil, with three fingers, not close to the end with which you draw. After drawing with chalk, you need to put it in a box in its place, do not put it on the table - it may fall and break. Crayons, pastels, pencils - everything that children use to draw should not be thrown away.

Along with drawing on paper, it is useful to allow the child to draw with a stick in the sand, on the ground, with chalk on slate boards, on asphalt. All this trains children’s hands and eyes, promotes the development of visual control of movement, strengthens drawing movements, and makes them more confident and courageous. Such drawing also develops the child’s imagination: again and again he experiences what he saw, tries to translate it into a drawing, and each time it turns out differently. Therefore, when possible, you need to encourage such an activity, buy a box of colored crayons, and take a slightly pointed, not very thick stick at least 20 cm long for a walk.

Of course, the baby still doesn’t know how to control his hand. This skill is developed only gradually in the process of drawing. He can go beyond the sheet and draw lines on the table. No need to be angry with him. And so that the child does not spoil the table, you can put an oilcloth or a larger sheet of cardboard (than the sheet for drawing) during this time, remind him not to wave his hand too much, not to go beyond the sheet of paper. During this drawing period, children can be given regular writing paper, even wrapping paper, but not crumpled, neatly cut. The paper should be different: rectangle, circle, strip, etc.

For drawing with pencils, it is better to give small leaves. Thin pencil lines will get lost on a large sheet of paper. If the child fills the sheet with a drawing, you can offer him another one. For drawing with paints, felt-tip pens, and colored wax crayons, larger sheets are needed.

It is advisable to sign the date of completion of the drawing. This may be useful if you need to track how your child mastered drawing. It is necessary to teach children to use paper carefully: do not wrinkle it, do not tear it, and after drawing, put it in a certain place.

3.Consultation on the topic

"The application helps the child develop."

Dear parents!

Has your child grown up? Is he already more than two years old? Do you see how he has changed, matured, wiser? And you are undoubtedly happy about it. After all, this is a lot of your merit!

Do you often walk with him, chat, play? Your baby probably has favorite toys: teddy bears, hares, wind-up cars, beautiful dolls? But sometimes you notice that toys do not captivate your child? Moreover, he becomes irritable, begins to be capricious, and does not obey you?

There may be several reasons for this behavior.

But one of them is that a child of this age is distinguished by exceptional cognitive activity. And due to the characteristics of his age, he can no longer limit himself to toys, objects, and actions with them. He, like air, needs other activities.

Which? Long-term research by scientists in recent years has proven that children in the first years of life are capable of early learning. And this is explained by the fact that these children have a lot of so-called unoccupied fields in the cerebral cortex, therefore, through specially targeted influences, very high results can be achieved and earlier formation of certain brain functions.

First of all, it is recommended to develop such abilities as reproduction, the ability to look, compare, distinguish, contrast. Games and exercises with ready-made flat and plot shapes will help you cope with this task. We are talking about ordinary silhouette images of objects that are used in appliqué. As you understand, we need to start with the simplest.

We recommend that you pick up colored cardboard or paper and scissors. Cut out various shapes and images: circles, ovals, leaves of various shapes, apples, pears, cars, animals. As soon as the material is ready, you can start studying. But first, invite your child to stretch his palms and fingers. The following games can help you here.

1. "Funny splashes" - shaking and relaxing the hands in different rhythms, simulating the splashing of water drops.

2. "Fingers are knocking" - tapping fingers simultaneously or one by one on any hard surface.

3. "Find out the subject" - the child is asked to use his fingers to “guess” objects, toys with pronounced details.

4. "Fingers say hello" - the tip of the thumb of the right hand touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers in turn.

5. "Hasty bug" - fingers move quickly along the surface of the table.

5. "Magpie - Belobok" - the text of the famous nursery rhyme is accompanied by movements of the fingers. These exercises develop the fine muscles of the fingers and create a good mood.

Next, invite your child to play with "Magic pictures" . But an indispensable condition is that you and your child must be in a good mood. I bring to your attention several options for playing "Magic Pictures".

"Help the apple find its soul mate."

The game will teach the child to assemble a whole from parts, connect parts to each other, and will help to become more purposeful and persistent. Material: silhouettes of apples cut out of multi-colored cardboard and cut into two halves, differing from each other in configuration, size, color. You mix all the parts, and ask the child to make whole apples from the halves. As soon as the child learns to achieve a positive result, you can change the material. These can be flat images of houses, mittens, leaves, etc.

"Balloons on strings."

The game will teach you how to attach parts to each other and increase the accuracy of your hand movements. Material: multi-colored oval and round balls cut out of cardboard in yellow, green, red, blue in different sizes; cards with glued threads of the corresponding colors. The child is asked to “tie” the balls to the strings - first attach them to each other, and then, with your help, glue them. Later you can “tie” strings to cars, rubber bands to mittens, etc.

Along with these games or later, you can teach the child to perform exercises based on nature, in other words, to work with a model. "Magic Pictures" will help us with this.

"Find your little sister."

The game promotes the development of visual perception, as well as the ability to analyze a given pattern. Develops attention and arbitrariness of actions. Material: several planar images of pyramids of different shapes and configurations. Each pyramid is in duplicate. A pyramid is placed in front of the child. The rest are on the table, including a duplicate of the sample. The child is asked to find someone like his “sister.” In the same way, you can search for rugs, cars, tumblers, houses, etc.

As you can see, these are simple exercises. And the child is able to cope with them, if not now, then a little later. And not with your participation, but somehow completely independent of you. After all, there are factory games “Collect the picture” or “Magic cubes”.

But remember, the sooner you start playing with your child with ready-made forms, the more chances the child has to become purposeful, the faster the child can learn to be aware of his actions, the faster his volition and coordination of hand movements will increase, and the fine muscles of his fingers will develop.

Good luck to you and your baby!

Many parents, looking at their child’s art, which often migrates to walls and other surfaces in children’s rooms, are deeply indignant. But drawing is truly of great importance in the development of a child’s personality. Therefore, before making noise at your child, try to direct his art in the right direction.
The fact that a child’s personality is formed in the very first years of life has long been scientifically confirmed. It is in the first three years that the enormous potential of a child’s creative abilities, his imagination, and fantasy can be revealed, which will serve as the basis for the formation
him as a person. However, this process does not happen on its own.
A child’s creative abilities are formed under certain conditions created by the adults around him. They are determined not only by family upbringing, but also by special classes organized in various specialized preschool institutions. It is important to remember that a child’s creative abilities are formed under the influence of various types of art, and primarily drawing.
Drawing is of great importance for a child's development.
Firstly, the baby’s thinking develops.
Secondly, memory and attention develop, and the child’s fine motor skills improve. The baby learns to think, analyze, compare and imagine. The formation of a child’s vocabulary occurs in the process of expanding his horizons. And the variety of existing shades of colors, the variety of objects in the surrounding world help enrich the child’s knowledge, and, accordingly, vocabulary. In the process of visual activity, the physical and mental activity of the baby is combined. To create a drawing you need to invest
efforts, trying to master certain skills. Initially, the child becomes interested, only as soon as the craving for creativity gradually appears - the thirst to acquire a result, to create a certain drawing.
Fantasy and imagination are the most important aspects of a child’s life. And creative imagination develops especially intensely between the ages of 5 and 15 years. Together with a decrease in the ability to invent, the child’s personality becomes impoverished, the potential for creative thinking decreases and extinguishes, as well as interest in art and creative activity. For
In order to improve a child’s creative imagination, a special strategy for the formation of artistic activity is necessary.
Thirdly, fine art is the first art that
appeared on earth 3 thousand years ago, this is evidenced by
rock paintings "petroglyphs". Man has always wanted to express himself, share his impressions, such is human nature. And for a small child who does not yet know how to speak and express himself verbally, drawing is the most accessible form of expression.
Drawing not only promotes the development of the most important mental functions - vision, motor coordination, speech and thinking, but also connects them with each other, helps the child organize rapidly acquired knowledge, forms and captures an idea of ​​the world.
Finally, drawing is the most important information and communication channel.
Fourthly, according to scientists, drawing has a special biological meaning. At the beginning of life, the development of vision and movement is especially important. After all, childhood can be considered as a period of formation of physiological and mental functions. Then drawing is one of the ways
implementation of the body improvement program.
From the age of 2 to adolescence, children of all countries and continents necessarily go through the stages of “doodles”, “circles” and “cephalopods” in their drawings. At first, the child’s visual activity is mastered by the line, then it closes, forming a circle of irregular shape. The circles are “replicated”, closing circles of smaller diameter within themselves. Then the circles interact with each other, forming various compositions.
Most experts - both psychologists and teachers - agree: the child’s awareness of the environment occurs faster than the accumulation of words and associations. Therefore, drawing is as necessary for a child as talking. It is no coincidence that L.S. Vygotsky called
drawing with “graphic speech”.
Fifthly, from a child’s drawing we can diagnose his mental and physical state. Modern method of psychodiagnostics
The drawing is based on the works of the famous Russian scientist I. Sechenov, who studied psychomotor connections in the body. He believed that every idea that arises in the psyche, any association associated with this idea, ends in movement. Thus, through movement, the muscles of the hand “imprint” on a sheet of paper the attitude of the person drawing to himself and to the world around him, his mental and physical state. When portraying any person, a child subconsciously portrays himself. By analyzing the image, we can ascertain the child’s personality based on its layout relative to the center of the sheet, and his self-esteem. According to the drawing, analyzing
individual parts of the face and body can determine the intellectual sphere of the child, what drives the child’s actions - the mind (with a large head) or emotions (with a small head). Determine the child’s aesthetic inclinations.
The color characteristics of the drawing can indicate the health or unhealth of the child, indicate his inclinations, etc.
Sixth, modern schools use integrated teaching methods. Almost all primary school subjects require visual skills. And if a child does not have basic drawing skills, then he does not remember well.

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