Reaction rate test. Clock drawing test Test to stop the clock hand at 12

People on the Internet are looking foraccurate psychological tests to better understand yourself, to determine your abilities and capabilities. We bring to your attention a simple, but informative and fascinating test for determining memory impairment "Drawing a Clock"(the Clock Drawing Test, CDT).

Memory is the ability of the human brain to perceive, capture, store and, finally, reproduce information.

For testing, you will need a blank sheet of white paper, a pencil or pen. The task is as follows: draw a round dial with numbers and indicate the given time with arrows: fifteen minutes to two. It takes 10-15 minutes to complete. An important advantage of the test is its brevity. This screening can be done on your own.

The patient independently, without prompts and peeping (from memory) must draw a dial in the form of a circle, correctly position all the numbers and arrows indicating the exact time. Usually this test is not difficult. But in the presence of cognitive impairment, memory problems, the patient makes inaccuracies and errors.

With age, a person's memory begins to gradually degrade, which is quite normal for the aging process. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease.

test result"Drawing a Clock"

10 points- the norm, a circle is drawn, the numbers are in the right places, the arrows show the specified time.

9 points- minor inaccuracies in the location of the arrows.

8 points- noticeable errors in the location of the hands (one of the hands deviates more than an hour).

7 points- both hands show the wrong time.

6 points- the hands do not show the time (for example, the time is circled).

5 points- incorrect arrangement of numbers (follow in the reverse order or the distance between them is different).

4 points- there is no clock integrity, some of the numbers are missing or located outside the circle.

3 points- the dial and numbers are not related.

2 points- the test-taker tries to complete the task, but to no avail.

1 point- the patient does not complete the task.

If the result is less than 9 points, this indicates the presence of severe memory impairment. In such cases, you should seek help from a specialist.

Memory is a complex system based on numerous processes in brain activity. Memory disorder is a serious problem for a person. When identifying problems with memory, it is initially recommended to be diagnosed by a neurologist.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

One of the simplest tests for determining memory impairment is the Clock Drawing test. It does not require bulky tables, takes little time and is quite informative. Each person can conduct it independently for himself or for his relative.

To conduct the test, you will need a blank sheet of unlined paper and a pencil. The patient is told: "Please draw a round clock with numbers on the dial. The hands show the time, fifteen minutes to two."

The patient independently, without prompting, from memory must draw a dial in the form of a circle, correctly position all the numbers and arrows indicating the time. Usually this test is not difficult. But in the presence of cognitive impairment, memory problems, the patient makes inaccuracies and errors.

The test result is evaluated on a 10-point scale:

  • 10 points - the norm, a circle is drawn, the numbers are in the right places, the arrows show the specified time;
  • 9 points - minor inaccuracies in the location of the arrows;
  • 8 points - errors in the position of the hands are more noticeable (one of the hands deviates more than an hour);
  • 7 points - both hands show the wrong time;
  • 6 points - the hands do not show the time (time is circled);
  • 5 points - incorrect arrangement of numbers on the dial (the numbers follow in reverse order, that is, counterclockwise, or the distance between them is not the same);
  • 4 points - the integrity of the watch is lost, some of the numbers are missing or located outside the circle;
  • 3 points - the dial and the numbers are no longer related to each other;
  • 2 points - the patient makes attempts to complete the task, but to no avail;
  • 1 point - the patient makes no attempt to follow the doctor's instructions.

If the result is less than 9 points, we should talk about the presence of severe memory impairment.

In order to distinguish between different types of dementia, to make a differential diagnosis, the patient can simplify the task. They ask to finish the arrows on the already drawn dial with numbers.

If the patient draws arrows correctly, then they suggest the presence of dementia of the frontal type or with a predominant lesion of subcortical structures. In Alzheimer's disease, both the independent drawing of the watch and the location of the hands on the finished dial are violated.

Test for attentiveness, ingenuity, ingenuity


1. Number of digits on the dial:

a) 12 b) 24 c) 9

2. The number of small divisions on the dial:

a) 30b) 60c) 90

3. Price of a small division in seconds:

a) 1 b) 5 c) 12

4. Price of a small division in minutes:

a) 5 b) 1 c) 12

5. What mathematical action do we perform by determining the number of minutes on the clock:

a) multiplication and division;

b) addition and subtraction;

c) multiplication and addition;

6. What numbers on the clock determine parts of the world:

a) 1; 4; 5; 11 b) 2; 5; 9; 12 c) 12; 6; 3; 9

7. The hour hand has passed one small division, how many minutes have passed?

a) 5 b) 10 c) 12

8. Which number indicates north?

a) 5 b) 9 c) 12

9. Which number indicates south?

a) 4 b) 6 c) 9

10. Which number indicates east?

a) 9 b) 3 c) 6

11. Which number indicates west?

a) 12 b) 6 c) 9

12. Some clocks are fast, others are 10 seconds behind. On what digits at the moment of the exact time signal were the second hands?

a) 2 and 10b) 10 and 2c) 11 and 3

13. Vanya ran 100 meters in 15 seconds, and Olya ran 10 km in 45 minutes. What parts of the world did Vanya's and Olya's second and minute hands look at, respectively?

a) north and south b) west and east c) east and west

14. The expression "noon" means:

15. The expression "midnight" means:

a) 6 b) 12 c) 24 hours

16. To determine the afternoon time, you need to add to the hour hand indication:

a) 6 hours b) 12 hours c) 24 hours

17. When checking the exact time of the hurrying and lagging hours, the second hands were on the numbers 7 and 5, respectively. By how many seconds does one clock advance and the other clock lag?

a) 25 and 35s b) 35 and 35s c) 7 and 5s

18. At what point do all the hands on the clock "merge" with each other?

a) morning and evening b) noon c) midnight and noon

19. A full turn of the second hand is:

a) 30sec b) 60min c) 60sec

20. A complete revolution of the minute hand is:

a) 60 sec. b) 60 min. c) 300 sec.

21. A complete revolution of the minute hand is:

a) 1 hour b) 12 hours c) 24 hours

22. A full turn of the hour hand is:

a) 3 hours b) 6 hours c) 12 hours

23. Three full turns of the hour hand is:

a) 3 hours b) 36 hours c) 3600 sec.

24. In one minute:

a) 30 seconds b) 60 seconds c) 360 seconds

25. In one hour:

a) 60 min. b) 600 min. c) 360 sec.

26. In one hour:

a) 360 sec. b) 3600 sec. c) 36000 sec.

27. 10 seconds have passed since the countdown. At what angle did the second hand turn?

28. The second, minute and hour hands have made a complete revolution. How many degrees did they turn?

a) 180 b) 360 c) 600

29. Since the countdown, the second, minute and hour hands have passed respectively: 5 seconds, 5 minutes, 1 hour. What angle did they turn?

a) 30 degrees b) 60 degrees c) 90 degrees

30. Second, minute, hour hands passed respectively: 1 sec, 1min, 12 min. What angle did they turn?

a) 6 degrees b) 15 degrees c) 30 degrees

31. Angular values ​​are measured:

a) in degrees, minutes, seconds;

b) in kilograms, meters, liters;

c) in amperes, in volts, in watts;

32. One degree:

a) 60 sec. b) 60 min. c) 90 min.

33. In one arc minute:

a) 60 seconds b) 60 degrees c) 360 seconds

34. In one angular degree:

a) 360 sec. b) 3600 sec. c) 36000 sec.

35. By how many arc seconds will all three hands on the clock turn, making one complete revolution?

a) 129600 sec. b) 12600 sec. c) 1296000 sec.

36. Since the countdown, the minute hand has turned 30 degrees. How much time has passed?

a) 5 min. b) 10 min. c) 15 min.

37. The minute and second hands have passed one minute and one second, respectively. How many degrees did they turn?

a) 3 degrees b) 6 degrees c) 18 degrees

38. How many numbers are on the watch dial?

a) 12 b) 9 c) 6

39. How many hands are on the clock?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

40. What are the hands on the clock called?

a) day and night;

b) annual and daily;

c) seconds, minutes and hours;

41. The hands on the clock go:

a) at different speeds b) at the same speed c) imperceptibly

42. How many divisions between adjacent numbers on the clock?

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6

43. What is the price of one small division on the clock?

a) 1 min. - 1 hour;

b) 1 second - 1 hour;

c) 1 second - 1 minute;

44. How many small divisions are there on a watch dial?

a) 24 b) 40 c) 60

45. The number 12 is located on the watch dial:

a) top b) bottom c) left d) right

46. ​​The expression: "the sun is at its zenith" means:

a) time 12.00 b) time 24.00 c) time 00.01

47. What mathematical action do we perform in the mind, if determine the time after noon?

a) addition b) multiplication c) subtraction d) division

48. When does the clock run accurately?

a) at the moment of sounding the 6th signal on the radio, the second and minute hands coincided with the number 12;

b) the second and minute hands were up to the number 12;

c) the minute hand was on the number 12, and the second hand was on one of the small divisions up to the number 1;

49. Some watches are “hurried”, others are “lag behind” by an equal number of seconds. In this case, the second hands will be:

a) on different numbers;

b) on the same numbers;

c) on the number 12;

50. How many hours are there in a day?

a) 12 b) 24 c) 48

51. How many minutes are there in a day?

a) 1540 b) 1440 c) 1240

52. How many seconds are there in a day?

a) 8640 b) 86400 c) 864000

53. If the dial is divided in half by horizontal and vertical lines, how many "quarters" will there be?

a) 2 b) 4 c) 8

54. If the hour, minute and second hands before noon simultaneously look respectively to the west, north and east, then what time do they show?

a) 12 hours, 0 minutes, 15 seconds;

b) 9 hours, 12 minutes, 15 seconds;

c) 09 hours, 00 minutes, 15 seconds;

55. In the afternoon, the hour, minute, and second hands simultaneously look south, north, and east, respectively. What time do they show?

a) 06 hours, 00 minutes, 15 seconds;

b) 18 hours, 12 minutes, 15 seconds;

c) 18 hours, 00 minutes; 15 seconds;

56. The hour hand has made one complete revolution. How much will it be in a day?

a) half a day b) one day c) a quarter of a day

57. The hour hand has made a quarter turn. How much will it be in hours, minutes and seconds respectively?

a) 3; 180; 1080; b) 3; 180; 10800 c) 6; 180; 10800

58. The minute hand has made half a turn. How much will it be in hours, minutes and seconds respectively?

a) 0.5 hours; 1800; 30 b) 5; thirty; 1800 c) 0.5; thirty; 1800

59. The second hand has made three quarters of a turn. How much will it be in angular degrees, hours, minutes and seconds, respectively?

a) 270; 0.00125; 0.75; 4.5;

b) 270; 0.0125; 0.75; 45;

c) 270; 0.0125; 7.5; 45;

60. 36 seconds have passed since the countdown. How much will it be in hours?

a) 0.01 b) 0.1 c) 0.001

61. 12 minutes have passed since the countdown. How much will it be in hours?

a) 0.2 b) 1/5 c) 0.02

62. 10 seconds have passed since the countdown. At what angle did the minute hand turn?

a) 1 degree b) 2 degrees c) 0.1 degree

63. At what angle will the hour hand turn in one second?

a) 30’’ b) 30’ c) 33’’

64. How long will it take to turn the clock hand 1 ''?

a) 0.0333333 sec. b) 0.333333sec. c) 0.00333333sec.

65. The minute hand has made one complete revolution. How much will it be in hours, minutes, seconds?

a) 1; 60; 36000 b) 3600; 60; 1 c) 1; 60; 3600

66. By what formula can you determine the length of the circle along which the arrows run?

a) 2PRb) 2PD c) PR

67. One revolution of any hand on the clock is:

a) 90 degrees b) 180 degrees c) 360 degrees

68. A quarter turn of any hand on a clock is:

a) 60 degrees b) 90 degrees c) 30 degrees

69. Half the turn of any hand on the clock is:

a) 90 degrees b) 180 degrees c) 270 degrees

70. One sixth of any hand on a clock is

a) 30 degrees b) 45 degrees c) 60 degrees

71. The angle at which all three hands on the clock turn to the next digit is:

a) 30 degrees b) 60 degrees c) 90 degrees

72. The angle between small divisions, by which all the hands on the clock turn, is equal to:

a) 2 degrees b) 4 degrees c) 6 degrees

73. The numbers on the watch dial, divisible by "3", look at:

a) the horizon b) parts of the world of the Earth c) on the Sun

74. The hands on the clock "run":

a) behind the tram b) behind the sun c) shop

75. The hands on the clock "run" along:

a) an ellipse b) a square c) a circle

76. Fastest of all "runs":

a) second hand

b) minute hand;

c) hour hand;

77. Knowing the length of all the hands on the clock, you can determine:

a) the mass of the watch;

b) the size of the watch;

c) the length of the circle along which “arrows run;

78. What number can be used to determine the length of the circle along which the hands on the clock “run”?

a) 3.14 b) 3.014 c) 31.4

79. What is the name of this number ?

a) lambda b) phi c) pi

80. In the alphabet, which country is this letter (number):

a) Italy b) Ancient Greece c) Egypt;

81. For divulging the very fact of the existence of this number in the ancient world for this:

a) quartered b) beheaded c) put in jail

82. Is it possible to calculate using this number the average speed of the Earth, along the orbit of which it "runs" around the Sun?

a) yes b) no c) don't know

83. If possible, what formula would you use to do this?

a) 6.28/365 * 15/24 * 1000000/3600;

b) 6.28/365 * 15/24 * 10000000/3600;

c) 6.28/365 * 15/24 * 10000000/360;

84. To convert seconds to minutes, you need:

a) number of seconds/60 b) number of seconds/30 c) number of seconds/90

85. To convert minutes to seconds, you need:

a) number of minutes * 30 b) number of minutes * 60 c) number of minutes * 90

86. To convert hours to seconds, you need:

a) number of hours * 60 b) number of hours * 3600 c) number of hours * 360

87. To convert seconds to hours, you need:

a) number of seconds/3600 b) number of seconds/360 c) number of seconds/60

88. To determine the angle of rotation of the second (minute) hand in degrees, you need:

a) number of seconds (minutes) * 6;

b) number of sec. (min) *60;

c) number of sec. (min) * 600;

89. To determine the angle of rotation of the hour hand in seconds in one second, you need:

a) 108000”: 3600 b) 108000”: 360 c) 108000”: 600

90. To determine the angle of rotation of the hour hand in minutes in one minute, you need:

a) 1800': 60 b) 1800': 600 c) 1800': 360

» Psychodiagnostic test

© Dmitry Petukhov

Psychodiagnostic test "Circle"
(self-management style)

Any specialist has to work both in a team and perform work individually outside the team. In any case, a person has to perform this or that action on his own. Sometimes a lot depends on certain actions of a particular person. Any person carries not only the baggage of his own knowledge, experience and skills, but he is also influenced by social factors (environment, public opinion, social stereotypes and attitudes). Therefore, for the psychology of labor and for the practice of management, such personality parameters as the style of self-management in the process of activity are important. For the psychology of labor, the study of these processes is of interest because it will allow in the future to develop theoretical systems of views on the processes of mutual control between people in social systems. For management (a system of knowledge about management) will allow solving practical problems of optimizing management processes.

The research program "CIRCLE" (self-management style) was developed to optimize the process of psychodiagnostics and may be of interest to HR departments of companies for which the need for testing is urgent, but there is no way to devote much time to it. This diagnostic program was created on the basis of the idea that the physiology of the nervous system is closely related to the human psyche. The tasks implement the feedback principle, i.e. when the subject receives a "response" to his psychophysiological reaction. The test will help where it is necessary to evaluate personnel quickly and efficiently, preferably with a minimum of subjectivity. The program is simple and easy to use. The testing itself lasts no more than 20 minutes, various situations are simulated, the results are reliable. At the same time, the subjects perceive this test as a game, which also has a good effect on their psychological state during testing.

Theoretical background:

Psychologist and one of the largest scientists of domestic science E.A. Klimov described the process of self-management within the framework of the theory of general activity. It consists of the following steps (components):

  • Analysis of contradictions
  • Forecasting
  • Goal setting
  • Planning
  • Evaluation criterion
  • Making decisions
  • self control
  • Correction

Under the self-government of E.A. Klimov meant - the creation of a new one, caused by the need to adopt new goals, decisions and plans.

Later, a test methodology for diagnosing self-management styles was developed and implemented. The technique allows diagnosing and obtaining quantitative results, referring the subjects to one of the types of self-government. The following types of self-management are described: Unmanaged, Managed and Self-managed. Each type has its own description and characteristics.


  • According to the theory of types of self-government, subjects in different situations should behave in a completely different way from each other.
  • In the most difficult situations, the subjects, who can be characterized as an "unmanaged" style of self-management, are characterized by a greater instability of reactions and a more significant scatter of data.
  • When included, feedback should positively affect the results of the subjects.
  • For subjects defined as "Self-Managed" using feedback, the results will be consistently high throughout all tasks.


I have developed a technique, a computer program "CIRCLE", which allows you to simulate some situations (see description 1) and record the results of the reaction of the nervous system of the subject.

Additionally, for the study, testing should be carried out on such tests as: MMPI and the Self-Management Style test. The data of the "CIRCLE" methodology and tests must be processed and calculations made for correlation, as well as factor analysis of the data.

Practical value:

The results and assessments of this study will help to form ideas about how the researcher, having one or another style of self-management, is able to react in some situations. In practice, this can be expressed as assistance in the development of recommendations for specific specialists, what measures should be taken to improve and more efficient style of activity in practical work.

The program consists of ten (10) tasks in each task for ten (10) attempts. The tasks imitate the conditions in which the nervous system of each person reacts in accordance with its type and peculiarity. The data is stored in a table and displayed on a graph. You are required to analyze the results for each subject and compare the data with his professional activities. So, the results of the first task, in my opinion, can correlate well with Hunt's perceptual test. As we remember, the perceptual test allows you to determine the nervous system of the subject, the stability of nervous processes, the strength of the nervous system, and also helps to “model” theoretically extrapolate the dynamics of changes (the number of points in the perceptual test) the reaction time in this test to the dynamics of changes in nervous activity in the process of professional the activity of the subject. Simply put, seeing the graph of changes in the reactions of the subject, we can with a high degree of probability assume how the reaction rate of the nervous system of the subject changes in the course of his activity. If the subject from attempt to attempt increases the accuracy of the reaction and the reaction time approaches zero. On the graph, this is expressed when the task lines approach the zero line. Therefore, we can assume that this subject gradually “swings” and reaches the peak of his activity in the second half of work, in the second half of the working day.

Analyzing the rest of the tasks in this way, one can assume how the subject will react in certain situations, because this is how his nervous system will react. Diagnostic data, in my opinion, is also useful in the process of team building, when it is necessary to form a group to complete the project. After all, someone starts early, but finishes working effectively before the rest of the participants, while the other, on the contrary, “swings” late, but is able to work longer than the others while maintaining a good pace, and the third one generally works quite smoothly during the work process and various situations do not have a significant impact on its performance. Given the model of situations, we can assume how the subject will lead in a given situation.

To make it clearer what conditions imitate tasks, we will give their description:

  1. Task number 1. In this task, we diagnose the speed and accuracy of the reaction of the nervous system of the subject under normal conditions. The results of this task can be compared with the results of the perceptual "Hunt test" and thereby determine the type of the nervous system of the subject.
  2. Task number 2. In this task, the finish point will move clockwise, thus the subject must stop the “running point” further than he expected. In this task, a condition was created under which the subject needs an effort to “bring the“ running point ”to the finish line, and therefore an additional resource is needed to make an attempt. Thus, the task helps to determine the resource of the subject's nervous system.
  3. Task number 3. In this task, pictures of different content and character appear for exactly 2 seconds. This is quite enough for the perception of the nervous system, so in this task we can see how the subject's nervous system reacts to various visual stimuli. The pictures themselves can be changed (jpg format and the picture by number must match the number of the attempt)
  4. Building number 4. In this task, both the finish point and several neighboring points disappear during attempts. This task allows you to simulate the situation of "lack of clear data and coordinates", a situation in which you need to rely only on yourself.
  5. Task number 5. In this task, the speed of the “running point” is constantly changing; it either speeds up the movement, or slows it down. The subject is offered a situation in which the course of the process of movement of the “running point” is constantly changing, therefore it is necessary to monitor both the finish point and the point that moves at different speeds, the subject has to adjust to the speed of the running point.
  6. Task number 6. In this task, a situation is created for the subject in which it is necessary: ​​firstly, to respond in time to the start of the finish point; secondly, press the additional “Shift” button to speed up the movement of the “running point” and thereby catch up with the finish point and, thirdly, press the “Enter” button in time to stop to fix the result. The subject needs not only the resource of the nervous system, but also the speed of reaction, and here elements of planning of human activity are also included.
  7. Task number 7. This task imitates the previous one, but in this task the reaction time is limited, so the subject will have to anticipate events, predict and plan his reactions. In my opinion, this task allows you to understand how the subject is capable of self-government (according to the theory of general activity of Klimov)
  8. Task number 8. This task repeats task No. 5 with the difference that in this task we provide the subject with feedback, so the subjects can control and correct their reactions in the process of its implementation. And we can understand how the subject is able to take into account feedback, can correct and control his reactions. Comparison of tasks No. 5 and No. 8 will provide additional information for analysis.
  9. Task number 9. This task is similar to task No. 4 with the only difference that this task also has feedback. For the analysis, it is necessary to compare the results of these two tasks.
  10. Task number 10. It repeats task No. 2 and the difference lies in the fact that in this task the program informs the subject of the result of the attempt. Thus, we are interested not only in the resource of the subject's nervous system, but also in his ability to control and regulate his reactions.

Currently, the technique is under development and does not claim to be final and complete data, but rather is an addition to the diagnostic materials that already exist. Send all your comments, feedback and suggestions for improving the test to the address.

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"Following the arrow"

"Following the arrow"

Prepare everything you need

This exercise perfectly trains the ability for long-term concentration. For him, you will need any clock: wrist, desktop (alarm clock), wall. The main thing is that they have a dial and a second hand. A stopwatch will work too.

Beginning of the exercise. Be careful!

Follow the arrow, and as soon as it reaches the number 12, begin to follow it with your eyes. You can't blink: you have to follow every movement of the arrow. As soon as you lose sight of the arrow, blink and start the exercise again, with the number 12.

The main task is complete concentration

It is necessary to achieve full concentration on the movement of the second hand. You should get the feeling that the arrow is not moving on its own, but you are moving it with your eyes. Ideally, you need to learn to keep your attention on the arrow for a full minute.

Next level

Over time, you can make the exercise more difficult: put or place a clock right in front of a working TV, or use other powerful distractions. You have to focus so much that you can't see or hear anything around you.

Mentally read any poem that you know by heart;

Solve in your mind a simple math problem in a few steps, for example: 2 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8/2 - 7 =;

Sing your favorite song out loud;

Remember the plot of your favorite movie, the faces of the actors and mentally “play” the scenes that you remember.

This text is an introductory piece.
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