Test “Service parts of speech. Test. Finalize your official documents Test on official parts of speech

Option 2 Part A A1. Which sentence doesn't have a particle?
    But is this consistent with the rules of reasonable upbringing and with the dignity of a fair, albeit strict uncle? How my heart sank at the sight of these boxes! But Jim, instead of obeying, lay down on the couch, put both hands under his head and smiled. Even if my fate is bitter, I will be faithful to it!
    Karl Ivanovich was not in a good mood; this was noticeable (BY) the way he threw his coat into the chest of drawers. (B) FOR a long time Oksana stood at the mirror and thought about the words of the blacksmith. Yes, even though you’re my father, when you laugh, (BY) GOD I’ll beat you up. He (Andriy) was ALSO seething with a thirst for achievement, but at the same time his soul was accessible to other feelings.
AZ. In which example is the letter I written in place of the gap?
    worry for... days throughout... the day Where did he call...? due to… heavy rain
    (Not) remembering himself from fear, the dog rushed to the edge of the village and hid in the depths of the garden.

    But the light of the sun (did not) penetrate there, into the depths...

    He sat (not) movably.

    The plane was (not) more than five hundred pounds away, and they were heading straight for it.

A5.Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

    As soon as Della saw it, she realized that the chain must belong to Jim.

    The plane's nose went up and they lost speed.

    His eyes settled on Della with an expression she couldn't understand, and she felt scared.

    Then she suddenly jumped up like a scalded kitten and exclaimed: “Oh, my God!”

A6.In which example is there no grammatical error?

    in spite of fate 3) upon arrival home

    ask for a friend4) about two hundred days

Part B

    Turgenev's essays were enthusiastically received by the public,

But in government circles, “Notes of a Hunter” caused sharp condemnation.

2) A special investigation was carried out into how censorship could have missed such a publication.

3) For many years Turgenev lived far from Russia.

4) But, despite his long stay abroad, he did not write a single one, not even small work in some other language, but wrote only in his native language.

IN 1. From sentences 3, 4, write down all the prepositions.

AT 2. From the proposal4 write down all the particles, indicate their meaning

VZ. From sentences 1, 2, write down all the conjunctions.

AT 4. From the proposal4 write down the union (unions), characterize it (them).

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Part A"Service parts of speech"

A1. Which sentence has no particles?

    And you, princess, should you go like this? Come home now.

    We, madam, all want Prince Peter, let him be the autocrat over us.

    Only you can I entrust this secret.

    The mighty Oleg is coming from the yard, with Igor and the old guests.

A2. In which example is the highlighted word written together?

    She (mother) said that (NOT) RESPECTING the fact that whether Natalya Savishna continues to serve in the house or not, she will always receive a pension of three hundred rubles.

    He (the father) won (B) the CONTINUATION of his life several million.

    JUST (SAME) as in the Kyiv caves, depressions in the walls were visible here.

    “If only I had SUCH (THAT) fish and on Podyacheskaya!” - thought the general.

AZ. In which example is the letter E written in place of the gap?

    upon returning... home

    to avoid... conflict

    upon expiration... of the period

    There's a rustle all around

A4. Which sentence is NOT written together?

    Andriy, himself (not) knowing why, felt some kind of stuffiness in his heart.

    Denis shifts from foot to foot, but sees in front of him (not) cloth, but the sun.

    The door opened, and a figure appeared in it, completely (un)familiar to me.

    And here I told you an (un)remarkable story of two people.

A5. Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

    Your consciousness began to manifest itself, and you began to play the role of a dying person.

    They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes.

3) The generals went to bed again, but they couldn’t sleep on an empty stomach.

4) Eh, what can we talk about the owners, the men who fed from the horse all their lives.

A6. Which example does not contain a grammatical error?

    came from Moscow 3) pay for purchases

    with sixty rubles 4) make sure you are right

Part B

Read the text and complete tasks B1 -B4.

    L.N. Tolstoy was not only a great writer, but also a talented teacher.

2) Subsequently, he opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana and wrote many short stories for them.

3) Throughout his life, Tolstoy studied works of oral folk art.

4) The writer was sure that “everything simple and accessible will be read as long as the Russian language exists.”

5) Tolstoy ensured that even in his short stories there would be nothing superfluous.

IN 1. Write down the number of the sentence in which there is a derived preposition, write it down.

AT 2. From sentence 1, write out the coordinating compound conjunction.

VZ. From sentence 5, write down all the particles and indicate their meaning.

AT 4. From sentence 4, write out the subordinating conjunction(s).

Russian language test. Functional parts of speech.

1. Indicate the correct spelling of NOT-NI in the sentence: No matter how hard the Chinese tried to keep the secrets of papermaking, they were revealed.
A) neither (together),
B) neither (separately),
B) not (separately),
D) not (together),
D) not (hyphenated).

2. Indicate a sentence that contains negative particle NI.
A) It was impossible (n..) to feel the harsh splendor of northern nature.
B) The day until the evening is boring, if there is (n..) anything to do.
C) Olzhas remained calm (n..) indignant.
D) I will (n..) give you offense (n..) to someone.
D) As my father tried to appear calm, I noticed his excitement.

3. Indicate the correct spelling of NOT-NI in the sentence: Obediently, like a child, he got off his horse and stopped (n..)alive (n..)dead in front of Taras.
A) not (hyphenated),
B) neither (separately),
B) neither (together),
D) not (together),
D) not (separately).

4. Prepositions are written together:
A) (c)continuation of classes, (c)during the day,
B) (c) due to circumstances, (c) conclusion of the speech,
C) work (during) the year, (in) order to increase productivity,
D) (c) as a result of snowfall, (on) the subscription account,
D) (due to) drought, (as) necessary.

5. Determine which of the sentences does not have a formative particle:
A) Why is she laughing all the time?
B) It’s hard to imagine what would happen to me.
C) Let the forest rage in the rain.
D) Long live knowledge!
D) Let's go to the park tomorrow.

6. Indicate the option of spelling the word with a hyphen:
A) didn’t have (anyone)
B) tell someone (about)
C) there were cases
D) (some) product,
D) came (with) (nothing).

7. Determine the sentence in which the particle is written separately:
A) You can compete with him!
B) “Exactly so (c),” said Peter.
B) B last days the weather was quite damp.
D) Have you read the book?
D) But the novel is still good!

8. Indicate a sentence in which the highlighted word is written separately:
A) He still didn’t want to make peace with him.
B) You must arrive on time.
C) Whatever they say, I will do this work.
D) To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.
D) Be careful, godfather, not to disgrace yourself.

9. Determine the category of modal particles in the sentence:
Memory revives even the stones of the past and even adds drops of honey to the poison once drunk.
A) index fingers
B) interrogative,
B) clarifying
D) intensifying,
D) exclamation marks.

10. Indicate the BSC with an adversative conjunction:
A) We were going to go out of town; our relatives, who were visiting us that summer, also wanted to go with us.
B) It was cold and windy on the river, but the fish were biting.
C) Only the orioles are screaming and the cuckoos are vying with each other to count down someone’s unlived years.
D) Either a bird will fly up from under their feet, or a red-sided fox will dive into the flowering bushes.
D) There was a crash and a groan carried across the field.

11. Indicate the BSC with a dividing conjunction:
A) More pressure and the enemy flees.
B) Either the water was cold or my hunting dog is young and stupid.
B) The window frames shook and the chimneys howled wildly.
D) He was not drawn to the pillow, but he rested his elbow on it.
D) The whole house seemed asleep despite the bright lighting.

12. Choose a sentence in which the preposition is written separately:
A) The walls were painted with some kind of blue paint (kind of gray).
B) (C) in view of the imminent end of the voyage, the mood of the team became cheerful and upbeat.
B) I wanted to talk to you (about) the apartment.
D) (C) the rest of the night I didn’t sleep for a minute.
D) Our further journey was tedious and (c) as a result of little interest.

13. What particles are written with a hyphen?
A) -would, -whether, -same, -something,
B) -would, -whether, -ka, -that,
B) -something, -ka, either-, -that,
D) -if, -ka, something, -something,
D) -same, -either, -would, -ka.

14. Specify a sentence with a derivative conjunction:
A) The sun did not come out from behind the mountains, but its rays were already gilding the tops of the trees.
B) The guns in the arsenals rust, but the shakos shine.
C) Young leaves babbled, finches sang here and there, and turtle doves cooed.
D) Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul.
D) Approaching the river, we stopped the horses and quickly jumped to the ground.

15. Choose an example in which separate spelling is correct.

A) Young, (for) talented.
B) Maybe some kind of bird (like a heron).
C) He is appreciated (for) being smart.
D) An object (like) a cube.
D) (In) the morning I always feel better.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
b d b g a d a c d b b g c b c

To correctly prepare the text of an official document, it is necessary to at least general outline know the peculiarities of the Russian language and official business style. The test, prepared by Doctor of Philology, Professor Natalya Muravyova, will help strengthen the skills of drafting official correspondence and documents.

Here are fragments of organizational, administrative, information and reference documents. Taking into account the rules for using words in business texts, select the missing words and phrases and insert them into the gaps. Check the result by comparing it with the sample.


For <…> conditions for recognition of legal force electronic documents, the exchange of which <…> legislation Russian Federation And <…> regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement between participants in the contract system in the field of procurement, <…> and posting information about the institution on the official website in Internet, <…> electronic signature <…> officials, <…> in the preparation, transmission, reception and signing of electronic documents:

Administrator information security Bondarev Valery Vasilievich <…> specified in paragraphs 1, 2 and 7 <…> orders from officials <…> under <…> with the rules for using electronic signature tools.


<…> from clause 4.5 and clause 6.4. I request loan agreement No. 2/0038 dated March 24, 2014 on September 10, 2014 <…> <…> <…> part of the loan (principal debt) in the amount of RUB 24,992. ( <…> ), as well as accrued interest for the period from 01.09.2014 to 30.09.2014 in the amount of 40,007 rubles. ( <…> ).

<…> I'm asking for the amount <…> from my current account at OJSC Bank No. 40883400000045967277.


At <…> to work, an employee of the HR department is required to <…> from the applicant:

  1. work book, <…> in the established <…> , and if <…> is registered for work as a worker or employee for the first time - certificates of last employment, <…> By <…> ; those dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are obliged <…> military ID;
  2. presentation of a passport in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Hiring without <…> <…> no documents <…> .


<…> , Zakharova Olga Vyacheslavovna, <…> Zvenigorod, st. Stroiteley, 15, apt. 1, passport series 4765 No. 123456, <…> March 27, 2014, FMS 50000 Zvenigorod, effective from <…> , <…> Ivanov Evgeniy Vladimirovich, <…>: Moscow, st. Pervokhodtsev, 4, apt. 25, passport series 2345 No. 123456, issued on February 1, 2011, FMS 123 Moscow, obtain from the cash desk of the accounting department of JSC "Company" <…> to me <…> for February 2014 and complete all the steps <…> With <…> by order.


Andreeva Anna Vyacheslavovna, born in 1982, has been the commercial director of Kareta LLC from 2008 to <…> time.

During the work of Andreeva A.V. <…> as proactive and responsible <…> . Possesses analytical <…> , carefully analyzes problems encountered in work <…> and defines <…> in their decision. Always <…> on <…> specific result <…> overcome obstacles that arise on the way to <…> .

Can effectively <…> their subordinates, establish, <…> and strengthen relationships with <…> And <…> partners of the company. Active, strives for <…> growth.

Test on the topic “Preposition” Option-1

    Which word is used with the preposition: 1) (in) walked 2) (in) yard

    What parts of speech are prepositions used with: 1) verbs, gerunds, adverbs 2) nouns, pronouns, numerals

    Which parts of the sentence are prepositions: 1) circumstance 2) addition 3) are not members of the sentence

    Are prepositions a variable part of speech: 1) they vary in number and gender 2) an unchangeable auxiliary part of speech

    Indicate what meaning is conveyed using the preposition in the forest, on the closet, behind the garden, near the garden 1) spatial 2) causal

    Indicate the combination of a noun with a preposition with a temporary meaning: 1) to arrive in a month 2) to get wet due to rain 3) to appear from behind the house

    The preposition PO is used: 1) with D.V.p 2) with D, R.p

    Indicate which prepositions are derived: 1) from, for, under, above, with, in, from 2) during, around, according to, in continuation

    What case do the prepositions require thanks to, according to, in spite of, in defiance of, towards: 1) D.p 2) R.p

    What role do prepositions play when used with indeclinable nouns: 1) indicate case meaning 2) determine the gender of the noun

    At the end of derivative prepositions it is written: 1) and 2) e

    Indicate a sentence with a derived preposition: 1) During the last summer I traveled a lot 2) The boat had to be dragged along the bank because there were dangerous rapids along the river.

    Indicate the continuous spelling in view of: 1) (Due to the drought, hopes for the harvest were bad 2) We had (in) mind new book, not the old one.

Test on the topic “Preposition” Option-2

    How many prepositions are there in a sentence: Golden pollen slowly settled, and ahead, through the trees, water shone, and soon the path led to a large lake. 1) 2 2)3 3)1

    Which word is used with the preposition: 1) (to) go 2) (to) the border

    Indicate the combination of a noun with a preposition with a target meaning: 1) to be in the forest 2) to go buy bread 3) not to go because of the rain

    In which sentence is the word around is a pretext: 1) A cloud has covered everything around. 2) There was green moss around him.

    What prepositions are compound: 1) due to 2) since 3) thanks to 4) in connection

    In what combinations is the preposition used? on : 1) work.. factory 2) work.. hospital 3) enroll.. institute 4) enroll.. faculty

    Indicate two correct options in the phrases: 1) warn about danger 2) warn against danger 3) warn against danger 4) warn about danger

    Indicate the derived preposition that comes from the noun: 1) around 2) by 3) thanks

    In which series are non-derivative prepositions indicated: 1) despite, thanks to, in continuation 2) without, before, over, because of

    In which series are prepositions written together: 1) (c) conclusion, (c) continuation 2) (c) during, (on) account 3) (c) consequence, (like) 4) (for) reason, (c) purposes

    In which sentence is the highlighted word a preposition: 1) We managed to quickly agree (about apartments. 2) He put money (about.

    What part of speech does the highlighted word belong to? I wanted to get on the train and rush by other people's copses. 1) noun 2) adverb 3) preposition 4) adjective

Test on the topic “Preposition” Option-3

    In which sentence is the underlined word a preposition: 1) He worked on an invention during three years 2) The field was dimly white around 3) Ahead The lights of the village flashed.

    Indicate the part of speech defined incorrectly: But, alas, nothing was visible through the dust 1) alas-interjection 2) nothing-pronoun 3) through- adverb

    In which word is only one spelling possible: 1) (in) the beginning 2) (in) mind 3) (in) subsequently

    Which ending should be written in the highlighted word: There have been slight changes in the flow of the stream. 1) and 2) e

    Specify the combination in which the preposition is written in two words: 1) (c) as a result of illness 2) (c) as an exception

    Indicate the SS in which the preposition is written together: 1) (despite) fatigue 2) (as) it gets closer

    Indicate the word with I written at the end: 1) During the whole season there was bad weather 2) During the continuation of the story we learned about the further fate of the hero

    Indicate a preposition that is written in two words: 1) (in) connection 2) (in) view

    In which sentence is the word against is a pretext: 1) Several people in the class spoke out against it. 2) The boat was moving slowly against the current.

    Indicate the row with the preposition: 1) woke up (from) the clock striking; paid (for) the transport of firewood 2) There was no (from) battle yet; grain transport began

    In what sentence? above written separately: 1) A flag was waving (above) the construction site 2) He began (above) the construction of a house

    Is the preposition a member of the sentence: 1) yes 2) no

    In what case should the noun be used? order in a sentence: According to the order.. I had to leave urgently. 1) in R.p. 2) in D.p.

Test on the topic “Union” Option-1

    Indicate the sentence in which the conjunction is used: 1) The sun has set, but it is still light in the forest 2) Raindrops fell on the face

    What connects the conjunction in the sentence: Prince Igor and Olga are sitting on a hill 1) homogeneous members 2) parts complex sentence

    Determine the type of conjunction in the sentence: The dark thundercloud went far away and took the thunderstorm with it 1) subordinating 2) coordinating

    What is the meaning of the conjunction used in the sentence: The wind either howled dully or whistled gustily. 1) connective 2) dividing 3) adversative

    What is the meaning of the subordinating conjunction used in the sentence: To prevent water from flooding the fire, it was necessary to add more firewood to the fires 1) target 2) causal 3) temporary

    In which sentence is a conjunction with a conditional meaning used: 1) If spring is not too late, then the migratory bird begins to appear little by little 2) To reach Magadan by ship, you need to cross the Sea of ​​Okhotsk from south to north

    Which two of the following conjunctions are synonymous: because, since, as if, so that, although? 1) since and as if 2) because and since 3) so and although

    In what sentence? (So written together 1) He spoke a lot (and) so loudly that everything could be heard. 2) (And) so, it’s all over, we’re parting forever.

    In which sentence is the conjunction used? but 1) He hid (behind) that tree 2) He worked a lot, (for) he achieved his goal.

    In which sentence is also a conjunction 1) Warm heavenly water is for plants (the same) as love is for people 2) There was little snow, snowstorms (the same).

Test on the topic “Union” Option-2

    Indicate a sentence that contains the conjunction 1) I got wet in the rain because I didn’t take an umbrella 2) We studied for an hour

    Determine the type of conjunction in the sentence: Everyone timidly began to look around, as they heard an unclear noise 1) simple 2) compound

    Determine the type of conjunction in the sentence: I wrote to you that we had a great weekend 1) coordinating 2) subordinating

    What is the meaning of the conjunction used in the sentence: Small ruff, but prickly. 1) connective 2) adversative 3) divisive

    What is the meaning of the subordinating conjunction used in the sentence: Nadya felt that she was superfluous here and ran to the kitchen 1) causal 2) temporary 3) explanatory

    In which sentence is a conjunction with the meaning of a goal used? 1) And the heart beats as before, as it did in days gone by 2) In order not to get lost in the forest, you need to know the signs.

    In which sentence is a conjunction with the meaning of time used? 1) I would have laughed heartily if I didn’t want to cry 2) He woke up when the sun was already high

    In which sentence is (the) written together 1) We felt that my father didn’t want to talk, Galina (was) silent 2) He repeated (the) same as us

    Indicate the correct spelling of (from) that in the sentence: (From) that building you need to turn left and go along the highway 1) together 2) separately

    In what sentence? to) written together 1) I wanted to guess for myself what my parents would advise in such a situation 2) You need to read a lot in order to be educated

    In which sentences are commas correct: 1) Flocks of birds flew over the train and disappeared into the distance 2) When we are unhappy, we feel the misfortune of others more strongly 3) The east was already beginning to turn pale when I fell asleep 4) The lark was the first to rise towards the sun and poured onto the ground his golden song

Test on the topic “Union” Option-3

1. Determine the type of conjunction in the sentence: Night was already falling on the mountains, and the fog began to wander through the gorges 1) coordinating 2) subordinating

2. Indicate the correct explanation for the spelling of the highlighted word: We felt that my father did not want to talk, and Inna Same was silent 1) also - always written together 2) also - here is a coordinating conjunction, so it is written together

3. Explain the correct spelling of (by) that in the sentence: (On) that bank of the river a loaded car was moving slowly 1) because - it’s always written together 2) because of that - it’s always written separately 3) because of that - here’s a preposition By with pronoun that, so it is written separately

4. In which sentence is the conjunction used? 1) What else interesting can you come up with for the quiz? 2) To eat a fish, you have to get into the water

5. In which example is one possible spelling: 1) (in) far 2) already (li) 3) (from) that

6. Indicate the sentence number with the conjunction Same: 1) She told almost the same thing as her niece 2) The patient’s condition is the same as yesterday 3) My companions also examined the shore.

7. Specify a sentence with a conjunction Also: 1) It was as dark in the hallway as on the stairs 2) In the south of the country they raise sheep, as well as orchards

8. Indicate a sentence with a continuous spelling of the highlighted word: 1) The furniture is rough, but ) strong 2) Take hold but ), what your soul is about.

9. Specify a sentence with continuous spelling besides: 1) The work was done, and quite accurately 2) There is a magnificent garden at the house.

10. What role does the conjunction play in the sentence: If the grandfather left home, the grandmother organized the most interesting meetings in the kitchen. 1) connects homogeneous members 2) connects parts of a complex sentence.

Test on the topic “Particles” Option No. 1

1. In what sentence are particles used: 1) Where are they going, to the city or something? 2) The fog was driven away by the morning breeze.

2. What is the meaning of the particle used in the sentence: Somewhere from some house there was smoke coming out of someone’s chimney, or there was nothing, but it all seemed to us.

1) negative 2) formative 3) modal

3. In which sentence is the formative particle used? 1) If it weren’t for the black grouse and partridges, I would have become completely unfamiliar with them. 2) There are no different roads for water; all paths, sooner or later, will lead it to the ocean.

4. In which sentence is a negative particle used: 1) The rain that had stopped suddenly began pouring again. 2) In those days the horizon was clear, no haze fogged the distance.

5. In which sentence is the particle BY used? 1) In order to know a lot, you have to work hard and hard 2) There is nothing in the world that could cover the Dnieper.

6. Which particle should be written with a hyphen?

1) It’s time to rest. 2) “Listen, Khor,” I told him, “why don’t you pay off your master?”

7. In which sentence is the particle SO written with a hyphen? 1) But the novel is still (still) good!

2) Peter didn’t come.

8. What form of the verb is formed using a particle? Let the wind pierce us, Let the snow salt us, - Fly your skis faster, Run faster!

1) imperative mood 2) conditional mood

9. In which sentence should you write the particle NOT? 1) Vasilisa did not stop talking for a minute. 2) We wander along those paths where the grass has not been cut.

10. In which sentence is NOT written separately with a noun?

1) The (non) weather continued all autumn 2) (Not) a plowman, (not) a carpenter, (not) a blacksmith, but the first worker in the village.

11. Explain the separate spelling of the particle NOT: He was far from beautiful. 1) the presence is far from 2) the formation of a new word

12. Which sentence is NOT written separately? 1) In (un)ordinary silence the dawn is born

2) This song is (not) funny, but very sad.

13.Which sentence is NOT written separately with short adjectives? 1) The moon is (not) dim, (not) pale, (not) thoughtful, like ours, but clean, transparent, like crystal. 2) The river is (not) deep, but fast

14. In which sentence DESPITE should be written separately from NOT? 1) The son kissed his mother and, (not) looking at her, without turning around, left the room. 2) Having finished our work, we lay down right there, by the fire, and I, (not) looking at the unbearable mosquitoes, soon fell soundly asleep.

15. Explain why NOT is written separately with adjectives: not a cat breed, not a hunting rifle 1) not with possessive adjectives 2) not with adjectives in full form.

16. Which particle should be written in the sentence: I n.. could n.. smile several times while reading the good old man’s letter. 1) not 2) neither 3) not, nor 4) neither, not

17. Explain the spelling of the particle NI in the sentence: No matter how hot it was, no matter how cold the frost, the work did not stop for a minute.

1) the particle neither is equal in meaning to the conjunction and. 2) particle neither in the meaning of negation

18. Explain the spelling of a particle NOT in a sentence: What thoughts come to mind!

1) turnover ONLY NOT in independent exclamatory sentences 2) negative meaning of the entire sentence

19. Write down the correct combination in the sentence: All these days I never .. never deviated from my system 1) never 2) never

20. Write down the correct stable phrase in the sentence: In the forest, as if nothing had happened, spring life continued. 1) as if nothing had happened 2) as if nothing had happened.

Test on the topic “Particles” Option No. 2

1. In which sentence is the particle used? 1) Should you bother with an elephant? 2) Light gray hair has already appeared

2. Which particle is used to form the imperative mood? 1) would 2) let's 3) whether

3. What particle is used in meaning in the sentence: Is it possible to offend the weak?

1) negative 2) modal 3) formative

4. Which sentence uses a formative particle? 1) I would become a pilot, let them teach me 2) I can’t answer this question 3) Did I really dream all this?

5. In which sentence is the particle WOULD used? 1) Whatever he offered, people did not believe him

2) To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.

6. What particles are written with a hyphen? 1) so(same) 2) that(would) 3) let(s) 4) all(s)

7. In which sentence is TO written separately? 1) Someone called me 2) Either it’s an edible mushroom or it’s not

8. In which row are all words written with a hyphen? 1) some kind, (in) current, somewhere 2) (in) spring

as (as if), from where (that) 3) I will go (to), somewhere (anywhere), (in)fifths 4) what (would), for (that), because (that)

9. Which sentence uses the particle NI? 1) Wherever I go, I like it everywhere 2) I don’t have time to do this 3) I won’t listen to him

10. Which sentence uses the particle NOT? 1) There is no n..ice cream, n.. chocolate in the store

2) I will do this no matter what 3) I want to know well not only history, but also the Russian language.

11. What is the meaning of the particle NOT in the sentence: I won’t promise you anything.

1) enhancing 2) negative

12. In which sentences Not is written together with the verb: 1) You (didn’t) add salt to this soup 2) There (weren’t) not a single mushroom in the forest. 3) He was very (not) angry about this.

13. In what phrase is Not written together with gerunds? 1) without..reading books 2) without...wondering about 3) without..watching a movie 4) without..learning anything

14. In place of what numbers is written NI: Due to illness, he (1) could (2) drink, (3) eat, (4) sleep.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 2.3,4 3) 1

15. In place of which numbers is NOT written: I (1) could (2) smile how many times (3), although I (4) understood (5) the words from this strange letter. 1) 1,2,3,4,5 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 1,2,4

16. In which row in all examples is NOT written separately?

1) The birds are driven south by the (not) approaching cold, but by the lack of food. The heat was (un)bearable

2) I (don’t) have anyone to ask for help. Egor was known as a (un)tired worker

3) The lamps were (not) lit yet. We silently wander where the grass is (not) cut.

4) The room was (not) lit. He responded with a (casual) nod of his head.

17. In which sentence is Not written separately with the adjective? 1) The weather was (un)inclement

2) A (un)familiar person approached me 3) This film is not (not) interesting at all 4) The letter is written in (in)neat handwriting.

18. In what phrases is NOT written separately with participles? 1) not…solved problem

2) not.. preparing lessons 3) the house is not.. built 4) not.. mown field

19. What parts of speech are considered functional? 1) noun 2) verb 3) preposition 4) conjunction

20. In which row are all words written separately?

1) something, also, (thirdly) 2) bring (something), somewhere, somewhere 3) something, something (with) someone, somewhere 4 ) side (about) side, someone (if)

Test on the topic “Particles” Option No. 3

1. In which sentence are particles used? 1) Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but a story 2) Bunches of dried herbs and kitchen utensils hung on the walls.

2. What is the meaning of the particle used in the sentence: And then the snow began to fall silently, covering all the uneven surfaces on the ground. 1) interrogative 2) exclamation 3) demonstrative

3. In which sentence is the particle written with a hyphen? 1) Flies high, but lands somewhere. 2) The boy is stubborn, he (at least) achieved his goal

4. Indicate the word that is written with NOT: What n.. say (1), but we had a wonderful rest in the summer: n..needed (2) was n..hurry (3), n..fuss (4), n ..to be nervous (5).

5. In which sentence is the particle BY used? 1) Nothing worked for him, no matter what he did. 2) The mother pressed her lips tightly so that they would not tremble.

6. In which sentence is the formative particle used? 1) Memory revives even the stones of the past 2) If such a storm came again, he would again go to meet it.

7. In which sentence is the restrictive particle used?

1) According to him, the patients trusted only him, the paramedic. 2) It is unlikely that I will ever come here again.

8. In which series are non-derivative particles listed? 1) and, and, even, not, nor, there, here 2) almost, only, this, all, just like

9. In which sentence is the particle WHERE used? 1) How can he cope with such a difficult task! 2) The place where the hut stood is surrounded on all sides by forest.

10. The particle SO is written: 1) always separately 2) always with a hyphen 3) separately and with a hyphen

11.What is the meaning of the particle NI in the sentence: There was not the slightest opportunity to cross to the other side 1) intensifying 2) negative

12. In which word is NI a prefix: (No) where (1) the light flickered, no sound was heard (2)

13.Explain the spelling NOT in a sentence: (Despite the fact that the wind was freely rushing over the sea, the clouds remained in place.

1) despite – preposition, written with NOT together 2) despite – gerund participle with Not written separately

14. Write the words with NOT correctly: The boy was making something out of shells, almost (not) moving (1) and noticing anything (2) around.

1) 1 - separately 2) 2 - together 3) 1 and 2 – separately

15. Explain the spelling of NOT: not one, not five, not twenty 1) not written separately with numerals 2) there is opposition

16. In which sentence is NOT written together with a verb? 1) There (isn’t) enough money at the cash register 2) There was (not) a light flickering anywhere, (not) any sound was heard.

17. Which sentence is NOT written separately? 1) The travelers ended up on an (un)inhabited island 2) This river is never (not) calm.

18. Indicate a phrase with separate spelling NOT: 1) (not) looking at the rain 2) (not) looking at the faces.

19. Indicate a phrase with the continuous spelling NOT: 1) completely (not) finished manuscript

2) a completely (un)prepared manuscript for typesetting

20. Indicate the row in which words with NOT are always written separately:

1) (not) should, (not) ready, (not) intend, (not) glad, (not) obliged 2) (not) big, (not) healthy, (not) boring, (not) expensive

Test on the topic “Spelling roots” Option No. 1

1. Indicate the row in which A is written in all roots: 1) invite..shat, ug..sat, hv..stun, l..skayuschiy

2) simplify, b..blessing, k..sew

2. Indicate words with the root –VI-: 1) The child is developing well 2) The flag over the house is fluttering.

3. Indicate the row in which I is written in all roots: 1) spread out, remove, remove, become, erase

2) grow..grow, b..grow, die..die, lock up.

4. Indicate the row in which A(I)_IM(IN) alternate in the roots:

1) know, remove, understand 2) compress, begin, accept

5. Indicate the row in which alternation A/O is observed in all roots:

1) believe, touch, dip, tan, dawn 2) shake, creation, charm, sculpture

6. Indicate the root, the spelling of which depends on the meaning: 1) dip (bread in milk) 2) swimmer

3) sunbathe

7. Indicate the root, the spelling of which is determined by the exception: 1) age 2) plant 3) industry

8. Indicate the root in which A is written: 1) built a school, gathered firewood, asked for help

2) the old man explained, heated up the stove, diminished his dignity

9. Indicate the word whose root is written O: 1) pl..vets 2) pl..wun 3) pl..vuchy

10. Indicate the word whose spelling is determined by the exception: 1) combination 2) zad..rat 3) zabl..stet

11. Indicate words with an unpronounceable consonant: 1) verbal..ny 2) obek..chik 3) miraculous..ny

12. Indicate the word whose spelling should be remembered: 1) v..hall 2) heart..ce 3) month..ny

13. Indicate the word in which T is written: 1) peer..nik 2) peer..nik

14. Indicate the word in which LJ is written: 1) smear..et 2) say..et 3) burn..et

15. Indicate the word, the root of which is written E: 1) firmly ..to 2) to treat guests.

Test on the topic “Spelling roots” Option No. 2

1. In what row is A written in all words? 1) f..nar, ug..sat, s..tank 2) vl..stelin, vyr..sti, z..rka


2. Indicate the word with the root - gray -: 1) pos..del from old age 2) pos..del on the sofa

3. In what row is E written in all words? 1). enlightenment, about..repress, p..sat

4. In which row with alternating vowels in the root?

1) enjoyment, enrichment, disappointment 2) collect, expression, enlightened

5. In which series is the consonant missing in all words? 1) holiday, dangerous 2) neighborhood, peer

6. In what row is SS written in all words? 1) director, pre..sa 2) classy, ​​de..sant 3) cross..word,

directorate 4) profession, neighborhood

7. In what words is LL written? 1) a..leya 2) be..lorussky 3) co..lega 4) gallery..gallery

8. In what words is the root -mac- written? 1) wash..kick the feather 2) wash..keep in the rain 3) m..roll the pancake

4) industrial paper

9. In which roots is the root-equal- written? 1) average 2) level 3) adjust 4) charge

10. Which word is an exception? 1) plant 2) moneylender 3) tan 4) dawn

11. In what row is O written after sibilants in all words?

1) zh..kay, zh..lud 2) sh..pot, sh..mouths 3) sh..se, sh..rokh 4) black, kryz..vnik

12. Indicate a word with an unpronounceable consonant: 1) silent... 2) terrible... 3) dangerous...

13. Indicate the word whose spelling is checked by stress: 1) length..length 2) sk..kat 3) zar..roar

14. Indicate a series in which the alternation A\O is noted in all roots:

1) locate, touch, plant, burn out, illuminated 2) shake, creation, charm, dawn

15. Indicate the word with the root - skrep-: 1) The gate creaked slightly audibly 2) Hide the sheets of paper.

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