German language test a1. German language online. Study, lessons. What's the best way to test your German level?

The German language level test is the first tool to check your language level. Going through a text is a standard procedure when you sign up for courses or see a tutor. Some courses enroll students first and then conduct tests; in other schools, you can enroll only after preliminary testing.

What is the best way to test your German level?

There are several types of tests:

1. Multiple choice test. This test consists of a list of questions with three or four answer options. Sometimes there can be only one correct answer (Single-Choise), and sometimes several correct ones (Multiple-Choise). This test mainly tests grammar or vocabulary. The disadvantage of this test is that the questions most often consist of one or two sentences and are divorced from context.

2. Mixed test. There can be many different types of answers here. Some questions are given possible answers, for other questions you have to write the answer yourself (an open question), in another task you need to insert words, open brackets or sort something.
In order to determine the language level as accurately as possible, ideally the test should contain tasks not only on grammar and vocabulary, but also texts, essay writing and listening tasks.

3. Fill-in-the-blank test (C-Test). This type of testing is very popular in Germany to determine language level. Unlike a multiple-choice test, this test tests reading and comprehension skills. A text or several texts are given in which some words are only half written. The task is to complete the words. And in order to do this correctly, you need to understand the content of the text.

Of course, to find out your exact language level, you need not only to take the test, but also to have a live conversation with a teacher to check your speaking. Because sometimes speaking can be at a higher level than grammar or understanding the text. Therefore, one test can only indicate an approximate level of language.

Do you want to know your level of German? I suggest taking a fill-in-the-blank test (C-Test). The test consists of four short texts, takes on average 10 minutes and shows a level from zero to C1.

If you studied German at school or university, but claim that you don’t remember anything and can only read, or you attended German language courses at the first level of A1 and want to check what level you have reached, then this test is for you! The test is designed in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for European Language Proficiency. According to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference - a system of levels of proficiency in a foreign language), level A1 is the level of elementary proficiency, namely the level of survival. The level of survival means that a person understands and can use in speech the phrases and expressions necessary to perform basic communicative tasks, namely introducing himself and others, everyday conversations about family and food, accommodation. A person with level A1 can participate in simple conversations, ask for help and respond to it. The threshold for passing the test is 60% and this result indicates that you have a certain vocabulary, but there are gaps in vocabulary or grammar. A result of 70-80% indicates a good level of language proficiency within the survival stage. If you pass the test with 85% or higher, we suggest you pass level A2 (threshold level of elementary proficiency). This test includes tasks on such aspects of the language as vocabulary and grammar; tests the student's skills and abilities in reading and introductory reading, as well as writing in German. This test is designed for teenagers from 13 years of age, young adults and adults who want to test their knowledge, skills and abilities. In order for the results to be more objective, we kindly ask you not to use dictionaries, tips on the Internet or other aids when performing the test.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Präpositionen mit Richtungsangaben.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

In the German language there are quite a large number of expressions that use the names of various. It is useful to know such phraseological units to make your speech figurative and interesting. Try this test. Even if you fail to answer all the questions correctly, the test will help you get acquainted with new set expressions.

Friday, 16 Feb 2018

The German language has a lot of expressions related to body parts. Often these phraseological units are similar in meaning to Russian ones,

Wednesday, 24 Jan 2018

Friday, 19 Jan 2018

Thursday, 11 Jan 2018

Monday, 08 Jan 2018

Thursday, 02 Nov 2017

The third test, just like the first and second, is intended for anyone interested in German fairy tales.

Tuesday, 17 Oct 2017

The second test, just like the first, is intended for everyone who loves fairy tales and knows them.

The texts of ten more fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm were used:

Monday, 02 Oct 2017

If you want to test your knowledge of the German fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, then this is the test for you. It is intended for everyone who loves fairy tales and knows them.

Thursday, 07 Sep 2017

Prepositions in German are very widely used in all types of texts. The general principle of their functioning is the same as in the Russian language. Prepositions appear before a noun and serve to orient an object or concept relative to the circumstances of the events being described. Each preposition has its own sphere of meaning and requires a specific case for the noun after it: an der Grenze (on the border, the question “where?” dative case), in dieser Woche (this week, the question “when?” dative case), auf dem Tisch (on the table, the question “where?”, dative case) durch den Wald (through the forest - the question “where?”, accusative case).

Wednesday, 02 Aug 2017

Negation in German is expressed:

  • most often - the word nicht,
  • with a noun - the pronoun kein,
  • Other negative pronouns are also used to deny circumstances.

In a narrative, when a verb is negated, the word nicht usually stands:

Saturday, 01 July 2017

A little theory.

In German there is (hereinafter referred to as V/g). These include: haben, sein, werden. They are used to form complex temporary forms. Haben and sein are involved in the formation of the past tense, and werden is used for the future tense and is an obligatory element of all forms of the passive voice. V/g in an affirmative or interrogative sentence with the question word in usually takes 2nd place.

Wednesday, 07 Jun 2017

In German, as in Russian, verbs are used in active and passive forms. The passive form is formed only from transitive verbs.

In the active voice (Aktiv), the subject is the person or thing in question: I am cleaning the window. Ich wasche das Fenster.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Verbs are called transitive which require an addition in the accusative case without a preposition. This is a direct addition.

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