The theory of paleocontact at the present stage of development. In the footsteps of ancient aliens: the theory of paleocontact. From science to fiction

« Paleocontacts hypothetical contacts of aliens with ancient people and various traces of presence are called aliens on our planet in ancient times. Intangible traces paleocontacts are various legends, manuscripts, scriptures, the Bible, for example. An example of a material trace can be considered the mysterious huge Nazca geoglyphs

Nazca geoglyphs

Nazca geoglyphs, were first seen in 1939 when a pilot flew over the plateau Nazca in the Peruvian coastal mountain regions. In 1994 Nazca geoglyphs were recognized by UNESCO as part of the world heritage, and they cover an area of ​​more than 50 miles (80 km), between cities Nazca and Palpa, about 400 km south of Lima.

About 700 Nazca geoglyphs, as most scientists believe, were created between the 2nd century. BC. and VI century. AD, however at the ends geoglyphs from Nazca wooden piles were found driven into the soil, which, according to scientists, played a role coordinate points when drawing a geoglyph. These piles date back to the 6th-1st centuries. BC. Nazca geoglyphs represent lighter layers and darker gravel lines on the plain.

Nazca geoglyphs are divided into two categories: First group of Nazca geoglyphs About 70 were identified as natural objects: animals, birds, insects. Many similar images appear on ceramics and textiles made in the region. Also included in the first group are images of flowers, plants and trees. Second group of Nazca geoglyphs Are these lines or geometric figures: spirals, triangles, rectangles, etc.

Archaeologists found wooden stakes where some of the lines ended, supporting the theory that ancient people used simple tools and surveying equipment to create the drawings.

Most lines are shallow trenches, between four inches (10 cm) and six inches (15 cm) deep, made by removing the reddish-brown, iron oxide-coated pebbles that cover the surface of the Nazca Desert to expose the light-colored earth underneath. This sublayer contains a large amount of lime, which over a long time has become very strong and has formed a protective layer that protects the drawings from the winds and prevents erosion. Contrary to the belief that these images can only be seen from the air, they are also clearly visible from the surrounding foothills.

Paul Kosok

Paul Kosok from Long Island University is considered the first scientist to seriously study Nazca geoglyphs. He discovered that the lines converged during winter solstice in the southern hemisphere.

Maria Reiche

Together with Maria Reiche, a German mathematician and archaeologist, Kosok proposed that the images were markers on the horizon, showing where the sun and other celestial bodies rose.

However, supporters paleocontacts It is believed that the mysterious drawings are landmarks for alien ships or landing strips.

It is also interesting to note that the lines forming the pattern do not intersect, as on an electronic board.


Proponents of the theory paleocontact We are convinced that in time immemorial, representatives of other worlds visited the Earth many times. These powerful aliens shared knowledge with people, thanks to which earthlings developed.

There is a hypothesis according to which aliens created man at all. In the sacred texts, some parts vaguely indicate just this. At least such an interpretation may exist.

Paleocontact theories: Tsiolkovsky's theories of paleocontact Modern paleocontact theory suggested by a Soviet scientist Tsiolkovsky. He was the first to say that aliens could have come to us a long time ago. In the 20th century his hypothesis was supported by M. Agreste, author of the article “Traces lead into space.” As evidence, he proposed studying ancient myths. Paleocontact theories of Erich von Däniken An ardent supporter of this theory is a Swiss amateur archaeologist Erich von Däniken, famous for his work exploring the valley Nazca. In particular, his book “ Memories of the future", a film was even made based on it. Zecharia Sitchin's paleocontact theories Supported the hypothesis and Zecharia Sitchin, who studied dead languages ​​and explored the culture of the Middle East. He stated that the Sumerians, Babylonians and other ancient peoples had close contacts with the inhabitants of Nibiru. This scientist stated that the pyramids of Egypt are beacons for aliens. For ancient people they were the gods who created them. Contacts between ancient Egyptians and aliens The Egyptian priests had no doubt that life exists not only on Earth, and representatives of other worlds - aliens, contacted the ancient inhabitants of our planet. Greek thinkers about inhabited worlds We agreed with them greek thinkers. For example, the teachings of the philosopher Anaximander stated that in space there is a continuous process of birth and death of inhabited worlds. Panspermia By the way, the now popular hypothesis of panspermia was proposed by his successor Anaxagoras. Epicurus also believed that we are not alone in the universe. Isaac Newton on life on other planets Isaac Newton admitted the possibility of the existence of intelligent life on other planets and their contacts with intelligent representatives of other worlds.

Thus, many scientists believed that there is not just life in the universe, but intelligent life.


The earth was no longer considered the center of the universe, the time of great geographical discoveries had come, and later there was talk about the possibility of flying to the moon. It was then that scientists began to think that if a person could theoretically visit our satellite, why couldn’t highly developed aliens fly to Earth? And so it appeared paleovisit theory.

Places of paleovisits: Kayapo tribe South America and the creature Bep Kororoti In South America, in the impenetrable jungle, lives a small tribe of Indians Kayapo. The British, members of a scientific expedition who visited these places in 1952, were interested in one religious cult of the Kayapo Indians. The myths of these aborigines tell about some powerful Bep Kororoti - a creature that appeared in the tribe once in ancient times. Bep Kororoti's entire body was covered with clothes, and in his hands was a “thunder weapon.” The Indians panicked and only the bravest warriors of the tribe dared to attack the uninvited guest. However, the weapons of the aborigines, in contact with the creature, crumbled. The alien did not respond to attacks with aggression. He began to live with them, taught them counting, basic medicine, and the intricacies of hunting. Later Kororoti took a Kayapo girl as his wife, and his children were much smarter than others. But the time has come for Kororoti to return to heaven. He climbed the mountain, where a cloud enveloped him, thunder roared, lightning flashed, and Kororoti disappeared. But the Indians still remember the unusual guest. They even have a holiday in his honor. They make costumes from palm leaves, and during the celebration they hold palm sticks in their hands. Eyewitnesses of the ritual claim that the Kayapo's festive clothes are very similar to the spacesuits of today's astronauts. The Tupanimba tribe in Brazil and the legend of the god Mo-nan Similar myths can be found among other Indians. Brazilian aborigines from the Tupanimba tribe, for example, preserve the legend of the god Mo-nan, who created the Universe and people in particular. According to legend, Mo-nane lived among people, but when they stopped treating him with respect, he became angry and flew to heaven, from where he sent heavenly fire. Only one person remained alive, Irin-Mage, whom Mo-nane spared, since he did not cease to honor him. Irin-Mage married the daughter of Mo-nan, so the human race continued. The Xingu River Tribe of South America and the Mysterious Star Thread One small tribe in South America, living near the Xingu River, also has an interesting myth about the origin of mankind. It says that people arrived on Earth from a distant star, and they walked along a large thread, which was woven by all the inhabitants of that unknown planet. Later, this thread helped the settlers maintain contact with those remaining on the star, but an evil demon cut it, and the “Indians” no longer had the opportunity to meet with their brothers.

Mysterious artifacts

In addition to colorful myths, there are many mysterious artifacts, capable of indicating a visit to the Earth in ancient times by aliens.

Many figurines of strange humanoid creatures have been found all over the globe: Mysterious artifacts in Altai A lot of those artifacts found on Altai. There they were kept in burials with a constant temperature, so their condition is good. In Siberia, monuments dating back to 700 BC were discovered. The golden combs depict strange, big-eyed creatures with elongated faces and no noses. Mysterious artifacts in Costa Rica Mysterious stone balls are scattered throughout Costa Rica. Battle axes found in Costa Rica, like jewelry and stone chisels, are carved with the faces of bird-like creatures. On the heads of mysterious creatures is an object resembling a helmet. The nose of these creatures was shaped like a beak. Jade figurines in China Jade figurines found in China, made in 2000 BC, depict people with fangs and curly hair. According to one version of scientists, this is an image of a certain extinct race that inhabited the lands of modern China. Clay figurines of Dogu in Japan Clay dogu figurines were found in Japan, about 6,000 years old. Creatures with bulging eyes, a tube in the mouth like a scuba diver, some kind of plate on the chest - that’s what dogu is. These creatures also have very long arms. They resemble today's astronauts in spacesuits. According to scientists, dogu were used by shamans for healing purposes. They say that dogu taught shamans to transfer human pain onto a figurine, and after the dogu broke, the patient was relieved of suffering. Stone idols in Syria Stone idols with more than one pair of eyes were found in Syria. The finds date back to 3500 BC. Some are carved with smaller images that scientists believe are images of a child in the womb. Some archaeologists are convinced that these are images of humanoid aliens.

Alien knowledge and technology

Other evidence contact our ancestors from aliens can serve unique knowledge and technologies, which some seemingly “dense” tribes have. How would they know this?

Knowledge transmitted by aliens to earthlings: Mayan knowledge For example, ancient maya were well informed in the field of astronomy, created quite accurate calendar. Also surprising are the huge megalithic structures. What devices were used to build them? Dogon knowledge Many people know about the tribe Dogon in Africa. They also have impressive knowledge of astronomy, worship Sirius and they know that there is an invisible star next to him. According to the legend of this tribe, they were once visited Sirius aliens, that's why they know about a star that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Aliens, who flew to the Dogon, resembled amphibians and were covered with scales. Drop creatures in ancient China Scientists who went to China, in 1937-38, explored the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountain range. In several caves they found graves, and in them skeletons, 1.3 m long. The remains were distinguished by their disproportionate build - large skulls, thin bones, fragile joints. When scientists put forward the version that these were supposedly the remains of an extinct species of primates, they were hit with a barrage of criticism. Could animals make graves, and moreover, arrange them in a certain order?

In addition to the skeletons, scientists discovered mysterious drawings: figures in helmets, and above the Moon and the Sun. According to local legends, once upon a time, small trees fell here from the sky. creatures drops.

But the most interesting thing is that more than 700 stone disks with icons that were not found anywhere else were also found in the graves of the mysterious creatures. In 1962, Chinese linguists managed to decipher some of the fragments: the graves contained members of the crew of a spaceship that ended up in the mountains of China 12,000 years ago.

Aliens in Ancient China could not repair their ship, they stayed, but did not adapt to the local climate.

Aliens came to Earth

There is a hypothesis that aliens came to earth for genetic material. A number of scientists believe that they were interested in human blood, which supposedly contains life force.

Many ancient cults had rituals related to bloodletting. Many peoples have descriptions of creatures resembling vampires and zombies.

According to some scientists, the ancients deliberately created myths about vampires and zombies - in order to tell future generations about their contacts with aliens.

05.12.2013 - 12:12

The theory of paleocontacts, which claims that representatives of highly developed civilizations visited the Earth in time immemorial, is becoming increasingly popular. For some reason, most of its adherents believe that its creator is the Swiss researcher Erich von Däniken. But in fact, he took advantage of the ideas of Soviet scientists - it was in the USSR that paleocontacts almost became the object of scientific study, but a number of fatal accidents prevented them...

Perelman is against it!

At the origins of the theory of paleocontacts, more precisely, the thought of multiplicity intelligent worlds in the Universe, stood the father of astronautics, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Back at the beginning of the 20th century, a genius from Kaluga talked about other planets, about possible inhabited worlds to which people would fly. In his work “The Will of the Universe,” he wrote: “Previously, no one allowed the possibility of celestial communications, especially travel outside the Earth. Therefore, the opinion was established that they were impossible. And if so, then all the facts proving these relations, if they existed, were mercilessly denied by people of science.”

Indeed, for many years the possibility of representatives of any other civilizations visiting the Earth did not even occur to anyone. Largely because people themselves were tied to the Earth and did not imagine that people could fly in reality, and not in fairy tales. However, time passed, humanity invented airplanes, science fiction writers and individual scientists began to think about flights into deep space, and that’s when people began to think about other inhabited worlds...

In 1930, a question letter from an anonymous reader appeared in the Soviet magazine “Bulletin of Knowledge”: “If in the Universe, without a doubt, there are more developed cultures than the earthly one, then why have not the inhabitants of other worlds visited the Earth yet?”

The editors asked authoritative Soviet scientists to comment on this issue, and their discussion is undoubtedly a serious milestone in the study of the theory of paleocontacts.

True, the famous scientist and popularizer of science Yakov Perelman spoke then in the sense that such a visit by representatives of other civilizations is unlikely. But Tsiolkovsky stated: “We only have at our disposal the fact of not visiting the Earth for several thousand years of conscious life of mankind. And past and future times!..”

And Professor Nikolai Rynin spoke quite clearly: “The statement that inhabitants of other worlds did not visit our planet is indeed confirmed by the official history of all countries. However, if we turn to the legends of hoary antiquity, we will notice a strange coincidence in the legends of countries separated from each other by oceans and deserts. This coincidence lies in the fact that many legends speak of the placement of the earth in ancient times by inhabitants of other worlds. Why not admit that there is some grain of truth behind these legends?

Professor Rynin knew what he was talking about. For many years he collected any mention of flight in the myths of all times and peoples - and then published it in the multi-volume encyclopedia “Interplanetary Travel”. These myths say that even in ancient times people flew on amazing flying machines, which were in many ways superior to modern ones...

Alexander Kaztsev: they were!

But despite the fact that such authoritative scientists did not deny the possibility of aliens visiting the Earth, paleocontacts (they were called paleovisits in the USSR) did not become the object of scientific study. In many ways, of course, this was hampered by the objective difficulties of the Soviet state - science was solving pressing problems, and few people were seriously interested in the question of aliens from the past. Then it started Patriotic War, after which for a long time no one cared about this problem.

However, back in 1945, the famous science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev suggested that Tunguska meteorite was actually a spacecraft that exploded in a nuclear explosion. Later, Kazantsev began to argue that humanity itself appeared as a result of visits to the planet by representatives of other civilizations.

True, he stated this not in scientific articles, but in science fiction works. But his ideas also found a response in the scientific world, because Kazantsev talked in his books about real-life scientific mysteries, for example, the death of the planet Phaeton. – researchers have long struggled with its mystery.

In 1974 he wrote the novel "The Faetians". According to the science fiction writer, the mysterious planet died due to a nuclear explosion that occurred during a war between its inhabitants, and several of its inhabitants ended up on Earth and became the ancestors of people.

It’s interesting that he “blessed” the writer to create “Faets” Nobel laureate Niels Bohr, who came to Moscow in the early 70s. Kazantsev, during a meeting between the great physicist and Moscow writers, asked him a question: could the explosion of a super-powerful nuclear device cause an explosion of the entire planet?

Niels Bohr replied: “I do not exclude the possibility of such an explosion. But even if this were not so, nuclear weapons should still be banned.”

Kazantsev wrote in his memoirs: “Niels Bohr’s answer turned out to be the impetus that prompted me to write the “Phaetians” trilogy, where the hypothesis was put forward that humanity could descend from space migrants who, due to circumstances, did not return to their home planet.”

In this novel, the writer voiced and in his own way interpreted other really existing mysteries - the mention in ancient Indian epics of flying chariots and mysterious weapons, mysterious Japanese figurines resembling astronauts, the mysterious gods of the Incas and Aztecs, etc.

One could consider all this to be science fiction, but Kazantsev himself was convinced that extraterrestrial guests had visited our planet in the past. In 1984, during an interview, he was asked whether he believed that stellar aliens had visited our planet?

The writer spoke clearly and definitely:

“I don’t understand this way of asking the question: to believe or not to believe! I just know: they were. I know because I have decisive evidence. Now it is necessary for science not to brush aside the “curiosities” of nature and history, but to engage in a thorough development of not only radio-astronomical, but also historical directions of searches.”

Matest Agreste: tracks lead into space!

However, it was precisely with the historical direction of the search that there were problems. For some reason, the theory of paleocontacts aroused keen interest among representatives of the exact sciences and was completely ignored by humanists - historians and philologists, although in various oral and written ancient sources there are descriptions of visits to the Earth by representatives of developed civilizations.

As the famous Soviet philologist and paleontact theory researcher Yuri Morozov wrote: “The reason was simple. Historical sciences have always dealt exclusively with earthly phenomena, and even the beginning of the space age did not shake the concentration of these sciences on purely “domestic” issues. Thus, the situation is paradoxical: the problem of the paleovisit has been formulated, its scientific relevance is quite obvious, but there seems to be no one to study the problem in a specific historical sense.”

But physicists were just trying to explore the theory of paleocontacts. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Matest Agrest was sure that aliens visited the Earth. Moreover, he proved this precisely with the help of exact sciences - he studied the structure of mysterious tektites, claiming that they were formed as a result of a nuclear explosion.

Agreste also raised the question - why do ancient sources talk so much about phenomena that were discovered quite recently? For example, ancient legends contain accurate information about the satellites of Mars, which were discovered only in the 19th century.

The physicist prepared an article in which he raised these questions for publication in the collection “Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences.” His scientific supervisor was Igor Kurchatov, who recommended Agreste’s work to the Academy of Sciences.

However, the sudden death of Kurchatov prevented this publication - the scientific community considered this hypothesis too bold (hardly anyone will even remember the names of the scientists who banned this publication now - since they did not become famous for anything special and did not discover anything). Then Agrest sent his work to Literaturnaya Gazeta, and in 1960 his article was published there entitled “Traces lead to space?”

Since after Kurchatov’s death Agreste was left without authoritative support, his publication was very coldly received scientific world. But the Western press immediately reprinted Agreste’s work, after which the theory of paleocontacts became a favorite topic of Western researchers, the first of whom was Eric von Däniken.

Traces of ancient astronauts

However, in the USSR, because of the Iron Curtain, Deehniken was little known (although later his film “Chariots of the Gods” was shown with great success in the Soviet Union), and therefore for some time we tried to study the theory of paleovisits with scientific point vision.

Agreste’s work was published in the collection “On Land and Sea,” and the editorial board noted that: “Agreste’s hypothesis, regardless of the attitude towards it, is built on a materialistic basis and deserves attention.”

Articles devoted to the theory of paleovisits began to appear in Soviet newspapers and magazines.
Geologist Vladimir Avinsky studied this theory - and it is no coincidence, because it is the geologists who have to face the mysteries of past times, for example, finding mysterious objects in coal seams that are millions of years old.

In 1981, the Nauka publishing house published the collection “Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations” with an article by orientalist Igor Lisevich “Ancient Myths through the Eyes of a Space Age Man.” The researcher wondered why in ancient Chinese sources there are descriptions of creatures very similar to robots, as well as mysterious silver carts that can fly?

Articles by Kharkov engineer Vladimir Rubtsov, published in “Technology for Youth,” were also devoted to the issues of mysterious flying chariots. For example, in his article “Astravidya – myth or reality?” he examined the flying chariots from ancient Indian epics from a technical point of view and argued that this was a description of mechanisms.

Rubtsov collaborated with philologist Yuri Morozov, who also studied paleovisits. At the beginning of 1991, Yuri Morozov’s work “Traces of Ancient Cosmonauts” was published in the popular “Question Mark” series. In it, he talked about the history of the study of paleocontacts and the problems that researchers face.

The work ended on an optimistic note - the scientist argued that an initiative group consisting of scientists from several countries had been created, the publication of the “Journal of Paleovisitology” was being prepared, and the study of paleovisitology would be put on a scientific footing. But... the USSR soon collapsed, the scientific community has been experiencing many serious problems all these years, and for many years now scientists have no time for aliens from distant planets who once left traces on Earth...


Report by A. B. Petukhov, Deputy Coordinator of ONIOO "Cosmopoisk"

The direct connection between the aspiration of Alexander Kazantsev’s personality to the future lies in his deep interest in the mysteries of ancient history. Essentially, Alexander Petrovich was one of the first who tried to raise the problem of paleocontact to a scientific level - the hypothesis about the possible arrival and contact with earthly inhabitants of representatives of highly developed civilizations in the distant past. In an interview with Russian researcher paleovisit by Vladimir Avinsky in 1984 to the question “Do you believe that stellar aliens have visited our planet?” Alexander Kazantsev replied: “I don’t understand this formulation of the question: to believe - not to believe! I just know: they were. I know because I have decisive evidence. Now it is necessary for science not to brush aside the “curiosities” of nature and history, but to engage in a thorough development of not only radio-astronomical, but also historical directions of searches.” The problem of possible contact with developed extraterrestrial cultures worried Alexander Petrovich very deeply. In his works such as “The Faetes”, a trilogy dedicated to Cyrano de Bergerac, in an extensive article “From Space to the Past” and in the book “Guests from Space”, Kazantsev, without waiting for the rise of academic science, tried to compare the ancient ones at his disposal legends, tales and material finds with modern scientific knowledge. I myself met with Kazantsev twice about the personality of Cyrano de Bergerac. I wrote an essay about him while studying at the evening department of the institute.

We argued for several hours with Alexander Petrovich about certain aspects of the personality of an avid duelist and a major philosopher at the same time, who mastered language and sword no worse than the famous d’Artagnan. And if we had some differences in approaches, we were sure of one thing - Cyrano de Bergerac is a historical figure who crossed the interests of earthly and unearthly civilizations. A huge place in the development of the theory of paleovisit is occupied by Kazantsev’s novel “Phaetians”. In this work, Alexander Petrovich connected the seemingly incompatible. He managed to combine into a single concept the hypotheses about the multiplicity of inhabited worlds, the contacts of intelligent beings in space and the possibility of missionary assistance from the EC to earthly cultures just beginning their ascent in a steep spiral historical development. In “Faetians,” Kazantsev not only deeply explored the philosophical justification of the paleovisit, but also raised questions about the fact that excessive assistance to younger brothers-in-mind in development can also turn into a serious problem of dependency on a cosmic scale. The starting point in this novel was the existence of another planet in the solar system - Phaeton, from which the aliens arrived on Earth with the Mission of Peace. In “Faets” Kazantsev described many historical finds that have not yet found a convincing explanation within the framework of the existing scientific paradigm. Such finds include mysterious Japanese dogu figurines, reminiscent of a modern spacesuit. It later turned out that spacesuit-like images were found in several dozen places around the world. A series of strange finds include the so-called “noso-fronted”, whose features are imprinted in the cultures of Central America, Japan, Mexico, and Afghanistan. The difference between these faces and features modern man the fact that their nose starts from the middle of the forehead, and not from the level of the eyebrows, like in humans. In his works “From Space to the Past” and “Guests from Space,” Kazantsev takes an even deeper look at historical finds that historians try to avoid. These include human and animal skulls with holes similar to bullet holes. Despite the fact that the age of these finds is measured from 10 to 40 thousand years, and supposedly proves that at that time a person could not have had such a weapon, Kazantsev boldly raises the question that such damage could have occurred left behind by alien weapons. Kazantsev, as a person with a technical and engineering education, boldly takes on the problem of researching alien space technology.

He describes the famous airplane found in Colombia. This seemingly golden toy, long considered a bird, when tested in a wind tunnel behaved like a modern vertical take-off and landing aircraft. Now more than 30 such aircraft have been found all over the world, and in Africa (Gambia) there is even a Yundum airport, made by no one knows who and when. The main thing is that planes of any weight can land on its smooth stone slabs (which is what is being done now). It is possible that Indian vimanas, which, according to modern estimates, had jet engines with a thrust of 9.5 tons and a speed in the air of up to 800 km/h, also landed at the same airports in ancient times. Kazantsev paid a lot of attention to the incomprehensible and, most importantly, technologies of unknown civilizations that cannot be reproduced at the modern level. As examples, Alexander Petrovich cites giant stone balls in Costa Rico, it is unclear how and with what they were made. Now dozens of such balls have been found in Europe, America, and Asia. Kazantsev was convinced that the famous stones (trilithons), weighing 750 tons each, or the famous largest processed stone in the world - the “stone of the South”, weighing about 1500 tons, were made and moved using unearthly technologies. And this is all in Lebanon, i.e. in close proximity to famous Egyptian pyramids. And Alexander Petrovich was right when he argued that modern technology is not capable of creating and moving such gigantic products. Nowadays, hundreds of finds and buildings made from giant stone blocks are known all over the world. Kazantsev pointed out, contrary to the opinion of orthodox historians, that the task of making and moving such gigantic objects is not quantitative, but qualitative. Therefore, it should be solved not by a mathematical increase in the number of slaves, but qualitatively differently, by using fundamentally different technologies that are currently unknown to earthlings. Above, I said that my personal meetings with Alexander Petrovich were related to the study of the historical heritage of the French philosopher Cyrano de Bergerac. This is truly a mysterious and unique personality. In his works, Cyrano describes eternally burning lamps that can burn for centuries on a journey to the moon. Cyrano de Bergerac talks about the corpuscular theory of light, which he learned during a visit to the moon. Long before the great Lomonosov, Cyrano already knew that light travels in a straight line and consists of particles (corpuscles, photons). De Bergerac formulates the principle of light pressure on a surface. But this effect was predicted only in the 19th century by the Russian scientist A. Stoletov, and only in the 40s of the 20th century did Academician Lebedev obtain the numerical value of this effect! In de Bergerac's manuscripts there is a description of a rocket for space flight. The details he mentions cannot be a figment of the imagination.

Cyrano speaks of a rocket with three stages, and the terms "rocket stage" and "weightlessness" are used in modern meaning. The paradox is that in the times of d’Artagnan and Cardinal Mazarin, only horse-drawn transport existed, and from the experience of horse racing, Bergerac was unlikely to be able to gain an understanding of overloads and weightlessness. Kazantsev was especially interested in a drawing in an ancient Mayan tomb on a stone slab in the city of Palenque. In his opinion, the stone slab depicts a cross-sectional drawing of a spaceship with an astronaut on board. Characteristic were not only the pose of the astronaut, intensely peering at the instruments, but also the rocket principle of the aircraft itself. A flame torch is clearly visible at the very bottom of the rocket. There are now dozens of such images scattered around the world. Sumerian drawings even depict a silo launch of a rocket. The shaft depicts a rocket during engine purging, i.e. on the eve of launch. Unfortunately, almost no one except Kazantsev and the author of this report saw that it was in the images of rocket-like devices, space suits and other space paraphernalia that the main and fundamentally important limitation of the theory of paleocontact was hidden. Many cave paintings of ancient spaceships look quite convincing, but only at first glance. Actually, this similarity gave rise to the paleocontact hypothesis, the essence of which is that in ancient times aliens from other star systems visited the Earth. But if you look closely at their design of these spaceships of the past, then it is relatively easy to recognize in them slightly modified forms of MODERN spaceships. After all, the appearance of a rocket is determined by its engines and fuel. However, modern cosmonautics, based on the fission of chemical fuel, cannot boast of any particular successes. Our manned spacecraft and satellites are still completely at the mercy of gravitational forces. The resource for their free movement in outer space is very limited and is suitable only for small adjustments of orbits. An accidental strong deviation from the course threatens the ship's crew or satellite with inevitable death. It follows that modern space technology is not able to achieve the necessary speeds for interstellar flights within the time frame determined by the duration of human life.

Consequently, the spaceships of ancient astronauts, similar to modern ones, are also fundamentally unsuitable for long and long-distance space travel! At best, we have reached descriptions and drawings of ancient space technology, suitable only for near-Earth, shuttle flights or, at best, to the nearest planets solar system. And Alexander Kazantsev understood this very well, being not only a writer, but also an engineer. That is why his heroes were the inhabitants of the planet of our solar system - Phaethon, and not Alpha Centauri, Sirius, or another galaxy. No matter how great and grandiose the mysteries associated with the problem of paleocontacts may be, it cannot be assumed that only this theory can and should explain all the mysteries of antiquity. It is quite possible that on our own planet, thousands of years ago, a proto-civilization flourished, its level of development not inferior to ours. However, most researchers are not yet psychologically ready to recognize such a proto-civilization, which had developed equipment, technologies, and knowledge, on the basis of which it was possible to build spaceships and fly into space. But the question of the existence of a pre-civilization on Earth is also not free from contradictions. The development of any technological civilization as we know it requires energy. Since ancient times, humanity has been drawing this energy from the bowels of the planet in the form of minerals. Consequently, by the time modern civilization emerges, the “storehouses” of our planet should already be pretty empty. Geologists also encountered the opposite fact and showed that before the start of mass mining in XVIII-XIX centuries, reserves of ores, coal, gas, and oil were practically untouched. It is possible that this pre-civilization, if it existed, used a different energy to satisfy its needs, about which we now have no idea. They usually say that we find no traces of a pre-civilization because it died. If so, why? In Faety, Kazantsev more than once addressed the topic of a complete ban on the use of atomic energy for military purposes. To do this, he had facts not only from the latest, but also ancient history. There are large spaces on Earth with strange traces similar to traces of nuclear bombings. They did not receive an unambiguous historical explanation. These areas were discovered in Pakistan (Mohenjo-Daro), Egypt (Libyan Desert), Iraq (Euphrates River) and northern Syria (Aleppo, modern Aleppo), in Europe (Scotland). From the legends it follows that the ancient Hindus possessed a whole arsenal of destructive weapons superior to modern ones. They fought with weapons capable of melting stones, affecting the human genetic apparatus, and boiling river waters. The Hindus knew such small periods of time as micro-, nano- and picoseconds, that is, 10-9, 10-12 and 10-15 seconds. Such units of time are only used to measure the rate of nuclear reactions. There, in India, a few years ago, a male skeleton was found, more than 3,000 years old. Its radioactivity was 50 times higher than background. We can talk for a long time about Kazantsev’s greatest insights about the place and role of paleocontact. At the same time, it must be recognized that the theory and practice of the paleocontact problem are still far from truly scientific development. Currently, there are no clear methods for identifying historical artifacts and conducting their technical examination. The approach associated with the comparison “similar - dissimilar” is also far from objectivity. Therefore, the interpretation of any mysterious historical artifacts should be taken on faith as little as possible. Only an unbiased scientific analysis of the mysteries of history can bring the problem of paleocontact from a collection of curious stories to the level of a scientific discipline.

Alexander Petukhov,

Deputy Coordinator of ONIO "Kosmopoisk"

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The paleocontact hypothesis suggests that the improvement of our civilization occurred thanks to more advanced beings of extraterrestrial origin who arrived on Earth. Their knowledge and experience played a huge role in the development of humanity. Among other things, there is a possibility that aliens (paleocontact theory) are at the origins of the human race. There are many indirect allusions in various scriptures pointing to this.

The scientist K. Tsiolkovsky was the first to come up with such thoughts, which is why he is the founder of the theory of paleocontact. The theory became widely known by M. Agreste when, in the middle of the last century, his article “Traces Lead to Space” was published. In this article, various legends and myths appeared in the form of evidence of numerous visits of representatives of extraterrestrial races to our planet.

The further development of the hypothesis was undertaken by the Swiss archaeologist and writer Erich von Däniken. At first, his main activity was entrepreneurship, but he did not achieve much success in this area. Subsequently, E. von Däniken took up archeology seriously. He later attracted a larger audience to thinking about paleocontact by publishing the book Future Memories and producing a documentary film of the same name.

Another representative of this theory is the scientist Z. Sitchin, who studied the history of the Middle East, archeology and ancient languages. In his opinion, the pyramids in Ancient Egypt served as launch pads for the take-off of spaceships, and people at that time believed that aliens were gods, the creators of everything on Earth. He believed that there was a Twelfth Planet called "Nibiru", whose inhabitants had close contact with the ancient people of Assyria and Babylon. This point of view is clearly visible in his books The Twelfth Planet and The Cradle of Civilization.

It is important to mention that already in ancient times, Egyptian priests believed in the existence of other worlds and the creatures inhabiting them that had contact with earthlings. These hypotheses were adopted by some Greek philosophers. The thinkers Anaximander and Epicurus held the same point of view as the Egyptian priests, believing that the cosmos has many worlds, emerging and dying, and living beings live in each of them. Another Greek philosopher, Anaxagoras, suggested that the so-called “embryos of life” were transported in outer space. The famous physicist Isaac Newton admitted the presence of extraterrestrial life and noted in his notes that alien inhabitants are able to reach other worlds to communicate with their inhabitants. If we take into account all the research and conclusions in this area, it becomes clear that the main problem of paleovisits comes from the belief in the intelligence of the creatures inhabiting space.

At one fine moment, when people realized that the Earth is just a ball, and every corner of this ball has already been explored, their gaze turned to space. Then humanity believed in the infinity of the Universe, and many fantastic stories about flights into space appeared. And it immediately became clear that if people have the opportunity to go on a space journey, then the inhabitants of other planets can fly to Earth. This was the beginning of the paleovisit hypothesis. But with such visits, there was the possibility of the formation of concrete relationships between people and outsiders, which already implies paleocontact.

In 1952, during an expedition in the jungles of South America, scientists discovered a strange thing: the Kayapo Indian tribe worshiped an unusual deity. According to the ancient legends of the tribe, one day a stranger appeared among them. Dressed in clothes that completely covered his body, he held a powerful weapon in his hands. Only the bravest entered into battle with him, while the rest, frightened, hid. But the attacks of the aborigines had no effect, since their weapons crumbled right in their hands. The stranger decided to stay and live with the Indians. They gave him a name - Bel Kororoti. He had a beneficial effect on the lives of the aborigines and taught them many useful things. One girl from the tribe became his wife and bore him children who grew up very capable and intelligent. But the moment came when the stranger decided to return to where he came from. Standing on the very high mountain, he looked up until a cloud with flashing lightning descended on him, taking him with it. Much time has passed, but the Indians still honor Bela Kororoti, the “messenger of heaven.” And in honor of him they organize a holiday, for which they wear costumes specially woven from palm leaves, very much reminiscent of astronauts’ spacesuits.

Many similar legends can be found in other tribes. For example, in Brazil there is a Tupanimba tribe, which has preserved the legend about the god Mo-nano, about his creation of the Universe and man. This legend tells how God became angry with people who stopped respecting him. He withdrew to heaven, from where he sent righteous fire on them as punishment for their sins. Only one person survived, his name was Irin-Mage. God spared the man and married one of his daughters. Later they had offspring who became the continuers of the human race.

Another interesting legend exists in a tribe living on the banks of the Xingu River, which is a tributary of the Amazon. It tells the story that in ancient times all people lived on a star. But one day they had to convene a council to choose a new house. One of the inhabitants came forward and proposed a wonderful planet that he had already explored as a new habitat. Everyone agreed with him and began to weave a long thread that would connect their world with the Earth. Some Indians remained on the star, but most moved to new world However, thanks to the thread they communicated with each other. But one day a demon came and broke this thread, after which the connection with the star was lost forever.

A large number of ancient legends contain indications that in the distant past the Earth was visited by representatives of other planets, but, more importantly, there is numerous material evidence of their visits. Various historical monuments containing drawings of unusual humanoid creatures can be found all over the world.

For example, in Siberia, archaeologists discovered objects dating back to 700 BC with strange creatures depicted on them. So, on one of them, there is a drawing of a creature with an elongated face and huge eyes. In Altai, many similar things were found in burials, thanks to which they were very well preserved, since they were deep underground in conditions of constant temperature. Various artifacts carved with the faces of bird-like creatures have been discovered in Costa Rica. The creatures' heads are covered with something resembling a helmet, and instead of a nose they have a beak.

In China, during expeditions in the provinces of Shanxi and Guangzhou, many jade figurines dating back to the second millennium BC were found. The figurines are made in the shape of people with long teeth that look like fangs. Scientists are at a loss as to what these figurines served, but put forward the theory that these figurines are a prototype of the people who inhabited China in ancient times.

Similar figurines depicting strange humanoids have been discovered in Japan. These figurines are sculpted from clay in the form of creatures with very long arms and huge bulging eyes. They have a tube in their mouth, similar to a scuba diver's, and a large plate on their chest. Some researchers have a hypothesis that these figures, called dogu, existed as a tool for shamans. Representatives of extraterrestrial races trained shamans to take pain from a person, transferring it to a figurine, which subsequently had to be broken. This helped heal the person.

In Syria, archaeological finds were stone figurines with several pairs of eyes. The stone figurines date back to 3500 BC, and some are carved with smaller figures resembling a baby in the womb. Scientists suggest that the stone idols represent alien creatures.

In addition to material evidence, there is also much evidence of visits to Earth by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. In particular, there are tribes that have phenomenal knowledge in one area or another. The Mayans, for example, had extensive astronomical calculations. This is what allowed them to create a fairly accurate calendar. In addition, the huge stone structures built by the Indians of the tribe are still fraught with mystery, since they were built without special tools. A similar situation exists with the Dogon tribe, which lives in Mali. The tribe's knowledge is unique: they are well acquainted with astronomy, they know that there is an invisible star next to Sirius, but in fact it is - Sirius is a double star, next to it there is a white dwarf. Among the tribe's legends are stories of visits from creatures from the sky that resemble amphibians. This may be an explanation for the unusual knowledge that the tribe possesses.

Another evidence of alien visits are the finds of archaeologists during the expedition to the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains, which took place in 1937-1938. Researchers have found a huge number of caves with burials in them. The skeletons found in the graves did not look like human ones; on the contrary, their structure was strikingly different from the structure of the human skeleton: a huge head with fragile joints and thin bones, the height of the creatures was only 1.3 meters. Eyewitnesses who were abducted by aliens gave exactly these descriptions of the appearance of the aliens.

Scientists believed that these were the skeletons of extinct monkeys. These conclusions were severely criticized by the public, who denied the possibility of monkeys developing to such a level that they made orderly burials of the dead.

In these caves above the graves, researchers discovered strange drawings depicting the Moon and the Sun, and below them - small creatures in helmets. According to local legends, these creatures are yellow drops that came to Earth from the heavens.

But the most important find in these caves is a huge number of stone disks on which strange signs are carved. Many took on the task of deciphering these signs, but their efforts were not crowned with success. But in 1962, Chinese linguists deciphered some parts of the messages, which said that 12 thousand years ago an alien spaceship came to Earth. A malfunction on the ship forced them to stay behind. But they failed to survive; the earth’s climate turned out to be too alien for the aliens. According to the records, it was their bodies that were buried in those graves.

There are still a great many such amazing facts found all over the world. All of them contain information that representatives of extraterrestrial races flew to our planet, but none of them answers the question: why did they do it? However, there is one hypothesis that explains such visits by the fact that aliens arrived in search of genetic samples. And, in addition, there is an assumption that they trained people to return to life of the dead, i.e. create zombies. If we take into account the African religion Voodoo, then in it a zombie is a corpse of a person revived by a sorcerer, who is completely in the power of the one who brought him back to life and carries out his orders. The appearance of this concept can be dated back to 500 BC. Legends containing references to the living dead exist in other countries. For example, in China there are legends about the creatures Jang Shi, which literally means “rigid corpse.” According to the description, these creatures are not endowed with any mental abilities, but have an excellent sense of smell, good eyesight and long claws. In Scandinavian culture there are also such creatures, they are called Draugr.

In addition, scientists suspect that human blood caused big interest among the aliens, since it was the source of vitality, the bearer of the essence of human existence.

The Indians believed that blood was the connecting element between world of the dead and the world of the living. Blood contained the meaning of a person’s existence, which was transmitted to the afterlife after death. Therefore, it was very significant, and ancient people performed special rituals involving bloodletting.

Many ancient cultures contain stories about creatures resembling vampires. For example, the Cherokee Indians had a goddess Utlunta, who transformed into a woman and drank blood. And in the religious cult of Voodoo - the goddess Kali and the evil spirits of the vitals. The goddess Kali brought destruction and death, and her appearance was terrible: blue skin combined with a long tongue. However, vampires, in some ways, had significant differences from zombies, because vampires, although they were dead, had a soul. People in ancient times believed that vampires were people who had greatly sinned during their lifetime.

In any case, researchers are still speculating whether bloodletting was a sure way to get closer to God, or all these traditions and legends of ancient people are a means to convey to us information about visits to the Earth by aliens from outside.

Aliens are a source of despair. They should be called only when all rational explanations have run out.
Carl Sagan. A world full of demons: Science is like a candle in the dark
Any sufficiently developed extraterrestrial intelligence is indistinguishable from God.
Shermer's Last Law(107)

Alexander Borisovich Sokolov - “Are scientists hiding?” (“Alpina-non-fiction”, 2017).

Criticizing pseudoscientific ideas can be difficult for a reason that American psychologist Jonathan Smith summed up in two words: “patchwork” (108). The ideas and arguments of adherents of some pseudoscientific concept, unlike normal science, do not form a system. This is a chaotic collection of individual statements, sometimes loosely related to each other. To refute this, you yourself will have to piece together some kind of “theory” from scraps. And you will look in vain for hints of scientific publications. Authoritative sources here are books with exciting titles, popular blogs and films.

The theory of “paleocontact” is just such a case, although once upon a time even serious scientists were carried away by this hypothesis that excited the imagination (though, somehow, all of them were not historians or archaeologists). And the popularity of the idea was ensured in the second half of the 20th century by science fiction writers and corresponding cinema.

Let's remember Clarke-Kubrick's A Space Odyssey, which opens with a scene of this very paleocontact. From the height of the 21st century, it is not difficult to find factual inconsistencies in the film. With the hands of aliens, the author tried to teach our ancestors - Pithecanthropus, amorphous and stupid - to make tools and hunt. Now we know that chimpanzees are capable of both the first and second. So the aliens would have to conduct master classes not only in front of the australopithecines, but also teach the wisdom of the entire humanoid brethren in the African jungle (and also the capuchins in South America, who masterfully handle stones).

However, supporters of the popular version of paleocontact consider the “start” of the Paleolithic to be an insufficiently large-scale affair for the aliens. The aliens had much more serious plans for our planet. What did they want? Save humanity from epidemics? Tell people the secret of eternal youth? No, better! Build up the entire planet with structures made of stone blocks.

In our country, the “paleocontactors” movement has long history. Back in 1987, the magazine “Technology for Youth” published an article “The Ballad of Space Aliens” (109), the authors of which, Lev Fomin and Alexey Arefiev, analyzed (and tore to smithereens) the main arguments in favor of paleocontact. And in 1988, Soviet scientists - philologist Alexander Kondratov and archaeologist Konstantin Shilik - wrote the book “How Myths of the 20th Century are Born” (110), an entire section of which was dedicated to “ancient astronauts.” Analyzing the reasons for the popularity of the idea of ​​paleocontact, the authors considered it as a kind of modern religion.

Alas, after almost 30 years, the number of supporters of this pseudoscientific concept has only increased.

Perhaps the most famous preacher of “paleocontact” in the world is the Swiss writer and film director Erich von Däniken. This extremely active character has produced more than 30 books, which have sold tens of millions of copies in total. Cheerful and energetic, Erich does not write scientific tedium; his works are distinguished by a different style - rollicking, with jokes and constant attacks on “academic science”. Däniken's spontaneity and directness are captivating. “It’s difficult to call me a scientist, because I have never participated in scientific work“,” the “researcher of ancient civilizations” innocently admits in an interview with the German magazine Focus (111). And it is true! And in one of the books, Däniken tells how he tried to find out from a friend “who this Omar Khayyam is,” whose name he had just read on the label of a wine bottle (112).

“Really, sometimes you are amazed at what kind of pseudo-arguments the authors of school and university textbooks do not try to operate in order to substantiate their teachings that cause yawning” (113) - another characteristic statement of Däniken.

Apparently, it was yawning that pushed the cheerful Swiss away from pursuing science. But he perfectly mastered the formula “aliensdidit” (“the aliens did it”). How to use it? You need to find something incomprehensible in the past (for von Däniken with his horizons this is a piece of cake), and then - aliensdidit! "Who? Who built these structures / carved these magnificent statues into the rock / stuffed these mummies into tombs / comprehended the movement of the planets / invented the calendar? What do you think, huh? – the author winks at us. -What are these mysterious creatures? Does anyone seriously believe that people were capable of this? Where should they go, poor people! What if we assume for a moment that they were aliens?” With this, the theorem can be considered proven.

The second iconic figure on the horizon of paleocontact is the American writer Zecharia Sitchin, who gave the world the planet Nibiru and the almighty Anunnaki. Once every 3600 years, a mysterious planet approached the Earth. And it was precisely at these moments in history that something happened to humanity! People invented it Agriculture, then ceramics, then writing. Is it really just a coincidence? Hardly! It's all because of the Anunnaki - the gods, the creators of the Sumerian civilization. Unlike the humorist Däniken, Sitchin is extremely serious and even boring. The writer scheduled his next visit to Nibiru for 2012. But either “their gasoline has run out, or maybe the engine has stalled,” as Vysotsky sang. The Nibiruans did not arrive.

Let us consider the main arguments of the supporters of paleocontact.

1. Firstly, the unevenness of technical and cultural progress. “Leaps” in human development—for example, the sudden appearance of art, the rapid spread of agriculture—are declared to be the result of “ humanitarian aid"from the outside.

How could a person, ask paleocontacters, who had previously eked out an almost animal existence for millions of years, “wandered through the forests in search of berries” and used nothing but roughly hewn stones, at one moment become a creator of magnificent works of art, a builder of cities, an astrologer, a healer? , conqueror of the world?

Alas, when talking about sudden ancient innovations, paleocontacters quickly end up in a puddle. Because, firstly, they clearly draw information only from popular literature. Secondly, they are confused about the chronology of events (which they do not know well).

Thus, Erich von Däniken in his book “The Stone Age Was Different” writes about the achievements of Neanderthal man:

“In addition to the enormous volume of the brain, which in itself speaks volumes, the Neanderthal erected structures that were amazing for his time. He managed to create such perfect masterpieces that his Cro-Magnon descendants, who lived 35,000 years after him, never created anything worthy of standing on a par with them” (114).

Immediately after such an intriguing passage, Däniken begins to talk about flint mines in the town of Rijkholt. Everything is fine, only the age of this monument is 5000 years, Neanderthals have been extinct for 30,000 years.

“Despite the fact that more than 2 million years passed between the appearance of Australopithecus and Neanderthal, both of them used similar tools - sharpened stones - and their appearance (as we imagine them) was not much different from each other - and this is Zecharia Sitchin . “Then, unexpectedly and inexplicably, as if completely out of nowhere, about 35,000 years ago a new race of people appeared on Earth - Homo sapiens (“reasonable man”), which swept away the Neanderthal from the face of our planet” (115). Compare the description of Australopithecus and Neanderthal from at least Wikipedia and count for yourself how many mistakes Sitchin made in this short text.

But even if we close our eyes to factual errors, the question remains: should progress proceed evenly? We ourselves live in an era of unprecedented technological leap. However, such examples do not affect supporters of paleocontact.

2. “Inappropriate artifacts” - that is, some ancient objects (products, sculptures, structures), whose appearance is impossible in “that era”, with “that development of technology.” It is assumed that the paleocontactor knows “that era” well.

Among the out-of-place artifacts are giant images in the Nazca desert, fakes glorified by Hollywood - “Aztec crystal skulls”, and periodically pop-up sensational smaller finds, like a Romanian “250,000-year-old UFO part” that turned out to be an excavator bucket tooth (116).

“Look at these grandiose monuments! - exclaims the paleocontact proponent. – On their size, processing accuracy. Estimate how far they were dragged. Is it possible for pitiful people of the Stone Age, these half-animals in animal skins, who have just climbed down from the trees, to do this? How many thousands of people had to sacrifice their lives to erect meaningless monuments, if we accept the traditional version? Did they have nothing else to do? And did so many people live in that era?”

Confidently dismissing the terrestrial origin of megalithic buildings, the paleocontacter believes that sawing out limestone blocks in quarries is a favorite pastime for aliens.

3. Ancient myths, legends, epics, religious texts. In them, the authors of theories about aliens look for and find references to spaceships, robots, alien monsters, and “incredibly accurate” descriptions of the solar system.

If there was a desire, there would be an alien in the text. Especially if the document is written in a dead language, using a writing system foreign to us. Recognized masters of linguistics have been arguing over its interpretations for years. Ancient tales are poetic, filled with metaphors, allegories, and miracles. What a field for interpretation!

In a decent myth, the gods live in the heavens and periodically descend to Earth. How much imagination is needed to replace the sky with space, and the gods with omnipotent humanoids? The gods demonstrate their anger - they incinerate people and entire cities. Isn't this a direct indication of the use of nuclear weapons? And when the deity heals the crippled or resurrects the dead, obviously we are talking about the miracles of Nibiruan medicine. This is how aliens appear in the Bible and the Mahabharata, Chinese chronicles, Icelandic sagas, and ancient Egyptian and Sumerian mythology.

An unsurpassed master of finding aliens in ancient texts, the real king of interpretations is Zecharia Sitchin. Here is an example of his approach that I suggest you put into practice. The word shem, found in the Bible, is usually translated from Hebrew as “name.” However, the same term, Sitchin claims, was used in Scripture to describe a memorial stele with an oval top. And the word itself comes from the root “shama,” meaning “that which is above.” What is this if not a space rocket? If now the word “shem” in the Bible is translated every time as “heavenly ship,” then the Holy Scriptures will take on a completely different meaning (117). Try it and see - Sitchin is damn right!

What is the biblical account of the creation of the world actually about? “And God said, Let the earth produce green grass, grass yielding seed, and a fruitful tree, bearing fruit according to its kind, in which is its seed on the earth. And so it became.”

Sitchin considers this passage to be an accurate description of the sequence of plant domestication (118). After all, according to historians, “this process began with wild grasses, followed by wild cereals, and then fruit and berry species of trees and shrubs,” writes Sitchin.

The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh certainly describes “air-space travel,” for which the hero requires a shem (you guessed it, a space rocket).

Even in the Sumerian writing icons, Sitchin saw the image of a spaceship with a descent module - exactly like Apollo 11 with the lunar module! Look at the picture: a real three-stage rocket with parts tightly fitted to each other (119).

In fact, what else could the Anunnaki fly from Nibiru on thousands of years ago, if not on three-stage Apollos.

We come to the next point.

4. Ancient images. Now let's play the exciting game “find the alien in the picture.”

What are the benefits of ancient drawings and sculptures? Because they are often schematic and conventional - for example, they violate or even completely ignore the laws of perspective. Thus, in the drawings of the ancient Egyptians, the size of the human figure does not mean the distance to the person, but his status. Ancient works of art may use a language of symbols that are unfamiliar to us. Moreover, they are far from perfectly preserved.

As with ancient texts, interpreters have some room to expand. With some skill, cosmonauts and interplanetary ships are found not only in rock paintings and in the works of ancient sculptors, but even in Orthodox icons.

Let’s say this, according to Zecharia Sitchin, is a head in a helmet with straps and goggles (Israel, 9th millennium BC) (see figure below, left) (120).

But this 4,000-year-old stone goddess is dressed in a pilot’s or astronaut’s costume with “a special helmet, on both sides of which there are objects tightly covering the ears, reminiscent of a pilot’s headphones…” (121) (see figure above, right).

True, the pilot’s bare feet stick out from under his dress, but these are such trifles.

And here is irrefutable proof that the Sumerians used radioactive substances in medicine: “...on a cylinder seal dating from the earliest period of the Sumerian civilization... without a doubt, a man is depicted lying on a special bed; his face is protected by a mask, and he is exposed to some kind of radiation” (122) (see figure below).

Von Däniken's fantasy is no poorer. Any creature depicted in a headdress or with something around its head seems to the tireless Swiss to be an astronaut in a helmet. Horned helmet? Definitely radio antennas. Anything flying - be it the “wheels with eyes” from the book of the prophet Ezekiel or the chariot of Hanuman from the Ramayana - is nothing more than a flying saucer.

Proponents of paleocontact seriously believe that such games prove something. And they pile interpretations upon interpretations without any caution, forgetting about Occam’s blade. But do you remember? There is no need to produce entities beyond what is necessary. Von Däniken and Co. repeatedly snatch out the “ancient aliens” hypothesis, which requires a lot of arbitrary assumptions, without even bothering to consider simpler, often trivial explanations.

For example, the "heavenly chariot" from the myth might be:

Allegory, metaphor;

An impression from a certain atmospheric phenomenon (flight of a comet);

Description of hallucinations;

But I really want it to be a spaceship!

Something covering the head of the man in the picture could be a schematically depicted headdress, a ritual mask of a shaman, an unusual hairstyle, or an ornament “just for beauty.”

But I really want it to be an astronaut’s helmet!

Let me formulate a few questions that I would ask any adherent of paleocontact:

Why did the aliens, who possessed super-technologies, waste time on structures made of stone blocks? Stone processing is great, but isn't it a little weak for aliens who have traveled interstellar distances? By the way, in Russia already in late XIX centuries, they stopped building fortifications from stone, since they no longer served as reliable protection against actively improving artillery (123).

Continuing from the previous one: why would aliens (or people who mastered alien technology) build “ancient observatories” from rough-hewn boulders that pointed at celestial bodies at certain points in time? Is Stonehenge the limit of Nibiruan technology? Did our celestial guests not have normal astronomical instruments?

Why should "ancient landing sites" (in the Nazca Desert) look like giant images of earthly animals - monkeys, spiders, birds or lizards? Otherwise, the aliens won’t figure out where to land the spaceship? Why does a supercivilization need any landing signs at all? Even our landing modules on the Moon and Mars managed without them. And what supercivilization marks out the future spaceport by hammering in wooden stakes (their remains were found at the corner points of the Nazca images)? (124)

Why should aliens from distant stars who visited our planet thousands of years ago look like earthly cosmonauts of the 20th century, that is, like little men in a spacesuit, wearing a helmet with antennas? This is how a child who has seen enough cartoons draws aliens, but we seem to be adults.

How far can you go in interpreting legends and myths? Is it possible that the stupa with Baba Yaga is from the Russians? folk tales cosmic aircraft, Kolobok - a spheroidal cybernetic organism, Kashchei the Immortal - a robot-terminator, Pike from the Ice-hole - a representative of the underwater civilization of ichthyoids?

Where does common sense end when interpreting images? For example, in the drawing of my daughter Alena (see picture below) there is a space rocket and a humanoid with tentacles? Or is it a house with a roof and a girl?

What else should I add? The paleocontacter is very proud that his concept explains a wide range of questions that “no other theory” can answer. “And only the hypothesis about the intervention of representatives of alien intelligence provides an answer to all questions at once and has universal applicability, explaining everything - from the origin of life on Earth and intelligence to the causes of biblical miracles” (125), Däniken proudly writes. In fact, universality, that is, the absence of limits of applicability, - characteristic pseudoscientific fantasy. What we have here is the classic “universal theory of everything that explains everything.” In this sense, the logic of paleocontacters is no different from the approach of a religious fanatic, who sees the “hand of the creator” everywhere. Instead of trying to figure it out, something incomprehensible (requiring explanation) is replaced by something else, no less incomprehensible, but no longer requiring any explanation. This is the will of God, amen... That is, Aliensdidit! It seems that the theory of paleocontact is an excellent replacement for religion for the modern layman, who for some reason is not satisfied with the classical Almighty. Tired of the traditional Lord? Let's replace it with all-powerful aliens (literally: among the orthodox “paleocontacteurs”, both Jesus and Buddha are messengers of other worlds). The covenants were given to us from above, only not by the Creator, but by green men from a flying saucer. We are not alone - we are constantly being watched. And someday they will fly back to “fix everything.”

The secret behind the popularity of the idea of ​​paleocontact is simple: aliens are exciting! A school textbook stories are boring. A teenager who grew up watching science fiction films can only believe in the reality of what is happening on the screen. How can you not believe it when the TV presenter’s voice sounds so confident, and “researchers of ancient civilizations” sparkle with authority. As one creative person put it, “I like to believe in aliens!” I like to believe. An ideal formulation of a view of the world that is directly opposite to the scientific one.

Can paleocontacter theories be called science? For comparison, open any article in decent scientific journal, dedicated to proving some prosaic archaeological hypothesis. Whether we are talking about the methods of hunting of ancient people, or about the presence of their homes, or about the use of fire, or about helping each other with injuries, or about their diet, or, for example, about the causes of osteoarthritis in ancient artisans - you will see how Researchers carefully justify each of their thesis, how careful they are in their formulations. Compare with the level of argumentation of supporters of paleocontact. Feel the difference between science and “nonsense” masquerading as science.

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Paleocontact. Ancient aliens. Myths about human evolution.

Huge drawings on the Nazca plateau in Peru, megaliths around the world and mysterious hints in ancient texts. Doesn't all this prove that powerful aliens visited the Earth in ancient times? Or maybe man himself is the result of genetic experiments by aliens? What evidence do adherents of paleocontact use, and is it worth taking this version of human origins seriously?

Humanity or UFO? Evgeny Girya.

In the lecture you will learn about archeology as a science that deals with the reconstruction and evidence-based interpretation of human behavior in the distant past.

Legendary archaeologist, historian and very charismatic popularizer of archeology Evgeniy Girya. There are legends about Evgeniy: either he and his colleagues cut up an elephant with stone choppers in the Leningrad Zoo, or straightened the tusks of mammoths using Paleolithic technology... Is this true?

Evgeniy talks about how ancient man left behind many objects of material culture: tools, fireplaces, labyrinths, rock paintings... Traces conscious activity can be found in the most unexpected places. Thus, cuts and notches were found on a camel bone 2.1 million years old. It looks like some ancient monkey has already experimented with tools! How to distinguish natural damage from artificial traces of processing made by an intelligent or almost intelligent creature? The science of traceology studies traces of the activities of ancient people. It is used in both forensic science and archaeology.

Exposing the goat-horned aliens (Alien... goats)

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