Test on the history of the settlement of the Slavs. Test tests on the history of Ancient Rus' (for the textbook by A.A. Danilov, S.M. Kosulina). View the contents of the document "Eastern Slavs and their neighbors. Activities, Beliefs"

Test 1. East Slavs

1. For the first time, the question of the origin of the Russian state was raised:

1) the ancient Greek historian Herodotus;

2) the chronicler Nestor;

3) German scientists who worked in Russia, Miller and Bayer;

4) M. V. Lomonosov;

5) in Russian Truth of Yaroslavich.

2. The ancient Greeks and Romans called the Wends:

1) glades;

2) glades and Drevlyans;

3) Drevlyans and Balts;

4) Balts and Germans;

5) tribes that lived in the territory from the Baltic to the Carpathians.

3. In ancient Slavic legends, folk heroes fight with Baba Yaga, who personified:

1) the afterlife; 2) wild nature; 3) a female leader among the Sarmatians;

4) forest witch; 5) Scythian healers.

4. For many centuries, the alliances of Slavic tribes that formed by the 5th century received Turkic-speaking tribes moving from the depths of Asia as neighbors and eternal enemies, among whom the first to appear were:

1) Huns; 2) torques; 3) Pechenegs; 4) Cumans; 5) Scythians.

5. In the VI century. Slavic leaders with their retinue were taken into service in:

1) city-states of the Northern Black Sea region;2) Volga Bulgaria;

3) Byzantium; 4) Czech Republic and Hungary;5) Bukhara and Khorezm.

6. “They despised gold and silver as much as other mortals desired it,” the Greek historian wrote about the ancients:

1) Scythians; 2) Sarmatians; 3) Slavs; 4) Khazars; 5) Bulgars.

1) wife’s infidelity; 2) murder of husband; 3) theft; 4) causing injury;5) insult to the Magi.

8. The Greeks noted that among the Eastern Slavs, a neighbor had to take revenge on a neighbor if he:

1) notice him courting his wife;2) steal his clothes or utensils;

3) take away his pets;4) will not ensure the safety of a foreigner;

5) will insult the prince or sorcerer.

9. The Greeks argued that the Eastern Slavs considered it shameful to die:

1) from the hands of loved ones;2) punished for theft;

3) because of cowardice;4) from old age or some accident, and not in battle;

5) when tested with water or iron.

1) lifelong slaves, like other nations;

2) a kind of product for ransom;

3) prisoners for a certain time, and then, after paying a ransom, they received freedom;

4) slaves, and during the next military campaign as equal warriors;

5) slaves (sometimes husbands) of women whose husbands died on the battlefield.

11. In the middle of the 7th century. From Asia, the Khazars approached the lands of the Eastern Slavs, settling:

1) in the Volga region; 2) in the Volga region and the North Caucasus;

3) in the North Caucasus and the Northern Black Sea region;

4) in the Northern Caucasus, Northern Black Sea region and Volga region;

5) Volga region, Caspian region and Northern Caucasus.

12. Arriving in the middle of the 7th century. to the Eastern Slavs, the Khazars created a state led by:

1) khan; 2) kagan; 3) emir; 4) Sultan; 5) the emperor.

13. The Khazars, who settled in the 7th century, gave their capital to Itil. next door to the Eastern Slavs, they built:

1) in the North Caucasus; 2) at the mouth of the Volga; 3) near Lake Seliger;

4) in the Northern Black Sea region;5) in the Middle Volga.

14. Peaceful relations between the Eastern Slavs and Khazaria since the 7th century. interspersed with military conflicts due to:

1) the militancy of the Khazars;2) the belligerence of the Slavs;

3) the desire of the Slavs to liberate their territories from Khazar rule;

4) the desire of the Slavic leaders to subjugate Khazaria;5) hunger and crop failures.

15. The beginning of the city of Kyiv was given by the tribe:

1) Drevlyans; 2) glades; 3) Volynians; 4) Slovenian; 5) Radimichi.

16. In the middle Dnieper region by the 8th century. a powerful union of tribes formed, united by the name:

1) glades; 2) Drevlyans; 3) Slovenian; 4) Krivichi; 5) Vyatichi.

17. The center of the Polyansky lands was the city:

1) Iskorosten; 2) Rostov; 3) Kyiv; 4) Suzdal; 5) Chernigov.

18. The city of Novgorod arose on the lands of the tribe:

19. The city of Ladoga arose on the lands of the tribe:

1) northerners; 2) Radimichi; 3) Dregovichi; 4) Slovenian; 5) Polotsk

20. The city of Novgorod and Ladoga in the 9th century. became the maintribal centers:

1) northerners; 2) Radimichi; 3) Dregovichi; 4) Polotsk; 5) Slovenian.

21. Novgorod Slovenes in the 8th-9th centuries. grouped around cities:

1) Novgorod and Izborsk;2) Novgorod and Pskov;3) Novgorod and Arkhangelsk;

4) Novgorod and Ladoga;5) Novgorod and Beloozero.

22. The Slavic tribe of the Drevlyans was grouped around the city:

1) Chernigov; 2) Iskorosten; 3) Rostov; 4) Suzdal; 5) Beloozero.

23. Iskorosten in the VIII-IX centuries. was the main city in the lands:

1) glades; 2) Dregovichi; 3) Vyatichi; 4) Radimichi; 5) Drevlyans.

24. On the territory of modern Belarus in the VIII-IX centuries. one of the Slavic tribal unions was formed, called:

1) Vyatichi; 2) Krivichi; 3) Drevlyans; 4) Dregovichi; 5) Slovenian.

25. The name of the Dregovichi (Dryagovichi) tribe comes from the word “dryagva”, which meant:

1) forest; 2) fertile hills between forests; 3) swamp; 4) lake; 5) apple orchard.

26. Between the Oka, Klyazma and Volga rivers in the VIII-IX centuries. settled:

1) Slovenian; 2) Vyatichi; 3) Drevlyans; 4) radimichi; 5) Krivichi.

27. Rostov and Suzdalwere the main cities in the lands:

1) Krivichi; 2) Radimichi; 3) northerners; 4) Dulebov; 5) Vyatichi.

28. In the places of settlement of the Vyatichi, the main city (cities) was (were):

1) Rostov; 2) Rostov and Suzdal;3) Suzdal and Smolensk;

4) Smolensk and Polotsk;5) Polotsk and Chernigov.

29. In the upper reaches of the Volga, Dnieper and Western Dvina in the VIII-IX centuries. inhabited:

1) Krivichi; 2) incriminate; 3) Tivertsy; 4) northerners; 5) Slovenian.

30. Smolensk in the VIII-IX centuries. became the main city of the tribe:

1) Dregovichi; 2) Drevlyans; 3) glades; 4) Polotsk; 5) Krivichi.

31. The city became the center of the Krivichi tribe:

1) Iskorosten; 2) Chernigov; 3) Rostov; 4) Smolensk; 5) Suzdal.

32. The Polotsk tribe got its name from:

1) Poles, from whom it emerged by the 7th century;2) the city of Polotsk;

3) the main occupation of the population who wove linen; 4) lakes Poloch; 5) the river Polota.

33. The city of Polotsk became the center of the tribe:

1) Radimichi; 2) Dregovichi; 3) northerners; 4) Polotsk; 5) Slovenian.

34. Chernigov in the 9th century. became the main city of the tribe:

1) Polotsk; 2) buzhan; 3) Dregovichi; 4) Croats; 5) northerners.

35. The tribe of northerners grouped around the city:

1) Chernigov; 2) Rostov; 3) Suzdal; 4) Beloozero; 5) Smolensk.

36. Along the rivers Desna, Seim, Sula in the 8th-9th centuries. tribe lived:

1) Dregovichi; 2) Polotsk; 3) buzhan; 4) Krivichi; 5) northerners.

37. In the VIII-IX centuries. along the rivers Sozh and Seim lived:

1) radimichi; 2) incriminate; 3) Tivertsy; 4) dulebs; 5) Vyatichi.

38. In the Bug River basin in the 8th-9th centuries. settled:

1) only Buzhans; 2) Buzhans and Dregovichs;3) Polochans and Buzhans;

4) northerners and Radimichi;5) Volynians and Buzhanians.

39. In the lands bordering Bulgaria between the Dniester and Danube in the 8th-9th centuries. inhabited:

1) glades and Drevlyans;2) Volynians and Buzhanians;3) Vyatichi and Krivichi;

4) Ulichi and Tivertsy;5) Croats and Dulebs.

40. In the Danube and Carpathian region in the VIII-IX centuries. lived tribes:

1) Croats and Dulebs;2) the streets and Tiverts;3) Volynians and Buzhanians;

4) Dregovichi and Polotsk;5) northerners and glades.

41. East Slavic tribes did not live in isolation from foreign-speaking neighbors. So, in the area where they lived there lived Finno-Ugric tribes:

1) whole and corela; 2) korela and chud; 3) Chud and Muroma; 4) Murom and Mordovians; 5) all specified.

42. The city of Rostov was initially the main settlement of the Finno-Ugric tribe:

1) Muroma; 2) all; 3) chud; 4) measuring; 5) Corela.

43. The city of Beloozero was initially a settlement of the Finno-Ugric tribe:

1) chud; 2) corela; 3) Muroma; 4) measuring; 5) all.

44. The city of Murom was the main settlement of the Finno-Ugric tribe Murom, located in the 9th century. near:

1) Lake Ilmen; 2) interfluves of the Oka and Volga;3) interfluves of the Volga and Kama;

4) the upper reaches of the Volga, Western Dvina and Dnieper;5) modern Moscow.

45. Tribute to the Khazars in the 8th-9th centuries. tribes paid:

1) glades; 2) glades and northerners;3) northerners and Radimichi;

4) Radimichi and Vyatichi;5) Radimichi, Vyatichi, Polyans and Northerners.

46. ​​Tribute to the Varangians in the 8th-9th centuries. paid:

1) Novgorod Slovenes;2) Slovenes and Krivichi;3) Krivichi and Polochans;

4) Polochans and Radimichi;5) Radimichi and northerners.

47. The amount of tribute collected in the VIII-IX centuries. Khazars from Slavic tribes, ranged from “smoke” (yard) to:

1) two measures of grain;

2) two measures of grain and one squirrel;

3) one squirrel and an ermine;

4) an ermine and two birds;

5) two birds and a ram.

48. The two-field and three-field farming system instead of slash-and-burn among the Slavs extends to:

1) VI-VII centuries;

2) VII-VIII centuries;

3) IX century;

4) 9th-19th centuries;

5) X-XI centuries.

49. Before the introduction of metal coins in Rus', its equivalent when imposing tribute on the population was (served):

1) wheat and peas;

2) flax;

3) furs;

4) sheep and chickens;

5) various metal products.

50. Cities among the Eastern Slavs originated as centers that performed the following tasks:

1) political;

2) political and economic;

3) economic and religious;

4) religious and military;

5) simultaneously political, economic, religious, and military.

TEST on Russian history. 6th grade.

TOPIC "Eastern Slavs".

1. Identify and write down what is superfluous in each row of concepts, explain why you decided so.

A) Polyans, Drevlyans, Murom, Dregovichi, Northerners;

B) sickle, harrow, plow, plow, spear, flail;

C) agriculture, beekeeping, military affairs, crafts, fishing, hunting;

D) Chud, Merya, all, Mordovians, Cheremis, Vyatichi;

D) Yarilo, Khors, Volos, Poseidon, Perun;

E) Vladimir, Svyatoslav, Vyacheslav, Ivan, Dobrynya;

G) Izyaslav, Yaroslav, Pervak, Ilya.

2. Find a correspondence between the words and their meaning:

Beliefs in many gods

Pagan priests


Collecting honey from wild bees

Image of a pagan god


Tool for threshing dried ears

People's Assembly in Rus'

A request to God

3. On what principle are the rows formed:

A) Leshy, brownie, water one;

B) Mokosh, Perun, Stribog, Volos (Veles), Lel, Lada;

C) wheat, millet, barley, buckwheat;

D) Merya, Chud, Muroma, Cheremis;

D) glades, Drevlyans, Krivichi, Drevlyans;

E) beekeeping, hunting, fishing;

WORDS FOR REFERENCE: a) trades, b) neighbors of the Eastern Slavs, c) tribes of the Eastern Slavs, d) spirits in which the Slavs believed; e) gods of the Slavs; f) field crops that the Slavs sowed;

4. What occupations of the Slavs are mentioned in the passage?

“It's a big country and there are a lot of trees growing close together. And they live between these trees. And they have no other crops except millet, and no grapes, but a lot of honey, from which they make wine and similar drinks... They have herds of pigs, just like we have herds of sheep. And their king’s food is milk... Their clothes are mostly made of linen.” (Hadudal-Alam “Limits of the World”)

5. After reading the archaeologist’s report, make at least 4 conclusions about the lifestyle and activities of the Slavs.

“At the bottom of the pit there is a small amount of heavily burnt bones of the deceased. In rare cases, there is a poor inventory: a spindle whorl. Pendant, clasp, ceramic fragments. Tools of labor and crafts made of bog iron: knives, sickles, chisels. Among the tools made of stone, millstones are often found. To make nets, a needle was used - a kochedyk, made from the ribs of a sheep. There are also things from the Roman provinces, primarily beads of blue, green or white glass ... "

6. INSERT THE WORDS into the text. Words can be changed, but used once. Keep in mind that there are more words than spaces.

“In _______(1) centuries, the vast expanses of ________(2) plains were inhabited by ___________(3) tribes. Their main occupation was _______(4). The Slavs were good ________(5), distinguished by their love for _______(6), they resolved all issues together, gathering at ______(7).

WORDS FOR REFERENCE: a) veche; b) agriculture; c) Eastern European; d) East Slavic; e) Baltic; f) freedom; g) warriors; h) military affairs; j) blacksmiths. l) V - VII; m) IV-V.

7. Give short answers to the questions.

7.1. Why did the Slavs build their homes in hard-to-reach places and make many exits in them?

7.2. What was the organization of government in the Slavic tribes?

7.3. Describe the two farming systems of the Slavs.

Preparation for the Unified State Examination Test No. 1 “Eastern Slavs and their neighbors” The test allows you to assess the level of educational achievements of students in the history course of a secondary school. The test is based on a mandatory minimum of educational content. The test contains 9 tasks, which take 5 minutes to complete. 1. The Eastern Slavs came to the middle reaches of the Dnieper 1) from Scandinavia 2) from the interfluve of the Vistula and Oder 3) from the middle Volga 4) from the coast of the Baltic Sea 2. The East Slavic peoples include 1) Poles 2) Serbs 3) Czechs 4) Russians 3 At the beginning of the 1st thousand. BC the Slavs experienced the onslaught of 1 (Scythians 2) Sarmatians 3) Cimmerians 4) Goths 4. The Ant tribal union took shape by 1) the middle of the 4th century AD. 2) beginning of the 5th century AD. 3) middle of the 6th century AD. 4) the end of the 6th century AD. 5. The Slavs include 1) Chud 2) Zyryans 3) Volynians 4) Adygs 6. Non-Slavic tribe. 1) Murom 2) glade 3) Volynians 4) Tivertsy 7. In the 8th century. n. e. one of the main opponents of the Eastern Slavs are 1) Avars 2) Alans 3) Arabs 4) Khazars 8. In the VI – VII centuries. n. e. the main opponents of the Eastern Slavs were 1) Avars 2) Alans 3) Arabs 4) Khazars 9. The tribal union of the Novgorod Slovenes developed 1) in the middle reaches of the Dnieper 2) on the banks of Ilmen Island and the Volkhov River 3) on the banks of the river. Oka 4) in the upper reaches of the Volga River Preparation for the Unified State Exam. Test No. 2 “Classes, social order, beliefs of the Eastern Slavs" The test allows you to assess the level of educational achievements of students in the history course of a secondary school. The test is based on a mandatory minimum of educational content. The test contains 5 tasks, which take 5 minutes to complete. 1The main branch of the economy of the Eastern Slavs in the VI-VII centuries 1) beekeeping 2) nomadic cattle breeding 3) intermediary trade 4) slash-and-burn agriculture 2) Slaves among the Eastern Slavs 1) served in the princely squad 2) were not used in the household 3) were considered junior partial members of the patriarchal family 4) belonged mainly to purchases and ryadovichi 3. The main deity of the pagan pantheon of the Eastern Slavs was not 1) Dazhdbog 2) Viy 3) Perun 4) Veles 4. The Slavs called the holiday of the turning of the sun into spring 1) Kupala 2) Maslenitsa 3) Carols 4) Easter 5. New Year among the ancient Slavs it began 1) January 1 2) May 1 3) May 1 4) September 1 Preparation for the Unified State Exam. Test No. 3 “The emergence of the state among the Eastern Slavs. Discussion about the origin of the ancient Russian state" The test allows you to assess the level of educational achievements of students in the history course of a secondary school. The test is based on a mandatory minimum of educational content. The test contains 10 tasks, which take 6 minutes to complete. 1. In the upper reaches of the Volga, a tribal union developed: 1) Drevlyans 2) Vyatichi 3) Dregovichi 4) Krivichi 2. The main city of the glades was 1) Novgorod 2) Chernigov 3) Kiev 4) Smolensk 3. At the turn of the VIII-IX centuries. the glades were freed from the power of 1) the Pechenegs 2) the Khazars 3) the Polovtsians 4) the Volga Bulgars 4. The main occupations of the glades do not include 1) arable farming 2) cattle breeding 3) viticulture 4) trade 5. The beginnings of statehood appeared earlier than others among 1) the Drevlyans 2 ) Krivichi 3) Vyatichi 4) Polyan 6 The military leader of the Eastern Slavs was called 1) elder 2) headman 3) prince 4) warrior 7. One of the initial centers of formation of the ancient Russian state was 1 (Smolensk 2) Polotsk 3) Novgorod 4) Rostov 8 The territory according to which statehood was brought to Rus' by the Varangians is called 1) Slavophile 2) Norman 3) Westernizer 4) anti-Norman 9. The unification of the two centers of ancient Russian statehood occurred in 1) 860. 2) 862 3_882 4) 911 10. In 862, Novgorod began to be ruled by 1) Igor 2) Rurik 3) Oleg 4) Askold Preparation for the Unified State Exam. Test No. 4 “Categories of the population. “Russian Truth” The test allows you to assess the level of educational achievements of students in the history course of a secondary school. The test is based on a mandatory minimum of educational content. The test contains 8 tasks, which take 5 minutes to complete. 1. The initial form of dependence of community members on the state was 1) The obligation to participate in the national assembly 2) the need for annual payment of tribute 3) the obligation to profess a single religion 4) the need for permission from the prince to marry 2. The bulk of the population of the Old Russian state were 1) smerdas 2) purchases 3) slaves 40 ryadovichi 3. The first part of “Russian Pravda” was accepted into the reign of 1) Olga 2) Vladimir 3) Yaroslav the Wise 4) Vladimir Monomakh 4. In the original edition of “Russian Pravda” blood feud for murder 1) was prohibited 2) was allowed only to representatives of the authorities 3) was allowed only to close and distant relatives 4) was allowed only to close relatives 5. "Russian Truth" of the Yaroslavichs 1) regulated the relations of the prince and the squad 2) regulated the relations of secular and church authorities 3) regulated property relations 4) regulated all types of relations in society 6. The category of people completely dependent on the master were called 1) serfs 2) stinkers 3) purchases 4) ryadovichi 7. The dependent categories of the population did not include 1) pardoners 2) junior warriors 3) serfs 4) purchases 8. The monetary fine for injuries in “Russkaya Pravda” was called 1) punishment 2) vira 3) execution 4) collection

A8. Match the elements of the left and right columns.
A5. Rope is
A7. In case of military danger they fought with enemies
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Test 1. Eastern Slavs

Option 1

A1. What was the territory of settlement of the Eastern Slavs?

1) East Asia 2) Western Europe 3) East European Plain 4) Baltic states

A2. What occupation are the words “cutting”, “plow” associated with? and "harrow"?

A3. What explained the spread of the fallow farming system among the Eastern Slavs in the Dnieper region?

1) soil fertility 2) forested area 3) use of the plow 4) marshy terrain

A4. An excerpt from the work of a Byzantine historian: “These tribes, the Slavs and Antes, are not ruled by one person, but since ancient times they have lived in the rule of people (democracy), and therefore they consider happiness and unhappiness in life to be a common matter” - indicates that among the Eastern Slavs in the 6th century:

1) feudal relations were established 2) the tribal system was preserved

3) a state was formed 4) there was no division of labor between men and women

A5. Rope is:

Test 1. Eastern Slavs

Option 2

A1. When did the Slavs settle in Eastern Europe?

1) 40 thousand years ago 2) in the 7th-6th centuries. BC e. 3) in the VI-VIII centuries. 4) in the 10th century.

A2. What occupation are the words “fallow”, “zhito” and “ploughshare” associated with?

1) with fishing 2) with beekeeping 3) with cattle breeding 4) with agriculture

A3. What explained the spread of the slash-and-burn farming system among the Eastern Slavs?

1) soil fertility 2) forested area 3) lack of forest 4) use of a plow

A4. An excerpt from the work of a Byzantine historian: “They believe that only God, the creator of lightning, is the ruler over all, and they sacrifice bulls to him and perform other sacred rites. They venerate rivers, and nymphs, and all sorts of other deities, make sacrifices to all of them and, with the help of these sacrifices, perform fortune-telling” - indicates that among the Eastern Slavs:

1) Christianity established itself 2) the main occupations were fishing and sailing

3) pagan beliefs were widespread 4) there was no contact with other countries

A5. Rope is:
1) the custom of blood feud 2) territorial (neighborhood) community among the Eastern Slavs

3) a place of worship of pagan gods.

A6. The most important matters for the Slavs were decided by:

1) Tribal rulers 2) magicians 3) general council-veche

A7. In case of military danger they fought with enemies:

1) detachments of mercenary warriors from neighboring countries

2) people's militia of the Eastern Slavs

3) well-trained detachments of professional Slavic warriors.

A8. Match the elements of the left and right columns.

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