Biology test 9 molecular level. Biology test on the topic "Molecular level" (grade 9). "Molecular level of organization"

Test. Molecular level. Option 1. 9th grade.

A1. Which one chemical elements found in cells in the greatest quantity:
A2.Name the chemical element that is part of ATP, all protein monomers and nucleic acids.
1)N 2)P 3)S 4)Fe
A3.Indicate a chemical compound that is NOT a carbohydrate.
1) lactose 2) chitin 3) keratin 4) starch
A4.What is the name of the protein structure, which is a helix of a chain of amino acids, coiled in space into a ball?

A5. In animal cells, storage carbohydrate is:
A6. The main source of energy for newborn mammals is:
A7.What is an RNA monomer?
1) nitrogen base 2) nucleotide 3) ribose 4) uracil
A8. How many types of nitrogenous bases are included in the RNA molecule?
1)5 2)2 3)3 4)4
A9.Which DNA nitrogenous base is complementary to cytosine?
1) adenine 2) guanine 3) uracil 4) thymine
A10. Molecules are the universal biological energy accumulator.
1).proteins 2).lipids 3).DNA 4).ATP
A11. In a DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with guanine is 5% total number. How many nucleotides containing thymine are in this molecule?
1).40% 2).45% 3).90% 4).95%
A12.What is the role of ATP molecules in the cell?

1-provide a transport function 2-transmit hereditary information

3-provide vital processes with energy 4-accelerate biochemical


B1. What functions do carbohydrates perform in a cell?

    Catalytic 4) structural

    Energy 5) storage

    Motor 6) contractile

B2. What structural components are included in the nucleotides of a DNA molecule?

    Various acids


    Deoxyribose carbohydrate

    Nitric acid

    Phosphoric acid

B3. Establish a correspondence between the structure and function of organic matter and its type:


A. consist of residues of glycerol molecules and fatty acids 1. lipids

B. consist of residues of amino acid molecules 2. Proteins

B. Participate in thermoregulation

D. Protect the body from foreign substances

D. are formed due to peptide bonds.

E. They are the most energy-intensive.

C1. Solve the problem.

There are 1250 nucleotides in a DNA molecule with adenine (A), which is 20% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G) are contained individually in a DNA molecule. Explain your answer.

Total: 21 points

Evaluation criteria:

19 -21 points – “5”

13 – 18 points – “4”

9 – 12 points – “3”

1 – 8 points – “2”

Test. Molecular level. Option 2. 9th grade

A1. Four chemical elements account for 98% of the total contents of the cell. Indicate a chemical element that is NOT one of them.
1)O 2)P 3)C 4)N

A2. Children develop rickets with a deficiency of:
1.manganese and iron
2.calcium and phosphorus
3.copper and zinc
4.sulfur and nitrogen
A3.Name the disaccharide.
1) lactose 2) fructose 3) starch 4) glycogen
A4. What is the name of the protein structure, which is a spiral that is folded into a chain of amino acids?
1) primary 2) secondary 3) tertiary 4) quaternary
A5. In plant cells, reserve carbohydrate is:
A6. The greatest amount of energy is released during the decomposition of 1 gram:
A7.What is a DNA monomer?
1) nitrogen base 2) nucleotide 3) deoxyribose 4) uracil
A8. How many polynucleotide strands are included in one DNA molecule?
1)1 2)2 3)3 4)4
A9.Name a chemical compound that is found in RNA but not in DNA.
1) thymine 2) deoxymyribose 3) ribose 4) guanine
A10. Molecules are the source of cell energy
1).proteins 2).lipids 3).DNA 4).ATP

A11. In a DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with cytosine is 5% of the total number. How many nucleotides containing thymine are in this molecule?
1).40% 2).45% 3).90% 4).95%

A12.What compounds are included in ATP?

1-nitrogen base adenine, carbohydrate ribose, 3 molecules of phosphoric acid

2-nitrogen base guanine, sugar fructose, phosphoric acid residue.

3-ribose, glycerol and any amino acid

Part B (choose three correct answers from the six proposed)

B1. Lipids perform the following functions:

    Enzymatic 4) transport

    Energy 5) storage

    Hormonal 6) transmission of hereditary information

B2. What structural components make up the nucleotides of an RNA molecule?

    Nitrogen bases: A, U, G, C.

    Various acids

    Nitrogen bases: A, T, G, C.

    Ribose carbohydrate

    Nitric acid

    Phosphoric acid

B3. Establish a correspondence between the features and the molecules for which they are characteristic.


A) are highly soluble in water 1) monosaccharides

B) have a sweet taste 2) polysaccharides

C) no sweet taste

D) glucose, ribose, fructose

D) insoluble in water

E) starch, glycogen, chitin.

C1. There are 1100 nucleotides in a DNA molecule with cytosine (C), which is 20% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with thymine (T), guanine (G), adenine (A) are contained individually in a DNA molecule, explain the result obtained.

Part A – 1 point (maximum 12 points)

Part B – 2 points (maximum 6 points)

Part C – 3 points (maximum 3 points)

Total: 21 points

Evaluation criteria:

19 - 21 points – “5”

13 – 18 points – “4”

9 – 12 points – “3”

1 – 8 points – “2”

Municipal educational institution

Sortavala municipal district Republic of Karelia

Average secondary school № 3

Diagnostic work in biology “Molecular level”

9th grade


biology teacher of the highest category

Lappo Valentina Mikhailovna

Sortavala 2010

Molecular level

1 option

1. All living organisms:

a) have adaptations to environmental conditions

b) develop

c) are heterotrophs

d) capable of metabolism

2. Distinctive function of fats from carbohydrates:

a) construction

b) energy

c) storing

d) protective

3. Monomers of nucleic acids are:

a) amino acids

b) glucose

c) nucleotides

d) nitrogenous bases

4. DNA is different from RNA:

a) location in the cage

b) belonging to biopolymers

c) the remainder H 3 PO 4 , part of the nucleotide

d) the presence of Thymine in the nucleotide

5. Enzyme:

a) biocatalyst

b) participates in the process of synthesis and breakdown of substances

c) most active at t close to zero

d) has a protein base

6. Viruses are similar to non-living structures in that:

a) capable of reproducing

b) unable to grow

c) have heredity and variability

d) do not produce energy

7. The composition of complex proteins - glycoproteins includes:

a) fats

b) nucleic acids

c) carbohydrates

d) inorganic substances

8. Vitamins:

a) are not used in the cage as a building material

b) are used as a supply of nutrients

c) are biocatalysts

d) do not belong to biocatalysts

B. Determine the correct sequence.

9. Draw the nucleotide sequence of the second strand of DNA, indicating hydrogen bonds:


10. Match the types of nucleic acids and their characteristics.

Nucleic acids Characteristics

A) RNA 1. biopolymer

B) DNA 2. deoxyribose in the monomer

3. H 3 RO 4 as part of a monomer

4. monomers contain ribose

5. consists of monomers

6. contains uracil

7. Nucleotides contain nitrogenous bases

8. A nucleotide consists of three components

9. Contains Thymine

10.located in the cytoplasm and ribosomes

11.located in the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids

12. contains adenine

Diagnostic work in biology

Molecular level

Option 2

A. Select all correct answers.

1. All living organisms:

a) capable of metabolism

b) have the same structure

c) are an open system

d) are developing

2. Monomer versus polymer:

a) has a more complex structure

b) has a complex structure

c) consists of repeating units

d) is a link in a polymer chain

3. The same functions of fats and proteins:

a) protective

b) construction

c) storing

d) energy

4. Protein denaturation is irreversible if the structure is damaged:

a) primary

b) secondary

c) tertiary

d) quaternary

5. ATP differs from RNA nucleotides:

a) the presence of ribose

b) absence of uracil

c) the presence of three H residues 3 RO 4

d) the presence of adenine

6. Viruses are similar to living organisms in that:

a) unable to grow

b) capable of reproducing

c) form a crystalline form of existence

d) have heredity and variability

7. Nitrogen bases characteristic of DNA:

a) guanine

b) thymine

c) uracil

d) cytosine

8. Carbohydrates include:

a) ribose and lactose

b) glycogen and starch

c) glycerol and lipids

d) cellulose and chitin

B. Make a diagram.

9. Write down the missing DNA nucleotides, indicating hydrogen bonds:



10. Establish a correspondence between the structure of a protein molecule and its characteristics.

Structure of a protein molecule Characteristics

A) primary 1. characteristic of all proteins

B) secondary 2. globule

B) tertiary 3. polypeptide chain

D) quaternary 4. helix

5. arises as a result of connection

several proteins

6. formed by a strong peptide bond

7. held by numerous hydrogen bonds


8. destroyed by reversible denaturation


1 option

a)1,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,12; b)1,2,3,5,7,8,9,11,12

Option 2

a)1,3,6, b)1,4,7 c)1,2,7 d)5,7,8

Materials used

1. Biology. Introduction to general biology and ecology. Textbook for 9th grade. A.A.Kamensky, E.A.Kriksunov, V.V. Pasechnik M.: Bustard, 2007.

2. Frosin V.N., Sivoglazov V.I. We are preparing for the unified state exam: General biology. - M.: Bustard, 2004. - 216s;

3. Bolgova I.V. Collection of problems on General biology for those entering universities. M.: “Onyx 21st century” “Peace and Education”, 2005;

4. Biology. Educational and training materials for preparing students. "Intellect-Center" 2007

Option 1.

1 . The chemical elements carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen are called...

2. Differences between living and inanimate nature arise at ... level.

3. The composition of thyroid hormones includes the microelement....

4. The hemoglobin molecule contains ions....

5. Substances soluble in water are called....

6. With the complete oxidation of 1 g of lipids, ... energy is released.

7. The amino acids that make up proteins differ from each other….

8. The process of destruction of the primary structure of a protein is called....

9. Monomers of nucleic acids are….

10. Proteins that influence the rate of biochemical processes in the cell are called....

11. Structural polysaccharide of plants….

12. Reserve polysaccharide of animals and fungi….

13. The secondary structure of a protein is….

14. The proteins actin and myosin perform... function.

15. Polysaccharides, according to the characteristics of their monomers, belong to the group of... biopolymers.

16. The process of synthesizing a new DNA strand on a template is called....

17. Instead of thymine, RNA nucleotides contain a nitrogenous base....

18. A fragment of a DNA molecule encoding one polypeptide is called....

19. The molecule… has a secondary structure in the form of a cloverleaf.

20. Quantitative patterns of the content of nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule were established by....

Biology tests open type(tasks - additions) on the topic:

“Molecular level of life organization” 10th grade.

Instructions for performing tests:

- Read the sentences carefully.

-Pick up necessary words to those places where they are missed.

- Under the corresponding numbers in your notebook, write down only what is missing.

Option 2.

1. At the elemental level, the differences between living and inanimate nature….

2. Chlorophyll molecules contain metal ions....

3. The supporting structures of horsetails and diatoms contain compounds....

4. Due to the mobility of molecules, water can perform ... function.

5. In relation to water, lipids and lipoids belong to the group of... compounds.

6. With the complete oxidation of 1 g of carbohydrates, ... energy is released.

7. Sex hormones and adrenal hormones are synthesized in the body from...

8. High-molecular organic compounds, the molecules of which consist of a large number of residues of simple molecules, are called....

9. Protein monomers are….

10. The process of restoring the natural structure of a protein after reversible denaturation is called....

11. Structural polysaccharide of animals and fungi….

12. The main reserve polysaccharide of plants….

13. The primary structure of a protein is held together by... bonds.

14. The proteins collagen and elastin perform ... function.

15. Proteins and nucleic acids, according to the characteristics of their monomers, belong to the group of... biopolymers.

16. The process of doubling a DNA molecule is carried out by an enzyme....

17. Polynucleotide chains of DNA are located opposite each other according to the principle....

18. Adenine nucleotides of DNA and RNA are different….

19. All types of RNA are synthesized in….

20. Scientists ... and ... established the macromolecular structure of DNA, and also built a model of the DNA molecule.

Answers to open-type tests (tasks - additions) on the topic:

“Molecular level of life organization” 10th grade.

option 1

option 2

1. organogenic

2. molecular

3. iodine

4. iron.

5. hydrophilic

6. 38.9 kJ

7. radicals

8. destruction

9. nucleotides

10. enzymes

11. cellulose

12. glycogen

13. spiral

14. motor

15.regular (periodic)

16.replication (reduplication)

17. uracil

18. gene

19. tRNA

20. E. Chargaff

1. absent

2. magnesium

3. silicon

4. transport

5. hydrophobic

6. 17.2 kJ

7. cholesterol

8. biopolymers

9. amino acids

10. renaturation

11. chitin

12. starch

13. peptide

14. structural

15.irregular (heteropolymers)

16. DNA synthetase

(DNA polymerase)

17. complementarity

18. pentose

19. core

20. D. Watson and F. Crick

Work evaluation criteria:

score 5 with 18-20 correctly completed tasks;

score 4 with 15-17 correctly completed tasks;

score 3 with 12-14 correctly completed tasks;

score 2 for 11 or fewer correctly completed tasks.

Tests of this type allow you to test your knowledge in a short time, and the possibility of guessing is excluded.

Pasechnik N.V. MBOU school No. 17 of Feodosia

Test work on the topic “Molecular standard of living.”

Option 1

Task 1 (only one correct answer).

1. The minimum level of organization of life at which the ability to exchange substances, energy, and information is manifested:





2.What is most common to all known levels of life organization?

A.elements that make up the system

B. complexity of the system structure

B. patterns operating at each level

G. qualities that he possesses this system

3.Which chemical element is found in the smallest quantities in cells?




4.The camel’s ability to tolerate thirst well is explained by the fact that fats:

A.retain water in the body

B. release water during oxidation

B. create a heat-insulating layer that reduces evaporation

5. In which part of the digestive system does the breakdown of carbohydrates begin?

A. in the small intestine the stomach

B. in the duodenum

G. in the oral cavity

6.The parts of the amino acid that change are:

A. carboxyl group

B. amino group and carboxyl group


G. radical and carboxyl group

7.DNA and RNA monomers are:

A. nitrogenous bases

B.deoxyribose and ribose

B. nitrogenous bases and phosphate groups


8.Which RNA molecule is the longest?

9. The enzymatic function in the body is performed by:

A. carbohydrates

B.nucleic acids

B.amino acids

10.Which chemical element is simultaneously included in the composition of bone tissue and nucleic acids?


Task 2.

The cell contains ____ types of nucleic acids - ____ and _____. These biopolymers are made up of ___________ called ____________. Each nucleotide consists of ___ components.

DNA contains the following nitrogenous bases __________,__________,___________,

RNA consists of __________, _________, ___________, __________.

2. Eliminate the unnecessary concept.

A.glycine, valine, isoleucine, thymine, arginine.

B. starch, fructose, glycogen, cellulose, chitin.

3. If a DNA chain contains 18% G nucleotides, then what should the amount of T nucleotide be approximately?

Option 2.

Task 1 (only 1 correct answer).

1.Which level is highest level organization of life?


B. biogeocenotic



2. Interspecies relationships begin to appear: the organismal level the population-species level the biogeocenotic level the biosphere level

3.Which of the properties of water is due to its polarity?

A. thermal conductivity

B. ability to dissolve polar compounds

B. Ability to dissolve non-polar compounds

G. heat capacity

4.Food proteins are digested:

A. in an alkaline environment

B. in an acidic environment

B. in a slightly alkaline environment a neutral environment

5.Which one chemical compounds is not a biopolymer?



6. In which of the following substances do lipids dissolve?

G. hydrochloric acid

7.The primary structure of the protein is maintained:

A.hydrophobic bonds

B. peptide bonds

B. hydrogen bonds

G. disulfide bonds

8.Enzymes are biological catalysts consisting of:



9.What function does tRNA perform?

A. transfer of amino acids to ribosomes

B. forms ribosomes

B.removal and transfer of information from DNA

D.all listed functions

10.Protein secondary structure is supported by:

A. peptide bonds

B. hydrogen bonds

B. disulfide bonds

G. bonds between acid radicals.

Task 2.

1.Fill in the blanks in the text:

Chemical compounds consisting of ____________ are called polymers. Biopolymers include ___________, ____________ ____________, __________, ___________. The monomers of proteins are ____________, most carbohydrates are __________, DNA and RNA are ____________.

2. Eliminate the unnecessary concept:

A.cytosine, thymine, glycine, adenine, guanine

B. glycine, chitin, valine, cysteine, alanine

3. If a DNA chain contains 31% nucleotide A, then what should the amount of nucleotide C be approximately?

Correct answers:

Option 1. Option 2

Task 1. Task 1.

10 - b 10 – b

Task 2

1.Two. DNA AND RNA. Monomers, nucleotides. 1.Monomers. Proteins, nucleic acids,

3. Adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine. Adenine, fats, carbohydrates. Amino acids, glucose,

Uracil, guanine, cytosine. nucleotides.

2. A. thymine 2. A. glycine

B. fructose B. chitin


Option I

1. Which of the named chemical compounds is not a biopolymer?

a) Protein;

b) glucose;

c) deoxyribonucleic acid;

d) cellulose.

2. The parts of the amino acid that change are:

a) amino group and carboxyl group;

b) radical;

c) carboxyl group;

d) radical and carboxyl group.

3. In the process of biochemical reactions, enzymes:

a) accelerate reactions, but do not change themselves;

b) accelerate reactions and change as a result of the reaction;

c) slow down reactions without changing;

d) slow down reactions by changing.

4. Monomers of DNA and RNA are:

a) nitrogenous bases;

b) deoxyribose and ribose;

c) nitrogenous bases and phosphate groups;

d) nucleotides.

5. Protein secondary structure is maintained by:

a) peptide bonds;

b) hydrogen bonds;

c) disulfide bonds;

d) bonds between acid radicals;

d) all of the above types of communication.

6. Polymers include:

a) starch, protein, cellulose;

b) protein, glycogen, fat;

c) cellulose, sucrose, starch;

d) ribose, protein, fat.

7. Molecules are built from amino acid residues:

a) carbohydrates;

b) proteins;

c) lipids;

d) fats.

8. Monosaccharides include:

a) lactose, glucose;

b) deoxyribose, sucrose;

c) glucose, fructose;

d) glycogen, maltose.

9. What function does ribosomal RNA perform?

a) Forms ribosomes;

c) transfer of amino acids to ribosomes;

10. The connection of two DNA chains into a helix is ​​carried out by bonds:

a) ionic;

b) hydrogen;

c) hydrophobic;

d) electrostatic.

11. The protein shell in which the virus genome is enclosed is called

A) virion

B) capsule

B) viroid

D) capsid

12. Viruses multiply

a) only in the host cell

b) independently, outside the host cells

c) both options are correct

Task : a fragment of one of the DNA chains has the following structure: AAG-GCT-ACG-TSG. Build mRNA on it.

Option II

1. Which substance dissolves well in water?

a) Fiber;

b) protein;

c) glucose;

d) lipids.

2. Protein molecules differ from each other:

a) sequence of alternation of amino acids;

b) the number of amino acids in the molecule;

c) the form of the tertiary structure;

d) all the specified features.

3. In what case is the composition of a DNA nucleotide correctly indicated:

a) ribose, phosphoric acid residue, thymine;

b) phosphoric acid, uracil, deoxyribose;

c) phosphoric acid residue, deoxyribose, adenine;

d) phosphoric acid, ribose, guanine.

4. Monomers of nucleic acids are:

a) nitrogenous bases;

b) ribose or deoxyribose;

c) deoxyribose and phosphate groups;

d) nucleotides.

5. Amino acids in a protein molecule are connected through:

a) ionic bond;

b) peptide bond;

c) hydrogen bond;

d) bonds between acid radicals.

6. What is the function of transfer RNA?

a) Transfer of amino acids to ribosomes;

b) removal and transfer of information from DNA;

c) forms ribosomes;

d) all of the above functions.

7. Enzymes are biocatalysts consisting of:

a) from proteins;

b) lipids;

c) nucleotides;

d) fats.

8. Polysaccharides include:

a) starch, ribose;

b) glycogen, glucose;

c) cellulose, starch;

d) starch, sucrose.

9. Carbon as an element is included in:

a) proteins and carbohydrates;

b) carbohydrates and lipids;

c) carbohydrates and nucleic acids;

d) everyone organic compounds cells.

10. The cell contains DNA:

a) in the nucleus and mitochondria:

b) nucleus, cytoplasm and various organelles;

c) nucleus, mitochondria and cytoplasm;

d) nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts.

11.Viruses are...

a) non-cellular life form

b) the oldest eukaryotes

c) primitive bacteria

12. Viruses are made up of

a) proteins and nucleic acid

b) cellulose and proteins

c) DNA and RNA

d) nucleus and cytoplasm

Task : the mRNA fragment has the following structure: GAU-GAG-UAC-UUC-AAA. Identify tRNA anticodons. Also write the fragment of the DNA molecule on which this mRNA was synthesized.


Option I: 1 – b, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – d, 5 – b, 6 – a, 7 – b, 8 – c, 9 – a, 10 – b, 11-d, 12-a.

Solution: According to the rule of complementarity, we determine the mRNA fragment and divide it into triplets: UUC-CGA-UGC-AAC.

Option II: 1 – c, 2 – d, 3 – c, 4 – d, 5 – b, 6 – a, 7 – a, 8 – c, 9 – d, 10 – d, 11-a, 12-c.

Solution : we break the mRNA into triplets GAU-GAG-UAC-UUC-AAA. This fragment contains 5 triplets, so 5 tRNA will participate in the synthesis. Their anticodons are determined by the complementarity rule: TsUA-TsUTS-AUG-AAG-UUU. Also, according to the rule of complementarity, we determine the DNA fragment (by mRNA!!!): CTATCTCATGAAGTTT.

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