Assertive behavior test. Tams - Psychological diagnostics Equal communication and assertiveness

this test is designed to assess assertiveness - the ability not to act to the detriment of anyone, respecting the rights of other people, but at the same time not allowing you to "twist ropes out of yourself."

Instruction Circle your answers in the following positions:

1. I get annoyed by other people's mistakes.
Not really
2. I can remind a friend of a debt.
Not really

3. I tell lies from time to time.
Not really

4. I am able to take care of myself.
Not really

5. I happened to ride like a hare.
Not really

6. Rivalry is better than cooperation.
Not really

7. I often torture myself over trifles.
Not really

8. I am an independent and quite decisive person.
Not really

9. I love everyone I know.
Not really

10. I believe in myself. I have enough strength to cope with the current problems. Not really
11. Nothing can be done, a person should always be on
check to be able to protect their interests.

Not really
12. I never laugh at dirty jokes.
Not really

13. I recognize authorities and respect them.
Not really

14. I never let myself be roped. I declared
I protest.
Not really

15. I support every good undertaking.
Not really

16. I never lie. Not really
17. I am a practical person.
Not really

18. The only thing that depresses me is the fact that I can tolerate

Not really
19. I agree with the saying: “Seek a helping hand first
all over your own shoulder."
Not really
20. Friends have a great influence on me.
Not really

21. I am always right, even if others think otherwise.
Not really

22. I agree that the important thing is not to win, but to participate.
Not really

23. Before you do anything, think carefully.
wonder how others will perceive it.

Not really 24. I never envy anyone.
Not really

Results processing

The number of positive responses should be counted in the following positions: Score A - 1, 6, 7, 11, 13, 18, 20, 23. Score B - 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 17, 19, 22. Score B-3, "5, 9, 12, 15, 16, 21, 24.

HIGHEST SCORE ON A: You know assertiveness but don't use it much in your life. You often experience dissatisfaction with yourself and others.

HIGHEST SCORE IN B: You are on the right track and can become very assertive. In principle, you are now able to act in the right direction. At times, your attempts to act assertively result in aggressiveness. But it is not important. What student has not stuffed himself with cones.

HIGHEST SCORE IN SCORE B: Despite the results of the previous two counts, you have a very good chance of mastering assertiveness. In short, you have formed an opinion about yourself and your behavior, you evaluate yourself realistically, and this is a good basis for acquiring any skill necessary for dealing with others.

LOWEST PERFORMANCE ON SCORE A: It's not a tragedy that you fail to take advantage of the many chances life gives you. It is important to learn to live in harmony with yourself and know what to do. LOWEST SCORE IS REACHED B: Assertiveness can be learned. As S. Lek said: “Workout is everything, even cauliflower is just a well-trained white cabbage.”

LOWEST SCORE PERFORMANCE Q: Now that's a problem. You overestimate yourself and behave not quite sincerely. It's not even so much about self-deception, but about the fact that you see yourself in the best light ... It would be nice to reflect on yourself.

Here are statements that describe the most typical situations in which any of us can often find ourselves. How do you deal with such cases? If the asserted fully describes your actions, as if it were said about you, take a one in a circle, if you behave in this way not always, but often, or are quite close to this approach, highlight a deuce. If the statement does not match your behavior, i.e. this is absolutely uncharacteristic for you, mark the number four. Choose three in the event that what is being affirmed does not concern you and most often you act differently.

1. When a colleague or acquaintance asks me to borrow money, I can't say no, even if my own financial situation leaves much to be desired. 1 2 3 4

2. I don't know how to meet people I feel sympathy for. I usually wait for them to make the first move. 1 2 3 4

3. When I am called somewhere and I see that my consent matters, I cannot refuse, even if I feel a great desire to do so. 1 2 3 4

4. When someone gets out of line in front of me, I cannot rein in this person, even if I feel a great desire to do so. 1 2 3 4

5. During various kinds of debates or discussions, I do not know how to interrupt the interlocutors, even if it becomes clear that they are transfusing from empty to empty. 1 2 3 4

6. It can be excruciatingly difficult for me to refuse someone's demands or requests. 1 2 3 4

7. I don’t know how to put an end to the conversation, even if the person I’m talking to and the topic of the conversation are absolutely uninteresting to me, or, for example, I’m in a hurry somewhere. 1 2 3 4

8. Talking to someone, I am not able to object, even if I think that my point of view is more correct. It's easier for me to keep quiet. 1 2 3 4

9. It is painful for me to turn to others with questions when I do not understand something (at work, at the institute, school, at home). 1 2 3 4

10. At meetings and various meetings, I prefer to remain silent so as not to be in a stupid position. 1 2 3 4

11. When someone cancels a pre-arranged appointment, I cannot offer to reschedule it to a convenient time for me. I usually wait for someone to do it first. 1 2 3 4

12. If I started to order, it would most likely come out like in the saying "Order and do it yourself." 1 2 3 4

13. When one of my neighbors treats me unfairly, I do not protest. Trying to act in a way that these people don't feel that I'm upset. 1 2 3 4

14. To invite a person of the opposite sex of interest to me on a date is beyond my powers. 1 2 3 4

15. When I am praised, complimented, I get lost, I don’t know how to react to it, I feel helpless. 1 2 3 4

16. If I bring spoiled products from the store, I would rather throw them away than go to make a claim. 1 2 3 4

17. It makes me shudder to imagine that I might be out of a job and have to go looking for it. 1 2 3 4

18. During a conversation about something important or with someone on whom I depend, I begin to express myself vaguely, and even become tongue-tied. 1 2 3 4

19. It becomes very unpleasant for me when it becomes necessary to ask a stranger for something, for example, to sell a transport ticket or transfer money for coupons. 1 2 3 4

20. It is unpleasant for me to start a conversation with superiors, even if I need to tell them something. 1 2 3 4

As you can see, each of us, to one degree or another, found himself in such situations and yet at least occasionally tried to get out of them with dignity, not allowing others to manipulate him. In management psychology, individuals with less than 30 points are considered unpromising in terms of further advancement and career. Their passivity, susceptibility to external pressure, excessive delicacy and scrupulousness condemn them to the position of "follower" and "victim". As a rule, these people have low self-esteem and a low level of claims, and in the system of interpersonal relations their psychological status is rarely at the level of a leader. On the will scale, they score below average. However, practice shows that it is possible for everyone to increase their level of assertiveness (in the United States, psycho-training on assertiveness with the light hand of the classic of the theory of interpersonal communication A. Salter has been willingly attended by employees of various ranks and levels for over 30 years). Among the listeners, the percentage of students is especially high, dreaming of a future career and striving to get rid of their "complexes". After passing through this test, many will see that they are not perfect.

You can develop assertiveness in yourself without attending special classes, the meaning of which is by no means to learn how to "work with your elbows", but to psychologically set yourself up for the need and ability to speak directly about your desires and requirements, express your own point of view and not be afraid to object, to be able to ask others for a favor without feeling embarrassed. Gaining assertiveness helps us change our habitual behavior, better articulate our desires and demands, and understand that compromise is often the best of wins.

So, the test proposed above helps us to more clearly understand for ourselves whether we stand firmly on our own feet or are we ordinary aggressors, going ahead and taking little account of others. The result of more than 70 points is not a reason for rejoicing. Although you belong to those who do not let the ropes twist out of themselves, you are often aggressive and unceremonious with subordinates and others. The one who knows how to work well with his elbows does not always succeed. Success can be nullified if those around you are only an object for manipulation and influence, and you are not used to taking into account the interests of your people and reckoning with them. If we recall the "management grid" of R. Blake and D. Mouton, then the result of more than 70 points most corresponds to position 9.1. If you counted 50-70 points, then there is nothing to fear for yourself, you will not be lost in life. You normal level assertiveness. With this level, you may well succeed in managerial activities.

30-50 points indicate that when it comes to something important, you lack self-confidence and determination (which can be corrected, because folk wisdom says: "Live and learn"). The degree of one's assertiveness can be more clearly visualized by looking at the scale (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Scale of assertiveness

The previous test helped us figure out where we fit on the assertiveness scale. A deeper analysis of our ability to be assertive can be done by analyzing the results of a special Levinson test, which is used in the USA in all psycho-trainings for gaining assertiveness.

Assertiveness is the ability of a person to defend his rights with dignity and confidence, while not depending on external assessments, influences and not violating the rights of others. This ability is manifested in independence in regulating one's own behavior.

The usual model of human behavior comes down to two extremes: aggression or passivity. The first case is marked by a veiled or explicit desire to dominate and manipulate others, subordinating to one's own interests. The second case is characterized by the fact that a person voluntarily assumes the role of a victim and he is led by uncertainty, fear of upcoming changes or, on the contrary, fear of losing what he has acquired.

Assertive behavior is guided by the principle: we are partners and no one owes anything to anyone.

Assertiveness consists in self-affirmation without false modesty, as well as bragging. A person confidently defends his interests, taking into account the point of view of other people.

Assertiveness in psychology

Assertive behavior in psychology is understood as open, direct behavior that does not have the intent to harm other people. There are special development programs of socio-psychological training, the purpose of which is the strengthening and development of assertiveness. Some programs are behaviorally oriented, others are oriented to humanistic psychology, but all of them are aimed at the principle of developing in a person the ability to be firm, friendly and honest.

Assertiveness in psychology is, first of all, taking responsibility for one's behavior. First of all, we are talking about the fact that a person is responsible for personal behavior and does not have the right to blame people for their reaction.

The term assertiveness is borrowed from in English and means insisting on one's own or defending one's rights. It is rarely used in colloquial speech, but in psychology it is noted quite often. Assertiveness in psychology is understood as a personality trait that is characterized by autonomy, as well as independence from assessments, external influences and the ability to regulate one's own behavior. It is possible to admit in the understanding of assertiveness such a concept as self-sufficiency.

The concept of assertiveness appeared in the late 50s of the last century in the works of the American psychologist A. Salter, who combined the key provisions of humanistic psychology. Salter's theory includes a constructive, optimal way of interpersonal interaction, as opposed to destructive ways - aggression and manipulation. Traditional mechanisms of socialization involuntarily form the vulnerability of a person, faced with all sorts of manipulations from other people. A person is influenced by external influences, and others often abuse this, manipulating for their own purposes. Experiencing unacceptable demands, a person is not able to contradict them, therefore, he obeys, as opposed to his attitudes and desires. Often, he does not express his own demands, as well as claims, constantly comparing his actions, motives with other people's assessments, embarrassed by his feelings and afraid to show his true face. Trying to overcome this situation, a person involuntarily masters manipulative techniques, responding with aggression to aggression or even to fair criticism. This tactic has a temporary, illusory effect, impoverishing a person in interpersonal relationships as well as in terms of mental comfort. The formation of assertive behavior requires a person to reconsider the extent to which his personal behavior expresses his own inclinations, as well as motives, and to what extent these are attitudes imposed by someone. It is necessary to realize when and by whom the script was prescribed for your life, if it does not suit you, then it must be corrected. It often happens that a person falls into the power of attitudes that are alien to him and suffers from this. In this case, it is necessary to assign only the main role to yourself, which means, in fact, to rewrite the life scenario, acting as the director of the entire production. The key points of assertiveness training include replacing bad attitudes with new ones.

Assertiveness training

Manuel Smith has developed a self-assertive model of assertive behavior that includes the following principles and rights:

- I can evaluate thoughts, my own behavior, emotions and therefore, independently be responsible for the consequences;

- I have the right not to explain personal behavior and not to apologize;

- I have the right to think about solving the problem on my own;

- I have the right to change my mind;

- I have the right not to know something;

- I have the right to be responsible for errors;

- I have the right to speak out about what I'm not interested in;

- I have the right to exist regardless of the benevolence of people, as well as their favorable attitude towards me;

- I have the right to make illogical decisions;

- I have the right to say that I do not understand someone.

Assertive negotiation is about demonstrating respect and self-respect for other people, and reaching a working compromise that includes a way out that suits both parties.

Assertiveness includes effective communication, which is noted in three main qualities - openness, honesty and directness in conversation. These principles are observed not due to the emotional state of the interlocutor. First of all, it is about the ability to say what you feel and think about the issue under discussion, however, without upsetting, which is important, the communication partner and demonstrating confidence, as well as a positive attitude. Self-confidence is marked by the following parameters: self-esteem, as well as classifying oneself as a professional who owns their craft.

Assertiveness in communication is the ability to understand and listen carefully. A person seeks to understand the position and point of view of the interlocutor. Often we consider ourselves good listeners, but the question arises: why, when listening, do we move from facts to assumptions, often interrupting and wanting to quickly state our point of view?

Assertiveness in business communication is a very important ability, which includes the following principles and rights: to express feelings, opinions and beliefs; say "no" or "yes"; change your mind; be yourself, while not adjusting to the opinions of others; say "I don't understand"; do not take responsibility for someone else; ask for something; expect to be treated seriously; make mistakes; set your own priorities, making decisions be illogical; say "I don't care". The antonym of the assertive state is manipulativeness, which is understood as beliefs that develop a passive model of behavior.

Assertiveness, being a social quality of a person, manifests itself in cooperation, as well as an orientation towards compromise. Other psychologists give such an explanation of the state as the promotion of one's will and the ability to insist on one's own, as well as to convince. The development of this ability requires learning spontaneous reactions, in which a person does what he wants and does not infringe on himself in anything. Self-management is aimed at improving life. If you live in harmony, then you control many things around you, including people. Going with the flow, people themselves allow themselves to be manipulated, allowing them to decide everything for themselves. What happens in life: often we solve other people's problems, punish for mistakes. What it threatens: you put a person on your neck, and then he falls into a state of. Punishing for mistakes - we punish for the experience gained. By solving other people's problems, we make a person helpless.

Assertive skills are developed in this way. It is necessary to imagine yourself in a free company, where no one owes or owes anything to anyone. Free people do only what they decide and want, and that's the only reason they arouse each other's interest. Just imagine how much richer and more charming you will become when you do what you want.

Assertiveness Test

Processing includes counting the number of positive responses:

A - 1, 6, 7, 11, 13, 18, 20, 23.

B - 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 17, 19, 22.

B - 3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 16, 21, 24.


A high score in A indicates the presentation of assertiveness, but not the use of it in life. Often you experience dissatisfaction with others and with yourself.

A high score in B indicates that you are moving correctly and are able to master assertiveness. Occasionally, your attempts at action turn into aggressiveness.

A high score in B indicates a good chance of mastering assertiveness. You have built an opinion about yourself, as well as your behavior, you began to evaluate yourself realistically.

The lowest indicator in A indicates that the chances that life gives are not used. It is necessary to learn to live harmoniously and with oneself in harmony.

The lowest score in B indicates that assertiveness can be learned.

The lowest value in B indicates the existence of a problem. You greatly overestimate yourself and therefore behave not quite sincerely, presenting yourself in the best light.

Instruction: you need to put "+" for each positive answer, or "-" for each negative answer.

Questionnaire text

1. I am very annoyed by people's mistakes.

2. I can easily remind a friend of a debt.

3. I tell lies from time to time.

4. I am always able to take care of myself.

5. I had to ride like a hare.

6. Competition is better than cooperation.

7. I often wear myself out over small things.

8. I am a rather determined and independent person.

9. I love all my friends.

10. I believe in myself when a problem arises.

11. Being on the alert, you can always protect your interests.

12. Indecent jokes do not make me laugh.

14. I will not let anyone twist ropes out of me. I will immediately protest.

15. I always support every good undertaking.

16. I never lie.

17. I am a very practical person.

18. I am always depressed by the fact that theoretically I can fail.

19. I agree with the judgment: "First of all, look for a helping hand at your own shoulder."

20. Friends have a significant influence on me.

21. I am always right, even if others think otherwise.

22. I agree with the saying: “It is not victory that is important, but participation.”

23. Before doing anything, I will think about how others will perceive it.

24. I never envy anyone.

Assertiveness is a type of behavior that is characterized by self-confidence, perseverance and assertiveness. Aggression and passivity are two poles that we have inherited from a multimillion-dollar existence. Instinct said - "attack or flee." But today the third type of behavior comes to the fore - assertiveness. This type of behavior is distinguished by clarity, directness, genuine sincerity and contains frank statements about what you want; while there is no hostility and self-defense.
This test is designed to assess your ability not to act to the detriment of anyone, respecting the rights of other people, but at the same time not allowing you to “twist ropes out of yourself”

Instruction: Put "+" for each positive answer, or "-" for each negative answer in the following positions:

1. I get annoyed by other people's mistakes.
2. I can remind a friend of a debt.
3. I tell lies from time to time.
4. I am able to take care of myself.
5. I happened to ride like a hare.
6. Rivalry is better than cooperation.
7. I often torture myself over trifles.
8. I am an independent and quite decisive person.
9. I love everyone I know.
10. I believe in myself. I have enough strength to cope with the current problems.
11. Nothing can be done, a person must always be on the alert in order to be able to protect his interests.
12. I never laugh at dirty jokes.
13. I recognize authorities and respect them.
14. I never let myself be roped. I protest.
15. I support every good undertaking.
16. I never lie. Not really
17. I am a practical person.
18. The only thing that depresses me is the fact that I can fail.
19. I agree with the saying: "First of all, look for a helping hand at your own shoulder." Not really
20. Friends have a great influence on me.
21. I am always right, even if others think otherwise.
22. I agree that the important thing is not to win, but to participate.
23. Before doing anything, I will think carefully about how others will perceive it.
24. I never envy anyone.

Results processing

Position A - 1, 6, 7, 11, 13, 18, 20, 23.

Position B - 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 17, 19, 22.

Position C - 3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 16, 21, 24.

The highest score is achieved in position A: You have an idea of ​​assertiveness, but do not use it much in life. You often experience dissatisfaction with yourself and others.

The highest score is achieved in position B: You are on the right track and can master assertiveness very well. In principle, you are now able to act in the right direction. At times, your attempts to act assertively result in aggressiveness. But it is not important. What student has not stuffed himself with cones.

The highest score was achieved in position C: Despite the results of the previous two counts, you have a very good chance of mastering assertiveness. In short, you have formed an opinion about yourself and your behavior, you evaluate yourself realistically, and this is a good basis for acquiring any skill necessary for dealing with others.

The lowest score is achieved in position A: It is not a tragedy that you fail to use the many chances that life gives. It is important to learn to live in harmony with yourself and know what to do.

The lowest score was achieved in position B: Assertiveness can be learned. As S. Lek said: “Training is everything, even cauliflower is just well-trained white cabbage.”

The lowest score was achieved in position C: This is already a problem. You overestimate yourself and behave not quite sincerely. It's not even so much about self-deception, but about the fact that you see yourself in the best light ... It would be nice to reflect on yourself.

Read the following statements and answer: "Completely true" or "Completely wrong."

1. It is very difficult for me to reject the offers of a nice person.

2. I take criticism calmly.

3. If a person is disingenuous, I point it out to him.

4. Work is not a place to express your feelings.

5. At work, people get what they deserve, so you should not look for any privileges.

6. Business is not a place for etiquette.

7. If a person is really in a hurry, I give him a place in the queue.

8. My weakness is that I am too decent a person.

9. If the restaurant cheats me even for a small amount, I demand a recalculation.

10. It happened that I laughed out loud in the presence of strangers.

11.Some people say that I am quite talkative.

12. If the furniture ordered in the store was delivered to me, I see a scratch on something, I demand that this thing be replaced.

13. I am afraid to appear angry in the circle of my colleagues.

14. People often say that I am very secretive and emotionally reserved.

15. Glorious men and women are in the back of business.

16. I scrupulously, to every detail, defend my rights.

17. If the purchased clothes are uncomfortable for me, I return them to the store without hesitation.

18. If I had problems communicating with someone, then I try to bypass these people.

19. I always insist that everyone who works, rests or shares a room honestly does their share of the work of maintaining order.

20. It is difficult for me to look into the eyes of a person with whom I disagree.

22. If the people sitting behind me in the cinema disturb me with their conversations, I ask them to be silent.

23. I am able to refuse meeting people who are unpleasant to me.

24. It is unpleasant for me to express my opinion about another person.

25. Sometimes I spoke harshly and even abusively about other people.

26. I speak reluctantly at meetings.

27. It is difficult for me to ask friends for a favor.

28. If it is unpleasant for me to be with a person who smokes, I tell him about it.

29. In a conversation, some people find it difficult to formulate their thoughts in words. I often help them.

30. It is easy for me to admit my love and affection for another person.

Key to the test

It is necessary to put 1 point for the answers that matched the attached key.

Quite right Completely wrong Quite right Completely wrong Quite right Completely wrong

If you have typed 10 points or less , then you do not have assertiveness.

Grade 11-24 points indicates that you have this property;

estimate in 25 points and above indicates the prevalence of aggressive tendencies in you.

assertive behavior- self-affirming, assertive with upholding one's rights. This behavior does not involve winning at any cost, but manifests itself in self-respect and respect for other people. The art of self-affirmation involves the ability to modify one's behavior without changing the personality, it stimulates positive communication.

Annex 1. Programs of psychological disciplines studied

students of non-psychological specialties

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