Test on the story why oseeva. "The Magic Word" quiz based on the stories of V. Oseeva. The boy blamed it on being harmful

Topic: V. Oseeva “Good”

teacher: Novikova N. I

Municipal educational institution "Cherkasy Secondary School"


Lesson Objectives:

1. introduce students to V. Oseeva’s story “Good”;

2. promote conscious reading of whole words;

3. develop children's speech skills and creative abilities.

4. cultivate the best moral qualities of a child: honesty, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, a kind attitude towards people.

Equipment: textbook with the text by V. Oseeva “Good”

literary reading notebook

exhibition of books by V. Oseeva

proverbs on the blackboard

tests for each student

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

We came here to study

Don't be lazy, but work.

We work diligently

Let's listen carefully.

2. Report the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the works of V. Oseeva, we will get acquainted with the work “Good”. But let's start the lesson by checking your homework.

3. Checking homework.

Retelling of N. Nosov’s story “On the Hill.” (children independently evaluate children’s retelling using fans with numbers).

Today we will get acquainted with V. Oseeva’s new work “Good”

What stories have we already read in class? (children answer)

Dear Guys!

When I was like you, I loved reading short stories. I loved them because I could read without the help of adults. One day my mother asked:

- Did you like the story?

I answered:

- Don't know. I didn't think about him.

Mom was upset.

Since then, after reading the story, I began to think about the good and bad deeds of girls and boys, and sometimes my own. And since this helped me in life, I wrote short stories for you to make it easier for you to learn to read and think.

V. Oseeva. (From the preface to the book:

Oseeva V. Three sons. M. Children's literature, 1975.)

Therefore, while reading, think, what good and useful things can you get from reading this work?

Children read the title.

What do you think could be good? (selection of synonyms and antonyms for the word good).

What kind of people are called good?

Reading the story “Good” by V. Oseeva. (chain)

What genre does this work belong to?

v Conversation on content on issues.

Did Yura do something good?

Read how Yurik decided to do a good deed in the morning.

What did your sister ask for? What did he answer her? Read it.

What did the nanny ask for? What did he answer her? Read

What did Trezorka ask Yura? What did he answer? Read it.

Why didn't Yurik do a good job?

Read what question Yura asked his mother.

How did she answer him?

Do you think the boy could have done something good for the people around him?

Which children do you consider good? (children answer. Including who follows the traffic rules).

6. Physical exercise. (according to traffic rules).

7. Consolidation of knowledge.

Working on tests (checking children to see how carefully they read the text.) What is a test? Where can I read the correct definition? (in the explanatory dictionary).

1. Why did Yura want to do good?

a) tired of sitting at home;

c) Mom said.

2. Little sister called Yura

a) play;

b) have lunch;

c) take a walk.

3. The nanny asked Yura

a) clean the room;

b) put away the dishes;

c) put away the toys.

a) drink;

b) eat;

c) sleep.

5. What's good about the story?

a) good thoughts;

b) the boy’s actions.

Mutual examination of tests, grading, checking using the board.

8. Physical exercise for the eyes.

9. Reading by roles.

How many characters are there in this story? (5)

And the words addressed to the nanny, sister, dog? (rude, angry)

Distribution of roles.

Children themselves evaluate the expressiveness of reading based on roles.

10. Working with proverbs.

What proverbs are suitable for V. Oseeva’s story “Good”.

On the board: Words go here and there, but deeds go nowhere.

Don't trust words, but believe deeds.

Water does not flow under a lying stone. etc.

11.Lesson summary: 1.What work were you introduced to during the lesson?

2.What is the main idea of ​​this story?

3. What does this story teach us?

12.Game – reinforcement “Where do these lines come from?”

The teacher reads excerpts from the stories of V. Oseeva, the children guess the title of the story.

13. Homework: pp. 96 – 97. Assignment 3



Why did Yura want to do good?

a) tired of sitting at home;

b) It's a good day. The sun is shining.

c) Mom said.

2. Little sister called Yura

a) play;

b) have lunch;

c) take a walk.

3. The nanny asked Yura

a) clean the room;

b) put away the dishes;

c) put away the toys.

4. What did Trezorka think and ask Yura?

a) drink;

b) eat;

c) sleep.

5. What's good about the story?

a) good thoughts;

b) the boy’s actions

Words and there,

and here,

but business is going nowhere.

DO NOT believe the words

but believe in the matter.

Under a lying stone

and the water doesn't flow.

Remember friendship

and forget evil.

Friend is known in trouble.

Sharp on the tongue,

I'm not used to it.

A bitter truth is better than a good lie.


1 question - b)

2.question – V)

3.question – b)

4.question – A)

5.question – A)

Sections: Primary School

Goal: developing the ability to determine the main idea of ​​the work being studied through observations of the expressive means used by the writer, based on familiarity with V. Oseeva’s story “Why?”


  • expand information about the life and work of V. Oseeva and introduce her work “Why?”;
  • update students’ existing knowledge in connection with the material being studied;


  • develop independent thinking, the ability to compare, analyze, speech, memory, attention;
  • expand your horizons;
  • develop the child’s communicative culture and communicative competence of younger schoolchildren based on the organization of joint productive activities;


  • formation of attention to the internal state of the hero and the action caused by it
  • fostering a sensitive attitude towards living nature
  • enriching the moral experience of younger schoolchildren
  • enrich the child’s sensory experience, his real ideas about the world around him and nature.
  • develop a humane attitude towards animals.

Planned results:


  • developing a respectful attitude towards other opinions;
  • acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;
  • development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;
  • developing skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;


  • awareness of the importance of reading for personal development;
  • mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities; self-regulation;
  • developing the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;
  • developing the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;
  • mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;
  • mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;


  • the use of different types of reading (introductory, studying, selective, search);
  • the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the heroes;
  • the use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational and practical problems;
  • active use of speech and information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) to solve communicative and cognitive problems;


  • willingness to listen to the interlocutor and engage in dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;
  • express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

For students: textbook “Literary reading: favorite pages: textbook for grade 3. Part 1” (O.V. Kubasova) Smolensk, “21st Century Association”, “My Box”, Handbook of literary reading. – Kirov: LLC “Kirov Regional Printing House”, 2010., worksheets for the lesson, 4 palettes for group work.

Preliminary preparation: the teacher selects the books of the writer being studied in advance, prepares information and communication support for the lesson.

Abbreviations used:(l) – personal, (p) – regulatory, (j) – communicative, (p) – cognitive.

During the classes

Lesson stage During the classes Formed UUD Image
1. Self-determination for activity (organizational moment) Teacher: Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello:

"Good morning!" Good morning to the sun and birds!

Good morning to smiling faces.

– Today I want to wish you good work in class.

Formation of personal interest (l).

Self-regulation (R).

1. Formulating the topic and purpose of the lesson. Teacher: Let's check how attentive you were in previous literary reading lessons.

– Let’s complete task 1 on the worksheets. ( Annex 1) Read it .

(R). Formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities (R).

Use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information (P).

Slide 2(Appendix 2)

1. Look at the covers. Using the names of the authors and illustrations, remember the titles of the works. Think about how to determine the name of the new author.

Students: Based on the words I read, I remembered the names of the works by N. Nosov “Dreamers” and A. Dorofeev “Bitten.” From the highlighted letters I made up the surname of the new author - V.A. Oseeva.

Teacher: Name the first part of the lesson topic.

Students: V.A Oseeva.

Teacher: To determine the second part of the lesson topic, let’s complete the 2nd task.

Read it.

T: Write the title of the work in the lower rectangle.

State the topic of the lesson in full.

Students: The topic of the lesson is “Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva and her work “Why?””.

Teacher: Based on the topic of the lesson, using supporting words, set a goal for the lesson.

  • expand information about F and T ... ...;
  • get acquainted with the work ... ... “ ... ”;
  • study??? ... “...”
  • expand information about the life and work of V.A. Oseyeva;
  • get acquainted with the work of V. Oseeva “Why?”;
  • learn to analyze the work “Why?”.
Slide 3
Preparatory work. The teacher opens a portrait of the writer on the board.

Teacher: Let's start working on the first part of the lesson goal.

Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva was born in Kyiv in 1902.

In her youth, Valentina Oseeva dreamed of becoming an actress and even entered the acting department of the institute, but her dream did not come true. She began working in a labor commune for street children. It turned out that her real calling was to raise children. For 16 years she worked as a teacher with “difficult” children in orphanages, helping to restore the joy of childhood to orphaned children.

For her students, she often composed stories, plays, fairy tales, and invented games for them. With her creativity and personal example, the writer taught children to be kind, honest and noble.

Teacher: Let’s add to my story about V.A. Oseeva, having read the information from the section of task No. 3 “ Visiting the author” on the worksheets.

Teacher: Guys, what did you learn about V.A. Oseeva from my story and section “ Visiting the author”?

Forming a respectful attitude towards other opinions (l).

Skill express your opinion (l).

Active use of speech means (P).

Willingness to recognize the possibility of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own (To) .

Slide 4

Slide 5

Teacher: Well done! We have achieved the first part of the goal. Slide 6
Vocabulary work. Teacher: In the work there will be new or unfamiliar words, the meanings of which need to be clarified. Let's complete task No. 4.

Teacher: Look carefully at the recording. What words did you make up?

Pupils: SHARDS, ABUSE. (The teacher opens cards with words on the board: SHARDS, SCARY)

Teacher: How did you read them?

Teacher: Explain the meaning of the word SHARDS. (Children's versions are heard.)

Teacher: Let's clarify the meaning of the word in the dictionary. Shards are fragments of broken pottery porcelain.

Teacher: What is the meaning of the word scold? Children's versions are heard. (Scold - sharply condemn, scold)

Development of ethical feelings, goodwill (l).

Mastery of logical actions: establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning (R).

Active use of speech and means to solve communicative and cognitive problems (P).

Slide 7
Anticipation Teacher: Based on the title of the work, the words we met, and the illustration of the work on the cover of the book, guess what will be discussed.

2-3 students express their guesses.

Developing cooperation skills with adults and peers (l).

Use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information (P).

Primary reading by the teacher. Teacher: Let's check our assumptions. Listen to the work “Why?” by V.A. Oseeva.

(Textbooks are open.)

Checking primary perception. Teacher: - What is this work about?

– Were your assumptions confirmed?

– What feelings did you experience while listening to this work? When answering, you can use the reference book “My Box” on page 2.

Development of goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people (l).

Willingness to express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events (To).

Analysis of the work. T: Determine the genre of the work. Justify your answer.
– You can use the reference book “My Box” on page 6.

Pupils: We got acquainted with the story.

  • Signs of a story
  • Narration of real events.
  • Small volume.
  • Few characters.

4. Description of one episode.

Slides 8-9
Secondary reading. – Determine the theme of the story.

Pupils: This story is about people and animals.

Teacher: Indicate the genre and theme of the work with a framed model. Use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information (P). Slide 10
– We realized the 2nd part of the lesson goal, got acquainted with the work of V.A. Oseeva “Why?”

Teacher: Let's read the story again with an additional task. When reading, underline words whose meanings you do not understand.

Teacher: – Explain the meaning of the expression “they gave it to increase.”

Pupils: Enlarge - make it larger.

– Explain the meaning of the expression “goosebumps ran down your spine.”

Students: Goosebumps are pimples that appear on the skin from cold and chills.

Teacher: Let's read the third part of the lesson goal. (We will learn to analyze the work “Why?”)

Teacher: Let's analyze the text by completing task No. 5 on pieces of paper. Let's read it.

Students: Read the questions. Correct mistakes. Ask questions to your classmates.

Teacher: to answer the questions, let’s read the first part of the story.

Re-reading part 1. Answers on questions.

1)What happened to the boy one day?

The boy accidentally broke his father's cup during lunch. He didn’t admit this to his mother and blamed it on the dog. Because of this, my mother kicked the dog out into the yard and forbade her to enter the house. After much torment, the boy confessed to his crime. Boom was returned to the house.

2) Why did the boy confess to his mother right away?

Teacher: Is there a mistake in this question?

The ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the heroes (P). Using different types of reading (P).
Students: Yes, there is a mistake. The question needs to be asked this way: Why didn’t the boy confess to his mother right away?

Pupils: The boy was very scared. The cup was my father’s, and after my father’s death, the family took care of every thing he owned. The cup was very dear to mother and son.

3) Do you think he has cheated before?

Students: I think the boy has never lied before. He didn’t get up from the table, but “slipped down quietly,” he realizes what he’s done and gets up hesitantly and fearfully.

The teacher adds a card to the board with the words “SLIDING QUIETLY”

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own (To). Slide 11
Teacher: What did the boy look like at that moment? Read this passage.

They read from the words: “A ringing sound was heard .....” to the words “He jumped a little and ... with his paws...”

The teacher adds cards: “My knees were shaking, my tongue was slurred,” “My ears were burning”

Children's answers.

Teacher: Valentina Oseeva feels sorry for the boy. If she wanted to show the main character as a clever deceiver and traitor, then she would not tell in detail what the boy looked like or what feelings he experienced at that moment.

Active use of speech means (P).

Formation of the ability to control and evaluate educational actions in accordance with the assigned task (l).

Mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization (R).

5) Do you think mom guessed who broke the saucer?

Students: There is an error in this question. The boy broke the cup, so the question will be:

Do you think mom guessed who broke the cup?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Adults can always guess that they are being deceived. She knows that her son broke the cup. This is clear from her appearance.

Students read the passage from the words “Mom’s face darkened..... to the words “I was silent.”

The teacher adds cards to the board: “her face darkened,” “her eyes looked over the table at one point,” “she sat down at the table and thought about something,” “her face became pink, even her neck and ears turned pink.”

Teacher: Why didn’t mom show that she guessed who broke the cup?

Children's answers.

6) Did the mother try to help her son tell the truth?

Mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization (R).
Students: Mom tried to help her son tell the truth. Twice she asked him: “Are you very scared?”, and then: “If you... accidentally”...

7) Was it easy for mom to decide that Bim would live in a booth?

Teacher: Who found the error in this question?

Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities (R). Slide 12
Students: Was it easy for mom to decide that Boom would live in a booth?

Students: It’s hard for mom to make such a decision. With this decision, mom puts her son before a choice. It’s not easy for mom, she loves the dog very much, Bum was also loved by his father, whom the dog never saw.

9) What paints does V. Oseeva use for this?

Students: Valentina Oseeva uses dark colors: gray, black, dark blue.

10) What feelings does the boy experience during a thunderstorm?

Teacher: When answering, you can use the reference book “Secrets of Literature” on page 2.

Developing peer collaboration skills (l).
Students: The boy experiences anxiety, fear, worry, torment of conscience, etc.

The teacher adds the words to the board:

  • “my heart is heavy”
  • “goosebumps ran down my spine”
  • “the guilt grew more”
  • "biting his nails"
  • “I couldn’t decide on anything”
  • “I buried my face in the pillow”

11) What colors will you choose to depict the main character’s state of mind?

Teacher: When answering, you can use the color schemes of the “My Box” reference book on page 3.

Students: I would take black paint (fear), gray (sadness, sadness, melancholy), red (anxiety, danger)

Willingness to recognize the possibility of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own (To).

Formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities;

mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection (R)

12) What prompted the boy to tell the truth to his mother?

Teacher: Everything that has accumulated in nature before the rain breaks out. It starts to rain. Everything that has accumulated in the boy’s soul also breaks out. The hero admits that he broke the cup, not Boom. His conscience did not give him peace.

Acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for learning activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning (l). Slide 13
Creative work. Teacher: Let's read task No. 6.

Teacher: You will complete the task in groups. Each group receives 2 palettes. ( Appendix 3) On one you will indicate your attitude towards the main character at the beginning of the story, and on the other - at the end of the story. At the same time, be prepared to justify your choice of color.

Students: At first we didn’t like the boy, because it was his fault that Boom suffered. At the beginning of the story, we indicated the attitude towards him in yellow. We felt sorry for him. Red - because we were angry with him. And now I think that the hero has a strong character, because he was able to tell his mother the truth. The boy could not live in peace knowing that Boom felt bad because of him. On the second palette we designated the color red. We are glad that the boy confessed to his mother. Orange – we admire and respect it. Green – Boom is now safe.

The teacher's summary word. Teacher: It is conscience, which lives in a person’s heart, that tells us how to live correctly and act correctly. I think that in life it is very important to learn to listen to the voice of conscience.
I agree with you guys. And I also want to tell you that every person has the right to make a mistake. The main thing is to be able to find the right solution in time and correct it. And further. Perhaps, returning to this story after a while, you will discover something in it that we did not talk about today. I will be very glad if you share your thoughts with us. Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation (R). Slide 14
Self-esteem Teacher: Guys, let's return to the goal of the lesson that we set at the beginning of the lesson. Did we manage to implement everything?
Homework. T: At home you will read the story again and complete the task of your choice.

Let's read task No. 7* on pieces of paper.

7 . Complete the task of your choice:

a) write a description of the main character of the story “Why?” using the question words of task No. 2;

b) give advice to the main character using proverbs;

c) using a drawing, depict the mood of the main character before and after the confession to his mother.

Slide 15
Reflection. Teacher: Read the proverbs.
  • You can hide it from a person, but you cannot hide it from your conscience.
  • A bad conscience doesn't let you sleep.
  • Make a mistake, but admit it.
  • Where there is truth, there is happiness.

– Choose from them the one that expresses what lesson you learned for yourself after getting acquainted with the work of V.A. Oseeva “Why?”

– Attach a dog next to the chosen proverb ( Appendix 4).

U: Well done guys, thank you for your efforts!

Slide 16

Used Books:

  1. Bershanskaya O.N., Degtereva G.D.
As I read, I think. 1st grade: notebook on literary reading. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Kirov: Kirov Regional Printing House LLC, 2010. – 76 p.: ill. As I read, I think. 2nd grade, part 1: notebook on literary reading. – Kirov: Kirov Regional Printing House LLC, 2009.
  • Bershanskaya O.N., Degtereva G.D., Kuznetsova M.V.
  • As I read, I think. 2nd grade, part 2: notebook on literary reading. // Kirov: KOGUZ “MIATS”, 2009. – 80 p.: ill.
  • Bershanskaya O.N., Degtereva G.D.
  • “My Box” A guide to literary reading. – Kirov: Kirov Regional Printing House LLC, 2010.
  • Drawing for the cover of V. Oseeva’s book “Why?” http://festival.1september.ru/articles/519248/(Shteinikova Elena Sergeevna)
  • Conducting a quiz is the final event after students read V. Oseeva’s stories. Reading and discussing stories from the collection "The Magic Word" is a good way to develop moral qualities in schoolchildren.

    "Valentina Oseeva and her books"

    Valentina Oseeva and her stories

    Crossword puzzle tasks

    Remember the title of the story in which:


    1. The girls spoke loudly, all together, without listening and interrupting each other.

    2. The boys watched calmly and indifferently as the dog attacked the kitten.

    3. Yurik thought for a long time about what he could do, but it turned out he just needed to take a walk with his sister, help the nanny put away the dishes, and give Trezor some water.

    4. Remember the name of the writer who wrote all these stories.

    5. Vova and Misha ate all the cookies, leaving none for their mother and grandmother.

    6. Alyoshka scattered paints at Katya’s and, escaping from his sister’s revenge, fell from the tree.

    7. Valya did not provide any real help to her sick classmate Valya.

    8. Only one boy can be called a real son.

    9. Tolya only thinks about the feat, instead of performing it.

    10. Tanya was sewing on a button.


    11. 11. “Please” - what is it?

    View document contents


    based on the book by V. Oseeva "The Magic Word"

      How should you pronounce the “magic word”? (You need to say it in a quiet voice, looking into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Remember - in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes...)

      What magic word did the old man tell Pavlik? (Please)

      What's easier? Why? Answer the question, remembering the story of the same name by V. Oseeva. (Telling the truth is always easier; you don’t have to invent anything or get confused in lies. The punishment for a minor offense is not as severe as for lying.)

      What offense do you think Vova and Misha committed in V. Oseeva’s story “Cookies”? (They divided all the cookies into two equal parts, forgetting about mom and grandma.)

      Why was the girl surprised when she saw how the boy rushed to help the fallen old woman in V. Oseeva’s story “Just an Old Lady”? Do you agree with her surprise?

      In V. Oseeva’s story “Bad,” the woman angrily answered the boys: “That’s bad!” What did she mean, why was she angry? (The boys stood and calmly watched the dog bark furiously at the kitten. The dog could attack and tear the kitten apart at any moment. And the boys watched indifferently).

      How do you evaluate Yura’s behavior from V. Oseeva’s story “Girl with a Doll” on the bus? (Yura is a polite and well-mannered boy, always ready to give way to elders and even girls.)

      Remember the story by V. Oseeva “In the same house”, who turned out to be the smartest, the stupidest? Why? (The smartest duck turned out to be Ustinya, because she does not offend those who are weaker than her. And all the rest turned out to be stupid and cruel, because they offend the weak.)

      Why do you think V. Oseeva’s story is called “The Dreamer”? (Because instead of actually accomplishing a feat, Tolya only knows that he talks and dreams about it. And Yura, without much thought, hearing a cry for help, immediately rushed into the water to save the baby.) How are feats accomplished?

      Why in V. Oseeva’s story “The Evil Mother and the Good Aunt”, Dasha, having matured, stopped saying: “I have an evil mother and a good aunt”? (Because she understood that she should be grateful to her mother for teaching her to work. But the kind aunt taught her nothing.)

      In the story by V. Oseeva “Who is the boss?” The boys Kolya and Vanya argued for a long time about who is the owner of the dog named Zhuk. Why, when Kolya answered the forester that the dog was his, Vanya remained silent? (Kolya rushed to save Zhuk from the shepherds, and Vanya, shouting “save yourself,” got scared and climbed a tree.)

      V. Oseeva’s story is called “Good”. What is it, and is it necessary to think about it for a long time? (It’s not so difficult to do something good; take a closer look; very often people around you ask you to help with something.”)

      Who can be called magpies in V. Oseeva’s story “Magpies”? (“Magpies” is a common noun; they can be called three girls who were talking loudly, not listening, and interrupting each other.)

      Who can really be called comrade Vitya from V. Oseeva’s story “Three Comrades” (Volodya, who silently, without further questioning, came up and shared breakfast with Volodya.)

      Why did Lena draw blue leaves in the story of the same name? (Because she didn't have a green pencil.)

      How do you understand the teacher’s remark from the story “Blue Leaves”: “You have to give so that you can take”?

      Why did Katya want to take revenge on her brother Alyosha? Did she succeed in her revenge? (Because Alyosha took her paints and scattered them. Spilled water from under the paints on the table. Alyosha, running away from Katya, climbed a tree and fell from it, Katya was very scared for Alyosha that she forgot to think about her revenge brother.)

      Why in the story “Sons” by V. Oseeva, the old man, having met women and their sons at the well, said that he saw only one son? (Only one boy helped his mother, taking heavy buckets of water. And one of them tumbles over his head, walks like a wheel, the other is covered with a nightingale - you can hear him.)

    Quiz rules: for each correct answer the student is given a token, at the end of the game the number of tokens for each student is counted and the winner is revealed.

    Compiled by: librarian of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Laryak Secondary School” L.A. Kushnikova.

    1.What poem did B.L. Pasternak write?
    A) “Spring in the Forest” B) “September” C) “Golden Autumn” D) “Indian Summer”
    2.Who wrote the poem “Swan”?
    A) D.B.KedrinB) S.A.KlychkovC) N.M.RubtsovD) S.A.Yesenin
    3.What is the name of the poet Kedrin?
    A) Boris DmitrievichB) Nikolai MikhailovichC) Dmitry Borisovich
    4.What work are these lines from?
    Tomorrow the rain will pour down quickly,
    Blocking the sun with a cloud...
    A) “Indian Summer” B) “September” C) “Spring in the Forest” D) “September”
    5.What does the word “flute” mean?
    A) birdB) musical instrumentC) bird singingD) repeated cry
    6.Choose antonyms for the word “chilly.”
    A) hotB) cold C) frozenD) sultry
    7.Which poem are these comparisons from?
    The sun's shine plays with the river, grove, berries, as if with toys.
    A) “Spring in the Forest” B) “September” C) “Indian Summer” D) “Swan”
    8. Using these words, find out the poem.
    Morning, ore, scrap, squeak, cluck, jay.
    A) “Indian Summer” B) “Spring in the Forest” C) “September” D) “Golden Autumn”
    9.Fill in the missing words in the passage.
    And all around are azure flowers
    The waves were spreading...
    And, as guests...,
    We smiled at the happy day.
    A) spicy, long-awaited B) spicy, alien C) spicy, alien
    10.Guess the riddle and indicate the poems that talk about it.
    Came without paints and without a brush
    And repainted all the leaves.
    A) “Golden Autumn” B) “Spring in the Forest” C) “Indian Summer” D) “September”
    11.Complete the proverb.
    Who worked hard in the spring...
    A) ...he cries in the winter. B) ...he will have fun in the fall. C) ...he is lazy in the fall.

    Attached files


    based on the story by V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”

    1. Circle the correct answer.

    1.Who did Pavlik meet in the park?

    A) with a friend

    B) with grandma

    B) with an old man

    D) with a wizard

    2.What kind of face did the boy have?

    A) cheerful and kind

    B) red and tanned

    B) pale and angry

    D) red and angry

    3. How did grandfather advise saying the magic word?

    A) loud

    B) quietly

    B) angrily

    D) politely

    4.What colors were in front of your sister?

    A) green, blue, red

    B) white, green, blue

    B) green, yellow, red

    D) blue, green, yellow

    5.What did the sister do when she heard her brother’s polite request?

    A) covered the paint with her hand

    B) blushed and cried

    B) opened her eyes wide

    D) ran away to grandma

    6. What happened when, at dinner, Pavlik politely asked his brother to take him for a boat ride?

    A) Everyone at the table immediately praised Pavlik

    B) Brother immediately agreed to take Pavlik

    B) Everyone began to scold Pavlik

    D) Everyone at the table immediately fell silent

    II. Continue the sentences.

    1. Pavlik began to sniffle from _________________

    2. “I want to help you. There is such a __________________________"

    3. “Lena, give me one paint..._______________________”

    III. Answer the questions in writing.

    1. Why did Pavlik want to run away from home?

    Pavlik wanted to run away from home because_________________________________________________________________



    2. Why do you think everyone refused Pavlik?

    3. Was the old man a wizard?__________________________

    4. Why, when Pavlik said the “magic” word, “Lena opened her eyes wide”, “Grandma straightened up”, “Brother raised his eyebrows”?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    5.What word did the old man whisper in the boy’s ear? Is it really magical?______________________________________________________________

    6. What polite words do you know?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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