Test Tatar-Mongol invasion. History test - Mongol - Tatar yoke History test - Tatar Mongol invasion

Option 1 Test on the topic “Mongol-Tatar Yoke”

1 . Main occupation of the Mongols:
a) arable farming
b) maritime trade
c) nomadic cattle breeding
d) craft

2. The landmark battle between the Russian-Polovtsian troops and the Mongols took place on the river:
a) Lipica b) Sheloni c) Kajale d) Kalka
3 . The first of the Russian cities to fall under the attack of Batu’s troops:
a) Moscow b) Kolomna c) Ryazan d) Novgorod

4. The tributary dependence of Rus' on the Horde was expressed in:

a) sending subjects to the Horde

b) issuing labels for the right to reign in Russian lands

c) payment of tribute

d) supply of Russian soldiers to the Mongol troops
5. The reasons for the defeat of Rus' in the fight against the Mongol-Tatar invaders cannot be named:
a) numerical superiority of the Mongol-Tatars
b) feudal fragmentation of Russian lands
c) inconsistency in the actions of the Russian princes
d) German-Swedish aggression in the northern reaches of the country

6. Choose the correct statement:
a) as a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Rus' was included in the Golden Horde

b) as a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Rus' became dependent on the Golden Horde, which was expressed mainly in the payment of tribute to the Horde khans
c) as a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Rus' defended its independence
d) as a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the nature of the socio-economic development of Russian lands radically changed
7 . Yoke is:
a) the dominance of the Horde over the Russian lands
b) a charter for the right to collect tribute from lands
c) the name of the state founded by Batu
d) the amount of tax paid by Russia
8. A charter that allowed princes to rule and collect taxes in their land, given by the Horde khans:
a) yoke b) exit c) shortcut d) basma

9. The name falls out of the logical series...

1) Mstislav the Great; 2) Yuri Dolgoruky;

3) Andrei Bogolyubsky; 4) Vsevolod the Big Nest

10. Founder of the Mongolian state ____

11. Indicate which dates apply to:

1 - The period of the struggle of the Russian principalities against the aggression of the German and Swedish knights.

2 - The period of the Mongol-Tatar conquest.

a) February 7, 1238 b) May 31, 1223 c) ​​April 5, 1242 d) 1206

12. Define concepts

Baskak, ulus, tysyatsky, posadnik “Horde exit”

13. When did the events described in the passage from the chronicle occur?

The godless Tsar Batu came to the Russian land with many Tatar warriors and stood on the river in Voronezh near the land of Ryazan. And he sent unlucky ambassadors to Ryazan to Grand Duke Yuri Igorevich of Ryazan, demanding from him a tenth share in everything: in princes, and in all sorts of people, and in the rest. And Grand Duke Yuri Igorevich of Ryazan heard about the invasion of the godless Tsar Batu, and immediately sent to the city of Vladimir to the faithful Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, asking him for help against the godless Tsar Batu or to go against him himself.”

1) in 1223 2) in 1237 3) in 1240 4) in 1242

14. In what year was Kyiv taken?

a) 1239; b) 1237; c) 1238; d) 1240.

15. The following were called vices in the Mongol army:

a) battering devices, b) stone-throwing machines;

c) camping carts; d) adultery.

16. The first khans of the Golden Horde, in their religious views, were

a) Buddhists; b) Islamists; c) pagans; d) atheists.

17. The basis of Mongolian education was

a) Chinese writing; b) Uyghur writing; c) Slavic writing;

d) Greek alphabet.

18. The Horde yoke would be overthrown in

a) 1380 b) 1480g. c) 1487 d) 1503

19. Match date and event

Date Event

A) 1223

B) 1480g.

D) autumn 1240

1) Battle of the City River

2) Batu’s capture of Kyiv

3) battle on the Kalka river

4) “Standing on the Ugra”

5) Battle of Kulikovo


20. Establish a correspondence between the term and its definition

Term Definition

A) Merkits

B) sovereignty

B) nukers

D) tarkhany

D) Golden Horde

E) darkness

G) Genghis Khan

1) economic, administrative and judicial

advantages and benefits provided by Mongolian

rulers of temples and monasteries in Rus'

2) warriors, with the help of whom they knew the rules and performed

raids on neighbors

3) ulus, part of the Mongol Empire

4) autonomy and independence of the state in

resolving issues of domestic and foreign policy

5) Mongol army numbering 10,000 people

6) pastoral Mongolian tribe

7) great khan

For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position

second and write it down in the table selected numbers under the corresponding


21. Name the reasons for the victories of the Horde army

1) feudal fragmentation of Rus'

2) lack of resistance from the population

3) numerical superiority of the army

4) strict discipline

5) strong personal power of Russian princes

6) high fighting qualities of the steppe warriors and their horses

7) consistency in the actions of Russian princes

22. Arrange in chronological order

A) Batu’s capture of Ryazan B) Battle of Kulikovo

C) battle on the City river D) battle on the Kalka river D) “Standing on the Ugra”

23. What are the consequences of the Horde invasion for Rus'?

1) feuds between Russian princes

2) significant decrease in population

3) weakening of the Russian Orthodox Church

4) emancipation of the peasants

5) destruction of lands

6) undermining the economy and culture

7) flowering of culture

8) weakening of the personal power of the Grand Duke

9) destruction of cities

10) theft of the population into slavery

25. The city was not devastated by the Mongol-Tatars:

a) Torzhok; b) Kolomna; c) Pskov; d) Chernigov

26. Look at the map and answer the questions.

A - What is shown on the map? Give the date and century.

B – What is indicated by number 4? Name the year.

Q - What number indicates the city called “Evil” by the Tatars? Why was he called that?

G- What number indicates the city that the Tatars did not reach?

27. Look at portraits and sculptures. Who do they belong to?

28. What event is depicted in the picture? Why do you think so ?

History test of Batya's invasion of Rus' for 6th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each with 10 tasks.

1 option

1. Who led the Mongol army in the campaign against Russian lands in the 1230-1240s?

2. What hero does the Ryazan folk epic of the 13th century tell about? “And they began to flog without mercy, and all the Tatar regiments were mixed up. And he beat them... so mercilessly that their swords became dull, and he took Tatar swords and cut them with them. It seemed to the Tatars that the dead had risen..."

3. The commander, Prince, died in the Battle of the City River

1) Yuri Vsevolodovich
2) Yaroslav Vsevolodovich
3) Alexander Nevsky
4) Daniil Galitsky

4. What was the fate of Novgorod during Batu’s campaign in the North-East of Rus'?

1) Novgorod was captured by Batu’s army in five days
2) Novgorod heroically defended itself for seven weeks, but was forced to surrender
3) Batu decided not to go to Novgorod
4) The Novgorod militia defeated Batu’s army

5. Which city did Batu call the “evil city” for its heroic resistance to the Mongols for seven weeks?

1) Moscow
2) Vladimir
3) Suzdal
4) Kozelsk


A) capture of Kyiv by Batu’s army
B) Battle of the Kalka River
C) the capture of Ryazan by Batu’s troops
D) Battle of the City River

1) 1223
2) 1237
3) 1238
4) 1240 g.

7. He led the defense of Kyiv from Batu’s troops

1) Prince Daniil Romanovich
2) Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich
3) Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich
4) voivode Dmitry

8. As a result of Batu's campaign of 1240-1242.

1) Batu’s army reached the shores of the Adriatic Sea
2) Batu conquered all European lands
3) Batu stopped the campaign after the conquest of Kyiv
4) Batu reached Norway and then turned back

9. During Batu's conquests, the Russian principalities

1) united to organize joint assistance to each other
2) asked the Pope for help
3) provided little support to each other due to fragmentation
4) did not resist Batu’s troops

10. What was the name of the military camp, the location of the prince’s troops?

Option 2

1. The first Russian principality devastated by Batu's army was the principality

1) Novgorodskoe
2) Ryazanskoe
3) Kyiv
4) Vladimirskoye

2. Name the hero of the Ryazan folk epic of the 13th century, the defender of the city from the invasion of Batu’s troops. This _______________.

3. The battle with Batu’s army, in which Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich died, took place on the river

1) City
2) Moscow River
3) Don
4) Volga

4. Mark the city that was not captured by Batu during the campaign of 1237-1238.

1) Kolomna
2) Novgorod
3) Vladimir
4) Suzdal

5. The city, whose inhabitants desperately resisted Batu’s troops for seven weeks, is

1) Moscow
2) Vladimir
3) Suzdal
4) Kozelsk

6. Match events and dates.

A) Battle of the City River
B) Battle of the Kalka River
C) Batu’s ruin of Ryazan
D) Batu’s capture of Kyiv

1) 1223
2) 1237
3) 1238
4) 1240 g.

7. During Batu's attack on Kyiv, the prince of the city Daniil Romanovich

1) led the defense of the city
2) left the city to organize better defense
3) gathered troops of other princes under his banners
4) went out to meet Batu’s troops and fought with him personally

8. In what year did Batu turn his troops back, reaching the Adriatic Sea?

1) 1239
2) 1240 g.
3) 1241
4) 1242

9. One of the reasons for the success of Batu’s aggressive campaign against Rus'

1) fragmentation of Russian lands
2) reluctance of citizens to defend their cities
3) organization of a joint army of Batu and European rulers
4) help to Batu from the Pope

10. What was the name of the feed for horses and livestock?

Answers to the history test of Batya's invasion of Rus'
1 option
2. Evpatiy Kolovrat
Option 2
2-Evpatiy Kolovrat

A1. The main goal of the Horde policy in Rus' was
1) receiving various types of tribute and slaves
2) maintaining constant princely feuds
3) strengthening the power of one prince
4) organizing effective counteraction to the West
A2. Batu's return to the Steppe from Europe in 1242 was caused by
1) uprisings in Rus'
2) the famine that occurred in Europe
3) the unification of Europe in the face of aggression
4) internal strife in the Mongol Empire

A3. The Battle of Kalka was caused
1) attack of the Horde on the Polovtsians
2) attack of the Horde on Russian lands
3) awareness by the Russian princes of the Horde danger
4) the Horde threat to the Volga trade route
A4. Batu's invasion of Rus' and the establishment of Horde rule occurred in
1) X century 2) XII century.
3) XIII century. 4) XIV century.

A5. Earlier than others, the invasion of Russian lands took place
1) Mamaia 2) German knights
3) Batu 4) Genghis Khan
A6. Read an excerpt from the work of a modern historian and indicate which khan’s campaign is being discussed.
“Having given his army the opportunity to gather strength in the steppes of the Northern Black Sea and Volga regions and having received reinforcements from the east, he continued his march to the west. Chernigov and Pereyaslavl were destroyed... Kyiv fell after the siege... Then ____ walked through the Galicia-Volyn land with fire and sword, defeated Hungary, Poland, Croatia. The army of knights sent to meet the Mongols by the Emperor of Germany was defeated.”
1) Genghis Khan 2) Tokhtamysh
3) Mamaia 4) Batu

A7. The first campaign of Khan Batu to Rus' in 1237-1238. led to
1) the destruction of Veliky Novgorod
2) the defeat of Kyiv
3) the devastation of a significant part of the North-Eastern lands of Rus'
4) the defeat of the cities of the Galicia-Volyn principality
A8. Read an excerpt from the document and indicate the city in question.
“...Since then, the Tatars have called his city evil, because they fought near it for seven weeks, and killed the Tatars’ three sons of the Temnikovs under it. The Tatars looked for them and could not find them among the many corpses..."
1) Vladimir 2) Ryazan
3) Galich 4) Kozelsk

A9. The Mongol state led by Genghis Khan was formed in
1) XVI century 2) XIII century.
3) XVII century. 4) XV century.
A10. Batu, who led the Mongol-Tatars’ campaign against Rus', was:
1) son of Genghis Khan 2) grandson of Genghis Khan
3) great-grandson of Genghis Khan

A11. One of the duties of dependent peasants was called
1) corvee 2) sharecropping
3) guarantee 4) service
A12. Wars between feudal lords during the period of feudal fragmentation of Rus' were called
1) crowd 2) strife
3) abuse 4) brother

A13. What was the name of the community among the Eastern Slavs?
1) polyudye
2) rope
3) elderly
4) camp
A14. Rus' became dependent on the Golden Horde as a result
1) the invasion of Khan Batu 2) the campaign of Khan Mamai
3) campaigns of Genghis Khan 4) raids of the Cumans

Part 2
1. Match the term and its explanation.

1) Baskak
2) Exit
3) Temnik
4) Shortcut
A) Mongol military leader
B) Khan's charter, which gave the right to Russian princes to rule in their principalities
B) Representative of the Horde Khan in Rus'
D) Regular tribute that was collected in Rus' for the Khan of the Golden Horde


2. Find in the given list facts that indicate the political and economic dependence of Rus' on the Golden Horde, mark them with numbers.
1) Payment of widespread and regular tribute.
2) Receipt by each Russian prince of the khan's charters for his possessions.
3) The presence of khan's governors in Russian cities.
4) Humiliation and murder of Russian princes in the Horde.
5) Extraordinary payments to the Horde khans.
6) Obligation to supply Russians to
· warriors in the Horde troops, to take part in their military campaigns.
7) Maintenance of Horde officials and ambassadors with their retinues.
8) Mandatory presence of Horde ambassadors during the solemn enthronement of Russian princes.
9) Regular punitive campaigns of the Horde against Rus'.
10) Arbitrary change of borders of Russian principalities by Horde khans.
Political dependence
Economic dependence

3. Name at least three reasons for the victories of the Mongol-Tatars over the Russian squads in the 13th century. Give at least three names of cities devastated during Batu’s invasion of Rus'.

4. Name the consequences of the Mongol invasion of Rus' in the 13th century.

5. Fill out the table

1) 1206 - 1211
East Asia

2) 1211-1215

Conquest. Military equipment and specialists were taken out

middle Asia
Conquest. Brutal destruction of cities.

6. Continue: 1243-1480 the Horde yoke is established in Rus' - this is
7. Write the name and date of the event reflected in the diagram.

8. Continue: feudal fragmentation is

A1. 1
A11. 1

A2. 4
A12. 2

A3. 1
A13. 2

A4. 3
A14. 1

1. 2b


2. 3b
5-7 correct - 1b
8-9 correct - 2b
10 correct - 3b
Political dependence
Economic dependence

2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10
1, 5, 7

3. Name at least three reasons for the victories of the Mongol-Tatars over the Russian squads in the 13th century. Give at least three names of cities devastated during Batu’s invasion of Rus'. 3b
1. The following reasons can be given:
1) weakening of Russian lands due to political fragmentation;
2) Mongols are warriors from childhood, good horsemen;
3) strict discipline in the Mongol army;
4) collective responsibility for behavior in battle (according to Yasa);
5) special fighting techniques, military leadership talent of Mongolian commanders;
6) the use of siege technology, which the Mongols became familiar with in China.
2. The following cities may be indicated:
Ryazan, Kolomna, Moscow, Vladimir, Kozelsk, Chernigov, Kyiv, etc.
4. Name the consequences of the Mongol invasion of Rus' in the 13th century. 2b
The following consequences can be cited:
1) plunder and devastation of most of the Russian lands;
2) the destruction of many cities - the basis of the political and cultural life of Rus';
3) the death of many artisans and their capture, which led to the loss of many types of crafts;
4) a sharp decline in the country's population;
5) constant outflow of significant material resources to the Horde;
6) disruption of ties with other countries;
7) the death of many princes and warriors - professional warriors.
5. 2b
1. Conquest of the Kyrgyz, Buryats, Yakuts, Uighurs. The defeat of the Tangut kingdom.
2. China
3. 1219-1221
6. Continue: the Horde yoke (1243-1480) a system of exploitation of Russian lands by Mongol-Tatar conquerors. Established as a result of Batu's invasion. 2b
7. May 31, 1223 on the river. Kalke 2b
8. Continue: feudal fragmentation is the period of the XII - XV centuries. which is characterized by: weakening of the central government and strengthening of the power of large feudal lords. 2b

32-30 – 5
29-25 – 4
24-16 – 3

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Scheme of the Battle of KalkaFigure 2Scheme of the Battle of Kalka15

Mongol invasion of Rus'

1. Establish a chronological sequence:
1. Genghis Khan’s campaign against Beijing
2. Yesugai’s struggle to unite the Mongol tribes
3. Election of noyon Temujin by Genghis Khan at the kurultai
4. Conquest of the Buryats, Uighurs, and Rourans by the Mongols

2. Read an excerpt from a historical story and complete the tasks.
And Prince Fyodor Yuryevich came to the Voronezh River to Tsar Batu, and brought him gifts, and prayed to the Tsar not to fight the Ryazan land.
1.Indicate the name of Batu’s campaign
2. Specify the date of your trip
3. Indicate the outcome of the trip

3. Read an excerpt from the “Collection of Chronicles” by the Arab historian Rashid-ad-Din and complete the task.
In the autumn of the mentioned year......the princes jointly organized a kurultai and, by common agreement, went to war. Batu and other princes besieged the city of Arpan and took it in seven days, after which they captured the city of Ike. One of the Russian emirs named Urman came out with an army against the Mongols, but he was defeated and killed, then together they also took the city of Makar in five days and they killed the prince of this city named Ulay Timur. Having besieged the city of Yurgius the Great, they took it too.... They fought fiercely.
1. Indicate the city that was taken by the Mongols
2. Specify the date of the event

4. Read an excerpt from the chronicle and complete the tasks
And the accursed Tsar Batu began to fight... And he besieged the city, and fought relentlessly for five days... And on the sixth day, early in the morning, the filthy ones went to the city - some with lights, others with battering guns, and others with countless ladders - and took the city...
1. Indicate the name of the battle and the year it took place

5. Read a fragment of the text and indicate the name of the city in question.
The last stronghold of the defenders was the Tithe Church. The Mongols began to crush its walls with rams. The temple collapsed, all its defenders died, including the wounded governor.

6. Read an excerpt from “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu”:
We have been with many kings, in many lands, in many battles, but we have never seen such daredevils and spirited men, and our fathers did not tell us about them. These are winged people, they do not know death, and so strong and courageously, riding on horses, they fight - one with a thousand, and two with darkness.
This detachment of brave men was commanded by:
1. Mstislav Udaloy
2. Yuri Ingvarevich
3. Evpatiy Kolovrat
4. Voevoda Dmitry

7. Match events and dates:
A) Battle on the river. Kalke
B) Capture of Volga Bulgaria
B) Capture and ruin of Ryazan
D) Battle of the Sit River
1. 1236 2. 1242 3. 1238 4. 1223 5. 1237

8. Indicate the reasons for the victories of Batu’s army:
1. The basis of the army was heavy infantry and archers
2. The strictest discipline was established in the army
3. The main weapon of the Mongols was a crossbow
4. The Mongols borrowed Chinese siege technology
5. The basis of the army was numerous cavalry

9. Highlight the taxes that the inhabitants of Rus' paid along with the Horde exit:
1. Five money
2. Popluzhnoe
3. Yamsky money
4. Honor
5. Wild vira

10. Establish correspondence between terms and definitions:
1. Tamga 2. Honor 3. Besermen 4. Label
A) Eastern merchants who received permission to collect tribute from Rus'
B) Trade duties levied by the Horde in conquered lands
C) Tax on the maintenance of the khan's governor and his apparatus or gifts brought by the prince
D) Lands owned by the Islamic state
D) Certificate of reign issued to Russian princes by the khans of the Horde

11. Read an excerpt from the chronicle and determine what event it is associated with.
There was a council of all the princes in the city of Kyiv, and at the council they decided: “It is better for us to meet them on a foreign land than on our own.” And on the council there were Mstislav Romanovich of Kiev, Mstislav Kozelsky and Chernigov and Mstislav Mstislavovich Galitsky - they were the oldest princes of the Russian land.”

12. Write down the term in question.
The part of the Mongolian state adjacent to the Russian lands - the Juchi ulus, to the khan of which since 1243 Russian princes not only obeyed, but also paid tribute, in the Russian tradition was called ........

13. Fill in the blanks in the sentences:
A) after the victory on the City River, Mongol troops rushed to the city _______
B) their path lay through the city ____________
B) the city repelled enemy attacks for ___________
Missing elements:
1. Kozelsk
2. Novgorod
3. Kyiv
4. Torzhok
5. Two weeks
6. Seven weeks

14. Which three of the listed features characterized the dependence of Russian lands on the Horde:
1. Population census 2. Creation of Zemsky Sobors 3. Baska system 4. Localism system 5. Obtaining a label for the great reign 6. Abolition of feedings

Option 1.

1.Choose the correct answer.

a) The beginning of Batu’s invasion of Rus':

1223 - 1240

1237 - 1242

b) Battle of the Neva:

1223 - 1240

1237 - 1242

c) Who owns the phrase: “Truth is not in might, but in truth is strength”?

Ivan Kalita - Alexander Nevsky

Dmitry Donskoy - Vasily II the Dark.

d) Military-religious state of the crusader knights:

Horde - order

Yasa - statute

e) The result of Alexander Nevsky’s victories over foreigners:

The unification of Rus' to overthrow the Horde yoke

Liquidation of the Livonian Order

Ending the fragmentation of Rus'

Defense of the northwestern borders of Rus'

f) In the Battle of Kalka, the Russians provided assistance:


Volga Bulgars

g) The usual tactics for the Mongols were:

Split opponents

Luring deep into the steppes

Bold and open battle with advance notice of it

h) Having conquered a city or large village, the Mongols:

They robbed and burned it

They captured all the inhabitants, but left the city or large village untouched

They did not touch either the city or the inhabitants, they only established their power

i) Consequences of the Mongol invasion:

Destruction of more than half of the cities

Capturing many artisans into slavery

Establishment of peace and order in Rus'

Opening of new churches and monasteries

Taxation of all lands

2) Read an excerpt from the historian’s essay and answer the question.

“At sunrise, the knightly cavalry rushed to the attack. The Germans lined up in the shape of a wedge, at the tip of which was the strongest detachment of armored warriors.”

What is the order of battle in Rus'?

Falcon - bull

Pig - tumen

3)Establish correspondences between dates and events in the history of Ancient Rus':

Defeat of the troops of the Teutonic Order

Establishment of the Tatar yoke over Russia

The fall of the capital of North-Eastern Rus'

Battle of Kalka

Grade 6 Test on the history of Russia Rus''s struggle against external aggression.


1.Choose the correct answer.

a) Battle of Kalka:

1223 - 1240

1237 - 1242

b) Battle on the Ice:

1223 - 1240

1237 - 1242

c) Which nomadic people were allies of Rus' against the Tatars in the Battle of Kalka?

Pechenegs - Khazars

Polovtsy - Tatars

d) The order that determined the military-political organization of Genghis Khan’s army:

Horde - order

Yasa - statute

e) the main reason for the defeat of the Russians on Kalka:

Enemy numerical superiority

Allied Betrayal

Disunity of Russian princes

Lack of military experience

f) The fall of Kyiv after its siege by the Tatars in 1240 meant:

The beginning of the political fragmentation of Rus'

End of the Rurik dynasty

Establishment of the Horde yoke

The beginning of the Tatar conquest of North-Eastern Rus'

g) Russian Battle of Kalka



Concluded with peace negotiations

h) After the Battle of Kalka, the Russian princes:


They continued to fight among themselves

Asked neighbors for help

i) The city offered the greatest resistance to the Mongols:



j) Consequences of the Mongol invasion:

Most of the Russian princes died

Almost all Russian squads died

Most of the Russian peasants died

Batu became the Grand Duke of Rus'

Rus' became dependent on the Horde

2)Establish correspondences between the events of the history of Ancient Rus' and dates:

Battle of the Sit River

Completion of the conquest of Rus' by the Tatars

Batu's invasion of North-Eastern Rus'

Battle of Lake Peipsi

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